blob: 0ba31a673a1593b4cd309736ef217922a90baa08 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library observe.src.path_observer;
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:collection';
import 'dart:math' show min;
import 'package:logging/logging.dart' show Logger, Level;
import 'package:observe/observe.dart';
import 'package:smoke/smoke.dart' as smoke;
import 'package:utf/utf.dart' show stringToCodepoints;
/// A data-bound path starting from a view-model or model object, for example
/// ``.
/// When [open] is called, this will observe changes to the object and any
/// intermediate object along the path, and send updated values accordingly.
/// When [close] is called it will stop observing the objects.
/// This class is used to implement `Node.bind` and similar functionality in
/// the [template_binding]( package.
class PathObserver extends _Observer implements Bindable {
PropertyPath _path;
Object _object;
_ObservedSet _directObserver;
/// Observes [path] on [object] for changes. This returns an object
/// that can be used to get the changes and get/set the value at this path.
/// The path can be a [PropertyPath], or a [String] used to construct it.
/// See [open] and [value].
PathObserver(Object object, [path])
: _object = object,
_path = new PropertyPath(path);
PropertyPath get path => _path;
/// Sets the value at this path.
void set value(Object newValue) {
if (_path != null) _path.setValueFrom(_object, newValue);
int get _reportArgumentCount => 2;
/// Initiates observation and returns the initial value.
/// The callback will be passed the updated [value], and may optionally be
/// declared to take a second argument, which will contain the previous value.
open(callback) =>;
void _connect() {
_directObserver = new _ObservedSet(this, _object);
_check(skipChanges: true);
void _disconnect() {
_value = null;
if (_directObserver != null) {
_directObserver = null;
// Dart note: the JS impl does not do this, but it seems consistent with
// CompoundObserver. After closing the PathObserver can't be reopened.
_path = null;
_object = null;
void _iterateObjects(void observe(obj, prop)) {
_path._iterateObjects(_object, observe);
bool _check({bool skipChanges: false}) {
var oldValue = _value;
_value = _path.getValueFrom(_object);
if (skipChanges || _value == oldValue) return false;
_report(_value, oldValue, this);
return true;
/// A dot-delimieted property path such as "" or "".
/// The path specifies how to get a particular value from an object graph, where
/// the graph can include arrays and maps. Each segment of the path describes
/// how to take a single step in the object graph. Properties like 'foo' or
/// 'bar' are read as properties on objects, or as keys if the object is a [Map]
/// or a [Indexable], while integer values are read as indexes in a [List].
// TODO(jmesserly): consider specialized subclasses for:
// * empty path
// * "value"
// * single token in path, e.g. "foo"
class PropertyPath {
/// The segments of the path.
final List<Object> _segments;
/// Creates a new [PropertyPath]. These can be stored to avoid excessive
/// parsing of path strings.
/// The provided [path] should be a String or a List. If it is a list it
/// should contain only Symbols and integers. This can be used to avoid
/// parsing.
/// Note that this constructor will canonicalize identical paths in some cases
/// to save memory, but this is not guaranteed. Use [==] for comparions
/// purposes instead of [identical].
// Dart note: this is ported from `function getPath`.
factory PropertyPath([path]) {
if (path is PropertyPath) return path;
if (path == null || (path is List && path.isEmpty)) path = '';
if (path is List) {
var copy = new List.from(path, growable: false);
for (var segment in copy) {
// Dart note: unlike Javascript, we don't support arbitraty objects that
// can be converted to a String.
// TODO(sigmund): consider whether we should support that here. It might
// be easier to add support for that if we switch first to use strings
// for everything instead of symbols.
if (segment is! int && segment is! String && segment is! Symbol) {
throw new ArgumentError(
'List must contain only ints, Strings, and Symbols');
return new PropertyPath._(copy);
var pathObj = _pathCache[path];
if (pathObj != null) return pathObj;
final segments = new _PathParser().parse(path);
if (segments == null) return _InvalidPropertyPath._instance;
// TODO(jmesserly): we could use an UnmodifiableListView here, but that adds
// memory overhead.
pathObj = new PropertyPath._(segments.toList(growable: false));
if (_pathCache.length >= _pathCacheLimit) {
_pathCache[path] = pathObj;
return pathObj;
int get length => _segments.length;
bool get isEmpty => _segments.isEmpty;
bool get isValid => true;
String toString() {
if (!isValid) return '<invalid path>';
var sb = new StringBuffer();
bool first = true;
for (var key in _segments) {
if (key is Symbol) {
if (!first) sb.write('.');
} else {
_formatAccessor(sb, key);
first = false;
return sb.toString();
_formatAccessor(StringBuffer sb, Object key) {
if (key is int) {
} else {
sb.write('["${key.toString().replaceAll('"', '\\"')}"]');
bool operator ==(other) {
if (identical(this, other)) return true;
if (other is! PropertyPath) return false;
if (isValid != other.isValid) return false;
int len = _segments.length;
if (len != other._segments.length) return false;
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
if (_segments[i] != other._segments[i]) return false;
return true;
/// This is the [Jenkins hash function][1] but using masking to keep
/// values in SMI range.
/// [1]:
// TODO(jmesserly): should reuse this instead, see
int get hashCode {
int hash = 0;
for (int i = 0, len = _segments.length; i < len; i++) {
hash = 0x1fffffff & (hash + _segments[i].hashCode);
hash = 0x1fffffff & (hash + ((0x0007ffff & hash) << 10));
hash = hash ^ (hash >> 6);
hash = 0x1fffffff & (hash + ((0x03ffffff & hash) << 3));
hash = hash ^ (hash >> 11);
return 0x1fffffff & (hash + ((0x00003fff & hash) << 15));
/// Returns the current value of the path from the provided [obj]ect.
getValueFrom(Object obj) {
if (!isValid) return null;
for (var segment in _segments) {
if (obj == null) return null;
obj = _getObjectProperty(obj, segment);
return obj;
/// Attempts to set the [value] of the path from the provided [obj]ect.
/// Returns true if and only if the path was reachable and set.
bool setValueFrom(Object obj, Object value) {
var end = _segments.length - 1;
if (end < 0) return false;
for (int i = 0; i < end; i++) {
if (obj == null) return false;
obj = _getObjectProperty(obj, _segments[i]);
return _setObjectProperty(obj, _segments[end], value);
void _iterateObjects(Object obj, void observe(obj, prop)) {
if (!isValid || isEmpty) return;
int i = 0, last = _segments.length - 1;
while (obj != null) {
// _segments[0] is passed to indicate that we are only observing that
// property of obj. See observe declaration in _ObserveSet.
observe(obj, _segments[0]);
if (i >= last) break;
obj = _getObjectProperty(obj, _segments[i++]);
// Dart note: it doesn't make sense to have compiledGetValueFromFn in Dart.
/// Visible only for testing:
getSegmentsOfPropertyPathForTesting(p) => p._segments;
class _InvalidPropertyPath extends PropertyPath {
static final _instance = new _InvalidPropertyPath();
bool get isValid => false;
_InvalidPropertyPath() : super._([]);
bool _changeRecordMatches(record, key) {
if (record is PropertyChangeRecord) {
return (record as PropertyChangeRecord).name == key;
if (record is MapChangeRecord) {
if (key is Symbol) key = smoke.symbolToName(key);
return (record as MapChangeRecord).key == key;
return false;
/// Properties in [Map] that need to be read as properties and not as keys in
/// the map. We exclude methods ('containsValue', 'containsKey', 'putIfAbsent',
/// 'addAll', 'remove', 'clear', 'forEach') because there is no use in reading
/// them as part of path-observer segments.
const _MAP_PROPERTIES = const [#keys, #values, #length, #isEmpty, #isNotEmpty];
_getObjectProperty(object, property) {
if (object == null) return null;
if (property is int) {
if (object is List && property >= 0 && property < object.length) {
return object[property];
} else if (property is String) {
return object[property];
} else if (property is Symbol) {
// Support indexer if available, e.g. Maps or polymer_expressions Scope.
// This is the default syntax used by polymer/nodebind and
// polymer/observe-js PathObserver.
// TODO(sigmund): should we also support using checking dynamically for
// whether the type practically implements the indexer API
// (smoke.hasInstanceMethod(type, const Symbol('[]')))?
if (object is Indexable<String, dynamic> ||
object is Map<String, dynamic> && !_MAP_PROPERTIES.contains(property)) {
return object[smoke.symbolToName(property)];
try {
return, property);
} on NoSuchMethodError catch (e) {
// Rethrow, unless the type implements noSuchMethod, in which case we
// interpret the exception as a signal that the method was not found.
// Dart note: getting invalid properties is an error, unlike in JS where
// it returns undefined.
if (!smoke.hasNoSuchMethod(object.runtimeType)) rethrow;
if (_logger.isLoggable(Level.FINER)) {
_logger.finer("can't get $property in $object");
return null;
bool _setObjectProperty(object, property, value) {
if (object == null) return false;
if (property is int) {
if (object is List && property >= 0 && property < object.length) {
object[property] = value;
return true;
} else if (property is Symbol) {
// Support indexer if available, e.g. Maps or polymer_expressions Scope.
if (object is Indexable<String, dynamic> ||
object is Map<String, dynamic> && !_MAP_PROPERTIES.contains(property)) {
object[smoke.symbolToName(property)] = value;
return true;
try {
smoke.write(object, property, value);
return true;
} on NoSuchMethodError catch (e, s) {
if (!smoke.hasNoSuchMethod(object.runtimeType)) rethrow;
if (_logger.isLoggable(Level.FINER)) {
_logger.finer("can't set $property in $object");
return false;
// From:
final _identRegExp = () {
const identStart = '[\$_a-zA-Z]';
const identPart = '[\$_a-zA-Z0-9]';
return new RegExp('^$identStart+$identPart*\$');
_isIdent(s) => _identRegExp.hasMatch(s);
// Dart note: refactored to convert to codepoints once and operate on codepoints
// rather than characters.
class _PathParser {
List keys = [];
int index = -1;
String key;
final Map<String, List<String>> _pathStateMachine = {
'beforePath': {
'ws': ['beforePath'],
'ident': ['inIdent', 'append'],
'[': ['beforeElement'],
'eof': ['afterPath']
'inPath': {
'ws': ['inPath'],
'.': ['beforeIdent'],
'[': ['beforeElement'],
'eof': ['afterPath']
'beforeIdent': {
'ws': ['beforeIdent'],
'ident': ['inIdent', 'append']
'inIdent': {
'ident': ['inIdent', 'append'],
'0': ['inIdent', 'append'],
'number': ['inIdent', 'append'],
'ws': ['inPath', 'push'],
'.': ['beforeIdent', 'push'],
'[': ['beforeElement', 'push'],
'eof': ['afterPath', 'push']
'beforeElement': {
'ws': ['beforeElement'],
'0': ['afterZero', 'append'],
'number': ['inIndex', 'append'],
"'": ['inSingleQuote', 'append', ''],
'"': ['inDoubleQuote', 'append', '']
'afterZero': {
'ws': ['afterElement', 'push'],
']': ['inPath', 'push']
'inIndex': {
'0': ['inIndex', 'append'],
'number': ['inIndex', 'append'],
'ws': ['afterElement'],
']': ['inPath', 'push']
'inSingleQuote': {
"'": ['afterElement'],
'eof': ['error'],
'else': ['inSingleQuote', 'append']
'inDoubleQuote': {
'"': ['afterElement'],
'eof': ['error'],
'else': ['inDoubleQuote', 'append']
'afterElement': {
'ws': ['afterElement'],
']': ['inPath', 'push']
/// From getPathCharType: determines the type of a given [code]point.
String _getPathCharType(code) {
if (code == null) return 'eof';
switch(code) {
case 0x5B: // [
case 0x5D: // ]
case 0x2E: // .
case 0x22: // "
case 0x27: // '
case 0x30: // 0
return _char(code);
case 0x5F: // _
case 0x24: // $
return 'ident';
case 0x20: // Space
case 0x09: // Tab
case 0x0A: // Newline
case 0x0D: // Return
case 0xA0: // No-break space
case 0xFEFF: // Byte Order Mark
case 0x2028: // Line Separator
case 0x2029: // Paragraph Separator
return 'ws';
// a-z, A-Z
if ((0x61 <= code && code <= 0x7A) || (0x41 <= code && code <= 0x5A))
return 'ident';
// 1-9
if (0x31 <= code && code <= 0x39)
return 'number';
return 'else';
static String _char(int codepoint) => new String.fromCharCodes([codepoint]);
void push() {
if (key == null) return;
// Dart note: we store the keys with different types, rather than
// parsing/converting things later in toString.
if (_isIdent(key)) {
} else {
var index = int.parse(key, radix: 10, onError: (_) => null);
keys.add(index != null ? index : key);
key = null;
void append(newChar) {
key = (key == null) ? newChar : '$key$newChar';
bool _maybeUnescapeQuote(String mode, codePoints) {
if (index >= codePoints.length) return false;
var nextChar = _char(codePoints[index + 1]);
if ((mode == 'inSingleQuote' && nextChar == "'") ||
(mode == 'inDoubleQuote' && nextChar == '"')) {
return true;
return false;
/// Returns the parsed keys, or null if there was a parse error.
List<String> parse(String path) {
var codePoints = stringToCodepoints(path);
var mode = 'beforePath';
while (mode != null) {
var c = index >= codePoints.length ? null : codePoints[index];
if (c != null &&
_char(c) == '\\' && _maybeUnescapeQuote(mode, codePoints)) continue;
var type = _getPathCharType(c);
if (mode == 'error') return null;
var typeMap = _pathStateMachine[mode];
var transition = typeMap[type];
if (transition == null) transition = typeMap['else'];
if (transition == null) return null; // parse error;
mode = transition[0];
var actionName = transition.length > 1 ? transition[1] : null;
if (actionName == 'push' && key != null) push();
if (actionName == 'append') {
var newChar = transition.length > 2 && transition[2] != null
? transition[2] : _char(c);
if (mode == 'afterPath') return keys;
return null; // parse error
final Logger _logger = new Logger('observe.PathObserver');
/// This is a simple cache. It's like LRU but we don't update an item on a
/// cache hit, because that would require allocation. Better to let it expire
/// and reallocate the PropertyPath.
// TODO(jmesserly): this optimization is from observe-js, how valuable is it in
// practice?
final _pathCache = new LinkedHashMap<String, PropertyPath>();
/// The size of a path like "" is approximately 160 bytes, so this
/// reserves ~16Kb of memory for recently used paths. Since paths are frequently
/// reused, the theory is that this ends up being a good tradeoff in practice.
// (Note: the 160 byte estimate is from Dart VM on x64 without
// using UnmodifiableListView in PropertyPath)
const int _pathCacheLimit = 100;
/// [CompoundObserver] is a [Bindable] object which knows how to listen to
/// multiple values (registered via [addPath] or [addObserver]) and invoke a
/// callback when one or more of the values have changed.
/// var obj = new ObservableMap.from({'a': 1, 'b': 2});
/// var otherObj = new ObservableMap.from({'c': 3});
/// var observer = new CompoundObserver()
/// ..addPath(obj, 'a');
/// ..addObserver(new PathObserver(obj, 'b'));
/// ..addPath(otherObj, 'c');
/// {
/// for (int i = 0; i < values.length; i++) {
/// print('The value at index $i is now ${values[i]}');
/// }
/// });
/// obj['a'] = 10; // print will be triggered async
class CompoundObserver extends _Observer implements Bindable {
_ObservedSet _directObserver;
bool _reportChangesOnOpen;
List _observed = [];
CompoundObserver([this._reportChangesOnOpen = false]) {
_value = [];
int get _reportArgumentCount => 3;
/// Initiates observation and returns the initial value.
/// The callback will be passed the updated [value], and may optionally be
/// declared to take a second argument, which will contain the previous value.
/// Implementation note: a third argument can also be declared, which will
/// receive a list of objects and paths, such that `list[2 * i]` will access
/// the object and `list[2 * i + 1]` will access the path, where `i` is the
/// order of the [addPath] call. This parameter is only used by
/// `package:polymer` as a performance optimization, and should not be relied
/// on in new code.
open(callback) =>;
void _connect() {
for (var i = 0; i < _observed.length; i += 2) {
var object = _observed[i];
if (!identical(object, _observerSentinel)) {
_directObserver = new _ObservedSet(this, object);
_check(skipChanges: !_reportChangesOnOpen);
void _disconnect() {
for (var i = 0; i < _observed.length; i += 2) {
if (identical(_observed[i], _observerSentinel)) {
_observed[i + 1].close();
_observed = null;
_value = null;
if (_directObserver != null) {
_directObserver = null;
/// Adds a dependency on the property [path] accessed from [object].
/// [path] can be a [PropertyPath] or a [String]. If it is omitted an empty
/// path will be used.
void addPath(Object object, [path]) {
if (_isOpen || _isClosed) {
throw new StateError('Cannot add paths once started.');
path = new PropertyPath(path);
if (!_reportChangesOnOpen) return;
void addObserver(Bindable observer) {
if (_isOpen || _isClosed) {
throw new StateError('Cannot add observers once started.');
if (!_reportChangesOnOpen) return;
_value.add( => deliver()));
void _iterateObjects(void observe(obj, prop)) {
for (var i = 0; i < _observed.length; i += 2) {
var object = _observed[i];
if (!identical(object, _observerSentinel)) {
(_observed[i + 1] as PropertyPath)._iterateObjects(object, observe);
bool _check({bool skipChanges: false}) {
bool changed = false;
_value.length = _observed.length ~/ 2;
var oldValues = null;
for (var i = 0; i < _observed.length; i += 2) {
var object = _observed[i];
var path = _observed[i + 1];
var value;
if (identical(object, _observerSentinel)) {
var observable = path as Bindable;
value = _state == _Observer._UNOPENED ? => this.deliver()) :
} else {
value = (path as PropertyPath).getValueFrom(object);
if (skipChanges) {
_value[i ~/ 2] = value;
if (value == _value[i ~/ 2]) continue;
// don't allocate this unless necessary.
if (_notifyArgumentCount >= 2) {
if (oldValues == null) oldValues = new Map();
oldValues[i ~/ 2] = _value[i ~/ 2];
changed = true;
_value[i ~/ 2] = value;
if (!changed) return false;
// TODO(rafaelw): Having _observed as the third callback arg here is
// pretty lame API. Fix.
_report(_value, oldValues, _observed);
return true;
/// An object accepted by [PropertyPath] where properties are read and written
/// as indexing operations, just like a [Map].
abstract class Indexable<K, V> {
V operator [](K key);
operator []=(K key, V value);
const _observerSentinel = const _ObserverSentinel();
class _ObserverSentinel { const _ObserverSentinel(); }
// Visible for testing
get observerSentinelForTesting => _observerSentinel;
// A base class for the shared API implemented by PathObserver and
// CompoundObserver and used in _ObservedSet.
abstract class _Observer extends Bindable {
Function _notifyCallback;
int _notifyArgumentCount;
var _value;
// abstract members
void _iterateObjects(void observe(obj, prop));
void _connect();
void _disconnect();
bool _check({bool skipChanges: false});
static int _UNOPENED = 0;
static int _OPENED = 1;
static int _CLOSED = 2;
int _state = _UNOPENED;
bool get _isOpen => _state == _OPENED;
bool get _isClosed => _state == _CLOSED;
/// The number of arguments the subclass will pass to [_report].
int get _reportArgumentCount;
open(callback) {
if (_isOpen || _isClosed) {
throw new StateError('Observer has already been opened.');
if (smoke.minArgs(callback) > _reportArgumentCount) {
throw new ArgumentError('callback should take $_reportArgumentCount or '
'fewer arguments');
_notifyCallback = callback;
_notifyArgumentCount = min(_reportArgumentCount, smoke.maxArgs(callback));
_state = _OPENED;
return _value;
get value => _discardChanges();
void close() {
if (!_isOpen) return;
_value = null;
_notifyCallback = null;
_state = _CLOSED;
_discardChanges() {
_check(skipChanges: true);
return _value;
void deliver() {
if (_isOpen) _dirtyCheck();
bool _dirtyCheck() {
var cycles = 0;
while (cycles < _MAX_DIRTY_CHECK_CYCLES && _check()) {
return cycles > 0;
void _report(newValue, oldValue, [extraArg]) {
try {
switch (_notifyArgumentCount) {
case 0: _notifyCallback(); break;
case 1: _notifyCallback(newValue); break;
case 2: _notifyCallback(newValue, oldValue); break;
case 3: _notifyCallback(newValue, oldValue, extraArg); break;
} catch (e, s) {
// Deliver errors async, so if a single callback fails it doesn't prevent
// other things from working.
new Completer().completeError(e, s);
/// The observedSet abstraction is a perf optimization which reduces the total
/// number of Object.observe observations of a set of objects. The idea is that
/// groups of Observers will have some object dependencies in common and this
/// observed set ensures that each object in the transitive closure of
/// dependencies is only observed once. The observedSet acts as a write barrier
/// such that whenever any change comes through, all Observers are checked for
/// changed values.
/// Note that this optimization is explicitly moving work from setup-time to
/// change-time.
/// TODO(rafaelw): Implement "garbage collection". In order to move work off
/// the critical path, when Observers are closed, their observed objects are
/// not Object.unobserve(d). As a result, it's possible that if the observedSet
/// is kept open, but some Observers have been closed, it could cause "leaks"
/// (prevent otherwise collectable objects from being collected). At some
/// point, we should implement incremental "gc" which keeps a list of
/// observedSets which may need clean-up and does small amounts of cleanup on a
/// timeout until all is clean.
class _ObservedSet {
/// To prevent sequential [PathObserver]s and [CompoundObserver]s from
/// observing the same object, we check if they are observing the same root
/// as the most recently created observer, and if so merge it into the
/// existing _ObservedSet.
/// See <> and
/// <>.
static _ObservedSet _lastSet;
/// The root object for a [PathObserver]. For a [CompoundObserver], the root
/// object of the first path observed. This is used by the constructor to
/// reuse an [_ObservedSet] that starts from the same object.
Object _rootObject;
/// Subset of properties in [_rootObject] that we care about.
Set _rootObjectProperties;
/// Observers associated with this root object, in birth order.
final List<_Observer> _observers = [];
// Dart note: the JS implementation is O(N^2) because Array.indexOf is used
// for lookup in this array. We use HashMap to avoid this problem. It
// also gives us a nice way of tracking the StreamSubscription.
Map<Object, StreamSubscription> _objects;
factory _ObservedSet(_Observer observer, Object rootObject) {
if (_lastSet == null || !identical(_lastSet._rootObject, rootObject)) {
_lastSet = new _ObservedSet._(rootObject);
}, rootObject);
: _rootObject = rootObject,
_rootObjectProperties = rootObject == null ? null : new Set();
void open(_Observer obs, Object rootObject) {
if (_rootObject == null) {
_rootObject = rootObject;
_rootObjectProperties = new Set();
void close(_Observer obs) {
if (_observers.isNotEmpty) return;
if (_objects != null) {
for (var sub in _objects) sub.cancel();
_objects = null;
_rootObject = null;
_rootObjectProperties = null;
/// Observe now takes a second argument to indicate which property of an
/// object is being observed, so we don't trigger change notifications on
/// changes to unrelated properties.
void observe(Object obj, Object prop) {
if (identical(obj, _rootObject)) _rootObjectProperties.add(prop);
if (obj is ObservableList) _observeStream(obj.listChanges);
if (obj is Observable) _observeStream(obj.changes);
void _observeStream(Stream stream) {
// TODO(jmesserly): we hash on streams as we have two separate change
// streams for ObservableList. Not sure if that is the design we will use
// going forward.
if (_objects == null) _objects = new HashMap();
if (!_objects.containsKey(stream)) {
_objects[stream] = stream.listen(_callback);
/// Whether we can ignore all change events in [records]. This is true if all
/// records are for properties in the [_rootObject] and we are not observing
/// any of those properties. Changes on objects other than [_rootObject], or
/// changes for properties in [_rootObjectProperties] can't be ignored.
// Dart note: renamed from `allRootObjNonObservedProps` in the JS code.
bool _canIgnoreRecords(List<ChangeRecord> records) {
for (var rec in records) {
if (rec is PropertyChangeRecord) {
if (!identical(rec.object, _rootObject) ||
_rootObjectProperties.contains( {
return false;
} else if (rec is ListChangeRecord) {
if (!identical(rec.object, _rootObject) ||
_rootObjectProperties.contains(rec.index)) {
return false;
} else {
// TODO(sigmund): consider adding object to MapChangeRecord, and make
// this more precise.
return false;
return true;
void _callback(records) {
if (_canIgnoreRecords(records)) return;
for (var observer in _observers.toList(growable: false)) {
if (observer._isOpen) observer._iterateObjects(observe);
for (var observer in _observers.toList(growable: false)) {
if (observer._isOpen) observer._check();
const int _MAX_DIRTY_CHECK_CYCLES = 1000;