blob: ec5f6c9ccff6be6b62bc4f9d78e4415693778737 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2019, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:convert' show HtmlEscape, HtmlEscapeMode, jsonEncode, LineSplitter;
import 'package:analysis_server/src/edit/nnbd_migration/migration_info.dart';
import 'package:analysis_server/src/edit/nnbd_migration/offset_mapper.dart';
import 'package:analysis_server/src/edit/nnbd_migration/path_mapper.dart';
import 'package:path/path.dart' as path;
/// Instrumentation display output for a library that was migrated to use
/// non-nullable types.
class UnitRenderer {
/// A converter which only escapes "&", "<", and ">". Safe for use in HTML
/// text, between HTML elements.
static const HtmlEscape _htmlEscape =
HtmlEscape(HtmlEscapeMode(escapeLtGt: true));
/// Displays information for a compilation unit.
final UnitInfo unitInfo;
/// Information for a whole migration, so that libraries can reference each
/// other.
final MigrationInfo migrationInfo;
/// An object used to map the file paths of analyzed files to the file paths
/// of the HTML files used to view the content of those files.
final PathMapper pathMapper;
/// Creates an output object for the given library info.
UnitRenderer(this.unitInfo, this.migrationInfo, this.pathMapper);
/// Return the path context used to manipulate paths.
path.Context get pathContext => migrationInfo.pathContext;
/// Builds a JSON view of the instrumentation information in [unitInfo].
String render() {
// TODO(devoncarew): Both _computeNavigationContent() and
// _computeRegionContent() send html back to the client; convert this to
// instead sending data back (instead of presentation).
Map<String, dynamic> response = {
'thisUnit': migrationInfo.computeName(unitInfo),
'navContent': _computeNavigationContent(),
'regions': _computeRegionContent(),
'editList': _computeEditList(),
return jsonEncode(response);
/// Returns the list of edits, as JSON.
Map<String, Object> _computeEditList() {
var response = <String, Object>{
'editCount': unitInfo.fixRegions.length,
'edits': [
for (var region in unitInfo.fixRegions)
'line': region.lineNumber,
'explanation': region.explanation,
'offset': region.offset,
return response;
/// Returns the content of the file with navigation links and anchors added.
/// The content of the file (not including added links and anchors) will be
/// HTML-escaped.
String _computeNavigationContent() {
String unitDir = pathContext.dirname(;
String content = unitInfo.content;
OffsetMapper mapper = unitInfo.offsetMapper;
Map<int, String> openInsertions = {};
Map<int, String> closeInsertions = {};
// Compute insertions for navigation targets.
for (NavigationTarget region in unitInfo.targets) {
int regionLength = region.length;
if (regionLength > 0) {
int openOffset =;
String openInsertion = openInsertions[openOffset] ?? '';
openInsertion = '<span id="o${region.offset}">$openInsertion';
openInsertions[openOffset] = openInsertion;
int closeOffset = openOffset + regionLength;
String closeInsertion = closeInsertions[closeOffset] ?? '';
closeInsertion = '$closeInsertion</span>';
closeInsertions[closeOffset] = closeInsertion;
// Compute insertions for navigation sources, but skip the sources that
// point at themselves.
for (NavigationSource region in unitInfo.sources ?? <NavigationSource>[]) {
int regionLength = region.length;
if (regionLength > 0) {
int openOffset =;
NavigationTarget target =;
if (target.filePath != unitInfo.path ||
region.offset != target.offset) {
String openInsertion = openInsertions[openOffset] ?? '';
String unitPath = pathContext
.relative(, from: unitDir);
String targetUri = _uriForRelativePath(unitPath, target);
openInsertion =
'<a href="$targetUri" class="nav-link">$openInsertion';
openInsertions[openOffset] = openInsertion;
int closeOffset = openOffset + regionLength;
String closeInsertion = closeInsertions[closeOffset] ?? '';
closeInsertion = '$closeInsertion</a>';
closeInsertions[closeOffset] = closeInsertion;
// Apply the insertions that have been computed.
List<int> offsets = [...openInsertions.keys, ...closeInsertions.keys];
StringBuffer navContent2 = StringBuffer();
int previousOffset2 = 0;
for (int offset in offsets) {
_htmlEscape.convert(content.substring(previousOffset2, offset)));
navContent2.write(closeInsertions[offset] ?? '');
navContent2.write(openInsertions[offset] ?? '');
previousOffset2 = offset;
if (previousOffset2 < content.length) {
return navContent2.toString();
/// Returns the content of regions, based on the [unitInfo] for both
/// unmodified and modified regions.
/// The content of the file (not including added links and anchors) will be
/// HTML-escaped.
String _computeRegionContent() {
String content = unitInfo.content;
StringBuffer regions = StringBuffer();
int lineNumber = 1;
void writeSplitLines(
String lines, {
String perLineOpeningTag = '',
String perLineClosingTag = '',
}) {
Iterator<String> lineIterator = LineSplitter.split(lines).iterator;
while (true) {
if (lineIterator.moveNext()) {
// If we're not on the last element, end this table row, and start a
// new table row.
'<tr><td class="line-no">$lineNumber</td>'
'<td class="line-$lineNumber">');
} else {
if (lines.endsWith('\n')) {
'<tr><td class="line-no">$lineNumber</td>'
'<td class="line-$lineNumber">');
/// Returns the CSS class for a region with a given [RegionType].
String classForRegion(RegionType type) {
switch (type) {
case RegionType.add:
return 'added-region';
case RegionType.remove:
return 'removed-region';
case RegionType.unchanged:
return 'unchanged-region';
return null;
int previousOffset = 0;
regions.write('<table><tbody><tr><td class="line-no">$lineNumber</td><td>');
for (var region in unitInfo.regions) {
int offset = region.offset;
int length = region.length;
if (offset > previousOffset) {
// Display a region of unmodified content.
writeSplitLines(content.substring(previousOffset, offset));
previousOffset = offset + length;
String regionClass = classForRegion(region.regionType);
String regionSpanTag = '<span class="region $regionClass" '
'data-offset="$offset" data-line="$lineNumber">';
writeSplitLines(content.substring(offset, offset + length),
perLineOpeningTag: regionSpanTag, perLineClosingTag: '</span>');
if (previousOffset < content.length) {
// Last region of unmodified content.
return regions.toString();
/// Returns the URL that will navigate to the given [target] in the file at
/// the given [relativePath].
String _uriForRelativePath(String relativePath, NavigationTarget target) {
var queryParams = {
'offset': target.offset,
if (target.line != null) 'line': target.line,
} => '${entry.key}=${entry.value}').join('&');
return '$relativePath?$queryParams';