blob: b639b47a3b9612f3fbf33599e6fc26b0eb2d34c5 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
/// Code for property accessors from declaration/properties.js
part of polymer;
// Dart note: this matches the property defined by createPropertyAccessor in
// polymer-dev/src/declarations/properties.js. Unlike Javascript, we can't
// override the original property, so we instead ask users to write properties
// using this pattern:
// class Foo extends PolymerElement {
// ...
// @published
// get foo => readValue(#foo);
// set foo(v) { writeValue(#foo, v); }
// and internally readValue/writeValue use an instance of this type to
// implement the semantics in createPropertyAccessor.
class _PropertyAccessor<T> {
// Name of the property, in order to properly fire change notification events.
final Symbol _name;
/// The underlying value of the property.
T _value;
// Polymer element that contains this property, where change notifications are
// expected to be fired from.
final Polymer _target;
/// Non-null when the property is bound.
Bindable bindable;
_PropertyAccessor(this._name, this._target, this._value);
/// Updates the underlyling value and fires the expected notifications.
void updateValue(T newValue) {
var oldValue = _value;
_value = _target.notifyPropertyChange(_name, oldValue, newValue);
_target.emitPropertyChangeRecord(_name, newValue, oldValue);
/// The current value of the property. If the property is bound, reading this
/// property ensures that the changes are first propagated in order to return
/// the latest value. Similarly, when setting this property the binding (if
/// any) will be updated too.
T get value {
if (bindable != null) bindable.deliver();
return _value;
set value(T newValue) {
if (bindable != null) {
bindable.value = newValue;
} else {
toString() {
var name = smoke.symbolToName(_name);
var hasBinding = bindable == null ? '(no-binding)' : '(with-binding)';
return "[$runtimeType: $_target.$name: $_value $hasBinding]";