blob: 2d3ea949de2ca5e995fa3afea0c8065fb4d77009 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library dart_types;
import 'dart2jslib.dart' show Compiler, invariant, Script, Message;
import 'elements/modelx.dart'
show VoidElementX, LibraryElementX, BaseClassElementX;
import 'elements/elements.dart';
import 'scanner/scannerlib.dart' show SourceString;
import 'util/util.dart' show Link, LinkBuilder;
class TypeKind {
final String id;
const TypeKind(String;
static const TypeKind FUNCTION = const TypeKind('function');
static const TypeKind INTERFACE = const TypeKind('interface');
static const TypeKind STATEMENT = const TypeKind('statement');
static const TypeKind TYPEDEF = const TypeKind('typedef');
static const TypeKind TYPE_VARIABLE = const TypeKind('type variable');
static const TypeKind MALFORMED_TYPE = const TypeKind('malformed');
static const TypeKind VOID = const TypeKind('void');
String toString() => id;
abstract class DartType {
SourceString get name;
TypeKind get kind;
const DartType();
* Returns the [Element] which declared this type.
* This can be [ClassElement] for classes, [TypedefElement] for typedefs,
* [TypeVariableElement] for type variables and [FunctionElement] for
* function types.
* Invariant: [element] must be a declaration element.
Element get element;
* Performs the substitution [: [arguments[i]/parameters[i]]this :].
* The notation is known from this lambda calculus rule:
* (lambda x.e0)e1 -> [e1/x]e0.
* See [TypeVariableType] for a motivation for this method.
* Invariant: There must be the same number of [arguments] and [parameters].
DartType subst(Link<DartType> arguments, Link<DartType> parameters);
* Returns the unaliased type of this type.
* The unaliased type of a typedef'd type is the unaliased type to which its
* name is bound. The unaliased version of any other type is the type itself.
* For example, the unaliased type of [: typedef A Func<A,B>(B b) :] is the
* function type [: (B) -> A :] and the unaliased type of
* [: Func<int,String> :] is the function type [: (String) -> int :].
DartType unalias(Compiler compiler);
* Finds the method, field or property named [name] declared or inherited
* on this type.
* If [isSetter] is [:true:] the member is interpreted as a setter access.
// TODO(johnniwinther): Implement this for [TypeVariableType], [FunctionType],
// and [TypedefType].
Member lookupMember(SourceString name, {bool isSetter: false}) => null;
* A type is malformed if it is itself a malformed type or contains a
* malformed type.
bool get isMalformed => false;
* Calls [f] with each [MalformedType] within this type.
* If [f] returns [: false :], the traversal stops prematurely.
* [forEachMalformedType] returns [: false :] if the traversal was stopped
* prematurely.
bool forEachMalformedType(bool f(MalformedType type)) => true;
* Is [: true :] if this type has no explict type arguments.
bool get isRaw => true;
DartType asRaw() => this;
* Is [: true :] if this type is the dynamic type.
bool get isDynamic => false;
* Is [: true :] if this type is the void type.
bool get isVoid => false;
* Returns an occurrence of a type variable within this type, if any.
TypeVariableType get typeVariableOccurrence => null;
void forEachTypeVariable(f(TypeVariableType variable)) {}
TypeVariableType _findTypeVariableOccurrence(Link<DartType> types) {
for (Link<DartType> link = types; !link.isEmpty ; link = link.tail) {
TypeVariableType typeVariable = link.head.typeVariableOccurrence;
if (typeVariable != null) {
return typeVariable;
return null;
* Is [: true :] if this type contains any type variables.
bool get containsTypeVariables => typeVariableOccurrence != null;
accept(DartTypeVisitor visitor, var argument);
void visitChildren(DartTypeVisitor visitor, var argument) {}
static void visitList(Link<DartType> types,
DartTypeVisitor visitor, var argument) {
for (Link<DartType> link = types; !link.isEmpty ; link = link.tail) {
link.head.accept(visitor, argument);
* Represents a type variable, that is the type parameters of a class type.
* For example, in [: class Array<E> { ... } :], E is a type variable.
* Each class should have its own unique type variables, one for each type
* parameter. A class with type parameters is said to be parameterized or
* generic.
* Non-static members, constructors, and factories of generic
* class/interface can refer to type variables of the current class
* (not of supertypes).
* When using a generic type, also known as an application or
* instantiation of the type, the actual type arguments should be
* substituted for the type variables in the class declaration.
* For example, given a box, [: class Box<T> { T value; } :], the
* type of the expression [: new Box<String>().value :] is
* [: String :] because we must substitute [: String :] for the
* the type variable [: T :].
class TypeVariableType extends DartType {
final TypeVariableElement element;
TypeKind get kind => TypeKind.TYPE_VARIABLE;
SourceString get name =>;
DartType subst(Link<DartType> arguments, Link<DartType> parameters) {
if (parameters.isEmpty) {
// Return fast on empty substitutions.
return this;
Link<DartType> parameterLink = parameters;
Link<DartType> argumentLink = arguments;
while (!argumentLink.isEmpty && !parameterLink.isEmpty) {
TypeVariableType parameter = parameterLink.head;
DartType argument = argumentLink.head;
if (parameter == this) {
assert(argumentLink.tail.isEmpty == parameterLink.tail.isEmpty);
return argument;
parameterLink = parameterLink.tail;
argumentLink = argumentLink.tail;
assert(argumentLink.isEmpty && parameterLink.isEmpty);
// The type variable was not substituted.
return this;
DartType unalias(Compiler compiler) => this;
DartType get typeVariableOccurrence => this;
void forEachTypeVariable(f(TypeVariableType variable)) {
accept(DartTypeVisitor visitor, var argument) {
return visitor.visitTypeVariableType(this, argument);
int get hashCode => 17 * element.hashCode;
bool operator ==(other) {
if (other is !TypeVariableType) return false;
return identical(other.element, element);
String toString() => name.slowToString();
* A statement type tracks whether a statement returns or may return.
class StatementType extends DartType {
final String stringName;
Element get element => null;
TypeKind get kind => TypeKind.STATEMENT;
SourceString get name => new SourceString(stringName);
const StatementType(this.stringName);
static const RETURNING = const StatementType('<returning>');
static const NOT_RETURNING = const StatementType('<not returning>');
static const MAYBE_RETURNING = const StatementType('<maybe returning>');
/** Combine the information about two control-flow edges that are joined. */
StatementType join(StatementType other) {
return (identical(this, other)) ? this : MAYBE_RETURNING;
DartType subst(Link<DartType> arguments, Link<DartType> parameters) {
// Statement types are not substitutable.
return this;
DartType unalias(Compiler compiler) => this;
accept(DartTypeVisitor visitor, var argument) {
return visitor.visitStatementType(this, argument);
int get hashCode => 17 * stringName.hashCode;
bool operator ==(other) {
if (other is !StatementType) return false;
return other.stringName == stringName;
String toString() => stringName;
class VoidType extends DartType {
const VoidType(this.element);
TypeKind get kind => TypeKind.VOID;
SourceString get name =>;
final Element element;
DartType subst(Link<DartType> arguments, Link<DartType> parameters) {
// Void cannot be substituted.
return this;
DartType unalias(Compiler compiler) => this;
accept(DartTypeVisitor visitor, var argument) {
return visitor.visitVoidType(this, argument);
bool get isVoid => true;
int get hashCode => 1729;
bool operator ==(other) => other is VoidType;
String toString() => name.slowToString();
class MalformedType extends DartType {
final ErroneousElement element;
* [declaredType] holds the type which the user wrote in code.
* For instance, for a resolved but malformed type like [: Map<String> :] the
* [declaredType] is [: Map<String> :] whereas for an unresolved type
* [userProvidedBadType] is [: null :].
final DartType userProvidedBadType;
* Type arguments for the malformed typed, if these cannot fit in the
* [declaredType].
* This field is for instance used for [: dynamic<int> :] and [: T<int> :]
* where [: T :] is a type variable, in which case [declaredType] holds
* [: dynamic :] and [: T :], respectively, or for [: X<int> :] where [: X :]
* is not resolved or does not imply a type.
final Link<DartType> typeArguments;
final int hashCode = (nextHash++) & 0x3fffffff;
static int nextHash = 43765;
MalformedType(this.element, this.userProvidedBadType,
[this.typeArguments = null]);
TypeKind get kind => TypeKind.MALFORMED_TYPE;
SourceString get name =>;
DartType subst(Link<DartType> arguments, Link<DartType> parameters) {
// Malformed types are not substitutable.
return this;
bool get isMalformed => true;
bool forEachMalformedType(bool f(MalformedType type)) => f(this);
DartType unalias(Compiler compiler) => this;
accept(DartTypeVisitor visitor, var argument) {
return visitor.visitMalformedType(this, argument);
String toString() {
var sb = new StringBuffer();
if (typeArguments != null) {
if (userProvidedBadType != null) {
} else {
if (!typeArguments.isEmpty) {
typeArguments.printOn(sb, ', ');
} else {
return sb.toString();
bool hasMalformed(Link<DartType> types) {
for (DartType typeArgument in types) {
if (typeArgument.isMalformed) {
return true;
return false;
abstract class GenericType extends DartType {
final Link<DartType> typeArguments;
final bool isMalformed;
GenericType(Link<DartType> this.typeArguments, bool this.isMalformed);
TypeDeclarationElement get element;
/// Creates a new instance of this type using the provided type arguments.
GenericType _createType(Link<DartType> newTypeArguments);
DartType subst(Link<DartType> arguments, Link<DartType> parameters) {
if (typeArguments.isEmpty) {
// Return fast on non-generic types.
return this;
if (parameters.isEmpty) {
// Return fast on empty substitutions.
return this;
Link<DartType> newTypeArguments =
Types.substTypes(typeArguments, arguments, parameters);
if (!identical(typeArguments, newTypeArguments)) {
// Create a new type only if necessary.
return _createType(newTypeArguments);
return this;
bool forEachMalformedType(bool f(MalformedType type)) {
for (DartType typeArgument in typeArguments) {
if (!typeArgument.forEachMalformedType(f)) {
return false;
return true;
TypeVariableType get typeVariableOccurrence {
return _findTypeVariableOccurrence(typeArguments);
void forEachTypeVariable(f(TypeVariableType variable)) {
for (Link<DartType> link = typeArguments; !link.isEmpty; link = link.tail) {
void visitChildren(DartTypeVisitor visitor, var argument) {
DartType.visitList(typeArguments, visitor, argument);
String toString() {
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
if (!isRaw) {
typeArguments.printOn(sb, ', ');
return sb.toString();
int get hashCode {
int hash = element.hashCode;
for (Link<DartType> arguments = this.typeArguments;
arguments = arguments.tail) {
int argumentHash = arguments.head != null ? arguments.head.hashCode : 0;
hash = 17 * hash + 3 * argumentHash;
return hash;
bool operator ==(other) {
if (other is !GenericType) return false;
return kind == other.kind
&& element == other.element
&& typeArguments == other.typeArguments;
bool get isRaw => typeArguments.isEmpty || identical(this, element.rawType);
GenericType asRaw() => element.rawType;
class InterfaceType extends GenericType {
final ClassElement element;
[Link<DartType> typeArguments = const Link<DartType>()])
: super(typeArguments, hasMalformed(typeArguments)) {
assert(invariant(element, element.isDeclaration));
assert(invariant(element, element.thisType == null ||
typeArguments.slowLength() == element.typeVariables.slowLength(),
message: () => 'Invalid type argument count on ${element.thisType}. '
'Provided type arguments: $typeArguments.'));
[Link<DartType> typeArguments =
const Link<DartType>()])
: super(typeArguments, true);
TypeKind get kind => TypeKind.INTERFACE;
SourceString get name =>;
InterfaceType _createType(Link<DartType> newTypeArguments) {
return new InterfaceType(element, newTypeArguments);
* Returns the type as an instance of class [other], if possible, null
* otherwise.
DartType asInstanceOf(ClassElement other) {
other = other.declaration;
if (element == other) return this;
for (InterfaceType supertype in element.allSupertypes) {
ClassElement superclass = supertype.element;
if (superclass == other) {
Link<DartType> arguments = Types.substTypes(supertype.typeArguments,
return new InterfaceType(superclass, arguments);
return null;
DartType unalias(Compiler compiler) => this;
* Finds the method, field or property named [name] declared or inherited
* on this interface type.
Member lookupMember(SourceString name, {bool isSetter: false}) {
// Abstract field returned when setter was needed but only a getter was
// present and vice-versa.
Member fallbackAbstractField;
Member createMember(ClassElement classElement,
InterfaceType receiver, InterfaceType declarer) {
Element member = classElement.implementation.lookupLocalMember(name);
if (member == null) return null;
if (member.isConstructor() || member.isPrefix()) return null;
assert(member.isFunction() ||
member.isAbstractField() ||
if (member.isAbstractField()) {
AbstractFieldElement abstractFieldElement = member;
if (fallbackAbstractField == null) {
fallbackAbstractField =
new Member(receiver, declarer, member, isSetter: isSetter);
if (isSetter && abstractFieldElement.setter == null) {
// Keep searching further up the hierarchy.
member = null;
} else if (!isSetter && abstractFieldElement.getter == null) {
// Keep searching further up the hierarchy.
member = null;
return member != null
? new Member(receiver, declarer, member, isSetter: isSetter) : null;
ClassElement classElement = element;
InterfaceType receiver = this;
InterfaceType declarer = receiver;
// TODO(johnniwinther): Lookup and callers should handle private members and
// injected members.
Member member = createMember(classElement, receiver, declarer);
if (member != null) return member;
assert(invariant(element, classElement.allSupertypes != null,
message: 'Supertypes not computed for $classElement'));
for (InterfaceType supertype in classElement.allSupertypes) {
// Skip mixin applications since their supertypes are also in the list of
// [allSupertypes].
if (supertype.element.isMixinApplication) continue;
declarer = supertype;
ClassElement lookupTarget = declarer.element;
Member member = createMember(lookupTarget, receiver, declarer);
if (member != null) return member;
return fallbackAbstractField;
int get hashCode => super.hashCode;
InterfaceType asRaw() => super.asRaw();
accept(DartTypeVisitor visitor, var argument) {
return visitor.visitInterfaceType(this, argument);
class FunctionType extends DartType {
final Element element;
final DartType returnType;
final Link<DartType> parameterTypes;
final Link<DartType> optionalParameterTypes;
* The names of the named parameters ordered lexicographically.
final Link<SourceString> namedParameters;
* The types of the named parameters in the order corresponding to the
* [namedParameters].
final Link<DartType> namedParameterTypes;
final bool isMalformed;
factory FunctionType(Element element,
DartType returnType,
Link<DartType> parameterTypes,
Link<DartType> optionalParameterTypes,
Link<SourceString> namedParameters,
Link<DartType> namedParameterTypes) {
// Compute [isMalformed] eagerly since it is faster than a lazy computation
// and since [isMalformed] most likely will be accessed in [Types.isSubtype]
// anyway.
bool isMalformed = returnType != null &&
returnType.isMalformed ||
hasMalformed(parameterTypes) ||
hasMalformed(optionalParameterTypes) ||
return new FunctionType.internal(element,
FunctionType.internal(Element this.element,
DartType this.returnType,
Link<DartType> this.parameterTypes,
Link<DartType> this.optionalParameterTypes,
Link<SourceString> this.namedParameters,
Link<DartType> this.namedParameterTypes,
bool this.isMalformed) {
assert(invariant(element, element.isDeclaration));
// Assert that optional and named parameters are not used at the same time.
assert(optionalParameterTypes.isEmpty || namedParameterTypes.isEmpty);
assert(namedParameters.slowLength() == namedParameterTypes.slowLength());
TypeKind get kind => TypeKind.FUNCTION;
DartType getNamedParameterType(SourceString name) {
Link<SourceString> namedParameter = namedParameters;
Link<DartType> namedParameterType = namedParameterTypes;
while (!namedParameter.isEmpty && !namedParameterType.isEmpty) {
if (namedParameter.head == name) {
return namedParameterType.head;
namedParameter = namedParameter.tail;
namedParameterType = namedParameterType.tail;
return null;
DartType subst(Link<DartType> arguments, Link<DartType> parameters) {
if (parameters.isEmpty) {
// Return fast on empty substitutions.
return this;
var newReturnType = returnType.subst(arguments, parameters);
bool changed = !identical(newReturnType, returnType);
var newParameterTypes =
Types.substTypes(parameterTypes, arguments, parameters);
var newOptionalParameterTypes =
Types.substTypes(optionalParameterTypes, arguments, parameters);
var newNamedParameterTypes =
Types.substTypes(namedParameterTypes, arguments, parameters);
if (!changed &&
(!identical(parameterTypes, newParameterTypes) ||
!identical(optionalParameterTypes, newOptionalParameterTypes) ||
!identical(namedParameterTypes, newNamedParameterTypes))) {
changed = true;
if (changed) {
// Create a new type only if necessary.
return new FunctionType(element,
return this;
bool forEachMalformedType(bool f(MalformedType type)) {
if (!returnType.forEachMalformedType(f)) {
return false;
for (DartType parameterType in parameterTypes) {
if (!parameterType.forEachMalformedType(f)) {
return false;
for (DartType parameterType in optionalParameterTypes) {
if (!parameterType.forEachMalformedType(f)) {
return false;
for (DartType parameterType in namedParameterTypes) {
if (!parameterType.forEachMalformedType(f)) {
return false;
return true;
DartType unalias(Compiler compiler) => this;
DartType get typeVariableOccurrence {
TypeVariableType typeVariableType = returnType.typeVariableOccurrence;
if (typeVariableType != null) return typeVariableType;
typeVariableType = _findTypeVariableOccurrence(parameterTypes);
if (typeVariableType != null) return typeVariableType;
typeVariableType = _findTypeVariableOccurrence(optionalParameterTypes);
if (typeVariableType != null) return typeVariableType;
return _findTypeVariableOccurrence(namedParameterTypes);
accept(DartTypeVisitor visitor, var argument) {
return visitor.visitFunctionType(this, argument);
void visitChildren(DartTypeVisitor visitor, var argument) {
returnType.accept(visitor, argument);
DartType.visitList(parameterTypes, visitor, argument);
DartType.visitList(optionalParameterTypes, visitor, argument);
DartType.visitList(namedParameterTypes, visitor, argument);
String toString() {
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
parameterTypes.printOn(sb, ', ');
bool first = parameterTypes.isEmpty;
if (!optionalParameterTypes.isEmpty) {
if (!first) {
sb.write(', ');
optionalParameterTypes.printOn(sb, ', ');
first = false;
if (!namedParameterTypes.isEmpty) {
if (!first) {
sb.write(', ');
Link<SourceString> namedParameter = namedParameters;
Link<DartType> namedParameterType = namedParameterTypes;
first = true;
while (!namedParameter.isEmpty && !namedParameterType.isEmpty) {
if (!first) {
sb.write(', ');
sb.write(' ');
namedParameter = namedParameter.tail;
namedParameterType = namedParameterType.tail;
first = false;
sb.write(') -> ${returnType}');
return sb.toString();
SourceString get name => const SourceString('Function');
int computeArity() {
int arity = 0;
parameterTypes.forEach((_) { arity++; });
return arity;
int get hashCode {
int hash = 3 * returnType.hashCode;
for (DartType parameter in parameterTypes) {
hash = 17 * hash + 5 * parameter.hashCode;
for (DartType parameter in optionalParameterTypes) {
hash = 19 * hash + 7 * parameter.hashCode;
for (SourceString name in namedParameters) {
hash = 23 * hash + 11 * name.hashCode;
for (DartType parameter in namedParameterTypes) {
hash = 29 * hash + 13 * parameter.hashCode;
return hash;
bool operator ==(other) {
if (other is !FunctionType) return false;
return returnType == other.returnType
&& parameterTypes == other.parameterTypes
&& optionalParameterTypes == other.optionalParameterTypes
&& namedParameters == other.namedParameters
&& namedParameterTypes == other.namedParameterTypes;
class TypedefType extends GenericType {
final TypedefElement element;
// TODO(johnniwinther): Assert that the number of arguments and parameters
// match, like for [InterfaceType].
[Link<DartType> typeArguments = const Link<DartType>()])
: super(typeArguments, hasMalformed(typeArguments));
TypedefType _createType(Link<DartType> newTypeArguments) {
return new TypedefType(element, newTypeArguments);
[Link<DartType> typeArguments =
const Link<DartType>()])
: super(typeArguments, true);
TypeKind get kind => TypeKind.TYPEDEF;
SourceString get name =>;
DartType unalias(Compiler compiler) {
// TODO(ahe): This should be [ensureResolved].
DartType definition = element.alias.unalias(compiler);
TypedefType declaration = element.computeType(compiler);
return definition.subst(typeArguments, declaration.typeArguments);
int get hashCode => super.hashCode;
TypedefType asRaw() => super.asRaw();
accept(DartTypeVisitor visitor, var argument) {
return visitor.visitTypedefType(this, argument);
* Special type to hold the [dynamic] type. Used for correctly returning
* 'dynamic' on [toString].
class DynamicType extends InterfaceType {
DynamicType(ClassElement element) : super(element);
SourceString get name => const SourceString('dynamic');
bool get isDynamic => true;
accept(DartTypeVisitor visitor, var argument) {
return visitor.visitDynamicType(this, argument);
* Member encapsulates a member (method, field, property) with the types of the
* declarer and receiver in order to do substitution on the member type.
* Consider for instance these classes and the variable [: B<String> b :]:
* class A<E> {
* E field;
* }
* class B<F> extends A<F> {}
* In a [Member] for [: b.field :] the [receiver] is the type [: B<String> :]
* and the declarer is the type [: A<F> :], which is the supertype of [: B<F> :]
* from which [: field :] has been inherited. To compute the type of
* [: b.field :] we must first substitute [: E :] by [: F :] using the relation
* between [: A<E> :] and [: A<F> :], and then [: F :] by [: String :] using the
* relation between [: B<F> :] and [: B<String> :].
// TODO(johnniwinther): Add [isReadable] and [isWritable] predicates.
class Member {
final InterfaceType receiver;
final InterfaceType declarer;
final Element element;
DartType cachedType;
final bool isSetter;
Member(this.receiver, this.declarer, this.element,
{bool this.isSetter: false}) {
assert(invariant(element, element.isAbstractField() ||
element.isField() ||
message: "Unsupported Member element: $element"));
DartType computeType(Compiler compiler) {
if (cachedType == null) {
DartType type;
if (element.isAbstractField()) {
AbstractFieldElement abstractFieldElement = element;
// Use setter if present and required or if no getter is available.
if ((isSetter && abstractFieldElement.setter != null) ||
abstractFieldElement.getter == null) {
// TODO(johnniwinther): Add check of read of field with no getter.
FunctionType functionType =
type = functionType.parameterTypes.head;
if (type == null) {
type = compiler.types.dynamicType;
} else {
// TODO(johnniwinther): Add check of assignment to field with no
// setter.
FunctionType functionType =
type = functionType.returnType;
} else {
type = element.computeType(compiler);
if (!declarer.element.typeVariables.isEmpty) {
type = type.subst(declarer.typeArguments,
type = type.subst(receiver.typeArguments,
cachedType = type;
return cachedType;
String toString() {
return '$receiver.${}';
abstract class DartTypeVisitor<R, A> {
const DartTypeVisitor();
R visitType(DartType type, A argument);
R visitVoidType(VoidType type, A argument) =>
visitType(type, argument);
R visitTypeVariableType(TypeVariableType type, A argument) =>
visitType(type, argument);
R visitFunctionType(FunctionType type, A argument) =>
visitType(type, argument);
R visitMalformedType(MalformedType type, A argument) =>
visitType(type, argument);
R visitStatementType(StatementType type, A argument) =>
visitType(type, argument);
R visitGenericType(GenericType type, A argument) =>
visitType(type, argument);
R visitInterfaceType(InterfaceType type, A argument) =>
visitGenericType(type, argument);
R visitTypedefType(TypedefType type, A argument) =>
visitGenericType(type, argument);
R visitDynamicType(DynamicType type, A argument) =>
visitInterfaceType(type, argument);
* Type visitor that determines the subtype relation two types.
class SubtypeVisitor extends DartTypeVisitor<bool, DartType> {
final Compiler compiler;
final DynamicType dynamicType;
final VoidType voidType;
SubtypeVisitor(Compiler this.compiler,
DynamicType this.dynamicType,
VoidType this.voidType);
bool isSubtype(DartType t, DartType s) {
if (identical(t, s) ||
identical(t, dynamicType) ||
identical(s, dynamicType) ||
t.isMalformed ||
s.isMalformed ||
identical(s.element, compiler.objectClass) ||
identical(t.element, compiler.nullClass)) {
return true;
t = t.unalias(compiler);
s = s.unalias(compiler);
return t.accept(this, s);
bool isAssignable(DartType t, DartType s) {
return isSubtype(t, s) || isSubtype(s, t);
bool visitType(DartType t, DartType s) {
throw 'internal error: unknown type kind ${t.kind}';
bool visitVoidType(VoidType t, DartType s) {
assert(s is! VoidType);
return false;
bool visitInterfaceType(InterfaceType t, DartType s) {
bool checkTypeArguments(InterfaceType instance, InterfaceType other) {
Link<DartType> tTypeArgs = instance.typeArguments;
Link<DartType> sTypeArgs = other.typeArguments;
while (!tTypeArgs.isEmpty) {
if (!isSubtype(tTypeArgs.head, sTypeArgs.head)) {
return false;
tTypeArgs = tTypeArgs.tail;
sTypeArgs = sTypeArgs.tail;
return true;
lookupCall(type) => type.lookupMember(Compiler.CALL_OPERATOR_NAME);
// TODO(johnniwinther): Currently needed since literal types like int,
// double, bool etc. might not have been resolved yet.
if (s is InterfaceType) {
if (s.element == compiler.functionClass && lookupCall(t) != null) {
return true;
InterfaceType instance = t.asInstanceOf(s.element);
return instance != null && checkTypeArguments(instance, s);
} else if (s is FunctionType) {
Member call = lookupCall(t);
if (call == null) return false;
return isSubtype(call.computeType(compiler), s);
} else {
return false;
bool visitFunctionType(FunctionType t, DartType s) {
if (s is InterfaceType && identical(s.element, compiler.functionClass)) {
return true;
if (s is !FunctionType) return false;
FunctionType tf = t;
FunctionType sf = s;
if (!identical(sf.returnType, voidType) &&
!isAssignable(tf.returnType, sf.returnType)) {
return false;
// TODO(johnniwinther): Rewrite the function subtyping to be more readable
// but still as efficient.
// For the comments we use the following abbreviations:
// x.p : parameterTypes on [:x:],
// x.o : optionalParameterTypes on [:x:], and
// len(xs) : length of list [:xs:].
Link<DartType> tps = tf.parameterTypes;
Link<DartType> sps = sf.parameterTypes;
while (!tps.isEmpty && !sps.isEmpty) {
if (!isAssignable(tps.head, sps.head)) return false;
tps = tps.tail;
sps = sps.tail;
if (!tps.isEmpty) {
// We must have [: len(t.p) <= len(s.p) :].
return false;
if (!sf.namedParameters.isEmpty) {
if (!sps.isEmpty) {
// We must have [: len(t.p) == len(s.p) :].
return false;
// Since named parameters are globally ordered we can determine the
// subset relation with a linear search for [:sf.namedParameters:]
// within [:tf.namedParameters:].
Link<SourceString> tNames = tf.namedParameters;
Link<DartType> tTypes = tf.namedParameterTypes;
Link<SourceString> sNames = sf.namedParameters;
Link<DartType> sTypes = sf.namedParameterTypes;
while (!tNames.isEmpty && !sNames.isEmpty) {
if (sNames.head == tNames.head) {
if (!isAssignable(tTypes.head, sTypes.head)) return false;
sNames = sNames.tail;
sTypes = sTypes.tail;
tNames = tNames.tail;
tTypes = tTypes.tail;
if (!sNames.isEmpty) {
// We didn't find all names.
return false;
} else {
// Check the remaining [: s.p :] against [: t.o :].
tps = tf.optionalParameterTypes;
while (!tps.isEmpty && !sps.isEmpty) {
if (!isAssignable(tps.head, sps.head)) return false;
tps = tps.tail;
sps = sps.tail;
if (!sps.isEmpty) {
// We must have [: len(t.p) + len(t.o) >= len(s.p) :].
return false;
if (!sf.optionalParameterTypes.isEmpty) {
// Check the remaining [: s.o :] against the remaining [: t.o :].
sps = sf.optionalParameterTypes;
while (!tps.isEmpty && !sps.isEmpty) {
if (!isAssignable(tps.head, sps.head)) return false;
tps = tps.tail;
sps = sps.tail;
if (!sps.isEmpty) {
// We didn't find enough parameters:
// We must have [: len(t.p) + len(t.o) <= len(s.p) + len(s.o) :].
return false;
} else {
if (!sps.isEmpty) {
// We must have [: len(t.p) + len(t.o) >= len(s.p) :].
return false;
return true;
bool visitTypeVariableType(TypeVariableType t, DartType s) {
// Identity check is handled in [isSubtype].
DartType bound = t.element.bound;
if (bound.element.isTypeVariable()) {
// The bound is potentially cyclic so we need to be extra careful.
Link<TypeVariableElement> seenTypeVariables =
const Link<TypeVariableElement>();
seenTypeVariables = seenTypeVariables.prepend(t.element);
while (bound.element.isTypeVariable()) {
TypeVariableElement element = bound.element;
if (identical(bound.element, s.element)) {
// [t] extends [s].
return true;
if (seenTypeVariables.contains(element)) {
// We have a cycle and have already checked all bounds in the cycle
// against [s] and can therefore conclude that [t] is not a subtype
// of [s].
return false;
seenTypeVariables = seenTypeVariables.prepend(element);
bound = element.bound;
return isSubtype(bound, s);
class Types {
final Compiler compiler;
// TODO(karlklose): should we have a class Void?
final VoidType voidType;
final DynamicType dynamicType;
final SubtypeVisitor subtypeVisitor;
final PotentialSubtypeVisitor potentialSubtypeVisitor;
factory Types(Compiler compiler, BaseClassElementX dynamicElement) {
LibraryElement library = new LibraryElementX(new Script(null, null));
VoidType voidType = new VoidType(new VoidElementX(library));
DynamicType dynamicType = new DynamicType(dynamicElement);
dynamicElement.rawTypeCache = dynamicElement.thisType = dynamicType;
SubtypeVisitor subtypeVisitor =
new SubtypeVisitor(compiler, dynamicType, voidType);
PotentialSubtypeVisitor potentialSubtypeVisitor =
new PotentialSubtypeVisitor(compiler, dynamicType, voidType);
return new Types.internal(compiler, voidType, dynamicType,
subtypeVisitor, potentialSubtypeVisitor);
Types.internal(this.compiler, this.voidType, this.dynamicType,
this.subtypeVisitor, this.potentialSubtypeVisitor);
/** Returns true if t is a subtype of s */
bool isSubtype(DartType t, DartType s) {
return subtypeVisitor.isSubtype(t, s);
bool isAssignable(DartType r, DartType s) {
return subtypeVisitor.isAssignable(r, s);
bool isPotentialSubtype(DartType t, DartType s) {
// TODO(johnniwinther): Return a set of variable points in the positive
// cases.
return potentialSubtypeVisitor.isSubtype(t, s);
* Helper method for performing substitution of a linked list of types.
* If no types are changed by the substitution, the [types] is returned
* instead of a newly created linked list.
static Link<DartType> substTypes(Link<DartType> types,
Link<DartType> arguments,
Link<DartType> parameters) {
bool changed = false;
var builder = new LinkBuilder<DartType>();
Link<DartType> typeLink = types;
while (!typeLink.isEmpty) {
var argument = typeLink.head.subst(arguments, parameters);
if (!changed && !identical(argument, typeLink.head)) {
changed = true;
typeLink = typeLink.tail;
if (changed) {
// Create a new link only if necessary.
return builder.toLink();
return types;
* Combine error messages in a malformed type to a single message string.
static String fetchReasonsFromMalformedType(DartType type) {
// TODO(johnniwinther): Figure out how to produce good error message in face
// of multiple errors, and how to ensure non-localized error messages.
var reasons = new List<String>();
type.forEachMalformedType((MalformedType malformedType) {
ErroneousElement error = malformedType.element;
Message message = error.messageKind.message(error.messageArguments);
return true;
return reasons.join(', ');
* Returns the [ClassElement] which declares the type variables occurring in
* [type], or [:null:] if [type] does not contain type variables.
static ClassElement getClassContext(DartType type) {
TypeVariableType typeVariable = type.typeVariableOccurrence;
if (typeVariable == null) return null;
return typeVariable.element.enclosingElement;
* Type visitor that determines one type could a subtype of another given the
* right type variable substitution. The computation is approximate and returns
* [:false:] only if we are sure no such substitution exists.
class PotentialSubtypeVisitor extends SubtypeVisitor {
PotentialSubtypeVisitor(Compiler compiler,
DynamicType dynamicType,
VoidType voidType)
: super(compiler, dynamicType, voidType);
bool isSubtype(DartType t, DartType s) {
if (t is TypeVariableType || s is TypeVariableType) {
return true;
return super.isSubtype(t, s);