blob: 555e51368bd2f54e26875af2a91c50f77aeb3de3 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2015, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
#include "vm/globals.h"
#include "vm/growable_array.h"
#include "vm/isolate.h"
#include "vm/lockers.h"
#include "vm/stack_frame.h"
#include "vm/thread.h"
namespace dart {
// Unordered collection of threads relating to a particular isolate.
class ThreadRegistry {
: monitor_(new Monitor()),
round_(0) {}
Thread* active_list() const { return active_list_; }
// Bring all threads in this isolate to a safepoint. The caller is
// expected to be implicitly at a safepoint. The threads will wait
// until ResumeAllThreads is called. First participates in any
// already pending rendezvous requested by another thread. Any
// thread that tries to enter this isolate during rendezvous will
// wait in RestoreStateTo. Nesting is not supported: the caller must
// call ResumeAllThreads before making further calls to
// SafepointThreads.
void SafepointThreads();
// Unblocks all threads participating in the rendezvous that was organized
// by a prior call to SafepointThreads.
// TODO(koda): Consider adding a scope helper to avoid omitting this call.
void ResumeAllThreads();
// Indicate that the current thread is at a safepoint, and offer to wait for
// any pending rendezvous request (if none, returns immediately).
void CheckSafepoint() {
MonitorLocker ml(monitor_);
bool AtSafepoint() const { return in_rendezvous_; }
Thread* Schedule(Isolate* isolate, bool is_mutator, bool bypass_safepoint);
void Unschedule(Thread* thread, bool is_mutator, bool bypass_safepoint);
void VisitObjectPointers(ObjectPointerVisitor* visitor, bool validate_frames);
void PrepareForGC();
void AddThreadToActiveList(Thread* thread);
void RemoveThreadFromActiveList(Thread* thread);
Thread* GetThreadFromFreelist(Isolate* isolate);
void ReturnThreadToFreelist(Thread* thread);
// Note: Lock should be taken before this function is called.
void CheckSafepointLocked();
// Returns the number threads that are scheduled on this isolate.
// Note: Lock should be taken before this function is called.
intptr_t CountScheduledLocked();
Monitor* monitor_; // All access is synchronized through this monitor.
Thread* active_list_; // List of active threads in the isolate.
Thread* free_list_; // Free list of Thread objects that can be reused.
// TODO(asiva): Currently we treat a mutator thread as a special thread
// and always schedule execution of Dart code on the same mutator thread
// object. The ApiLocalScope has been made thread specific but we still
// have scenarios where we do a temporary exit of an Isolate with live
// zones/handles in the the API scope :
// - Dart_RunLoop()
// - IsolateSaver in Dart_NewNativePort
// - Isolate spawn (function/uri) under FLAG_i_like_slow_isolate_spawn
// We probably need a mechanism to return to the specific thread only
// for these specific cases. We should also determine if the embedder
// should allow exiting an isolate with live state in zones/handles in
// which case a new API for returning to the specific thread needs to be
// added.
Thread* mutator_thread_;
// Safepoint rendezvous state.
bool in_rendezvous_; // A safepoint rendezvous request is in progress.
intptr_t remaining_; // Number of threads yet to reach their safepoint.
int64_t round_; // Counter, to prevent missing updates to remaining_
// (see comments in CheckSafepointLocked).
} // namespace dart