blob: 1fb023c070d407e4570fcf87a01702461496fffa [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
#include "vm/compiler/backend/inliner.h"
#include "vm/compiler/aot/aot_call_specializer.h"
#include "vm/compiler/aot/precompiler.h"
#include "vm/compiler/backend/block_scheduler.h"
#include "vm/compiler/backend/branch_optimizer.h"
#include "vm/compiler/backend/flow_graph_checker.h"
#include "vm/compiler/backend/flow_graph_compiler.h"
#include "vm/compiler/backend/il_printer.h"
#include "vm/compiler/backend/type_propagator.h"
#include "vm/compiler/compiler_pass.h"
#include "vm/compiler/frontend/flow_graph_builder.h"
#include "vm/compiler/frontend/kernel_to_il.h"
#include "vm/compiler/jit/compiler.h"
#include "vm/compiler/jit/jit_call_specializer.h"
#include "vm/flags.h"
#include "vm/kernel.h"
#include "vm/longjump.h"
#include "vm/object.h"
#include "vm/object_store.h"
namespace dart {
"How many times we allow deoptimization before we stop inlining.");
DEFINE_FLAG(bool, trace_inlining, false, "Trace inlining");
DEFINE_FLAG(charp, inlining_filter, NULL, "Inline only in named function");
// Flags for inlining heuristics.
"Always inline getters and setters that have fewer instructions");
"Inline function calls up to threshold nesting depth");
"Always inline functions that have threshold or fewer instructions");
"Always inline functions containing threshold or fewer calls.");
"Do not inline callees larger than threshold");
"Do not inline leaf callees larger than threshold");
"Stop inlining once caller reaches the threshold.");
"Inline only hotter calls, in percents (0 .. 100); "
"default 10%: calls above-equal 10% of max-count are inlined.");
"Inline recursive function calls up to threshold recursion depth.");
"Max. number of inlined calls per depth");
DEFINE_FLAG(bool, print_inlining_tree, false, "Print inlining tree");
DECLARE_FLAG(int, max_deoptimization_counter_threshold);
DECLARE_FLAG(bool, print_flow_graph);
DECLARE_FLAG(bool, print_flow_graph_optimized);
// Quick access to the current zone.
#define Z (zone())
#define I (isolate())
#define TRACE_INLINING(statement) \
do { \
if (trace_inlining()) statement; \
} while (false)
#define PRINT_INLINING_TREE(comment, caller, target, instance_call) \
do { \
if (FLAG_print_inlining_tree) { \
inlined_info_.Add(InlinedInfo(caller, target, inlining_depth_, \
instance_call, comment)); \
} \
} while (false)
// Test and obtain Smi value.
static bool IsSmiValue(Value* val, intptr_t* int_val) {
if (val->BindsToConstant() && val->BoundConstant().IsSmi()) {
*int_val = Smi::Cast(val->BoundConstant()).Value();
return true;
return false;
// Test if a call is recursive by looking in the deoptimization environment.
static bool IsCallRecursive(const Function& function, Definition* call) {
Environment* env = call->env();
while (env != NULL) {
if (function.raw() == env->function().raw()) {
return true;
env = env->outer();
return false;
// Helper to get the default value of a formal parameter.
static ConstantInstr* GetDefaultValue(intptr_t i,
const ParsedFunction& parsed_function) {
return new ConstantInstr(parsed_function.DefaultParameterValueAt(i));
// Helper to get result type from call (or nullptr otherwise).
static CompileType* ResultType(Definition* call) {
if (auto static_call = call->AsStaticCall()) {
return static_call->result_type();
} else if (auto instance_call = call->AsInstanceCall()) {
return instance_call->result_type();
return nullptr;
// Pair of an argument name and its value.
struct NamedArgument {
String* name;
Value* value;
NamedArgument(String* name, Value* value) : name(name), value(value) {}
// Ensures we only inline callee graphs which are safe. There are certain
// instructions which cannot be inlined and we ensure here that we don't do
// that.
class CalleeGraphValidator : public AllStatic {
static void Validate(FlowGraph* callee_graph) {
#ifdef DEBUG
for (BlockIterator block_it = callee_graph->reverse_postorder_iterator();
!block_it.Done(); block_it.Advance()) {
BlockEntryInstr* entry = block_it.Current();
for (ForwardInstructionIterator it(entry); !it.Done(); it.Advance()) {
Instruction* current = it.Current();
if (current->IsBranch()) {
current = current->AsBranch()->comparison();
// The following instructions are not safe to inline, since they make
// assumptions about the frame layout.
#endif // DEBUG
// Helper to collect information about a callee graph when considering it for
// inlining.
class GraphInfoCollector : public ValueObject {
GraphInfoCollector() : call_site_count_(0), instruction_count_(0) {}
void Collect(const FlowGraph& graph) {
call_site_count_ = 0;
instruction_count_ = 0;
for (BlockIterator block_it = graph.postorder_iterator(); !block_it.Done();
block_it.Advance()) {
// Skip any blocks from the prologue to make them not count towards the
// inlining instruction budget.
const intptr_t block_id = block_it.Current()->block_id();
if (graph.prologue_info().Contains(block_id)) {
for (ForwardInstructionIterator it(block_it.Current()); !it.Done();
it.Advance()) {
Instruction* current = it.Current();
// Don't count instructions that won't generate any code.
if (current->IsRedefinition()) {
// UnboxedConstant is often folded into the indexing
// instructions (similar to Constant instructions which
// belong to initial definitions and not counted here).
if (current->IsUnboxedConstant()) {
// Count inputs of certain instructions as if separate PushArgument
// instructions are used for inputs. This is done in order to
// preserve inlining behavior and avoid code size growth after
// PushArgument instructions are eliminated.
if (current->IsAllocateObject()) {
instruction_count_ += current->InputCount();
} else if (current->ArgumentCount() > 0) {
instruction_count_ += current->ArgumentCount();
if (current->IsInstanceCall() || current->IsStaticCall() ||
current->IsClosureCall()) {
if (current->IsPolymorphicInstanceCall()) {
PolymorphicInstanceCallInstr* call =
// These checks make sure that the number of call-sites counted does
// not change relative to the time when the current set of inlining
// parameters was fixed.
// TODO(fschneider): Determine new heuristic parameters that avoid
// these checks entirely.
if (!call->IsSureToCallSingleRecognizedTarget() &&
(call->token_kind() != Token::kEQ)) {
intptr_t call_site_count() const { return call_site_count_; }
intptr_t instruction_count() const { return instruction_count_; }
intptr_t call_site_count_;
intptr_t instruction_count_;
// Structure for collecting inline data needed to print inlining tree.
struct InlinedInfo {
const Function* caller;
const Function* inlined;
intptr_t inlined_depth;
const Definition* call_instr;
const char* bailout_reason;
InlinedInfo(const Function* caller_function,
const Function* inlined_function,
const intptr_t depth,
const Definition* call,
const char* reason)
: caller(caller_function),
bailout_reason(reason) {}
// A collection of call sites to consider for inlining.
class CallSites : public ValueObject {
explicit CallSites(intptr_t threshold)
: inlining_depth_threshold_(threshold),
instance_calls_() {}
struct InstanceCallInfo {
PolymorphicInstanceCallInstr* call;
double ratio;
const FlowGraph* caller_graph;
intptr_t nesting_depth;
InstanceCallInfo(PolymorphicInstanceCallInstr* call_arg,
FlowGraph* flow_graph,
intptr_t depth)
: call(call_arg),
nesting_depth(depth) {}
const Function& caller() const { return caller_graph->function(); }
struct StaticCallInfo {
StaticCallInstr* call;
double ratio;
FlowGraph* caller_graph;
intptr_t nesting_depth;
StaticCallInfo(StaticCallInstr* value,
FlowGraph* flow_graph,
intptr_t depth)
: call(value),
nesting_depth(depth) {}
const Function& caller() const { return caller_graph->function(); }
struct ClosureCallInfo {
ClosureCallInstr* call;
FlowGraph* caller_graph;
ClosureCallInfo(ClosureCallInstr* value, FlowGraph* flow_graph)
: call(value), caller_graph(flow_graph) {}
const Function& caller() const { return caller_graph->function(); }
const GrowableArray<InstanceCallInfo>& instance_calls() const {
return instance_calls_;
const GrowableArray<StaticCallInfo>& static_calls() const {
return static_calls_;
const GrowableArray<ClosureCallInfo>& closure_calls() const {
return closure_calls_;
bool HasCalls() const {
return !(static_calls_.is_empty() && closure_calls_.is_empty() &&
intptr_t NumCalls() const {
return instance_calls_.length() + static_calls_.length() +
void Clear() {
// Heuristic that maps the loop nesting depth to a static estimate of number
// of times code at that depth is executed (code at each higher nesting
// depth is assumed to execute 10x more often up to depth 3).
static intptr_t AotCallCountApproximation(intptr_t nesting_depth) {
switch (nesting_depth) {
case 0:
// The value 1 makes most sense, but it may give a high ratio to call
// sites outside loops. Therefore, such call sites are subject to
// subsequent stricter heuristic to limit code size increase.
return 1;
case 1:
return 10;
case 2:
return 10 * 10;
return 10 * 10 * 10;
// Computes the ratio for each call site in a method, defined as the
// number of times a call site is executed over the maximum number of
// times any call site is executed in the method. JIT uses actual call
// counts whereas AOT uses a static estimate based on nesting depth.
void ComputeCallSiteRatio(intptr_t static_call_start_ix,
intptr_t instance_call_start_ix) {
const intptr_t num_static_calls =
static_calls_.length() - static_call_start_ix;
const intptr_t num_instance_calls =
instance_calls_.length() - instance_call_start_ix;
intptr_t max_count = 0;
GrowableArray<intptr_t> instance_call_counts(num_instance_calls);
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < num_instance_calls; ++i) {
const InstanceCallInfo& info =
instance_calls_[i + instance_call_start_ix];
intptr_t aggregate_count =
? AotCallCountApproximation(info.nesting_depth)
if (aggregate_count > max_count) max_count = aggregate_count;
GrowableArray<intptr_t> static_call_counts(num_static_calls);
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < num_static_calls; ++i) {
const StaticCallInfo& info = static_calls_[i + static_call_start_ix];
intptr_t aggregate_count =
? AotCallCountApproximation(info.nesting_depth)
if (aggregate_count > max_count) max_count = aggregate_count;
// Note that max_count can be 0 if none of the calls was executed.
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < num_instance_calls; ++i) {
const double ratio =
(max_count == 0)
? 0.0
: static_cast<double>(instance_call_counts[i]) / max_count;
instance_calls_[i + instance_call_start_ix].ratio = ratio;
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < num_static_calls; ++i) {
const double ratio =
(max_count == 0)
? 0.0
: static_cast<double>(static_call_counts[i]) / max_count;
static_calls_[i + static_call_start_ix].ratio = ratio;
static void RecordAllNotInlinedFunction(
FlowGraph* graph,
intptr_t depth,
GrowableArray<InlinedInfo>* inlined_info) {
const Function* caller = &graph->function();
Function& target = Function::ZoneHandle();
for (BlockIterator block_it = graph->postorder_iterator(); !block_it.Done();
block_it.Advance()) {
for (ForwardInstructionIterator it(block_it.Current()); !it.Done();
it.Advance()) {
Instruction* current = it.Current();
Definition* call = NULL;
if (current->IsPolymorphicInstanceCall()) {
PolymorphicInstanceCallInstr* instance_call =
target = instance_call->targets().FirstTarget().raw();
call = instance_call;
} else if (current->IsStaticCall()) {
StaticCallInstr* static_call = current->AsStaticCall();
target = static_call->function().raw();
call = static_call;
} else if (current->IsClosureCall()) {
// TODO(srdjan): Add data for closure calls.
if (call != NULL) {
InlinedInfo(caller, &target, depth + 1, call, "Too deep"));
void FindCallSites(FlowGraph* graph,
intptr_t depth,
GrowableArray<InlinedInfo>* inlined_info) {
ASSERT(graph != NULL);
if (depth > inlining_depth_threshold_) {
if (FLAG_print_inlining_tree) {
RecordAllNotInlinedFunction(graph, depth, inlined_info);
// At the maximum inlining depth, only profitable methods
// are further considered for inlining.
const bool inline_only_profitable_methods =
(depth >= inlining_depth_threshold_);
// In AOT, compute loop hierarchy.
if (CompilerState::Current().is_aot()) {
const intptr_t instance_call_start_ix = instance_calls_.length();
const intptr_t static_call_start_ix = static_calls_.length();
for (BlockIterator block_it = graph->postorder_iterator(); !block_it.Done();
block_it.Advance()) {
BlockEntryInstr* entry = block_it.Current();
const intptr_t depth = entry->NestingDepth();
for (ForwardInstructionIterator it(entry); !it.Done(); it.Advance()) {
Instruction* current = it.Current();
if (current->IsPolymorphicInstanceCall()) {
PolymorphicInstanceCallInstr* instance_call =
if (!inline_only_profitable_methods ||
instance_call->IsSureToCallSingleRecognizedTarget() ||
instance_call->HasOnlyDispatcherOrImplicitAccessorTargets()) {
// Consider instance call for further inlining. Note that it will
// still be subject to all the inlining heuristics.
instance_calls_.Add(InstanceCallInfo(instance_call, graph, depth));
} else {
// No longer consider the instance call because inlining is too
// deep and the method is not deemed profitable by other criteria.
if (FLAG_print_inlining_tree) {
const Function* caller = &graph->function();
const Function* target = &instance_call->targets().FirstTarget();
inlined_info->Add(InlinedInfo(caller, target, depth + 1,
instance_call, "Too deep"));
} else if (current->IsStaticCall()) {
StaticCallInstr* static_call = current->AsStaticCall();
const Function& function = static_call->function();
if (!inline_only_profitable_methods || function.IsRecognized() ||
function.IsDispatcherOrImplicitAccessor() ||
(function.is_const() && function.IsGenerativeConstructor())) {
// Consider static call for further inlining. Note that it will
// still be subject to all the inlining heuristics.
static_calls_.Add(StaticCallInfo(static_call, graph, depth));
} else {
// No longer consider the static call because inlining is too
// deep and the method is not deemed profitable by other criteria.
if (FLAG_print_inlining_tree) {
const Function* caller = &graph->function();
const Function* target = &static_call->function();
inlined_info->Add(InlinedInfo(caller, target, depth + 1,
static_call, "Too deep"));
} else if (current->IsClosureCall()) {
if (!inline_only_profitable_methods) {
// Consider closure for further inlining. Note that it will
// still be subject to all the inlining heuristics.
ClosureCallInstr* closure_call = current->AsClosureCall();
closure_calls_.Add(ClosureCallInfo(closure_call, graph));
} else {
// No longer consider the closure because inlining is too deep.
ComputeCallSiteRatio(static_call_start_ix, instance_call_start_ix);
intptr_t inlining_depth_threshold_;
GrowableArray<StaticCallInfo> static_calls_;
GrowableArray<ClosureCallInfo> closure_calls_;
GrowableArray<InstanceCallInfo> instance_calls_;
// Determines if inlining this graph yields a small leaf node.
static bool IsSmallLeaf(FlowGraph* graph) {
intptr_t instruction_count = 0;
for (BlockIterator block_it = graph->postorder_iterator(); !block_it.Done();
block_it.Advance()) {
BlockEntryInstr* entry = block_it.Current();
for (ForwardInstructionIterator it(entry); !it.Done(); it.Advance()) {
Instruction* current = it.Current();
if (current->IsInstanceCall() || current->IsPolymorphicInstanceCall() ||
current->IsClosureCall()) {
return false;
} else if (current->IsStaticCall()) {
const Function& function = current->AsStaticCall()->function();
const intptr_t inl_size = function.optimized_instruction_count();
const bool always_inline =
// Accept a static call is always inlined in some way and add the
// cached size to the total instruction count. A reasonable guess
// is made if the count has not been collected yet (listed methods
// are never very large).
if (!always_inline && !function.IsRecognized()) {
return false;
if (!always_inline) {
static constexpr intptr_t kAvgListedMethodSize = 20;
instruction_count +=
(inl_size == 0 ? kAvgListedMethodSize : inl_size);
return instruction_count <= FLAG_inlining_small_leaf_size_threshold;
struct InlinedCallData {
InlinedCallData(Definition* call,
const Array& arguments_descriptor,
intptr_t first_arg_index, // 1 if type args are passed.
GrowableArray<Value*>* arguments,
const Function& caller)
: call(call),
caller(caller) {}
Definition* call;
const Array& arguments_descriptor;
const intptr_t first_arg_index;
GrowableArray<Value*>* arguments;
FlowGraph* callee_graph;
ZoneGrowableArray<Definition*>* parameter_stubs;
InlineExitCollector* exit_collector;
const Function& caller;
class CallSiteInliner;
class PolymorphicInliner : public ValueObject {
PolymorphicInliner(CallSiteInliner* owner,
PolymorphicInstanceCallInstr* call,
const Function& caller_function);
bool Inline();
bool CheckInlinedDuplicate(const Function& target);
bool CheckNonInlinedDuplicate(const Function& target);
bool TryInliningPoly(const TargetInfo& target);
bool TryInlineRecognizedMethod(intptr_t receiver_cid, const Function& target);
TargetEntryInstr* BuildDecisionGraph();
Isolate* isolate() const;
Zone* zone() const;
intptr_t AllocateBlockId() const;
inline bool trace_inlining() const;
CallSiteInliner* const owner_;
PolymorphicInstanceCallInstr* const call_;
const intptr_t num_variants_;
const CallTargets& variants_;
CallTargets inlined_variants_;
// The non_inlined_variants_ can be used in a long-lived instruction object,
// so they are not embedded into the shorter-lived PolymorphicInliner object.
CallTargets* non_inlined_variants_;
GrowableArray<BlockEntryInstr*> inlined_entries_;
InlineExitCollector* exit_collector_;
const Function& caller_function_;
static void ReplaceParameterStubs(Zone* zone,
FlowGraph* caller_graph,
InlinedCallData* call_data,
const TargetInfo* target_info) {
const bool is_polymorphic = call_data->call->IsPolymorphicInstanceCall();
ASSERT(is_polymorphic == (target_info != NULL));
FlowGraph* callee_graph = call_data->callee_graph;
auto callee_entry = callee_graph->graph_entry()->normal_entry();
// Replace each stub with the actual argument or the caller's constant.
// Nulls denote optional parameters for which no actual was given.
const intptr_t first_arg_index = call_data->first_arg_index;
// When first_arg_index > 0, the stub and actual argument processed in the
// first loop iteration represent a passed-in type argument vector.
GrowableArray<Value*>* arguments = call_data->arguments;
intptr_t first_arg_stub_index = 0;
if (arguments->length() != call_data->parameter_stubs->length()) {
ASSERT(arguments->length() == call_data->parameter_stubs->length() - 1);
ASSERT(first_arg_index == 0);
// The first parameter stub accepts an optional type argument vector, but
// none was provided in arguments.
first_arg_stub_index = 1;
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < arguments->length(); ++i) {
Value* actual = (*arguments)[i];
Definition* defn = NULL;
if (is_polymorphic && (i == first_arg_index)) {
// Replace the receiver argument with a redefinition to prevent code from
// the inlined body from being hoisted above the inlined entry.
RedefinitionInstr* redefinition =
new (zone) RedefinitionInstr(actual->Copy(zone));
if (FlowGraph::NeedsPairLocation(redefinition->representation())) {
if (target_info->IsSingleCid()) {
defn = redefinition;
// Since the redefinition does not dominate the callee entry, replace
// uses of the receiver argument in this entry with the redefined value.
call_data->parameter_stubs->At(first_arg_stub_index + i),
} else if (actual != NULL) {
defn = actual->definition();
if (defn != NULL) {
call_data->parameter_stubs->At(first_arg_stub_index + i)
// Replace remaining constants with uses by constants in the caller's
// initial definitions.
auto defns = callee_graph->graph_entry()->initial_definitions();
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < defns->length(); ++i) {
ConstantInstr* constant = (*defns)[i]->AsConstant();
if (constant != NULL && constant->HasUses()) {
defns = callee_graph->graph_entry()->normal_entry()->initial_definitions();
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < defns->length(); ++i) {
ConstantInstr* constant = (*defns)[i]->AsConstant();
if (constant != NULL && constant->HasUses()) {
SpecialParameterInstr* param = (*defns)[i]->AsSpecialParameter();
if (param != NULL && param->HasUses()) {
switch (param->kind()) {
case SpecialParameterInstr::kContext: {
// We do not support polymorphic inlining of closure calls.
LoadFieldInstr* context_load = new (zone) LoadFieldInstr(
new Value((*arguments)[first_arg_index]->definition()),
Slot::Closure_context(), call_data->call->source());
if (FlowGraph::NeedsPairLocation(context_load->representation())) {
case SpecialParameterInstr::kTypeArgs: {
Definition* type_args;
if (first_arg_index > 0) {
type_args = (*arguments)[0]->definition();
} else {
type_args = caller_graph->constant_null();
case SpecialParameterInstr::kArgDescriptor: {
default: {
class CallSiteInliner : public ValueObject {
explicit CallSiteInliner(FlowGraphInliner* inliner, intptr_t threshold)
: inliner_(inliner),
inlined_info_() {}
FlowGraph* caller_graph() const { return caller_graph_; }
Thread* thread() const { return caller_graph_->thread(); }
Isolate* isolate() const { return caller_graph_->isolate(); }
Zone* zone() const { return caller_graph_->zone(); }
bool trace_inlining() const { return inliner_->trace_inlining(); }
int inlining_depth() { return inlining_depth_; }
struct InliningDecision {
InliningDecision(bool b, const char* r) : value(b), reason(r) {}
bool value;
const char* reason;
static InliningDecision Yes(const char* reason) {
return InliningDecision(true, reason);
static InliningDecision No(const char* reason) {
return InliningDecision(false, reason);
// Inlining heuristics based on Cooper et al. 2008.
InliningDecision ShouldWeInline(const Function& callee,
intptr_t instr_count,
intptr_t call_site_count) {
// Pragma or size heuristics.
if (inliner_->AlwaysInline(callee)) {
return InliningDecision::Yes("AlwaysInline");
} else if (inlined_size_ > FLAG_inlining_caller_size_threshold) {
// Prevent caller methods becoming humongous and thus slow to compile.
return InliningDecision::No("--inlining-caller-size-threshold");
} else if (instr_count > FLAG_inlining_callee_size_threshold) {
// Prevent inlining of callee methods that exceed certain size.
return InliningDecision::No("--inlining-callee-size-threshold");
// Inlining depth.
const int callee_inlining_depth = callee.inlining_depth();
if (callee_inlining_depth > 0 &&
((callee_inlining_depth + inlining_depth_) >
FLAG_inlining_depth_threshold)) {
return InliningDecision::No("--inlining-depth-threshold");
// Situation instr_count == 0 denotes no counts have been computed yet.
// In that case, we say ok to the early heuristic and come back with the
// late heuristic.
if (instr_count == 0) {
return InliningDecision::Yes("need to count first");
} else if (instr_count <= FLAG_inlining_size_threshold) {
return InliningDecision::Yes("--inlining-size-threshold");
} else if (call_site_count <= FLAG_inlining_callee_call_sites_threshold) {
return InliningDecision::Yes("--inlining-callee-call-sites-threshold");
return InliningDecision::No("default");
void InlineCalls() {
// If inlining depth is less than one abort.
if (inlining_depth_threshold_ < 1) return;
if (caller_graph_->function().deoptimization_counter() >=
FLAG_deoptimization_counter_inlining_threshold) {
// Create two call site collections to swap between.
CallSites sites1(inlining_depth_threshold_);
CallSites sites2(inlining_depth_threshold_);
CallSites* call_sites_temp = NULL;
collected_call_sites_ = &sites1;
inlining_call_sites_ = &sites2;
// Collect initial call sites.
collected_call_sites_->FindCallSites(caller_graph_, inlining_depth_,
while (collected_call_sites_->HasCalls()) {
THR_Print(" Depth %" Pd " ----------\n", inlining_depth_));
if (FLAG_print_inlining_tree) {
THR_Print("**Depth % " Pd " calls to inline %" Pd " (threshold % " Pd
inlining_depth_, collected_call_sites_->NumCalls(),
if (collected_call_sites_->NumCalls() > FLAG_max_inlined_per_depth) {
// Swap collected and inlining arrays and clear the new collecting array.
call_sites_temp = collected_call_sites_;
collected_call_sites_ = inlining_call_sites_;
inlining_call_sites_ = call_sites_temp;
// Inline call sites at the current depth.
bool inlined_instance = InlineInstanceCalls();
bool inlined_statics = InlineStaticCalls();
bool inlined_closures = InlineClosureCalls();
if (inlined_instance || inlined_statics || inlined_closures) {
// Increment the inlining depths. Checked before subsequent inlining.
if (inlined_recursive_call_) {
inlined_recursive_call_ = false;
collected_call_sites_ = NULL;
inlining_call_sites_ = NULL;
bool inlined() const { return inlined_; }
double GrowthFactor() const {
return static_cast<double>(inlined_size_) /
// Helper to create a parameter stub from an actual argument.
Definition* CreateParameterStub(intptr_t i,
Value* argument,
FlowGraph* graph) {
ConstantInstr* constant = argument->definition()->AsConstant();
if (constant != NULL) {
return new (Z) ConstantInstr(constant->value());
} else {
ParameterInstr* param = new (Z)
ParameterInstr(i, -1, graph->graph_entry(), kNoRepresentation);
return param;
bool TryInlining(const Function& function,
const Array& argument_names,
InlinedCallData* call_data,
bool stricter_heuristic) {
if (trace_inlining()) {
String& name = String::Handle(function.QualifiedUserVisibleName());
THR_Print(" => %s (deopt count %d)\n", name.ToCString(),
// Abort if the inlinable bit on the function is low.
if (!function.CanBeInlined()) {
TRACE_INLINING(THR_Print(" Bailout: not inlinable\n"));
PRINT_INLINING_TREE("Not inlinable", &call_data->caller, &function,
return false;
if (FlowGraphInliner::FunctionHasNeverInlinePragma(function)) {
TRACE_INLINING(THR_Print(" Bailout: vm:never-inline pragma\n"));
return false;
// Don't inline any intrinsified functions in precompiled mode
// to reduce code size and make sure we use the intrinsic code.
if (CompilerState::Current().is_aot() && function.is_intrinsic() &&
!inliner_->AlwaysInline(function)) {
TRACE_INLINING(THR_Print(" Bailout: intrinisic\n"));
PRINT_INLINING_TREE("intrinsic", &call_data->caller, &function,
return false;
// Do not rely on function type feedback or presence of code to determine
// if a function was compiled.
if (!CompilerState::Current().is_aot() && !function.WasCompiled()) {
TRACE_INLINING(THR_Print(" Bailout: not compiled yet\n"));
PRINT_INLINING_TREE("Not compiled", &call_data->caller, &function,
return false;
// Type feedback may have been cleared for this function (ClearICDataArray),
// but we need it for inlining.
if (!CompilerState::Current().is_aot() &&
(function.ic_data_array() == Array::null())) {
TRACE_INLINING(THR_Print(" Bailout: type feedback cleared\n"));
PRINT_INLINING_TREE("Not compiled", &call_data->caller, &function,
return false;
// Abort if this function has deoptimized too much.
if (function.deoptimization_counter() >=
FLAG_max_deoptimization_counter_threshold) {
TRACE_INLINING(THR_Print(" Bailout: deoptimization threshold\n"));
PRINT_INLINING_TREE("Deoptimization threshold exceeded",
&call_data->caller, &function, call_data->call);
return false;
// Apply early heuristics. For a specialized case
// (constants_arg_counts > 0), don't use a previously
// estimate of the call site and instruction counts.
// Note that at this point, optional constant parameters
// are not counted yet, which makes this decision approximate.
GrowableArray<Value*>* arguments = call_data->arguments;
const intptr_t constant_arg_count = CountConstants(*arguments);
const intptr_t instruction_count =
constant_arg_count == 0 ? function.optimized_instruction_count() : 0;
const intptr_t call_site_count =
constant_arg_count == 0 ? function.optimized_call_site_count() : 0;
InliningDecision decision =
ShouldWeInline(function, instruction_count, call_site_count);
if (!decision.value) {
THR_Print(" Bailout: early heuristics (%s) with "
"code size: %" Pd ", "
"call sites: %" Pd ", "
"inlining depth of callee: %d, "
"const args: %" Pd "\n",
decision.reason, instruction_count, call_site_count,
function.inlining_depth(), constant_arg_count));
PRINT_INLINING_TREE("Early heuristic", &call_data->caller, &function,
return false;
// Abort if this is a recursive occurrence.
Definition* call = call_data->call;
// Added 'volatile' works around a possible GCC 4.9 compiler bug.
volatile bool is_recursive_call = IsCallRecursive(function, call);
if (is_recursive_call &&
inlining_recursion_depth_ >= FLAG_inlining_recursion_depth_threshold) {
TRACE_INLINING(THR_Print(" Bailout: recursive function\n"));
PRINT_INLINING_TREE("Recursive function", &call_data->caller, &function,
return false;
Error& error = Error::Handle();
// Save and clear deopt id.
DeoptIdScope deopt_id_scope(thread(), 0);
// Install bailout jump.
LongJumpScope jump;
if (setjmp(*jump.Set()) == 0) {
// Load IC data for the callee.
ZoneGrowableArray<const ICData*>* ic_data_array =
new (Z) ZoneGrowableArray<const ICData*>();
const bool clone_ic_data = Compiler::IsBackgroundCompilation();
function.RestoreICDataMap(ic_data_array, clone_ic_data);
if (Compiler::IsBackgroundCompilation() &&
(function.ic_data_array() == Array::null())) {
"ICData cleared while inlining");
// Parse the callee function.
bool in_cache;
ParsedFunction* parsed_function;
parsed_function = GetParsedFunction(function, &in_cache);
if (!function.CanBeInlined()) {
// As a side effect of parsing the function, it may be marked
// as not inlinable. This happens for async and async* functions
// when causal stack traces are being tracked.
return false;
// Build the callee graph.
InlineExitCollector* exit_collector =
new (Z) InlineExitCollector(caller_graph_, call);
FlowGraph* callee_graph;
Code::EntryKind entry_kind = Code::EntryKind::kNormal;
if (StaticCallInstr* instr = call_data->call->AsStaticCall()) {
entry_kind = instr->entry_kind();
} else if (InstanceCallInstr* instr =
call_data->call->AsInstanceCall()) {
entry_kind = instr->entry_kind();
} else if (PolymorphicInstanceCallInstr* instr =
call_data->call->AsPolymorphicInstanceCall()) {
entry_kind = instr->entry_kind();
} else if (ClosureCallInstr* instr = call_data->call->AsClosureCall()) {
entry_kind = instr->entry_kind();
kernel::FlowGraphBuilder builder(
parsed_function, ic_data_array, /* not building var desc */ NULL,
/* optimized = */ true, Compiler::kNoOSRDeoptId,
caller_graph_->max_block_id() + 1,
entry_kind == Code::EntryKind::kUnchecked);
callee_graph = builder.BuildGraph();
#if defined(DEBUG)
// The inlining IDs of instructions in the callee graph are unset
// until we call SetInliningID later.
GrowableArray<const Function*> callee_inline_id_to_function;
FlowGraphChecker(callee_graph, callee_inline_id_to_function)
.Check("Builder (callee)");
#if defined(DART_PRECOMPILER) && !defined(TARGET_ARCH_IA32)
if (CompilerState::Current().is_aot()) {
// If we inline a function which is intrinsified without a fall-through
// to IR code, we will not have any ICData attached, so we do it
// manually here.
if (!CompilerState::Current().is_aot() && function.is_intrinsic()) {
// The parameter stubs are a copy of the actual arguments providing
// concrete information about the values, for example constant values,
// without linking between the caller and callee graphs.
// TODO(zerny): Put more information in the stubs, eg, type information.
const intptr_t first_actual_param_index = call_data->first_arg_index;
const intptr_t inlined_type_args_param = function.IsGeneric() ? 1 : 0;
const intptr_t num_inlined_params =
inlined_type_args_param + function.NumParameters();
ZoneGrowableArray<Definition*>* param_stubs =
new (Z) ZoneGrowableArray<Definition*>(num_inlined_params);
// Create a ConstantInstr as Definition for the type arguments, if any.
if (first_actual_param_index > 0) {
// A type argument vector is explicitly passed.
CreateParameterStub(-1, (*arguments)[0], callee_graph));
} else if (inlined_type_args_param > 0) {
// No type argument vector is passed to the generic function,
// pass a null vector, which is the same as a vector of dynamic types.
// Create a parameter stub for each fixed positional parameter.
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < function.num_fixed_parameters(); ++i) {
i, (*arguments)[first_actual_param_index + i], callee_graph));
// If the callee has optional parameters, rebuild the argument and stub
// arrays so that actual arguments are in one-to-one with the formal
// parameters.
if (function.HasOptionalParameters()) {
TRACE_INLINING(THR_Print(" adjusting for optional parameters\n"));
if (!AdjustForOptionalParameters(
*parsed_function, first_actual_param_index, argument_names,
arguments, param_stubs, callee_graph)) {
TRACE_INLINING(THR_Print(" Bailout: optional arg mismatch\n"));
PRINT_INLINING_TREE("Optional arg mismatch", &call_data->caller,
&function, call_data->call);
return false;
// After treating optional parameters the actual/formal count must
// match.
ASSERT(arguments->length() ==
first_actual_param_index + function.NumParameters());
// Update try-index of the callee graph.
BlockEntryInstr* call_block = call_data->call->GetBlock();
if (call_block->InsideTryBlock()) {
intptr_t try_index = call_block->try_index();
for (BlockIterator it = callee_graph->reverse_postorder_iterator();
!it.Done(); it.Advance()) {
BlockEntryInstr* block = it.Current();
// Compute SSA on the callee graph, catching bailouts.
#if defined(DEBUG)
// The inlining IDs of instructions in the callee graph are unset
// until we call SetInliningID later.
GrowableArray<const Function*> callee_inline_id_to_function;
FlowGraphChecker(callee_graph, callee_inline_id_to_function)
.Check("SSA (callee)");
if (FLAG_support_il_printer && trace_inlining() &&
(FLAG_print_flow_graph || FLAG_print_flow_graph_optimized)) {
THR_Print("Callee graph for inlining %s (unoptimized)\n",
FlowGraphPrinter printer(*callee_graph);
// TODO(fschneider): Improve suppression of speculative inlining.
// Deopt-ids overlap between caller and callee.
if (CompilerState::Current().is_aot()) {
#if defined(DART_PRECOMPILER) && !defined(TARGET_ARCH_IA32)
AotCallSpecializer call_specializer(inliner_->precompiler_,
CompilerPassState state(Thread::Current(), callee_graph,
state.call_specializer = &call_specializer;
CompilerPass::RunInliningPipeline(CompilerPass::kAOT, &state);
#endif // defined(DART_PRECOMPILER) && !defined(TARGET_ARCH_IA32)
} else {
JitCallSpecializer call_specializer(callee_graph,
CompilerPassState state(Thread::Current(), callee_graph,
state.call_specializer = &call_specializer;
CompilerPass::RunInliningPipeline(CompilerPass::kJIT, &state);
if (FLAG_support_il_printer && trace_inlining() &&
(FLAG_print_flow_graph || FLAG_print_flow_graph_optimized)) {
THR_Print("Callee graph for inlining %s (optimized)\n",
FlowGraphPrinter printer(*callee_graph);
// Collect information about the call site and caller graph. At this
// point, optional constant parameters are counted too, making the
// specialized vs. non-specialized decision accurate.
intptr_t constants_count = 0;
for (intptr_t i = 0, n = param_stubs->length(); i < n; ++i) {
if ((*param_stubs)[i]->IsConstant()) ++constants_count;
intptr_t instruction_count = 0;
intptr_t call_site_count = 0;
FlowGraphInliner::CollectGraphInfo(callee_graph, constants_count,
/*force*/ false, &instruction_count,
// Use heuristics do decide if this call should be inlined.
InliningDecision decision =
ShouldWeInline(function, instruction_count, call_site_count);
if (!decision.value) {
// If size is larger than all thresholds, don't consider it again.
if ((instruction_count > FLAG_inlining_size_threshold) &&
(call_site_count > FLAG_inlining_callee_call_sites_threshold)) {
THR_Print(" Bailout: heuristics (%s) with "
"code size: %" Pd ", "
"call sites: %" Pd ", "
"inlining depth of callee: %d, "
"const args: %" Pd "\n",
decision.reason, instruction_count, call_site_count,
function.inlining_depth(), constants_count));
PRINT_INLINING_TREE("Heuristic fail", &call_data->caller, &function,
return false;
// If requested, a stricter heuristic is applied to this inlining. This
// heuristic always scans the method (rather than possibly reusing
// cached results) to make sure all specializations are accounted for.
// TODO(ajcbik): with the now better bookkeeping, explore removing this
if (stricter_heuristic) {
if (!IsSmallLeaf(callee_graph)) {
THR_Print(" Bailout: heuristics (no small leaf)\n"));
PRINT_INLINING_TREE("Heuristic fail (no small leaf)",
&call_data->caller, &function, call_data->call);
return false;
// Inline dispatcher methods regardless of the current depth.
const intptr_t depth =
function.IsDispatcherOrImplicitAccessor() ? 0 : inlining_depth_;
collected_call_sites_->FindCallSites(callee_graph, depth,
// Add the function to the cache.
if (!in_cache) {
// Build succeeded so we restore the bailout jump.
inlined_ = true;
inlined_size_ += instruction_count;
if (is_recursive_call) {
inlined_recursive_call_ = true;
call_data->callee_graph = callee_graph;
call_data->parameter_stubs = param_stubs;
call_data->exit_collector = exit_collector;
// When inlined, we add the guarded fields of the callee to the caller's
// list of guarded fields.
const ZoneGrowableArray<const Field*>& callee_guarded_fields =
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < callee_guarded_fields.length(); ++i) {
callee_graph, inliner_->NextInlineId(callee_graph->function(),
TRACE_INLINING(THR_Print(" Success\n"));
" with reason %s, code size %" Pd ", call sites: %" Pd "\n",
decision.reason, instruction_count, call_site_count));
PRINT_INLINING_TREE(NULL, &call_data->caller, &function, call);
return true;
} else {
error = thread()->StealStickyError();
if (error.IsLanguageError() &&
(LanguageError::Cast(error).kind() == Report::kBailout)) {
if (error.raw() == Object::background_compilation_error().raw()) {
// Fall through to exit the compilation, and retry it later.
} else {
THR_Print(" Bailout: %s\n", error.ToErrorCString()));
PRINT_INLINING_TREE("Bailout", &call_data->caller, &function, call);
return false;
} else {
// Fall through to exit long jump scope.
// Propagate a compile-time error. In precompilation we attempt to
// inline functions that have never been compiled before; when JITing we
// should only see language errors in unoptimized compilation.
// Otherwise, there can be an out-of-memory error (unhandled exception).
// In background compilation we may abort compilation as the state
// changes while compiling. Propagate that 'error' and retry compilation
// later.
ASSERT(CompilerState::Current().is_aot() ||
Compiler::IsBackgroundCompilation() || error.IsUnhandledException());
Thread::Current()->long_jump_base()->Jump(1, error);
return false;
void PrintInlinedInfo(const Function& top) {
if (inlined_info_.length() > 0) {
THR_Print("Inlining into: '%s'\n growth: %f (%" Pd " -> %" Pd ")\n",
top.ToFullyQualifiedCString(), GrowthFactor(), initial_size_,
PrintInlinedInfoFor(top, 1);
friend class PolymorphicInliner;
static bool Contains(const GrowableArray<intptr_t>& a, intptr_t deopt_id) {
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < a.length(); i++) {
if (a[i] == deopt_id) return true;
return false;
void PrintInlinedInfoFor(const Function& caller, intptr_t depth) {
// Prevent duplicate printing as inlined_info aggregates all inlinining.
GrowableArray<intptr_t> call_instructions_printed;
// Print those that were inlined.
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < inlined_info_.length(); i++) {
const InlinedInfo& info = inlined_info_[i];
if (info.bailout_reason != NULL) {
if ((info.inlined_depth == depth) &&
(info.caller->raw() == caller.raw()) &&
!Contains(call_instructions_printed, info.call_instr->GetDeoptId())) {
for (int t = 0; t < depth; t++) {
THR_Print(" ");
THR_Print("%" Pd " %s\n", info.call_instr->GetDeoptId(),
PrintInlinedInfoFor(*info.inlined, depth + 1);
// Print those that were not inlined.
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < inlined_info_.length(); i++) {
const InlinedInfo& info = inlined_info_[i];
if (info.bailout_reason == NULL) {
if ((info.inlined_depth == depth) &&
(info.caller->raw() == caller.raw()) &&
!Contains(call_instructions_printed, info.call_instr->GetDeoptId())) {
for (int t = 0; t < depth; t++) {
THR_Print(" ");
THR_Print("NO %" Pd " %s - %s\n", info.call_instr->GetDeoptId(),
info.inlined->ToQualifiedCString(), info.bailout_reason);
void InlineCall(InlinedCallData* call_data) {
FlowGraph* callee_graph = call_data->callee_graph;
auto callee_function_entry = callee_graph->graph_entry()->normal_entry();
// Plug result in the caller graph.
InlineExitCollector* exit_collector = call_data->exit_collector;
ReplaceParameterStubs(zone(), caller_graph_, call_data, NULL);
static intptr_t CountConstants(const GrowableArray<Value*>& arguments) {
intptr_t count = 0;
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < arguments.length(); i++) {
if (arguments[i]->BindsToConstant()) count++;
return count;
// Parse a function reusing the cache if possible.
ParsedFunction* GetParsedFunction(const Function& function, bool* in_cache) {
// TODO(zerny): Use a hash map for the cache.
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < function_cache_.length(); ++i) {
ParsedFunction* parsed_function = function_cache_[i];
if (parsed_function->function().raw() == function.raw()) {
*in_cache = true;
return parsed_function;
*in_cache = false;
ParsedFunction* parsed_function =
new (Z) ParsedFunction(thread(), function);
return parsed_function;
bool InlineStaticCalls() {
bool inlined = false;
const GrowableArray<CallSites::StaticCallInfo>& call_info =
TRACE_INLINING(THR_Print(" Static Calls (%" Pd ")\n", call_info.length()));
for (intptr_t call_idx = 0; call_idx < call_info.length(); ++call_idx) {
StaticCallInstr* call = call_info[call_idx].call;
if (FlowGraphInliner::TryReplaceStaticCallWithInline(
inliner_->flow_graph(), NULL, call,
inliner_->speculative_policy_)) {
inlined = true;
const Function& target = call->function();
if (!inliner_->AlwaysInline(target) &&
(call_info[call_idx].ratio * 100) < FLAG_inlining_hotness) {
if (trace_inlining()) {
String& name = String::Handle(target.QualifiedUserVisibleName());
THR_Print(" => %s (deopt count %d)\n Bailout: cold %f\n",
name.ToCString(), target.deoptimization_counter(),
PRINT_INLINING_TREE("Too cold", &call_info[call_idx].caller(),
&call->function(), call);
GrowableArray<Value*> arguments(call->ArgumentCount());
for (int i = 0; i < call->ArgumentCount(); ++i) {
InlinedCallData call_data(
call, Array::ZoneHandle(Z, call->GetArgumentsDescriptor()),
call->FirstArgIndex(), &arguments, call_info[call_idx].caller());
// Under AOT, calls outside loops may pass our regular heuristics due
// to a relatively high ratio. So, unless we are optimizing solely for
// speed, such call sites are subject to subsequent stricter heuristic
// to limit code size increase.
bool stricter_heuristic = CompilerState::Current().is_aot() &&
FLAG_optimization_level <= 2 &&
!inliner_->AlwaysInline(target) &&
call_info[call_idx].nesting_depth == 0;
if (TryInlining(call->function(), call->argument_names(), &call_data,
stricter_heuristic)) {
inlined = true;
return inlined;
bool InlineClosureCalls() {
// Under this flag, tear off testing closure calls appear before the
// StackOverflowInstr, which breaks assertions in our compiler when inlined.
// TODO(sjindel): move testing closure calls after first check
if (FLAG_enable_testing_pragmas) return false; // keep all closures
bool inlined = false;
const GrowableArray<CallSites::ClosureCallInfo>& call_info =
THR_Print(" Closure Calls (%" Pd ")\n", call_info.length()));
for (intptr_t call_idx = 0; call_idx < call_info.length(); ++call_idx) {
ClosureCallInstr* call = call_info[call_idx].call;
// Find the closure of the callee.
ASSERT(call->ArgumentCount() > 0);
Function& target = Function::ZoneHandle();
Definition* receiver =
if (AllocateObjectInstr* alloc = receiver->AsAllocateObject()) {
if (!alloc->closure_function().IsNull()) {
target = alloc->closure_function().raw();
} else if (ConstantInstr* constant = receiver->AsConstant()) {
if (constant->value().IsClosure()) {
target = Closure::Cast(constant->value()).function();
if (target.IsNull()) {
TRACE_INLINING(THR_Print(" Bailout: non-closure operator\n"));
if (call->ArgumentCount() > target.NumParameters() ||
call->ArgumentCount() < target.num_fixed_parameters()) {
TRACE_INLINING(THR_Print(" Bailout: wrong parameter count\n"));
GrowableArray<Value*> arguments(call->ArgumentCount());
for (int i = 0; i < call->ArgumentCount(); ++i) {
const Array& arguments_descriptor =
Array::ZoneHandle(Z, call->GetArgumentsDescriptor());
InlinedCallData call_data(call, arguments_descriptor,
call->FirstArgIndex(), &arguments,
if (TryInlining(target, call->argument_names(), &call_data, false)) {
inlined = true;
return inlined;
bool InlineInstanceCalls() {
bool inlined = false;
const GrowableArray<CallSites::InstanceCallInfo>& call_info =
TRACE_INLINING(THR_Print(" Polymorphic Instance Calls (%" Pd ")\n",
for (intptr_t call_idx = 0; call_idx < call_info.length(); ++call_idx) {
PolymorphicInstanceCallInstr* call = call_info[call_idx].call;
// PolymorphicInliner introduces deoptimization paths.
if (!call->complete() && !FLAG_polymorphic_with_deopt) {
TRACE_INLINING(THR_Print(" => %s\n Bailout: call with checks\n",
const Function& cl = call_info[call_idx].caller();
PolymorphicInliner inliner(this, call, cl);
if (inliner.Inline()) inlined = true;
return inlined;
bool AdjustForOptionalParameters(const ParsedFunction& parsed_function,
intptr_t first_arg_index,
const Array& argument_names,
GrowableArray<Value*>* arguments,
ZoneGrowableArray<Definition*>* param_stubs,
FlowGraph* callee_graph) {
const Function& function = parsed_function.function();
// The language and this code does not support both optional positional
// and optional named parameters for the same function.
ASSERT(!function.HasOptionalPositionalParameters() ||
intptr_t arg_count = arguments->length();
intptr_t param_count = function.NumParameters();
intptr_t fixed_param_count = function.num_fixed_parameters();
ASSERT(fixed_param_count <= arg_count - first_arg_index);
ASSERT(arg_count - first_arg_index <= param_count);
if (function.HasOptionalPositionalParameters()) {
// Create a stub for each optional positional parameters with an actual.
for (intptr_t i = first_arg_index + fixed_param_count; i < arg_count;
++i) {
param_stubs->Add(CreateParameterStub(i, (*arguments)[i], callee_graph));
ASSERT(function.NumOptionalPositionalParameters() ==
(param_count - fixed_param_count));
// For each optional positional parameter without an actual, add its
// default value.
for (intptr_t i = arg_count - first_arg_index; i < param_count; ++i) {
const Instance& object =
parsed_function.DefaultParameterValueAt(i - fixed_param_count);
ConstantInstr* constant = new (Z) ConstantInstr(object);
return true;
// Passed arguments (not counting optional type args) must match fixed
// parameters plus named arguments.
intptr_t argument_names_count =
(argument_names.IsNull()) ? 0 : argument_names.Length();
ASSERT((arg_count - first_arg_index) ==
(fixed_param_count + argument_names_count));
// Fast path when no optional named parameters are given.
if (argument_names_count == 0) {
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < param_count - fixed_param_count; ++i) {
param_stubs->Add(GetDefaultValue(i, parsed_function));
return true;
// Otherwise, build a collection of name/argument pairs.
GrowableArray<NamedArgument> named_args(argument_names_count);
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < argument_names.Length(); ++i) {
String& arg_name = String::Handle(caller_graph_->zone());
arg_name ^= argument_names.At(i);
&arg_name, (*arguments)[first_arg_index + fixed_param_count + i]));
// Truncate the arguments array to just type args and fixed parameters.
arguments->TruncateTo(first_arg_index + fixed_param_count);
// For each optional named parameter, add the actual argument or its
// default if no argument is passed.
intptr_t match_count = 0;
for (intptr_t i = fixed_param_count; i < param_count; ++i) {
String& param_name = String::Handle(function.ParameterNameAt(i));
// Search for and add the named argument.
Value* arg = NULL;
for (intptr_t j = 0; j < named_args.length(); ++j) {
if (param_name.Equals(*named_args[j].name)) {
arg = named_args[j].value;
// Create a stub for the argument or use the parameter's default value.
if (arg != NULL) {
CreateParameterStub(first_arg_index + i, arg, callee_graph));
} else {
GetDefaultValue(i - fixed_param_count, parsed_function));
return argument_names_count == match_count;
FlowGraphInliner* inliner_;
FlowGraph* caller_graph_;
bool inlined_;
const intptr_t initial_size_;
intptr_t inlined_size_;
bool inlined_recursive_call_;
intptr_t inlining_depth_;
intptr_t inlining_recursion_depth_;
intptr_t inlining_depth_threshold_;
CallSites* collected_call_sites_;
CallSites* inlining_call_sites_;
GrowableArray<ParsedFunction*> function_cache_;
GrowableArray<InlinedInfo> inlined_info_;
PolymorphicInliner::PolymorphicInliner(CallSiteInliner* owner,
PolymorphicInstanceCallInstr* call,
const Function& caller_function)
: owner_(owner),
non_inlined_variants_(new (zone()) CallTargets(zone())),
exit_collector_(new (Z) InlineExitCollector(owner->caller_graph(), call)),
caller_function_(caller_function) {}
Isolate* PolymorphicInliner::isolate() const {
return owner_->caller_graph()->isolate();
Zone* PolymorphicInliner::zone() const {
return owner_->caller_graph()->zone();
intptr_t PolymorphicInliner::AllocateBlockId() const {
return owner_->caller_graph()->allocate_block_id();
// Inlined bodies are shared if two different class ids have the same
// inlined target. This sharing is represented by using three different
// types of entries in the inlined_entries_ array:
// * GraphEntry: the inlined body is not shared.
// * TargetEntry: the inlined body is shared and this is the first variant.
// * JoinEntry: the inlined body is shared and this is a subsequent variant.
bool PolymorphicInliner::CheckInlinedDuplicate(const Function& target) {
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < inlined_variants_.length(); ++i) {
if ((target.raw() == inlined_variants_.TargetAt(i)->target->raw()) &&
!target.is_polymorphic_target()) {
// The call target is shared with a previous inlined variant. Share
// the graph. This requires a join block at the entry, and edge-split
// form requires a target for each branch.
// Represent the sharing by recording a fresh target for the first
// variant and the shared join for all later variants.
if (inlined_entries_[i]->IsGraphEntry()) {
// Convert the old target entry to a new join entry.
auto old_entry = inlined_entries_[i]->AsGraphEntry()->normal_entry();
BlockEntryInstr* old_target = old_entry;
// Unuse all inputs in the old graph entry since it is not part of
// the graph anymore. A new target be created instead.
JoinEntryInstr* new_join =
BranchSimplifier::ToJoinEntry(zone(), old_target);
for (intptr_t j = 0; j < old_target->dominated_blocks().length(); ++j) {
BlockEntryInstr* block = old_target->dominated_blocks()[j];
// Since we are reusing the same inlined body across multiple cids,
// reset the type information on the redefinition of the receiver
// in case it was originally given a concrete type.
// Create a new target with the join as unconditional successor.
TargetEntryInstr* new_target = new TargetEntryInstr(
AllocateBlockId(), old_target->try_index(), DeoptId::kNone);
new_target->InheritDeoptTarget(zone(), new_join);
GotoInstr* new_goto = new (Z) GotoInstr(new_join, DeoptId::kNone);
new_goto->InheritDeoptTarget(zone(), new_join);
// Record the new target for the first variant.
inlined_entries_[i] = new_target;
// Record the shared join for this variant.
BlockEntryInstr* join =
return true;
return false;
bool PolymorphicInliner::CheckNonInlinedDuplicate(const Function& target) {
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < non_inlined_variants_->length(); ++i) {
if (target.raw() == non_inlined_variants_->TargetAt(i)->target->raw()) {
return true;
return false;
bool PolymorphicInliner::TryInliningPoly(const TargetInfo& target_info) {
if ((!CompilerState::Current().is_aot() ||
owner_->inliner_->speculative_policy()->AllowsSpeculativeInlining()) &&
target_info.IsSingleCid() &&
TryInlineRecognizedMethod(target_info.cid_start, * {
owner_->inlined_ = true;
return true;
GrowableArray<Value*> arguments(call_->ArgumentCount());
for (int i = 0; i < call_->ArgumentCount(); ++i) {
const Array& arguments_descriptor =
Array::ZoneHandle(Z, call_->GetArgumentsDescriptor());
InlinedCallData call_data(call_, arguments_descriptor, call_->FirstArgIndex(),
&arguments, caller_function_);
Function& target = Function::ZoneHandle(zone(),>raw());
if (!owner_->TryInlining(target, call_->argument_names(), &call_data,
false)) {
return false;
FlowGraph* callee_graph = call_data.callee_graph;
ReplaceParameterStubs(zone(), owner_->caller_graph(), &call_data,
return true;
static Instruction* AppendInstruction(Instruction* first, Instruction* second) {
for (intptr_t i = second->InputCount() - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
Value* input = second->InputAt(i);
return second;
bool PolymorphicInliner::TryInlineRecognizedMethod(intptr_t receiver_cid,
const Function& target) {
auto temp_parsed_function = new (Z) ParsedFunction(Thread::Current(), target);
auto graph_entry =
new (Z) GraphEntryInstr(*temp_parsed_function, Compiler::kNoOSRDeoptId);
FunctionEntryInstr* entry = nullptr;
Instruction* last = nullptr;
Definition* result = nullptr;
// Replace the receiver argument with a redefinition to prevent code from
// the inlined body from being hoisted above the inlined entry.
GrowableArray<Definition*> arguments(call_->ArgumentCount());
Definition* receiver = call_->Receiver()->definition();
RedefinitionInstr* redefinition =
new (Z) RedefinitionInstr(new (Z) Value(receiver));
if (FlowGraph::NeedsPairLocation(redefinition->representation())) {
if (FlowGraphInliner::TryInlineRecognizedMethod(
owner_->caller_graph(), receiver_cid, target, call_, redefinition,
call_->source(), call_->ic_data(), graph_entry, &entry, &last,
&result, owner_->inliner_->speculative_policy())) {
// The empty Object constructor is the only case where the inlined body is
// empty and there is no result.
ASSERT((last != nullptr && result != nullptr) ||
(target.recognized_kind() == MethodRecognizer::kObjectConstructor));
// Create a graph fragment.
InlineExitCollector* exit_collector =
new (Z) InlineExitCollector(owner_->caller_graph(), call_);
ReturnInstr* return_result = new (Z)
ReturnInstr(call_->source(), new (Z) Value(result), DeoptId::kNone);
last, return_result,
call_->env(), // Return can become deoptimization target.
// Update polymorphic inliner state.
return true;
return false;
// Build a DAG to dispatch to the inlined function bodies. Load the class
// id of the receiver and make explicit comparisons for each inlined body,
// in frequency order. If all variants are inlined, the entry to the last
// inlined body is guarded by a CheckClassId instruction which can deopt.
// If not all variants are inlined, we add a PolymorphicInstanceCall
// instruction to handle the non-inlined variants.
TargetEntryInstr* PolymorphicInliner::BuildDecisionGraph() {
const intptr_t try_idx = call_->GetBlock()->try_index();
// Start with a fresh target entry.
TargetEntryInstr* entry = new (Z) TargetEntryInstr(
AllocateBlockId(), try_idx, CompilerState::Current().GetNextDeoptId());
entry->InheritDeoptTarget(zone(), call_);
// This function uses a cursor (a pointer to the 'current' instruction) to
// build the graph. The next instruction will be inserted after the
// cursor.
BlockEntryInstr* current_block = entry;
Instruction* cursor = entry;
Definition* receiver = call_->Receiver()->definition();
// There are at least two variants including non-inlined ones, so we have
// at least one branch on the class id.
LoadClassIdInstr* load_cid =
new (Z) LoadClassIdInstr(new (Z) Value(receiver));
cursor = AppendInstruction(cursor, load_cid);
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < inlined_variants_.length(); ++i) {
const CidRange& variant = inlined_variants_[i];
bool test_is_range = !variant.IsSingleCid();
bool is_last_test = (i == inlined_variants_.length() - 1);
// 1. Guard the body with a class id check. We don't need any check if
// it's the last test and global analysis has told us that the call is
// complete.
if (is_last_test && non_inlined_variants_->is_empty()) {
// If it is the last variant use a check class id instruction which can
// deoptimize, followed unconditionally by the body. Omit the check if
// we know that we have covered all possible classes.
if (!call_->complete()) {
RedefinitionInstr* cid_redefinition =
new RedefinitionInstr(new (Z) Value(load_cid));
cursor = AppendInstruction(cursor, cid_redefinition);
CheckClassIdInstr* check_class_id = new (Z) CheckClassIdInstr(
new (Z) Value(cid_redefinition), variant, call_->deopt_id());
check_class_id->InheritDeoptTarget(zone(), call_);
cursor = AppendInstruction(cursor, check_class_id);
// The next instruction is the first instruction of the inlined body.
// Handle the two possible cases (unshared and shared subsequent
// predecessors) separately.
BlockEntryInstr* callee_entry = inlined_entries_[i];
if (callee_entry->IsGraphEntry()) {
// Unshared. Graft the normal entry on after the check class
// instruction.
auto target = callee_entry->AsGraphEntry()->normal_entry();
ASSERT(cursor != nullptr);
// Unuse all inputs of the graph entry and the normal entry. They are
// not in the graph anymore.
// All blocks that were dominated by the normal entry are now
// dominated by the current block.
for (intptr_t j = 0; j < target->dominated_blocks().length(); ++j) {
BlockEntryInstr* block = target->dominated_blocks()[j];
} else if (callee_entry->IsJoinEntry()) {
// Shared inlined body and this is a subsequent entry. We have
// already constructed a join and set its dominator. Add a jump to
// the join.
JoinEntryInstr* join = callee_entry->AsJoinEntry();
ASSERT(join->dominator() != NULL);
GotoInstr* goto_join = new GotoInstr(join, DeoptId::kNone);
goto_join->InheritDeoptTarget(zone(), join);
} else {
// There is no possibility of a TargetEntry (the first entry to a
// shared inlined body) because this is the last inlined entry.
cursor = NULL;
} else {
// For all variants except the last, use a branch on the loaded class
// id.
// TODO(ajcbik): see if this can use the NewDiamond() utility.
const Smi& cid = Smi::ZoneHandle(Smi::New(variant.cid_start));
ConstantInstr* cid_constant = owner_->caller_graph()->GetConstant(cid);
BranchInstr* branch;
BranchInstr* upper_limit_branch = NULL;
BlockEntryInstr* cid_test_entry_block = current_block;
if (test_is_range) {
// Double branch for testing a range of Cids.
// TODO(ajcbik): Make a special instruction that uses subtraction
// and unsigned comparison to do this with a single branch.
const Smi& cid_end = Smi::ZoneHandle(Smi::New(variant.cid_end));
ConstantInstr* cid_constant_end =
RelationalOpInstr* compare_top = new RelationalOpInstr(
call_->source(), Token::kLTE, new Value(load_cid),
new Value(cid_constant_end), kSmiCid, call_->deopt_id());
BranchInstr* branch_top = upper_limit_branch =
new BranchInstr(compare_top, DeoptId::kNone);
branch_top->InheritDeoptTarget(zone(), call_);
cursor = AppendInstruction(cursor, branch_top);
TargetEntryInstr* below_target =
new TargetEntryInstr(AllocateBlockId(), try_idx, DeoptId::kNone);
below_target->InheritDeoptTarget(zone(), call_);
ASSERT(cursor != nullptr); // read before overwrite
cursor = current_block = below_target;
*branch_top->true_successor_address() = below_target;
RelationalOpInstr* compare_bottom = new RelationalOpInstr(
call_->source(), Token::kGTE, new Value(load_cid),
new Value(cid_constant), kSmiCid, call_->deopt_id());
branch = new BranchInstr(compare_bottom, DeoptId::kNone);
} else {
StrictCompareInstr* compare =
new StrictCompareInstr(call_->source(), Token::kEQ_STRICT,
new Value(load_cid), new Value(cid_constant),
/* number_check = */ false, DeoptId::kNone);
branch = new BranchInstr(compare, DeoptId::kNone);
branch->InheritDeoptTarget(zone(), call_);
AppendInstruction(cursor, branch);
cursor = nullptr;
// 2. Handle a match by linking to the inlined body. There are three
// cases (unshared, shared first predecessor, and shared subsequent
// predecessors).
BlockEntryInstr* callee_entry = inlined_entries_[i];
TargetEntryInstr* true_target = NULL;
if (callee_entry->IsGraphEntry()) {
// Unshared.
auto graph_entry = callee_entry->AsGraphEntry();
auto function_entry = graph_entry->normal_entry();
true_target = BranchSimplifier::ToTargetEntry(zone(), function_entry);
for (intptr_t j = 0; j < function_entry->dominated_blocks().length();
++j) {
BlockEntryInstr* block = function_entry->dominated_blocks()[j];
// Unuse all inputs of the graph entry. It is not in the graph anymore.
} else if (callee_entry->IsTargetEntry()) {
// Shared inlined body and this is the first entry. We have already
// constructed a join and this target jumps to it.
true_target = callee_entry->AsTargetEntry();
BlockEntryInstr* join = true_target->last_instruction()->SuccessorAt(0);
} else {
// Shared inlined body and this is a subsequent entry. We have
// already constructed a join. We need a fresh target that jumps to
// the join.
JoinEntryInstr* join = callee_entry->AsJoinEntry();
ASSERT(join != NULL);
ASSERT(join->dominator() != NULL);
true_target =
new TargetEntryInstr(AllocateBlockId(), try_idx, DeoptId::kNone);
true_target->InheritDeoptTarget(zone(), join);
GotoInstr* goto_join = new GotoInstr(join, DeoptId::kNone);
goto_join->InheritDeoptTarget(zone(), join);
*branch->true_successor_address() = true_target;
// 3. Prepare to handle a match failure on the next iteration or the
// fall-through code below for non-inlined variants.
TargetEntryInstr* false_target =
new TargetEntryInstr(AllocateBlockId(), try_idx, DeoptId::kNone);
false_target->InheritDeoptTarget(zone(), call_);
*branch->false_successor_address() = false_target;
cursor = current_block = false_target;
if (test_is_range) {
// If we tested against a range of Cids there are two different tests
// that can go to the no-cid-match target.
JoinEntryInstr* join =
new JoinEntryInstr(AllocateBlockId(), try_idx, DeoptId::kNone);
TargetEntryInstr* false_target2 =
new TargetEntryInstr(AllocateBlockId(), try_idx, DeoptId::kNone);
*upper_limit_branch->false_successor_address() = false_target2;
GotoInstr* goto_1 = new GotoInstr(join, DeoptId::kNone);
GotoInstr* goto_2 = new GotoInstr(join, DeoptId::kNone);
join->InheritDeoptTarget(zone(), call_);
false_target2->InheritDeoptTarget(zone(), call_);
goto_1->InheritDeoptTarget(zone(), call_);
goto_2->InheritDeoptTarget(zone(), call_);
cursor = current_block = join;
// Handle any non-inlined variants.
if (!non_inlined_variants_->is_empty()) {
PolymorphicInstanceCallInstr* fallback_call =
PolymorphicInstanceCallInstr::FromCall(Z, call_, *non_inlined_variants_,
if (FlowGraph::NeedsPairLocation(fallback_call->representation())) {
fallback_call->InheritDeoptTarget(zone(), call_);
ReturnInstr* fallback_return = new ReturnInstr(
call_->source(), new Value(fallback_call), DeoptId::kNone);
fallback_return->InheritDeoptTargetAfter(owner_->caller_graph(), call_,
AppendInstruction(AppendInstruction(cursor, fallback_call),
cursor = nullptr;
return entry;
static void TracePolyInlining(const CallTargets& targets,
intptr_t idx,
intptr_t total,
const char* message) {
String& name =
int percent = total == 0 ? 0 : (100 * targets.TargetAt(idx)->count) / total;
THR_Print("%s cid %" Pd "-%" Pd ": %" Pd "/%" Pd " %d%% %s\n",
name.ToCString(), targets[idx].cid_start, targets[idx].cid_end,
targets.TargetAt(idx)->count, total, percent, message);
bool PolymorphicInliner::trace_inlining() const {
return owner_->trace_inlining();
bool PolymorphicInliner::Inline() {
ASSERT(&variants_ == &call_->targets_);
intptr_t total = call_->total_call_count();
for (intptr_t var_idx = 0; var_idx < variants_.length(); ++var_idx) {
TargetInfo* info = variants_.TargetAt(var_idx);
if (variants_.length() > FLAG_max_polymorphic_checks) {
const Function& target = *variants_.TargetAt(var_idx)->target;
const intptr_t count = variants_.TargetAt(var_idx)->count;
// We we almost inlined all the cases then try a little harder to inline
// the last two, because it's a big win if we inline all of them (compiler
// can see all side effects).
const bool try_harder = (var_idx >= variants_.length() - 2) &&
non_inlined_variants_->length() == 0;
intptr_t size = target.optimized_instruction_count();
bool small = (size != 0 && size < FLAG_inlining_size_threshold);
// If it's less than 3% of the dispatches, we won't even consider
// checking for the class ID and branching to another already-inlined
// version.
if (!try_harder && count < (total >> 5)) {
TracePolyInlining(variants_, var_idx, total, "way too infrequent"));
// First check if this is the same target as an earlier inlined variant.
if (CheckInlinedDuplicate(target)) {
TRACE_INLINING(TracePolyInlining(variants_, var_idx, total,
"duplicate already inlined"));
// If it's less than 12% of the dispatches and it's not already inlined, we
// don't consider inlining. For very small functions we are willing to
// consider inlining for 6% of the cases.
if (!try_harder && count < (total >> (small ? 4 : 3))) {
TracePolyInlining(variants_, var_idx, total, "too infrequent"));
// Also check if this is the same target as an earlier non-inlined
// variant. If so and since inlining decisions are costly, do not try
// to inline this variant.
if (CheckNonInlinedDuplicate(target)) {
TracePolyInlining(variants_, var_idx, total, "already not inlined"));
// Make an inlining decision.
if (TryInliningPoly(*info)) {
TRACE_INLINING(TracePolyInlining(variants_, var_idx, total, "inlined"));
} else {
TracePolyInlining(variants_, var_idx, total, "not inlined"));
// If there are no inlined variants, leave the call in place.
if (inlined_variants_.is_empty()) return false;
// Now build a decision tree (a DAG because of shared inline variants) and
// inline it at the call site.
TargetEntryInstr* entry = BuildDecisionGraph();
return true;
FlowGraph* flow_graph,
GrowableArray<const Function*>* inline_id_to_function,
GrowableArray<TokenPosition>* inline_id_to_token_pos,
GrowableArray<intptr_t>* caller_inline_id,
SpeculativeInliningPolicy* speculative_policy,
Precompiler* precompiler)
: flow_graph_(flow_graph),
trace_inlining_(FLAG_trace_inlining && flow_graph->should_print()),
precompiler_(precompiler) {}
void FlowGraphInliner::CollectGraphInfo(FlowGraph* flow_graph,
intptr_t constants_count,
bool force,
intptr_t* instruction_count,
intptr_t* call_site_count) {
const Function& function = flow_graph->function();
// For OSR, don't even bother.
if (flow_graph->IsCompiledForOsr()) {
*instruction_count = 0;
*call_site_count = 0;
// Specialized case: always recompute, never cache.
if (constants_count > 0) {
GraphInfoCollector info;
*instruction_count = info.instruction_count();
*call_site_count = info.call_site_count();
// Non-specialized case: unless forced, only recompute on a cache miss.
ASSERT(constants_count == 0);
if (force || (function.optimized_instruction_count() == 0)) {
GraphInfoCollector info;
*instruction_count = function.optimized_instruction_count();
*call_site_count = function.optimized_call_site_count();
void FlowGraphInliner::SetInliningId(FlowGraph* flow_graph,
intptr_t inlining_id) {
ASSERT(flow_graph->inlining_id() < 0);
// We only need to set the inlining ID on instructions that may possibly
// have token positions, so no need to set it on blocks or internal
// definitions.
for (BlockIterator block_it = flow_graph->postorder_iterator();
!block_it.Done(); block_it.Advance()) {
for (ForwardInstructionIterator it(block_it.Current()); !it.Done();
it.Advance()) {
Instruction* current = it.Current();
// Use function name to determine if inlineable operator.
// Add names as necessary.
static bool IsInlineableOperator(const Function& function) {
return ( == Symbols::IndexToken().raw()) ||
( == Symbols::AssignIndexToken().raw()) ||
( == Symbols::Plus().raw()) ||
( == Symbols::Minus().raw());
bool FlowGraphInliner::FunctionHasPreferInlinePragma(const Function& function) {
Object& options = Object::Handle();
return Library::FindPragma(dart::Thread::Current(), /*only_core=*/false,
function, Symbols::vm_prefer_inline(), &options);
bool FlowGraphInliner::FunctionHasNeverInlinePragma(const Function& function) {
Object& options = Object::Handle();
return Library::FindPragma(dart::Thread::Current(), /*only_core=*/false,
function, Symbols::vm_never_inline(), &options);
bool FlowGraphInliner::AlwaysInline(const Function& function) {
if (FunctionHasPreferInlinePragma(function)) {
THR_Print("vm:prefer-inline pragma for %s\n", function.ToCString()));
return true;
// We don't want to inline DIFs for recognized methods because we would rather
// replace them with inline FG before inlining introduces any superfluous
// AssertAssignable instructions.
if (function.IsDispatcherOrImplicitAccessor() &&
!(function.kind() == FunctionLayout::kDynamicInvocationForwarder &&
function.IsRecognized())) {
// Smaller or same size as the call.
return true;
if (function.is_const()) {
// Inlined const fields are smaller than a call.
return true;
if (function.IsGetterFunction() || function.IsSetterFunction() ||
IsInlineableOperator(function) ||
(function.kind() == FunctionLayout::kConstructor)) {
const intptr_t count = function.optimized_instruction_count();
if ((count != 0) && (count < FLAG_inline_getters_setters_smaller_than)) {
return true;
return false;
int FlowGraphInliner::Inline() {
// Collect some early graph information assuming it is non-specialized
// so that the cached approximation may be used later for an early
// bailout from inlining.
intptr_t instruction_count = 0;
intptr_t call_site_count = 0;
/*constants_count*/ 0,
/*force*/ false, &instruction_count,
const Function& top = flow_graph_->function();
if ((FLAG_inlining_filter != NULL) &&
(strstr(top.ToFullyQualifiedCString(), FLAG_inlining_filter) == NULL)) {
return 0;
if (trace_inlining()) {
String& name = String::Handle(top.QualifiedUserVisibleName());
THR_Print("Inlining calls in %s\n", name.ToCString());
if (FLAG_support_il_printer && trace_inlining() &&
(FLAG_print_flow_graph || FLAG_print_flow_graph_optimized)) {
THR_Print("Before Inlining of %s\n",
FlowGraphPrinter printer(*flow_graph_);
intptr_t inlining_depth_threshold = FLAG_inlining_depth_threshold;
CallSiteInliner inliner(this, inlining_depth_threshold);
if (FLAG_print_inlining_tree) {
if (inliner.inlined()) {
if (trace_inlining()) {
THR_Print("Inlining growth factor: %f\n", inliner.GrowthFactor());
if (FLAG_support_il_printer &&
(FLAG_print_flow_graph || FLAG_print_flow_graph_optimized)) {
THR_Print("After Inlining of %s\n",
FlowGraphPrinter printer(*flow_graph_);
return inliner.inlining_depth();
intptr_t FlowGraphInliner::NextInlineId(const Function& function,
const InstructionSource& source) {
const intptr_t id = inline_id_to_function_->length();
// TODO(johnmccutchan): Do not allow IsNoSource once all nodes have proper
// source positions.
ASSERT(source.token_pos.IsReal() || source.token_pos.IsSynthetic() ||
// We always have one less token position than functions.
ASSERT(inline_id_to_token_pos_->length() ==
(inline_id_to_function_->length() - 1));
return id;
static bool ShouldInlineSimd() {
return FlowGraphCompiler::SupportsUnboxedSimd128();
static bool CanUnboxDouble() {
return FlowGraphCompiler::SupportsUnboxedDoubles();
static bool ShouldInlineInt64ArrayOps() {
return FlowGraphCompiler::SupportsUnboxedInt64();
static bool CanUnboxInt32() {
// Int32/Uint32 can be unboxed if it fits into a smi or the platform
// supports unboxed mints.
return (compiler::target::kSmiBits >= 32) ||
// Quick access to the current one.
#undef Z
#define Z (flow_graph->zone())
static intptr_t PrepareInlineIndexedOp(FlowGraph* flow_graph,
Instruction* call,
intptr_t array_cid,
Definition** array,
Definition** index,
Instruction** cursor) {
// Insert array length load and bounds check.
LoadFieldInstr* length = new (Z) LoadFieldInstr(
new (Z) Value(*array), Slot::GetLengthFieldForArrayCid(array_cid),
*cursor = flow_graph->AppendTo(*cursor, length, NULL, FlowGraph::kValue);
*index = flow_graph->CreateCheckBound(length, *index, call->deopt_id());
*cursor =
flow_graph->AppendTo(*cursor, *index, call->env(), FlowGraph::kValue);
if (array_cid == kGrowableObjectArrayCid) {
// Insert data elements load.
LoadFieldInstr* elements = new (Z)
LoadFieldInstr(new (Z) Value(*array), Slot::GrowableObjectArray_data(),
*cursor = flow_graph->AppendTo(*cursor, elements, NULL, FlowGraph::kValue);
// Load from the data from backing store which is a fixed-length array.
*array = elements;
array_cid = kArrayCid;
} else if (IsExternalTypedDataClassId(array_cid)) {
LoadUntaggedInstr* elements = new (Z)
LoadUntaggedInstr(new (Z) Value(*array),
*cursor = flow_graph->AppendTo(*cursor, elements, NULL, FlowGraph::kValue);
*array = elements;
return array_cid;
static bool InlineGetIndexed(FlowGraph* flow_graph,
bool can_speculate,
bool is_dynamic_call,
MethodRecognizer::Kind kind,
Definition* call,
Definition* receiver,
GraphEntryInstr* graph_entry,
FunctionEntryInstr** entry,
Instruction** last,
Definition** result) {
intptr_t array_cid = MethodRecognizer::MethodKindToReceiverCid(kind);
Definition* array = receiver;
Definition* index = call->ArgumentAt(1);
if (!can_speculate && is_dynamic_call && !index->Type()->IsInt()) {
return false;
*entry =
new (Z) FunctionEntryInstr(graph_entry, flow_graph->allocate_block_id(),
call->GetBlock()->try_index(), DeoptId::kNone);
(*entry)->InheritDeoptTarget(Z, call);
Instruction* cursor = *entry;
array_cid = PrepareInlineIndexedOp(flow_graph, call, array_cid, &array,
&index, &cursor);
intptr_t deopt_id = DeoptId::kNone;
if ((array_cid == kTypedDataInt32ArrayCid) ||
(array_cid == kTypedDataUint32ArrayCid)) {
// Deoptimization may be needed if result does not always fit in a Smi.
deopt_id =
(compiler::target::kSmiBits >= 32) ? DeoptId::kNone : call->deopt_id();
// Array load and return.
intptr_t index_scale = compiler::target::Instance::ElementSizeFor(array_cid);
LoadIndexedInstr* load = new (Z) LoadIndexedInstr(
new (Z) Value(array), new (Z) Value(index), /*index_unboxed=*/false,
index_scale, array_cid, kAlignedAccess, deopt_id, call->source(),
*last = load;
cursor = flow_graph->AppendTo(cursor, load,
deopt_id != DeoptId::kNone ? call->env() : NULL,
const bool value_needs_boxing =
array_cid == kTypedDataInt8ArrayCid ||
array_cid == kTypedDataInt16ArrayCid ||
array_cid == kTypedDataUint8ArrayCid ||
array_cid == kTypedDataUint8ClampedArrayCid ||
array_cid == kTypedDataUint16ArrayCid ||
array_cid == kExternalTypedDataUint8ArrayCid ||
array_cid == kExternalTypedDataUint8ClampedArrayCid;
if (array_cid == kTypedDataFloat32ArrayCid) {
*last = new (Z) FloatToDoubleInstr(new (Z) Value(load), deopt_id);
flow_graph->AppendTo(cursor, *last,
deopt_id != DeoptId::kNone ? call->env() : NULL,
} else if (value_needs_boxing) {
*last = BoxInstr::Create(kUnboxedIntPtr, new Value(load));
flow_graph->AppendTo(cursor, *last, nullptr, FlowGraph::kValue);
*result = (*last)->AsDefinition();
return true;
static bool InlineSetIndexed(FlowGraph* flow_graph,
MethodRecognizer::Kind kind,
const Function& target,
Instruction* call,
Definition* receiver,
const InstructionSource& source,
const Cids* value_check,
FlowGraphInliner::ExactnessInfo* exactness,
GraphEntryInstr* graph_entry,
FunctionEntryInstr** entry,
Instruction** last,
Definition** result) {
intptr_t array_cid = MethodRecognizer::MethodKindToReceiverCid(kind);
Definition* array = receiver;
Definition* index = call->ArgumentAt(1);
Definition* stored_value = call->ArgumentAt(2);
*entry =
new (Z) FunctionEntryInstr(graph_entry, flow_graph->allocate_block_id(),
call->GetBlock()->try_index(), DeoptId::kNone);
(*entry)->InheritDeoptTarget(Z, call);
bool is_unchecked_call = false;
if (StaticCallInstr* static_call = call->AsStaticCall()) {
is_unchecked_call =
static_call->entry_kind() == Code::EntryKind::kUnchecked;
} else if (InstanceCallInstr* instance_call = call->AsInstanceCall()) {
is_unchecked_call =
instance_call->entry_kind() == Code::EntryKind::kUnchecked;
} else if (PolymorphicInstanceCallInstr* instance_call =
call->AsPolymorphicInstanceCall()) {
is_unchecked_call =
instance_call->entry_kind() == Code::EntryKind::kUnchecked;
Instruction* cursor = *entry;
if (!is_unchecked_call &&
(kind != MethodRecognizer::kObjectArraySetIndexedUnchecked &&
kind != MethodRecognizer::kGrowableArraySetIndexedUnchecked)) {
// Only type check for the value. A type check for the index is not
// needed here because we insert a deoptimizing smi-check for the case
// the index is not a smi.
const AbstractType& value_type =
AbstractType::ZoneHandle(Z, target.ParameterTypeAt(2));
Definition* type_args = NULL;
switch (array_cid) {
case kArrayCid:
case kGrowableObjectArrayCid: {
const Class& instantiator_class = Class::Handle(Z, target.Owner());
LoadFieldInstr* load_type_args = new (Z)
LoadFieldInstr(new (Z) Value(array),
cursor = flow_graph->AppendTo(cursor, load_type_args, NULL,
type_args = load_type_args;
case kTypedDataInt8ArrayCid:
case kTypedDataUint8ArrayCid:
case kTypedDataUint8ClampedArrayCid:
case kExternalTypedDataUint8ArrayCid:
case kExternalTypedDataUint8ClampedArrayCid:
case kTypedDataInt16ArrayCid:
case kTypedDataUint16ArrayCid:
case kTypedDataInt32ArrayCid:
case kTypedDataUint32ArrayCid:
case kTypedDataInt64ArrayCid:
case kTypedDataUint64ArrayCid:
case kTypedDataFloat32ArrayCid:
case kTypedDataFloat64ArrayCid: {
type_args = flow_graph->constant_null();
ASSERT((array_cid != kTypedDataFloat32ArrayCid &&
array_cid != kTypedDataFloat64ArrayCid) ||
case kTypedDataFloat32x4ArrayCid: {
type_args = flow_graph->constant_null();
case kTypedDataFloat64x2ArrayCid: {
type_args = flow_graph->constant_null();
// TODO(fschneider): Add support for other array types.
if (exactness != nullptr && exactness->is_exact) {
exactness->emit_exactness_guard = true;
} else {
auto const function_type_args = flow_graph->constant_null();
auto const dst_type = flow_graph->GetConstant(value_type);
AssertAssignableInstr* assert_value = new (Z) AssertAssignableInstr(
source, new (Z) Value(stored_value), new (Z) Value(dst_type),
new (Z) Value(type_args), new (Z) Value(function_type_args),
Symbols::Value(), call->deopt_id());
cursor = flow_graph->AppendTo(cursor, assert_value, call->env(),
array_cid = PrepareInlineIndexedOp(flow_graph, call, array_cid, &array,
&index, &cursor);
// Check if store barrier is needed. Byte arrays don't need a store barrier.
StoreBarrierType needs_store_barrier =
(IsTypedDataClassId(array_cid) || IsTypedDataViewClassId(array_cid) ||
? kNoStoreBarrier
: kEmitStoreBarrier;
const bool value_needs_unboxing =
array_cid == kTypedDataInt8ArrayCid ||
array_cid == kTypedDataInt16ArrayCid ||
array_cid == kTypedDataInt32ArrayCid ||
array_cid == kTypedDataUint8ArrayCid ||
array_cid == kTypedDataUint8ClampedArrayCid ||
array_cid == kTypedDataUint16ArrayCid ||
array_cid == kTypedDataUint32ArrayCid ||
array_cid == kExternalTypedDataUint8ArrayCid ||
array_cid == kExternalTypedDataUint8ClampedArrayCid;
if (value_check != NULL) {
// No store barrier needed because checked value is a smi, an unboxed mint,
// an unboxed double, an unboxed Float32x4, or unboxed Int32x4.
needs_store_barrier = kNoStoreBarrier;
Instruction* check = flow_graph->CreateCheckClass(
stored_value, *value_check, call->deopt_id(), call->source());
cursor =
flow_graph->AppendTo(cursor, check, call->env(), FlowGraph::kEffect);
if (array_cid == kTypedDataFloat32ArrayCid) {
stored_value = new (Z)
DoubleToFloatInstr(new (Z) Value(stored_value), call->deopt_id());
cursor =
flow_graph->AppendTo(cursor, stored_value, NULL, FlowGraph::kValue);
} else if (value_needs_unboxing) {
Representation representation = kNoRepresentation;
switch (array_cid) {
case kTypedDataInt32ArrayCid:
representation = kUnboxedInt32;
case kTypedDataUint32ArrayCid:
representation = kUnboxedUint32;
case kTypedDataInt8ArrayCid:
case kTypedDataInt16ArrayCid:
case kTypedDataUint8ArrayCid:
case kTypedDataUint8ClampedArrayCid:
case kTypedDataUint16ArrayCid:
case kExternalTypedDataUint8ArrayCid:
case kExternalTypedDataUint8ClampedArrayCid:
representation = kUnboxedIntPtr;
stored_value = UnboxInstr::Create(
representation, new (Z) Value(stored_value), call->deopt_id());
cursor = flow_graph->AppendTo(cursor, stored_value, call->env(),
const intptr_t index_scale =
*last = new (Z) StoreIndexedInstr(
new (Z) Value(array), new (Z) Value(index), new (Z) Value(stored_value),
needs_store_barrier, /*index_unboxed=*/false, index_scale, array_cid,
kAlignedAccess, call->deopt_id(), call->source());
flow_graph->AppendTo(cursor, *last, call->env(), FlowGraph::kEffect);
// We need a return value to replace uses of the original definition. However,
// the final instruction is a use of 'void operator[]=()', so we use null.
*result = flow_graph->constant_null();
return true;
static bool InlineDoubleOp(FlowGraph* flow_graph,
Token::Kind op_kind,
Instruction* call,
Definition* receiver,
GraphEntryInstr* graph_entry,
FunctionEntryInstr** entry,
Instruction** last,
Definition** result) {
if (!CanUnboxDouble()) {
return false;
Definition* left = receiver;
Definition* right = call->ArgumentAt(1);
*entry =
new (Z) FunctionEntryInstr(graph_entry, flow_graph->allocate_block_id(),
call->GetBlock()->try_index(), DeoptId::kNone);
(*entry)->InheritDeoptTarget(Z, call);
// Arguments are checked. No need for class check.
BinaryDoubleOpInstr* double_bin_op = new (Z)
BinaryDoubleOpInstr(op_kind, new (Z) Value(left), new (Z) Value(right),
call->deopt_id(), call->source());
flow_graph->AppendTo(*entry, double_bin_op, call->env(), FlowGraph::kValue);
*last = double_bin_op;
*result = double_bin_op->AsDefinition();
return true;
static bool InlineDoubleTestOp(FlowGraph* flow_graph,
Instruction* call,
Definition* receiver,
MethodRecognizer::Kind kind,
GraphEntryInstr* graph_entry,
FunctionEntryInstr** entry,
Instruction** last,
Definition** result) {
if (!CanUnboxDouble()) {
return false;
*entry =
new (Z) FunctionEntryInstr(graph_entry, flow_graph->allocate_block_id(),
call->GetBlock()->try_index(), DeoptId::kNone);
(*entry)->InheritDeoptTarget(Z, call);
// Arguments are checked. No need for class check.
DoubleTestOpInstr* double_test_op = new (Z) DoubleTestOpInstr(
kind, new (Z) Value(receiver), call->deopt_id(), call->source());
flow_graph->AppendTo(*entry, double_test_op, call->env(), FlowGraph::kValue);
*last = double_test_op;
*result = double_test_op->AsDefinition();
return true;
static bool InlineSmiBitAndFromSmi(FlowGraph* flow_graph,
Instruction* call,
Definition* receiver,
GraphEntryInstr* graph_entry,
FunctionEntryInstr** entry,
Instruction** last,
Definition** result) {
Definition* left = receiver;
Definition* right = call->ArgumentAt(1);
*entry =
new (Z) FunctionEntryInstr(graph_entry, flow_graph->allocate_block_id(),
call->GetBlock()->try_index(), DeoptId::kNone);
(*entry)->InheritDeoptTarget(Z, call);
// Right arguments is known to be smi: other._bitAndFromSmi(this);
BinarySmiOpInstr* smi_op =
new (Z) BinarySmiOpInstr(Token::kBIT_AND, new (Z) Value(left),
new (Z) Value(right), call->deopt_id());
flow_graph->AppendTo(*entry, smi_op, call->env(), FlowGraph::kValue);
*last = smi_op;
*result = smi_op->AsDefinition();
return true;
static bool InlineGrowableArraySetter(FlowGraph* flow_graph,
const Slot& field,
StoreBarrierType store_barrier_type,
Instruction* call,
Definition* receiver,
GraphEntryInstr* graph_entry,
FunctionEntryInstr** entry,
Instruction** last,
Definition** result) {
Definition* array = receiver;
Definition* value = call->ArgumentAt(1);
*entry =
new (Z) FunctionEntryInstr(graph_entry, flow_graph->allocate_block_id(),
call->GetBlock()->try_index(), DeoptId::kNone);
(*entry)->InheritDeoptTarget(Z, call);
// This is an internal method, no need to check argument types.
StoreInstanceFieldInstr* store = new (Z)
StoreInstanceFieldInstr(field, new (Z) Value(array), new (Z) Value(value),
store_barrier_type, call->source());
flow_graph->AppendTo(*entry, store, call->env(), FlowGraph::kEffect);
*last = store;
// We need a return value to replace uses of the original definition. However,
// the last instruction is a field setter, which returns void, so we use null.
*result = flow_graph->constant_null();
return true;
static bool InlineLoadClassId(FlowGraph* flow_graph,
Instruction* call,
GraphEntryInstr* graph_entry,
FunctionEntryInstr** entry,
Instruction** last,
Definition** result) {
*entry =
new (Z) FunctionEntryInstr(graph_entry, flow_graph->allocate_block_id(),
call->GetBlock()->try_index(), DeoptId::kNone);
(*entry)->InheritDeoptTarget(Z, call);
auto load_cid =
new (Z) LoadClassIdInstr(call->ArgumentValueAt(0)->CopyWithType(Z));
flow_graph->InsertBefore(call, load_cid, nullptr, FlowGraph::kValue);
*last = load_cid;
*result = load_cid->AsDefinition();
return true;
// Emits preparatory code for a typed getter/setter.
// Handles three cases:
// (1) dynamic: generates load untagged (internal or external)
// (2) external: generates load untagged
// (3) internal: no code required.
static void PrepareInlineByteArrayBaseOp(FlowGraph* flow_graph,
Instruction* call,
Definition* receiver,
intptr_t array_cid,
Definition** array,
Instruction** cursor) {
if (array_cid == kDynamicCid || IsExternalTypedDataClassId(array_cid)) {
// Internal or External typed data: load untagged.
auto elements = new (Z)
LoadUntaggedInstr(new (Z) Value(*array),
*cursor = flow_graph->AppendTo(*cursor, elements, NULL, FlowGraph::kValue);
*array = elements;
} else {
// Internal typed data: no action.
static bool InlineByteArrayBaseLoad(FlowGraph* flow_graph,
Definition* call,
Definition* receiver,
intptr_t array_cid,
intptr_t view_cid,
GraphEntryInstr* graph_entry,
FunctionEntryInstr** entry,
Instruction** last,
Definition** result) {
ASSERT(array_cid != kIllegalCid);
// Dynamic calls are polymorphic due to:
// (A) extra bounds check computations (length stored in receiver),
// (B) external/internal typed data in receiver.
// Both issues are resolved in the inlined code.
// All getters that go through InlineByteArrayBaseLoad() have explicit
// bounds checks in all their clients in the library, so we can omit yet
// another inlined bounds check.
if (array_cid == kDynamicCid) {
Definition* array = receiver;
Definition* index = call->ArgumentAt(1);
*entry =
new (Z) FunctionEntryInstr(graph_entry, flow_graph->allocate_block_id(),
call->GetBlock()->try_index(), DeoptId::kNone);
(*entry)->InheritDeoptTarget(Z, call);
Instruction* cursor = *entry;
// Generates a template for the load, either a dynamic conditional
// that dispatches on external and internal storage, or a single
// case that deals with either external or internal storage.
PrepareInlineByteArrayBaseOp(flow_graph, call, receiver, array_cid, &array,
// Fill out the generated template with loads.
// Load from either external or internal.
LoadIndexedInstr* load = new (Z) LoadIndexedInstr(
new (Z) Value(array), new (Z) Value(index),
/*index_unboxed=*/false, /*index_scale=*/1, view_cid, kUnalignedAccess,
DeoptId::kNone, call->source(), ResultType(call));
cursor, load, call->deopt_id() != DeoptId::kNone ? call->env() : nullptr,
cursor = *last = load;
if (view_cid == kTypedDataFloat32ArrayCid) {
*last = new (Z) FloatToDoubleInstr(new (Z) Value((*last)->AsDefinition()),
flow_graph->AppendTo(cursor, *last, nullptr, FlowGraph::kValue);
*result = (*last)->AsDefinition();
return true;
static StoreIndexedInstr* NewStore(FlowGraph* flow_graph,
Instruction* call,
Definition* array,
Definition* index,
Definition* stored_value,
intptr_t view_cid) {
return new (Z) StoreIndexedInstr(
new (Z) Value(array), new (Z) Value(index), new (Z) Value(stored_value),
kNoStoreBarrier, /*index_unboxed=*/false,
/*index_scale=*/1, view_cid, kUnalignedAccess, call->deopt_id(),
static bool InlineByteArrayBaseStore(FlowGraph* flow_graph,
const Function& target,
Instruction* call,
Definition* receiver,
intptr_t array_cid,
intptr_t view_cid,
GraphEntryInstr* graph_entry,
FunctionEntryInstr** entry,
Instruction** last,
Definition** result) {
ASSERT(array_cid != kIllegalCid);
// Dynamic calls are polymorphic due to:
// (A) extra bounds check computations (length stored in receiver),
// (B) external/internal typed data in receiver.
// Both issues are resolved in the inlined code.
// All setters that go through InlineByteArrayBaseLoad() have explicit
// bounds checks in all their clients in the library, so we can omit yet
// another inlined bounds check.
if (array_cid == kDynamicCid) {
Definition* array = receiver;
Definition* index = call->ArgumentAt(1);
*entry =
new (Z) FunctionEntryInstr(graph_entry, flow_graph->allocate_block_id(),
call->GetBlock()->try_index(), DeoptId::kNone);
(*entry)->InheritDeoptTarget(Z, call);
Instruction* cursor = *entry;
// Prepare additional checks. In AOT Dart2, we use an explicit null check and
// non-speculative unboxing for most value types.
Cids* value_check = nullptr;
bool needs_null_check = false;
switch (view_cid) {
case kTypedDataInt8ArrayCid:
case kTypedDataUint8ArrayCid:
case kTypedDataUint8ClampedArrayCid:
case kExternalTypedDataUint8ArrayCid:
case kExternalTypedDataUint8ClampedArrayCid:
case kTypedDataInt16ArrayCid:
case kTypedDataUint16ArrayCid: {
if (CompilerState::Current().is_aot()) {
needs_null_check = true;
} else {
// Check that value is always smi.
value_check = Cids::CreateMonomorphic(Z, kSmiCid);
case kTypedDataInt32ArrayCid:
case kTypedDataUint32ArrayCid:
if (CompilerState::Current().is_aot()) {
needs_null_check = true;
} else {
// On 64-bit platforms assume that stored value is always a smi.
if (compiler::target::kSmiBits >= 32) {
value_check = Cids::CreateMonomorphic(Z, kSmiCid);
case kTypedDataFloat32ArrayCid:
case kTypedDataFloat64ArrayCid: {
// Check that value is always double.
if (CompilerState::Current().is_aot()) {
needs_null_check = true;
} else {
value_check = Cids::CreateMonomorphic(Z, kDoubleCid);
case kTypedDataInt32x4ArrayCid: {
// Check that value is always Int32x4.
value_check = Cids::CreateMonomorphic(Z, kInt32x4Cid);
case kTypedDataFloat32x4ArrayCid: {
// Check that value is always Float32x4.
value_check = Cids::CreateMonomorphic(Z, kFloat32x4Cid);
case kTypedDataInt64ArrayCid:
case kTypedDataUint64ArrayCid:
// StoreIndexedInstr takes unboxed int64, so value is
// checked when unboxing. In AOT, we use an
// explicit null check and non-speculative unboxing.
needs_null_check = CompilerState::Current().is_aot();
// Array cids are already checked in the caller.
Definition* stored_value = call->ArgumentAt(2);
// Handle value check.
if (value_check != nullptr) {
Instruction* check = flow_graph->CreateCheckClass(
stored_value, *value_check, call->deopt_id(), call->source());
cursor =
flow_graph->AppendTo(cursor, check, call->env(), FlowGraph::kEffect);
// Handle null check.
if (needs_null_check) {
String& name = String::ZoneHandle(Z,;
Instruction* check = new (Z) CheckNullInstr(
new (Z) Value(stored_value), name, call->deopt_id(), call->source());
cursor =
flow_graph->AppendTo(cursor, check, call->env(), FlowGraph::kEffect);
// With an explicit null check, a non-speculative unbox suffices.
switch (view_cid) {
case kTypedDataFloat32ArrayCid:
case kTypedDataFloat64ArrayCid:
stored_value =
UnboxInstr::Create(kUnboxedDouble, new (Z) Value(stored_value),
call->deopt_id(), Instruction::kNotSpeculative);
cursor = flow_graph->AppendTo(cursor, stored_value, call->env(),
case kTypedDataInt64ArrayCid:
case kTypedDataUint64ArrayCid:
stored_value = new (Z)
UnboxInt64Instr(new (Z) Value(stored_value), call->deopt_id(),
cursor = flow_graph->AppendTo(cursor, stored_value, call->env(),
// Handle conversions and special unboxing (to ensure unboxing instructions
// are marked as truncating, since [SelectRepresentations] does not take care
// of that).
switch (view_cid) {
case kTypedDataInt8ArrayCid:
case kTypedDataInt16ArrayCid:
case kTypedDataUint8ArrayCid:
case kTypedDataUint8ClampedArrayCid:
case kTypedDataUint16ArrayCid:
case kExternalTypedDataUint8ArrayCid:
case kExternalTypedDataUint8ClampedArrayCid: {
stored_value =
UnboxInstr::Create(kUnboxedIntPtr, new (Z) Value(stored_value),
call->deopt_id(), Instruction::kNotSpeculative);
cursor = flow_graph->AppendTo(cursor, stored_value, call->env(),
case kTypedDataFloat32ArrayCid: {
stored_value = new (Z)
DoubleToFloatInstr(new (Z) Value(stored_value), call->deopt_id());
cursor = flow_graph->AppendTo(cursor, stored_value, nullptr,
case kTypedDataInt32ArrayCid: {
stored_value = new (Z)
new (Z) Value(stored_value), call->deopt_id());
cursor = flow_graph->AppendTo(cursor, stored_value, call->env(),
case kTypedDataUint32ArrayCid: {
stored_value = new (Z)
UnboxUint32Instr(new (Z) Value(stored_value), call->deopt_id());
cursor = flow_graph->AppendTo(cursor, stored_value, call->env(),
// Generates a template for the store, either a dynamic conditional
// that dispatches on external and internal storage, or a single
// case that deals with either external or internal storage.
PrepareInlineByteArrayBaseOp(flow_graph, call, receiver, array_cid, &array,
// Fill out the generated template with stores.
// Store on either external or internal.
StoreIndexedInstr* store =
NewStore(flow_graph, call, array, index, stored_value, view_cid);
cursor, store,
call->deopt_id() != DeoptId::kNone ? call->env() : nullptr,
*last = store;
// We need a return value to replace uses of the original definition. However,
// the final instruction is a use of 'void operator[]=()', so we use null.
*result = flow_graph->constant_null();
return true;
// Returns the LoadIndexedInstr.
static Definition* PrepareInlineStringIndexOp(FlowGraph* flow_graph,
Instruction* call,
intptr_t cid,
Definition* str,
Definition* index,
Instruction* cursor) {
LoadFieldInstr* length = new (Z) LoadFieldInstr(
new (Z) Value(str), Slot::GetLengthFieldForArrayCid(cid), str->source());
cursor = flow_graph->AppendTo(cursor, length, NULL, FlowGraph::kValue);
// Bounds check.
index = flow_graph->CreateCheckBound(length, index, call->deopt_id());
cursor = flow_graph->AppendTo(cursor, index, call->env(), FlowGraph::kValue);
// For external strings: Load backing store.
if (cid == kExternalOneByteStringCid) {
str = new LoadUntaggedInstr(
new Value(str),
cursor = flow_graph->AppendTo(cursor, str, NULL, FlowGraph::kValue);
} else if (cid == kExternalTwoByteStringCid) {
str = new LoadUntaggedInstr(
new Value(str),
cursor = flow_graph->AppendTo(cursor, str, NULL, FlowGraph::kValue);
LoadIndexedInstr* load_indexed = new (Z) LoadIndexedInstr(
new (Z) Value(str), new (Z) Value(index), /*index_unboxed=*/false,
compiler::target::Instance::ElementSizeFor(cid), cid, kAlignedAccess,
DeoptId::kNone, call->source());
cursor = flow_graph->AppendTo(cursor, load_indexed, NULL, FlowGraph::kValue);
auto box = BoxInstr::Create(kUnboxedIntPtr, new Value(load_indexed));
cursor = flow_graph->AppendTo(cursor, box, nullptr, FlowGraph::kValue);
ASSERT(box == cursor);
return box;
static bool InlineStringBaseCharAt(FlowGraph* flow_graph,
Instruction* call,
Definition* receiver,
intptr_t cid,
GraphEntryInstr* graph_entry,
FunctionEntryInstr** entry,
Instruction** last,
Definition** result) {
if ((cid != kOneByteStringCid) && (cid != kExternalOneByteStringCid)) {
return false;
Definition* str = receiver;
Definition* index = call->ArgumentAt(1);
*entry =
new (Z) FunctionEntryInstr(graph_entry, flow_graph->allocate_block_id(),
call->GetBlock()->try_index(), DeoptId::kNone);
(*entry)->InheritDeoptTarget(Z, call);
*last = PrepareInlineStringIndexOp(flow_graph, call, cid, str, index, *entry);
OneByteStringFromCharCodeInstr* char_at = new (Z)
OneByteStringFromCharCodeInstr(new (Z) Value((*last)->AsDefinition()));
flow_graph->AppendTo(*last, char_at, NULL, FlowGraph::kValue);
*last = char_at;
*result = char_at->AsDefinition();
return true;
static bool InlineStringCodeUnitAt(FlowGraph* flow_graph,
Instruction* call,
Definition* receiver,
intptr_t cid,
GraphEntryInstr* graph_entry,
FunctionEntryInstr** entry,
Instruction** last,
Definition** result) {
if (cid == kDynamicCid) {
return false;
} else if ((cid != kOneByteStringCid) && (cid != kTwoByteStringCid) &&
(cid != kExternalOneByteStringCid) &&
(cid != kExternalTwoByteStringCid)) {
return false;
Definition* str = receiver;
Definition* index = call->ArgumentAt(1);
*entry =
new (Z) FunctionEntryInstr(graph_entry, flow_graph->allocate_block_id(),
call->GetBlock()->try_index(), DeoptId::kNone);
(*entry)->InheritDeoptTarget(Z, call);
*last = PrepareInlineStringIndexOp(flow_graph, call, cid, str, index, *entry);
*result = (*last)->AsDefinition();
return true;
// Only used for monomorphic calls.
bool FlowGraphInliner::TryReplaceInstanceCallWithInline(
FlowGraph* flow_graph,
ForwardInstructionIterator* iterator,
InstanceCallInstr* call,
SpeculativeInliningPolicy* policy) {
const CallTargets& targets = call->Targets();
const intptr_t receiver_cid = targets.MonomorphicReceiverCid();
const Function& target = targets.FirstTarget();
const auto exactness = targets.MonomorphicExactness();
ExactnessInfo exactness_info{exactness.IsExact(), false};
FunctionEntryInstr* entry = nullptr;
Instruction* last = nullptr;
Definition* result = nullptr;
if (FlowGraphInliner::TryInlineRecognizedMethod(
flow_graph, receiver_cid, target, call,
call->Receiver()->definition(), call->source(), call->ic_data(),
/*graph_entry=*/nullptr, &entry, &last, &result, policy,
&exactness_info)) {
// The empty Object constructor is the only case where the inlined body is
// empty and there is no result.
ASSERT((last != nullptr && result != nullptr) ||
(target.recognized_kind() == MethodRecognizer::kObjectConstructor));
// Determine if inlining instance methods needs a check.
FlowGraph::ToCheck check = FlowGraph::ToCheck::kNoCheck;
if (target.is_polymorphic_target()) {
check = FlowGraph::ToCheck::kCheckCid;
} else {
check = flow_graph->CheckForInstanceCall(call, target.kind());
// Insert receiver class or null check if needed.
switch (check) {
case FlowGraph::ToCheck::kCheckCid: {
Instruction* check_class = flow_graph->CreateCheckClass(
call->Receiver()->definition(), targets, call->deopt_id(),
flow_graph->InsertBefore(call, check_class, call->env(),
case FlowGraph::ToCheck::kCheckNull: {
Instruction* check_null = new (Z) CheckNullInstr(
call->Receiver()->CopyWithType(Z), call->function_name(),
call->deopt_id(), call->source());
flow_graph->InsertBefore(call, check_null, call->env(),
case FlowGraph::ToCheck::kNoCheck:
if (exactness_info.emit_exactness_guard && exactness.IsTriviallyExact()) {
flow_graph->AddExactnessGuard(call, receiver_cid);
// Replace all uses of this definition with the result.
if (call->HasUses()) {
ASSERT(result != nullptr && result->HasSSATemp());
// Finally insert the sequence other definition in place of this one in the
// graph.
if (entry->next() != NULL) {
entry->UnuseAllInputs(); // Entry block is not in the graph.
if (last != NULL) {
ASSERT(call->GetBlock() == last->GetBlock());
// Remove through the iterator.
ASSERT(iterator->Current() == call);
return true;
return false;
bool FlowGraphInliner::TryReplaceStaticCallWithInline(
FlowGraph* flow_graph,
ForwardInstructionIterator* iterator,
StaticCallInstr* call,
SpeculativeInliningPolicy* policy) {
FunctionEntryInstr* entry = nullptr;
Instruction* last = nullptr;
Definition* result = nullptr;
Definition* receiver = nullptr;
intptr_t receiver_cid = kIllegalCid;
if (!call->function().is_static()) {
receiver = call->Receiver()->definition();
receiver_cid = call->Receiver()->Type()->ToCid();
if (FlowGraphInliner::TryInlineRecognizedMethod(
flow_graph, receiver_cid, call->function(), call, receiver,
call->source(), call->ic_data(), /*graph_entry=*/nullptr, &entry,
&last, &result, policy)) {
// The empty Object constructor is the only case where the inlined body is
// empty and there is no result.
ASSERT((last != nullptr && result != nullptr) ||
(call->function().recognized_kind() ==
// Replace all uses of this definition with the result.
if (call->HasUses()) {
// Finally insert the sequence other definition in place of this one in the
// graph.
if (entry != nullptr) {
if (entry->next() != nullptr) {
entry->UnuseAllInputs(); // Entry block is not in the graph.
if (last != NULL) {
BlockEntryInstr* link = call->GetBlock();
BlockEntryInstr* exit = last->GetBlock();
if (link != exit) {
// Dominance relation and SSA are updated incrementally when
// conditionals are inserted. But succ/pred and ordering needs
// to be redone. TODO(ajcbik): do this incrementally too.
for (intptr_t i = 0, n = link->dominated_blocks().length(); i < n;
++i) {
for (intptr_t i = 0, n = entry->dominated_blocks().length(); i < n;
++i) {
Instruction* scan = exit;
while (scan->next() != nullptr) {
scan = scan->next();
} else {
// Remove through the iterator.
if (iterator != NULL) {
ASSERT(iterator->Current() == call);
} else {
return true;
return false;
static bool CheckMask(Definition* definition, intptr_t* mask_ptr) {
if (!definition->IsConstant()) return false;
ConstantInstr* constant_instruction = definition->AsConstant();
const Object& constant_mask = constant_instruction->value();
if (!constant_mask.IsSmi()) return false;
const intptr_t mask = Smi::Cast(constant_mask).Value();
if ((mask < 0) || (mask > 255)) {
return false; // Not a valid mask.
*mask_ptr = mask;
return true;
static bool InlineSimdOp(FlowGraph* flow_graph,
bool is_dynamic_call,
Instruction* call,
Definition* receiver,
MethodRecognizer::Kind kind,
GraphEntryInstr* graph_entry,
FunctionEntryInstr** entry,
Instruction** last,
Definition** result) {
if (!ShouldInlineSimd()) {
return false;
if (is_dynamic_call && call->ArgumentCount() > 1) {
// Issue( Dynamic invocation forwarders have the
// same recognized kind as the method they are forwarding to.
// That causes us to inline the recognized method and not the
// dyn: forwarder itself.
// This is only safe if all arguments are checked in the flow graph we
// build.
// For double/int arguments speculative unboxing instructions should ensure
// to bailout in AOT (or deoptimize in JIT) if the incoming values are not
// correct. Though for user-implementable types, like
// operator+(Float32x4 other), this is not safe and we therefore bailout.
return false;
*entry =
new (Z) FunctionEntryInstr(graph_entry, flow_graph->allocate_block_id(),
call->GetBlock()->try_index(), DeoptId::kNone);
Instruction* cursor = *entry;
switch (kind) {
case MethodRecognizer::kInt32x4Shuffle:
case MethodRecognizer::kInt32x4ShuffleMix:
case MethodRecognizer::kFloat32x4Shuffle:
case MethodRecognizer::kFloat32x4ShuffleMix: {
Definition* mask_definition = call->ArgumentAt(call->ArgumentCount() - 1);
intptr_t mask = 0;
if (!CheckMask(mask_definition, &mask)) {
return false;
*last = SimdOpInstr::CreateFromCall(Z, kind, receiver, call, mask);
case MethodRecognizer::kFloat32x4WithX:
case MethodRecognizer::kFloat32x4WithY:
case MethodRecognizer::kFloat32x4WithZ:
case MethodRecognizer::kFloat32x4WithW:
case MethodRecognizer::kFloat32x4Scale: {
Definition* left = receiver;
Definition* right = call->ArgumentAt(1);
// Note: left and right values are swapped when handed to the instruction,
// this is done so that the double value is loaded into the output
// register and can be destroyed.
// TODO( this swapping is only needed because register
// allocator has SameAsFirstInput policy and not SameAsNthInput(n).
*last = SimdOpInstr::Create(kind, new (Z) Value(right),
new (Z) Value(left), call->deopt_id());
case MethodRecognizer::kFloat32x4Zero:
case MethodRecognizer::kFloat32x4ToFloat64x2:
case MethodRecognizer::kFloat64x2ToFloat32x4:
case MethodRecognizer::kFloat32x4ToInt32x4:
case MethodRecognizer::kInt32x4ToFloat32x4:
case MethodRecognizer::kFloat64x2Zero:
*last = SimdOpInstr::CreateFromFactoryCall(Z, kind, call);
case MethodRecognizer::kFloat32x4Mul:
case MethodRecognizer::kFloat32x4Div:
case MethodRecognizer::kFloat32x4Add:
case MethodRecognizer::kFloat32x4Sub:
case MethodRecognizer::kFloat64x2Mul:
case MethodRecognizer::kFloat64x2Div:
case MethodRecognizer::kFloat64x2Add:
case MethodRecognizer::kFloat64x2Sub:
*last = SimdOpInstr::CreateFromCall(Z, kind, receiver, call);
if (CompilerState::Current().is_aot()) {
// Add null-checks in case of the arguments are known to be compatible
// but they are possibly nullable.
// By inserting the null-check, we can allow the unbox instruction later
// inserted to be non-speculative.
CheckNullInstr* check1 =
new (Z) CheckNullInstr(new (Z) Value(receiver), Symbols::FirstArg(),
call->deopt_id(), call->source());
CheckNullInstr* check2 = new (Z) CheckNullInstr(
new (Z) Value(call->ArgumentAt(1)), Symbols::SecondArg(),
call->deopt_id(), call->source(), CheckNullInstr::kArgumentError);
(*last)->SetInputAt(0, new (Z) Value(check1));
(*last)->SetInputAt(1, new (Z) Value(check2));
flow_graph->InsertBefore(call, check1, call->env(), FlowGraph::kValue);
flow_graph->InsertBefore(call, check2, call->env(), FlowGraph::kValue);
*last = SimdOpInstr::CreateFromCall(Z, kind, receiver, call);
// InheritDeoptTarget also inherits environment (which may add 'entry' into
// env_use_list()), so InheritDeoptTarget should be done only after decided
// to inline.
(*entry)->InheritDeoptTarget(Z, call);
flow_graph->AppendTo(cursor, *last,
call->deopt_id() != DeoptId::kNone ? call->env() : NULL,
*result = (*last)->AsDefinition();
return true;
static bool InlineMathCFunction(FlowGraph* flow_graph,
Instruction* call,
MethodRecognizer::Kind kind,
GraphEntryInstr* graph_entry,
FunctionEntryInstr** entry,
Instruction** last,
Definition** result) {
if (!CanUnboxDouble()) {
return false;
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < call->ArgumentCount(); i++) {
if (call->ArgumentAt(i)->Type()->ToCid() != kDoubleCid) {
return false;
*entry =
new (Z) FunctionEntryInstr(graph_entry, flow_graph->allocate_block_id(),
call->GetBlock()->try_index(), DeoptId::kNone);
(*entry)->InheritDeoptTarget(Z, call);
Instruction* cursor = *entry;
switch (kind) {
case MethodRecognizer::kMathSqrt: {
*last = new (Z)
new (Z) Value(call->ArgumentAt(0)), call->deopt_id());
default: {
ZoneGrowableArray<Value*>* args =
new (Z) ZoneGrowableArray<Value*>(call->ArgumentCount());
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < call->ArgumentCount(); i++) {
args->Add(new (Z) Value(call->ArgumentAt(i)));
*last = new (Z) InvokeMathCFunctionInstr(args, call->deopt_id(), kind,
flow_graph->AppendTo(cursor, *last,
call->deopt_id() != DeoptId::kNone ? call->env() : NULL,
*result = (*last)->AsDefinition();
return true;
static Instruction* InlineMul(FlowGraph* flow_graph,
Instruction* cursor,
Definition* x,
Definition* y) {
BinaryInt64OpInstr* mul = new (Z)
BinaryInt64OpInstr(Token::kMUL, new (Z) Value(x), new (Z) Value(y),
DeoptId::kNone, Instruction::kNotSpeculative);
return flow_graph->AppendTo(cursor, mul, nullptr, FlowGraph::kValue);
static bool InlineMathIntPow(FlowGraph* flow_graph,
Instruction* call,
GraphEntryInstr* graph_entry,
FunctionEntryInstr** entry,
Instruction** last,
Definition** result) {
// Invoking the _intPow(x, y) implies that both:
// (1) x, y are int
// (2) y >= 0.
// Thus, try to inline some very obvious cases.
// TODO(ajcbik): useful to generalize?
intptr_t val = 0;
Value* x = call->ArgumentValueAt(0);
Value* y = call->ArgumentValueAt(1);
// Use x^0 == 1, x^1 == x, and x^c == x * .. * x for small c.
const intptr_t small_exponent = 5;
if (IsSmiValue(y, &val)) {
if (val == 0) {
*last = flow_graph->GetConstant(Smi::ZoneHandle(Smi::New(1)));
*result = (*last)->AsDefinition();
return true;
} else if (val == 1) {
*last = x->definition();
*result = (*last)->AsDefinition();
return true;
} else if (1 < val && val <= small_exponent) {
// Lazily construct entry only in this case.
*entry = new (Z)
FunctionEntryInstr(graph_entry, flow_graph->allocate_block_id(),
call->GetBlock()->try_index(), DeoptId::kNone);
(*entry)->InheritDeoptTarget(Z, call);
Definition* x_def = x->definition();
Definition* square =
InlineMul(flow_graph, *entry, x_def, x_def)->AsDefinition();
*last = square;
*result = square;
switch (val) {
case 2:
return true;
case 3:
*last = InlineMul(flow_graph, *last, x_def, square);
*result = (*last)->AsDefinition();
return true;
case 4:
*last = InlineMul(flow_graph, *last, square, square);
*result = (*last)->AsDefinition();
return true;
case 5:
*last = InlineMul(flow_graph, *last, square, square);
*last = InlineMul(flow_graph, *last, x_def, (*last)->AsDefinition());
*result = (*last)->AsDefinition();
return true;
// Use 0^y == 0 (only for y != 0) and 1^y == 1.
if (IsSmiValue(x, &val)) {
if (val == 1) {
*last = x->definition();
*result = x->definition();
return true;
return false;
bool FlowGraphInliner::TryInlineRecognizedMethod(
FlowGraph* flow_graph,
intptr_t receiver_cid,
const Function& target,
Definition* call,
Definition* receiver,
const InstructionSource& source,
const ICData* ic_data,
GraphEntryInstr* graph_entry,
FunctionEntryInstr** entry,
Instruction** last,
Definition** result,
SpeculativeInliningPolicy* policy,
FlowGraphInliner::ExactnessInfo* exactness) {
if (receiver_cid == kNeverCid) {
// Receiver was defined in dead code and was replaced by the sentinel.
// Original receiver cid is lost, so don't try to inline recognized
// methods.
return false;
const bool can_speculate = policy->IsAllowedForInlining(call->deopt_id());
const bool is_dynamic_call = Function::IsDynamicInvocationForwarderName(
const MethodRecognizer::Kind kind = target.recognized_kind();
switch (kind) {
// Recognized [] operators.
case MethodRecognizer::kImmutableArrayGetIndexed:
case MethodRecognizer::kObjectArrayGetIndexed:
case MethodRecognizer::kGrowableArrayGetIndexed:
case MethodRecognizer::kInt8ArrayGetIndexed:
case MethodRecognizer::kUint8ArrayGetIndexed:
case MethodRecognizer::kUint8ClampedArrayGetIndexed:
case MethodRecognizer::kExternalUint8ArrayGetIndexed:
case MethodRecognizer::kExternalUint8ClampedArrayGetIndexed:
case MethodRecognizer::kInt16ArrayGetIndexed:
case MethodRecognizer::kUint16ArrayGetIndexed:
return InlineGetIndexed(flow_graph, can_speculate, is_dynamic_call, kind,
call, receiver, graph_entry, entry, last, result);
case MethodRecognizer::kFloat32ArrayGetIndexed:
case MethodRecognizer::kFloat64ArrayGetIndexed:
if (!CanUnboxDouble()) {
return false;
return InlineGetIndexed(flow_graph, can_speculate, is_dynamic_call, kind,
call, receiver, graph_entry, entry, last, result);
case MethodRecognizer::kFloat32x4ArrayGetIndexed:
case MethodRecognizer::kFloat64x2ArrayGetIndexed:
if (!ShouldInlineSimd()) {
return false;
return InlineGetIndexed(flow_graph, can_speculate, is_dynamic_call, kind,
call, receiver, graph_entry, entry, last, result);
case MethodRecognizer::kInt32ArrayGetIndexed:
case MethodRecognizer::kUint32ArrayGetIndexed:
if (!CanUnboxInt32()) {
return false;
return InlineGetIndexed(flow_graph, can_speculate, is_dynamic_call, kind,
call, receiver, graph_entry, entry, last, result);
case MethodRecognizer::kInt64ArrayGetIndexed:
case MethodRecognizer::kUint64ArrayGetIndexed:
if (!ShouldInlineInt64ArrayOps()) {
return false;
return InlineGetIndexed(flow_graph, can_speculate, is_dynamic_call, kind,
call, receiver, graph_entry, entry, last, result);
case MethodRecognizer::kClassIDgetID:
return InlineLoadClassId(flow_graph, call, graph_entry, entry, last,
// The following ones need to speculate.
if (!can_speculate) {
return false;
switch (kind) {
// Recognized []= operators.
case MethodRecognizer::kObjectArraySetIndexed:
case MethodRecognizer::kGrowableArraySetIndexed:
case MethodRecognizer::kObjectArraySetIndexedUnchecked:
case MethodRecognizer::kGrowableArraySetIndexedUnchecked:
return InlineSetIndexed(flow_graph, kind, target, call, receiver, source,
/* value_check = */ NULL, exactness, graph_entry,
entry, last, result);
case MethodRecognizer::kInt8ArraySetIndexed:
case MethodRecognizer::kUint8ArraySetIndexed:
case MethodRecognizer::kUint8ClampedArraySetIndexed:
case MethodRecognizer::kExternalUint8ArraySetIndexed:
case MethodRecognizer::kExternalUint8ClampedArraySetIndexed:
case MethodRecognizer::kInt16ArraySetIndexed:
case MethodRecognizer::kUint16ArraySetIndexed: {
// Optimistically assume Smi.
if (ic_data != NULL && ic_data->HasDeoptReason(ICData::kDeoptCheckSmi)) {
// Optimistic assumption failed at least once.
return false;
Cids* value_check = Cids::CreateMonomorphic(Z, kSmiCid);
return InlineSetIndexed(flow_graph, kind, target, call, receiver, source,
value_check, exactness, graph_entry, entry, last,
case MethodRecognizer::kInt32ArraySetIndexed:
case MethodRecognizer::kUint32ArraySetIndexed: {
// Value check not needed for Int32 and Uint32 arrays because they
// implicitly contain unboxing instructions which check for right type.
return InlineSetIndexed(flow_graph, kind, target, call, receiver, source,
/* value_check = */ NULL, exactness, graph_entry,
entry, last, result);
case MethodRecognizer::kInt64ArraySetIndexed:
case MethodRecognizer::kUint64ArraySetIndexed:
if (!ShouldInlineInt64ArrayOps()) {
return false;
return InlineSetIndexed(flow_graph, kind, target, call, receiver, source,
/* value_check = */ NULL, exactness, graph_entry,
entry, last, result);
case MethodRecognizer::kFloat32ArraySetIndexed:
case MethodRecognizer::kFloat64ArraySetIndexed: {
if (!CanUnboxDouble()) {
return false;
Cids* value_check = Cids::CreateMonomorphic(Z, kDoubleCid);
return InlineSetIndexed(flow_graph, kind, target, call, receiver, source,
value_check, exactness, graph_entry, entry, last,
case MethodRecognizer::kFloat32x4ArraySetIndexed: {
if (!ShouldInlineSimd()) {
return false;
Cids* value_check = Cids::CreateMonomorphic(Z, kFloat32x4Cid);
return InlineSetIndexed(flow_graph, kind, target, call, receiver, source,
value_check, exactness, graph_entry, entry, last,
case MethodRecognizer::kFloat64x2ArraySetIndexed: {
if (!ShouldInlineSimd()) {
return false;
Cids* value_check = Cids::CreateMonomorphic(Z, kFloat64x2Cid);
return InlineSetIndexed(flow_graph, kind, target, call, receiver, source,
value_check, exactness, graph_entry, entry, last,
case MethodRecognizer::kByteArrayBaseGetInt8:
return InlineByteArrayBaseLoad(flow_graph, call, receiver, receiver_cid,
kTypedDataInt8ArrayCid, graph_entry, entry,
last, result);
case MethodRecognizer::kByteArrayBaseGetUint8:
return InlineByteArrayBaseLoad(flow_graph, call, receiver, receiver_cid,
kTypedDataUint8ArrayCid, graph_entry,
entry, last, result);
case MethodRecognizer::kByteArrayBaseGetInt16:
return InlineByteArrayBaseLoad(flow_graph, call, receiver, receiver_cid,
kTypedDataInt16ArrayCid, graph_entry,
entry, last, result);
case MethodRecognizer::kByteArrayBaseGetUint16:
return InlineByteArrayBaseLoad(flow_graph, call, receiver, receiver_cid,
kTypedDataUint16ArrayCid, graph_entry,
entry, last, result);
case MethodRecognizer::kByteArrayBaseGetInt32:
if (!CanUnboxInt32()) {
return false;
return InlineByteArrayBaseLoad(flow_graph, call, receiver, receiver_cid,
kTypedDataInt32ArrayCid, graph_entry,
entry, last, result);
case MethodRecognizer::kByteArrayBaseGetUint32:
if (!CanUnboxInt32()) {
return false;
return InlineByteArrayBaseLoad(flow_graph, call, receiver, receiver_cid,
kTypedDataUint32ArrayCid, graph_entry,
entry, last, result);
case MethodRecognizer::kByteArrayBaseGetInt64:
if (!ShouldInlineInt64ArrayOps()) {
return false;
return InlineByteArrayBaseLoad(flow_graph, call, receiver, receiver_cid,
kTypedDataInt64ArrayCid, graph_entry,
entry, last, result);
case MethodRecognizer::kByteArrayBaseGetUint64:
if (!ShouldInlineInt64ArrayOps()) {
return false;
return InlineByteArrayBaseLoad(flow_graph, call, receiver, receiver_cid,
kTypedDataUint64ArrayCid, graph_entry,
entry, last, result);
case MethodRecognizer::kByteArrayBaseGetFloat32:
if (!CanUnboxDouble()) {
return false;
return InlineByteArrayBaseLoad(flow_graph, call, receiver, receiver_cid,
kTypedDataFloat32ArrayCid, graph_entry,
entry, last, result);
case MethodRecognizer::kByteArrayBaseGetFloat64:
if (!CanUnboxDouble()) {
return false;
return InlineByteArrayBaseLoad(flow_graph, call, receiver, receiver_cid,
kTypedDataFloat64ArrayCid, graph_entry,
entry, last, result);
case MethodRecognizer::kByteArrayBaseGetFloat32x4:
if (!ShouldInlineSimd()) {
return false;
return InlineByteArrayBaseLoad(flow_graph, call, receiver, receiver_cid,
kTypedDataFloat32x4ArrayCid, graph_entry,
entry, last, result);
case MethodRecognizer::kByteArrayBaseGetInt32x4:
if (!ShouldInlineSimd()) {
return false;
return InlineByteArrayBaseLoad(flow_graph, call, receiver, receiver_cid,
kTypedDataInt32x4ArrayCid, graph_entry,
entry, last, result);
case MethodRecognizer::kByteArrayBaseSetInt8:
return InlineByteArrayBaseStore(flow_graph, target, call, receiver,
receiver_cid, kTypedDataInt8ArrayCid,
graph_entry, entry, last, result);
case MethodRecognizer::kByteArrayBaseSetUint8:
return InlineByteArrayBaseStore(flow_graph, target, call, receiver,
receiver_cid, kTypedDataUint8ArrayCid,
graph_entry, entry, last, result);
case MethodRecognizer::kByteArrayBaseSetInt16:
return InlineByteArrayBaseStore(flow_graph, target, call, receiver,
receiver_cid, kTypedDataInt16ArrayCid,
graph_entry, entry, last, result);
case MethodRecognizer::kByteArrayBaseSetUint16:
return InlineByteArrayBaseStore(flow_graph, target, call, receiver,
receiver_cid, kTypedDataUint16ArrayCid,
graph_entry, entry, last, result);
case MethodRecognizer::kByteArrayBaseSetInt32:
return InlineByteArrayBaseStore(flow_graph, target, call, receiver,
receiver_cid, kTypedDataInt32ArrayCid,
graph_entry, entry, last, result);
case MethodRecognizer::kByteArrayBaseSetUint32:
return InlineByteArrayBaseStore(flow_graph, target, call, receiver,
receiver_cid, kTypedDataUint32ArrayCid,
graph_entry, entry, last, result);
case MethodRecognizer::kByteArrayBaseSetInt64:
if (!ShouldInlineInt64ArrayOps()) {
return false;
return InlineByteArrayBaseStore(flow_graph, target, call, receiver,
receiver_cid, kTypedDataInt64ArrayCid,
graph_entry, entry, last, result);
case MethodRecognizer::kByteArrayBaseSetUint64:
if (!ShouldInlineInt64ArrayOps()) {
return false;
return InlineByteArrayBaseStore(flow_graph, target, call, receiver,
receiver_cid, kTypedDataUint64ArrayCid,
graph_entry, entry, last, result);
case MethodRecognizer::kByteArrayBaseSetFloat32:
if (!CanUnboxDouble()) {
return false;
return InlineByteArrayBaseStore(flow_graph, target, call, receiver,
receiver_cid, kTypedDataFloat32ArrayCid,
graph_entry, entry, last, result);
case MethodRecognizer::kByteArrayBaseSetFloat64:
if (!CanUnboxDouble()) {
return false;
return InlineByteArrayBaseStore(flow_graph, target, call, receiver,
receiver_cid, kTypedDataFloat64ArrayCid,
graph_entry, entry, last, result);
case MethodRecognizer::kByteArrayBaseSetFloat32x4:
if (!ShouldInlineSimd()) {
return false;
return InlineByteArrayBaseStore(flow_graph, target, call, receiver,
receiver_cid, kTypedDataFloat32x4ArrayCid,
graph_entry, entry, last, result);
case MethodRecognizer::kByteArrayBaseSetInt32x4:
if (!ShouldInlineSimd()) {
return false;
return InlineByteArrayBaseStore(flow_graph, target, call, receiver,
receiver_cid, kTypedDataInt32x4ArrayCid,
graph_entry, entry, last, result);
case MethodRecognizer::kOneByteStringCodeUnitAt:
case MethodRecognizer::kTwoByteStringCodeUnitAt:
case MethodRecognizer::kExternalOneByteStringCodeUnitAt:
case MethodRecognizer::kExternalTwoByteStringCodeUnitAt:
return InlineStringCodeUnitAt(flow_graph, call, receiver, receiver_cid,
graph_entry, entry, last, result);
case MethodRecognizer::kStringBaseCharAt:
return InlineStringBaseCharAt(flow_graph, call, receiver, receiver_cid,
graph_entry, entry, last, result);
case MethodRecognizer::kDoubleAdd:
return InlineDoubleOp(flow_graph, Token::kADD, call, receiver,
graph_entry, entry, last, result);
case MethodRecognizer::kDoubleSub:
return InlineDoubleOp(flow_graph, Token::kSUB, call, receiver,
graph_entry, entry, last, result);
case MethodRecognizer::kDoubleMul:
return InlineDoubleOp(flow_graph, Token::kMUL, call, receiver,
graph_entry, entry, last, result);
case MethodRecognizer::kDoubleDiv:
return InlineDoubleOp(flow_graph, Token::kDIV, call, receiver,
graph_entry, entry, last, result);
case MethodRecognizer::kDouble_getIsNaN:
case MethodRecognizer::kDouble_getIsInfinite:
return InlineDoubleTestOp(flow_graph, call, receiver, kind, graph_entry,
entry, last, result);
case MethodRecognizer::kGrowableArraySetData:
ASSERT((receiver_cid == kGrowableObjectArrayCid) ||
((receiver_cid == kDynamicCid) && call->IsStaticCall()));
return InlineGrowableArraySetter(
flow_graph, Slot::GrowableObjectArray_data(), kEmitStoreBarrier, call,
receiver, graph_entry, entry, last, result);
case MethodRecognizer::kGrowableArraySetLength:
ASSERT((receiver_cid == kGrowableObjectArrayCid) ||
((receiver_cid == kDynamicCid) && call->IsStaticCall()));
return InlineGrowableArraySetter(
flow_graph, Slot::GrowableObjectArray_length(), kNoStoreBarrier, call,
receiver, graph_entry, entry, last, result);
case MethodRecognizer::kSmi_bitAndFromSmi:
return InlineSmiBitAndFromSmi(flow_graph, call, receiver, graph_entry,
entry, last, result);
case MethodRecognizer::kFloat32x4Abs:
case MethodRecognizer::kFloat32x4Clamp:
case MethodRecognizer::kFloat32x4FromDoubles:
case MethodRecognizer::kFloat32x4Equal:
case MethodRecognizer::kFloat32x4GetSignMask:
case MethodRecognizer::kFloat32x4GreaterThan:
case MethodRecognizer::kFloat32x4GreaterThanOrEqual:
case MethodRecognizer::kFloat32x4LessThan:
case MethodRecognizer::kFloat32x4LessThanOrEqual:
case MethodRecognizer::kFloat32x4Max:
case MethodRecognizer::kFloat32x4Min:
case MethodRecognizer::kFloat32x4Negate:
case MethodRecognizer::kFloat32x4NotEqual:
case MethodRecognizer::kFloat32x4Reciprocal:
case MethodRecognizer::kFloat32x4ReciprocalSqrt:
case MethodRecognizer::kFloat32x4Scale:
case MethodRecognizer::kFloat32x4ShuffleW:
case MethodRecognizer::kFloat32x4ShuffleX:
case MethodRecognizer::kFloat32x4ShuffleY:
case MethodRecognizer::kFloat32x4ShuffleZ:
case MethodRecognizer::kFloat32x4Splat:
case MethodRecognizer::kFloat32x4Sqrt:
case MethodRecognizer::kFloat32x4ToFloat64x2:
case MethodRecognizer::kFloat32x4ToInt32x4:
case MethodRecognizer::kFloat32x4WithW:
case MethodRecognizer::kFloat32x4WithX:
case MethodRecognizer::kFloat32x4WithY:
case MethodRecognizer::kFloat32x4WithZ:
case MethodRecognizer::kFloat32x4Zero:
case MethodRecognizer::kFloat64x2Abs:
case MethodRecognizer::kFloat64x2FromDoubles:
case MethodRecognizer::kFloat64x2GetSignMask:
case MethodRecognizer::kFloat64x2GetX:
case MethodRecognizer::kFloat64x2GetY:
case MethodRecognizer::kFloat64x2Max:
case MethodRecognizer::kFloat64x2Min:
case MethodRecognizer::kFloat64x2Negate:
case MethodRecognizer::kFloat64x2Scale:
case MethodRecognizer::kFloat64x2Splat:
case MethodRecognizer::kFloat64x2Sqrt:
case MethodRecognizer::kFloat64x2ToFloat32x4:
case MethodRecognizer::kFloat64x2WithX:
case MethodRecognizer::kFloat64x2WithY:
case MethodRecognizer::kFloat64x2Zero:
case MethodRecognizer::kInt32x4FromBools:
case MethodRecognizer::kInt32x4FromInts:
case MethodRecognizer::kInt32x4GetFlagW:
case MethodRecognizer::kInt32x4GetFlagX:
case MethodRecognizer::kInt32x4GetFlagY:
case MethodRecognizer::kInt32x4GetFlagZ:
case MethodRecognizer::kInt32x4GetSignMask:
case MethodRecognizer::kInt32x4Select:
case MethodRecognizer::kInt32x4ToFloat32x4:
case MethodRecognizer::kInt32x4WithFlagW:
case MethodRecognizer::kInt32x4WithFlagX:
case MethodRecognizer::kInt32x4WithFlagY:
case MethodRecognizer::kInt32x4WithFlagZ:
case MethodRecognizer::kFloat32x4ShuffleMix:
case MethodRecognizer::kInt32x4ShuffleMix:
case MethodRecognizer::kFloat32x4Shuffle:
case MethodRecognizer::kInt32x4Shuffle:
case MethodRecognizer::kFloat32x4Mul:
case MethodRecognizer::kFloat32x4Div:
case MethodRecognizer::kFloat32x4Add:
case MethodRecognizer::kFloat32x4Sub:
case MethodRecognizer::kFloat64x2Mul:
case MethodRecognizer::kFloat64x2Div:
case MethodRecognizer::kFloat64x2Add:
case MethodRecognizer::kFloat64x2Sub:
return InlineSimdOp(flow_graph, is_dynamic_call, call, receiver, kind,
graph_entry, entry, last, result);
case MethodRecognizer::kMathSqrt:
case MethodRecognizer::kMathDoublePow:
case MethodRecognizer::kMathSin:
case MethodRecognizer::kMathCos:
case MethodRecognizer::kMathTan:
case MethodRecognizer::kMathAsin:
case MethodRecognizer::kMathAcos:
case MethodRecognizer::kMathAtan:
case MethodRecognizer::kMathAtan2:
return InlineMathCFunction(flow_graph, call, kind, graph_entry, entry,
last, result);
case MethodRecognizer::kMathIntPow:
return InlineMathIntPow(flow_graph, call, graph_entry, entry, last,
case MethodRecognizer::kObjectConstructor: {
*entry = new (Z)
FunctionEntryInstr(graph_entry, flow_graph->allocate_block_id(),
call->GetBlock()->try_index(), DeoptId::kNone);
(*entry)->InheritDeoptTarget(Z, call);
*last = NULL; // Empty body.
*result = NULL; // Since no uses of original call, result will be unused.
return true;
case MethodRecognizer::kListFactory: {
// We only want to inline new List(n) which decreases code size and
// improves performance. We don't want to inline new List().
if (call->ArgumentCount() != 2) {
return false;
const auto type = new (Z) Value(call->ArgumentAt(0));
const auto num_elements = new (Z) Value(call->ArgumentAt(1));
*entry = new (Z)
FunctionEntryInstr(graph_entry, flow_graph->allocate_block_id(),
call->GetBlock()->try_index(), DeoptId::kNone);
(*entry)->InheritDeoptTarget(Z, call);
*last = new (Z) CreateArrayInstr(call->source(), type, num_elements,
*entry, *last,
call->deopt_id() != DeoptId::kNone ? call->env() : NULL,
*result = (*last)->AsDefinition();
return true;
case MethodRecognizer::kObjectArrayAllocate: {
Value* num_elements = new (Z) Value(call->ArgumentAt(1));
intptr_t length = 0;
if (IsSmiValue(num_elements, &length)) {
if (Array::IsValidLength(length)) {
Value* type = new (Z) Value(call->ArgumentAt(0));
*entry = new (Z)
FunctionEntryInstr(graph_entry, flow_graph->allocate_block_id(),
call->GetBlock()->try_index(), DeoptId::kNone);
(*entry)->InheritDeoptTarget(Z, call);
*last = new (Z) CreateArrayInstr(call->source(), type, num_elements,
*entry, *last,
call->deopt_id() != DeoptId::kNone ? call->env() : NULL,
*result = (*last)->AsDefinition();
return true;
return false;
case MethodRecognizer::kObjectRuntimeType: {
Type& type = Type::ZoneHandle(Z);
if (receiver_cid == kDynamicCid) {
return false;
} else if (IsStringClassId(receiver_cid)) {
type = Type::StringType();
} else if (receiver_cid == kDoubleCid) {
type = Type::Double();
} else if (IsIntegerClassId(receiver_cid)) {
type = Type::IntType();
} else if (receiver_cid != kClosureCid) {
const Class& cls = Class::Handle(
Z, flow_graph->isolate_group()->class_table()->At(receiver_cid));
if (!cls.IsGeneric()) {
type = cls.DeclarationType();
if (!type.IsNull()) {
*entry = new (Z)
FunctionEntryInstr(graph_entry, flow_graph->allocate_block_id(),
call->GetBlock()->try_index(), DeoptId::kNone);
(*entry)->InheritDeoptTarget(Z, call);
ConstantInstr* ctype = flow_graph->GetConstant(type);
// Create a synthetic (re)definition for return to flag insertion.
// TODO(ajcbik): avoid this mechanism altogether
RedefinitionInstr* redef =
new (Z) RedefinitionInstr(new (Z) Value(ctype));
*entry, redef,
call->deopt_id() != DeoptId::kNone ? call->env() : NULL,
*last = *result = redef;
return true;
return false;
case MethodRecognizer::kWriteIntoOneByteString:
case MethodRecognizer::kWriteIntoTwoByteString: {
// This is an internal method, no need to check argument types nor
// range.
*entry = new (Z)
FunctionEntryInstr(graph_entry, flow_graph->allocate_block_id(),
call->GetBlock()->try_index(), DeoptId::kNone);
(*entry)->InheritDeoptTarget(Z, call);
Definition* str = call->ArgumentAt(0);
Definition* index = call->ArgumentAt(1);
Definition* value = call->ArgumentAt(2);
auto env = call->deopt_id() != DeoptId::kNone ? call->env() : nullptr;
// Insert explicit unboxing instructions with truncation to avoid relying
// on [SelectRepresentations] which doesn't mark them as truncating.
value =
UnboxInstr::Create(kUnboxedIntPtr, new (Z) Value(value),
call->deopt_id(), Instruction::kNotSpeculative);
flow_graph->AppendTo(*entry, value, env, FlowGraph::kValue);
const bool is_onebyte = kind == MethodRecognizer::kWriteIntoOneByteString;
const intptr_t index_scale = is_onebyte ? 1 : 2;
const intptr_t cid = is_onebyte ? kOneByteStringCid : kTwoByteStringCid;
*last = new (Z) StoreIndexedInstr(
new (Z) Value(str), new (Z) Value(index), new (Z) Value(value),
kNoStoreBarrier, /*index_unboxed=*/false, index_scale, cid,
kAlignedAccess, call->deopt_id(), call->source());
flow_graph->AppendTo(value, *last, env, FlowGraph::kEffect);
// We need a return value to replace uses of the original definition.
// The final instruction is a use of 'void operator[]=()', so we use null.
*result = flow_graph->constant_null();
return true;
return false;
} // namespace dart