blob: bf08051809bbccf33bb520bb1c42fdd2b0bc55ad [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2015, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library dart2js.cmdline.options;
/// Commandline flags used in `dart2js.dart` and/or `apiimpl.dart`.
class Flags {
static const String allowMockCompilation = '--allow-mock-compilation';
static const String allowNativeExtensions = '--allow-native-extensions';
static const String analyzeAll = '--analyze-all';
static const String analyzeMain = '--analyze-main';
static const String analyzeOnly = '--analyze-only';
static const String analyzeSignaturesOnly = '--analyze-signatures-only';
static const String disableInlining = '--disable-inlining';
static const String disableDiagnosticColors = '--disable-diagnostic-colors';
static const String disableNativeLiveTypeAnalysis =
static const String disableTypeInference = '--disable-type-inference';
static const String dumpInfo = '--dump-info';
static const String enableAssertMessage = '--assert-message';
static const String enableCheckedMode = '--enable-checked-mode';
static const String enableDiagnosticColors = '--enable-diagnostic-colors';
static const String enableExperimentalMirrors =
static const String fastStartup = '--fast-startup';
static const String fatalWarnings = '--fatal-warnings';
static const String generateCodeWithCompileTimeErrors =
static const String incrementalSupport = '--incremental-support';
static const String minify = '--minify';
static const String noFrequencyBasedMinification =
static const String noSourceMaps = '--no-source-maps';
static const String preserveComments = '--preserve-comments';
static const String preserveUris = '--preserve-uris';
static const String showPackageWarnings = '--show-package-warnings';
static const String suppressHints = '--suppress-hints';
static const String suppressWarnings = '--suppress-warnings';
static const String terse = '--terse';
static const String testMode = '--test-mode';
static const String trustPrimitives = '--trust-primitives';
static const String trustTypeAnnotations = '--trust-type-annotations';
static const String trustJSInteropTypeAnnotations =
static const String useContentSecurityPolicy = '--csp';
static const String useCpsIr = '--use-cps-ir';
static const String useNewSourceInfo = '--use-new-source-info';
static const String verbose = '--verbose';
static const String version = '--version';
static const String conditionalDirectives = '--conditional-directives';
// Experimental flags.
// Considerations about this feature (esp. locations where generalizations
// or changes are required for full support of generic methods) are marked
// with 'GENERIC_METHODS'. The approach taken is to parse generic methods,
// introduce AST nodes for them, generate corresponding types (such that
// front end treatment is consistent with the code that programmers wrote),
// but considering all method type variables to have bound `dynamic` no
// matter which bound they have syntactically (such that their value as types
// is unchecked), and then replacing method type variables by a `DynamicType`
// (such that the backend does not need to take method type arguments into
// account).
static const String genericMethodSyntax = '--generic-method-syntax';
static const String resolveOnly = '--resolve-only';
static const String initializingFormalAccess = '--initializing-formal-access';
class Option {
static const String showPackageWarnings =
// Experimental options.
static const String resolutionInput = '--resolution-input=.+';