blob: 80122b684248860446ffebef8059d3364893ccda [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library analyzer.src.dart.resolver.scope;
import 'dart:collection';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/ast/ast.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/element/element.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/error/error.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/element/element.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/error/codes.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/engine.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/java_engine.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/source.dart';
* The scope defined by a block.
class BlockScope extends EnclosedScope {
* Initialize a newly created scope, enclosed within the [enclosingScope],
* based on the given [block].
BlockScope(Scope enclosingScope, Block block) : super(enclosingScope) {
if (block == null) {
throw new ArgumentError("block cannot be null");
void _defineElements(Block block) {
for (Element element in elementsInBlock(block)) {
* Return the elements that are declared directly in the given [block]. This
* does not include elements declared in nested blocks.
static Iterable<Element> elementsInBlock(Block block) sync* {
NodeList<Statement> statements = block.statements;
int statementCount = statements.length;
for (int i = 0; i < statementCount; i++) {
Statement statement = statements[i];
if (statement is VariableDeclarationStatement) {
NodeList<VariableDeclaration> variables = statement.variables.variables;
int variableCount = variables.length;
for (int j = 0; j < variableCount; j++) {
yield variables[j].element;
} else if (statement is FunctionDeclarationStatement) {
yield statement.functionDeclaration.element;
* The scope defined by a class.
class ClassScope extends EnclosedScope {
* Initialize a newly created scope, enclosed within the [enclosingScope],
* based on the given [classElement].
ClassScope(Scope enclosingScope, ClassElement classElement)
: super(enclosingScope) {
if (classElement == null) {
throw new ArgumentError("class element cannot be null");
AnalysisError getErrorForDuplicate(Element existing, Element duplicate) {
if (existing is PropertyAccessorElement && duplicate is MethodElement) {
if (existing.nameOffset < duplicate.nameOffset) {
return new AnalysisError(
} else {
return new AnalysisError(
return super.getErrorForDuplicate(existing, duplicate);
* Define the instance members defined by the given [classElement].
void _defineMembers(ClassElement classElement) {
List<PropertyAccessorElement> accessors = classElement.accessors;
int accessorLength = accessors.length;
for (int i = 0; i < accessorLength; i++) {
List<MethodElement> methods = classElement.methods;
int methodLength = methods.length;
for (int i = 0; i < methodLength; i++) {
* The scope defined for the initializers in a constructor.
class ConstructorInitializerScope extends EnclosedScope {
* Initialize a newly created scope, enclosed within the [enclosingScope].
ConstructorInitializerScope(Scope enclosingScope, ConstructorElement element)
: super(enclosingScope) {
* Initialize the local scope with all of the field formal parameters.
void _initializeFieldFormalParameters(ConstructorElement element) {
for (ParameterElement parameter in element.parameters) {
if (parameter is FieldFormalParameterElement) {
* A scope that is lexically enclosed in another scope.
class EnclosedScope extends Scope {
* The scope in which this scope is lexically enclosed.
final Scope enclosingScope;
* Initialize a newly created scope, enclosed within the [enclosingScope].
Element internalLookup(
Identifier identifier, String name, LibraryElement referencingLibrary) {
Element element = localLookup(name, referencingLibrary);
if (element != null) {
return element;
// Check enclosing scope.
return enclosingScope.internalLookup(identifier, name, referencingLibrary);
Element _internalLookupPrefixed(PrefixedIdentifier identifier, String prefix,
String name, LibraryElement referencingLibrary) {
return enclosingScope._internalLookupPrefixed(
identifier, prefix, name, referencingLibrary);
* The scope defined by a function.
class FunctionScope extends EnclosedScope {
* The element representing the function that defines this scope.
final FunctionTypedElement _functionElement;
* A flag indicating whether the parameters have already been defined, used to
* prevent the parameters from being defined multiple times.
bool _parametersDefined = false;
* Initialize a newly created scope, enclosed within the [enclosingScope],
* that represents the given [_functionElement].
FunctionScope(Scope enclosingScope, this._functionElement)
: super(new EnclosedScope(new EnclosedScope(enclosingScope))) {
if (_functionElement == null) {
throw new ArgumentError("function element cannot be null");
* Define the parameters for the given function in the scope that encloses
* this function.
void defineParameters() {
if (_parametersDefined) {
_parametersDefined = true;
Scope parameterScope = enclosingScope;
List<ParameterElement> parameters = _functionElement.parameters;
int length = parameters.length;
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
ParameterElement parameter = parameters[i];
if (!parameter.isInitializingFormal) {
* Define the type parameters for the function.
void _defineTypeParameters() {
Scope typeParameterScope = enclosingScope.enclosingScope;
List<TypeParameterElement> typeParameters = _functionElement.typeParameters;
int length = typeParameters.length;
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
TypeParameterElement typeParameter = typeParameters[i];
* The scope defined by a function type alias.
class FunctionTypeScope extends EnclosedScope {
final FunctionTypeAliasElement _typeElement;
bool _parametersDefined = false;
* Initialize a newly created scope, enclosed within the [enclosingScope],
* that represents the given [_typeElement].
FunctionTypeScope(Scope enclosingScope, this._typeElement)
: super(new EnclosedScope(enclosingScope)) {
* Define the parameters for the function type alias.
void defineParameters() {
if (_parametersDefined) {
_parametersDefined = true;
for (ParameterElement parameter in _typeElement.parameters) {
* Define the type parameters for the function type alias.
void _defineTypeParameters() {
Scope typeParameterScope = enclosingScope;
for (TypeParameterElement typeParameter in _typeElement.typeParameters) {
* The scope statements that can be the target of unlabeled `break` and
* `continue` statements.
class ImplicitLabelScope {
* The implicit label scope associated with the top level of a function.
static const ImplicitLabelScope ROOT = const ImplicitLabelScope._(null, null);
* The implicit label scope enclosing this implicit label scope.
final ImplicitLabelScope outerScope;
* The statement that acts as a target for break and/or continue statements
* at this scoping level.
final Statement statement;
* Initialize a newly created scope, enclosed within the [outerScope],
* representing the given [statement].
const ImplicitLabelScope._(this.outerScope, this.statement);
* Return the statement which should be the target of an unlabeled `break` or
* `continue` statement, or `null` if there is no appropriate target.
Statement getTarget(bool isContinue) {
if (outerScope == null) {
// This scope represents the toplevel of a function body, so it doesn't
// match either break or continue.
return null;
if (isContinue && statement is SwitchStatement) {
return outerScope.getTarget(isContinue);
return statement;
* Initialize a newly created scope to represent a switch statement or loop
* nested within the current scope. [statement] is the statement associated
* with the newly created scope.
ImplicitLabelScope nest(Statement statement) =>
new ImplicitLabelScope._(this, statement);
* A scope in which a single label is defined.
class LabelScope {
* The label scope enclosing this label scope.
final LabelScope _outerScope;
* The label defined in this scope.
final String _label;
* The element to which the label resolves.
final LabelElement element;
* The AST node to which the label resolves.
final AstNode node;
* Initialize a newly created scope, enclosed within the [_outerScope],
* representing the label [_label]. The [node] is the AST node the label
* resolves to. The [element] is the element the label resolves to.
LabelScope(this._outerScope, this._label, this.node, this.element);
* Return the LabelScope which defines [targetLabel], or `null` if it is not
* defined in this scope.
LabelScope lookup(String targetLabel) {
if (_label == targetLabel) {
return this;
return _outerScope?.lookup(targetLabel);
* The scope containing all of the names available from imported libraries.
class LibraryImportScope extends Scope {
* The name of the property containing a list of the elements from the SDK
* that conflict with the single name imported from non-SDK libraries. The
* value of the property is always of type `List<Element>`.
static const String conflictingSdkElements = 'conflictingSdkElements';
* The element representing the library in which this scope is enclosed.
final LibraryElement _definingLibrary;
* A list of the namespaces representing the names that are available in this scope from imported
* libraries.
List<Namespace> _importedNamespaces;
* A table mapping prefixes that have been referenced to a map from the names
* that have been referenced to the element associated with the prefixed name.
Map<String, Map<String, Element>> _definedPrefixedNames;
* Initialize a newly created scope representing the names imported into the
* [_definingLibrary].
LibraryImportScope(this._definingLibrary) {
void define(Element element) {
if (!Scope.isPrivateName(element.displayName)) {
Source getSource(AstNode node) {
Source source = super.getSource(node);
if (source == null) {
source = _definingLibrary.definingCompilationUnit.source;
return source;
Element internalLookup(
Identifier identifier, String name, LibraryElement referencingLibrary) {
Element element = localLookup(name, referencingLibrary);
if (element != null) {
return element;
element = _lookupInImportedNamespaces(
identifier, (Namespace namespace) => namespace.get(name));
if (element != null) {
defineNameWithoutChecking(name, element);
return element;
bool shouldIgnoreUndefined(Identifier node) {
Iterable<NamespaceCombinator> getShowCombinators(
ImportElement importElement) =>
importElement.combinators.where((NamespaceCombinator combinator) =>
combinator is ShowElementCombinator);
if (node is PrefixedIdentifier) {
String prefix =;
String name =;
List<ImportElement> imports = _definingLibrary.imports;
int count = imports.length;
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
ImportElement importElement = imports[i];
if (importElement.prefix?.name == prefix &&
importElement.importedLibrary?.isSynthetic != false) {
Iterable<NamespaceCombinator> showCombinators =
if (showCombinators.isEmpty) {
return true;
for (ShowElementCombinator combinator in showCombinators) {
if (combinator.shownNames.contains(name)) {
return true;
} else if (node is SimpleIdentifier) {
String name =;
List<ImportElement> imports = _definingLibrary.imports;
int count = imports.length;
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
ImportElement importElement = imports[i];
if (importElement.prefix == null &&
importElement.importedLibrary?.isSynthetic != false) {
for (ShowElementCombinator combinator
in getShowCombinators(importElement)) {
if (combinator.shownNames.contains(name)) {
return true;
return false;
* Create all of the namespaces associated with the libraries imported into
* this library. The names are not added to this scope, but are stored for
* later reference.
void _createImportedNamespaces() {
NamespaceBuilder builder = new NamespaceBuilder();
List<ImportElement> imports = _definingLibrary.imports;
int count = imports.length;
_importedNamespaces = new List<Namespace>(count);
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
_importedNamespaces[i] =
* Add the given [element] to this scope without checking for duplication or
* hiding.
void _definePrefixedNameWithoutChecking(
String prefix, String name, Element element) {
_definedPrefixedNames ??= new HashMap<String, Map<String, Element>>();
Map<String, Element> unprefixedNames = _definedPrefixedNames.putIfAbsent(
prefix, () => new HashMap<String, Element>());
unprefixedNames[name] = element;
Element _internalLookupPrefixed(PrefixedIdentifier identifier, String prefix,
String name, LibraryElement referencingLibrary) {
Element element = _localPrefixedLookup(prefix, name);
if (element != null) {
return element;
element = _lookupInImportedNamespaces(identifier.identifier,
(Namespace namespace) => namespace.getPrefixed(prefix, name));
if (element != null) {
_definePrefixedNameWithoutChecking(prefix, name, element);
return element;
* Return the element with which the given [prefix] and [name] are associated,
* or `null` if the name is not defined within this scope.
Element _localPrefixedLookup(String prefix, String name) {
if (_definedPrefixedNames != null) {
Map<String, Element> unprefixedNames = _definedPrefixedNames[prefix];
if (unprefixedNames != null) {
return unprefixedNames[name];
return null;
Element _lookupInImportedNamespaces(
Identifier identifier, Element lookup(Namespace namespace)) {
Set<Element> sdkElements = new HashSet<Element>();
Set<Element> nonSdkElements = new HashSet<Element>();
for (int i = 0; i < _importedNamespaces.length; i++) {
Element element = lookup(_importedNamespaces[i]);
if (element != null) {
if (element.library.isInSdk) {
} else {
int nonSdkCount = nonSdkElements.length;
int sdkCount = sdkElements.length;
if (nonSdkCount == 0) {
if (sdkCount == 0) {
return null;
} else if (sdkCount == 1) {
return sdkElements.first;
if (nonSdkCount == 1) {
if (sdkCount > 0) {
conflictingSdkElements, sdkElements.toList(growable: false));
return nonSdkElements.first;
return new MultiplyDefinedElementImpl(
sdkElements.toList(growable: false),
nonSdkElements.toList(growable: false));
* A scope containing all of the names defined in a given library.
class LibraryScope extends EnclosedScope {
* Initialize a newly created scope representing the names defined in the
* [definingLibrary].
LibraryScope(LibraryElement definingLibrary)
: super(new LibraryImportScope(definingLibrary)) {
AnalysisError getErrorForDuplicate(Element existing, Element duplicate) {
if (existing is PrefixElement) {
// TODO(scheglov) consider providing actual 'nameOffset' from the
// synthetic accessor
int offset = duplicate.nameOffset;
if (duplicate is PropertyAccessorElement) {
PropertyAccessorElement accessor = duplicate;
if (accessor.isSynthetic) {
offset = accessor.variable.nameOffset;
return new AnalysisError(
return super.getErrorForDuplicate(existing, duplicate);
* Add to this scope all of the public top-level names that are defined in the
* given [compilationUnit].
void _defineLocalNames(CompilationUnitElement compilationUnit) {
for (PropertyAccessorElement element in compilationUnit.accessors) {
for (ClassElement element in compilationUnit.enums) {
for (FunctionElement element in compilationUnit.functions) {
for (FunctionTypeAliasElement element
in compilationUnit.functionTypeAliases) {
for (ClassElement element in compilationUnit.types) {
* Add to this scope all of the names that are explicitly defined in the
* [definingLibrary].
void _defineTopLevelNames(LibraryElement definingLibrary) {
for (PrefixElement prefix in definingLibrary.prefixes) {
for (CompilationUnitElement compilationUnit in {
* A mapping of identifiers to the elements represented by those identifiers.
* Namespaces are the building blocks for scopes.
class Namespace {
* An empty namespace.
static Namespace EMPTY = new Namespace(new HashMap<String, Element>());
* A table mapping names that are defined in this namespace to the element
* representing the thing declared with that name.
final Map<String, Element> _definedNames;
* Initialize a newly created namespace to have the [_definedNames].
* Return a table containing the same mappings as those defined by this
* namespace.
Map<String, Element> get definedNames => _definedNames;
* Return the element in this namespace that is available to the containing
* scope using the given name, or `null` if there is no such element.
Element get(String name) => _definedNames[name];
* Return the element in this namespace whose name is the result of combining
* the [prefix] and the [name], separated by a period, or `null` if there is
* no such element.
Element getPrefixed(String prefix, String name) => null;
* The builder used to build a namespace. Namespace builders are thread-safe and
* re-usable.
class NamespaceBuilder {
* Create a namespace representing the export namespace of the given [element].
Namespace createExportNamespaceForDirective(ExportElement element) {
LibraryElement exportedLibrary = element.exportedLibrary;
if (exportedLibrary == null) {
// The exported library will be null if the URI does not reference a valid
// library.
return Namespace.EMPTY;
HashMap<String, Element> exportedNames = _getExportMapping(exportedLibrary);
exportedNames = _applyCombinators(exportedNames, element.combinators);
return new Namespace(exportedNames);
* Create a namespace representing the export namespace of the given [library].
Namespace createExportNamespaceForLibrary(LibraryElement library) {
HashMap<String, Element> exportedNames = _getExportMapping(library);
return new Namespace(exportedNames);
* Create a namespace representing the import namespace of the given [element].
Namespace createImportNamespaceForDirective(ImportElement element) {
LibraryElement importedLibrary = element.importedLibrary;
if (importedLibrary == null) {
// The imported library will be null if the URI does not reference a valid
// library.
return Namespace.EMPTY;
HashMap<String, Element> exportedNames = _getExportMapping(importedLibrary);
exportedNames = _applyCombinators(exportedNames, element.combinators);
PrefixElement prefix = element.prefix;
if (prefix != null) {
return new PrefixedNamespace(, exportedNames);
return new Namespace(exportedNames);
* Create a namespace representing the public namespace of the given
* [library].
Namespace createPublicNamespaceForLibrary(LibraryElement library) {
HashMap<String, Element> definedNames = new HashMap<String, Element>();
_addPublicNames(definedNames, library.definingCompilationUnit);
for (CompilationUnitElement compilationUnit in {
_addPublicNames(definedNames, compilationUnit);
return new Namespace(definedNames);
* Add all of the names in the given [namespace] to the table of
* [definedNames].
void _addAllFromNamespace(
Map<String, Element> definedNames, Namespace namespace) {
if (namespace != null) {
* Add the given [element] to the table of [definedNames] if it has a
* publicly visible name.
void _addIfPublic(Map<String, Element> definedNames, Element element) {
String name =;
if (name != null && !Scope.isPrivateName(name)) {
definedNames[name] = element;
* Add to the table of [definedNames] all of the public top-level names that
* are defined in the given [compilationUnit].
* namespace
void _addPublicNames(Map<String, Element> definedNames,
CompilationUnitElement compilationUnit) {
for (PropertyAccessorElement element in compilationUnit.accessors) {
_addIfPublic(definedNames, element);
for (ClassElement element in compilationUnit.enums) {
_addIfPublic(definedNames, element);
for (FunctionElement element in compilationUnit.functions) {
_addIfPublic(definedNames, element);
for (FunctionTypeAliasElement element
in compilationUnit.functionTypeAliases) {
_addIfPublic(definedNames, element);
for (ClassElement element in compilationUnit.types) {
_addIfPublic(definedNames, element);
* Apply the given [combinators] to all of the names in the given table of
* [definedNames].
HashMap<String, Element> _applyCombinators(
HashMap<String, Element> definedNames,
List<NamespaceCombinator> combinators) {
for (NamespaceCombinator combinator in combinators) {
if (combinator is HideElementCombinator) {
definedNames = _hide(definedNames, combinator.hiddenNames);
} else if (combinator is ShowElementCombinator) {
definedNames = _show(definedNames, combinator.shownNames);
} else {
// Internal error.
.logError("Unknown type of combinator: ${combinator.runtimeType}");
return definedNames;
* Create a mapping table representing the export namespace of the given
* [library]. The set of [visitedElements] contains the libraries that do not
* need to be visited when processing the export directives of the given
* library because all of the names defined by them will be added by another
* library.
HashMap<String, Element> _computeExportMapping(
LibraryElement library, HashSet<LibraryElement> visitedElements) {
try {
HashMap<String, Element> definedNames = new HashMap<String, Element>();
for (ExportElement element in library.exports) {
LibraryElement exportedLibrary = element.exportedLibrary;
if (exportedLibrary != null &&
!visitedElements.contains(exportedLibrary)) {
// The exported library will be null if the URI does not reference a
// valid library.
HashMap<String, Element> exportedNames =
_computeExportMapping(exportedLibrary, visitedElements);
exportedNames = _applyCombinators(exportedNames, element.combinators);
(library.context as InternalAnalysisContext)
return definedNames;
} finally {
HashMap<String, Element> _getExportMapping(LibraryElement library) {
if (library.exportNamespace != null) {
return library.exportNamespace.definedNames;
if (library is LibraryElementImpl) {
HashMap<String, Element> exportMapping =
_computeExportMapping(library, new HashSet<LibraryElement>());
library.exportNamespace = new Namespace(exportMapping);
return exportMapping;
return _computeExportMapping(library, new HashSet<LibraryElement>());
* Return a new map of names which has all the names from [definedNames]
* with exception of [hiddenNames].
Map<String, Element> _hide(
HashMap<String, Element> definedNames, List<String> hiddenNames) {
HashMap<String, Element> newNames =
new HashMap<String, Element>.from(definedNames);
for (String name in hiddenNames) {
return newNames;
* Return a new map of names which has only [shownNames] from [definedNames].
HashMap<String, Element> _show(
HashMap<String, Element> definedNames, List<String> shownNames) {
HashMap<String, Element> newNames = new HashMap<String, Element>();
for (String name in shownNames) {
Element element = definedNames[name];
if (element != null) {
newNames[name] = element;
String setterName = "$name=";
element = definedNames[setterName];
if (element != null) {
newNames[setterName] = element;
return newNames;
* A mapping of identifiers to the elements represented by those identifiers.
* Namespaces are the building blocks for scopes.
class PrefixedNamespace implements Namespace {
* The prefix that is prepended to each of the defined names.
final String _prefix;
* The length of the prefix.
final int _length;
* A table mapping names that are defined in this namespace to the element
* representing the thing declared with that name.
final HashMap<String, Element> _definedNames;
* Initialize a newly created namespace to have the names resulting from
* prefixing each of the [_definedNames] with the given [_prefix] (and a
* period).
PrefixedNamespace(String prefix, this._definedNames)
: _prefix = prefix,
_length = prefix.length;
Map<String, Element> get definedNames {
Map<String, Element> definedNames = <String, Element>{};
_definedNames.forEach((String name, Element element) {
definedNames["$_prefix.$name"] = element;
return definedNames;
Element get(String name) {
if (name.length > _length && name.startsWith(_prefix)) {
if (name.codeUnitAt(_length) == '.'.codeUnitAt(0)) {
return _definedNames[name.substring(_length + 1)];
return null;
Element getPrefixed(String prefix, String name) {
if (prefix == _prefix) {
return _definedNames[name];
return null;
* A name scope used by the resolver to determine which names are visible at any
* given point in the code.
abstract class Scope {
* The prefix used to mark an identifier as being private to its library.
static int PRIVATE_NAME_PREFIX = 0x5F;
* The suffix added to the declared name of a setter when looking up the
* setter. Used to disambiguate between a getter and a setter that have the
* same name.
static String SETTER_SUFFIX = "=";
* The name used to look up the method used to implement the unary minus
* operator. Used to disambiguate between the unary and binary operators.
static String UNARY_MINUS = "unary-";
* A table mapping names that are defined in this scope to the element
* representing the thing declared with that name.
HashMap<String, Element> _definedNames = null;
* Return the scope in which this scope is lexically enclosed.
Scope get enclosingScope => null;
* Add the given [element] to this scope. If there is already an element with
* the given name defined in this scope, then the original element will
* continue to be mapped to the name.
void define(Element element) {
String name = _getName(element);
if (name != null && !name.isEmpty) {
_definedNames ??= new HashMap<String, Element>();
_definedNames.putIfAbsent(name, () => element);
* Add the given [element] to this scope without checking for duplication or
* hiding.
void defineNameWithoutChecking(String name, Element element) {
_definedNames ??= new HashMap<String, Element>();
_definedNames[name] = element;
* Add the given [element] to this scope without checking for duplication or
* hiding.
void defineWithoutChecking(Element element) {
_definedNames ??= new HashMap<String, Element>();
_definedNames[_getName(element)] = element;
* Return the error code to be used when reporting that a name being defined
* locally conflicts with another element of the same name in the local scope.
* [existing] is the first element to be declared with the conflicting name,
* while [duplicate] another element declared with the conflicting name.
AnalysisError getErrorForDuplicate(Element existing, Element duplicate) {
// TODO(brianwilkerson) Customize the error message based on the types of
// elements that share the same name.
// TODO(jwren) There are 4 error codes for duplicate, but only 1 is being
// generated.
Source source = duplicate.source;
return new AnalysisError(source, duplicate.nameOffset, duplicate.nameLength,
CompileTimeErrorCode.DUPLICATE_DEFINITION, [existing.displayName]);
* Return the source that contains the given [identifier], or the source
* associated with this scope if the source containing the identifier could
* not be determined.
Source getSource(AstNode identifier) {
CompilationUnit unit =
identifier.getAncestor((node) => node is CompilationUnit);
if (unit != null) {
CompilationUnitElement unitElement = unit.element;
if (unitElement != null) {
return unitElement.source;
return null;
* Return the element with which the given [name] is associated, or `null` if
* the name is not defined within this scope. The [identifier] is the
* identifier node to lookup element for, used to report correct kind of a
* problem and associate problem with. The [referencingLibrary] is the library
* that contains the reference to the name, used to implement library-level
* privacy.
Element internalLookup(
Identifier identifier, String name, LibraryElement referencingLibrary);
* Return the element with which the given [name] is associated, or `null` if
* the name is not defined within this scope. This method only returns
* elements that are directly defined within this scope, not elements that are
* defined in an enclosing scope. The [referencingLibrary] is the library that
* contains the reference to the name, used to implement library-level privacy.
Element localLookup(String name, LibraryElement referencingLibrary) {
if (_definedNames != null) {
return _definedNames[name];
return null;
* Return the element with which the given [identifier] is associated, or
* `null` if the name is not defined within this scope. The
* [referencingLibrary] is the library that contains the reference to the
* name, used to implement library-level privacy.
Element lookup(Identifier identifier, LibraryElement referencingLibrary) {
if (identifier is PrefixedIdentifier) {
return _internalLookupPrefixed(identifier,,, referencingLibrary);
return internalLookup(identifier,, referencingLibrary);
* Return `true` if the fact that the given [node] is not defined should be
* ignored (from the perspective of error reporting). This will be the case if
* there is at least one import that defines the node's prefix, and if that
* import either has no show combinators or has a show combinator that
* explicitly lists the node's name.
bool shouldIgnoreUndefined(Identifier node) {
if (enclosingScope != null) {
return enclosingScope.shouldIgnoreUndefined(node);
return false;
* Return the name that will be used to look up the given [element].
String _getName(Element element) {
if (element is MethodElement) {
MethodElement method = element;
if ( == "-" && method.parameters.length == 0) {
* Return the element with which the given [prefix] and [name] are associated,
* or `null` if the name is not defined within this scope. The [identifier] is
* the identifier node to lookup element for, used to report correct kind of a
* problem and associate problem with. The [referencingLibrary] is the library
* that contains the reference to the name, used to implement library-level
* privacy.
Element _internalLookupPrefixed(PrefixedIdentifier identifier, String prefix,
String name, LibraryElement referencingLibrary);
* Return `true` if the given [name] is a library-private name.
static bool isPrivateName(String name) =>
name != null && StringUtilities.startsWithChar(name, PRIVATE_NAME_PREFIX);
* The scope defined by the type parameters in an element that defines type
* parameters.
class TypeParameterScope extends EnclosedScope {
* Initialize a newly created scope, enclosed within the [enclosingScope],
* that defines the type parameters from the given [element].
TypeParameterScope(Scope enclosingScope, TypeParameterizedElement element)
: super(enclosingScope) {
if (element == null) {
throw new ArgumentError("element cannot be null");
* Define the type parameters declared by the [element].
void _defineTypeParameters(TypeParameterizedElement element) {
for (TypeParameterElement typeParameter in element.typeParameters) {