blob: eb1d295128452430167a68ca80aa54dc661b7fc6 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2015, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
part of;
abstract class _IOResourceInfo {
final String type;
final int id;
String get name;
static int _count = 0;
static final Stopwatch _sw = new Stopwatch()..start();
static final _startTime = new;
static double get timestamp => _startTime + _sw.elapsedMicroseconds / 1000;
_IOResourceInfo(this.type) : id = _IOResourceInfo.getNextID();
/// Get the full set of values for a specific implementation. This is normally
/// looked up based on an id from a referenceValueMap.
Map<String, dynamic> get fullValueMap;
/// The reference map, used to return a list of values, e.g., getting
/// all open sockets. The structure of this is shared among all subclasses.
Map<String, dynamic> get referenceValueMap => {
// The type for a reference object is prefixed with @ in observatory.
'type': '@$type',
'id': id,
'name': name,
static int getNextID() => _count++;
abstract class _ReadWriteResourceInfo extends _IOResourceInfo {
int totalRead;
int totalWritten;
int readCount;
int writeCount;
double lastRead;
double lastWrite;
// Not all call sites use this. In some cases, e.g., a socket, a read does
// not always mean that we actually read some bytes (we may do a read to see
// if there are some bytes available).
void addRead(int bytes) {
totalRead += bytes;
lastRead = _IOResourceInfo.timestamp;
// In cases where we read but did not necessarily get any bytes, use this to
// update the readCount and timestamp. Manually update totalRead if any bytes
// where actually read.
void didRead() {
void addWrite(int bytes) {
totalWritten += bytes;
lastWrite = _IOResourceInfo.timestamp;
_ReadWriteResourceInfo(String type)
: totalRead = 0,
totalWritten = 0,
readCount = 0,
writeCount = 0,
lastRead = 0.0,
lastWrite = 0.0,
Map<String, dynamic> get fullValueMap => {
'type': type,
'id': id,
'name': name,
'totalRead': totalRead,
'totalWritten': totalWritten,
'readCount': readCount,
'writeCount': writeCount,
'lastRead': lastRead,
'lastWrite': lastWrite
class _FileResourceInfo extends _ReadWriteResourceInfo {
static const String TYPE = '_file';
final file;
static Map<int, _FileResourceInfo> openFiles =
new Map<int, _FileResourceInfo>();
_FileResourceInfo(this.file) : super(TYPE) {
static FileOpened(_FileResourceInfo info) {
openFiles[] = info;
static FileClosed(_FileResourceInfo info) {
static Iterable<Map<String, String>> getOpenFilesList() {
return new List.from( => e.referenceValueMap));
static Future<ServiceExtensionResponse> getOpenFiles(function, params) {
assert(function == '');
var data = {'type': '_openfiles', 'data': getOpenFilesList()};
var jsonValue = json.encode(data);
return new Future.value(new ServiceExtensionResponse.result(jsonValue));
Map<String, dynamic> getFileInfoMap() {
return fullValueMap;
static Future<ServiceExtensionResponse> getFileInfoMapByID(function, params) {
var id = int.parse(params['id']);
var result =
openFiles.containsKey(id) ? openFiles[id].getFileInfoMap() : {};
var jsonValue = json.encode(result);
return new Future.value(new ServiceExtensionResponse.result(jsonValue));
String get name {
return '${file.path}';
class _ProcessResourceInfo extends _IOResourceInfo {
static const String TYPE = '_process';
final process;
final double startedAt;
static Map<int, _ProcessResourceInfo> startedProcesses =
new Map<int, _ProcessResourceInfo>();
: startedAt = _IOResourceInfo.timestamp,
super(TYPE) {
String get name => process._path;
void stopped() {
Map<String, dynamic> get fullValueMap => {
'type': type,
'id': id,
'name': name,
'startedAt': startedAt,
'arguments': process._arguments,
process._workingDirectory == null ? '.' : process._workingDirectory,
static ProcessStarted(_ProcessResourceInfo info) {
startedProcesses[] = info;
static ProcessStopped(_ProcessResourceInfo info) {
static Iterable<Map<String, String>> getStartedProcessesList() =>
new List.from( => e.referenceValueMap));
static Future<ServiceExtensionResponse> getStartedProcesses(
String function, Map<String, String> params) {
assert(function == '');
var data = {'type': '_startedprocesses', 'data': getStartedProcessesList()};
var jsonValue = json.encode(data);
return new Future.value(new ServiceExtensionResponse.result(jsonValue));
static Future<ServiceExtensionResponse> getProcessInfoMapById(
String function, Map<String, String> params) {
var id = int.parse(params['id']);
var result = startedProcesses.containsKey(id)
? startedProcesses[id].fullValueMap
: {};
var jsonValue = json.encode(result);
return new Future.value(new ServiceExtensionResponse.result(jsonValue));
class _SocketResourceInfo extends _ReadWriteResourceInfo {
static const String TCP_STRING = 'TCP';
static const String UDP_STRING = 'UDP';
static const String TYPE = '_socket';
final /*_NativeSocket|*/ socket;
static Map<int, _SocketResourceInfo> openSockets =
new Map<int, _SocketResourceInfo>();
_SocketResourceInfo(this.socket) : super(TYPE) {
String get name {
if (socket.isListening) {
return 'listening:${}:${socket.port}';
var remote = '';
try {
var remoteHost =;
var remotePort = socket.remotePort;
remote = ' -> $remoteHost:$remotePort';
} catch (e) {} // ignored if we can't get the information
return '${}:${socket.port}$remote';
static Iterable<Map<String, String>> getOpenSocketsList() {
return new List.from( => e.referenceValueMap));
Map<String, dynamic> getSocketInfoMap() {
var result = fullValueMap;
result['socketType'] = socket.isTcp ? TCP_STRING : UDP_STRING;
result['listening'] = socket.isListening;
result['host'] =;
result['port'] = socket.port;
if (!socket.isListening) {
try {
result['remoteHost'] =;
result['remotePort'] = socket.remotePort;
} catch (e) {
// UDP.
result['remotePort'] = 'NA';
result['remoteHost'] = 'NA';
} else {
result['remotePort'] = 'NA';
result['remoteHost'] = 'NA';
result['addressType'] =;
return result;
static Future<ServiceExtensionResponse> getSocketInfoMapByID(
String function, Map<String, String> params) {
var id = int.parse(params['id']);
var result =
openSockets.containsKey(id) ? openSockets[id].getSocketInfoMap() : {};
var jsonValue = json.encode(result);
return new Future.value(new ServiceExtensionResponse.result(jsonValue));
static Future<ServiceExtensionResponse> getOpenSockets(function, params) {
assert(function == '');
var data = {'type': '_opensockets', 'data': getOpenSocketsList()};
var jsonValue = json.encode(data);
return new Future.value(new ServiceExtensionResponse.result(jsonValue));
static SocketOpened(_SocketResourceInfo info) {
openSockets[] = info;
static SocketClosed(_SocketResourceInfo info) {