blob: 1b6311497ac4a3b4c188032a6d852a276c13804c [file] [log] [blame]
library tokenizer;
import 'dart:collection';
import 'package:html5lib/parser.dart' show HtmlParser;
import 'constants.dart';
import 'inputstream.dart';
import 'token.dart';
import 'utils.dart';
// Group entities by their first character, for faster lookups
// TODO(jmesserly): we could use a better data structure here like a trie, if
// we had it implemented in Dart.
Map<String, List<String>> entitiesByFirstChar = (() {
var result = {};
for (var k in entities.keys) {
result.putIfAbsent(k[0], () => []).add(k);
return result;
// TODO(jmesserly): lots of ways to make this faster:
// - use char codes everywhere instead of 1-char strings
// - use switch instead of contains, indexOf
// - use switch instead of the sequential if tests
// - avoid string concat
/// This class takes care of tokenizing HTML.
class HtmlTokenizer implements Iterator<Token> {
// TODO(jmesserly): a lot of these could be made private
final HtmlInputStream stream;
final bool lowercaseElementName;
final bool lowercaseAttrName;
/// True to generate spans in for [Token.span].
final bool generateSpans;
/// True to generate spans for attributes.
final bool attributeSpans;
/// This reference to the parser is used for correct CDATA handling.
/// The [HtmlParser] will set this at construction time.
HtmlParser parser;
final Queue<Token> tokenQueue;
/// Holds the token that is currently being processed.
Token currentToken;
/// Holds a reference to the method to be invoked for the next parser state.
// TODO(jmesserly): the type should be "Predicate" but a dart2js checked mode
// bug prevents us from doing that. See
Function state;
String temporaryBuffer;
int _lastOffset;
// TODO(jmesserly): ideally this would be a LinkedHashMap and we wouldn't add
// an item until it's ready. But the code doesn't have a clear notion of when
// it's "done" with the attribute.
List<TagAttribute> _attributes;
Set<String> _attributeNames;
HtmlTokenizer(doc, {String encoding, bool parseMeta: true,
this.lowercaseElementName: true, this.lowercaseAttrName: true,
bool generateSpans: false, String sourceUrl, this.attributeSpans: false})
: stream = new HtmlInputStream(
doc, encoding, parseMeta, generateSpans, sourceUrl),
tokenQueue = new Queue(),
generateSpans = generateSpans {
TagToken get currentTagToken => currentToken;
DoctypeToken get currentDoctypeToken => currentToken;
StringToken get currentStringToken => currentToken;
Token _current;
Token get current => _current;
String get _attributeName =>;
set _attributeName(String value) { = value;
String get _attributeValue => _attributes.last.value;
set _attributeValue(String value) {
_attributes.last.value = value;
void _markAttributeEnd(int offset) {
if (attributeSpans) _attributes.last.end = stream.position + offset;
void _markAttributeValueStart(int offset) {
if (attributeSpans) _attributes.last.startValue = stream.position + offset;
void _markAttributeValueEnd(int offset) {
if (attributeSpans) {
_attributes.last.endValue = stream.position + offset;
// Note: we could track the name span here, if we need it.
void _markAttributeNameEnd(int offset) => _markAttributeEnd(offset);
void _addAttribute(String name) {
if (_attributes == null) _attributes = [];
var attr = new TagAttribute(name);
if (attributeSpans) attr.start = stream.position - name.length;
/// This is where the magic happens.
/// We do our usually processing through the states and when we have a token
/// to return we yield the token which pauses processing until the next token
/// is requested.
bool moveNext() {
// Start processing. When EOF is reached state will return false;
// instead of true and the loop will terminate.
while (stream.errors.length == 0 && tokenQueue.length == 0) {
if (!state()) {
_current = null;
return false;
if (stream.errors.length > 0) {
_current = new ParseErrorToken(stream.errors.removeFirst());
} else {
assert (tokenQueue.length > 0);
_current = tokenQueue.removeFirst();
return true;
/// Resets the tokenizer state. Calling this does not reset the [stream] or
/// the [parser].
void reset() {
_lastOffset = 0;
currentToken = null;
temporaryBuffer = null;
_attributes = null;
_attributeNames = null;
state = dataState;
/// Adds a token to the queue. Sets the span if needed.
void _addToken(Token token) {
if (generateSpans && token.span == null) {
int offset = stream.position;
token.span = stream.fileInfo.span(_lastOffset, offset);
if (token is! ParseErrorToken) {
_lastOffset = offset;
/// This function returns either U+FFFD or the character based on the
/// decimal or hexadecimal representation. It also discards ";" if present.
/// If not present it will add a [ParseErrorToken].
String consumeNumberEntity(bool isHex) {
var allowed = isDigit;
var radix = 10;
if (isHex) {
allowed = isHexDigit;
radix = 16;
var charStack = [];
// Consume all the characters that are in range while making sure we
// don't hit an EOF.
var c = stream.char();
while (allowed(c) && c != EOF) {
c = stream.char();
// Convert the set of characters consumed to an int.
var charAsInt = parseIntRadix(charStack.join(), radix);
// Certain characters get replaced with others
var char = replacementCharacters[charAsInt];
if (char != null) {
_addToken(new ParseErrorToken(
messageParams: {"charAsInt": charAsInt}));
} else if ((0xD800 <= charAsInt && charAsInt <= 0xDFFF)
|| (charAsInt > 0x10FFFF)) {
char = "\uFFFD";
_addToken(new ParseErrorToken(
messageParams: {"charAsInt": charAsInt}));
} else {
// Should speed up this check somehow (e.g. move the set to a constant)
if ((0x0001 <= charAsInt && charAsInt <= 0x0008) ||
(0x000E <= charAsInt && charAsInt <= 0x001F) ||
(0x007F <= charAsInt && charAsInt <= 0x009F) ||
(0xFDD0 <= charAsInt && charAsInt <= 0xFDEF) ||
const [0x000B, 0xFFFE, 0xFFFF, 0x1FFFE,
0x1FFFF, 0x2FFFE, 0x2FFFF, 0x3FFFE,
0x3FFFF, 0x4FFFE, 0x4FFFF, 0x5FFFE,
0x5FFFF, 0x6FFFE, 0x6FFFF, 0x7FFFE,
0x7FFFF, 0x8FFFE, 0x8FFFF, 0x9FFFE,
0xFFFFF, 0x10FFFE, 0x10FFFF].contains(charAsInt)) {
_addToken(new ParseErrorToken(
messageParams: {"charAsInt": charAsInt}));
char = new String.fromCharCodes([charAsInt]);
// Discard the ; if present. Otherwise, put it back on the queue and
// invoke parseError on parser.
if (c != ";") {
_addToken(new ParseErrorToken(
return char;
void consumeEntity({String allowedChar, bool fromAttribute: false}) {
// Initialise to the default output for when no entity is matched
var output = "&";
var charStack = [stream.char()];
if (isWhitespace(charStack[0]) || charStack[0] == '<' || charStack[0] == '&'
|| charStack[0] == EOF || allowedChar == charStack[0]) {
} else if (charStack[0] == "#") {
// Read the next character to see if it's hex or decimal
bool hex = false;
if (charStack.last == 'x' || charStack.last == 'X') {
hex = true;
// charStack.last should be the first digit
if (hex && isHexDigit(charStack.last) ||
(!hex && isDigit(charStack.last))) {
// At least one digit found, so consume the whole number
output = consumeNumberEntity(hex);
} else {
// No digits found
_addToken(new ParseErrorToken("expected-numeric-entity"));
output = "&${charStack.join()}";
} else {
// At this point in the process might have named entity. Entities
// are stored in the global variable "entities".
// Consume characters and compare to these to a substring of the
// entity names in the list until the substring no longer matches.
var filteredEntityList = entitiesByFirstChar[charStack[0]];
if (filteredEntityList == null) filteredEntityList = const [];
while (charStack.last != EOF) {
var name = charStack.join();
filteredEntityList = filteredEntityList.where(
(e) => e.startsWith(name)).toList();
if (filteredEntityList.length == 0) {
// At this point we have a string that starts with some characters
// that may match an entity
String entityName = null;
// Try to find the longest entity the string will match to take care
// of &noti for instance.
int entityLen;
for (entityLen = charStack.length - 1; entityLen > 1; entityLen--) {
var possibleEntityName = charStack.sublist(0, entityLen).join();
if (entities.containsKey(possibleEntityName)) {
entityName = possibleEntityName;
if (entityName != null) {
var lastChar = entityName[entityName.length - 1];
if (lastChar != ";") {
_addToken(new ParseErrorToken(
if (lastChar != ";" && fromAttribute &&
(isLetterOrDigit(charStack[entityLen]) ||
charStack[entityLen] == '=')) {
output = "&${charStack.join()}";
} else {
output = entities[entityName];
output = '${output}${slice(charStack, entityLen).join()}';
} else {
_addToken(new ParseErrorToken("expected-named-entity"));
output = "&${charStack.join()}";
if (fromAttribute) {
_attributeValue = '$_attributeValue$output';
} else {
var token;
if (isWhitespace(output)) {
token = new SpaceCharactersToken(output);
} else {
token = new CharactersToken(output);
/// This method replaces the need for "entityInAttributeValueState".
void processEntityInAttribute(String allowedChar) {
consumeEntity(allowedChar: allowedChar, fromAttribute: true);
/// This method is a generic handler for emitting the tags. It also sets
/// the state to "data" because that's what's needed after a token has been
/// emitted.
void emitCurrentToken() {
var token = currentToken;
// Add token to the queue to be yielded
if (token is TagToken) {
if (lowercaseElementName) { = asciiUpper2Lower(;
if (token is EndTagToken) {
if (_attributes != null) {
_addToken(new ParseErrorToken("attributes-in-end-tag"));
if (token.selfClosing) {
_addToken(new ParseErrorToken("this-closing-flag-on-end-tag"));
} else if (token is StartTagToken) {
// HTML5 specific normalizations to the token stream.
// Convert the list into a map where first key wins. = new LinkedHashMap<Object, String>();
if (_attributes != null) {
for (var attr in _attributes) {, () => attr.value);
if (attributeSpans) token.attributeSpans = _attributes;
_attributes = null;
_attributeNames = null;
state = dataState;
// Below are the various tokenizer states worked out.
bool dataState() {
var data = stream.char();
if (data == "&") {
state = entityDataState;
} else if (data == "<") {
state = tagOpenState;
} else if (data == "\u0000") {
_addToken(new ParseErrorToken("invalid-codepoint"));
_addToken(new CharactersToken("\u0000"));
} else if (data == EOF) {
// Tokenization ends.
return false;
} else if (isWhitespace(data)) {
// Directly after emitting a token you switch back to the "data
// state". At that point spaceCharacters are important so they are
// emitted separately.
_addToken(new SpaceCharactersToken(
'${data}${stream.charsUntil(spaceCharacters, true)}'));
// No need to update lastFourChars here, since the first space will
// have already been appended to lastFourChars and will have broken
// any <!-- or --> sequences
} else {
var chars = stream.charsUntil("&<\u0000");
_addToken(new CharactersToken('${data}${chars}'));
return true;
bool entityDataState() {
state = dataState;
return true;
bool rcdataState() {
var data = stream.char();
if (data == "&") {
state = characterReferenceInRcdata;
} else if (data == "<") {
state = rcdataLessThanSignState;
} else if (data == EOF) {
// Tokenization ends.
return false;
} else if (data == "\u0000") {
_addToken(new ParseErrorToken("invalid-codepoint"));
_addToken(new CharactersToken("\uFFFD"));
} else if (isWhitespace(data)) {
// Directly after emitting a token you switch back to the "data
// state". At that point spaceCharacters are important so they are
// emitted separately.
_addToken(new SpaceCharactersToken(
'${data}${stream.charsUntil(spaceCharacters, true)}'));
} else {
var chars = stream.charsUntil("&<");
_addToken(new CharactersToken('${data}${chars}'));
return true;
bool characterReferenceInRcdata() {
state = rcdataState;
return true;
bool rawtextState() {
var data = stream.char();
if (data == "<") {
state = rawtextLessThanSignState;
} else if (data == "\u0000") {
_addToken(new ParseErrorToken("invalid-codepoint"));
_addToken(new CharactersToken("\uFFFD"));
} else if (data == EOF) {
// Tokenization ends.
return false;
} else {
var chars = stream.charsUntil("<\u0000");
_addToken(new CharactersToken("${data}${chars}"));
return true;
bool scriptDataState() {
var data = stream.char();
if (data == "<") {
state = scriptDataLessThanSignState;
} else if (data == "\u0000") {
_addToken(new ParseErrorToken("invalid-codepoint"));
_addToken(new CharactersToken("\uFFFD"));
} else if (data == EOF) {
// Tokenization ends.
return false;
} else {
var chars = stream.charsUntil("<\u0000");
_addToken(new CharactersToken("${data}${chars}"));
return true;
bool plaintextState() {
var data = stream.char();
if (data == EOF) {
// Tokenization ends.
return false;
} else if (data == "\u0000") {
_addToken(new ParseErrorToken("invalid-codepoint"));
_addToken(new CharactersToken("\uFFFD"));
} else {
_addToken(new CharactersToken(
return true;
bool tagOpenState() {
var data = stream.char();
if (data == "!") {
state = markupDeclarationOpenState;
} else if (data == "/") {
state = closeTagOpenState;
} else if (isLetter(data)) {
currentToken = new StartTagToken(data);
state = tagNameState;
} else if (data == ">") {
// XXX In theory it could be something besides a tag name. But
// do we really care?
_addToken(new ParseErrorToken(
_addToken(new CharactersToken("<>"));
state = dataState;
} else if (data == "?") {
// XXX In theory it could be something besides a tag name. But
// do we really care?
_addToken(new ParseErrorToken(
state = bogusCommentState;
} else {
// XXX
_addToken(new ParseErrorToken("expected-tag-name"));
_addToken(new CharactersToken("<"));
state = dataState;
return true;
bool closeTagOpenState() {
var data = stream.char();
if (isLetter(data)) {
currentToken = new EndTagToken(data);
state = tagNameState;
} else if (data == ">") {
_addToken(new ParseErrorToken(
state = dataState;
} else if (data == EOF) {
_addToken(new ParseErrorToken(
_addToken(new CharactersToken("</"));
state = dataState;
} else {
// XXX data can be _'_...
_addToken(new ParseErrorToken(
"expected-closing-tag-but-got-char", messageParams: {"data": data}));
state = bogusCommentState;
return true;
bool tagNameState() {
var data = stream.char();
if (isWhitespace(data)) {
state = beforeAttributeNameState;
} else if (data == ">") {
} else if (data == EOF) {
_addToken(new ParseErrorToken("eof-in-tag-name"));
state = dataState;
} else if (data == "/") {
state = selfClosingStartTagState;
} else if (data == "\u0000") {
_addToken(new ParseErrorToken("invalid-codepoint")); = '${}\uFFFD';
} else { = '${}$data';
// (Don't use charsUntil here, because tag names are
// very short and it's faster to not do anything fancy)
return true;
bool rcdataLessThanSignState() {
var data = stream.char();
if (data == "/") {
temporaryBuffer = "";
state = rcdataEndTagOpenState;
} else {
_addToken(new CharactersToken("<"));
state = rcdataState;
return true;
bool rcdataEndTagOpenState() {
var data = stream.char();
if (isLetter(data)) {
temporaryBuffer = '${temporaryBuffer}$data';
state = rcdataEndTagNameState;
} else {
_addToken(new CharactersToken("</"));
state = rcdataState;
return true;
bool _tokenIsAppropriate() {
return currentToken is TagToken && == temporaryBuffer.toLowerCase();
bool rcdataEndTagNameState() {
var appropriate = _tokenIsAppropriate();
var data = stream.char();
if (isWhitespace(data) && appropriate) {
currentToken = new EndTagToken(temporaryBuffer);
state = beforeAttributeNameState;
} else if (data == "/" && appropriate) {
currentToken = new EndTagToken(temporaryBuffer);
state = selfClosingStartTagState;
} else if (data == ">" && appropriate) {
currentToken = new EndTagToken(temporaryBuffer);
state = dataState;
} else if (isLetter(data)) {
temporaryBuffer = '${temporaryBuffer}$data';
} else {
_addToken(new CharactersToken("</$temporaryBuffer"));
state = rcdataState;
return true;
bool rawtextLessThanSignState() {
var data = stream.char();
if (data == "/") {
temporaryBuffer = "";
state = rawtextEndTagOpenState;
} else {
_addToken(new CharactersToken("<"));
state = rawtextState;
return true;
bool rawtextEndTagOpenState() {
var data = stream.char();
if (isLetter(data)) {
temporaryBuffer = '${temporaryBuffer}$data';
state = rawtextEndTagNameState;
} else {
_addToken(new CharactersToken("</"));
state = rawtextState;
return true;
bool rawtextEndTagNameState() {
var appropriate = _tokenIsAppropriate();
var data = stream.char();
if (isWhitespace(data) && appropriate) {
currentToken = new EndTagToken(temporaryBuffer);
state = beforeAttributeNameState;
} else if (data == "/" && appropriate) {
currentToken = new EndTagToken(temporaryBuffer);
state = selfClosingStartTagState;
} else if (data == ">" && appropriate) {
currentToken = new EndTagToken(temporaryBuffer);
state = dataState;
} else if (isLetter(data)) {
temporaryBuffer = '${temporaryBuffer}$data';
} else {
_addToken(new CharactersToken("</$temporaryBuffer"));
state = rawtextState;
return true;
bool scriptDataLessThanSignState() {
var data = stream.char();
if (data == "/") {
temporaryBuffer = "";
state = scriptDataEndTagOpenState;
} else if (data == "!") {
_addToken(new CharactersToken("<!"));
state = scriptDataEscapeStartState;
} else {
_addToken(new CharactersToken("<"));
state = scriptDataState;
return true;
bool scriptDataEndTagOpenState() {
var data = stream.char();
if (isLetter(data)) {
temporaryBuffer = '${temporaryBuffer}$data';
state = scriptDataEndTagNameState;
} else {
_addToken(new CharactersToken("</"));
state = scriptDataState;
return true;
bool scriptDataEndTagNameState() {
var appropriate = _tokenIsAppropriate();
var data = stream.char();
if (isWhitespace(data) && appropriate) {
currentToken = new EndTagToken(temporaryBuffer);
state = beforeAttributeNameState;
} else if (data == "/" && appropriate) {
currentToken = new EndTagToken(temporaryBuffer);
state = selfClosingStartTagState;
} else if (data == ">" && appropriate) {
currentToken = new EndTagToken(temporaryBuffer);
state = dataState;
} else if (isLetter(data)) {
temporaryBuffer = '${temporaryBuffer}$data';
} else {
_addToken(new CharactersToken("</$temporaryBuffer"));
state = scriptDataState;
return true;
bool scriptDataEscapeStartState() {
var data = stream.char();
if (data == "-") {
_addToken(new CharactersToken("-"));
state = scriptDataEscapeStartDashState;
} else {
state = scriptDataState;
return true;
bool scriptDataEscapeStartDashState() {
var data = stream.char();
if (data == "-") {
_addToken(new CharactersToken("-"));
state = scriptDataEscapedDashDashState;
} else {
state = scriptDataState;
return true;
bool scriptDataEscapedState() {
var data = stream.char();
if (data == "-") {
_addToken(new CharactersToken("-"));
state = scriptDataEscapedDashState;
} else if (data == "<") {
state = scriptDataEscapedLessThanSignState;
} else if (data == "\u0000") {
_addToken(new ParseErrorToken("invalid-codepoint"));
_addToken(new CharactersToken("\uFFFD"));
} else if (data == EOF) {
state = dataState;
} else {
var chars = stream.charsUntil("<-\u0000");
_addToken(new CharactersToken("${data}${chars}"));
return true;
bool scriptDataEscapedDashState() {
var data = stream.char();
if (data == "-") {
_addToken(new CharactersToken("-"));
state = scriptDataEscapedDashDashState;
} else if (data == "<") {
state = scriptDataEscapedLessThanSignState;
} else if (data == "\u0000") {
_addToken(new ParseErrorToken("invalid-codepoint"));
_addToken(new CharactersToken("\uFFFD"));
state = scriptDataEscapedState;
} else if (data == EOF) {
state = dataState;
} else {
_addToken(new CharactersToken(data));
state = scriptDataEscapedState;
return true;
bool scriptDataEscapedDashDashState() {
var data = stream.char();
if (data == "-") {
_addToken(new CharactersToken("-"));
} else if (data == "<") {
state = scriptDataEscapedLessThanSignState;
} else if (data == ">") {
_addToken(new CharactersToken(">"));
state = scriptDataState;
} else if (data == "\u0000") {
_addToken(new ParseErrorToken("invalid-codepoint"));
_addToken(new CharactersToken("\uFFFD"));
state = scriptDataEscapedState;
} else if (data == EOF) {
state = dataState;
} else {
_addToken(new CharactersToken(data));
state = scriptDataEscapedState;
return true;
bool scriptDataEscapedLessThanSignState() {
var data = stream.char();
if (data == "/") {
temporaryBuffer = "";
state = scriptDataEscapedEndTagOpenState;
} else if (isLetter(data)) {
_addToken(new CharactersToken("<$data"));
temporaryBuffer = data;
state = scriptDataDoubleEscapeStartState;
} else {
_addToken(new CharactersToken("<"));
state = scriptDataEscapedState;
return true;
bool scriptDataEscapedEndTagOpenState() {
var data = stream.char();
if (isLetter(data)) {
temporaryBuffer = data;
state = scriptDataEscapedEndTagNameState;
} else {
_addToken(new CharactersToken("</"));
state = scriptDataEscapedState;
return true;
bool scriptDataEscapedEndTagNameState() {
var appropriate = _tokenIsAppropriate();
var data = stream.char();
if (isWhitespace(data) && appropriate) {
currentToken = new EndTagToken(temporaryBuffer);
state = beforeAttributeNameState;
} else if (data == "/" && appropriate) {
currentToken = new EndTagToken(temporaryBuffer);
state = selfClosingStartTagState;
} else if (data == ">" && appropriate) {
currentToken = new EndTagToken(temporaryBuffer);
state = dataState;
} else if (isLetter(data)) {
temporaryBuffer = '${temporaryBuffer}$data';
} else {
_addToken(new CharactersToken("</$temporaryBuffer"));
state = scriptDataEscapedState;
return true;
bool scriptDataDoubleEscapeStartState() {
var data = stream.char();
if (isWhitespace(data) || data == "/" || data == ">") {
_addToken(new CharactersToken(data));
if (temporaryBuffer.toLowerCase() == "script") {
state = scriptDataDoubleEscapedState;
} else {
state = scriptDataEscapedState;
} else if (isLetter(data)) {
_addToken(new CharactersToken(data));
temporaryBuffer = '${temporaryBuffer}$data';
} else {
state = scriptDataEscapedState;
return true;
bool scriptDataDoubleEscapedState() {
var data = stream.char();
if (data == "-") {
_addToken(new CharactersToken("-"));
state = scriptDataDoubleEscapedDashState;
} else if (data == "<") {
_addToken(new CharactersToken("<"));
state = scriptDataDoubleEscapedLessThanSignState;
} else if (data == "\u0000") {
_addToken(new ParseErrorToken("invalid-codepoint"));
_addToken(new CharactersToken("\uFFFD"));
} else if (data == EOF) {
_addToken(new ParseErrorToken("eof-in-script-in-script"));
state = dataState;
} else {
_addToken(new CharactersToken(data));
return true;
bool scriptDataDoubleEscapedDashState() {
var data = stream.char();
if (data == "-") {
_addToken(new CharactersToken("-"));
state = scriptDataDoubleEscapedDashDashState;
} else if (data == "<") {
_addToken(new CharactersToken("<"));
state = scriptDataDoubleEscapedLessThanSignState;
} else if (data == "\u0000") {
_addToken(new ParseErrorToken("invalid-codepoint"));
_addToken(new CharactersToken("\uFFFD"));
state = scriptDataDoubleEscapedState;
} else if (data == EOF) {
_addToken(new ParseErrorToken("eof-in-script-in-script"));
state = dataState;
} else {
_addToken(new CharactersToken(data));
state = scriptDataDoubleEscapedState;
return true;
// TODO(jmesserly): report bug in original code
// (was "Dash" instead of "DashDash")
bool scriptDataDoubleEscapedDashDashState() {
var data = stream.char();
if (data == "-") {
_addToken(new CharactersToken("-"));
} else if (data == "<") {
_addToken(new CharactersToken("<"));
state = scriptDataDoubleEscapedLessThanSignState;
} else if (data == ">") {
_addToken(new CharactersToken(">"));
state = scriptDataState;
} else if (data == "\u0000") {
_addToken(new ParseErrorToken("invalid-codepoint"));
_addToken(new CharactersToken("\uFFFD"));
state = scriptDataDoubleEscapedState;
} else if (data == EOF) {
_addToken(new ParseErrorToken("eof-in-script-in-script"));
state = dataState;
} else {
_addToken(new CharactersToken(data));
state = scriptDataDoubleEscapedState;
return true;
bool scriptDataDoubleEscapedLessThanSignState() {
var data = stream.char();
if (data == "/") {
_addToken(new CharactersToken("/"));
temporaryBuffer = "";
state = scriptDataDoubleEscapeEndState;
} else {
state = scriptDataDoubleEscapedState;
return true;
bool scriptDataDoubleEscapeEndState() {
var data = stream.char();
if (isWhitespace(data) || data == "/" || data == ">") {
_addToken(new CharactersToken(data));
if (temporaryBuffer.toLowerCase() == "script") {
state = scriptDataEscapedState;
} else {
state = scriptDataDoubleEscapedState;
} else if (isLetter(data)) {
_addToken(new CharactersToken(data));
temporaryBuffer = '${temporaryBuffer}$data';
} else {
state = scriptDataDoubleEscapedState;
return true;
bool beforeAttributeNameState() {
var data = stream.char();
if (isWhitespace(data)) {
stream.charsUntil(spaceCharacters, true);
} else if (isLetter(data)) {
state = attributeNameState;
} else if (data == ">") {
} else if (data == "/") {
state = selfClosingStartTagState;
} else if (data == EOF) {
_addToken(new ParseErrorToken("expected-attribute-name-but-got-eof"));
state = dataState;
} else if ("'\"=<".contains(data)) {
_addToken(new ParseErrorToken("invalid-character-in-attribute-name"));
state = attributeNameState;
} else if (data == "\u0000") {
_addToken(new ParseErrorToken("invalid-codepoint"));
state = attributeNameState;
} else {
state = attributeNameState;
return true;
bool attributeNameState() {
var data = stream.char();
bool leavingThisState = true;
bool emitToken = false;
if (data == "=") {
state = beforeAttributeValueState;
} else if (isLetter(data)) {
_attributeName = '$_attributeName$data'
'${stream.charsUntil(asciiLetters, true)}';
leavingThisState = false;
} else if (data == ">") {
// XXX If we emit here the attributes are converted to a dict
// without being checked and when the code below runs we error
// because data is a dict not a list
emitToken = true;
} else if (isWhitespace(data)) {
state = afterAttributeNameState;
} else if (data == "/") {
state = selfClosingStartTagState;
} else if (data == "\u0000") {
_addToken(new ParseErrorToken("invalid-codepoint"));
_attributeName = '${_attributeName}\uFFFD';
leavingThisState = false;
} else if (data == EOF) {
_addToken(new ParseErrorToken("eof-in-attribute-name"));
state = dataState;
} else if ("'\"<".contains(data)) {
_addToken(new ParseErrorToken("invalid-character-in-attribute-name"));
_attributeName = '$_attributeName$data';
leavingThisState = false;
} else {
_attributeName = '$_attributeName$data';
leavingThisState = false;
if (leavingThisState) {
// Attributes are not dropped at this stage. That happens when the
// start tag token is emitted so values can still be safely appended
// to attributes, but we do want to report the parse error in time.
if (lowercaseAttrName) {
_attributeName = asciiUpper2Lower(_attributeName);
if (_attributeNames == null) _attributeNames = new Set();
if (_attributeNames.contains(_attributeName)) {
_addToken(new ParseErrorToken("duplicate-attribute"));
// XXX Fix for above XXX
if (emitToken) {
return true;
bool afterAttributeNameState() {
var data = stream.char();
if (isWhitespace(data)) {
stream.charsUntil(spaceCharacters, true);
} else if (data == "=") {
state = beforeAttributeValueState;
} else if (data == ">") {
} else if (isLetter(data)) {
state = attributeNameState;
} else if (data == "/") {
state = selfClosingStartTagState;
} else if (data == "\u0000") {
_addToken(new ParseErrorToken("invalid-codepoint"));
state = attributeNameState;
} else if (data == EOF) {
_addToken(new ParseErrorToken("expected-end-of-tag-but-got-eof"));
state = dataState;
} else if ("'\"<".contains(data)) {
_addToken(new ParseErrorToken("invalid-character-after-attribute-name"));
state = attributeNameState;
} else {
state = attributeNameState;
return true;
bool beforeAttributeValueState() {
var data = stream.char();
if (isWhitespace(data)) {
stream.charsUntil(spaceCharacters, true);
} else if (data == "\"") {
state = attributeValueDoubleQuotedState;
} else if (data == "&") {
state = attributeValueUnQuotedState;
} else if (data == "'") {
state = attributeValueSingleQuotedState;
} else if (data == ">") {
_addToken(new ParseErrorToken(
} else if (data == "\u0000") {
_addToken(new ParseErrorToken("invalid-codepoint"));
_attributeValue = '${_attributeValue}\uFFFD';
state = attributeValueUnQuotedState;
} else if (data == EOF) {
_addToken(new ParseErrorToken("expected-attribute-value-but-got-eof"));
state = dataState;
} else if ("=<`".contains(data)) {
_addToken(new ParseErrorToken("equals-in-unquoted-attribute-value"));
_attributeValue = '$_attributeValue$data';
state = attributeValueUnQuotedState;
} else {
_attributeValue = '$_attributeValue$data';
state = attributeValueUnQuotedState;
return true;
bool attributeValueDoubleQuotedState() {
var data = stream.char();
if (data == "\"") {
state = afterAttributeValueState;
} else if (data == "&") {
} else if (data == "\u0000") {
_addToken(new ParseErrorToken("invalid-codepoint"));
_attributeValue = '${_attributeValue}\uFFFD';
} else if (data == EOF) {
_addToken(new ParseErrorToken("eof-in-attribute-value-double-quote"));
state = dataState;
} else {
_attributeValue = '$_attributeValue$data${stream.charsUntil("\"&")}';
return true;
bool attributeValueSingleQuotedState() {
var data = stream.char();
if (data == "'") {
state = afterAttributeValueState;
} else if (data == "&") {
} else if (data == "\u0000") {
_addToken(new ParseErrorToken("invalid-codepoint"));
_attributeValue = '${_attributeValue}\uFFFD';
} else if (data == EOF) {
_addToken(new ParseErrorToken("eof-in-attribute-value-single-quote"));
state = dataState;
} else {
_attributeValue = '$_attributeValue$data${stream.charsUntil("\'&")}';
return true;
bool attributeValueUnQuotedState() {
var data = stream.char();
if (isWhitespace(data)) {
state = beforeAttributeNameState;
} else if (data == "&") {
} else if (data == ">") {
} else if (data == EOF) {
_addToken(new ParseErrorToken("eof-in-attribute-value-no-quotes"));
state = dataState;
} else if ('"\'=<`'.contains(data)) {
_addToken(new ParseErrorToken(
_attributeValue = '$_attributeValue$data';
} else if (data == "\u0000") {
_addToken(new ParseErrorToken("invalid-codepoint"));
_attributeValue = '${_attributeValue}\uFFFD';
} else {
_attributeValue = '$_attributeValue$data'
return true;
bool afterAttributeValueState() {
var data = stream.char();
if (isWhitespace(data)) {
state = beforeAttributeNameState;
} else if (data == ">") {
} else if (data == "/") {
state = selfClosingStartTagState;
} else if (data == EOF) {
_addToken(new ParseErrorToken("unexpected-EOF-after-attribute-value"));
state = dataState;
} else {
_addToken(new ParseErrorToken(
state = beforeAttributeNameState;
return true;
bool selfClosingStartTagState() {
var data = stream.char();
if (data == ">") {
currentTagToken.selfClosing = true;
} else if (data == EOF) {
_addToken(new ParseErrorToken("unexpected-EOF-after-solidus-in-tag"));
state = dataState;
} else {
_addToken(new ParseErrorToken(
state = beforeAttributeNameState;
return true;
bool bogusCommentState() {
// Make a new comment token and give it as value all the characters
// until the first > or EOF (charsUntil checks for EOF automatically)
// and emit it.
var data = stream.charsUntil(">");
data = data.replaceAll("\u0000", "\uFFFD");
_addToken(new CommentToken(data));
// Eat the character directly after the bogus comment which is either a
// ">" or an EOF.
state = dataState;
return true;
bool markupDeclarationOpenState() {
var charStack = [stream.char()];
if (charStack.last == "-") {
if (charStack.last == "-") {
currentToken = new CommentToken("");
state = commentStartState;
return true;
} else if (charStack.last == 'd' || charStack.last == 'D') {
var matched = true;
for (var expected in const ['oO', 'cC', 'tT', 'yY', 'pP', 'eE']) {
var char = stream.char();
if (char == EOF || !expected.contains(char)) {
matched = false;
if (matched) {
currentToken = new DoctypeToken(correct: true);
state = doctypeState;
return true;
} else if (charStack.last == "[" &&
parser != null && parser.tree.openElements.length > 0 &&
!= parser.tree.defaultNamespace) {
var matched = true;
for (var expected in const ["C", "D", "A", "T", "A", "["]) {
if (charStack.last != expected) {
matched = false;
if (matched) {
state = cdataSectionState;
return true;
_addToken(new ParseErrorToken("expected-dashes-or-doctype"));
while (charStack.length > 0) {
state = bogusCommentState;
return true;
bool commentStartState() {
var data = stream.char();
if (data == "-") {
state = commentStartDashState;
} else if (data == "\u0000") {
_addToken(new ParseErrorToken("invalid-codepoint")); = '${}\uFFFD';
} else if (data == ">") {
_addToken(new ParseErrorToken("incorrect-comment"));
state = dataState;
} else if (data == EOF) {
_addToken(new ParseErrorToken("eof-in-comment"));
state = dataState;
} else { = '${}$data';
state = commentState;
return true;
bool commentStartDashState() {
var data = stream.char();
if (data == "-") {
state = commentEndState;
} else if (data == "\u0000") {
_addToken(new ParseErrorToken("invalid-codepoint")); = '${}-\uFFFD';
} else if (data == ">") {
_addToken(new ParseErrorToken("incorrect-comment"));
state = dataState;
} else if (data == EOF) {
_addToken(new ParseErrorToken("eof-in-comment"));
state = dataState;
} else { = '${}-${data}';
state = commentState;
return true;
bool commentState() {
var data = stream.char();
if (data == "-") {
state = commentEndDashState;
} else if (data == "\u0000") {
_addToken(new ParseErrorToken("invalid-codepoint")); = '${}\uFFFD';
} else if (data == EOF) {
_addToken(new ParseErrorToken("eof-in-comment"));
state = dataState;
} else { = '${}$data'
return true;
bool commentEndDashState() {
var data = stream.char();
if (data == "-") {
state = commentEndState;
} else if (data == "\u0000") {
_addToken(new ParseErrorToken("invalid-codepoint")); = "${}-\uFFFD";
state = commentState;
} else if (data == EOF) {
_addToken(new ParseErrorToken("eof-in-comment-end-dash"));
state = dataState;
} else { = "${}-${data}";
state = commentState;
return true;
bool commentEndState() {
var data = stream.char();
if (data == ">") {
state = dataState;
} else if (data == "\u0000") {
_addToken(new ParseErrorToken("invalid-codepoint")); = '${}--\uFFFD';
state = commentState;
} else if (data == "!") {
_addToken(new ParseErrorToken(
state = commentEndBangState;
} else if (data == "-") {
_addToken(new ParseErrorToken(
"unexpected-dash-after-double-dash-in-comment")); = '${}$data';
} else if (data == EOF) {
_addToken(new ParseErrorToken("eof-in-comment-double-dash"));
state = dataState;
} else {
// XXX
_addToken(new ParseErrorToken("unexpected-char-in-comment")); = "${}--${data}";
state = commentState;
return true;
bool commentEndBangState() {
var data = stream.char();
if (data == ">") {
state = dataState;
} else if (data == "-") { = '${}--!';
state = commentEndDashState;
} else if (data == "\u0000") {
_addToken(new ParseErrorToken("invalid-codepoint")); = '${}--!\uFFFD';
state = commentState;
} else if (data == EOF) {
_addToken(new ParseErrorToken("eof-in-comment-end-bang-state"));
state = dataState;
} else { = "${}--!${data}";
state = commentState;
return true;
bool doctypeState() {
var data = stream.char();
if (isWhitespace(data)) {
state = beforeDoctypeNameState;
} else if (data == EOF) {
_addToken(new ParseErrorToken(
currentDoctypeToken.correct = false;
state = dataState;
} else {
_addToken(new ParseErrorToken("need-space-after-doctype"));
state = beforeDoctypeNameState;
return true;
bool beforeDoctypeNameState() {
var data = stream.char();
if (isWhitespace(data)) {
return true;
} else if (data == ">") {
_addToken(new ParseErrorToken(
currentDoctypeToken.correct = false;
state = dataState;
} else if (data == "\u0000") {
_addToken(new ParseErrorToken("invalid-codepoint")); = "\uFFFD";
state = doctypeNameState;
} else if (data == EOF) {
_addToken(new ParseErrorToken(
currentDoctypeToken.correct = false;
state = dataState;
} else { = data;
state = doctypeNameState;
return true;
bool doctypeNameState() {
var data = stream.char();
if (isWhitespace(data)) { = asciiUpper2Lower(;
state = afterDoctypeNameState;
} else if (data == ">") { = asciiUpper2Lower(;
state = dataState;
} else if (data == "\u0000") {
_addToken(new ParseErrorToken("invalid-codepoint")); = "${}\uFFFD";
state = doctypeNameState;
} else if (data == EOF) {
_addToken(new ParseErrorToken("eof-in-doctype-name"));
currentDoctypeToken.correct = false; = asciiUpper2Lower(;
state = dataState;
} else { = '${}$data';
return true;
bool afterDoctypeNameState() {
var data = stream.char();
if (isWhitespace(data)) {
return true;
} else if (data == ">") {
state = dataState;
} else if (data == EOF) {
currentDoctypeToken.correct = false;
_addToken(new ParseErrorToken("eof-in-doctype"));
state = dataState;
} else {
if (data == "p" || data == "P") {
// TODO(jmesserly): would be nice to have a helper for this.
var matched = true;
for (var expected in const ["uU", "bB", "lL", "iI", "cC"]) {
data = stream.char();
if (data == EOF || !expected.contains(data)) {
matched = false;
if (matched) {
state = afterDoctypePublicKeywordState;
return true;
} else if (data == "s" || data == "S") {
var matched = true;
for (var expected in const ["yY", "sS", "tT", "eE", "mM"]) {
data = stream.char();
if (data == EOF || !expected.contains(data)) {
matched = false;
if (matched) {
state = afterDoctypeSystemKeywordState;
return true;
// All the characters read before the current 'data' will be
// [a-zA-Z], so they're garbage in the bogus doctype and can be
// discarded; only the latest character might be '>' or EOF
// and needs to be ungetted
_addToken(new ParseErrorToken(
messageParams: {"data": data}));
currentDoctypeToken.correct = false;
state = bogusDoctypeState;
return true;
bool afterDoctypePublicKeywordState() {
var data = stream.char();
if (isWhitespace(data)) {
state = beforeDoctypePublicIdentifierState;
} else if (data == "'" || data == '"') {
_addToken(new ParseErrorToken("unexpected-char-in-doctype"));
state = beforeDoctypePublicIdentifierState;
} else if (data == EOF) {
_addToken(new ParseErrorToken("eof-in-doctype"));
currentDoctypeToken.correct = false;
state = dataState;
} else {
state = beforeDoctypePublicIdentifierState;
return true;
bool beforeDoctypePublicIdentifierState() {
var data = stream.char();
if (isWhitespace(data)) {
return true;
} else if (data == "\"") {
currentDoctypeToken.publicId = "";
state = doctypePublicIdentifierDoubleQuotedState;
} else if (data == "'") {
currentDoctypeToken.publicId = "";
state = doctypePublicIdentifierSingleQuotedState;
} else if (data == ">") {
_addToken(new ParseErrorToken("unexpected-end-of-doctype"));
currentDoctypeToken.correct = false;
state = dataState;
} else if (data == EOF) {
_addToken(new ParseErrorToken("eof-in-doctype"));
currentDoctypeToken.correct = false;
state = dataState;
} else {
_addToken(new ParseErrorToken("unexpected-char-in-doctype"));
currentDoctypeToken.correct = false;
state = bogusDoctypeState;
return true;
bool doctypePublicIdentifierDoubleQuotedState() {
var data = stream.char();
if (data == '"') {
state = afterDoctypePublicIdentifierState;
} else if (data == "\u0000") {
_addToken(new ParseErrorToken("invalid-codepoint"));
currentDoctypeToken.publicId = "${currentDoctypeToken.publicId}\uFFFD";
} else if (data == ">") {
_addToken(new ParseErrorToken("unexpected-end-of-doctype"));
currentDoctypeToken.correct = false;
state = dataState;
} else if (data == EOF) {
_addToken(new ParseErrorToken("eof-in-doctype"));
currentDoctypeToken.correct = false;
state = dataState;
} else {
currentDoctypeToken.publicId = '${currentDoctypeToken.publicId}$data';
return true;
bool doctypePublicIdentifierSingleQuotedState() {
var data = stream.char();
if (data == "'") {
state = afterDoctypePublicIdentifierState;
} else if (data == "\u0000") {
_addToken(new ParseErrorToken("invalid-codepoint"));
currentDoctypeToken.publicId = "${currentDoctypeToken.publicId}\uFFFD";
} else if (data == ">") {
_addToken(new ParseErrorToken("unexpected-end-of-doctype"));
currentDoctypeToken.correct = false;
state = dataState;
} else if (data == EOF) {
_addToken(new ParseErrorToken("eof-in-doctype"));
currentDoctypeToken.correct = false;
state = dataState;
} else {
currentDoctypeToken.publicId = '${currentDoctypeToken.publicId}$data';
return true;
bool afterDoctypePublicIdentifierState() {
var data = stream.char();
if (isWhitespace(data)) {
state = betweenDoctypePublicAndSystemIdentifiersState;
} else if (data == ">") {
state = dataState;
} else if (data == '"') {
_addToken(new ParseErrorToken("unexpected-char-in-doctype"));
currentDoctypeToken.systemId = "";
state = doctypeSystemIdentifierDoubleQuotedState;
} else if (data == "'") {
_addToken(new ParseErrorToken("unexpected-char-in-doctype"));
currentDoctypeToken.systemId = "";
state = doctypeSystemIdentifierSingleQuotedState;
} else if (data == EOF) {
_addToken(new ParseErrorToken("eof-in-doctype"));
currentDoctypeToken.correct = false;
state = dataState;
} else {
_addToken(new ParseErrorToken("unexpected-char-in-doctype"));
currentDoctypeToken.correct = false;
state = bogusDoctypeState;
return true;
bool betweenDoctypePublicAndSystemIdentifiersState() {
var data = stream.char();
if (isWhitespace(data)) {
return true;
} else if (data == ">") {
state = dataState;
} else if (data == '"') {
currentDoctypeToken.systemId = "";
state = doctypeSystemIdentifierDoubleQuotedState;
} else if (data == "'") {
currentDoctypeToken.systemId = "";
state = doctypeSystemIdentifierSingleQuotedState;
} else if (data == EOF) {
_addToken(new ParseErrorToken("eof-in-doctype"));
currentDoctypeToken.correct = false;
state = dataState;
} else {
_addToken(new ParseErrorToken("unexpected-char-in-doctype"));
currentDoctypeToken.correct = false;
state = bogusDoctypeState;
return true;
bool afterDoctypeSystemKeywordState() {
var data = stream.char();
if (isWhitespace(data)) {
state = beforeDoctypeSystemIdentifierState;
} else if (data == "'" || data == '"') {
_addToken(new ParseErrorToken("unexpected-char-in-doctype"));
state = beforeDoctypeSystemIdentifierState;
} else if (data == EOF) {
_addToken(new ParseErrorToken("eof-in-doctype"));
currentDoctypeToken.correct = false;
state = dataState;
} else {
state = beforeDoctypeSystemIdentifierState;
return true;
bool beforeDoctypeSystemIdentifierState() {
var data = stream.char();
if (isWhitespace(data)) {
return true;
} else if (data == "\"") {
currentDoctypeToken.systemId = "";
state = doctypeSystemIdentifierDoubleQuotedState;
} else if (data == "'") {
currentDoctypeToken.systemId = "";
state = doctypeSystemIdentifierSingleQuotedState;
} else if (data == ">") {
_addToken(new ParseErrorToken("unexpected-char-in-doctype"));
currentDoctypeToken.correct = false;
state = dataState;
} else if (data == EOF) {
_addToken(new ParseErrorToken("eof-in-doctype"));
currentDoctypeToken.correct = false;
state = dataState;
} else {
_addToken(new ParseErrorToken("unexpected-char-in-doctype"));
currentDoctypeToken.correct = false;
state = bogusDoctypeState;
return true;
bool doctypeSystemIdentifierDoubleQuotedState() {
var data = stream.char();
if (data == "\"") {
state = afterDoctypeSystemIdentifierState;
} else if (data == "\u0000") {
_addToken(new ParseErrorToken("invalid-codepoint"));
currentDoctypeToken.systemId = "${currentDoctypeToken.systemId}\uFFFD";
} else if (data == ">") {
_addToken(new ParseErrorToken("unexpected-end-of-doctype"));
currentDoctypeToken.correct = false;
state = dataState;
} else if (data == EOF) {
_addToken(new ParseErrorToken("eof-in-doctype"));
currentDoctypeToken.correct = false;
state = dataState;
} else {
currentDoctypeToken.systemId = '${currentDoctypeToken.systemId}$data';
return true;
bool doctypeSystemIdentifierSingleQuotedState() {
var data = stream.char();
if (data == "'") {
state = afterDoctypeSystemIdentifierState;
} else if (data == "\u0000") {
_addToken(new ParseErrorToken("invalid-codepoint"));
currentDoctypeToken.systemId = "${currentDoctypeToken.systemId}\uFFFD";
} else if (data == ">") {
_addToken(new ParseErrorToken("unexpected-end-of-doctype"));
currentDoctypeToken.correct = false;
state = dataState;
} else if (data == EOF) {
_addToken(new ParseErrorToken("eof-in-doctype"));
currentDoctypeToken.correct = false;
state = dataState;
} else {
currentDoctypeToken.systemId = '${currentDoctypeToken.systemId}$data';
return true;
bool afterDoctypeSystemIdentifierState() {
var data = stream.char();
if (isWhitespace(data)) {
return true;
} else if (data == ">") {
state = dataState;
} else if (data == EOF) {
_addToken(new ParseErrorToken("eof-in-doctype"));
currentDoctypeToken.correct = false;
state = dataState;
} else {
_addToken(new ParseErrorToken("unexpected-char-in-doctype"));
state = bogusDoctypeState;
return true;
bool bogusDoctypeState() {
var data = stream.char();
if (data == ">") {
state = dataState;
} else if (data == EOF) {
state = dataState;
return true;
bool cdataSectionState() {
var data = [];
int matchedEnd = 0;
while (true) {
var ch = stream.char();
if (ch == EOF) {
// Deal with null here rather than in the parser
if (ch == "\u0000") {
_addToken(new ParseErrorToken("invalid-codepoint"));
ch = "\uFFFD";
// TODO(jmesserly): it'd be nice if we had an easier way to match the end,
// perhaps with a "peek" API.
if (ch == "]" && matchedEnd < 2) {
} else if (ch == ">" && matchedEnd == 2) {
// Remove "]]>" from the end.
} else {
matchedEnd = 0;
if (data.length > 0) {
_addToken(new CharactersToken(data.join()));
state = dataState;
return true;