blob: e210ad29269986dfc4d3521651eec23c10b8f9d1 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2017, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library fasta.incremental_compiler;
import 'dart:async' show Future;
import 'package:kernel/kernel.dart' show Program, loadProgramFromBytes;
import '../api_prototype/incremental_kernel_generator.dart'
show DeltaProgram, IncrementalKernelGenerator;
import 'builder/builder.dart' show LibraryBuilder;
import 'dill/dill_target.dart' show DillTarget;
import 'kernel/kernel_target.dart' show KernelTarget;
import 'source/source_graph.dart' show SourceGraph;
import 'source/source_library_builder.dart' show SourceLibraryBuilder;
import 'compiler_context.dart' show CompilerContext;
import 'problems.dart' show unsupported;
import 'ticker.dart' show Ticker;
import 'uri_translator.dart' show UriTranslator;
abstract class DeprecatedIncrementalKernelGenerator
implements IncrementalKernelGenerator {
/// This does nothing. It will be deprecated.
void acceptLastDelta() {}
/// Always throws an error. Will be deprecated.
void rejectLastDelta() => unsupported("rejectLastDelta", -1, null);
/// Always throws an error. Will be deprecated.
void reset() => unsupported("rejectLastDelta", -1, null);
/// Always throws an error. Will be deprecated.
void setState(String state) => unsupported("setState", -1, null);
abstract class DeprecatedDeltaProgram implements DeltaProgram {
String get state => unsupported("state", -1, null);
class FastaDelta extends DeprecatedDeltaProgram {
final Program newProgram;
class IncrementalCompiler extends DeprecatedIncrementalKernelGenerator {
final CompilerContext context;
final Ticker ticker;
List<Uri> invalidatedUris = <Uri>[];
DillTarget platform;
KernelTarget userCode;
IncrementalCompiler(this.context) : ticker = context.options.ticker;
Future<FastaDelta> computeDelta({Uri entryPoint}) async {
return context.runInContext<Future<FastaDelta>>((CompilerContext c) async {
if (platform == null) {
UriTranslator uriTranslator = await c.options.getUriTranslator();
ticker.logMs("Read packages file");
platform = new DillTarget(ticker, uriTranslator,;
List<int> bytes = await c.options.loadSdkSummaryBytes();
if (bytes != null) {
ticker.logMs("Read ${c.options.sdkSummary}");
Program program = loadProgramFromBytes(bytes);
ticker.logMs("Deserialized ${c.options.sdkSummary}");
platform.loader.appendLibraries(program, byteCount: bytes.length);
ticker.logMs("Appended libraries");
await platform.buildOutlines();
List<Uri> invalidatedUris = this.invalidatedUris.toList();
List<LibraryBuilder> reusedLibraries =
ticker.logMs("Decided to reuse ${reusedLibraries.length} libraries");
userCode = new KernelTarget(
c.fileSystem, false, platform, platform.uriTranslator,
uriToSource: c.uriToSource);
for (LibraryBuilder library in reusedLibraries) {[library.uri] = library;
await userCode.buildOutlines();
return new FastaDelta(
await userCode.buildProgram(verify: c.options.verify));
List<LibraryBuilder> computeReusedLibraries(Iterable<Uri> invalidatedUris) {
if (userCode == null) return const <LibraryBuilder>[];
// [invalidatedUris] converted to a set.
Set<Uri> invalidatedFileUris = invalidatedUris.toSet();
// Maps all non-platform LibraryBuilders from their import URI.
Map<Uri, LibraryBuilder> builders = <Uri, LibraryBuilder>{};
// Invalidated URIs translated back to their import URI (package:, dart:,
// etc.).
List<Uri> invalidatedImportUris = <Uri>[];
// Compute [builders] and [invalidatedImportUris]. uri, LibraryBuilder library) {
if (library.loader != platform.loader) {
assert(library is SourceLibraryBuilder);
builders[uri] = library;
if (invalidatedFileUris.contains(uri) ||
(uri != library.fileUri &&
invalidatedFileUris.contains(library.fileUri))) {
SourceGraph graph = new SourceGraph(builders);
// Compute direct dependencies for each import URI (the reverse of the
// edges returned by `graph.neighborsOf`).
Map<Uri, Set<Uri>> directDependencies = <Uri, Set<Uri>>{};
for (Uri vertex in graph.vertices) {
for (Uri neighbor in graph.neighborsOf(vertex)) {
(directDependencies[neighbor] ??= new Set<Uri>()).add(vertex);
// Remove all dependencies of [invalidatedImportUris] from builders.
List<Uri> workList = invalidatedImportUris;
while (workList.isNotEmpty) {
LibraryBuilder current = builders.remove(workList.removeLast());
// [current] is null if the corresponding key (URI) has already been
// removed.
if (current != null) {
Set<Uri> s = directDependencies[current.uri];
if (s != null) {
// [s] is null for leaves.
for (Uri dependency in s) {
return builders.values.toList();
void invalidate(Uri uri) {