blob: 87ccc30349c07246899200d5fba9a79a4504ecff [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2016, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library server.performance.local;
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:analysis_server/plugin/protocol/protocol.dart';
import 'benchmark_scenario.dart';
import 'memory_tests.dart';
main(List<String> args) async {
int length = args.length;
if (length < 1) {
print('Usage: dart benchmark_local.dart path_to_flutter_checkout'
' [benchmark_id]');
paths = new PathHolder(flutterPath: args[0]);
String id = args.length >= 2 ? args[1] : null;
if (id == null) {
for (String id in benchmarks.keys) {
BenchmarkFunction benchmark = benchmarks[id];
await benchmark(id);
} else {
BenchmarkFunction benchmark = benchmarks[id];
if (benchmark != null) {
const Map<String, BenchmarkFunction> benchmarks =
const <String, BenchmarkFunction>{
'flutter-initialAnalysis-1': run_flutter_initialAnalysis_1,
'flutter-initialAnalysis-2': run_flutter_initialAnalysis_2,
'flutter-change-1': run_flutter_change_1,
'flutter-change-2': run_flutter_change_2,
'flutter-completion-1': run_flutter_completion_1,
'flutter-completion-2': run_flutter_completion_2,
'flutter-refactoring-1': run_flutter_refactoring_1,
'flutter-memory-initialAnalysis-1': run_flutter_memory_initialAnalysis_1,
'flutter-memory-initialAnalysis-2': run_flutter_memory_initialAnalysis_2,
PathHolder paths;
Future run_flutter_change_1(String id) async {
String description = r'''
1. Open 'packages/flutter'.
2. Change a method body in lib/src/painting/colors.dart
3. Measure the time to finish analysis.
4. Rollback changes to the file and wait for analysis.
5. Go to (2).
List<int> times = await new BenchmarkScenario().waitAnalyze_change_analyze(
roots: [paths.packageFlutter],
file: '${paths.packageFlutter}/lib/src/painting/colors.dart',
fileChange: new FileChange(
afterStr: 'final double h = hue % 360;', insertStr: 'print(12345);'),
numOfRepeats: 10);
printBenchmarkResults(id, description, times);
Future run_flutter_change_2(String id) async {
String description = r'''
1. Open 'packages/flutter'.
2. Change the name of a public method in lib/src/painting/colors.dart
3. Measure the time to finish analysis.
4. Rollback changes to the file and wait for analysis.
5. Go to (2).
List<int> times = await new BenchmarkScenario().waitAnalyze_change_analyze(
roots: [paths.packageFlutter],
file: '${paths.packageFlutter}/lib/src/painting/colors.dart',
fileChange: new FileChange(
afterStr: 'withValue(dou', afterStrBack: 4, insertStr: 'NewName'),
numOfRepeats: 5);
printBenchmarkResults(id, description, times);
Future run_flutter_completion_1(String id) async {
String description = r'''
1. Open 'packages/flutter'.
2. Change a method body in packages/flutter/lib/src/material/button.dart
3. Request code completion in this method and measure time to get results.
4. Rollback changes to the file and wait for analysis.
5. Go to (2).
String completionMarker = 'print(12345);';
List<int> times = await new BenchmarkScenario()
roots: [paths.packageFlutter],
file: '${paths.packageFlutter}/lib/src/material/button.dart',
fileChange: new FileChange(
afterStr: 'Widget build(BuildContext context) {',
insertStr: completionMarker),
completeAfterStr: completionMarker,
numOfRepeats: 10);
printBenchmarkResults(id, description, times);
Future run_flutter_completion_2(String id) async {
String description = r'''
1. Open 'packages/flutter'.
2. Change the name of a public method in lib/src/rendering/layer.dart
3. Request code completion in this method and measure time to get results.
4. Rollback changes to the file and wait for analysis.
5. Go to (2).
List<int> times = await new BenchmarkScenario()
roots: [paths.packageFlutter],
file: '${paths.packageFlutter}/lib/src/rendering/layer.dart',
fileChange: new FileChange(
replaceWhat: 'void removeAllChildren() {',
replaceWith: 'void removeAllChildren2() {print(12345);parent.'),
completeAfterStr: 'print(12345);parent.',
numOfRepeats: 5);
printBenchmarkResults(id, description, times);
Future run_flutter_initialAnalysis_1(String id) async {
String description = r'''
1. Start server, set 'hello_world' analysis root.
2. Measure the time to finish initial analysis.
3. Shutdown the server.
4. Go to (1).
List<int> times = await BenchmarkScenario.start_waitInitialAnalysis_shutdown(
roots: [paths.exampleHelloWorld], numOfRepeats: 5);
printBenchmarkResults(id, description, times);
Future run_flutter_initialAnalysis_2(String id) async {
String description = r'''
1. Start server, set 'hello_world' and 'flutter_gallery' analysis roots.
2. Measure the time to finish initial analysis.
3. Shutdown the server.
4. Go to (1).
List<int> times = await BenchmarkScenario.start_waitInitialAnalysis_shutdown(
roots: [paths.exampleHelloWorld, paths.exampleGallery], numOfRepeats: 5);
printBenchmarkResults(id, description, times);
Future run_flutter_memory_initialAnalysis_1(String id) async {
String description = r'''
1. Start server, set 'packages/flutter' as the analysis root.
2. Measure the memory usage after finishing initial analysis.
3. Shutdown the server.
4. Go to (1).
List<int> sizes = await AnalysisServerMemoryUsageTest
roots: <String>[paths.packageFlutter], numOfRepeats: 3);
printMemoryResults(id, description, sizes);
Future run_flutter_memory_initialAnalysis_2(String id) async {
String description = r'''
1. Start server, set 'packages/flutter' and 'packages/flutter_markdown' analysis roots.
2. Measure the memory usage after finishing initial analysis.
3. Shutdown the server.
4. Go to (1).
List<int> sizes = await AnalysisServerMemoryUsageTest
roots: <String>[paths.packageFlutter, paths.packageMarkdown],
numOfRepeats: 3);
printMemoryResults(id, description, sizes);
Future run_flutter_refactoring_1(String id) async {
String description = r'''
1. Open 'packages/flutter'.
2. Change the name of a public method in lib/src/rendering/layer.dart
3. Request rename refactoring for `getSourcesWithFullName` and measure time to get results.
4. Rollback changes to the file and wait for analysis.
5. Go to (2).
List<int> times = await new BenchmarkScenario()
roots: [paths.packageFlutter],
file: '${paths.packageFlutter}/lib/src/rendering/layer.dart',
fileChange: new FileChange(
replaceWhat: 'void removeAllChildren() {',
replaceWith: 'void removeAllChildren2() {'),
refactoringAtStr: 'addToScene(ui.SceneBuilder builder',
refactoringKind: RefactoringKind.RENAME,
refactoringOptions: new RenameOptions('addToScene2'),
numOfRepeats: 5);
printBenchmarkResults(id, description, times);
typedef BenchmarkFunction(String id);
class PathHolder {
String exampleHelloWorld;
String exampleGallery;
String exampleStocks;
String packageFlutter;
String packageMarkdown;
String packageSprites;
PathHolder({String flutterPath}) {
exampleHelloWorld = '$flutterPath/examples/hello_world';
exampleGallery = '$flutterPath/examples/flutter_gallery';
exampleStocks = '$flutterPath/examples/stocks';
packageFlutter = '$flutterPath/packages/flutter';
packageMarkdown = '$flutterPath/packages/flutter_markdown';
packageSprites = '$flutterPath/packages/flutter_sprites';