blob: 1ef98dcce95f085b0c371c029bc37fd2cfec7e79 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library code_transformers.src.resolvers;
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:barback/barback.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/engine.dart' show AnalysisOptions;
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/sdk.dart' show DartSdk;
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/source.dart' show DartUriResolver;
import 'entry_point.dart';
import 'resolver.dart';
import 'resolver_impl.dart';
import 'dart_sdk.dart' hide dartSdkDirectory;
/// Barback-based code resolvers which maintains up-to-date resolved ASTs for
/// the specified code entry points.
/// This can used by transformers dependent on resolved ASTs to handle the
/// resolution of the AST and cache the results between compilations.
/// If multiple transformers rely on a resolved AST they should (ideally) share
/// the same Resolvers object to minimize re-parsing the AST.
class Resolvers {
final Map<AssetId, Resolver> _resolvers = {};
final DartSdk dartSdk;
final DartUriResolver dartUriResolver;
final AnalysisOptions options;
Resolvers.fromSdk(this.dartSdk, this.dartUriResolver, {this.options});
factory Resolvers(dartSdkDirectory, {AnalysisOptions options}) {
var sdk = new DirectoryBasedDartSdkProxy(dartSdkDirectory);
var uriResolver = new DartUriResolverProxy(sdk);
return new Resolvers.fromSdk(sdk, uriResolver, options: options);
factory Resolvers.fromMock(Map<String, String> sources,
{bool reportMissing: false, AnalysisOptions options}) {
var sdk = new MockDartSdk(sources, reportMissing: reportMissing);
return new Resolvers.fromSdk(sdk, sdk.resolver, options: options);
/// Get a resolver for [transform]. If provided, this resolves the code
/// starting from each of the assets in [entryPoints]. If not, this resolves
/// the code starting from `` by default.
/// [Resolver.release] must be called once it's done being used, or
/// [ResolverTransformer] should be used to automatically release the
/// resolver.
Future<Resolver> get(Transform transform, [List<AssetId> entryPoints]) {
var id =;
var resolver = _resolvers.putIfAbsent(id,
() => new ResolverImpl(dartSdk, dartUriResolver, options: options));
return resolver.resolve(transform, entryPoints);
/// Transformer mixin which automatically gets and releases resolvers.
/// To use mix this class in, set the resolvers field and override
/// [applyResolver].
abstract class ResolverTransformer implements Transformer {
/// The cache of resolvers- must be set from subclass.
Resolvers resolvers;
/// By default only process prossible entry point assets.
/// This is only a preliminary check based on the asset ID.
Future<bool> isPrimary(assetOrId) {
// assetOrId is to handle the transition from Asset to AssetID between
// pub 1.3 and 1.4. Once support for 1.3 is dropped this should only
// support AssetId.
var id = assetOrId is AssetId ? assetOrId :;
return new Future.value(isPossibleDartEntryId(id));
/// Check to see if this should apply with the resolver on the provided asset.
/// By default this will only apply on possible Dart entry points (see
/// [isPossibleDartEntry]).
Future<bool> shouldApplyResolver(Asset asset) => isPossibleDartEntry(asset);
/// This provides a default implementation of `Transformer.apply` that will
/// get and release resolvers automatically. Internally this:
/// * Gets a resolver associated with the transform primary input.
/// * Does resolution to the code starting from that input.
/// * Calls [applyResolver].
/// * Then releases the resolver.
/// Use [applyToEntryPoints] instead if you need to override the entry points
/// to run the resolver on.
Future apply(Transform transform) =>
shouldApplyResolver(transform.primaryInput).then((result) {
if (result) return applyToEntryPoints(transform);
/// Helper function to make it easy to write an `Transformer.apply` method
/// that automatically gets and releases the resolver. This is typically used
/// as follows:
/// Future apply(Transform transform) {
/// var entryPoints = ...; // compute entry points
/// return applyToEntryPoints(transform, entryPoints);
/// }
Future applyToEntryPoints(Transform transform, [List<AssetId> entryPoints]) {
return resolvers.get(transform, entryPoints).then((resolver) {
return new Future(() => applyResolver(transform, resolver))
.whenComplete(() {
/// Invoked when the resolver is ready to be processed.
/// Return a Future to indicate when apply is completed.
applyResolver(Transform transform, Resolver resolver);