blob: 4e02d54e1d4b9c2a237344de11665c83e29f5ecd [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
void checkAnnotation(String name, String declaration,
[bool isTopLevelOnly = false]) {
var source;
// Ensure that a compile-time constant can be resolved from an
// annotation.
source = """const native = 'xyz';
main() {}""";
compileAndCheck(source, name, (compiler, element) {
compiler.enqueuer.resolution.queueIsClosed = false;
Expect.equals(1, length(element.metadata));
MetadataAnnotation annotation = element.metadata.head;
Constant value = annotation.value;
Expect.stringEquals('xyz', value.value.slowToString());
// Ensure that each repeated annotation has a unique instance of
// [MetadataAnnotation].
source = """const native = 'xyz';
@native @native
main() {}""";
compileAndCheck(source, name, (compiler, element) {
compiler.enqueuer.resolution.queueIsClosed = false;
Expect.equals(2, length(element.metadata));
MetadataAnnotation annotation1 = element.metadata.head;
MetadataAnnotation annotation2 = element.metadata.tail.head;
Expect.isTrue(annotation1 !== annotation2, 'expected unique instances');
Expect.notEquals(annotation1, annotation2, 'expected unequal instances');
Constant value1 = annotation1.value;
Constant value2 = annotation2.value;
Expect.identical(value1, value2, 'expected same compile-time constant');
Expect.stringEquals('xyz', value1.value.slowToString());
Expect.stringEquals('xyz', value2.value.slowToString());
if (isTopLevelOnly) return;
// Ensure that a compile-time constant can be resolved from an
// annotation.
source = """const native = 'xyz';
class Foo {
main() {}""";
compileAndCheck(source, 'Foo', (compiler, element) {
compiler.enqueuer.resolution.queueIsClosed = false;
Expect.equals(0, length(element.metadata));
Expect.equals(0, length(element.metadata));
element = element.lookupLocalMember(buildSourceString(name));
Expect.equals(1, length(element.metadata));
MetadataAnnotation annotation = element.metadata.head;
Constant value = annotation.value;
Expect.stringEquals('xyz', value.value.slowToString());
// Ensure that each repeated annotation has a unique instance of
// [MetadataAnnotation].
source = """const native = 'xyz';
class Foo {
@native @native
main() {}""";
compileAndCheck(source, 'Foo', (compiler, element) {
compiler.enqueuer.resolution.queueIsClosed = false;
Expect.equals(0, length(element.metadata));
Expect.equals(0, length(element.metadata));
element = element.lookupLocalMember(buildSourceString(name));
Expect.equals(2, length(element.metadata));
MetadataAnnotation annotation1 = element.metadata.head;
MetadataAnnotation annotation2 = element.metadata.tail.head;
Expect.isTrue(annotation1 !== annotation2, 'expected unique instances');
Expect.notEquals(annotation1, annotation2, 'expected unequal instances');
Constant value1 = annotation1.value;
Constant value2 = annotation2.value;
Expect.identical(value1, value2, 'expected same compile-time constant');
Expect.stringEquals('xyz', value1.value.slowToString());
Expect.stringEquals('xyz', value2.value.slowToString());
void testClassMetadata() {
checkAnnotation('Foo', 'class Foo {}', isTopLevelOnly: true);
void testTopLevelMethodMetadata() {
checkAnnotation('foo', 'foo() {}');
void testTopLevelFieldMetadata() {
checkAnnotation('foo', 'var foo;');
void main() {