blob: 91ff5063bd82b89d8ca2d6c3591a7794f4b1ecf0 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2017, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:analysis_server/protocol/protocol_generated.dart' as server;
import 'package:analyzer_plugin/protocol/protocol_common.dart';
import 'package:analyzer_plugin/protocol/protocol_generated.dart' as plugin;
class ProtocolTestUtilities {
static const List<String> strings = const <String>[
* On return, increment [stringIndex] by 3 (or 4 if no [file] name is
* provided) and [intIndex] by 4.
AnalysisError analysisError(int stringIndex, int intIndex, {String file}) {
return new AnalysisError(
location(stringIndex, intIndex, file: file),
correction: strings[stringIndex++],
hasFix: true);
* On return, increment [stringIndex] by 5 and [intIndex] by 5.
Element element(int stringIndex, int intIndex, {ElementKind kind}) =>
new Element(kind ?? ElementKind.CLASS, strings[stringIndex++], intIndex++,
location: new Location(fileName(stringIndex++), intIndex++,
intIndex++, intIndex++, intIndex++),
parameters: strings[stringIndex++],
returnType: strings[stringIndex++],
typeParameters: strings[stringIndex++]);
String fileName(int stringIndex) => '${strings[stringIndex]}.dart';
FoldingRegion foldingRegion(int offset, int length) =>
new FoldingRegion(FoldingKind.COMMENT, offset, length);
HighlightRegion highlightRegion(int offset, int length) =>
new HighlightRegion(HighlightRegionType.FIELD, offset, length);
* On return, increment [stringIndex] by 1 and [intIndex] by 4.
Location location(int stringIndex, int intIndex, {String file}) =>
new Location(file ?? fileName(stringIndex), intIndex++, intIndex++,
intIndex++, intIndex++);
* On return, increment [stringIndex] by 5 and [intIndex] by 7.
Occurrences occurrences(int stringIndex, int intIndex) {
Element referencedElement = element(stringIndex, intIndex);
return new Occurrences(referencedElement, <int>[intIndex + 5, intIndex + 6],;
* On return, increment [stringIndex] by 10 and [intIndex] by 14.
Outline outline(int stringIndex, int intIndex) => new Outline(
element(stringIndex, intIndex),
intIndex + 5,
intIndex + 6,
intIndex + 5,
intIndex + 6,
children: <Outline>[
new Outline(
element(stringIndex + 5, intIndex + 7,
kind: ElementKind.METHOD),
intIndex + 12,
intIndex + 13,
intIndex + 12,
intIndex + 13)
* On return, increment [stringIndex] by 2 (or 3 if no [file] name is
* provided) and [intIndex] by 4.
plugin.AnalysisNavigationParams pluginNavigationParams(
int stringIndex, int intIndex, {String file}) =>
new plugin.AnalysisNavigationParams(
file ?? fileName(stringIndex++), <NavigationRegion>[
new NavigationRegion(intIndex++, 2, <int>[0])
], <NavigationTarget>[
new NavigationTarget(
ElementKind.FIELD, 0, intIndex++, 2, intIndex++, intIndex++)
], <String>[
* On return, increment [stringIndex] by 2 and [intIndex] by 4.
RefactoringProblem refactoringProblem(int stringIndex, int intIndex) {
return new RefactoringProblem(
RefactoringProblemSeverity.FATAL, strings[stringIndex++],
location: location(stringIndex, intIndex));
* On return, increment [stringIndex] by 2 (or 3 if no [file] name is
* provided) and [intIndex] by 4.
server.AnalysisNavigationParams serverNavigationParams(
int stringIndex, int intIndex, {String file}) =>
new server.AnalysisNavigationParams(
file ?? fileName(stringIndex++), <NavigationRegion>[
new NavigationRegion(intIndex++, 2, <int>[0])
], <NavigationTarget>[
new NavigationTarget(
ElementKind.FIELD, 0, intIndex++, 2, intIndex++, intIndex++)
], <String>[
* On return, increment [stringIndex] by 6 and [intIndex] by 6.
SourceChange sourceChange(int stringIndex, int intIndex) =>
new SourceChange(strings[stringIndex++],
edits: <SourceFileEdit>[
new SourceFileEdit(fileName(stringIndex), intIndex++,
edits: <SourceEdit>[
new SourceEdit(intIndex++, intIndex++, strings[stringIndex++])
linkedEditGroups: <LinkedEditGroup>[
new LinkedEditGroup(
<Position>[new Position(fileName(stringIndex), intIndex++)],
new LinkedEditSuggestion(
strings[stringIndex++], LinkedEditSuggestionKind.METHOD)
selection: new Position(fileName(stringIndex), intIndex++));