blob: f88df54acfbe3b8af0e347758bc136106afdeead [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
* **docgen** is a tool for creating machine readable representations of Dart
* code metadata, including: classes, members, comments and annotations.
* docgen is run on a `.dart` file or a directory containing `.dart` files.
* $ dart docgen.dart [OPTIONS] [FILE/DIR]
* This creates files called `docs/<library_name>.yaml` in your current
* working directory.
library docgen;
import 'dart:io';
import 'dart:json';
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:logging/logging.dart';
import 'package:markdown/markdown.dart' as markdown;
import 'package:path/path.dart' as path;
import 'dart2yaml.dart';
import 'src/io.dart';
import '../../../sdk/lib/_internal/compiler/compiler.dart' as api;
import '../../../sdk/lib/_internal/compiler/implementation/filenames.dart';
import '../../../sdk/lib/_internal/compiler/implementation/mirrors/dart2js_mirror.dart'
as dart2js;
import '../../../sdk/lib/_internal/compiler/implementation/mirrors/mirrors.dart';
import '../../../sdk/lib/_internal/compiler/implementation/mirrors/mirrors_util.dart';
import '../../../sdk/lib/_internal/compiler/implementation/source_file_provider.dart';
import '../../../sdk/lib/_internal/libraries.dart';
var logger = new Logger('Docgen');
const String USAGE = 'Usage: dart docgen.dart [OPTIONS] [fooDir/barFile]';
/// Current library being documented to be used for comment links.
LibraryMirror _currentLibrary;
/// Current class being documented to be used for comment links.
ClassMirror _currentClass;
/// Current member being documented to be used for comment links.
MemberMirror _currentMember;
/// Resolves reference links in doc comments.
markdown.Resolver linkResolver;
* Docgen constructor initializes the link resolver for markdown parsing.
* Also initializes the command line arguments.
* [packageRoot] is the packages directory of the directory being analyzed.
* If [includeSdk] is `true`, then any SDK libraries explicitly imported will
* also be documented.
* If [parseSdk] is `true`, then all Dart SDK libraries will be documented.
* This option is useful when only the SDK libraries are needed.
* Returns `true` if docgen sucessfuly completes.
Future<bool> docgen(List<String> files, {String packageRoot,
bool outputToYaml: true, bool includePrivate: false, bool includeSdk: false,
bool parseSdk: false}) {
if (packageRoot == null && !parseSdk) {
// TODO(janicejl): At the moment, if a single file is passed it, it is
// assumed that it does not have a package root unless it is passed in by
// the user. In future, find a better way to find the packageRoot and also
// fully test finding the packageRoot.
if (FileSystemEntity.typeSync(files.first)
== FileSystemEntityType.DIRECTORY) {
packageRoot = _findPackageRoot(files.first);
}'Package Root: ${packageRoot}');
linkResolver = (name) =>
fixReference(name, _currentLibrary, _currentClass, _currentMember);
return getMirrorSystem(files, packageRoot, parseSdk: parseSdk)
.then((MirrorSystem mirrorSystem) {
if (mirrorSystem.libraries.isEmpty) {
throw new StateError('No library mirrors were created.');
includeSdk: includeSdk, includePrivate: includePrivate,
outputToYaml: outputToYaml);
return true;
List<String> _listLibraries(List<String> args) {
// TODO(janicejl): At the moment, only have support to have either one file,
// or one directory. This is because there can only be one package directory
// since only one docgen is created per run.
if (args.length != 1) throw new UnsupportedError(USAGE);
var libraries = new List<String>();
var type = FileSystemEntity.typeSync(args[0]);
if (type == FileSystemEntityType.FILE) {
libraries.add(path.absolute(args[0]));'Added to libraries: ${libraries.last}');
} else {
return libraries;
List<String> _listDartFromDir(String args) {
var files = listDir(args, recursive: true);
// To avoid anaylzing package files twice, only files with paths not
// containing '/packages' will be added. The only exception is if the file to
// analyze already has a '/package' in its path.
return files.where((f) => f.endsWith('.dart') &&
(!f.contains('/packages') || args.contains('/packages'))).toList()
..forEach((lib) =>'Added to libraries: $lib'));
String _findPackageRoot(String directory) {
var files = listDir(directory, recursive: true);
// Return '' means that there was no pubspec.yaml and therefor no packageRoot.
String packageRoot = files.firstWhere((f) =>
f.endsWith('/pubspec.yaml'), orElse: () => '');
if (packageRoot != '') {
packageRoot = path.dirname(packageRoot) + '/packages';
return packageRoot;
List<String> _listSdk() {
var sdk = new List<String>();
LIBRARIES.forEach((String name, LibraryInfo info) {
if (info.documented) {
sdk.add('dart:$name');'Add to SDK: ${sdk.last}');
return sdk;
* Analyzes set of libraries by getting a mirror system and triggers the
* documentation of the libraries.
Future<MirrorSystem> getMirrorSystem(List<String> args, String packageRoot,
{bool parseSdk:false}) {
var libraries = !parseSdk ? _listLibraries(args) : _listSdk();
if (libraries.isEmpty) throw new StateError('No Libraries.');
// DART_SDK should be set to the root of the SDK library.
var sdkRoot = Platform.environment['DART_SDK'];
if (sdkRoot != null) {'Using DART_SDK to find SDK at $sdkRoot');
} else {
// If DART_SDK is not defined in the environment,
// assuming the dart executable is from the Dart SDK folder inside bin.
sdkRoot = path.dirname(path.dirname(new Options().executable));'SDK Root: ${sdkRoot}');
return _analyzeLibraries(libraries, sdkRoot, packageRoot: packageRoot);
// TODO(janicejl): Should make docgen fail gracefully, or output a friendly
// error message letting them know why it is failing to create a mirror system.
// If there is conflicting library names, should modify it with a hash at the
// end of it's library name.
* Analyzes set of libraries and provides a mirror system which can be used
* for static inspection of the source code.
Future<MirrorSystem> _analyzeLibraries(List<String> libraries,
String libraryRoot, {String packageRoot}) {
SourceFileProvider provider = new SourceFileProvider();
api.DiagnosticHandler diagnosticHandler =
new FormattingDiagnosticHandler(provider).diagnosticHandler;
Uri libraryUri = currentDirectory.resolve(appendSlash('$libraryRoot'));
Uri packageUri = null;
if (packageRoot != null) {
packageUri = currentDirectory.resolve(appendSlash('$packageRoot'));
List<Uri> librariesUri = <Uri>[];
libraries.forEach((library) {
return dart2js.analyze(librariesUri, libraryUri, packageUri,
provider.readStringFromUri, diagnosticHandler,
['--preserve-comments', '--categories=Client,Server'])
..catchError((error) {
logger.severe('Error: Failed to create mirror system. ');
// TODO(janicejl): Use the stack trace package when bug is resolved.
// Currently, a string is thrown when it fails to create a mirror
// system, and it is not possible to use the stack trace. BUG(#11622)
// To avoid printing the stack trace.
* Creates documentation for filtered libraries.
void _documentLibraries(List<LibraryMirror> libraries,
{bool includeSdk:false, bool includePrivate:false, bool
outputToYaml:true}) {
libraries.forEach((lib) {
// Files belonging to the SDK have a uri that begins with 'dart:'.
if (includeSdk || !lib.uri.toString().startsWith('dart:')) {
var library = generateLibrary(lib, includePrivate: includePrivate);
_writeLibraryToFile(library, outputToYaml);
// Outputs a text file with a list of files available after creating all
// the libraries. This will help the viewer know what files are available
// to read in.
_writeToFile(listDir('docs').join('\n').replaceAll('docs/', ''),
Library generateLibrary(dart2js.Dart2JsLibraryMirror library,
{bool includePrivate:false}) {
_currentLibrary = library;
var result = new Library(library.qualifiedName, _getComment(library),
_getVariables(library.variables, includePrivate),
_getMethods(library.functions, includePrivate),
_getClasses(library.classes, includePrivate));
logger.fine('Generated library for ${}');
return result;
void _writeLibraryToFile(Library result, bool outputToYaml) {
if (outputToYaml) {
_writeToFile(getYamlString(result.toMap()), '${}.yaml');
} else {
_writeToFile(stringify(result.toMap()), '${}.json');
* Returns a list of meta annotations assocated with a mirror.
List<String> _getAnnotations(DeclarationMirror mirror) {
var annotations = mirror.metadata.where((e) =>
e is dart2js.Dart2JsConstructedConstantMirror);
return => e.type.qualifiedName).toList();
* Returns any documentation comments associated with a mirror with
* simple markdown converted to html.
String _getComment(DeclarationMirror mirror) {
String commentText;
mirror.metadata.forEach((metadata) {
if (metadata is CommentInstanceMirror) {
CommentInstanceMirror comment = metadata;
if (comment.isDocComment) {
if (commentText == null) {
commentText = comment.trimmedText;
} else {
commentText = '$commentText ${comment.trimmedText}';
commentText = commentText == null ? '' :
markdown.markdownToHtml(commentText.trim(), linkResolver: linkResolver);
return commentText;
* Converts all [foo] references in comments to <a></a>.
markdown.Node fixReference(String name, LibraryMirror currentLibrary,
ClassMirror currentClass, MemberMirror currentMember) {
var reference;
var memberScope = currentMember == null ?
null : currentMember.lookupInScope(name);
if (memberScope != null) reference = memberScope.qualifiedName;
else {
var classScope = currentClass == null ?
null : currentClass.lookupInScope(name);
reference = classScope != null ? classScope.qualifiedName : name;
return new markdown.Element.text('a', reference);
* Returns a map of [Variable] objects constructed from inputted mirrors.
Map<String, Variable> _getVariables(Map<String, VariableMirror> mirrorMap,
bool includePrivate) {
var data = {};
// TODO(janicejl): When map to map feature is created, replace the below with
// a filter. Issue(#9590).
mirrorMap.forEach((String mirrorName, VariableMirror mirror) {
if (includePrivate || !mirror.isPrivate) {
_currentMember = mirror;
data[mirrorName] = new Variable(mirrorName, mirror.isFinal,
mirror.isStatic, mirror.type.qualifiedName, _getComment(mirror),
return data;
* Returns a map of [Method] objects constructed from inputted mirrors.
Map<String, Map<String, Method>> _getMethods
(Map<String, MethodMirror> mirrorMap, bool includePrivate) {
var setters = {};
var getters = {};
var constructors = {};
var operators = {};
var methods = {};
mirrorMap.forEach((String mirrorName, MethodMirror mirror) {
if (includePrivate || !mirror.isPrivate) {
var method = new Method(mirrorName, mirror.isStatic,
mirror.returnType.qualifiedName, _getComment(mirror),
_getParameters(mirror.parameters), _getAnnotations(mirror));
_currentMember = mirror;
if (mirror.isSetter) {
setters[mirrorName] = method;
} else if (mirror.isGetter) {
getters[mirrorName] = method;
} else if (mirror.isConstructor) {
constructors[mirrorName] = method;
} else if (mirror.isOperator) {
operators[mirrorName] = method;
} else if (mirror.isRegularMethod) {
methods[mirrorName] = method;
} else {
throw new StateError('${mirror.qualifiedName} - no method type match');
return {'setters' : setters,
'getters' : getters,
'constructors' : constructors,
'operators' : operators,
'methods' : methods};
* Returns a map of [Class] objects constructed from inputted mirrors.
Map<String, Class> _getClasses(Map<String, ClassMirror> mirrorMap,
bool includePrivate) {
var data = {};
mirrorMap.forEach((String mirrorName, ClassMirror mirror) {
if (includePrivate || !mirror.isPrivate) {
_currentClass = mirror;
var superclass = (mirror.superclass != null) ?
mirror.superclass.qualifiedName : '';
var interfaces = => interface.qualifiedName);
data[mirrorName] = new Class(mirrorName, superclass, mirror.isAbstract,
mirror.isTypedef, _getComment(mirror), interfaces.toList(),
_getVariables(mirror.variables, includePrivate),
_getMethods(mirror.methods, includePrivate),
return data;
* Returns a map of [Parameter] objects constructed from inputted mirrors.
Map<String, Parameter> _getParameters(List<ParameterMirror> mirrorList) {
var data = {};
mirrorList.forEach((ParameterMirror mirror) {
_currentMember = mirror;
data[mirror.simpleName] = new Parameter(mirror.simpleName,
mirror.isOptional, mirror.isNamed, mirror.hasDefaultValue,
mirror.type.qualifiedName, mirror.defaultValue,
return data;
* Writes text to a file in the 'docs' directory.
void _writeToFile(String text, String filename) {
Directory dir = new Directory('docs');
if (!dir.existsSync()) {
File file = new File('docs/$filename');
if (!file.existsSync()) {
* Transforms the map by calling toMap on each value in it.
Map recurseMap(Map inputMap) {
var outputMap = {};
inputMap.forEach((key, value) {
if (value is Map) {
outputMap[key] = recurseMap(value);
} else {
outputMap[key] = value.toMap();
return outputMap;
* A class containing contents of a Dart library.
class Library {
/// Documentation comment with converted markdown.
String comment;
/// Top-level variables in the library.
Map<String, Variable> variables;
/// Top-level functions in the library.
Map<String, Map<String, Method>> functions;
/// Classes defined within the library
Map<String, Class> classes;
String name;
Library(, this.comment, this.variables,
this.functions, this.classes);
/// Generates a map describing the [Library] object.
Map toMap() {
var libraryMap = {};
libraryMap['name'] = name;
libraryMap['comment'] = comment;
libraryMap['variables'] = recurseMap(variables);
libraryMap['functions'] = recurseMap(functions);
libraryMap['classes'] = recurseMap(classes);
return libraryMap;
* A class containing contents of a Dart class.
// TODO(tmandel): Figure out how to do typedefs (what is needed)
class Class {
/// Documentation comment with converted markdown.
String comment;
/// List of the names of interfaces that this class implements.
List<String> interfaces;
/// Top-level variables in the class.
Map<String, Variable> variables;
/// Methods in the class.
Map<String, Map<String, Method>> methods;
String name;
String superclass;
bool isAbstract;
bool isTypedef;
/// List of the meta annotations on the class.
List<String> annotations;
Class(, this.superclass, this.isAbstract, this.isTypedef,
this.comment, this.interfaces, this.variables, this.methods,
/// Generates a map describing the [Class] object.
Map toMap() {
var classMap = {};
classMap['name'] = name;
classMap['comment'] = comment;
classMap['superclass'] = superclass;
classMap['abstract'] = isAbstract.toString();
classMap['typedef'] = isTypedef.toString();
classMap['implements'] = new List.from(interfaces);
classMap['variables'] = recurseMap(variables);
classMap['methods'] = recurseMap(methods);
classMap['annotations'] = new List.from(annotations);
return classMap;
* A class containing properties of a Dart variable.
class Variable {
/// Documentation comment with converted markdown.
String comment;
String name;
bool isFinal;
bool isStatic;
String type;
/// List of the meta annotations on the variable.
List<String> annotations;
Variable(, this.isFinal, this.isStatic, this.type, this.comment,
/// Generates a map describing the [Variable] object.
Map toMap() {
var variableMap = {};
variableMap['name'] = name;
variableMap['comment'] = comment;
variableMap['final'] = isFinal.toString();
variableMap['static'] = isStatic.toString();
variableMap['type'] = type;
variableMap['annotations'] = new List.from(annotations);
return variableMap;
* A class containing properties of a Dart method.
class Method {
/// Documentation comment with converted markdown.
String comment;
/// Parameters for this method.
Map<String, Parameter> parameters;
String name;
bool isStatic;
String returnType;
/// List of the meta annotations on the method.
List<String> annotations;
Method(, this.isStatic, this.returnType, this.comment,
this.parameters, this.annotations);
/// Generates a map describing the [Method] object.
Map toMap() {
var methodMap = {};
methodMap['name'] = name;
methodMap['comment'] = comment;
methodMap['static'] = isStatic.toString();
methodMap['return'] = returnType;
methodMap['parameters'] = recurseMap(parameters);
methodMap['annotations'] = new List.from(annotations);
return methodMap;
* A class containing properties of a Dart method/function parameter.
class Parameter {
String name;
bool isOptional;
bool isNamed;
bool hasDefaultValue;
String type;
String defaultValue;
/// List of the meta annotations on the parameter.
List<String> annotations;
Parameter(, this.isOptional, this.isNamed, this.hasDefaultValue,
this.type, this.defaultValue, this.annotations);
/// Generates a map describing the [Parameter] object.
Map toMap() {
var parameterMap = {};
parameterMap['name'] = name;
parameterMap['optional'] = isOptional.toString();
parameterMap['named'] = isNamed.toString();
parameterMap['default'] = hasDefaultValue.toString();
parameterMap['type'] = type;
parameterMap['value'] = defaultValue;
parameterMap['annotations'] = new List.from(annotations);
return parameterMap;