blob: 1f968dfe8a0877c56a7c63527fa8e0858bcf66fe [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS d.file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library pub_tests;
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:convert';
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:http/http.dart' as http;
import 'package:scheduled_test/scheduled_process.dart';
import 'package:scheduled_test/scheduled_stream.dart';
import 'package:scheduled_test/scheduled_test.dart';
import '../../lib/src/utils.dart';
import '../descriptor.dart' as d;
import '../test_pub.dart';
/// The pub process running "pub serve".
ScheduledProcess _pubServer;
/// The ephemeral port assign to the running admin server.
int _adminPort;
/// The ephemeral ports assigned to the running servers, associated with the
/// directories they're serving.
final _ports = new Map<String, int>();
/// A completer that completes when the server has been started and the served
/// ports are known.
Completer _portsCompleter;
/// The web socket connection to the running pub process, or `null` if no
/// connection has been made.
WebSocket _webSocket;
Stream _webSocketBroadcastStream;
/// The code for a transformer that renames ".txt" files to ".out" and adds a
/// ".out" suffix.
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:barback/barback.dart';
class RewriteTransformer extends Transformer {
String get allowedExtensions => '.txt';
Future apply(Transform transform) {
return transform.primaryInput.readAsString().then((contents) {
var id =".out");
transform.addOutput(new Asset.fromString(id, "\$contents.out"));
/// The web socket error code for a directory not being served.
const NOT_SERVED = 1;
/// Returns the source code for a Dart library defining a Transformer that
/// rewrites Dart files.
/// The transformer defines a constant named TOKEN whose value is [id]. When the
/// transformer transforms another Dart file, it will look for a "TOKEN"
/// constant definition there and modify it to include *this* transformer's
/// TOKEN value as well.
/// If [import] is passed, it should be the name of a package that defines its
/// own TOKEN constant. The primary library of that package will be imported
/// here and its TOKEN value will be added to this library's.
String dartTransformer(String id, {String import}) {
if (import != null) {
id = '$id imports \${$import.TOKEN}';
import = 'import "package:$import/$import.dart" as $import;';
} else {
import = '';
return """
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:barback/barback.dart';
const TOKEN = "$id";
final _tokenRegExp = new RegExp(r'^const TOKEN = "(.*?)";\$', multiLine: true);
class DartTransformer extends Transformer {
String get allowedExtensions => '.dart';
Future apply(Transform transform) {
return transform.primaryInput.readAsString().then((contents) {
transform.addOutput(new Asset.fromString(,
contents.replaceAllMapped(_tokenRegExp, (match) {
return 'const TOKEN = "(\${match[1]}, \$TOKEN)";';
/// Schedules starting the `pub serve` process.
/// Unlike [pubServe], this doesn't determine the port number of the server, and
/// so may be used to test for errors in the initialization process.
/// Returns the `pub serve` process.
ScheduledProcess startPubServe({Iterable<String> args,
bool createWebDir: true}) {
var pubArgs = [
"--port=0", // Use port 0 to get an ephemeral port.
"--hostname=", // Force IPv4 on bots.
if (args != null) pubArgs.addAll(args);
// Dart2js can take a long time to compile dart code, so we increase the
// timeout to cope with that.
currentSchedule.timeout *= 1.5;
if (createWebDir) d.dir(appPath, [d.dir("web")]).create();
return startPub(args: pubArgs);
/// Schedules starting the "pub serve" process and records its port number for
/// future requests.
/// If [shouldGetFirst] is `true`, validates that pub get is run first.
/// If [createWebDir] is `true`, creates a `web/` directory if one doesn't exist
/// so pub doesn't complain about having nothing to serve.
/// Returns the `pub serve` process.
ScheduledProcess pubServe({bool shouldGetFirst: false, bool createWebDir: true,
Iterable<String> args}) {
_pubServer = startPubServe(args: args, createWebDir: createWebDir);
_portsCompleter = new Completer();
currentSchedule.onComplete.schedule(() {
_portsCompleter = null;
if (_webSocket != null) {
_webSocket = null;
_webSocketBroadcastStream = null;
if (shouldGetFirst) {
_pubServer.stdout.expect(consumeThrough("Got dependencies!"));
_pubServer.stdout.expect(startsWith("Loading source assets..."));
_pubServer.stdout.expect(consumeWhile(matches("Loading .* transformers...")));
// The server should emit one or more ports.
consumeWhile(predicate(_parsePort, 'emits server url')));
schedule(() {
expect(_ports, isNot(isEmpty));
return _pubServer;
/// The regular expression for parsing pub's output line describing the URL for
/// the server.
final _parsePortRegExp = new RegExp(r"([^ ]+) +on http://127\.0\.0\.1:(\d+)");
/// Parses the port number from the "Running admin server on"
/// line printed by pub serve.
bool _parseAdminPort(String line) {
var match = _parsePortRegExp.firstMatch(line);
if (match == null) return false;
_adminPort = int.parse(match[2]);
return true;
/// Parses the port number from the "Serving blah on" line
/// printed by pub serve.
bool _parsePort(String line) {
var match = _parsePortRegExp.firstMatch(line);
if (match == null) return false;
_ports[match[1]] = int.parse(match[2]);
return true;
void endPubServe() {
/// Schedules an HTTP request to the running pub server with [urlPath] and
/// verifies that it responds with a body that matches [expectation].
/// [expectation] may either be a [Matcher] or a string to match an exact body.
/// [root] indicates which server should be accessed, and defaults to "web".
/// [headers] may be either a [Matcher] or a map to match an exact headers map.
void requestShouldSucceed(String urlPath, expectation, {String root, headers}) {
schedule(() {
return http.get(_getServerUrlSync(root, urlPath)).then((response) {
if (expectation != null) expect(response.body, expectation);
if (headers != null) expect(response.headers, headers);
}, "request $urlPath");
/// Schedules an HTTP request to the running pub server with [urlPath] and
/// verifies that it responds with a 404.
/// [root] indicates which server should be accessed, and defaults to "web".
void requestShould404(String urlPath, {String root}) {
schedule(() {
return http.get(_getServerUrlSync(root, urlPath)).then((response) {
expect(response.statusCode, equals(404));
}, "request $urlPath");
/// Schedules an HTTP request to the running pub server with [urlPath] and
/// verifies that it responds with a redirect to the given [redirectTarget].
/// [redirectTarget] may be either a [Matcher] or a string to match an exact
/// URL. [root] indicates which server should be accessed, and defaults to
/// "web".
void requestShouldRedirect(String urlPath, redirectTarget, {String root}) {
schedule(() {
var request = new http.Request("GET",
Uri.parse(_getServerUrlSync(root, urlPath)));
request.followRedirects = false;
return request.send().then((response) {
expect(response.statusCode ~/ 100, equals(3));
expect(response.headers, containsPair('location', redirectTarget));
}, "request $urlPath");
/// Schedules an HTTP POST to the running pub server with [urlPath] and verifies
/// that it responds with a 405.
/// [root] indicates which server should be accessed, and defaults to "web".
void postShould405(String urlPath, {String root}) {
schedule(() {
return, urlPath)).then((response) {
expect(response.statusCode, equals(405));
}, "request $urlPath");
/// Schedules an HTTP request to the (theoretically) running pub server with
/// [urlPath] and verifies that it cannot be connected to.
/// [root] indicates which server should be accessed, and defaults to "web".
void requestShouldNotConnect(String urlPath, {String root}) {
schedule(() {
return expect(http.get(_getServerUrlSync(root, urlPath)),
throwsA(new isInstanceOf<SocketException>()));
}, "request $urlPath");
/// Reads lines from pub serve's stdout until it prints the build success
/// message.
/// The schedule will not proceed until the output is found. If not found, it
/// will eventually time out.
void waitForBuildSuccess() =>
/// Schedules opening a web socket connection to the currently running pub
/// serve.
Future _ensureWebSocket() {
// Use the existing one if already connected.
if (_webSocket != null) return new Future.value();
// Server should already be running.
expect(_pubServer, isNotNull);
expect(_adminPort, isNotNull);
return WebSocket.connect("ws://$_adminPort").then((socket) {
_webSocket = socket;
// TODO(rnystrom): Works around #13913.
_webSocketBroadcastStream = _webSocket.asBroadcastStream();
/// Sends a JSON RPC 2.0 request to the running pub serve's web socket
/// connection, waits for a reply, then verifies the result.
/// This calls a method named [method] with the given [params]. [params] may
/// contain Futures, in which case this will wait until they've completed before
/// sending the request.
/// The result is validated using [result], which may be a [Matcher] or a [Map]
/// containing [Matcher]s and [Future]s. This will wait until any futures are
/// completed before sending the request.
/// Returns a [Future] that completes to the call's result.
Future<Map> expectWebSocketResult(String method, Map params, result) {
return schedule(() {
return Future.wait([
]).then((results) {
var resolvedParams = results[1];
var resolvedResult = results[2];
return _jsonRpcRequest(method, resolvedParams).then((response) {
expect(response["result"], resolvedResult);
return response["result"];
}, "send $method with $params to web socket and expect $result");
/// Sends a JSON RPC 2.0 request to the running pub serve's web socket
/// connection, waits for a reply, then verifies the error response.
/// This calls a method named [method] with the given [params]. [params] may
/// contain Futures, in which case this will wait until they've completed before
/// sending the request.
/// The error response is validated using [errorCode] and [errorMessage]. Both
/// of these must be provided. The error code is checked against [errorCode] and
/// the error message is checked against [errorMessage]. Either of these may be
/// matchers.
/// Returns a [Future] that completes to the error's [data] field.
Future expectWebSocketError(String method, Map params, errorCode,
errorMessage) {
return schedule(() {
return Future.wait([
]).then((results) {
var resolvedParams = results[1];
return _jsonRpcRequest(method, resolvedParams);
}).then((response) {
expect(response["error"]["code"], errorCode);
expect(response["error"]["message"], errorMessage);
return response["error"]["data"];
}, "send $method with $params to web socket and expect error $errorCode");
/// The next id to use for a JSON-RPC 2.0 request.
var _rpcId = 0;
/// Sends a JSON-RPC 2.0 request calling [method] with [params].
/// Returns the response object.
Future<Map> _jsonRpcRequest(String method, Map params) {
var id = _rpcId++;
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"method": method,
"params": params,
"id": id
return _webSocketBroadcastStream.first.then((value) {
value = JSON.decode(value);
"Web Socket request $method with params $params\n"
"Result: $value");
expect(value["id"], equals(id));
return value;
/// Returns a [Future] that completes to a URL string for the server serving
/// [path] from [root].
/// If [root] is omitted, defaults to "web". If [path] is omitted, no path is
/// included. The Future will complete once the server is up and running and
/// the bound ports are known.
Future<String> getServerUrl([String root, String path]) =>
_portsCompleter.future.then((_) => _getServerUrlSync(root, path));
/// Records that [root] has been bound to [port].
/// Used for testing the Web Socket API for binding new root directories to
/// ports after pub serve has been started.
registerServerPort(String root, int port) {
_ports[root] = port;
/// Returns a URL string for the server serving [path] from [root].
/// If [root] is omitted, defaults to "web". If [path] is omitted, no path is
/// included. Unlike [getServerUrl], this should only be called after the ports
/// are known.
String _getServerUrlSync([String root, String path]) {
if (root == null) root = 'web';
expect(_ports, contains(root));
var url = "${_ports[root]}";
if (path != null) url = "$url/$path";
return url;