blob: c6c2e265c3705acf79da8b4c07f9196a02752525 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library simple_types_inferrer;
import 'dart:collection' show Queue, LinkedHashSet;
import '../closure.dart' show ClosureClassMap, ClosureScope;
import '../dart_types.dart'
show DartType, InterfaceType, FunctionType, TypeKind;
import '../elements/elements.dart';
import '../native_handler.dart' as native;
import '../tree/tree.dart';
import '../util/util.dart' show Link;
import 'types.dart' show TypesInferrer, FlatTypeMask, TypeMask;
// BUG(8802): There's a bug in the analyzer that makes the re-export
// of Selector from dart2jslib.dart fail. For now, we work around that
// by importing universe.dart explicitly and disabling the re-export.
import '../dart2jslib.dart' hide Selector, TypedSelector;
import '../universe/universe.dart' show Selector, SideEffects, TypedSelector;
* A work queue that ensures there are no duplicates, and adds and
* removes in FIFO.
class WorkSet<E extends Element> {
final Queue<E> queue = new Queue<E>();
final Set<E> elementsInQueue = new Set<E>();
void add(E element) {
element = element.implementation;
if (elementsInQueue.contains(element)) return;
E remove() {
E element = queue.removeFirst();
return element;
bool get isEmpty => queue.isEmpty;
int get length => queue.length;
* Placeholder for type information of final fields of classes.
class ClassInfoForFinalFields {
* Maps a final field to a map from generative constructor to the
* inferred type of the field in that generative constructor.
final Map<Element, Map<Node, TypeMask>> typesOfFinalFields =
new Map<Element, Map<Node, TypeMask>>();
* The number of generative constructors that need to be visited
* before we can take any decision on the type of the fields.
* Given that all generative constructors must be analyzed before
* re-analyzing one, we know that once [constructorsToVisitCount]
* reaches to 0, all generative constructors have been analyzed.
int constructorsToVisitCount;
* Records that the generative [constructor] has inferred [type]
* for the final [field].
void recordFinalFieldType(Node node,
Element constructor,
Element field,
TypeMask type) {
Map<Node, TypeMask> typesFor = typesOfFinalFields.putIfAbsent(
field, () => new Map<Node, TypeMask>());
typesFor[node] = type;
* Records that [constructor] has been analyzed. If not at 0,
* decrement [constructorsToVisitCount].
void doneAnalyzingGenerativeConstructor(Element constructor) {
if (constructorsToVisitCount != 0) constructorsToVisitCount--;
* Returns whether all generative constructors of the class have
* been analyzed.
bool get isDone => constructorsToVisitCount == 0;
* A sentinel type mask class used by the inferrer for the give up
* type, and the dynamic type.
class SentinelTypeMask extends FlatTypeMask {
final String name;
SentinelTypeMask( : super(null, 0, false);
bool operator==(other) {
return identical(this, other);
TypeMask nullable() {
throw 'Unsupported operation';
TypeMask intersection(TypeMask other, Compiler compiler) {
return other;
bool get isNullable => true;
String toString() => '$name sentinel type mask';
final OPTIMISTIC = 0;
final RETRY = 1;
final PESSIMISTIC = 2;
class SimpleTypesInferrer extends TypesInferrer {
InternalSimpleTypesInferrer internal;
Compiler compiler;
SimpleTypesInferrer(Compiler compiler) :
compiler = compiler,
internal = new InternalSimpleTypesInferrer(compiler, OPTIMISTIC);
TypeMask get dynamicType => internal.dynamicType;
TypeMask get nullType => internal.nullType;
TypeMask get intType => internal.intType;
TypeMask get doubleType => internal.doubleType;
TypeMask get numType => internal.numType;
TypeMask get boolType => internal.boolType;
TypeMask get functionType => internal.functionType;
TypeMask get listType => internal.listType;
TypeMask get constListType => internal.constListType;
TypeMask get fixedListType => internal.fixedListType;
TypeMask get growableListType => internal.growableListType;
TypeMask get mapType => internal.mapType;
TypeMask get constMapType => internal.constMapType;
TypeMask get stringType => internal.stringType;
TypeMask get typeType => internal.typeType;
TypeMask getReturnTypeOfElement(Element element) {
return internal.getReturnTypeOfElement(element);
TypeMask getTypeOfElement(Element element) {
return internal.getTypeOfElement(element);
TypeMask getTypeOfNode(Element owner, Node node) {
return internal.getTypeOfNode(owner, node);
TypeMask getTypeOfSelector(Selector selector) {
return internal.getTypeOfSelector(selector);
bool analyzeMain(Element element) {
bool result = internal.analyzeMain(element);
if (internal.optimismState == OPTIMISTIC) return result;
assert(internal.optimismState == RETRY);
// Discard the inferrer and start again with a pessimistic one.
internal = new InternalSimpleTypesInferrer(compiler, PESSIMISTIC);
return internal.analyzeMain(element);
class InternalSimpleTypesInferrer extends TypesInferrer {
* Maps an element to its callers.
final Map<Element, Set<Element>> callersOf =
new Map<Element, Set<Element>>();
* Maps an element to its return type.
final Map<Element, TypeMask> returnTypeOf =
new Map<Element, TypeMask>();
* Maps an element to its type.
final Map<Element, TypeMask> typeOf = new Map<Element, TypeMask>();
* Maps an element to its assignments and the types inferred at
* these assignments.
final Map<Element, Map<Node, TypeMask>> typeOfFields =
new Map<Element, Map<Node, TypeMask>>();
* Maps an element to the type of its parameters at call sites.
final Map<Element, Map<Node, ArgumentsTypes>> typeOfArguments =
new Map<Element, Map<Node, ArgumentsTypes>>();
* Maps an optional parameter to its default type.
final Map<Element, TypeMask> defaultTypeOfParameter =
new Map<Element, TypeMask>();
* Set of methods that the inferrer found could be closurized. We
* don't compute parameter types for such methods.
final Set<Element> methodsThatCanBeClosurized = new Set<Element>();
* Maps an element to the number of times this type inferrer
* analyzed it.
final Map<Element, int> analyzeCount = new Map<Element, int>();
* Maps a class to a [ClassInfoForFinalFields] to help collect type
* information of final fields.
final Map<ClassElement, ClassInfoForFinalFields> classInfoForFinalFields =
new Map<ClassElement, ClassInfoForFinalFields>();
* A map of constraints on a setter. When computing the type
* of a field, these [Node] are initially discarded, and once the
* type is computed, we make sure these constraints are satisfied
* for that type. For example:
* [: field++ ], or [: field += 42 :], the constraint is on the
* operator+, and we make sure that a typed selector with the found
* type returns that type.
* [: field = other.field :], the constraint in on the [:field]
* getter selector, and we make sure that the getter selector
* returns that type.
final Map<Node, Selector> setterConstraints = new Map<Node, Selector>();
* The work list of the inferrer.
final WorkSet<Element> workSet = new WorkSet<Element>();
* Heuristic for avoiding too many re-analysis of an element.
int optimismState;
* Sentinel used by the inferrer to notify that it does not know
* the type of a specific element.
TypeMask dynamicType;
bool isDynamicType(TypeMask type) => identical(type, dynamicType);
TypeMask nullType;
TypeMask intType;
TypeMask doubleType;
TypeMask numType;
TypeMask boolType;
TypeMask functionType;
TypeMask listType;
TypeMask constListType;
TypeMask fixedListType;
TypeMask growableListType;
TypeMask mapType;
TypeMask constMapType;
TypeMask stringType;
TypeMask typeType;
* These are methods that are expected to return only bool. We optimistically
* assume that they do this. If we later find a contradiction, we have to
* restart the simple types inferrer, because it normally goes from less
* optimistic to more optimistic as it refines its type information. Without
* this optimization, method names that are mutually recursive in the tail
* position will be typed as dynamic.
// TODO(erikcorry): Autogenerate the alphanumeric names in this set.
Set<SourceString> PREDICATES = new Set<SourceString>.from([
const SourceString('=='),
const SourceString('<='),
const SourceString('>='),
const SourceString('>'),
const SourceString('<'),
const SourceString('moveNext')]);
bool shouldOptimisticallyOptimizeToBool(Element element) {
return element == compiler.identicalFunction.implementation
|| (element.isFunction()
&& element.isInstanceMember()
&& PREDICATES.contains(;
final Compiler compiler;
// Times the computation of re-analysis of methods.
final Stopwatch recomputeWatch = new Stopwatch();
// Number of re-analysis.
int recompiles = 0;
* Set to [true] when the analysis has analyzed all elements in the
* world.
bool hasAnalyzedAll = false;
* The number of elements in the world.
int numberOfElementsToAnalyze;
InternalSimpleTypesInferrer(this.compiler, this.optimismState);
* Main entry point of the inferrer. Analyzes all elements that the resolver
* found as reachable. Returns whether it succeeded.
bool analyzeMain(Element element) {
int analyzed = 0;
do {
if (compiler.progress.elapsedMilliseconds > 500) {
compiler.log('Inferred $analyzed methods.');
element = workSet.remove();
if (element.isErroneous()) continue;
bool wasAnalyzed = analyzeCount.containsKey(element);
if (wasAnalyzed) {
if (compiler.verbose) recomputeWatch.start();
bool changed =
compiler.withCurrentElement(element, () => analyze(element));
if (optimismState == RETRY) return true; // Abort.
if (wasAnalyzed && compiler.verbose) {
if (changed) {
// If something changed during the analysis of [element], put back
// callers of it in the work list.
} while (!workSet.isEmpty);
return true;
* Query method after the analysis to know the type of [element].
TypeMask getReturnTypeOfElement(Element element) {
return getTypeIfValuable(returnTypeOf[element]);
TypeMask getTypeOfElement(Element element) {
return getTypeIfValuable(typeOf[element]);
TypeMask getTypeOfSelector(Selector selector) {
return getTypeIfValuable(typeOfSelector(selector));
bool isTypeValuable(TypeMask returnType) {
return !isDynamicType(returnType);
TypeMask getTypeIfValuable(TypeMask returnType) {
return isTypeValuable(returnType) ? returnType : null;
* Query method after the analysis to know the type of [node],
* defined in the context of [owner].
TypeMask getTypeOfNode(Element owner, Node node) {
var elements = compiler.enqueuer.resolution.resolvedElements[owner];
// TODO(ngeoffray): Not sure why the resolver would put a null
// mapping.
if (elements == null) return null;
Selector selector = elements.getSelector(node);
// TODO(ngeoffray): Should the builder call this method with a
// SendSet?
if (selector == null || selector.isSetter() || selector.isIndexSet()) {
return null;
return getTypeIfValuable(typeOfSelector(selector));
void checkAnalyzedAll() {
if (hasAnalyzedAll) return;
if (analyzeCount.length != numberOfElementsToAnalyze) return;
hasAnalyzedAll = true;
// If we have analyzed all the world, we know all assigments to
// fields and can therefore infer a type for them.
// We also know all calls to methods.
* Enqueues [e] in the work queue if it is valuable.
void enqueueAgain(Element e) {
int count = analyzeCount[e];
if (count != null && count > MAX_ANALYSIS_COUNT_PER_ELEMENT) return;
void enqueueCallersOf(Element element) {
Set<Element> methodCallers = callersOf[element];
if (methodCallers != null) {
* Builds the initial work queue by adding all resolved elements in
* the work queue, ordered by the number of selectors they use. This
* order is benficial for the analysis of return types, but we may
* have to refine it once we analyze parameter types too.
void buildWorkQueue() {
int max = 0;
Map<int, Set<Element>> methodSizes = new Map<int, Set<Element>>();
(Element element, TreeElementMapping mapping) {
if (element.impliesType()) return;
element.isField() ||
element.isFunction() ||
element.isGenerativeConstructor() ||
element.isGetter() ||
message: 'Unexpected element kind: ${element.kind}'));
// TODO(ngeoffray): Not sure why the resolver would put a null
// mapping.
if (mapping == null) return;
if (element.isAbstract(compiler)) return;
// Add the relational operators, ==, !=, <, etc., before any
// others, as well as the identical function.
if (shouldOptimisticallyOptimizeToBool(element)) {
// Optimistically assume that they return bool. We may need to back
// out of this.
if (optimismState == OPTIMISTIC) {
returnTypeOf[element.implementation] = boolType;
} else {
// Put the other operators in buckets by length, later to be added in
// length order.
int length = mapping.selectors.length;
max = length > max ? length : max;
Set<Element> set = methodSizes.putIfAbsent(
length, () => new LinkedHashSet<Element>());
// This iteration assumes the [WorkSet] is FIFO.
for (int i = 0; i <= max; i++) {
Set<Element> set = methodSizes[i];
if (set != null) {
set.forEach((e) { workSet.add(e); });
numberOfElementsToAnalyze = workSet.length;
// Build the [classInfoForFinalFields] map by iterating over all
// seen classes and counting the number of their generative
// constructors.
// We iterate over the seen classes and not the instantiated ones,
// because we also need to analyze the final fields of super
// classes that are not instantiated.
compiler.enqueuer.resolution.seenClasses.forEach((ClassElement cls) {
int constructorCount = 0;
cls.forEachMember((_, member) {
if (member.isGenerativeConstructor()
&& compiler.enqueuer.resolution.isProcessed(member)) {
classInfoForFinalFields[cls.implementation] =
new ClassInfoForFinalFields(constructorCount);
// TODO(ngeoffray): Get rid of this method. Unit tests don't always
// ensure these classes are resolved.
rawTypeOf(ClassElement cls) {
assert(cls.rawType != null);
return cls.rawType;
void initializeTypes() {
nullType = new TypeMask.empty();
Backend backend = compiler.backend;
intType = new TypeMask.nonNullExact(
doubleType = new TypeMask.nonNullExact(
numType = new TypeMask.nonNullSubclass(
stringType = new TypeMask.nonNullExact(
boolType = new TypeMask.nonNullExact(
listType = new TypeMask.nonNullExact(
constListType = new TypeMask.nonNullExact(
fixedListType = new TypeMask.nonNullExact(
growableListType = new TypeMask.nonNullExact(
mapType = new TypeMask.nonNullSubtype(
constMapType = new TypeMask.nonNullSubtype(
functionType = new TypeMask.nonNullSubtype(
typeType = new TypeMask.nonNullExact(
dynamicType = new TypeMask.subclass(rawTypeOf(compiler.objectClass));
dump() {
int interestingTypes = 0;
returnTypeOf.forEach((Element element, TypeMask type) {
if (type != nullType && !isDynamicType(type)) {
typeOf.forEach((Element element, TypeMask type) {
if (type != nullType && !isDynamicType(type)) {
compiler.log('Type inferrer re-analyzed methods $recompiles times '
'in ${recomputeWatch.elapsedMilliseconds} ms.');
compiler.log('Type inferrer found $interestingTypes interesting '
* Clear data structures that are not used after the analysis.
void clear() {
bool analyze(Element element) {
if (element.isForwardingConstructor) {
element = element.targetConstructor;
SimpleTypeInferrerVisitor visitor =
new SimpleTypeInferrerVisitor(element, compiler, this);
TypeMask returnType =;
if (analyzeCount.containsKey(element)) {
} else {
analyzeCount[element] = 1;
if (element.isGenerativeConstructor()) {
// We always know the return type of a generative constructor.
return false; // Nothing changed.
} else if (element.isField()) {
Node node = element.parseNode(compiler);
if (element.modifiers.isFinal() || element.modifiers.isConst()) {
// If [element] is final and has an initializer, we record
// the inferred type.
if (node.asSendSet() != null) {
return recordType(element, returnType);
return false;
} else if (node.asSendSet() == null) {
// Only update types of static fields if there is no
// assignment. Instance fields are dealt with in the constructor.
if (Elements.isStaticOrTopLevelField(element)) {
recordNonFinalFieldElementType(node, element, returnType, null);
return false;
} else {
recordNonFinalFieldElementType(node, element, returnType, null);
// [recordNonFinalFieldElementType] takes care of re-enqueuing
// users of the field.
return false;
} else {
return recordReturnType(element, returnType);
bool recordType(Element analyzedElement, TypeMask type) {
assert(type != null);
|| analyzedElement.isParameter()
|| analyzedElement.isFieldParameter());
return internalRecordType(analyzedElement, type, typeOf);
* Records [returnType] as the return type of [analyzedElement].
* Returns whether the new type is worth recompiling the callers of
* [analyzedElement].
bool recordReturnType(Element analyzedElement, TypeMask returnType) {
assert(analyzedElement.implementation == analyzedElement);
if (optimismState == OPTIMISTIC
&& shouldOptimisticallyOptimizeToBool(analyzedElement)
&& returnType != returnTypeOf[analyzedElement]) {
// One of the functions turned out not to return what we expected.
// This means we need to restart the analysis.
optimismState = RETRY;
return internalRecordType(analyzedElement, returnType, returnTypeOf);
bool isNativeElement(Element element) {
if (element.isNative()) return true;
return element.isMember()
&& element.getEnclosingClass().isNative()
&& element.isField();
bool internalRecordType(Element analyzedElement,
TypeMask newType,
Map<Element, TypeMask> types) {
if (compiler.trustTypeAnnotations
// Parameters are being checked by the method, and we can
// therefore only trust their type after the checks.
|| (compiler.enableTypeAssertions && !analyzedElement.isParameter())) {
var annotation = analyzedElement.computeType(compiler);
if (types == returnTypeOf) {
assert(annotation is FunctionType);
annotation = annotation.returnType;
newType = narrowType(newType, annotation);
// Fields and native methods of native classes are handled
// specially when querying for their type or return type.
if (isNativeElement(analyzedElement)) return false;
assert(newType != null);
TypeMask existing = types[analyzedElement];
types[analyzedElement] = newType;
// If the return type is useful, say it has changed.
return existing != newType
&& !isDynamicType(newType)
&& newType != nullType;
* Returns the return type of [element]. Returns [:dynamic:] if
* [element] has not been analyzed yet.
TypeMask returnTypeOfElement(Element element) {
element = element.implementation;
if (element.isGenerativeConstructor()) {
return returnTypeOf.putIfAbsent(element, () {
return new TypeMask.nonNullExact(
} else if (element.isNative()) {
return returnTypeOf.putIfAbsent(element, () {
var elementType = element.computeType(compiler);
if (elementType.kind != TypeKind.FUNCTION) {
return dynamicType;
return typeOfNativeBehavior(
native.NativeBehavior.ofMethod(element, compiler));
TypeMask returnType = returnTypeOf[element];
if (returnType == null) {
if ((compiler.trustTypeAnnotations || compiler.enableTypeAssertions)
&& (element.isFunction()
|| element.isGetter()
|| element.isFactoryConstructor())) {
FunctionType functionType = element.computeType(compiler);
returnType = narrowType(dynamicType, functionType.returnType);
} else {
returnType = dynamicType;
return returnType;
TypeMask typeOfNativeBehavior(native.NativeBehavior nativeBehavior) {
if (nativeBehavior == null) return dynamicType;
List typesReturned = nativeBehavior.typesReturned;
if (typesReturned.isEmpty) return dynamicType;
TypeMask returnType;
for (var type in typesReturned) {
TypeMask mappedType;
if (type == native.SpecialType.JsObject) {
mappedType = new TypeMask.nonNullExact(rawTypeOf(compiler.objectClass));
} else if (type == native.SpecialType.JsArray) {
mappedType = listType;
} else if (type.element == compiler.stringClass) {
mappedType = stringType;
} else if (type.element == compiler.intClass) {
mappedType = intType;
} else if (type.element == compiler.doubleClass) {
mappedType = doubleType;
} else if (type.element == compiler.numClass) {
mappedType = numType;
} else if (type.element == compiler.boolClass) {
mappedType = boolType;
} else if (type.element == compiler.nullClass) {
mappedType = nullType;
} else if (type.isVoid) {
mappedType = nullType;
} else if (type.isDynamic) {
return dynamicType;
} else if ( {
mappedType = new TypeMask.nonNullSubclass(rawTypeOf(type.element));
} else if ( {
mappedType = new TypeMask.nonNullSubtype(rawTypeOf(type.element));
} else {
mappedType = new TypeMask.nonNullExact(rawTypeOf(type.element));
returnType = computeLUB(returnType, mappedType);
if (!isTypeValuable(returnType)) {
returnType = dynamicType;
return returnType;
* Returns the type of [element]. Returns [:dynamic:] if
* [element] has not been analyzed yet.
TypeMask typeOfElement(Element element) {
element = element.implementation;
if (isNativeElement(element) && element.isField()) {
var type = typeOf.putIfAbsent(element, () {
InterfaceType rawType = element.computeType(compiler).asRaw();
return rawType.isDynamic ? dynamicType : new TypeMask.subtype(rawType);
assert(type != null);
return type;
TypeMask type = typeOf[element];
if (type == null) {
if ((compiler.trustTypeAnnotations
&& (element.isField()
|| element.isParameter()
|| element.isVariable()))
// Parameters are being checked by the method, and we can
// therefore only trust their type after the checks.
|| (compiler.enableTypeAssertions
&& (element.isField() || element.isVariable()))) {
type = narrowType(dynamicType, element.computeType(compiler));
} else {
type = dynamicType;
return type;
* Returns the union of the types of all elements that match
* the called [selector].
TypeMask typeOfSelector(Selector selector) {
// Bailout for closure calls. We're not tracking types of
// closures.
if (selector.isClosureCall()) return dynamicType;
TypeMask result;
iterateOverElements(selector, (Element element) {
TypeMask type = typeOfElementWithSelector(element, selector);
result = computeLUB(result, type);
return isTypeValuable(result);
if (result == null) {
result = dynamicType;
return result;
TypeMask typeOfElementWithSelector(Element element, Selector selector) {
if ( == Compiler.NO_SUCH_METHOD
&& != {
// An invocation can resolve to a [noSuchMethod], in which case
// we get the return type of [noSuchMethod].
return returnTypeOfElement(element);
} else if (selector.isGetter()) {
if (element.isFunction()) {
// [functionType] is null if the inferrer did not run.
return functionType == null ? dynamicType : functionType;
} else if (element.isField()) {
return typeOfElement(element);
} else if (Elements.isUnresolved(element)) {
return dynamicType;
} else {
return returnTypeOfElement(element);
} else {
return returnTypeOfElement(element);
bool isNotClosure(Element element) {
// If the outermost enclosing element of [element] is [element]
// itself, we know it cannot be a closure.
Element outermost = element.getOutermostEnclosingMemberOrTopLevel();
return outermost.declaration == element.declaration;
void addCaller(Element caller, Element callee) {
Set<Element> callers = callersOf.putIfAbsent(
callee, () => new Set<Element>());
bool addArguments(Node node, Element element, ArgumentsTypes arguments) {
Map<Node, ArgumentsTypes> types = typeOfArguments.putIfAbsent(
element, () => new Map<Node, ArgumentsTypes>());
ArgumentsTypes existing = types[node];
types[node] = arguments;
return existing != arguments;
void updateSideEffects(SideEffects sideEffects,
Selector selector,
Element callee) {
if (callee.isField()) {
if (callee.isInstanceMember()) {
if (selector.isSetter()) {
} else if (selector.isGetter()) {
} else {
} else {
if (selector.isSetter()) {
} else if (selector.isGetter()) {
} else {
} else if (callee.isGetter() && !selector.isGetter()) {
} else {
* Registers that [caller] calls [callee] with the given
* [arguments]. [constraint] is a setter constraint (see
* [setterConstraints] documentation).
void registerCalledElement(Node node,
Selector selector,
Element caller,
Element callee,
ArgumentsTypes arguments,
Selector constraint,
SideEffects sideEffects,
bool inLoop) {
updateSideEffects(sideEffects, selector, callee);
// Bailout for closure calls. We're not tracking types of
// arguments for closures.
if (callee.isInstanceMember() && selector.isClosureCall()) {
if (inLoop) {
// For instance methods, we only register a selector called in a
// loop if it is a typed selector, to avoid marking too many
// methods as being called from within a loop. This cuts down
// on the code bloat.
// TODO(ngeoffray): We should move the filtering on the selector
// in the backend. It is not the inferrer role to do this kind
// of optimization.
if (Elements.isStaticOrTopLevel(callee) || selector.mask != null) {;
callee = callee.implementation;
if (!analyzeCount.containsKey(caller)) {
addCaller(caller, callee);
if (selector.isSetter() && callee.isField()) {
node, callee, arguments.positional[0], constraint);
} else if (selector.isGetter()) {
assert(arguments == null);
if (callee.isFunction()) {
} else if (callee.isField()) {
// We're not tracking closure calls.
} else if (callee.isGetter()) {
// Getters don't have arguments.
FunctionElement function = callee;
if (function.computeSignature(compiler).parameterCount == 0) return;
assert(arguments != null);
bool isUseful = addArguments(node, callee, arguments);
if (hasAnalyzedAll && isUseful) {
void unregisterCalledElement(Send send,
Selector selector,
Element caller,
Element callee) {
if (callee.isField()) {
if (selector.isSetter()) {
Map<Node, TypeMask> types = typeOfFields[callee];
if (types == null || !types.containsKey(send)) return;
if (hasAnalyzedAll) updateNonFinalFieldType(callee);
} else if (callee.isGetter()) {
} else {
Map<Node, ArgumentsTypes> types = typeOfArguments[callee];
if (types == null || !types.containsKey(send)) return;
if (hasAnalyzedAll) enqueueAgain(callee);
* Computes the parameter types of [element], based on all call sites we
* have collected on that [element]. This method can only be called after
* we have analyzed all elements in the world.
void updateArgumentsType(FunctionElement element) {
if (methodsThatCanBeClosurized.contains(element)) return;
// A [noSuchMethod] method can be the target of any call, with
// any number of arguments. For simplicity, we just do not
// infer any parameter types for [noSuchMethod].
if ( == Compiler.NO_SUCH_METHOD) return;
FunctionSignature signature = element.computeSignature(compiler);
if (typeOfArguments[element] == null || typeOfArguments[element].isEmpty) {
signature.forEachParameter((Element parameter) {
int parameterIndex = 0;
bool changed = false;
bool visitingOptionalParameter = false;
signature.forEachParameter((Element parameter) {
if (parameter == signature.firstOptionalParameter) {
visitingOptionalParameter = true;
TypeMask type;
typeOfArguments[element].forEach((_, ArgumentsTypes arguments) {
if (!visitingOptionalParameter) {
type = computeLUB(type, arguments.positional[parameterIndex]);
} else {
TypeMask argumentType = signature.optionalParametersAreNamed
? arguments.named[]
: parameterIndex < arguments.positional.length
? arguments.positional[parameterIndex]
: null;
if (argumentType == null) {
argumentType = defaultTypeOfParameter[parameter];
assert(argumentType != null);
type = computeLUB(type, argumentType);
if (recordType(parameter, type)) {
changed = true;
if (changed) enqueueAgain(element);
TypeMask handleIntrisifiedSelector(Selector selector,
ArgumentsTypes arguments) {
if (selector.mask != intType) return null;
if (!selector.isCall() && !selector.isOperator()) return null;
if (!arguments.named.isEmpty) return null;
if (arguments.positional.length > 1) return null;
SourceString name =;
if (name == const SourceString('*')
|| name == const SourceString('+')
|| name == const SourceString('%')
|| name == const SourceString('remainder')) {
return arguments.hasOnePositionalArgumentWithType(intType)
? intType
: null;
} else if (name == const SourceString('-')) {
if (arguments.hasNoArguments()) return intType;
if (arguments.hasOnePositionalArgumentWithType(intType)) return intType;
return null;
} else if (name == const SourceString('abs')) {
return arguments.hasNoArguments() ? intType : null;
return null;
* Registers that [caller] calls an element matching [selector]
* with the given [arguments].
TypeMask registerCalledSelector(Node node,
Selector selector,
TypeMask receiverType,
Element caller,
ArgumentsTypes arguments,
Selector constraint,
SideEffects sideEffects,
bool inLoop) {
TypeMask result;
Iterable<Element> untypedTargets =;
Iterable<Element> typedTargets =;
for (Element element in untypedTargets) {
element = element.implementation;
if (!typedTargets.contains(element.declaration)) {
unregisterCalledElement(node, selector, caller, element);
} else {
node, selector, caller, element, arguments,
constraint, sideEffects, inLoop);
if (!selector.isSetter()) {
TypeMask type = handleIntrisifiedSelector(selector, arguments);
if (type == null) type = typeOfElementWithSelector(element, selector);
result = computeLUB(result, type);
if (result == null) {
result = dynamicType;
return result;
* Applies [f] to all elements in the universe that match
* [selector]. If [f] returns false, aborts the iteration.
void iterateOverElements(Selector selector, bool f(Element element)) {
Iterable<Element> elements =;
for (Element e in elements) {
if (!f(e.implementation)) return;
* Records an assignment to [element] with the given
* [argumentType].
void recordNonFinalFieldElementType(Node node,
Element element,
TypeMask argumentType,
Selector constraint) {
Map<Node, TypeMask> map =
typeOfFields.putIfAbsent(element, () => new Map<Node, TypeMask>());
map[node] = argumentType;
bool changed = typeOf[element] != argumentType;
if (constraint != null && constraint != setterConstraints[node]) {
changed = true;
setterConstraints[node] = constraint;
// If we have analyzed all elements, we can update the type of the
// field right away.
if (hasAnalyzedAll && changed) {
TypeMask computeFieldTypeWithConstraints(Element element, Map types) {
Set<Selector> constraints = new Set<Selector>();
TypeMask fieldType;
types.forEach((Node node, TypeMask mask) {
Selector constraint = setterConstraints[node];
if (constraint != null) {
// If this update has a constraint, we collect it and don't
// use its type.
} else {
fieldType = computeLUB(fieldType, mask);
if (!constraints.isEmpty && !isDynamicType(fieldType)) {
// Now that we have found a type, we go over the collected
// constraints, and make sure they apply to the found type. We
// update [typeOf] to make sure [typeOfSelector] knows the field
// type.
TypeMask existing = typeOf[element];
typeOf[element] = fieldType;
for (Selector constraint in constraints) {
if (constraint.isOperator()) {
// If the constraint is on an operator, we type the receiver
// to be the field.
constraint = new TypedSelector(fieldType, constraint);
} else {
// Otherwise the constraint is on the form [: field = other.field :].
fieldType = computeLUB(fieldType, typeOfSelector(constraint));
if (existing == null) {
} else {
typeOf[element] = existing;
return fieldType;
* Computes the type of [element], based on all assignments we have
* collected on that [element]. This method can only be called after
* we have analyzed all elements in the world.
void updateNonFinalFieldType(Element element) {
if (isNativeElement(element)) return;
if (typeOfFields[element] == null || typeOfFields[element].isEmpty) {
TypeMask fieldType = computeFieldTypeWithConstraints(
element, typeOfFields[element]);
// If the type of [element] has changed, re-analyze its users.
if (recordType(element, fieldType)) {
* Records in [classInfoForFinalFields] that [constructor] has
* inferred [type] for the final [field].
void recordFinalFieldType(Node node,
Element constructor,
Element field,
TypeMask type,
Selector constraint) {
if (constraint != null) {
setterConstraints[node] = constraint;
// If the field is being set at its declaration site, it is not
// being tracked in the [classInfoForFinalFields] map.
if (constructor == field) return;
assert(field.modifiers.isFinal() || field.modifiers.isConst());
ClassElement cls = constructor.getEnclosingClass();
ClassInfoForFinalFields info = classInfoForFinalFields[cls.implementation];
info.recordFinalFieldType(node, constructor, field, type);
* Records that we are done analyzing [constructor]. If all
* generative constructors of its enclosing class have already been
* analyzed, this method updates the types of final fields.
void doneAnalyzingGenerativeConstructor(Element constructor) {
ClassElement cls = constructor.getEnclosingClass();
ClassInfoForFinalFields info = classInfoForFinalFields[cls.implementation];
if (info.isDone) {
* Updates types of final fields listed in [info].
void updateFinalFieldsType(ClassInfoForFinalFields info) {
info.typesOfFinalFields.forEach((Element field,
Map<Node, TypeMask> types) {
if (isNativeElement(field)) return;
TypeMask fieldType = computeFieldTypeWithConstraints(field, types);
if (recordType(field, fieldType)) {
* Returns the least upper bound between [firstType] and
* [secondType].
TypeMask computeLUB(TypeMask firstType, TypeMask secondType) {
if (firstType == null) {
return secondType;
} else if (isDynamicType(secondType)) {
return secondType;
} else if (isDynamicType(firstType)) {
return firstType;
} else {
TypeMask union = firstType.union(secondType, compiler);
// TODO(kasperl): If the union isn't nullable it seems wasteful
// to use dynamic. Fix that.
return union.containsAll(compiler) ? dynamicType : union;
TypeMask narrowType(TypeMask type,
DartType annotation,
{bool isNullable: true}) {
if (annotation.isDynamic) return type;
if (annotation.isMalformed) return type;
if (annotation.isVoid) return nullType;
if (annotation.element == compiler.objectClass) return type;
TypeMask otherType;
if (annotation.kind == TypeKind.TYPEDEF
|| annotation.kind == TypeKind.FUNCTION) {
otherType = functionType;
} else if (annotation.kind == TypeKind.TYPE_VARIABLE) {
return type;
} else {
assert(annotation.kind == TypeKind.INTERFACE);
otherType = new TypeMask.nonNullSubtype(annotation);
if (isNullable) otherType = otherType.nullable();
if (type == null) return otherType;
return type.intersection(otherType, compiler);
* Placeholder for inferred arguments types on sends.
class ArgumentsTypes {
final List<TypeMask> positional;
final Map<SourceString, TypeMask> named;
ArgumentsTypes(this.positional, named)
: this.named = (named == null) ? new Map<SourceString, TypeMask>() : named;
int get length => positional.length + named.length;
String toString() => "{ positional = $positional, named = $named }";
bool operator==(other) {
if (positional.length != other.positional.length) return false;
if (named.length != other.named.length) return false;
for (int i = 0; i < positional.length; i++) {
if (positional[i] != other.positional[i]) return false;
named.forEach((name, type) {
if (other.named[name] != type) return false;
return true;
bool hasNoArguments() => positional.isEmpty && named.isEmpty;
bool hasOnePositionalArgumentWithType(TypeMask type) {
return named.isEmpty && positional.length == 1 && positional[0] == type;
* Placeholder for inferred types of local variables.
class LocalsHandler {
final InternalSimpleTypesInferrer inferrer;
final Map<Element, TypeMask> locals;
final Map<Element, Element> capturedAndBoxed;
final Map<Element, TypeMask> fieldsInitializedInConstructor;
final bool inTryBlock;
bool isThisExposed;
bool seenReturn = false;
bool seenBreakOrContinue = false;
bool get aborts {
return seenReturn || seenBreakOrContinue;
: locals = new Map<Element, TypeMask>(),
capturedAndBoxed = new Map<Element, Element>(),
fieldsInitializedInConstructor = new Map<Element, TypeMask>(),
inTryBlock = false,
isThisExposed = true;
LocalsHandler.from(LocalsHandler other, {bool inTryBlock: false})
: locals = new Map<Element, TypeMask>.from(other.locals),
capturedAndBoxed = new Map<Element, Element>.from(
fieldsInitializedInConstructor = new Map<Element, TypeMask>.from(
inTryBlock = other.inTryBlock || inTryBlock,
inferrer = other.inferrer,
isThisExposed = other.isThisExposed;
TypeMask use(Element local) {
if (capturedAndBoxed.containsKey(local)) {
return inferrer.typeOfElement(capturedAndBoxed[local]);
return locals[local];
void update(Element local, TypeMask type) {
assert(type != null);
if (inferrer.compiler.trustTypeAnnotations
|| inferrer.compiler.enableTypeAssertions) {
type = inferrer.narrowType(type, local.computeType(inferrer.compiler));
if (capturedAndBoxed.containsKey(local) || inTryBlock) {
// If a local is captured and boxed, or is set in a try block,
// we compute the LUB of its assignments.
// We don't know if an assignment in a try block
// will be executed, so all assigments in that block are
// potential types after we have left it.
type = inferrer.computeLUB(locals[local], type);
locals[local] = type;
void setCapturedAndBoxed(Element local, Element field) {
capturedAndBoxed[local] = field;
* Merge handlers [first] and [second] into [:this:] and returns
* whether the merge changed one of the variables types in [first].
bool merge(LocalsHandler other, {bool discardIfAborts: true}) {
bool changed = false;
List<Element> toRemove = <Element>[];
// Iterating over a map and just updating its entries is OK.
locals.forEach((Element local, TypeMask oldType) {
TypeMask otherType = other.locals[local];
bool isCaptured = capturedAndBoxed.containsKey(local);
if (otherType == null) {
if (!isCaptured) {
// If [local] is not in the other map and is not captured
// and boxed, we know it is not a
// local we want to keep. For example, in an if/else, we don't
// want to keep variables declared in the if or in the else
// branch at the merge point.
if (!isCaptured && aborts && discardIfAborts) {
locals[local] = otherType;
} else if (!isCaptured && other.aborts && discardIfAborts) {
// Don't do anything.
} else {
TypeMask type = inferrer.computeLUB(oldType, otherType);
if (type != oldType) changed = true;
locals[local] = type;
// Remove locals that will not be used anymore.
toRemove.forEach((Element element) {
// Update the locals that are captured and boxed. We
// unconditionally add them to [this] because we register the type
// of boxed variables after analyzing all closures.
other.capturedAndBoxed.forEach((Element local, Element field) {
capturedAndBoxed[local] = field;
// If [element] is not in our [locals], we need to update it.
// Otherwise, we have already computed the LUB of it.
if (locals[local] == null) {
locals[local] = other.locals[local];
// Merge instance fields initialized in both handlers. This is
// only relevant for generative constructors.
toRemove = <Element>[];
// Iterate over the map in [:this:]. The map in [other] may
// contain different fields, but if this map does not contain it,
// then we know the field can be null and we don't need to track
// it.
fieldsInitializedInConstructor.forEach((Element element, TypeMask type) {
TypeMask otherType = other.fieldsInitializedInConstructor[element];
if (otherType == null) {
} else {
fieldsInitializedInConstructor[element] =
inferrer.computeLUB(type, otherType);
// Remove fields that were not initialized in [other].
toRemove.forEach((Element element) {
isThisExposed = isThisExposed || other.isThisExposed;
seenReturn = seenReturn && other.seenReturn;
seenBreakOrContinue = seenBreakOrContinue && other.seenBreakOrContinue;
return changed;
void updateField(Element element, TypeMask type) {
if (isThisExposed) return;
fieldsInitializedInConstructor[element] = type;
class SimpleTypeInferrerVisitor extends ResolvedVisitor<TypeMask> {
final Element analyzedElement;
final Element outermostElement;
final InternalSimpleTypesInferrer inferrer;
final Compiler compiler;
final Map<TargetElement, List<LocalsHandler>> breaksFor =
new Map<TargetElement, List<LocalsHandler>>();
final Map<TargetElement, List<LocalsHandler>> continuesFor =
new Map<TargetElement, List<LocalsHandler>>();
LocalsHandler locals;
TypeMask returnType;
bool visitingInitializers = false;
bool isConstructorRedirect = false;
bool accumulateIsChecks = false;
bool conditionIsSimple = false;
List<Send> isChecks;
int loopLevel = 0;
SideEffects sideEffects = new SideEffects.empty();
bool get inLoop => loopLevel > 0;
bool get isThisExposed => locals.isThisExposed;
void set isThisExposed(value) { locals.isThisExposed = value; }
SimpleTypeInferrerVisitor.internal(TreeElements mapping,
: super(mapping);
factory SimpleTypeInferrerVisitor(Element element,
Compiler compiler,
InternalSimpleTypesInferrer inferrer,
[LocalsHandler handler]) {
Element outermostElement =
TreeElements elements = compiler.enqueuer.resolution.resolvedElements[
assert(elements != null);
assert(outermostElement != null);
handler = handler != null ? handler : new LocalsHandler(inferrer);
return new SimpleTypeInferrerVisitor.internal(
elements, element, outermostElement, inferrer, compiler, handler);
TypeMask run() {
var node = analyzedElement.parseNode(compiler);
if (analyzedElement.isField() && node.asSendSet() == null) {
// Eagerly bailout, because computing the closure data only
// works for functions and field assignments.
return inferrer.nullType;
// Update the locals that are boxed in [locals]. These locals will
// be handled specially, in that we are computing their LUB at
// each update, and reading them yields the type that was found in a
// previous analysis of [outermostElement].
ClosureClassMap closureData =
analyzedElement, node, elements);
ClosureScope scopeData = closureData.capturingScopes[node];
if (scopeData != null) {
scopeData.capturedVariableMapping.forEach((variable, field) {
locals.setCapturedAndBoxed(variable, field);
if (analyzedElement.isField()) {
return visit(node.asSendSet().arguments.head);
FunctionElement function = analyzedElement;
if (inferrer.hasAnalyzedAll) {
FunctionSignature signature = function.computeSignature(compiler);
signature.forEachOptionalParameter((element) {
Node node = element.parseNode(compiler);
Send send = node.asSendSet();
inferrer.defaultTypeOfParameter[element] = (send == null)
? inferrer.nullType
: visit(send.arguments.head);
assert(inferrer.defaultTypeOfParameter[element] != null);
if (analyzedElement.isNative()) {
// Native methods do not have a body, and we currently just say
// they return dynamic.
return inferrer.dynamicType;
if (analyzedElement.isGenerativeConstructor()) {
isThisExposed = false;
signature.forEachParameter((element) {
TypeMask parameterType = inferrer.typeOfElement(element);
if (element.kind == ElementKind.FIELD_PARAMETER) {
if (element.fieldElement.modifiers.isFinal()) {
} else {
locals.updateField(element.fieldElement, parameterType);
} else {
locals.update(element, parameterType);
visitingInitializers = true;
visitingInitializers = false;
ClassElement cls = analyzedElement.getEnclosingClass();
if (!isConstructorRedirect) {
// Iterate over all instance fields, and give a null type to
// fields that we haven't initialized for sure.
cls.forEachInstanceField((_, field) {
if (field.modifiers.isFinal()) return;
TypeMask type = locals.fieldsInitializedInConstructor[field];
if (type == null && field.parseNode(compiler).asSendSet() == null) {
node, field, inferrer.nullType, null);
returnType = new TypeMask.nonNullExact(inferrer.rawTypeOf(cls));
} else {
signature.forEachParameter((element) {
locals.update(element, inferrer.typeOfElement(element));
if (returnType == null) {
// No return in the body.
returnType = inferrer.nullType;
} else if (!locals.seenReturn && !inferrer.isDynamicType(returnType)) {
// We haven't seen returns on all branches. So the method may
// also return null.
returnType = returnType.nullable();
if ( == const SourceString('==')) {
// TODO(ngeoffray): Should this be done at the call site?
// When the argument passed in is null, we know we return a
// bool.
signature.forEachParameter((Element parameter) {
if (inferrer.typeOfElement(parameter).isNullable){
returnType = inferrer.computeLUB(returnType, inferrer.boolType);
if (analyzedElement == outermostElement) {
bool changed = false;
locals.capturedAndBoxed.forEach((Element local, Element field) {
if (inferrer.recordType(field, locals.locals[local])) {
changed = true;
// TODO(ngeoffray): Re-analyze method if [changed]?
}, sideEffects);
return returnType;
TypeMask _thisType;
TypeMask get thisType {
if (_thisType != null) return _thisType;
ClassElement cls = outermostElement.getEnclosingClass();
if ( {
return _thisType = new TypeMask.nonNullSubtype(inferrer.rawTypeOf(cls));
} else if ( {
return _thisType = new TypeMask.nonNullSubclass(inferrer.rawTypeOf(cls));
} else {
return _thisType = new TypeMask.nonNullExact(inferrer.rawTypeOf(cls));
TypeMask _superType;
TypeMask get superType {
if (_superType != null) return _superType;
return _superType = new TypeMask.nonNullExact(
void recordReturnType(TypeMask type) {
returnType = inferrer.computeLUB(returnType, type);
TypeMask visitNode(Node node) {
return inferrer.dynamicType;
TypeMask visitNewExpression(NewExpression node) {
return node.send.accept(this);
TypeMask visit(Node node) {
return node == null ? inferrer.dynamicType : node.accept(this);
TypeMask visitFunctionExpression(FunctionExpression node) {
Element element = elements[node];
// We don't put the closure in the work queue of the
// inferrer, because it will share information with its enclosing
// method, like for example the types of local variables.
LocalsHandler closureLocals = new LocalsHandler.from(locals);
SimpleTypeInferrerVisitor visitor = new SimpleTypeInferrerVisitor(
element, compiler, inferrer, closureLocals);;
inferrer.recordReturnType(element, visitor.returnType);
// Record the types of captured non-boxed variables. Types of
// these variables may already be there, because of an analysis of
// a previous closure. Note that analyzing the same closure multiple
// times closure will refine the type of those variables, therefore
// [:inferrer.typeOf[variable]:] is not necessarilly null, nor the
// same as [newType].
ClosureClassMap nestedClosureData =
nestedClosureData.forEachNonBoxedCapturedVariable((variable, field) {
// The type may be null for instance contexts (this and type
// parameters), as well as captured argument checks.
if (locals.locals[variable] == null) return;
inferrer.recordType(field, locals.locals[variable]);
return inferrer.functionType;
TypeMask visitFunctionDeclaration(FunctionDeclaration node) {
locals.update(elements[node], inferrer.functionType);
return visit(node.function);
TypeMask visitLiteralString(LiteralString node) {
return inferrer.stringType;
TypeMask visitStringInterpolation(StringInterpolation node) {
return inferrer.stringType;
TypeMask visitStringJuxtaposition(StringJuxtaposition node) {
return inferrer.stringType;
TypeMask visitLiteralBool(LiteralBool node) {
return inferrer.boolType;
TypeMask visitLiteralDouble(LiteralDouble node) {
return inferrer.doubleType;
TypeMask visitLiteralInt(LiteralInt node) {
return inferrer.intType;
TypeMask visitLiteralList(LiteralList node) {
return node.isConst()
? inferrer.constListType
: inferrer.growableListType;
TypeMask visitLiteralMap(LiteralMap node) {
return node.isConst()
? inferrer.constMapType
: inferrer.mapType;
TypeMask visitLiteralNull(LiteralNull node) {
return inferrer.nullType;
TypeMask visitTypeReferenceSend(Send node) {
return inferrer.typeType;
bool isThisOrSuper(Node node) => node.isThis() || node.isSuper();
void checkIfExposesThis(Selector selector) {
if (isThisExposed) return;
inferrer.iterateOverElements(selector, (element) {
if (element.isField()) {
if (!selector.isSetter()
&& element.getEnclosingClass() ==
&& !element.modifiers.isFinal()
&& locals.fieldsInitializedInConstructor[element] == null
&& element.parseNode(compiler).asSendSet() == null) {
// If the field is being used before this constructor
// actually had a chance to initialize it, say it can be
// null.
analyzedElement.parseNode(compiler), element,
inferrer.nullType, null);
// Accessing a field does not expose [:this:].
return true;
// TODO(ngeoffray): We could do better here if we knew what we
// are calling does not expose this.
isThisExposed = true;
return false;
TypeMask visitSendSet(SendSet node) {
Element element = elements[node];
if (!Elements.isUnresolved(element) && element.impliesType()) {
return inferrer.dynamicType;
Selector getterSelector =
Selector operatorSelector =
Selector setterSelector = elements.getSelector(node);
String op = node.assignmentOperator.source.stringValue;
bool isIncrementOrDecrement = op == '++' || op == '--';
TypeMask receiverType;
bool isCallOnThis = false;
if (node.receiver == null
&& element != null
&& element.isInstanceMember()) {
receiverType = thisType;
isCallOnThis = true;
} else {
receiverType = visit(node.receiver);
isCallOnThis = node.receiver != null && isThisOrSuper(node.receiver);
TypeMask rhsType;
TypeMask indexType;
if (isIncrementOrDecrement) {
rhsType = inferrer.intType;
if (node.isIndex) indexType = visit(node.arguments.head);
} else if (node.isIndex) {
indexType = visit(node.arguments.head);
rhsType = visit(node.arguments.tail.head);
} else {
rhsType = visit(node.arguments.head);
if (!visitingInitializers && !isThisExposed) {
for (Node node in node.arguments) {
if (isThisOrSuper(node)) {
isThisExposed = true;
if (!isThisExposed && isCallOnThis) {
checkIfExposesThis(new TypedSelector(receiverType, setterSelector));
if (node.isIndex) {
if (op == '=') {
// [: foo[0] = 42 :]
new ArgumentsTypes([indexType, rhsType], null));
return rhsType;
} else {
// [: foo[0] += 42 :] or [: foo[0]++ :].
TypeMask getterType = handleDynamicSend(
new ArgumentsTypes([indexType], null));
TypeMask returnType = handleDynamicSend(
new ArgumentsTypes([rhsType], null));
new ArgumentsTypes([indexType, returnType], null));
if (node.isPostfix) {
return getterType;
} else {
return returnType;
} else if (op == '=') {
return handlePlainAssignment(
node, element, setterSelector, receiverType, rhsType,
} else {
// [: foo++ :] or [: foo += 1 :].
Selector constraint;
if (!Elements.isLocal(element)) {
// Record a constraint of the form [: field++ :], or [: field += 42 :].
constraint = operatorSelector;
TypeMask getterType;
TypeMask newType;
ArgumentsTypes operatorArguments = new ArgumentsTypes([rhsType], null);
if (Elements.isStaticOrTopLevelField(element)) {
Element getterElement = elements[node.selector];
getterType =
inferrer.typeOfElementWithSelector(getterElement, getterSelector);
handleStaticSend(node, getterSelector, getterElement, null);
newType = handleDynamicSend(
node, operatorSelector, getterType, operatorArguments);
node, setterSelector, element,
new ArgumentsTypes([newType], null));
} else if (Elements.isUnresolved(element)
|| element.isSetter()
|| element.isField()) {
getterType = handleDynamicSend(
node, getterSelector, receiverType, null);
newType = handleDynamicSend(
node, operatorSelector, getterType, operatorArguments);
handleDynamicSend(node, setterSelector, receiverType,
new ArgumentsTypes([newType], null),
} else if (Elements.isLocal(element)) {
getterType = locals.use(element);
newType = handleDynamicSend(
node, operatorSelector, getterType, operatorArguments);
locals.update(element, newType);
} else {
// Bogus SendSet, for example [: myMethod += 42 :].
getterType = inferrer.dynamicType;
newType = handleDynamicSend(
node, operatorSelector, getterType, operatorArguments);
if (node.isPostfix) {
return getterType;
} else {
return newType;
TypeMask handlePlainAssignment(Node node,
Element element,
Selector setterSelector,
TypeMask receiverType,
TypeMask rhsType,
Node rhs) {
Selector constraint;
if (node.asSend() != null && !Elements.isLocal(element)) {
// Recognize a constraint of the form [: field = other.field :].
// Note that we check if the right hand side is a local to
// recognize the situation [: var a = 42; this.a = a; :]. Our
// constraint mechanism only works with members or top level
// elements.
Send send = rhs.asSend();
if (send != null
&& send.isPropertyAccess
&& !Elements.isLocal(elements[rhs])
&& send.selector.asIdentifier().source
== node.asSend().selector.asIdentifier().source) {
constraint = elements.getSelector(rhs);
ArgumentsTypes arguments = new ArgumentsTypes([rhsType], null);
if (Elements.isStaticOrTopLevelField(element)) {
handleStaticSend(node, setterSelector, element, arguments);
} else if (Elements.isUnresolved(element) || element.isSetter()) {
node, setterSelector, receiverType, arguments, constraint);
} else if (element.isField()) {
if (element.modifiers.isFinal()) {
node, outermostElement, element, rhsType, constraint);
} else {
locals.updateField(element, rhsType);
if (visitingInitializers) {
node, element, rhsType, constraint);
} else {
node, setterSelector, receiverType, arguments, constraint);
} else if (Elements.isLocal(element)) {
locals.update(element, rhsType);
return rhsType;
TypeMask visitIdentifier(Identifier node) {
if (node.isThis()) {
return thisType;
} else if (node.isSuper()) {
return superType;
return inferrer.dynamicType;
TypeMask visitSuperSend(Send node) {
Element element = elements[node];
if (Elements.isUnresolved(element)) {
return inferrer.dynamicType;
Selector selector = elements.getSelector(node);
// TODO(ngeoffray): We could do better here if we knew what we
// are calling does not expose this.
isThisExposed = true;
if (node.isPropertyAccess) {
handleStaticSend(node, selector, element, null);
return inferrer.typeOfElementWithSelector(element, selector);
} else if (element.isFunction()) {
if (!selector.applies(element, compiler)) return inferrer.dynamicType;
ArgumentsTypes arguments = analyzeArguments(node.arguments);
handleStaticSend(node, selector, element, arguments);
return inferrer.returnTypeOfElement(element);
} else {
// Closure call on a getter. We don't have function types yet,
// so we just return [:dynamic:].
return inferrer.dynamicType;
TypeMask visitStaticSend(Send node) {
if (visitingInitializers && Initializers.isConstructorRedirect(node)) {
isConstructorRedirect = true;
Element element = elements[node];
if (element.isForeign(compiler)) {
return handleForeignSend(node);
Selector selector = elements.getSelector(node);
ArgumentsTypes arguments = analyzeArguments(node.arguments);
if (!selector.applies(element, compiler)) return inferrer.dynamicType;
handleStaticSend(node, selector, element, arguments);
if (Elements.isGrowableListConstructorCall(element, node, compiler)) {
return inferrer.growableListType;
} else if (Elements.isFixedListConstructorCall(element, node, compiler)) {
return inferrer.fixedListType;
} else if (element.isFunction() || element.isConstructor()) {
return inferrer.returnTypeOfElement(element);
} else {
assert(element.isField() || element.isGetter());
// Closure call.
return inferrer.dynamicType;
TypeMask handleForeignSend(Send node) {
Selector selector = elements.getSelector(node);
SourceString name =;
if (name == const SourceString('JS')) {
native.NativeBehavior nativeBehavior =
return inferrer.typeOfNativeBehavior(nativeBehavior);
} else if (name == const SourceString('JS_OPERATOR_IS_PREFIX')
|| name == const SourceString('JS_OPERATOR_AS_PREFIX')) {
return inferrer.stringType;
} else {
return inferrer.dynamicType;
ArgumentsTypes analyzeArguments(Link<Node> arguments) {
List<TypeMask> positional = [];
Map<SourceString, TypeMask> named = new Map<SourceString, TypeMask>();
for (var argument in arguments) {
NamedArgument namedArgument = argument.asNamedArgument();
if (namedArgument != null) {
argument = namedArgument.expression;
named[] = argument.accept(this);
} else {
// TODO(ngeoffray): We could do better here if we knew what we
// are calling does not expose this.
isThisExposed = isThisExposed || argument.isThis();
return new ArgumentsTypes(positional, named);
void potentiallyAddIsCheck(Send node) {
if (!accumulateIsChecks) return;
if (!Elements.isLocal(elements[node.receiver])) return;
void updateIsChecks(List<Node> tests, {bool usePositive}) {
if (tests == null) return;
for (Send node in tests) {
if (node.isIsNotCheck) {
if (usePositive) continue;
} else {
if (!usePositive) continue;
DartType type = elements.getType(node.typeAnnotationFromIsCheck);
Element element = elements[node.receiver];
TypeMask existing = locals.use(element);
TypeMask newType = inferrer.narrowType(existing, type, isNullable: false);
locals.update(element, newType);
TypeMask visitOperatorSend(Send node) {
Operator op = node.selector;
if (const SourceString("[]") == op.source) {
return visitDynamicSend(node);
} else if (const SourceString("&&") == op.source) {
conditionIsSimple = false;
bool oldAccumulateIsChecks = accumulateIsChecks;
accumulateIsChecks = true;
if (isChecks == null) isChecks = <Send>[];
accumulateIsChecks = oldAccumulateIsChecks;
if (!accumulateIsChecks) isChecks = null;
LocalsHandler saved = new LocalsHandler.from(locals);
updateIsChecks(isChecks, usePositive: true);
return inferrer.boolType;
} else if (const SourceString("||") == op.source) {
conditionIsSimple = false;
LocalsHandler saved = new LocalsHandler.from(locals);
updateIsChecks(isChecks, usePositive: false);
bool oldAccumulateIsChecks = accumulateIsChecks;
accumulateIsChecks = false;
accumulateIsChecks = oldAccumulateIsChecks;
return inferrer.boolType;
} else if (const SourceString("!") == op.source) {
bool oldAccumulateIsChecks = accumulateIsChecks;
accumulateIsChecks = false;
accumulateIsChecks = oldAccumulateIsChecks;
return inferrer.boolType;
} else if (const SourceString("is") == op.source) {
return inferrer.boolType;
} else if (const SourceString("as") == op.source) {
TypeMask receiverType = visit(node.receiver);
DartType type = elements.getType(node.arguments.head);
return inferrer.narrowType(receiverType, type);
} else if (node.isParameterCheck) {
return inferrer.boolType;
} else if (node.argumentsNode is Prefix) {
// Unary operator.
return visitDynamicSend(node);
} else if (const SourceString('===') == op.source
|| const SourceString('!==') == op.source) {
return inferrer.boolType;
} else {
// Binary operator.
return visitDynamicSend(node);
// Because some nodes just visit their children, we may end up
// visiting a type annotation, that may contain a send in case of a
// prefixed type. Therefore we explicitly visit the type annotation
// to avoid confusing the [ResolvedVisitor].
visitTypeAnnotation(TypeAnnotation node) {}
TypeMask visitGetterSend(Send node) {
Element element = elements[node];
Selector selector = elements.getSelector(node);
if (Elements.isStaticOrTopLevelField(element)) {
handleStaticSend(node, selector, element, null);
return inferrer.typeOfElementWithSelector(element, selector);
} else if (Elements.isInstanceSend(node, elements)) {
return visitDynamicSend(node);
} else if (Elements.isStaticOrTopLevelFunction(element)) {
handleStaticSend(node, selector, element, null);
return inferrer.functionType;
} else if (Elements.isErroneousElement(element)) {
return inferrer.dynamicType;
} else if (Elements.isLocal(element)) {
assert(locals.use(element) != null);
return locals.use(element);
} else {
return inferrer.dynamicType;
TypeMask visitClosureSend(Send node) {
Element element = elements[node];
Selector selector = elements.getSelector(node);
if (element != null && element.isFunction()) {
// This only works for function statements. We need a
// more sophisticated type system with function types to support
// more.
inferrer.updateSideEffects(sideEffects, selector, element);
return inferrer.returnTypeOfElement(element);
return inferrer.dynamicType;
void handleStaticSend(Node node,
Selector selector,
Element element,
ArgumentsTypes arguments) {
if (Elements.isUnresolved(element)) return;
node, selector, outermostElement, element, arguments, null,
sideEffects, inLoop);
void updateSelectorInTree(Node node, Selector selector) {
if (node.asSendSet() != null) {
if (selector.isSetter() || selector.isIndexSet()) {
elements.setSelector(node, selector);
} else if (selector.isGetter() || selector.isIndex()) {
elements.setGetterSelectorInComplexSendSet(node, selector);
} else {
elements.setOperatorSelectorInComplexSendSet(node, selector);
} else {
assert(node.asSend() != null);
elements.setSelector(node, selector);
TypeMask handleDynamicSend(Node node,
Selector selector,
TypeMask receiver,
ArgumentsTypes arguments,
[Selector constraint]) {
if (selector.mask != receiver) {
selector = inferrer.isDynamicType(receiver)
? selector.asUntyped
: new TypedSelector(receiver, selector);
updateSelectorInTree(node, selector);
return inferrer.registerCalledSelector(
node, selector, receiver, outermostElement, arguments,
constraint, sideEffects, inLoop);
TypeMask visitDynamicSend(Send node) {
Element element = elements[node];
TypeMask receiverType;
bool isCallOnThis = false;
if (node.receiver == null) {
isCallOnThis = true;
receiverType = thisType;
} else {
Node receiver = node.receiver;
isCallOnThis = isThisOrSuper(receiver);
receiverType = visit(receiver);
Selector selector = elements.getSelector(node);
if (!isThisExposed && isCallOnThis) {
checkIfExposesThis(new TypedSelector(receiverType, selector));
ArgumentsTypes arguments = node.isPropertyAccess
? null
: analyzeArguments(node.arguments);
return handleDynamicSend(node, selector, receiverType, arguments);
TypeMask visitReturn(Return node) {
if (node.isRedirectingFactoryBody) {
Element element = elements[node.expression];
if (Elements.isErroneousElement(element)) {
} else {
element = element.implementation;
// We don't create a selector for redirecting factories, and
// the send is just a property access. Therefore we must
// manually create the [ArgumentsTypes] of the call, and
// manually register [analyzedElement] as a caller of [element].
FunctionElement function = analyzedElement;
FunctionSignature signature = function.computeSignature(compiler);
List<TypeMask> unnamed = <TypeMask>[];
Map<SourceString, TypeMask> named = new Map<SourceString, TypeMask>();
signature.forEachRequiredParameter((Element element) {
signature.forEachOptionalParameter((Element element) {
if (signature.optionalParametersAreNamed) {
named[] = locals.use(element);
} else {
ArgumentsTypes arguments = new ArgumentsTypes(unnamed, named);
inferrer.addCaller(analyzedElement, element);
inferrer.addArguments(node.expression, element, arguments);
} else {
Node expression = node.expression;
recordReturnType(expression == null
? inferrer.nullType
: expression.accept(this));
locals.seenReturn = true;
return inferrer.dynamicType;
TypeMask visitConditional(Conditional node) {
List<Send> tests = <Send>[];
bool simpleCondition = handleCondition(node.condition, tests);
LocalsHandler saved = new LocalsHandler.from(locals);
updateIsChecks(tests, usePositive: true);
TypeMask firstType = visit(node.thenExpression);
LocalsHandler thenLocals = locals;
locals = saved;
if (simpleCondition) updateIsChecks(tests, usePositive: false);
TypeMask secondType = visit(node.elseExpression);
TypeMask type = inferrer.computeLUB(firstType, secondType);
return type;
TypeMask visitVariableDefinitions(VariableDefinitions node) {
for (Link<Node> link = node.definitions.nodes;
link = link.tail) {
Node definition = link.head;
if (definition is Identifier) {
locals.update(elements[definition], inferrer.nullType);
} else {
assert(definition.asSendSet() != null);
return inferrer.dynamicType;
bool handleCondition(Node node, List<Send> tests) {
bool oldConditionIsSimple = conditionIsSimple;
bool oldAccumulateIsChecks = accumulateIsChecks;
List<Send> oldIsChecks = isChecks;
accumulateIsChecks = true;
conditionIsSimple = true;
isChecks = tests;
bool simpleCondition = conditionIsSimple;
accumulateIsChecks = oldAccumulateIsChecks;
isChecks = oldIsChecks;
conditionIsSimple = oldConditionIsSimple;
return simpleCondition;
TypeMask visitIf(If node) {
List<Send> tests = <Send>[];
bool simpleCondition = handleCondition(node.condition, tests);
LocalsHandler saved = new LocalsHandler.from(locals);
updateIsChecks(tests, usePositive: true);
LocalsHandler thenLocals = locals;
locals = saved;
if (simpleCondition) updateIsChecks(tests, usePositive: false);
return inferrer.dynamicType;
void setupBreaksAndContinues(TargetElement element) {
if (element == null) return;
if (element.isContinueTarget) continuesFor[element] = <LocalsHandler>[];
if (element.isBreakTarget) breaksFor[element] = <LocalsHandler>[];
void clearBreaksAndContinues(TargetElement element) {
void mergeBreaks(TargetElement element) {
if (element == null) return;
if (!element.isBreakTarget) return;
for (LocalsHandler handler in breaksFor[element]) {
locals.merge(handler, discardIfAborts: false);
bool mergeContinues(TargetElement element) {
if (element == null) return false;
if (!element.isContinueTarget) return false;
bool changed = false;
for (LocalsHandler handler in continuesFor[element]) {
changed = locals.merge(handler, discardIfAborts: false) || changed;
return changed;
TypeMask handleLoop(Node node, void logic()) {
bool changed = false;
TargetElement target = elements[node];
do {
LocalsHandler saved = new LocalsHandler.from(locals);
changed = saved.merge(locals);
locals = saved;
changed = mergeContinues(target) || changed;
} while (changed);
return inferrer.dynamicType;
TypeMask visitWhile(While node) {
return handleLoop(node, () {
List<Send> tests = <Send>[];
handleCondition(node.condition, tests);
updateIsChecks(tests, usePositive: true);
TypeMask visitDoWhile(DoWhile node) {
return handleLoop(node, () {
List<Send> tests = <Send>[];
handleCondition(node.condition, tests);
updateIsChecks(tests, usePositive: true);
TypeMask visitFor(For node) {
return handleLoop(node, () {
List<Send> tests = <Send>[];
handleCondition(node.condition, tests);
updateIsChecks(tests, usePositive: true);
TypeMask visitForIn(ForIn node) {
bool changed = false;
if (!isThisExposed && node.expression.isThis()) {
Selector iteratorSelector = compiler.iteratorSelector;
checkIfExposesThis(new TypedSelector(thisType, iteratorSelector));
TypeMask iteratorType = inferrer.typeOfSelector(iteratorSelector);
new TypedSelector(iteratorType, compiler.moveNextSelector));
new TypedSelector(iteratorType, compiler.currentSelector));
Node identifier = node.declaredIdentifier;
Element variable = elements[identifier];
Selector selector = elements.getSelector(identifier);
handlePlainAssignment(identifier, variable, selector,
inferrer.dynamicType, inferrer.dynamicType,
return handleLoop(node, () {
TypeMask visitTryStatement(TryStatement node) {
LocalsHandler saved = locals;
locals = new LocalsHandler.from(locals, inTryBlock: true);
locals = saved;
for (Node catchBlock in node.catchBlocks) {
saved = new LocalsHandler.from(locals);
locals = saved;
return inferrer.dynamicType;
TypeMask visitThrow(Throw node) {
locals.seenReturn = true;
return inferrer.dynamicType;
TypeMask visitCatchBlock(CatchBlock node) {
Node exception = node.exception;
if (exception != null) {
DartType type = elements.getType(node.type);
TypeMask mask = type == null
? inferrer.dynamicType
: new TypeMask.nonNullSubtype(type.asRaw());
locals.update(elements[exception], mask);
Node trace = node.trace;
if (trace != null) {
locals.update(elements[trace], inferrer.dynamicType);
return inferrer.dynamicType;
TypeMask visitParenthesizedExpression(ParenthesizedExpression node) {
return visit(node.expression);
TypeMask visitBlock(Block node) {
if (node.statements != null) {
for (Node statement in node.statements) {
if (locals.aborts) break;
return inferrer.dynamicType;
TypeMask visitLabeledStatement(LabeledStatement node) {
Statement body = node.statement;
if (body is Loop
|| body is SwitchStatement
|| Elements.isUnusedLabel(node, elements)) {
// Loops and switches handle their own labels.
return inferrer.dynamicType;
TargetElement targetElement = elements[body];
return inferrer.dynamicType;
TypeMask visitBreakStatement(BreakStatement node) {
TargetElement target = elements[node];
locals.seenBreakOrContinue = true;
return inferrer.dynamicType;
TypeMask visitContinueStatement(ContinueStatement node) {
TargetElement target = elements[node];
locals.seenBreakOrContinue = true;
return inferrer.dynamicType;
void internalError(String reason, {Node node}) {
compiler.internalError(reason, node: node);
TypeMask visitSwitchStatement(SwitchStatement node) {
if (Elements.switchStatementHasContinue(node, elements)) {
void forEachLabeledCase(void action(TargetElement target)) {
for (SwitchCase switchCase in node.cases) {
for (Node labelOrCase in switchCase.labelsAndCases) {
if (labelOrCase.asLabel() == null) continue;
LabelElement labelElement = elements[labelOrCase];
if (labelElement != null) {
forEachLabeledCase((TargetElement target) {
// If the switch statement has a continue, we conservatively
// visit all cases and update [locals] until we have reached a
// fixed point.
bool changed;
do {
changed = false;
for (Node switchCase in node.cases) {
LocalsHandler saved = new LocalsHandler.from(locals);
changed = saved.merge(locals, discardIfAborts: false) || changed;
locals = saved;
} while (changed);
forEachLabeledCase((TargetElement target) {
} else {
LocalsHandler saved = new LocalsHandler.from(locals);
// If there is a default case, the current values of the local
// variable might be overwritten, so we don't need the current
// [locals] for the join block.
LocalsHandler result = Elements.switchStatementHasDefault(node)
? null
: new LocalsHandler.from(locals);
for (Node switchCase in node.cases) {
locals = new LocalsHandler.from(saved);
if (result == null) {
result = locals;
} else {
result.merge(locals, discardIfAborts: false);
locals = result;
// In case there is a default in the switch we discard the
// incoming localsHandler, because the types it holds do not need
// to be merged after the switch statement. This means that, if all
// cases, including the default, break or continue, the [result]
// handler may think it just aborts the current block. Therefore
// we set the current locals to not have any break or continue, so
// that the [visitBlock] method does not assume the code after the
// switch is dead code.
locals.seenBreakOrContinue = false;
return inferrer.dynamicType;