blob: e516346a961f01a3f3884b294f4812fd82a4179d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2019, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:analyzer/dart/ast/ast.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/element/type.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/element/type.dart';
import 'package:nnbd_migration/src/decorated_type.dart';
import 'package:nnbd_migration/src/edit_plan.dart';
import 'package:nnbd_migration/src/fix_aggregator.dart';
import 'package:nnbd_migration/src/nullability_node.dart';
import 'package:test/test.dart';
import 'package:test_reflective_loader/test_reflective_loader.dart';
import 'abstract_single_unit.dart';
main() {
defineReflectiveSuite(() {
class FixAggregatorTest extends FixAggregatorTestBase {
Future<void> test_addRequired() async {
await analyze('f({int x}) => 0;');
var previewInfo = run({
findNode.defaultParameter('int x'): NodeChangeForDefaultFormalParameter()
..addRequiredKeyword = true
expect(previewInfo.applyTo(code), 'f({required int x}) => 0;');
Future<void> test_adjacentFixes() async {
await analyze('f(a, b) => a + b;');
var aRef = findNode.simple('a +');
var bRef = findNode.simple('b;');
var previewInfo = run({
aRef: NodeChangeForExpression()..addNullCheck(_MockInfo()),
bRef: NodeChangeForExpression()..addNullCheck(_MockInfo()),
findNode.binary('a + b'): NodeChangeForExpression()
expect(previewInfo.applyTo(code), 'f(a, b) => (a! + b!)!;');
Future<void> test_eliminateDeadIf_changesInKeptCode() async {
await analyze('''
f(int i, int/*?*/ j) {
if (i != null) j.isEven;
var previewInfo = run({
findNode.statement('if'): NodeChangeForIfStatement()
..conditionValue = true,
findNode.simple('j.isEven'): NodeChangeForExpression()
expect(previewInfo.applyTo(code), '''
f(int i, int/*?*/ j) {
Future<void> test_eliminateDeadIf_changesInKeptCode_expandBlock() async {
await analyze('''
f(int i, int/*?*/ j) {
if (i != null) {
var previewInfo = run({
findNode.statement('if'): NodeChangeForIfStatement()
..conditionValue = true,
findNode.simple('j.isEven'): NodeChangeForExpression()
expect(previewInfo.applyTo(code), '''
f(int i, int/*?*/ j) {
Future<void> test_eliminateDeadIf_element_delete_drop_completely() async {
await analyze('''
List<int> f(int i) {
return [if (i == null) null];
var previewInfo = run({
findNode.ifElement('=='): NodeChangeForIfElement()..conditionValue = false
expect(previewInfo.applyTo(code), '''
List<int> f(int i) {
return [];
Future<void> test_eliminateDeadIf_element_delete_keep_else() async {
await analyze('''
List<int> f(int i) {
return [if (i == null) null else i + 1];
var previewInfo = run({
findNode.ifElement('=='): NodeChangeForIfElement()..conditionValue = false
expect(previewInfo.applyTo(code), '''
List<int> f(int i) {
return [i + 1];
Future<void> test_eliminateDeadIf_element_delete_keep_then() async {
await analyze('''
List<int> f(int i) {
return [if (i == null) null else i + 1];
var previewInfo = run({
findNode.ifElement('=='): NodeChangeForIfElement()..conditionValue = true
expect(previewInfo.applyTo(code), '''
List<int> f(int i) {
return [null];
Future<void> test_eliminateDeadIf_expression_delete_keep_else() async {
await analyze('''
int f(int i) {
return i == null ? null : i + 1;
var previewInfo = run({
findNode.conditionalExpression('=='): NodeChangeForConditionalExpression()
..conditionValue = false
expect(previewInfo.applyTo(code), '''
int f(int i) {
return i + 1;
Future<void> test_eliminateDeadIf_expression_delete_keep_then() async {
await analyze('''
int f(int i) {
return i == null ? null : i + 1;
var previewInfo = run({
findNode.conditionalExpression('=='): NodeChangeForConditionalExpression()
..conditionValue = true
expect(previewInfo.applyTo(code), '''
int f(int i) {
return null;
Future<void> test_eliminateDeadIf_statement_comment_keep_else() async {
await analyze('''
int f(int i) {
if (i == null) {
return null;
} else {
return i + 1;
var previewInfo = run({
findNode.statement('if'): NodeChangeForIfStatement()
..conditionValue = false
}, removeViaComments: true);
expect(previewInfo.applyTo(code), '''
int f(int i) {
/* if (i == null) {
return null;
} else {
*/ return i + 1; /*
} */
Future<void> test_eliminateDeadIf_statement_comment_keep_then() async {
await analyze('''
int f(int i) {
if (i == null) {
return null;
} else {
return i + 1;
var previewInfo = run({
findNode.statement('if'): NodeChangeForIfStatement()
..conditionValue = true
}, removeViaComments: true);
expect(previewInfo.applyTo(code), '''
int f(int i) {
/* if (i == null) {
*/ return null; /*
} else {
return i + 1;
} */
test_eliminateDeadIf_statement_delete_drop_completely_false() async {
await analyze('''
void f(int i) {
if (i == null) {
var previewInfo = run({
findNode.statement('if'): NodeChangeForIfStatement()
..conditionValue = false
expect(previewInfo.applyTo(code), '''
void f(int i) {}
test_eliminateDeadIf_statement_delete_drop_completely_true() async {
await analyze('''
void f(int i) {
if (i != null) {} else {
var previewInfo = run({
findNode.statement('if'): NodeChangeForIfStatement()
..conditionValue = true
expect(previewInfo.applyTo(code), '''
void f(int i) {}
Future<void> test_eliminateDeadIf_statement_delete_keep_else() async {
await analyze('''
int f(int i) {
if (i == null) {
return null;
} else {
return i + 1;
var previewInfo = run({
findNode.statement('if'): NodeChangeForIfStatement()
..conditionValue = false
expect(previewInfo.applyTo(code), '''
int f(int i) {
return i + 1;
Future<void> test_eliminateDeadIf_statement_delete_keep_then() async {
await analyze('''
int f(int i) {
if (i != null) {
return i + 1;
} else {
return null;
var previewInfo = run({
findNode.statement('if'): NodeChangeForIfStatement()
..conditionValue = true
expect(previewInfo.applyTo(code), '''
int f(int i) {
return i + 1;
test_eliminateDeadIf_statement_delete_keep_then_declaration() async {
await analyze('''
void f(int i, String callback()) {
if (i != null) {
var i = callback();
} else {
// In this case we have to keep the block so that the scope of `var i`
// doesn't widen.
var previewInfo = run({
findNode.statement('if'): NodeChangeForIfStatement()
..conditionValue = true
expect(previewInfo.applyTo(code), '''
void f(int i, String callback()) {
var i = callback();
Future<void> test_introduceAs_distant_parens_no_longer_needed() async {
// Note: in principle it would be nice to delete the outer parens, but it's
// difficult to see that they used to be necessary and aren't anymore, so we
// leave them.
await analyze('f(a, c) => a..b = (throw c..d);');
var cd = findNode.cascade('c..d');
var previewInfo =
run({cd: NodeChangeForExpression()..introduceAs('int', _MockInfo())});
previewInfo.applyTo(code), 'f(a, c) => a..b = (throw (c..d) as int);');
Future<void> test_introduceAs_no_parens() async {
await analyze('f(a, b) => a | b;');
var expr = findNode.binary('a | b');
var previewInfo =
run({expr: NodeChangeForExpression()..introduceAs('int', _MockInfo())});
expect(previewInfo.applyTo(code), 'f(a, b) => a | b as int;');
Future<void> test_introduceAs_parens() async {
await analyze('f(a, b) => a < b;');
var expr = findNode.binary('a < b');
var previewInfo = run(
{expr: NodeChangeForExpression()..introduceAs('bool', _MockInfo())});
expect(previewInfo.applyTo(code), 'f(a, b) => (a < b) as bool;');
Future<void> test_keep_redundant_parens() async {
await analyze('f(a, b, c) => a + (b * c);');
var previewInfo = run({});
expect(previewInfo, isEmpty);
Future<void> test_makeNullable() async {
await analyze('f(int x) {}');
var typeName = findNode.typeName('int');
var previewInfo = run({
typeName: NodeChangeForTypeAnnotation()
..makeNullable = true
..makeNullableType = MockDecoratedType(
MockDartType(toStringValueWithoutNullability: 'int'))
expect(previewInfo.applyTo(code), 'f(int? x) {}');
Future<void> test_nullCheck_no_parens() async {
await analyze('f(a) => a++;');
var expr = findNode.postfix('a++');
var previewInfo =
run({expr: NodeChangeForExpression()..addNullCheck(_MockInfo())});
expect(previewInfo.applyTo(code), 'f(a) => a++!;');
Future<void> test_nullCheck_parens() async {
await analyze('f(a) => -a;');
var expr = findNode.prefix('-a');
var previewInfo =
run({expr: NodeChangeForExpression()..addNullCheck(_MockInfo())});
expect(previewInfo.applyTo(code), 'f(a) => (-a)!;');
test_removeAs_in_cascade_target_no_parens_needed_cascade() async {
await analyze('f(a) => ((a..b) as dynamic)..c;');
var cascade = findNode.cascade('a..b');
var cast = cascade.parent.parent;
var previewInfo = run({cast: NodeChangeForAsExpression()..removeAs = true});
expect(previewInfo.applyTo(code), 'f(a) => a..b..c;');
test_removeAs_in_cascade_target_no_parens_needed_conditional() async {
// TODO(paulberry): would it be better to keep the parens in this case for
// clarity, even though they're not needed?
await analyze('f(a, b, c) => ((a ? b : c) as dynamic)..d;');
var conditional = findNode.conditionalExpression('a ? b : c');
var cast = conditional.parent.parent;
var previewInfo = run({cast: NodeChangeForAsExpression()..removeAs = true});
expect(previewInfo.applyTo(code), 'f(a, b, c) => a ? b : c..d;');
test_removeAs_in_cascade_target_parens_needed_assignment() async {
await analyze('f(a, b) => ((a = b) as dynamic)..c;');
var assignment = findNode.assignment('a = b');
var cast = assignment.parent.parent;
var previewInfo = run({cast: NodeChangeForAsExpression()..removeAs = true});
expect(previewInfo.applyTo(code), 'f(a, b) => (a = b)..c;');
Future<void> test_removeAs_in_cascade_target_parens_needed_throw() async {
await analyze('f(a) => ((throw a) as dynamic)..b;');
var throw_ = findNode.throw_('throw a');
var cast = throw_.parent.parent;
var previewInfo = run({cast: NodeChangeForAsExpression()..removeAs = true});
expect(previewInfo.applyTo(code), 'f(a) => (throw a)..b;');
test_removeAs_lower_precedence_do_not_remove_inner_parens() async {
await analyze('f(a, b, c) => (a == b) as Null == c;');
var expr = findNode.binary('a == b');
var previewInfo =
run({expr.parent.parent: NodeChangeForAsExpression()..removeAs = true});
expect(previewInfo.applyTo(code), 'f(a, b, c) => (a == b) == c;');
Future<void> test_removeAs_lower_precedence_remove_inner_parens() async {
await analyze('f(a, b) => (a == b) as Null;');
var expr = findNode.binary('a == b');
var previewInfo =
run({expr.parent.parent: NodeChangeForAsExpression()..removeAs = true});
expect(previewInfo.applyTo(code), 'f(a, b) => a == b;');
Future<void> test_removeAs_parens_needed_due_to_cascade() async {
// Note: parens are needed, and they could either be around `c..d` or around
// `throw c..d`. In an ideal world, we would see that we can just keep the
// parens we have, but this is difficult because we don't see that the
// parens are needed until we walk far enough up the AST to see that we're
// inside a casade expression. So we drop the parens and then create new
// ones surrounding `throw c..d`.
// Strictly speaking the code we produce is correct, it's just making a
// slightly larger edit than necessary. This is presumably a really rare
// corner case so for now we're not worrying about it.
await analyze('f(a, c) => a..b = throw (c..d) as int;');
var cd = findNode.cascade('c..d');
var cast = cd.parent.parent;
var previewInfo = run({cast: NodeChangeForAsExpression()..removeAs = true});
expect(previewInfo.applyTo(code), 'f(a, c) => a..b = (throw c..d);');
test_removeAs_parens_needed_due_to_cascade_in_conditional_else() async {
await analyze('f(a, b, c) => a ? b : (c..d) as int;');
var cd = findNode.cascade('c..d');
var cast = cd.parent.parent;
var previewInfo = run({cast: NodeChangeForAsExpression()..removeAs = true});
expect(previewInfo.applyTo(code), 'f(a, b, c) => a ? b : (c..d);');
test_removeAs_parens_needed_due_to_cascade_in_conditional_then() async {
await analyze('f(a, b, d) => a ? (b..c) as int : d;');
var bc = findNode.cascade('b..c');
var cast = bc.parent.parent;
var previewInfo = run({cast: NodeChangeForAsExpression()..removeAs = true});
expect(previewInfo.applyTo(code), 'f(a, b, d) => a ? (b..c) : d;');
Future<void> test_removeAs_raise_precedence_do_not_remove_parens() async {
await analyze('f(a, b, c) => a | (b | c as int);');
var expr = findNode.binary('b | c');
var previewInfo =
run({expr.parent: NodeChangeForAsExpression()..removeAs = true});
expect(previewInfo.applyTo(code), 'f(a, b, c) => a | (b | c);');
Future<void> test_removeAs_raise_precedence_no_parens_to_remove() async {
await analyze('f(a, b, c) => a = b | c as int;');
var expr = findNode.binary('b | c');
var previewInfo =
run({expr.parent: NodeChangeForAsExpression()..removeAs = true});
expect(previewInfo.applyTo(code), 'f(a, b, c) => a = b | c;');
Future<void> test_removeAs_raise_precedence_remove_parens() async {
await analyze('f(a, b, c) => a < (b | c as int);');
var expr = findNode.binary('b | c');
var previewInfo =
run({expr.parent: NodeChangeForAsExpression()..removeAs = true});
expect(previewInfo.applyTo(code), 'f(a, b, c) => a < b | c;');
Future<void> test_removeNullAwarenessFromMethodInvocation() async {
await analyze('f(x) => x?.m();');
var methodInvocation = findNode.methodInvocation('?.');
var previewInfo = run({
methodInvocation: NodeChangeForMethodInvocation()
..removeNullAwareness = true
expect(previewInfo.applyTo(code), 'f(x) => x.m();');
test_removeNullAwarenessFromMethodInvocation_changeArgument() async {
await analyze('f(x) => x?.m(x);');
var methodInvocation = findNode.methodInvocation('?.');
var argument = findNode.simple('x);');
var previewInfo = run({
methodInvocation: NodeChangeForMethodInvocation()
..removeNullAwareness = true,
argument: NodeChangeForExpression()..addNullCheck(_MockInfo())
expect(previewInfo.applyTo(code), 'f(x) => x.m(x!);');
test_removeNullAwarenessFromMethodInvocation_changeTarget() async {
await analyze('f(x) => (x as dynamic)?.m();');
var methodInvocation = findNode.methodInvocation('?.');
var cast = findNode.as_('as');
var previewInfo = run({
methodInvocation: NodeChangeForMethodInvocation()
..removeNullAwareness = true,
cast: NodeChangeForAsExpression()..removeAs = true
expect(previewInfo.applyTo(code), 'f(x) => x.m();');
test_removeNullAwarenessFromMethodInvocation_changeTypeArgument() async {
await analyze('f(x) => x?.m<int>();');
var methodInvocation = findNode.methodInvocation('?.');
var typeAnnotation = findNode.typeAnnotation('int');
var previewInfo = run({
methodInvocation: NodeChangeForMethodInvocation()
..removeNullAwareness = true,
typeAnnotation: NodeChangeForTypeAnnotation()
..makeNullable = true
..makeNullableType = MockDecoratedType(
MockDartType(toStringValueWithoutNullability: 'int'))
expect(previewInfo.applyTo(code), 'f(x) => x.m<int?>();');
Future<void> test_removeNullAwarenessFromPropertyAccess() async {
await analyze('f(x) => x?.y;');
var propertyAccess = findNode.propertyAccess('?.');
var previewInfo = run({
propertyAccess: NodeChangeForPropertyAccess()..removeNullAwareness = true
expect(previewInfo.applyTo(code), 'f(x) => x.y;');
Future<void> test_removeNullAwarenessFromPropertyAccess_changeTarget() async {
await analyze('f(x) => (x as dynamic)?.y;');
var propertyAccess = findNode.propertyAccess('?.');
var cast = findNode.as_('as');
var previewInfo = run({
propertyAccess: NodeChangeForPropertyAccess()..removeNullAwareness = true,
cast: NodeChangeForAsExpression()..removeAs = true
expect(previewInfo.applyTo(code), 'f(x) => x.y;');
Future<void> test_requiredAnnotationToRequiredKeyword_prefixed() async {
await analyze('''
import 'package:meta/meta.dart' as meta;
f({@meta.required int x}) {}
var annotation = findNode.annotation('required');
var previewInfo = run({
annotation: NodeChangeForAnnotation()..changeToRequiredKeyword = true
expect(previewInfo.applyTo(code), '''
import 'package:meta/meta.dart' as meta;
f({required int x}) {}
expect(previewInfo.values.single.single.isDeletion, true);
Future<void> test_requiredAnnotationToRequiredKeyword_renamed() async {
await analyze('''
import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
const foo = required;
f({@foo int x}) {}
var annotation = findNode.annotation('@foo');
var previewInfo = run({
annotation: NodeChangeForAnnotation()..changeToRequiredKeyword = true
expect(previewInfo.applyTo(code), '''
import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
const foo = required;
f({required int x}) {}
Future<void> test_requiredAnnotationToRequiredKeyword_simple() async {
await analyze('''
import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
f({@required int x}) {}
var annotation = findNode.annotation('required');
var previewInfo = run({
annotation: NodeChangeForAnnotation()..changeToRequiredKeyword = true
expect(previewInfo.applyTo(code), '''
import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
f({required int x}) {}
expect(previewInfo.values.single.single.isDeletion, true);
Future<void> test_variableDeclarationList_addExplicitType_insert() async {
await analyze('final x = 0;');
var previewInfo = run({
..addExplicitType =
MockDartType(toStringValueWithNullability: 'int')
expect(previewInfo.applyTo(code), 'final int x = 0;');
Future<void> test_variableDeclarationList_addExplicitType_no() async {
await analyze('var x = 0;');
var previewInfo = run({
expect(previewInfo, isNull);
Future<void> test_variableDeclarationList_addExplicitType_otherPlans() async {
await analyze('var x = 0;');
var previewInfo = run({
..addExplicitType =
MockDartType(toStringValueWithNullability: 'int'),
findNode.integerLiteral('0'): NodeChangeForExpression()
expect(previewInfo.applyTo(code), 'int x = 0!;');
Future<void> test_variableDeclarationList_addExplicitType_replaceVar() async {
await analyze('var x = 0;');
var previewInfo = run({
..addExplicitType =
MockDartType(toStringValueWithNullability: 'int')
expect(previewInfo.applyTo(code), 'int x = 0;');
class FixAggregatorTestBase extends AbstractSingleUnitTest {
String code;
Future<void> analyze(String code) async {
this.code = code;
await resolveTestUnit(code);
Map<int, List<AtomicEdit>> run(Map<AstNode, NodeChange> changes,
{bool removeViaComments: false}) {
return, testCode, changes,
removeViaComments: removeViaComments);
class MockDartType implements TypeImpl {
final String toStringValueWithNullability;
final String toStringValueWithoutNullability;
const MockDartType(
String getDisplayString({
bool skipAllDynamicArguments = false,
bool withNullability = false,
}) {
var result = withNullability
? toStringValueWithNullability
: toStringValueWithoutNullability;
expect(result, isNotNull);
return result;
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) {
return super.noSuchMethod(invocation);
class MockDecoratedType implements DecoratedType {
final DartType type;
const MockDecoratedType(this.type);
NullabilityNode get node => NullabilityNode.forTypeAnnotation(0);
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) {
return super.noSuchMethod(invocation);
class _MockInfo implements AtomicEditInfo {
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) => super.noSuchMethod(invocation);