blob: 0bd675bd0b1b611496c6aee102c103bcf4613c1e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2011, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// @dart = 2.7
import "package:expect/expect.dart";
// Test for correct order of exceptions in code with checks that could be moved
// merged from successors into a dominator.
get never => new == 42;
get always => new > 42;
// gA and gB have type [null|num], so they compile to a receiver check, and
// argument check and then the operation.
var gA; // [null|num]
var gB; // [null|num]
foo1(a, b) {
// The checks on a and b are not equivalent, so can't be merged.
if (never) {
return a ^ b;
} else {
return b ^ a;
call1() {
return foo1(gA, gB);
test1() {
gA = 1;
gB = 2;
Expect.equals(3, call1());
gA = null;
gB = null;
Expect.throws(call1, (e) => e is NoSuchMethodError, 'foo1($gA, $gB) NSME');
gA = 1;
gB = null;
Expect.throws(call1, (e) => e is NoSuchMethodError, 'foo1($gA, $gB) NSME');
gA = null;
gB = 2;
Expect.throws(call1, (e) => e is ArgumentError, 'foo1($gA, $gB) AE');
foo2a(a, b) {
// The common receiver check on [a] cannot be merged because the operation
// (selector) is different.
// The common argument check on [b] cannot be merged because it must happen
// after the receiver check.
if (never) {
return a ^ b;
} else {
return a & b;
foo2b(a, b) {
// Same a foo2a except which branch dynamically taken.
if (always) {
return a ^ b;
} else {
return a & b;
call2a() {
return foo2a(gA, gB);
call2b() {
return foo2b(gA, gB);
checkNSME(text) {
return (e) {
Expect.isTrue(e is NoSuchMethodError,
'expecting NoSuchMethodError, got "${e.runtimeType}"');
Expect.isTrue('$e'.contains(text), '"$e".contains("$text")');
return e is NoSuchMethodError;
test2() {
gA = 1;
gB = 2;
Expect.equals(0, call2a());
Expect.equals(3, call2b());
gA = null;
gB = null;
Expect.throws(call2a, checkNSME(r'$and'), 'foo2($gA, $gB) NSME');
Expect.throws(call2b, checkNSME(r'$xor'), 'foo2($gA, $gB) NSME');
gA = 1;
gB = null;
Expect.throws(call2a, (e) => e is ArgumentError, 'foo2($gA, $gB) AE');
Expect.throws(call2b, (e) => e is ArgumentError, 'foo2($gA, $gB) AE');
gA = null;
gB = 2;
Expect.throws(call2a, checkNSME(r'$and'), 'foo2($gA, $gB) NSME');
Expect.throws(call2b, checkNSME(r'$xor'), 'foo2($gA, $gB) NSME');
main() {