blob: 8d8dc6ba2cbc5e69b373062ccb8d1cb7a295d877 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2017, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// @dart = 2.7
/*member: main:[null]*/
main() {
/// Parameter passed through an empty try-catch statement.
/*member: _emptyTryCatch:[exact=JSUInt31]*/
_emptyTryCatch(/*[exact=JSUInt31]*/ o) {
try {} catch (e) {}
return o;
/*member: emptyTryCatch:[null]*/
emptyTryCatch() {
/// Parameter passed through an empty try-finally statement.
/*member: _emptyTryFinally:[exact=JSUInt31]*/
_emptyTryFinally(/*[exact=JSUInt31]*/ o) {
try {} finally {}
return o;
/*member: emptyTryFinally:[null]*/
emptyTryFinally() {
/// Parameter passed through an empty try-catch-finally statement.
/*member: _emptyTryCatchFinally:[exact=JSUInt31]*/
_emptyTryCatchFinally(/*[exact=JSUInt31]*/ o) {
try {} catch (e) {
} finally {}
return o;
/*member: emptyTryCatchFinally:[null]*/
emptyTryCatchFinally() {
/// A try-catch statement with an assignment in the try block.
/*member: tryCatchAssignmentInTry:[null|exact=JSUInt31]*/
tryCatchAssignmentInTry() {
var o = 0;
try {
o = null;
} catch (e) {}
return o;
/// A try-catch statement with an assignment in the catch block.
/*member: tryCatchAssignmentInCatch:[null|exact=JSUInt31]*/
tryCatchAssignmentInCatch() {
var o = 0;
try {} catch (e) {
o = null;
return o;
/// A try-finally statement with an assignment in the finally clause.
/*member: tryFinallyAssignmentInFinally:[null]*/
tryFinallyAssignmentInFinally() {
var o = 0;
try {} finally {
o = null;
return o;
/// A try-catch statement with an assignment in both the try block and the catch
/// block.
/*member: tryCatchAssignmentInTryCatch:Union(null, [exact=JSString], [exact=JSUInt31])*/
tryCatchAssignmentInTryCatch() {
dynamic o = 0;
try {
o = '';
} catch (e) {
o = null;
return o;
/// A try-catch statement with an assignment in both the try block and the
/// finally block.
/*member: tryCatchAssignmentInTryFinally:[null]*/
tryCatchAssignmentInTryFinally() {
dynamic o = 0;
try {
o = '';
} finally {
o = null;
return o;
/// Parameter passed through a try-catch statement with an assignment in the
/// catch clause.
/*member: _tryCatchParameterAssignmentInTry:[null|exact=JSUInt31]*/
_tryCatchParameterAssignmentInTry(/*[exact=JSUInt31]*/ o) {
try {
o = null;
} catch (e) {}
return o;
/*member: tryCatchParameterAssignmentInTry:[null]*/
tryCatchParameterAssignmentInTry() {
/// Parameter passed through a try-catch statement with an assignment in the
/// catch clause.
/*member: _tryCatchParameterAssignmentInCatch:[null|exact=JSUInt31]*/
_tryCatchParameterAssignmentInCatch(/*[exact=JSUInt31]*/ o) {
try {} catch (e) {
o = null;
return o;
/*member: tryCatchParameterAssignmentInCatch:[null]*/
tryCatchParameterAssignmentInCatch() {
/// Parameter passed through a try-finally statement with an assignment in the
/// finally clause.
/*member: _tryFinallyParameterAssignmentInFinally:[null]*/
_tryFinallyParameterAssignmentInFinally(/*[exact=JSUInt31]*/ o) {
try {} finally {
o = null;
return o;
/*member: tryFinallyParameterAssignmentInFinally:[null]*/
tryFinallyParameterAssignmentInFinally() {
/// Parameter passed through a try-catch statement with an assignment in the
/// catch clause.
/*member: _tryCatchParameterAssignmentInTryCatch:Union(null, [exact=JSString], [exact=JSUInt31])*/
_tryCatchParameterAssignmentInTryCatch(/*[exact=JSUInt31]*/ o) {
try {
o = '';
} catch (e) {
o = null;
return o;
/*member: tryCatchParameterAssignmentInTryCatch:[null]*/
tryCatchParameterAssignmentInTryCatch() {
/// Parameter passed through a try-finally statement with an assignment in the
/// finally clause.
/*member: _tryFinallyParameterAssignmentInTryFinally:[null]*/
_tryFinallyParameterAssignmentInTryFinally(/*[exact=JSUInt31]*/ o) {
try {
o = '';
} finally {
o = null;
return o;
/*member: tryFinallyParameterAssignmentInTryFinally:[null]*/
tryFinallyParameterAssignmentInTryFinally() {