blob: cf6d9cd103fbad991e4f4fdba77b488156152ec8 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2016, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library analyzer.test.constant_test;
import 'package:analyzer/context/declared_variables.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/ast/ast.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/ast/token.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/element/element.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/element/element.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/constant.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/engine.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/error.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/resolver.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/source.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/source_io.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/testing/ast_factory.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/testing/test_type_provider.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/task/dart.dart';
import 'package:path/path.dart';
import 'package:unittest/unittest.dart';
import '../../../generated/resolver_test_case.dart';
import '../../../generated/test_support.dart';
import '../../../reflective_tests.dart';
import '../../../utils.dart';
main() {
* Implementation of [ConstantEvaluationValidator] used during unit tests;
* verifies that any nodes referenced during constant evaluation are present in
* the dependency graph.
class ConstantEvaluationValidator_ForTest
implements ConstantEvaluationValidator {
final InternalAnalysisContext context;
ConstantValueComputer computer;
ConstantEvaluationTarget _nodeBeingEvaluated;
void beforeComputeValue(ConstantEvaluationTarget constant) {
_nodeBeingEvaluated = constant;
void beforeGetConstantInitializers(ConstructorElement constructor) =>
void beforeGetEvaluationResult(ConstantEvaluationTarget constant) =>
void beforeGetFieldEvaluationResult(FieldElementImpl field) =>
void beforeGetParameterDefault(ParameterElement parameter) =>
void _checkPathTo(ConstantEvaluationTarget target) {
if (computer.referenceGraph.containsPath(_nodeBeingEvaluated, target)) {
return; // pass
// print a nice error message on failure
StringBuffer out = new StringBuffer();
out.writeln("missing path in constant dependency graph");
out.writeln("from $_nodeBeingEvaluated to $target");
for (var s in context.analysisCache.sources) {
String text = context.getContents(s).data;
if (text != "") {
=== ${s.shortName}
class ConstantValueComputerTest extends ResolverTestCase {
void test_annotation_constConstructor() {
CompilationUnit compilationUnit = resolveSource(r'''
class A {
final int i;
const A(this.i);
class C {
f() {}
EvaluationResultImpl result =
_evaluateAnnotation(compilationUnit, "C", "f");
Map<String, DartObjectImpl> annotationFields = _assertType(result, 'A');
_assertIntField(annotationFields, 'i', 5);
void test_annotation_constConstructor_named() {
CompilationUnit compilationUnit = resolveSource(r'''
class A {
final int i;
const A.named(this.i);
class C {
f() {}
EvaluationResultImpl result =
_evaluateAnnotation(compilationUnit, "C", "f");
Map<String, DartObjectImpl> annotationFields = _assertType(result, 'A');
_assertIntField(annotationFields, 'i', 5);
void test_annotation_constConstructor_noArgs() {
// Failing to pass arguments to an annotation which is a constant
// constructor is illegal, but shouldn't crash analysis.
CompilationUnit compilationUnit = resolveSource(r'''
class A {
final int i;
const A(this.i);
class C {
f() {}
_evaluateAnnotation(compilationUnit, "C", "f");
void test_annotation_constConstructor_noArgs_named() {
// Failing to pass arguments to an annotation which is a constant
// constructor is illegal, but shouldn't crash analysis.
CompilationUnit compilationUnit = resolveSource(r'''
class A {
final int i;
const A.named(this.i);
class C {
f() {}
_evaluateAnnotation(compilationUnit, "C", "f");
void test_annotation_nonConstConstructor() {
// Calling a non-const constructor from an annotation that is illegal, but
// shouldn't crash analysis.
CompilationUnit compilationUnit = resolveSource(r'''
class A {
final int i;
class C {
f() {}
_evaluateAnnotation(compilationUnit, "C", "f");
void test_annotation_staticConst() {
CompilationUnit compilationUnit = resolveSource(r'''
class C {
static const int i = 5;
f() {}
EvaluationResultImpl result =
_evaluateAnnotation(compilationUnit, "C", "f");
expect(_assertValidInt(result), 5);
void test_annotation_staticConst_args() {
// Applying arguments to an annotation that is a static const is
// illegal, but shouldn't crash analysis.
CompilationUnit compilationUnit = resolveSource(r'''
class C {
static const int i = 5;
f() {}
_evaluateAnnotation(compilationUnit, "C", "f");
void test_annotation_staticConst_otherClass() {
CompilationUnit compilationUnit = resolveSource(r'''
class A {
static const int i = 5;
class C {
f() {}
EvaluationResultImpl result =
_evaluateAnnotation(compilationUnit, "C", "f");
expect(_assertValidInt(result), 5);
void test_annotation_staticConst_otherClass_args() {
// Applying arguments to an annotation that is a static const is
// illegal, but shouldn't crash analysis.
CompilationUnit compilationUnit = resolveSource(r'''
class A {
static const int i = 5;
class C {
f() {}
_evaluateAnnotation(compilationUnit, "C", "f");
void test_annotation_topLevelVariable() {
CompilationUnit compilationUnit = resolveSource(r'''
const int i = 5;
class C {
f() {}
EvaluationResultImpl result =
_evaluateAnnotation(compilationUnit, "C", "f");
expect(_assertValidInt(result), 5);
void test_annotation_topLevelVariable_args() {
// Applying arguments to an annotation that is a top-level variable is
// illegal, but shouldn't crash analysis.
CompilationUnit compilationUnit = resolveSource(r'''
const int i = 5;
class C {
f() {}
_evaluateAnnotation(compilationUnit, "C", "f");
void test_computeValues_cycle() {
TestLogger logger = new TestLogger();
AnalysisEngine.instance.logger = logger;
try {
Source source = addSource(r'''
const int a = c;
const int b = a;
const int c = b;''');
LibraryElement libraryElement = resolve2(source);
CompilationUnit unit =
analysisContext.resolveCompilationUnit(source, libraryElement);
expect(unit, isNotNull);
ConstantValueComputer computer = _makeConstantValueComputer();
NodeList<CompilationUnitMember> members = unit.declarations;
expect(members, hasLength(3));
_validate(false, (members[0] as TopLevelVariableDeclaration).variables);
_validate(false, (members[1] as TopLevelVariableDeclaration).variables);
_validate(false, (members[2] as TopLevelVariableDeclaration).variables);
} finally {
AnalysisEngine.instance.logger = Logger.NULL;
void test_computeValues_dependentVariables() {
Source source = addSource(r'''
const int b = a;
const int a = 0;''');
LibraryElement libraryElement = resolve2(source);
CompilationUnit unit =
analysisContext.resolveCompilationUnit(source, libraryElement);
expect(unit, isNotNull);
ConstantValueComputer computer = _makeConstantValueComputer();
NodeList<CompilationUnitMember> members = unit.declarations;
expect(members, hasLength(2));
_validate(true, (members[0] as TopLevelVariableDeclaration).variables);
_validate(true, (members[1] as TopLevelVariableDeclaration).variables);
void test_computeValues_empty() {
ConstantValueComputer computer = _makeConstantValueComputer();
void test_computeValues_multipleSources() {
Source librarySource = addNamedSource(
library lib;
part 'part.dart';
const int c = b;
const int a = 0;''');
Source partSource = addNamedSource(
part of lib;
const int b = a;
const int d = c;''');
LibraryElement libraryElement = resolve2(librarySource);
CompilationUnit libraryUnit =
analysisContext.resolveCompilationUnit(librarySource, libraryElement);
expect(libraryUnit, isNotNull);
CompilationUnit partUnit =
analysisContext.resolveCompilationUnit(partSource, libraryElement);
expect(partUnit, isNotNull);
ConstantValueComputer computer = _makeConstantValueComputer();
NodeList<CompilationUnitMember> libraryMembers = libraryUnit.declarations;
expect(libraryMembers, hasLength(2));
true, (libraryMembers[0] as TopLevelVariableDeclaration).variables);
true, (libraryMembers[1] as TopLevelVariableDeclaration).variables);
NodeList<CompilationUnitMember> partMembers = libraryUnit.declarations;
expect(partMembers, hasLength(2));
_validate(true, (partMembers[0] as TopLevelVariableDeclaration).variables);
_validate(true, (partMembers[1] as TopLevelVariableDeclaration).variables);
void test_computeValues_singleVariable() {
Source source = addSource("const int a = 0;");
LibraryElement libraryElement = resolve2(source);
CompilationUnit unit =
analysisContext.resolveCompilationUnit(source, libraryElement);
expect(unit, isNotNull);
ConstantValueComputer computer = _makeConstantValueComputer();
NodeList<CompilationUnitMember> members = unit.declarations;
expect(members, hasLength(1));
_validate(true, (members[0] as TopLevelVariableDeclaration).variables);
void test_computeValues_value_depends_on_enum() {
Source source = addSource('''
enum E { id0, id1 }
const E e = E.id0;
LibraryElement libraryElement = resolve2(source);
CompilationUnit unit =
analysisContext.resolveCompilationUnit(source, libraryElement);
expect(unit, isNotNull);
ConstantValueComputer computer = _makeConstantValueComputer();
TopLevelVariableDeclaration declaration = unit.declarations
.firstWhere((member) => member is TopLevelVariableDeclaration);
_validate(true, declaration.variables);
void test_dependencyOnConstructor() {
// x depends on "const A()"
class A {
const A();
const x = const A();''');
void test_dependencyOnConstructorArgument() {
// "const A(x)" depends on x
class A {
const A(;
final A next;
const A x = const A(null);
const A y = const A(x);''');
void test_dependencyOnConstructorArgument_unresolvedConstructor() {
// "const A.a(x)" depends on x even if the constructor A.a can't be found.
class A {
const int x = 1;
const A y = const A.a(x);''',
void test_dependencyOnConstructorInitializer() {
// "const A()" depends on x
const int x = 1;
class A {
const A() : v = x;
final int v;
void test_dependencyOnExplicitSuperConstructor() {
// b depends on B() depends on A()
class A {
const A(this.x);
final int x;
class B extends A {
const B() : super(5);
const B b = const B();''');
void test_dependencyOnExplicitSuperConstructorParameters() {
// b depends on B() depends on i
class A {
const A(this.x);
final int x;
class B extends A {
const B() : super(i);
const B b = const B();
const int i = 5;''');
void test_dependencyOnFactoryRedirect() {
// a depends on depends on
const A a = const;
class A {
factory const =;
void test_dependencyOnFactoryRedirectWithTypeParams() {
class A {
const factory A(var a) = B<int>;
class B<T> implements A {
final T x;
const B(this.x);
const A a = const A(10);''');
void test_dependencyOnImplicitSuperConstructor() {
// b depends on B() depends on A()
class A {
const A() : x = 5;
final int x;
class B extends A {
const B();
const B b = const B();''');
void test_dependencyOnInitializedFinal() {
// a depends on A() depends on A.x
class A {
const A();
final int x = 1;
const A a = const A();
void test_dependencyOnInitializedNonStaticConst() {
// Even though non-static consts are not allowed by the language, we need
// to handle them for error recovery purposes.
// a depends on A() depends on A.x
class A {
const A();
const int x = 1;
const A a = const A();
void test_dependencyOnNonFactoryRedirect() {
// a depends on depends on
const A a = const;
class A {
const :;
void test_dependencyOnNonFactoryRedirect_arg() {
// a depends on depends on b
const A a = const;
const int b = 1;
class A {
const :;
const : y = x;
final int y;
void test_dependencyOnNonFactoryRedirect_defaultValue() {
// a depends on depends on depends on b
const A a = const;
const int b = 1;
class A {
const :;
const[x = b]) : y = x;
final int y;
void test_dependencyOnNonFactoryRedirect_toMissing() {
// a depends on which depends on nothing, since is
// missing.
const A a = const;
class A {
const :;
void test_dependencyOnNonFactoryRedirect_toNonConst() {
// a depends on which depends on nothing, since is
// non-const.
const A a = const;
class A {
const :;;
void test_dependencyOnNonFactoryRedirect_unnamed() {
// a depends on depends on A()
const A a = const;
class A {
const : this();
const A();
void test_dependencyOnOptionalParameterDefault() {
// a depends on A() depends on B()
class A {
const A([x = const B()]) : b = x;
final B b;
class B {
const B();
const A a = const A();''');
void test_dependencyOnVariable() {
// x depends on y
const x = y + 1;
const y = 2;''');
void test_final_initialized_at_declaration() {
CompilationUnit compilationUnit = resolveSource('''
class A {
final int i = 123;
const A();
const A a = const A();
EvaluationResultImpl result =
_evaluateTopLevelVariable(compilationUnit, 'a');
Map<String, DartObjectImpl> fields = _assertType(result, "A");
expect(fields, hasLength(1));
_assertIntField(fields, "i", 123);
void test_fromEnvironment_bool_default_false() {
expect(_assertValidBool(_check_fromEnvironment_bool(null, "false")), false);
void test_fromEnvironment_bool_default_overridden() {
_assertValidBool(_check_fromEnvironment_bool("false", "true")), false);
void test_fromEnvironment_bool_default_parseError() {
expect(_assertValidBool(_check_fromEnvironment_bool("parseError", "true")),
void test_fromEnvironment_bool_default_true() {
expect(_assertValidBool(_check_fromEnvironment_bool(null, "true")), true);
void test_fromEnvironment_bool_false() {
expect(_assertValidBool(_check_fromEnvironment_bool("false", null)), false);
void test_fromEnvironment_bool_parseError() {
expect(_assertValidBool(_check_fromEnvironment_bool("parseError", null)),
void test_fromEnvironment_bool_true() {
expect(_assertValidBool(_check_fromEnvironment_bool("true", null)), true);
void test_fromEnvironment_bool_undeclared() {
_assertValidUnknown(_check_fromEnvironment_bool(null, null));
void test_fromEnvironment_int_default_overridden() {
expect(_assertValidInt(_check_fromEnvironment_int("234", "123")), 234);
void test_fromEnvironment_int_default_parseError() {
_assertValidInt(_check_fromEnvironment_int("parseError", "123")), 123);
void test_fromEnvironment_int_default_undeclared() {
expect(_assertValidInt(_check_fromEnvironment_int(null, "123")), 123);
void test_fromEnvironment_int_ok() {
expect(_assertValidInt(_check_fromEnvironment_int("234", null)), 234);
void test_fromEnvironment_int_parseError() {
_assertValidNull(_check_fromEnvironment_int("parseError", null));
void test_fromEnvironment_int_parseError_nullDefault() {
_assertValidNull(_check_fromEnvironment_int("parseError", "null"));
void test_fromEnvironment_int_undeclared() {
_assertValidUnknown(_check_fromEnvironment_int(null, null));
void test_fromEnvironment_int_undeclared_nullDefault() {
_assertValidNull(_check_fromEnvironment_int(null, "null"));
void test_fromEnvironment_string_default_overridden() {
expect(_assertValidString(_check_fromEnvironment_string("abc", "'def'")),
void test_fromEnvironment_string_default_undeclared() {
expect(_assertValidString(_check_fromEnvironment_string(null, "'def'")),
void test_fromEnvironment_string_empty() {
expect(_assertValidString(_check_fromEnvironment_string("", null)), "");
void test_fromEnvironment_string_ok() {
_assertValidString(_check_fromEnvironment_string("abc", null)), "abc");
void test_fromEnvironment_string_undeclared() {
_assertValidUnknown(_check_fromEnvironment_string(null, null));
void test_fromEnvironment_string_undeclared_nullDefault() {
_assertValidNull(_check_fromEnvironment_string(null, "null"));
void test_instanceCreationExpression_computedField() {
CompilationUnit compilationUnit = resolveSource(r'''
const foo = const A(4, 5);
class A {
const A(int i, int j) : k = 2 * i + j;
final int k;
EvaluationResultImpl result =
_evaluateTopLevelVariable(compilationUnit, "foo");
Map<String, DartObjectImpl> fields = _assertType(result, "A");
expect(fields, hasLength(1));
_assertIntField(fields, "k", 13);
test_instanceCreationExpression_computedField_namedOptionalWithDefault() {
_checkInstanceCreationOptionalParams(false, true, true);
test_instanceCreationExpression_computedField_namedOptionalWithoutDefault() {
_checkInstanceCreationOptionalParams(false, true, false);
test_instanceCreationExpression_computedField_unnamedOptionalWithDefault() {
_checkInstanceCreationOptionalParams(false, false, true);
test_instanceCreationExpression_computedField_unnamedOptionalWithoutDefault() {
_checkInstanceCreationOptionalParams(false, false, false);
void test_instanceCreationExpression_computedField_usesConstConstructor() {
CompilationUnit compilationUnit = resolveSource(r'''
const foo = const A(3);
class A {
const A(int i) : b = const B(4);
final int b;
class B {
const B(this.k);
final int k;
EvaluationResultImpl result =
_evaluateTopLevelVariable(compilationUnit, "foo");
Map<String, DartObjectImpl> fieldsOfA = _assertType(result, "A");
expect(fieldsOfA, hasLength(1));
Map<String, DartObjectImpl> fieldsOfB =
_assertFieldType(fieldsOfA, "b", "B");
expect(fieldsOfB, hasLength(1));
_assertIntField(fieldsOfB, "k", 4);
void test_instanceCreationExpression_computedField_usesStaticConst() {
CompilationUnit compilationUnit = resolveSource(r'''
const foo = const A(3);
class A {
const A(int i) : k = i +;
final int k;
class B {
static const bar = 4;
EvaluationResultImpl result =
_evaluateTopLevelVariable(compilationUnit, "foo");
Map<String, DartObjectImpl> fields = _assertType(result, "A");
expect(fields, hasLength(1));
_assertIntField(fields, "k", 7);
void test_instanceCreationExpression_computedField_usesTopLevelConst() {
CompilationUnit compilationUnit = resolveSource(r'''
const foo = const A(3);
const bar = 4;
class A {
const A(int i) : k = i + bar;
final int k;
EvaluationResultImpl result =
_evaluateTopLevelVariable(compilationUnit, "foo");
Map<String, DartObjectImpl> fields = _assertType(result, "A");
expect(fields, hasLength(1));
_assertIntField(fields, "k", 7);
void test_instanceCreationExpression_explicitSuper() {
CompilationUnit compilationUnit = resolveSource(r'''
const foo = const B(4, 5);
class A {
const A(this.x);
final int x;
class B extends A {
const B(int x, this.y) : super(x * 2);
final int y;
EvaluationResultImpl result =
_evaluateTopLevelVariable(compilationUnit, "foo");
Map<String, DartObjectImpl> fields = _assertType(result, "B");
expect(fields, hasLength(2));
_assertIntField(fields, "y", 5);
Map<String, DartObjectImpl> superclassFields =
_assertFieldType(fields, GenericState.SUPERCLASS_FIELD, "A");
expect(superclassFields, hasLength(1));
_assertIntField(superclassFields, "x", 8);
void test_instanceCreationExpression_fieldFormalParameter() {
CompilationUnit compilationUnit = resolveSource(r'''
const foo = const A(42);
class A {
int x;
const A(this.x)
EvaluationResultImpl result =
_evaluateTopLevelVariable(compilationUnit, "foo");
Map<String, DartObjectImpl> fields = _assertType(result, "A");
expect(fields, hasLength(1));
_assertIntField(fields, "x", 42);
test_instanceCreationExpression_fieldFormalParameter_namedOptionalWithDefault() {
_checkInstanceCreationOptionalParams(true, true, true);
test_instanceCreationExpression_fieldFormalParameter_namedOptionalWithoutDefault() {
_checkInstanceCreationOptionalParams(true, true, false);
test_instanceCreationExpression_fieldFormalParameter_unnamedOptionalWithDefault() {
_checkInstanceCreationOptionalParams(true, false, true);
test_instanceCreationExpression_fieldFormalParameter_unnamedOptionalWithoutDefault() {
_checkInstanceCreationOptionalParams(true, false, false);
void test_instanceCreationExpression_implicitSuper() {
CompilationUnit compilationUnit = resolveSource(r'''
const foo = const B(4);
class A {
const A() : x = 3;
final int x;
class B extends A {
const B(this.y);
final int y;
EvaluationResultImpl result =
_evaluateTopLevelVariable(compilationUnit, "foo");
Map<String, DartObjectImpl> fields = _assertType(result, "B");
expect(fields, hasLength(2));
_assertIntField(fields, "y", 4);
Map<String, DartObjectImpl> superclassFields =
_assertFieldType(fields, GenericState.SUPERCLASS_FIELD, "A");
expect(superclassFields, hasLength(1));
_assertIntField(superclassFields, "x", 3);
void test_instanceCreationExpression_nonFactoryRedirect() {
CompilationUnit compilationUnit = resolveSource(r'''
const foo = const A.a1();
class A {
const A.a1() : this.a2();
const A.a2() : x = 5;
final int x;
Map<String, DartObjectImpl> aFields =
_assertType(_evaluateTopLevelVariable(compilationUnit, "foo"), "A");
_assertIntField(aFields, 'x', 5);
void test_instanceCreationExpression_nonFactoryRedirect_arg() {
CompilationUnit compilationUnit = resolveSource(r'''
const foo = const A.a1(1);
class A {
const A.a1(x) : this.a2(x + 100);
const A.a2(x) : y = x + 10;
final int y;
Map<String, DartObjectImpl> aFields =
_assertType(_evaluateTopLevelVariable(compilationUnit, "foo"), "A");
_assertIntField(aFields, 'y', 111);
void test_instanceCreationExpression_nonFactoryRedirect_cycle() {
// It is an error to have a cycle in non-factory redirects; however, we
// need to make sure that even if the error occurs, attempting to evaluate
// the constant will terminate.
CompilationUnit compilationUnit = resolveSource(r'''
const foo = const A();
class A {
const A() : this.b();
const A.b() : this();
_assertValidUnknown(_evaluateTopLevelVariable(compilationUnit, "foo"));
void test_instanceCreationExpression_nonFactoryRedirect_defaultArg() {
CompilationUnit compilationUnit = resolveSource(r'''
const foo = const A.a1();
class A {
const A.a1() : this.a2();
const A.a2([x = 100]) : y = x + 10;
final int y;
Map<String, DartObjectImpl> aFields =
_assertType(_evaluateTopLevelVariable(compilationUnit, "foo"), "A");
_assertIntField(aFields, 'y', 110);
void test_instanceCreationExpression_nonFactoryRedirect_toMissing() {
CompilationUnit compilationUnit = resolveSource(r'''
const foo = const A.a1();
class A {
const A.a1() : this.a2();
// We don't care what value foo evaluates to (since there is a compile
// error), but we shouldn't crash, and we should figure
// out that it evaluates to an instance of class A.
_assertType(_evaluateTopLevelVariable(compilationUnit, "foo"), "A");
void test_instanceCreationExpression_nonFactoryRedirect_toNonConst() {
CompilationUnit compilationUnit = resolveSource(r'''
const foo = const A.a1();
class A {
const A.a1() : this.a2();
// We don't care what value foo evaluates to (since there is a compile
// error), but we shouldn't crash, and we should figure
// out that it evaluates to an instance of class A.
_assertType(_evaluateTopLevelVariable(compilationUnit, "foo"), "A");
void test_instanceCreationExpression_nonFactoryRedirect_unnamed() {
CompilationUnit compilationUnit = resolveSource(r'''
const foo = const A.a1();
class A {
const A.a1() : this();
const A() : x = 5;
final int x;
Map<String, DartObjectImpl> aFields =
_assertType(_evaluateTopLevelVariable(compilationUnit, "foo"), "A");
_assertIntField(aFields, 'x', 5);
void test_instanceCreationExpression_redirect() {
CompilationUnit compilationUnit = resolveSource(r'''
const foo = const A();
class A {
const factory A() = B;
class B implements A {
const B();
_assertType(_evaluateTopLevelVariable(compilationUnit, "foo"), "B");
void test_instanceCreationExpression_redirect_cycle() {
// It is an error to have a cycle in factory redirects; however, we need
// to make sure that even if the error occurs, attempting to evaluate the
// constant will terminate.
CompilationUnit compilationUnit = resolveSource(r'''
const foo = const A();
class A {
const factory A() = A.b;
const factory A.b() = A;
_assertValidUnknown(_evaluateTopLevelVariable(compilationUnit, "foo"));
void test_instanceCreationExpression_redirect_external() {
CompilationUnit compilationUnit = resolveSource(r'''
const foo = const A();
class A {
external const factory A();
_assertValidUnknown(_evaluateTopLevelVariable(compilationUnit, "foo"));
void test_instanceCreationExpression_redirect_nonConst() {
// It is an error for a const factory constructor redirect to a non-const
// constructor; however, we need to make sure that even if the error
// attempting to evaluate the constant won't cause a crash.
CompilationUnit compilationUnit = resolveSource(r'''
const foo = const A();
class A {
const factory A() = A.b;
_assertValidUnknown(_evaluateTopLevelVariable(compilationUnit, "foo"));
void test_instanceCreationExpression_redirectWithTypeParams() {
CompilationUnit compilationUnit = resolveSource(r'''
class A {
const factory A(var a) = B<int>;
class B<T> implements A {
final T x;
const B(this.x);
const A a = const A(10);''');
EvaluationResultImpl result =
_evaluateTopLevelVariable(compilationUnit, "a");
Map<String, DartObjectImpl> fields = _assertType(result, "B<int>");
expect(fields, hasLength(1));
_assertIntField(fields, "x", 10);
void test_instanceCreationExpression_redirectWithTypeSubstitution() {
// To evaluate the redirection of A<int>,
// A's template argument (T=int) must be substituted
// into B's template argument (B<U> where U=T) to get B<int>.
CompilationUnit compilationUnit = resolveSource(r'''
class A<T> {
const factory A(var a) = B<T>;
class B<U> implements A {
final U x;
const B(this.x);
const A<int> a = const A<int>(10);''');
EvaluationResultImpl result =
_evaluateTopLevelVariable(compilationUnit, "a");
Map<String, DartObjectImpl> fields = _assertType(result, "B<int>");
expect(fields, hasLength(1));
_assertIntField(fields, "x", 10);
void test_instanceCreationExpression_symbol() {
CompilationUnit compilationUnit =
resolveSource("const foo = const Symbol('a');");
EvaluationResultImpl evaluationResult =
_evaluateTopLevelVariable(compilationUnit, "foo");
expect(evaluationResult.value, isNotNull);
DartObjectImpl value = evaluationResult.value;
expect(value.type, typeProvider.symbolType);
expect(value.toSymbolValue(), "a");
void test_instanceCreationExpression_withSupertypeParams_explicit() {
void test_instanceCreationExpression_withSupertypeParams_implicit() {
void test_instanceCreationExpression_withTypeParams() {
CompilationUnit compilationUnit = resolveSource(r'''
class C<E> {
const C();
const c_int = const C<int>();
const c_num = const C<num>();''');
EvaluationResultImpl c_int =
_evaluateTopLevelVariable(compilationUnit, "c_int");
_assertType(c_int, "C<int>");
DartObjectImpl c_int_value = c_int.value;
EvaluationResultImpl c_num =
_evaluateTopLevelVariable(compilationUnit, "c_num");
_assertType(c_num, "C<num>");
DartObjectImpl c_num_value = c_num.value;
expect(c_int_value == c_num_value, isFalse);
void test_isValidSymbol() {
expect(ConstantEvaluationEngine.isValidPublicSymbol(""), isTrue);
expect(ConstantEvaluationEngine.isValidPublicSymbol("foo"), isTrue);
expect(ConstantEvaluationEngine.isValidPublicSymbol(""), isTrue);
expect(ConstantEvaluationEngine.isValidPublicSymbol("foo\$"), isTrue);
expect(ConstantEvaluationEngine.isValidPublicSymbol("foo\$bar"), isTrue);
expect(ConstantEvaluationEngine.isValidPublicSymbol("iff"), isTrue);
expect(ConstantEvaluationEngine.isValidPublicSymbol("gif"), isTrue);
expect(ConstantEvaluationEngine.isValidPublicSymbol("if\$"), isTrue);
expect(ConstantEvaluationEngine.isValidPublicSymbol("\$if"), isTrue);
expect(ConstantEvaluationEngine.isValidPublicSymbol("foo="), isTrue);
expect(ConstantEvaluationEngine.isValidPublicSymbol(""), isTrue);
expect(ConstantEvaluationEngine.isValidPublicSymbol("foo.+"), isTrue);
expect(ConstantEvaluationEngine.isValidPublicSymbol("void"), isTrue);
expect(ConstantEvaluationEngine.isValidPublicSymbol("_foo"), isFalse);
expect(ConstantEvaluationEngine.isValidPublicSymbol(""), isFalse);
expect(ConstantEvaluationEngine.isValidPublicSymbol("foo._bar"), isFalse);
expect(ConstantEvaluationEngine.isValidPublicSymbol("if"), isFalse);
expect(ConstantEvaluationEngine.isValidPublicSymbol(""), isFalse);
expect(ConstantEvaluationEngine.isValidPublicSymbol("foo.if"), isFalse);
expect(ConstantEvaluationEngine.isValidPublicSymbol(""), isFalse);
expect(ConstantEvaluationEngine.isValidPublicSymbol("foo."), isFalse);
expect(ConstantEvaluationEngine.isValidPublicSymbol(""), isFalse);
expect(ConstantEvaluationEngine.isValidPublicSymbol(""), isFalse);
expect(ConstantEvaluationEngine.isValidPublicSymbol("foo.void"), isFalse);
void test_length_of_improperly_typed_string_expression() {
// Since type annotations are ignored in unchecked mode, the improper
// types on s1 and s2 shouldn't prevent us from evaluating i to
// 'alpha'.length.
CompilationUnit compilationUnit = resolveSource('''
const int s1 = 'alpha';
const int s2 = 'beta';
const int i = (true ? s1 : s2).length;
ConstTopLevelVariableElementImpl element =
findTopLevelDeclaration(compilationUnit, 'i').element;
EvaluationResultImpl result = element.evaluationResult;
expect(_assertValidInt(result), 5);
void test_length_of_improperly_typed_string_identifier() {
// Since type annotations are ignored in unchecked mode, the improper type
// on s shouldn't prevent us from evaluating i to 'alpha'.length.
CompilationUnit compilationUnit = resolveSource('''
const int s = 'alpha';
const int i = s.length;
ConstTopLevelVariableElementImpl element =
findTopLevelDeclaration(compilationUnit, 'i').element;
EvaluationResultImpl result = element.evaluationResult;
expect(_assertValidInt(result), 5);
void test_non_static_const_initialized_at_declaration() {
// Even though non-static consts are not allowed by the language, we need
// to handle them for error recovery purposes.
CompilationUnit compilationUnit = resolveSource('''
class A {
const int i = 123;
const A();
const A a = const A();
EvaluationResultImpl result =
_evaluateTopLevelVariable(compilationUnit, 'a');
Map<String, DartObjectImpl> fields = _assertType(result, "A");
expect(fields, hasLength(1));
_assertIntField(fields, "i", 123);
void test_symbolLiteral_void() {
CompilationUnit compilationUnit =
resolveSource("const voidSymbol = #void;");
VariableDeclaration voidSymbol =
findTopLevelDeclaration(compilationUnit, "voidSymbol");
EvaluationResultImpl voidSymbolResult =
(voidSymbol.element as VariableElementImpl).evaluationResult;
DartObjectImpl value = voidSymbolResult.value;
expect(value.type, typeProvider.symbolType);
expect(value.toSymbolValue(), "void");
Map<String, DartObjectImpl> _assertFieldType(
Map<String, DartObjectImpl> fields,
String fieldName,
String expectedType) {
DartObjectImpl field = fields[fieldName];
expect(field.type.displayName, expectedType);
return field.fields;
void _assertIntField(
Map<String, DartObjectImpl> fields, String fieldName, int expectedValue) {
DartObjectImpl field = fields[fieldName];
expect(, "int");
expect(field.toIntValue(), expectedValue);
void _assertNullField(Map<String, DartObjectImpl> fields, String fieldName) {
DartObjectImpl field = fields[fieldName];
expect(field.isNull, isTrue);
void _assertProperDependencies(String sourceText,
[List<ErrorCode> expectedErrorCodes = ErrorCode.EMPTY_LIST]) {
Source source = addSource(sourceText);
LibraryElement element = resolve2(source);
CompilationUnit unit =
analysisContext.resolveCompilationUnit(source, element);
expect(unit, isNotNull);
ConstantValueComputer computer = _makeConstantValueComputer();
assertErrors(source, expectedErrorCodes);
Map<String, DartObjectImpl> _assertType(
EvaluationResultImpl result, String typeName) {
expect(result.value, isNotNull);
DartObjectImpl value = result.value;
expect(value.type.displayName, typeName);
return value.fields;
bool _assertValidBool(EvaluationResultImpl result) {
expect(result.value, isNotNull);
DartObjectImpl value = result.value;
expect(value.type, typeProvider.boolType);
bool boolValue = value.toBoolValue();
expect(boolValue, isNotNull);
return boolValue;
int _assertValidInt(EvaluationResultImpl result) {
expect(result, isNotNull);
expect(result.value, isNotNull);
DartObjectImpl value = result.value;
expect(value.type, typeProvider.intType);
return value.toIntValue();
void _assertValidNull(EvaluationResultImpl result) {
expect(result.value, isNotNull);
DartObjectImpl value = result.value;
expect(value.type, typeProvider.nullType);
String _assertValidString(EvaluationResultImpl result) {
expect(result.value, isNotNull);
DartObjectImpl value = result.value;
expect(value.type, typeProvider.stringType);
return value.toStringValue();
void _assertValidUnknown(EvaluationResultImpl result) {
expect(result.value, isNotNull);
DartObjectImpl value = result.value;
expect(value.isUnknown, isTrue);
EvaluationResultImpl _check_fromEnvironment_bool(
String valueInEnvironment, String defaultExpr) {
String envVarName = "x";
String varName = "foo";
if (valueInEnvironment != null) {
analysisContext2.declaredVariables.define(envVarName, valueInEnvironment);
String defaultArg =
defaultExpr == null ? "" : ", defaultValue: $defaultExpr";
CompilationUnit compilationUnit = resolveSource(
"const $varName = const bool.fromEnvironment('$envVarName'$defaultArg);");
return _evaluateTopLevelVariable(compilationUnit, varName);
EvaluationResultImpl _check_fromEnvironment_int(
String valueInEnvironment, String defaultExpr) {
String envVarName = "x";
String varName = "foo";
if (valueInEnvironment != null) {
analysisContext2.declaredVariables.define(envVarName, valueInEnvironment);
String defaultArg =
defaultExpr == null ? "" : ", defaultValue: $defaultExpr";
CompilationUnit compilationUnit = resolveSource(
"const $varName = const int.fromEnvironment('$envVarName'$defaultArg);");
return _evaluateTopLevelVariable(compilationUnit, varName);
EvaluationResultImpl _check_fromEnvironment_string(
String valueInEnvironment, String defaultExpr) {
String envVarName = "x";
String varName = "foo";
if (valueInEnvironment != null) {
analysisContext2.declaredVariables.define(envVarName, valueInEnvironment);
String defaultArg =
defaultExpr == null ? "" : ", defaultValue: $defaultExpr";
CompilationUnit compilationUnit = resolveSource(
"const $varName = const String.fromEnvironment('$envVarName'$defaultArg);");
return _evaluateTopLevelVariable(compilationUnit, varName);
void _checkInstanceCreation_withSupertypeParams(bool isExplicit) {
String superCall = isExplicit ? " : super()" : "";
CompilationUnit compilationUnit = resolveSource("""
class A<T> {
const A();
class B<T, U> extends A<T> {
const B()$superCall;
class C<T, U> extends A<U> {
const C()$superCall;
const b_int_num = const B<int, num>();
const c_int_num = const C<int, num>();""");
EvaluationResultImpl b_int_num =
_evaluateTopLevelVariable(compilationUnit, "b_int_num");
Map<String, DartObjectImpl> b_int_num_fields =
_assertType(b_int_num, "B<int, num>");
_assertFieldType(b_int_num_fields, GenericState.SUPERCLASS_FIELD, "A<int>");
EvaluationResultImpl c_int_num =
_evaluateTopLevelVariable(compilationUnit, "c_int_num");
Map<String, DartObjectImpl> c_int_num_fields =
_assertType(c_int_num, "C<int, num>");
_assertFieldType(c_int_num_fields, GenericState.SUPERCLASS_FIELD, "A<num>");
void _checkInstanceCreationOptionalParams(
bool isFieldFormal, bool isNamed, bool hasDefault) {
String fieldName = "j";
String paramName = isFieldFormal ? fieldName : "i";
String formalParam =
"${isFieldFormal ? "this." : "int "}$paramName${hasDefault ? " = 3" : ""}";
CompilationUnit compilationUnit = resolveSource("""
const x = const A();
const y = const A(${isNamed ? '$paramName: ' : ''}10);
class A {
const A(${isNamed ? "{$formalParam}" : "[$formalParam]"})${isFieldFormal ? "" : " : $fieldName = $paramName"};
final int $fieldName;
EvaluationResultImpl x = _evaluateTopLevelVariable(compilationUnit, "x");
Map<String, DartObjectImpl> fieldsOfX = _assertType(x, "A");
expect(fieldsOfX, hasLength(1));
if (hasDefault) {
_assertIntField(fieldsOfX, fieldName, 3);
} else {
_assertNullField(fieldsOfX, fieldName);
EvaluationResultImpl y = _evaluateTopLevelVariable(compilationUnit, "y");
Map<String, DartObjectImpl> fieldsOfY = _assertType(y, "A");
expect(fieldsOfY, hasLength(1));
_assertIntField(fieldsOfY, fieldName, 10);
* Search [compilationUnit] for a class named [className], containing a
* method [methodName], with exactly one annotation. Return the constant
* value of the annotation.
EvaluationResultImpl _evaluateAnnotation(
CompilationUnit compilationUnit, String className, String memberName) {
for (CompilationUnitMember member in compilationUnit.declarations) {
if (member is ClassDeclaration && == className) {
for (ClassMember classMember in member.members) {
if (classMember is MethodDeclaration && == memberName) {
expect(classMember.metadata, hasLength(1));
ElementAnnotationImpl elementAnnotation =
return elementAnnotation.evaluationResult;
fail('Class member not found');
return null;
EvaluationResultImpl _evaluateTopLevelVariable(
CompilationUnit compilationUnit, String name) {
VariableDeclaration varDecl =
findTopLevelDeclaration(compilationUnit, name);
ConstTopLevelVariableElementImpl varElement = varDecl.element;
return varElement.evaluationResult;
ConstantValueComputer _makeConstantValueComputer() {
ConstantEvaluationValidator_ForTest validator =
new ConstantEvaluationValidator_ForTest(analysisContext2); = new ConstantValueComputer(
void _validate(bool shouldBeValid, VariableDeclarationList declarationList) {
for (VariableDeclaration declaration in declarationList.variables) {
VariableElementImpl element = declaration.element as VariableElementImpl;
expect(element, isNotNull);
EvaluationResultImpl result = element.evaluationResult;
if (shouldBeValid) {
expect(result.value, isNotNull);
} else {
expect(result.value, isNull);
class ConstantVisitorTest extends ResolverTestCase {
void test_visitBinaryExpression_questionQuestion_notNull_notNull() {
Expression left = AstFactory.string2('a');
Expression right = AstFactory.string2('b');
Expression expression =
AstFactory.binaryExpression(left, TokenType.QUESTION_QUESTION, right);
GatheringErrorListener errorListener = new GatheringErrorListener();
ErrorReporter errorReporter =
new ErrorReporter(errorListener, _dummySource());
DartObjectImpl result = _evaluate(expression, errorReporter);
expect(result, isNotNull);
expect(result.isNull, isFalse);
expect(result.toStringValue(), 'a');
void test_visitBinaryExpression_questionQuestion_null_notNull() {
Expression left = AstFactory.nullLiteral();
Expression right = AstFactory.string2('b');
Expression expression =
AstFactory.binaryExpression(left, TokenType.QUESTION_QUESTION, right);
GatheringErrorListener errorListener = new GatheringErrorListener();
ErrorReporter errorReporter =
new ErrorReporter(errorListener, _dummySource());
DartObjectImpl result = _evaluate(expression, errorReporter);
expect(result, isNotNull);
expect(result.isNull, isFalse);
expect(result.toStringValue(), 'b');
void test_visitBinaryExpression_questionQuestion_null_null() {
Expression left = AstFactory.nullLiteral();
Expression right = AstFactory.nullLiteral();
Expression expression =
AstFactory.binaryExpression(left, TokenType.QUESTION_QUESTION, right);
GatheringErrorListener errorListener = new GatheringErrorListener();
ErrorReporter errorReporter =
new ErrorReporter(errorListener, _dummySource());
DartObjectImpl result = _evaluate(expression, errorReporter);
expect(result, isNotNull);
expect(result.isNull, isTrue);
void test_visitConditionalExpression_false() {
Expression thenExpression = AstFactory.integer(1);
Expression elseExpression = AstFactory.integer(0);
ConditionalExpression expression = AstFactory.conditionalExpression(
AstFactory.booleanLiteral(false), thenExpression, elseExpression);
GatheringErrorListener errorListener = new GatheringErrorListener();
ErrorReporter errorReporter =
new ErrorReporter(errorListener, _dummySource());
_assertValue(0, _evaluate(expression, errorReporter));
void test_visitConditionalExpression_nonBooleanCondition() {
Expression thenExpression = AstFactory.integer(1);
Expression elseExpression = AstFactory.integer(0);
NullLiteral conditionExpression = AstFactory.nullLiteral();
ConditionalExpression expression = AstFactory.conditionalExpression(
conditionExpression, thenExpression, elseExpression);
GatheringErrorListener errorListener = new GatheringErrorListener();
ErrorReporter errorReporter =
new ErrorReporter(errorListener, _dummySource());
DartObjectImpl result = _evaluate(expression, errorReporter);
expect(result, isNull);
void test_visitConditionalExpression_nonConstantElse() {
Expression thenExpression = AstFactory.integer(1);
Expression elseExpression = AstFactory.identifier3("x");
ConditionalExpression expression = AstFactory.conditionalExpression(
AstFactory.booleanLiteral(true), thenExpression, elseExpression);
GatheringErrorListener errorListener = new GatheringErrorListener();
ErrorReporter errorReporter =
new ErrorReporter(errorListener, _dummySource());
DartObjectImpl result = _evaluate(expression, errorReporter);
expect(result, isNull);
void test_visitConditionalExpression_nonConstantThen() {
Expression thenExpression = AstFactory.identifier3("x");
Expression elseExpression = AstFactory.integer(0);
ConditionalExpression expression = AstFactory.conditionalExpression(
AstFactory.booleanLiteral(true), thenExpression, elseExpression);
GatheringErrorListener errorListener = new GatheringErrorListener();
ErrorReporter errorReporter =
new ErrorReporter(errorListener, _dummySource());
DartObjectImpl result = _evaluate(expression, errorReporter);
expect(result, isNull);
void test_visitConditionalExpression_true() {
Expression thenExpression = AstFactory.integer(1);
Expression elseExpression = AstFactory.integer(0);
ConditionalExpression expression = AstFactory.conditionalExpression(
AstFactory.booleanLiteral(true), thenExpression, elseExpression);
GatheringErrorListener errorListener = new GatheringErrorListener();
ErrorReporter errorReporter =
new ErrorReporter(errorListener, _dummySource());
_assertValue(1, _evaluate(expression, errorReporter));
void test_visitSimpleIdentifier_className() {
CompilationUnit compilationUnit = resolveSource('''
const a = C;
class C {}
DartObjectImpl result = _evaluateConstant(compilationUnit, 'a', null);
expect(result.type, typeProvider.typeType);
expect(result.toTypeValue().name, 'C');
void test_visitSimpleIdentifier_dynamic() {
CompilationUnit compilationUnit = resolveSource('''
const a = dynamic;
DartObjectImpl result = _evaluateConstant(compilationUnit, 'a', null);
expect(result.type, typeProvider.typeType);
expect(result.toTypeValue(), typeProvider.dynamicType);
void test_visitSimpleIdentifier_inEnvironment() {
CompilationUnit compilationUnit = resolveSource(r'''
const a = b;
const b = 3;''');
Map<String, DartObjectImpl> environment = new Map<String, DartObjectImpl>();
DartObjectImpl six =
new DartObjectImpl(typeProvider.intType, new IntState(6));
environment["b"] = six;
_assertValue(6, _evaluateConstant(compilationUnit, "a", environment));
void test_visitSimpleIdentifier_notInEnvironment() {
CompilationUnit compilationUnit = resolveSource(r'''
const a = b;
const b = 3;''');
Map<String, DartObjectImpl> environment = new Map<String, DartObjectImpl>();
DartObjectImpl six =
new DartObjectImpl(typeProvider.intType, new IntState(6));
environment["c"] = six;
_assertValue(3, _evaluateConstant(compilationUnit, "a", environment));
void test_visitSimpleIdentifier_withoutEnvironment() {
CompilationUnit compilationUnit = resolveSource(r'''
const a = b;
const b = 3;''');
_assertValue(3, _evaluateConstant(compilationUnit, "a", null));
void _assertValue(int expectedValue, DartObjectImpl result) {
expect(result, isNotNull);
expect(, "int");
expect(result.toIntValue(), expectedValue);
NonExistingSource _dummySource() {
String path = '/test.dart';
return new NonExistingSource(path, toUri(path), UriKind.FILE_URI);
DartObjectImpl _evaluate(Expression expression, ErrorReporter errorReporter) {
return expression.accept(new ConstantVisitor(
new ConstantEvaluationEngine(
new TestTypeProvider(), new DeclaredVariables(),
typeSystem: new TypeSystemImpl()),
DartObjectImpl _evaluateConstant(CompilationUnit compilationUnit, String name,
Map<String, DartObjectImpl> lexicalEnvironment) {
Source source = compilationUnit.element.source;
Expression expression =
findTopLevelConstantExpression(compilationUnit, name);
GatheringErrorListener errorListener = new GatheringErrorListener();
ErrorReporter errorReporter = new ErrorReporter(errorListener, source);
DartObjectImpl result = expression.accept(new ConstantVisitor(
new ConstantEvaluationEngine(typeProvider, new DeclaredVariables(),
typeSystem: typeSystem),
lexicalEnvironment: lexicalEnvironment));
return result;