blob: 026fa6cd6efb9da3f81c97074b61cab342ee63fe [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2019, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
#include <utility>
#include "vm/compiler/backend/block_builder.h"
#include "vm/compiler/backend/il_printer.h"
#include "vm/compiler/backend/il_test_helper.h"
#include "vm/compiler/backend/inliner.h"
#include "vm/compiler/backend/loops.h"
#include "vm/compiler/backend/redundancy_elimination.h"
#include "vm/compiler/backend/type_propagator.h"
#include "vm/compiler/compiler_pass.h"
#include "vm/compiler/frontend/kernel_to_il.h"
#include "vm/compiler/jit/compiler.h"
#include "vm/compiler/jit/jit_call_specializer.h"
#include "vm/log.h"
#include "vm/object.h"
#include "vm/parser.h"
#include "vm/symbols.h"
#include "vm/unit_test.h"
namespace dart {
using compiler::BlockBuilder;
ISOLATE_UNIT_TEST_CASE(TypePropagator_RedefinitionAfterStrictCompareWithNull) {
CompilerState S(thread, /*is_aot=*/false, /*is_optimizing=*/true);
FlowGraphBuilderHelper H;
// Add a variable into the scope which would provide static type for the
// parameter.
LocalVariable* v0_var =
new LocalVariable(TokenPosition::kNoSource, TokenPosition::kNoSource,
String::Handle(Symbols::New(thread, "v0")),
auto normal_entry = H.flow_graph()->graph_entry()->normal_entry();
// We are going to build the following graph:
// B0[graph_entry]:
// B1[function_entry]:
// v0 <- Parameter(0)
// if v0 == null then B2 else B3
// B2:
// Return(v0)
// B3:
// Return(v0)
Definition* v0;
auto b2 = H.TargetEntry();
auto b3 = H.TargetEntry();
BlockBuilder builder(H.flow_graph(), normal_entry);
v0 = builder.AddParameter(0, 0, /*with_frame=*/true, kTagged);
new StrictCompareInstr(
InstructionSource(), Token::kEQ_STRICT, new Value(v0),
new Value(H.flow_graph()->GetConstant(Object::Handle())),
/*needs_number_check=*/false, S.GetNextDeoptId()),
b2, b3);
BlockBuilder builder(H.flow_graph(), b2);
builder.AddReturn(new Value(v0));
BlockBuilder builder(H.flow_graph(), b3);
builder.AddReturn(new Value(v0));
// We expect that v0 is inferred to be nullable int because that is what
// static type of an associated variable tells us.
// In B2 v0 should not have any additional type information so reaching
// type should be still nullable int.
auto b2_value = b2->last_instruction()->AsReturn()->value();
// In B3 v0 is constrained by comparison with null - it should be non-nullable
// integer. There should be a Redefinition inserted to prevent LICM past
// the branch.
auto b3_value = b3->last_instruction()->AsReturn()->value();
EXPECT(b3_value->definition()->GetBlock() == b3);
TypePropagator_RedefinitionAfterStrictCompareWithLoadClassId) {
CompilerState S(thread, /*is_aot=*/false, /*is_optimizing=*/true);
FlowGraphBuilderHelper H;
// We are going to build the following graph:
// B0[graph_entry]:
// B1[function_entry]:
// v0 <- Parameter(0)
// v1 <- LoadClassId(v0)
// if v1 == kDoubleCid then B2 else B3
// B2:
// Return(v0)
// B3:
// Return(v0)
Definition* v0;
auto b1 = H.flow_graph()->graph_entry()->normal_entry();
auto b2 = H.TargetEntry();
auto b3 = H.TargetEntry();
BlockBuilder builder(H.flow_graph(), b1);
v0 = builder.AddParameter(0, 0, /*with_frame=*/true, kTagged);
auto load_cid = builder.AddDefinition(new LoadClassIdInstr(new Value(v0)));
new StrictCompareInstr(
InstructionSource(), Token::kEQ_STRICT, new Value(load_cid),
new Value(H.IntConstant(kDoubleCid)),
/*needs_number_check=*/false, S.GetNextDeoptId()),
b2, b3);
BlockBuilder builder(H.flow_graph(), b2);
builder.AddReturn(new Value(v0));
BlockBuilder builder(H.flow_graph(), b3);
builder.AddReturn(new Value(v0));
// There should be no information available about the incoming type of
// the parameter either on entry or in B3.
EXPECT_PROPERTY(v0->Type()->ToAbstractType(), it.IsDynamicType());
auto b3_value = b3->last_instruction()->AsReturn()->value();
EXPECT(b3_value->Type() == v0->Type());
// In B3 v0 is constrained by comparison of its cid with kDoubleCid - it
// should be non-nullable double. There should be a Redefinition inserted to
// prevent LICM past the branch.
auto b2_value = b2->last_instruction()->AsReturn()->value();
EXPECT_PROPERTY(b2_value->Type(), it.IsDouble());
EXPECT_PROPERTY(b2_value->definition(), it.IsRedefinition());
EXPECT_PROPERTY(b2_value->definition()->GetBlock(), &it == b2);
ISOLATE_UNIT_TEST_CASE(TypePropagator_Refinement) {
CompilerState S(thread, /*is_aot=*/false, /*is_optimizing=*/true);
const Class& object_class =
const Function& target_func = Function::ZoneHandle(Function::New(
String::Handle(Symbols::New(thread, "dummy2")),
/*is_native=*/true, object_class, TokenPosition::kNoSource));
const Field& field = Field::ZoneHandle(
Field::New(String::Handle(Symbols::New(thread, "dummy")),
/*is_late=*/false, object_class, Object::dynamic_type(),
TokenPosition::kNoSource, TokenPosition::kNoSource));
SafepointWriteRwLocker locker(thread,
thread->isolate_group()->RegisterStaticField(field, Instance::Handle());
FlowGraphBuilderHelper H;
// We are going to build the following graph:
// B0[graph_entry]
// B1[function_entry]:
// v0 <- Parameter(0)
// v1 <- Constant(0)
// if v0 == 1 then B3 else B2
// B2:
// v2 <- StaticCall(target_func)
// goto B4
// B3:
// goto B4
// B4:
// v3 <- phi(v1, v2)
// return v5
Definition* v0;
Definition* v2;
PhiInstr* v3;
auto b1 = H.flow_graph()->graph_entry()->normal_entry();
auto b2 = H.TargetEntry();
auto b3 = H.TargetEntry();
auto b4 = H.JoinEntry();
BlockBuilder builder(H.flow_graph(), b1);
v0 = builder.AddParameter(0, 0, /*with_frame=*/true, kTagged);
builder.AddBranch(new StrictCompareInstr(
InstructionSource(), Token::kEQ_STRICT, new Value(v0),
new Value(H.IntConstant(1)),
/*needs_number_check=*/false, S.GetNextDeoptId()),
b2, b3);
BlockBuilder builder(H.flow_graph(), b2);
v2 = builder.AddDefinition(
new StaticCallInstr(InstructionSource(), target_func,
new InputsArray(0), S.GetNextDeoptId(),
/*call_count=*/0, ICData::RebindRule::kStatic));
builder.AddInstruction(new GotoInstr(b4, S.GetNextDeoptId()));
BlockBuilder builder(H.flow_graph(), b3);
builder.AddInstruction(new GotoInstr(b4, S.GetNextDeoptId()));
BlockBuilder builder(H.flow_graph(), b4);
v3 = H.Phi(b4, {{b2, v2}, {b3, H.IntConstant(0)}});
builder.AddReturn(new Value(v3));
EXPECT_PROPERTY(v2->Type(), it.IsNullableInt());
EXPECT_PROPERTY(v3->Type(), it.IsNullableInt());
auto v4 = new LoadStaticFieldInstr(field, InstructionSource());
H.flow_graph()->InsertBefore(v2, v4, nullptr, FlowGraph::kValue);
EXPECT_PROPERTY(v3->Type(), it.IsNullableInt());
// This test verifies that mutable compile types are not incorrectly cached
// as reaching types after inference.
ISOLATE_UNIT_TEST_CASE(TypePropagator_Regress36156) {
CompilerState S(thread, /*is_aot=*/false, /*is_optimizing=*/true);
FlowGraphBuilderHelper H;
// We are going to build the following graph:
// B0[graph_entry]
// B1[function_entry]:
// v0 <- Parameter(0)
// v1 <- Constant(42)
// v2 <- Constant(24)
// v4 <- Constant(1.0)
// if v0 == 1 then B6 else B2
// B2:
// if v0 == 2 then B3 else B4
// B3:
// goto B5
// B4:
// goto B5
// B5:
// v3 <- phi(v1, v2)
// goto B7
// B6:
// goto B7
// B7:
// v5 <- phi(v4, v3)
// return v5
Definition* v0;
PhiInstr* v3;
PhiInstr* v5;
auto b1 = H.flow_graph()->graph_entry()->normal_entry();
auto b2 = H.TargetEntry();
auto b3 = H.TargetEntry();
auto b4 = H.TargetEntry();
auto b5 = H.JoinEntry();
auto b6 = H.TargetEntry();
auto b7 = H.JoinEntry();
BlockBuilder builder(H.flow_graph(), b1);
v0 = builder.AddParameter(0, 0, /*with_frame=*/true, kTagged);
builder.AddBranch(new StrictCompareInstr(
InstructionSource(), Token::kEQ_STRICT, new Value(v0),
new Value(H.IntConstant(1)),
/*needs_number_check=*/false, S.GetNextDeoptId()),
b6, b2);
BlockBuilder builder(H.flow_graph(), b2);
builder.AddBranch(new StrictCompareInstr(
InstructionSource(), Token::kEQ_STRICT, new Value(v0),
new Value(H.IntConstant(2)),
/*needs_number_check=*/false, S.GetNextDeoptId()),
b3, b4);
BlockBuilder builder(H.flow_graph(), b3);
builder.AddInstruction(new GotoInstr(b5, S.GetNextDeoptId()));
BlockBuilder builder(H.flow_graph(), b4);
builder.AddInstruction(new GotoInstr(b5, S.GetNextDeoptId()));
BlockBuilder builder(H.flow_graph(), b5);
v3 = H.Phi(b5, {{b3, H.IntConstant(42)}, {b4, H.IntConstant(24)}});
builder.AddInstruction(new GotoInstr(b7, S.GetNextDeoptId()));
BlockBuilder builder(H.flow_graph(), b6);
builder.AddInstruction(new GotoInstr(b7, S.GetNextDeoptId()));
BlockBuilder builder(H.flow_graph(), b7);
v5 = H.Phi(b7, {{b5, v3}, {b6, H.DoubleConstant(1.0)}});
builder.AddInstruction(new ReturnInstr(InstructionSource(), new Value(v5),
// We expect that v3 has an integer type, and v5 is either T{Object} or
// T{num}.
EXPECT_PROPERTY(v3->Type(), it.IsInt());
it.IsObjectType() || it.IsNumberType());
// Now unbox v3 phi by inserting unboxing for both inputs and boxing
// for the result.
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < v3->InputCount(); i++) {
auto input = v3->InputAt(i);
auto unbox =
new UnboxInt64Instr(input->CopyWithType(), S.GetNextDeoptId(),
v3->block()->PredecessorAt(i)->last_instruction(), unbox, nullptr,
auto box = new BoxInt64Instr(new Value(v3));
H.flow_graph()->InsertBefore(b4->last_instruction(), box, nullptr,
// Run type propagation again.
// If CompileType of v3 would be cached as a reaching type at its use in
// v5 then we will be incorrect type propagation results.
// We expect that v3 has an integer type, and v5 is either T{Object} or
// T{num}.
EXPECT_PROPERTY(v3->Type(), it.IsInt());
it.IsObjectType() || it.IsNumberType());
CompilerState S(thread, /*is_aot=*/false, /*is_optimizing=*/true);
const char* late_tag = TestCase::LateTag();
auto script_chars = Utils::CStringUniquePtr(
OS::SCreate(nullptr, R"(
import 'dart:async';
class G<T> {}
class C<NoBound,
NumBound extends num,
ComparableBound extends Comparable,
StringBound extends String> {
// Simple instantiated types.
@pragma('vm-test:can-be-smi') %s int t1;
@pragma('vm-test:can-be-smi') %s num t2;
@pragma('vm-test:can-be-smi') %s Object t3;
%s String t4;
// Type parameters.
@pragma('vm-test:can-be-smi') %s NoBound tp1;
@pragma('vm-test:can-be-smi') %s NumBound tp2;
@pragma('vm-test:can-be-smi') %s ComparableBound tp3;
%s StringBound tp4;
// Comparable<T> instantiations.
@pragma('vm-test:can-be-smi') %s Comparable c1;
%s Comparable<String> c2;
@pragma('vm-test:can-be-smi') %s Comparable<num> c3;
%s Comparable<int> c4; // int is not a subtype of Comparable<int>.
@pragma('vm-test:can-be-smi') %s Comparable<NoBound> c5;
@pragma('vm-test:can-be-smi') %s Comparable<NumBound> c6;
@pragma('vm-test:can-be-smi') %s Comparable<ComparableBound> c7;
%s Comparable<StringBound> c8;
// FutureOr<T> instantiations.
@pragma('vm-test:can-be-smi') %s FutureOr fo1;
%s FutureOr<String> fo2;
@pragma('vm-test:can-be-smi') %s FutureOr<num> fo3;
@pragma('vm-test:can-be-smi') %s FutureOr<int> fo4;
@pragma('vm-test:can-be-smi') %s FutureOr<NoBound> fo5;
@pragma('vm-test:can-be-smi') %s FutureOr<NumBound> fo6;
@pragma('vm-test:can-be-smi') %s FutureOr<ComparableBound> fo7;
%s FutureOr<StringBound> fo8;
// Other generic classes.
%s G<int> g1;
%s G<NoBound> g2;
late_tag, late_tag, late_tag, late_tag, late_tag, late_tag,
late_tag, late_tag, late_tag, late_tag, late_tag, late_tag,
late_tag, late_tag, late_tag, late_tag, late_tag, late_tag,
late_tag, late_tag, late_tag, late_tag, late_tag, late_tag,
late_tag, late_tag),
const auto& lib = Library::Handle(LoadTestScript(script_chars.get()));
const auto& pragma_can_be_smi =
String::Handle(Symbols::New(thread, "vm-test:can-be-smi"));
auto expected_can_be_smi = [&](const Field& f) {
auto& options = Object::Handle();
return lib.FindPragma(thread, /*only_core=*/false, f, pragma_can_be_smi,
const auto& cls = Class::Handle(GetClass(lib, "C"));
const auto& err = Error::Handle(cls.EnsureIsFinalized(thread));
const auto& fields = Array::Handle(cls.fields());
auto& field = Field::Handle();
auto& type = AbstractType::Handle();
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < fields.Length(); i++) {
field ^= fields.At(i);
type = field.type();
auto compile_type = CompileType::FromAbstractType(type);
if (compile_type.CanBeSmi() != expected_can_be_smi(field)) {
dart::Expect(__FILE__, __LINE__)
.Fail("expected that CanBeSmi() returns %s for compile type %s\n",
expected_can_be_smi(field) ? "true" : "false",
} // namespace dart