blob: 1291e233c0432ae287bd3bf55350e5e265b70010 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
part of dart.math;
/// A utility class for representing two-dimensional positions.
/// Example:
/// ```dart
/// var leftTop = const Point(0, 0);
/// var rightBottom = const Point(200, 400);
/// ```
class Point<T extends num> {
final T x;
final T y;
/// Creates a point with the provided [x] and [y] coordinates.
const Point(T x, T y)
: this.x = x,
this.y = y;
String toString() => 'Point($x, $y)';
/// Whether [other] is a point with the same coordinates as this point.
/// Returns `true` if [other] is a [Point] with [x] and [y]
/// coordinates equal to the corresponding coordinates of this point,
/// and `false` otherwise.
/// Example:
/// ```dart
/// var result = const Point(0, 0) == const Point(0, 0); // true
/// result = const Point(1.0, 0) == const Point(-1.0, 0); // false
/// ```
bool operator ==(Object other) =>
other is Point && x == other.x && y == other.y;
int get hashCode => SystemHash.hash2(x.hashCode, y.hashCode);
/// Add [other] to `this`, as if both points were vectors.
/// Returns the resulting "vector" as a Point.
/// Example:
/// ```dart
/// var point = const Point(10, 100) + const Point(10, 10); // Point(20, 110)
/// point = const Point(-10, -20) + const Point(10, 100); // Point(0, 80)
/// ```
Point<T> operator +(Point<T> other) {
return Point<T>((x + other.x) as T, (y + other.y) as T);
/// Subtract [other] from `this`, as if both points were vectors.
/// Returns the resulting "vector" as a Point.
/// Example:
/// ```dart
/// var point = const Point(10, 100) - const Point(10, 10); // Point(0, 90)
/// point = const Point(-10, -20) - const Point(10, 100); // Point(-110, -120)
/// ```
Point<T> operator -(Point<T> other) {
return Point<T>((x - other.x) as T, (y - other.y) as T);
/// Scale this point by [factor] as if it were a vector.
/// **Important Note**: This function accepts a `num` as its argument only so
/// that you can scale `Point<double>` objects by an `int` factor. Because the
/// `*` operator always returns the same type of `Point` as it is called on,
/// passing in a double [factor] on a `Point<int>` _causes_ _a_
/// _runtime_ _error_.
/// Example:
/// ```dart
/// // Integer values.
/// var point = const Point(10, 100) * 10; // Point(100, 1000)
/// point = const Point(-10, -100) * 5; // Point(-50, -500)
/// // Double values.
/// var doublePoint = Point(10.0, 100.0) * 1.5; // Point(15.0, 150.0)
/// // Runtime error due the invalid type cast.
/// var newPoint = const Point(10, 100) * 1.5; // Throws.
/// ```
Point<T> operator *(num /*T|int*/ factor) {
return Point<T>((x * factor) as T, (y * factor) as T);
/// Get the straight line (Euclidean) distance between the origin (0, 0) and
/// this point.
/// Example:
/// ```dart
/// var magnitude = const Point(0, 0).magnitude; // 0.0
/// magnitude = const Point(10, 0).magnitude; // 10.0
/// magnitude = const Point(0, -10).magnitude; // 10.0
/// magnitude = const Point(10, 10).magnitude; // 14.142135623730951
/// ```
double get magnitude => sqrt(x * x + y * y);
/// Returns the distance between `this` and [other].
/// ```dart
/// var distanceTo = const Point(0, 0).distanceTo(const Point(0, 0)); // 0.0
/// distanceTo = const Point(0, 0).distanceTo(const Point(10, 0)); // 10.0
/// distanceTo = const Point(0, 0).distanceTo(const Point(0, -10)); // 10.0
/// distanceTo = const Point(-10, 0).distanceTo(const Point(100, 0)); // 110.0
/// ```
double distanceTo(Point<T> other) {
var dx = x - other.x;
var dy = y - other.y;
return sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy);
/// Returns the squared distance between `this` and [other].
/// Squared distances can be used for comparisons when the actual value is not
/// required.
/// Example:
/// ```dart
/// var squaredDistance =
/// const Point(0, 0).squaredDistanceTo(const Point(0, 0)); // 0.0
/// squaredDistance =
/// const Point(0, 0).squaredDistanceTo(const Point(10, 0)); // 100
/// squaredDistance =
/// const Point(0, 0).squaredDistanceTo(const Point(0, -10)); // 100
/// squaredDistance =
/// const Point(-10, 0).squaredDistanceTo(const Point(100, 0)); // 12100
/// ```
T squaredDistanceTo(Point<T> other) {
var dx = x - other.x;
var dy = y - other.y;
return (dx * dx + dy * dy) as T;