blob: d883fea0caf9b2c13aabb793822aab8d9e26de7c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2017, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// @dart = 2.7
/*member: main:[null]*/
main() {
/// Return `this` of a class with no subclasses.
/*member: Class1.:[exact=Class1]*/
class Class1 {
/*member: Class1.method:[exact=Class1]*/
method() => this;
/*member: thisExact:[exact=Class1]*/
thisExact() => new Class1(). /*invoke: [exact=Class1]*/ method();
/// Return `this` of a class with an instantiated subclass.
/*member: Class2a.:[exact=Class2a]*/
class Class2a {
/*member: Class2a.method:[subclass=Class2a]*/
method() => this;
/*member: Class2b.:[exact=Class2b]*/
class Class2b extends Class2a {}
/*member: thisSubclass:[subclass=Class2a]*/
thisSubclass() {
new Class2b();
return new Class2a(). /*invoke: [exact=Class2a]*/ method();
/// Return `this` of a class with no instantiated subclasses.
/*member: Class3a.:[exact=Class3a]*/
class Class3a {
/*member: Class3a.method:[exact=Class3a]*/
method() => this;
class Class3b extends Class3a {}
/*member: thisSubclassExact:[exact=Class3a]*/
thisSubclassExact() {
return new Class3a(). /*invoke: [exact=Class3a]*/ method();
/// Return `this` of a class that is mixed into an instantiated class.
/*member: Class4a.:[exact=Class4a]*/
class Class4a {
/*member: Class4a.method:[subtype=Class4a]*/
method() => this;
/*member: Class4b.:[exact=Class4b]*/
class Class4b extends Object with Class4a {}
/*member: thisSubtype:[subtype=Class4a]*/
thisSubtype() {
new Class4b();
return new Class4a(). /*invoke: [exact=Class4a]*/ method();
/// Return `this` of a class that is mixed into an uninstantiated class.
/*member: Class5a.:[exact=Class5a]*/
class Class5a {
/*member: Class5a.method:[exact=Class5a]*/
method() => this;
class Class5b extends Object with Class5a {}
/*member: thisSubtypeExact:[exact=Class5a]*/
thisSubtypeExact() {
return new Class5a(). /*invoke: [exact=Class5a]*/ method();
/// Return `this` of a mixed in class that is itself instantiated.
/*member: Class6a.:[exact=Class6a]*/
class Class6a {
/*member: Class6a.method:[subtype=Class6a]*/
method() => this;
/*member: Class6b.:[exact=Class6b]*/
class Class6b extends Object with Class6a {}
/*member: thisSubtypeMixedIn:[subtype=Class6a]*/
thisSubtypeMixedIn() {
new Class6a();
return new Class6b(). /*invoke: [exact=Class6b]*/ method();
/// Return `this` of a mixed in class that is itself uninstantiated.
class Class7a {
/*member: Class7a.method:[exact=Class7b]*/
method() => this;
/*member: Class7b.:[exact=Class7b]*/
class Class7b extends Object with Class7a {}
/*member: thisSubtypeExactMixedIn:[exact=Class7b]*/
thisSubtypeExactMixedIn() {
return new Class7b(). /*invoke: [exact=Class7b]*/ method();