blob: b6e7d3ba64262a0af859bdbec9c9516ae3f06180 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2017, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:kernel/ast.dart' as ir;
import '../closure.dart';
import 'closure.dart';
/// This builder walks the code to determine what variables are captured/free at
/// various points to build CapturedScope that can respond to queries
/// about how a particular variable is being used at any point in the code.
class CapturedScopeBuilder extends ir.Visitor {
ir.TreeNode _currentLocalFunction;
ScopeModel _model;
/// A map of each visited call node with the associated information about what
/// variables are captured/used. Each ir.Node key corresponds to a scope that
/// was encountered while visiting a closure (initially called through
/// [translateLazyIntializer] or [translateConstructorOrProcedure]).
Map<ir.Node, KernelCapturedScope> get _scopesCapturedInClosureMap =>
/// A map of the nodes that we have flagged as necessary to generate closure
/// classes for in a later stage. We map that node to information ascertained
/// about variable usage in the surrounding scope.
Map<ir.FunctionNode, KernelScopeInfo> get _closuresToGenerate =>
/// The local variables that have been declared in the current scope.
List<ir.VariableDeclaration> _scopeVariables;
/// Pointer to the context in which this closure is executed.
/// For example, in the expression `var foo = () => 3 + i;`, the executable
/// context as we walk the nodes in that expression is the ir.Field `foo`.
ir.TreeNode _executableContext;
/// A flag to indicate if we are currently inside a closure.
bool _isInsideClosure = false;
/// Pointer to the original node where this closure builder started.
ir.Node _outermostNode;
/// Keep track of the mutated local variables so that we don't need to box
/// non-mutated variables.
Set<ir.VariableDeclaration> _mutatedVariables =
new Set<ir.VariableDeclaration>();
/// The set of variables that are accessed in some form, whether they are
/// mutated or not.
Set<ir.VariableDeclaration> _capturedVariables =
new Set<ir.VariableDeclaration>();
/// If true, the visitor is currently traversing some nodes that are inside a
/// try block.
bool _inTry = false;
/// The current scope we are in.
KernelScopeInfo _currentScopeInfo;
final bool _hasThisLocal;
/// Keeps track of the number of boxes that we've created so that they each
/// have unique names.
int _boxCounter = 0;
CapturedScopeBuilder(this._model, {bool hasThisLocal})
: this._hasThisLocal = hasThisLocal;
/// Update the [CapturedScope] object corresponding to
/// this node if any variables are captured.
void attachCapturedScopeVariables(ir.Node node) {
Set<ir.VariableDeclaration> capturedVariablesForScope =
new Set<ir.VariableDeclaration>();
for (ir.VariableDeclaration variable in _scopeVariables) {
// No need to box non-assignable elements.
if (variable.isFinal || variable.isConst) continue;
if (!_mutatedVariables.contains(variable)) continue;
if (_capturedVariables.contains(variable)) {
if (!capturedVariablesForScope.isEmpty) {
assert(_model.scopeInfo != null);
assert(_currentLocalFunction != null);
KernelScopeInfo from = _model.scopeInfo;
_scopesCapturedInClosureMap[node] = new KernelCapturedScope(
new NodeBox(getBoxName(), _executableContext),
/// Generate a unique name for the [_boxCounter]th box field.
/// The result is used as the name of [NodeBox]s and [BoxLocal]s, and must
/// therefore be unique to avoid breaking an invariant in the element model
/// (classes cannot declare multiple fields with the same name).
/// Also, the names should be distinct from real field names to prevent
/// clashes with selectors for those fields.
/// These names are not used in generated code, just as element name.
String getBoxName() {
return "_box_${_boxCounter++}";
/// Perform book-keeping with the current set of local variables that have
/// been seen thus far before entering this new scope.
void enterNewScope(ir.Node node, void visitNewScope()) {
List<ir.VariableDeclaration> oldScopeVariables = _scopeVariables;
_scopeVariables = <ir.VariableDeclaration>[];
_scopeVariables = oldScopeVariables;
void defaultNode(ir.Node node) {
visitTryCatch(ir.TryCatch node) {
bool oldInTry = _inTry;
_inTry = true;
_inTry = oldInTry;
visitTryFinally(ir.TryFinally node) {
bool oldInTry = _inTry;
_inTry = true;
_inTry = oldInTry;
visitVariableGet(ir.VariableGet node) {
visitVariableSet(ir.VariableSet node) {
/// Add this variable to the set of free variables if appropriate and add to
/// the tally of variables used in try or sync blocks.
void _markVariableAsUsed(ir.VariableDeclaration variable) {
if (_isInsideClosure && !_inCurrentContext(variable)) {
// If the element is not declared in the current function and the element
// is not the closure itself we need to mark the element as free variable.
// Note that the check on [insideClosure] is not just an
// optimization: factories have type parameters as function
// parameters, and type parameters are declared in the class, not
// the factory.
if (_inTry) {
void visitForStatement(ir.ForStatement node) {
List<ir.VariableDeclaration> boxedLoopVariables =
enterNewScope(node, () {
// First visit initialized variables and update steps so we can easily
// check if a loop variable was captured in one of these subexpressions.
.forEach((ir.VariableDeclaration variable) => variable.accept(this));
.forEach((ir.Expression expression) => expression.accept(this));
// Loop variables that have not been captured yet can safely be flagged as
// non-mutated, because no nested function can observe the mutation.
for (ir.VariableDeclaration variable in node.variables) {
if (!_capturedVariables.contains(variable)) {
// Visit condition and body.
// This must happen after the above, so any loop variables mutated in the
// condition or body are indeed flagged as mutated.
if (node.condition != null) node.condition.accept(this);
// See if we have declared loop variables that need to be boxed.
for (ir.VariableDeclaration variable in node.variables) {
// Non-mutated variables should not be boxed. The _mutatedVariables set
// gets cleared when `enterNewScope` returns, so check it here.
if (_capturedVariables.contains(variable) &&
_mutatedVariables.contains(variable)) {
KernelCapturedScope scope = _scopesCapturedInClosureMap[node];
if (scope == null) return;
_scopesCapturedInClosureMap[node] = new KernelCapturedLoopScope(
void visitInvokable(ir.TreeNode node) {
bool oldIsInsideClosure = _isInsideClosure;
ir.TreeNode oldExecutableContext = _executableContext;
KernelScopeInfo oldScopeInfo = _currentScopeInfo;
ir.TreeNode oldLocalFunction = _currentLocalFunction;
// _outermostNode is only null the first time we enter the body of the
// field, constructor, or method that is being analyzed.
_isInsideClosure = _outermostNode != null;
_executableContext = node;
_currentScopeInfo = new KernelScopeInfo(_hasThisLocal);
if (_isInsideClosure) {
_closuresToGenerate[node] = _currentScopeInfo;
_currentLocalFunction = node.parent;
} else {
_outermostNode = node;
_model.scopeInfo = _currentScopeInfo;
enterNewScope(node, () {
KernelScopeInfo savedScopeInfo = _currentScopeInfo;
bool savedIsInsideClosure = _isInsideClosure;
// Restore old values.
_isInsideClosure = oldIsInsideClosure;
_currentScopeInfo = oldScopeInfo;
_executableContext = oldExecutableContext;
_currentLocalFunction = oldLocalFunction;
// Mark all free variables as captured and expect to encounter them in the
// outer function.
Iterable<ir.VariableDeclaration> freeVariables =
assert(freeVariables.isEmpty || savedIsInsideClosure);
for (ir.VariableDeclaration freeVariable in freeVariables) {
/// Return true if [variable]'s context is the same as the current executable
/// context.
bool _inCurrentContext(ir.VariableDeclaration variable) {
ir.TreeNode node = variable;
while (node != _outermostNode && node != _executableContext) {
node = node.parent;
return node == _executableContext;
void translateLazyInitializer(ir.Field field) {
void translateConstructorOrProcedure(ir.Node constructorOrProcedure) {
void visitFunctionNode(ir.FunctionNode functionNode) {