blob: 90d4ecfb59a4671eaa444068bf0f83632393c7ec [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2015, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// The messages in this file should meet the following guide lines:
// 1. The message should be a complete sentence starting with an uppercase
// letter, and ending with a period.
// 2. Reserved words and embedded identifiers should be in single quotes, so
// prefer double quotes for the complete message. For example, "The
// class '#{className}' can't use 'super'." Notice that the word 'class' in the
// preceding message is not quoted as it refers to the concept 'class', not the
// reserved word. On the other hand, 'super' refers to the reserved word. Do
// not quote 'null' and numeric literals.
// 3. Do not try to compose messages, as it can make translating them hard.
// 4. Try to keep the error messages short, but informative.
// 5. Use simple words and terminology, assume the reader of the message
// doesn't have an advanced degree in math, and that English is not the
// reader's native language. Do not assume any formal computer science
// training. For example, do not use Latin abbreviations (prefer "that is" over
// "i.e.", and "for example" over "e.g."). Also avoid phrases such as "if and
// only if" and "iff", that level of precision is unnecessary.
// 6. Prefer contractions when they are in common use, for example, prefer
// "can't" over "cannot". Using "cannot", "must not", "shall not", etc. is
// off-putting to people new to programming.
// 7. Use common terminology, preferably from the Dart Language
// Specification. This increases the user's chance of finding a good
// explanation on the web.
// 8. Do not try to be cute or funny. It is extremely frustrating to work on a
// product that crashes with a "tongue-in-cheek" message, especially if you did
// not want to use this product to begin with.
// 9. Do not lie, that is, do not write error messages containing phrases like
// "can't happen". If the user ever saw this message, it would be a
// lie. Prefer messages like: "Internal error: This function should not be
// called when 'x' is null.".
// 10. Prefer to not use imperative tone. That is, the message should not sound
// accusing or like it is ordering the user around. The computer should
// describe the problem, not criticize for violating the specification.
// Other things to keep in mind:
// An INFO message should always be preceded by a non-INFO message, and the
// INFO messages are additional details about the preceding non-INFO
// message. For example, consider duplicated elements. First report a WARNING
// or ERROR about the duplicated element, and then report an INFO about the
// location of the existing element.
// Generally, we want to provide messages that consists of three sentences:
// 1. what is wrong, 2. why is it wrong, 3. how do I fix it. However, we
// combine the first two in [template] and the last in [howToFix].
/// Padding used before and between import chains in the message for
/// Padding used before and between import chains in the message for
/// Padding used before and between import chains in the message for
const DONT_KNOW_HOW_TO_FIX = "Computer says no!";
final Map<String, Map> MESSAGES = {
/// Do not use this. It is here for legacy and debugging. It violates item
/// 4 of the guide lines for error messages in the beginning of the file.
'GENERIC': {'id': 'SOWPSL', 'template': "#{text}",},
'id': 'VYNMAP',
'template': "'#{fromType}' is not assignable to '#{toType}'.",
'id': 'XQSRXO',
'template': "The element type '#{currentType}' of '#{expressionType}' "
"is not assignable to '#{elementType}'.",
'id': 'QHEVSC',
'template': "Expression does not yield a value.",
'id': 'RFEURK',
'template': "Variable cannot be of type void.",
'id': 'FUNYDS',
'template': "Cannot return value from void function.",
'id': 'HPPODJ',
'template': "Value of type '#{returnType}' expected.",
'id': 'LHMCIK',
'template': "Missing argument of type '#{argumentType}'.",
'ADDITIONAL_ARGUMENT': {'id': 'GMITMA', 'template': "Additional argument.",},
'id': 'UCEARQ',
'template': "No named argument '#{argumentName}' found on method.",
'id': 'MMQODC',
'template': "No member named '#{memberName}' in class '#{className}'.",
'id': 'XIDLIP',
'template': "No member named 'await' in class '#{className}'.",
'howToFix': "Did you mean to add the 'async' marker "
"to '#{functionName}'?",
'examples': [
class A {
m() => await -3;
main() => new A().m();
'id': 'HBIYGN',
'template': "No member named 'await' in class '#{className}'.",
'howToFix': "Did you mean to add the 'async' marker "
"to the enclosing function?",
'examples': [
class A {
m() => () => await -3;
main() => new A().m();
'id': 'QYYHBU',
'template': "No method named '#{memberName}' in class '#{className}'.",
'id': 'SXGOYS',
'template': "No operator '#{memberName}' in class '#{className}'.",
'id': 'ADFRVF',
'template': "No setter named '#{memberName}' in class '#{className}'.",
'id': 'OCVRNJ',
'template': "No setter named '#{name}' in superclass of '#{className}'.",
'id': 'PBNXAC',
'template': "No getter named '#{memberName}' in class '#{className}'.",
'id': 'SEMKJO',
'template': "'#{elementName}' is not callable.",
'id': 'QIOISX',
'template': "'#{className}.#{memberName}' is not static.",
'id': 'FQPYLR',
'template': "'#{name}' is only available in instance methods.",
'id': 'LXPXKG',
'template': "'this' is only available in instance methods.",
'id': 'DIMHCR',
'template': "'#{name}' is declared private within library "
'id': 'YIJWTO',
'template': "This is the declaration of '#{name}'.",
'id': 'PYXWLF',
'template': "This is the method declaration.",
'CANNOT_RESOLVE': {'id': 'SPVJYO', 'template': "Cannot resolve '#{name}'.",},
'id': 'YQYLRS',
'template': "Cannot resolve '#{name}'.",
'howToFix': "Did you mean to add the 'async' marker "
"to '#{functionName}'?",
'examples': ["main() => await -3;", "foo() => await -3; main() => foo();"],
'id': 'SIXRAA',
'template': "Cannot resolve '#{name}'.",
'howToFix': "Did you mean to add the 'async' marker "
"to the enclosing function?",
'examples': ["main() { (() => await -3)(); }",],
'id': 'VVEQFD',
"Cannot resolve '#{name}'. It would be implicitly looked up on this "
"instance, but instances are not available in initializers.",
'howToFix': "Try correcting the unresolved reference or move the "
"initialization to a constructor body.",
'examples': [
class A {
var test = unresolvedName;
main() => new A();
'id': 'QRPATN',
'template': "Cannot resolve constructor '#{constructorName}'.",
'id': 'IFKCHF',
'template': "cannot resolve constructor '#{constructorName}' "
"for implicit super call.",
'howToFix': "Try explicitly invoking a constructor of the super class",
'examples': [
class A { {}
class B extends A {
main() => new B();
'id': 'VPJLVI',
'template': "Unnamed constructor name must be '#{name}'.",
'id': 'LMDCAS',
'template': "Constructor name must start with '#{name}'.",
'id': 'PQIAPG',
'template': "Cannot resolve type '#{typeName}'.",
'id': 'LVTYNW',
'template': "Duplicate definition of '#{name}'.",
'howToFix': "Try to rename or remove this definition.",
'examples': [
class C {
void f() {}
int get f => 1;
main() {
new C();
'id': 'DAUYKK',
'template': "Existing definition of '#{name}'.",
'id': 'KYJFJN',
'template': "Duplicate import of '#{name}'.",
'id': 'ACRDPR',
'template': "'#{name}' from library '#{hiddenUri}' is hidden by '#{name}' "
"from library '#{hidingUri}'.",
'howToFix': "Try adding 'hide #{name}' to the import of '#{hiddenUri}'.",
'examples': [
'main.dart': """
import 'dart:async'; // This imports a class Future.
import 'future.dart';
void main() => new Future();""",
'future.dart': """
library future;
class Future {}"""
'main.dart': """
import 'future.dart';
import 'dart:async'; // This imports a class Future.
void main() => new Future();""",
'future.dart': """
library future;
class Future {}"""
'main.dart': """
import 'export.dart';
import 'dart:async'; // This imports a class Future.
void main() => new Future();""",
'future.dart': """
library future;
class Future {}""",
'export.dart': """
library export;
export 'future.dart';"""
'main.dart': """
import 'future.dart' as prefix;
import 'dart:async' as prefix; // This imports a class Future.
void main() => new prefix.Future();""",
'future.dart': """
library future;
class Future {}"""
'id': 'WDNFSI',
'template': "'#{name}' from library '#{hiddenUri}' is hidden by '#{name}' "
"from library '#{hidingUri}'.",
'howToFix': "Try adding an explicit "
"'import \"#{hiddenUri}\" hide #{name}'.",
'examples': [
'main.dart': """
// This hides the implicit import of class Type from dart:core.
import 'type.dart';
void main() => new Type();""",
'type.dart': """
library type;
class Type {}"""
'conflictsWithDart.dart': """
library conflictsWithDart;
class Duration {
static var x = 100;
'conflictsWithDartAsWell.dart': """
library conflictsWithDartAsWell;
class Duration {
static var x = 100;
'main.dart': r"""
library testDartConflicts;
import 'conflictsWithDart.dart';
import 'conflictsWithDartAsWell.dart';
main() {
print("Hail Caesar ${Duration.x}");
'id': 'XGNOCL',
'template': "Duplicate export of '#{name}'.",
'howToFix': "Try adding 'hide #{name}' to one of the exports.",
'examples': [
'main.dart': """
export 'decl1.dart';
export 'decl2.dart';
main() {}""",
'decl1.dart': "class Class {}",
'decl2.dart': "class Class {}"
'id': 'BDROED',
'template': "This is another export of '#{name}'.",
'id': 'GFFLMA',
"The exported '#{name}' from export #{uriString} is defined here.",
'id': 'ODFAOC',
'template': "Library '#{uri}' doesn't export a '#{name}' declaration.",
'howToFix': "Try removing '#{name}' the 'hide' clause.",
'examples': [
'main.dart': """
import 'dart:core' hide Foo;
main() {}"""
'main.dart': """
export 'dart:core' hide Foo;
main() {}"""
'id': 'EXONIK',
'template': "Library '#{uri}' doesn't export a '#{name}' declaration.",
'howToFix': "Try removing '#{name}' from the 'show' clause.",
'examples': [
'main.dart': """
import 'dart:core' show Foo;
main() {}"""
'main.dart': """
export 'dart:core' show Foo;
main() {}"""
'NOT_A_TYPE': {'id': 'CTTAXD', 'template': "'#{node}' is not a type.",},
'NOT_A_PREFIX': {'id': 'LKEUMI', 'template': "'#{node}' is not a prefix.",},
'id': 'CYIMBJ',
'template': "Library prefix '#{prefix}' is not a valid expression.",
'id': 'DROVNH',
'template': "Cannot find constructor '#{constructorName}' in class "
'id': 'GDCTGB',
'template': "Cannot find unnamed constructor in class "
'id': 'HKFYOA',
'template': "'#{className}' creates a cycle in the class hierarchy.",
'id': 'QGETJC',
'template': "Redirecting factory leads to a cyclic redirection.",
'id': 'SYUTHA',
'template': "Field initializer expected.",
'id': 'HSCESG',
'template': "'super' is only available in instance methods.",
'id': 'GKVFEP',
'template': "Field '#{fieldName}' is initialized more than once.",
'id': 'NCRMVD',
'template': "'#{fieldName}' was already initialized here.",
'id': 'DBSRHA',
'template': "Cannot initialize static field '#{fieldName}'.",
'id': 'FYEPLC',
'template': "'#{fieldName}' is not a field.",
'id': 'GEJCDX',
'template': "only call to 'this' or 'super' constructor allowed.",
'id': 'AUQJBG',
'template': "Invalid for-in variable declaration.",
'INVALID_INITIALIZER': {'id': 'JKUKSA', 'template': "Invalid initializer.",},
'id': 'BNRDDK',
'template': "Only constructors can have initializers.",
'id': 'CQTMEP',
'template': "Cyclic constructor redirection.",
'id': 'WXJQNE',
'template': "Redirecting constructor can't have a body.",
'id': 'GNEFQG',
'template': "Const constructor or factory can't have a body.",
'howToFix': "Remove the 'const' keyword or the body",
'examples': [
class C {
const C() {}
main() => new C();"""
'id': 'NUIDSF',
'template': "Redirecting constructor cannot have other initializers.",
'id': 'DXYGND',
'template': "'Object' cannot have a super initializer.",
'id': 'FFKOWP',
'template': "Cannot have more than one super initializer.",
'id': 'YTOWGV',
'template': "The target of the superinitializer must be a generative "
'howToFix': "Try calling another constructor on the superclass.",
'examples': [
class Super {
factory Super() => null;
class Class extends Super {}
main() => new Class();
class Super {
factory Super() => null;
class Class extends Super {
main() => new Class();
class Super {
factory Super() => null;
class Class extends Super {
Class() : super();
main() => new Class();
class Super {
factory => null;
class Class extends Super {
Class() :;
main() => new Class();
'id': 'JLATDB',
'template': "The target of the redirection clause must be a generative "
'howToFix': "Try redirecting to another constructor.",
'examples': [
class Class {
factory Class() => null; : this();
main() => new;
class Class {
factory => null;
Class() :;
main() => new Class();
'id': 'WVPLKL',
'template': "Arguments do not match the expected parameters of constructor "
'id': 'OJQQLE',
"'super' call arguments and constructor parameters do not match.",
'id': 'WHCVID',
'template': "Implicit 'super' call arguments and constructor parameters "
"do not match.",
'id': 'CQFHXC',
'template': "'const' constructor cannot call a non-const constructor.",
'id': 'SFCEXS',
'template': "'const' constructor cannot call a non-const constructor. "
"This constructor has an implicit call to a "
"super non-const constructor.",
'howToFix': "Try making the super constructor const.",
'examples': [
class C {
C(); // missing const
class D extends C {
final d;
const D(this.d);
main() => new D(0);"""
'id': 'XBHUDL',
'template': "Can't declare constructor 'const' on class #{className} "
"because the class contains non-final instance fields.",
'howToFix': "Try making all fields final.",
'examples': [
class C {
// 'a' must be declared final to allow for the const constructor.
var a;
const C(this.a);
main() => new C(0);"""
'id': 'YYAHVD',
'template': "This non-final field prevents using const constructors.",
'id': 'FROWJB',
'template': "This const constructor is not allowed due to "
"non-final fields.",
'id': 'YIPXYP',
'template': "Initializing formal parameter only allowed in generative "
'id': 'OWWLIX',
'template': "Cannot resolve parameter.",
'id': 'VSPKMU',
'template': "'#{fieldName}' is not an instance field.",
'THIS_PROPERTY': {'id': 'MWFIGH', 'template': "Expected an identifier.",},
'id': 'OPJXPP',
'template': "Expected 'catch' or 'finally'.",
'id': 'UNHCPY',
'template': "Expected an identifier in catch declaration.",
'id': 'YGGRAK',
'template': "Extra parameter in catch declaration.",
'id': 'EXQVDU',
'template': "Cannot use type annotations in catch.",
'id': 'BQLKRF',
'template': "Cannot use modifiers in catch.",
'id': 'DAICPP',
'template': "Cannot use optional parameters in catch.",
'id': 'YHACYV',
'template': "Cannot use re-throw outside of catch block "
"(expression expected after 'throw').",
'id': 'GLDXHY',
'template': "Cannot resolve label '#{labelName}'.",
'id': 'VBXXBE',
'template': "'break' statement not inside switch or loop.",
'id': 'JTTHHM',
'template': "'continue' statement not inside loop.",
'id': 'AHCSXF',
'template': "Original declaration of duplicate label '#{labelName}'.",
'id': 'HPULLI',
'template': "Duplicate declaration of label '#{labelName}'.",
'UNUSED_LABEL': {'id': 'KFREJO', 'template': "Unused label '#{labelName}'.",},
'id': 'DSKTPX',
'template': "Target of continue is not a loop or switch case.",
'id': 'MFCCWX',
'template': "Target of break is not a statement.",
'id': 'BAYCCM',
'template': "Type variable '#{typeVariableName}' already declared.",
'id': 'XQLXRL',
'template': "Cannot refer to type variable '#{typeVariableName}' "
"within a static member.",
'id': 'ANDEVG',
'template': "Constant expressions can't refer to type variables.",
'howToFix': "Try removing the type variable or replacing it with a "
"concrete type.",
'examples': [
class C<T> {
const C();
m(T t) => const C<T>();
void main() => new C().m(null);
'id': 'WQAEDK',
'template': "'#{typeArgument}' is not a subtype of bound '#{bound}' for "
"type variable '#{typeVariable}' of type '#{thisType}'.",
'howToFix': "Try to change or remove the type argument.",
'examples': [
class C<T extends num> {}
// 'String' is not a valid instantiation of T with bound num.'.
main() => new C<String>();
'id': 'JKYYSN',
'template': "'super' not allowed here.",
'id': 'ABSPBM',
'template': "'default' only allowed on last case of a switch.",
'id': 'UFQPBC',
'template': "'case' expressions do not all have type '#{type}'.",
'id': 'RDMVAC',
'template': "'case' expression of type '#{type}'.",
'id': 'UHSCSU',
'template': "'case' expression may not be of type '#{type}'.",
'id': 'NRTWXL',
'template': "'case' expression type '#{type}' overrides 'operator =='.",
'id': 'WAJURC',
'template': "Unnamed argument after named argument.",
'id': 'SBCHWL',
'template': "Not a compile-time constant.",
'id': 'FHXTCK',
'template': "A deferred value cannot be used as a compile-time constant.",
'id': 'TSBXLG',
'template': "A deferred class cannot be used to create a "
"compile-time constant.",
'id': 'JJWJYE',
'template': "Cycle in the compile-time constant computation.",
'id': 'DOJCUX',
'template': "Constructor is not a 'const' constructor.",
'id': 'VJNWEL',
'template': "Const-map key type '#{type}' overrides 'operator =='.",
'id': 'IOXVBA',
'template': "'#{libraryName}' has no member named '#{memberName}'.",
'id': 'KOYNMU',
'template': "Cannot instantiate typedef '#{typedefName}'.",
'id': 'CJWECI',
'template': "Non-optional parameters can't have a default value.",
"Try removing the default value or making the parameter optional.",
'examples': [
main() {
foo(a: 1) => print(a);
main() {
foo(a = 1) => print(a);
'id': 'RPJDXD',
'template': "Named optional parameters can't use '=' to specify a default "
'howToFix': "Try replacing '=' with ':'.",
'examples': [
main() {
foo({a = 1}) => print(a);
foo(a: 2);
'id': 'JMSSDX',
'template': "Positional optional parameters can't use ':' to specify a "
"default value.",
'howToFix': "Try replacing ':' with '='.",
'examples': [
main() {
foo([a: 1]) => print(a);
'id': 'NABHHS',
'template': "A parameter of a typedef can't specify a default value.",
'howToFix': "Try removing the default value.",
'examples': [
typedef void F([int arg = 0]);
main() {
F f;
typedef void F({int arg: 0});
main() {
F f;
'id': 'APKYLU',
'template': "A function type parameter can't specify a default value.",
'howToFix': "Try removing the default value.",
'examples': [
foo(f(int i, [a = 1])) {}
main() {
foo(1, 2);
foo(f(int i, {a: 1})) {}
main() {
foo(1, a: 2);
'id': 'AWSSEY',
"A parameter of a redirecting factory constructor can't specify a "
"default value.",
'howToFix': "Try removing the default value.",
'examples': [
class A {
factory[a = 1]) = A;
main() {
class A {
factory{a: 1}) = A;
main() {
new 1);
'id': 'AVPRDK',
'template': "A formal parameter can't be declared const.",
'howToFix': "Try removing 'const'.",
'examples': [
foo(const x) {}
main() => foo(42);
foo({const x}) {}
main() => foo(42);
foo([const x]) {}
main() => foo(42);
'id': 'PJKDMX',
'template': "A formal parameter can't be declared static.",
'howToFix': "Try removing 'static'.",
'examples': [
foo(static x) {}
main() => foo(42);
foo({static x}) {}
main() => foo(42);
foo([static x]) {}
main() => foo(42);
'id': 'JIOPIQ',
'template': "A function type parameter can't be declared final.",
'howToFix': "Try removing 'final'.",
'examples': [
foo(final int x(int a)) {}
main() => foo((y) => 42);
foo({final int x(int a)}) {}
main() => foo((y) => 42);
foo([final int x(int a)]) {}
main() => foo((y) => 42);
'id': 'FOQOHK',
'template': "A function type parameter can't be declared with 'var'.",
'howToFix': "Try removing 'var'.",
'examples': [
foo(var int x(int a)) {}
main() => foo((y) => 42);
foo({var int x(int a)}) {}
main() => foo((y) => 42);
foo([var int x(int a)]) {}
main() => foo((y) => 42);
'id': 'JAYHCH',
'template': "Cannot instantiate type variable '#{typeVariableName}'.",
'id': 'RQMPSO',
'template': "Type variable '#{typeVariableName}' is a supertype of itself.",
'id': 'VFERCQ',
'template': "A typedef can't refer to itself.",
'howToFix': "Try removing all references to '#{typedefName}' "
"in the definition of '#{typedefName}'.",
'examples': [
typedef F F(); // The return type 'F' is a self-reference.
main() { F f = null; }"""
'id': 'ASWLWR',
'template': "A typedef can't refer to itself through another typedef.",
'howToFix': "Try removing all references to "
"'#{otherTypedefName}' in the definition of '#{typedefName}'.",
'examples': [
typedef G F(); // The return type 'G' is a self-reference through typedef 'G'.
typedef F G(); // The return type 'F' is a self-reference through typedef 'F'.
main() { F f = null; }""",
typedef G F(); // The return type 'G' creates a self-reference.
typedef H G(); // The return type 'H' creates a self-reference.
typedef H(F f); // The argument type 'F' creates a self-reference.
main() { F f = null; }"""
'CLASS_NAME_EXPECTED': {'id': 'DPKNHY', 'template': "Class name expected.",},
'id': 'GCIQXD',
'template': "'#{type}' cannot be extended.",
'id': 'IBOQKV',
'template': "'#{type}' cannot be implemented.",
// TODO(johnnwinther): Split messages into reasons for malformedness.
'id': 'YPFJBD',
'template': "Class '#{className}' can't extend the type '#{malformedType}' "
"because it is malformed.",
'howToFix': "Try correcting the malformed type annotation or removing the "
"'extends' clause.",
'examples': [
class A extends Malformed {}
main() => new A();"""
'id': 'XJUIAQ',
"Class '#{className}' can't implement the type '#{malformedType}' "
"because it is malformed.",
'howToFix': "Try correcting the malformed type annotation or removing the "
"type from the 'implements' clause.",
'examples': [
class A implements Malformed {}
main() => new A();"""
'id': 'SSMNXN',
'template': "Class '#{className}' can't mixin the type '#{malformedType}' "
"because it is malformed.",
'howToFix': "Try correcting the malformed type annotation or removing the "
"type from the 'with' clause.",
'examples': [
class A extends Object with Malformed {}
main() => new A();"""
'id': 'KLSXDQ',
'template': "The type '#{type}' can't be mixed in.",
'howToFix': "Try removing '#{type}' from the 'with' clause.",
'examples': [
class C extends Object with String {}
main() => new C();
typedef C = Object with String;
main() => new C();
'id': 'JEPRST',
"Class '#{className}' can't extend the type '#{enumType}' because "
"it is declared by an enum.",
'howToFix': "Try making '#{enumType}' a normal class or removing the "
"'extends' clause.",
'examples': [
enum Enum { A }
class B extends Enum {}
main() => new B();"""
'id': 'JMJMSH',
'template': "Class '#{className}' can't implement the type '#{enumType}' "
"because it is declared by an enum.",
'howToFix': "Try making '#{enumType}' a normal class or removing the "
"type from the 'implements' clause.",
'examples': [
enum Enum { A }
class B implements Enum {}
main() => new B();"""
'id': 'YSYDIM',
"Class '#{className}' can't mixin the type '#{enumType}' because it "
"is declared by an enum.",
'howToFix': "Try making '#{enumType}' a normal class or removing the "
"type from the 'with' clause.",
'examples': [
enum Enum { A }
class B extends Object with Enum {}
main() => new B();"""
'id': 'CQYIFU',
'template': "Enum type '#{enumName}' cannot be instantiated.",
'howToFix': "Try making '#{enumType}' a normal class or use an enum "
'examples': [
enum Enum { A }
main() => new Enum(0);""",
enum Enum { A }
main() => const Enum(0);"""
'id': 'JFPDOH',
'template': "Enum '#{enumName}' must contain at least one value.",
'howToFix': "Try adding an enum constant or making #{enumName} a "
"normal class.",
'examples': [
enum Enum {}
main() { Enum e; }"""
'id': 'HHEOIW',
'template': "Missing enum constants in switch statement: #{enumValues}.",
'howToFix': "Try adding the missing constants or a default case.",
'examples': [
enum Enum { A, B }
main() {
switch (Enum.A) {
case Enum.B: break;
enum Enum { A, B, C }
main() {
switch (Enum.A) {
case Enum.B: break;
'id': 'BKRKEO',
'template': "'#{type}' can not be both extended and implemented.",
'id': 'IWJFTU',
'template': "'#{type}' must not occur more than once "
"in the implements clause.",
'id': 'NWXGOI',
"Dart2js does not currently support inheritance of the same class "
"with different type arguments: Both #{firstType} and #{secondType} "
"are supertypes of #{thisType}.",
'id': 'LDRGIU',
'template': "'#{name}' cannot be called on super.",
'id': 'HIJJVG',
"Cannot resolve '#{memberName}' in a superclass of '#{className}'.",
'id': 'HWYHWH',
'template': "Additional type argument.",
'id': 'KYTQWA',
'template': "Missing type argument.",
// TODO(johnniwinther): Use ADDITIONAL_TYPE_ARGUMENT or
'id': 'ECXGRM',
'template': "Incorrect number of type arguments on '#{type}'.",
'id': 'MNODFW',
'template': "Setter disagrees on: '#{modifiers}'.",
'id': 'FMNHPL',
'template': "Getter disagrees on: '#{modifiers}'.",
'id': 'COTPVN',
'template': "A setter must have exactly one argument.",
'id': 'EHINXB',
"Static member cannot override instance member '#{memberName}' of "
'id': 'TEVJMA',
'template': "This is the instance member that cannot be overridden "
"by a static member.",
'id': 'LTBFBO',
'template': "Instance member '#{memberName}' and static member of "
"superclass '#{className}' have the same name.",
'id': 'CHSUCQ',
'template': "This is the static member with the same name.",
'id': 'NINKPI',
'template': "The type '#{declaredType}' of method '#{name}' declared in "
"'#{class}' is not a subtype of the overridden method type "
"'#{inheritedType}' inherited from '#{inheritedClass}'.",
'id': 'BQHUPY',
'template': "This is the overridden method '#{name}' declared in class "
'id': 'KLMPWO',
'template': "The type '#{declaredType}' of getter '#{name}' declared in "
"'#{class}' is not assignable to the type '#{inheritedType}' of the "
"overridden getter inherited from '#{inheritedClass}'.",
'id': 'ASSKCT',
'template': "This is the overridden getter '#{name}' declared in class "
'id': 'TCCGXU',
'template': "The type '#{declaredType}' of field '#{name}' declared in "
"'#{class}' is not assignable to the type '#{inheritedType}' of the "
"overridden getter inherited from '#{inheritedClass}'.",
'id': 'UMMEXO',
'template': "The type '#{declaredType}' of getter '#{name}' declared in "
"'#{class}' is not assignable to the type '#{inheritedType}' of the "
"overridden field inherited from '#{inheritedClass}'.",
'id': 'BWRGEC',
'template': "The type '#{declaredType}' of setter '#{name}' declared in "
"'#{class}' is not assignable to the type '#{inheritedType}' of the "
"overridden setter inherited from '#{inheritedClass}'.",
'id': 'XQUOLL',
'template': "This is the overridden setter '#{name}' declared in class "
'id': 'GKGOFA',
'template': "The type '#{declaredType}' of field '#{name}' declared in "
"'#{class}' is not assignable to the type '#{inheritedType}' of the "
"overridden setter inherited from '#{inheritedClass}'.",
'id': 'OOXKHQ',
'template': "The type '#{declaredType}' of setter '#{name}' declared in "
"'#{class}' is not assignable to the type '#{inheritedType}' of the "
"overridden field inherited from '#{inheritedClass}'.",
'id': 'LDPKOL',
'template': "The type '#{declaredType}' of field '#{name}' declared in "
"'#{class}' is not assignable to the type '#{inheritedType}' of the "
"overridden field inherited from '#{inheritedClass}'.",
'id': 'UNQFWX',
'template': "This is the overridden field '#{name}' declared in class "
'id': 'SYKCSK',
'template': "Method '#{name}' in '#{class}' can't override field from "
'id': 'HYHQSO',
'template': "This is the field that cannot be overridden by a method.",
'id': 'UROMAS',
'template': "Field '#{name}' in '#{class}' can't override method from "
'id': 'NSORYS',
'template': "This is the method that cannot be overridden by a field.",
'id': 'MMFIOH',
'template': "Method '#{name}' in '#{class}' can't override getter from "
'id': 'YGWPDH',
'template': "This is the getter that cannot be overridden by a method.",
'id': 'BNKNXO',
'template': "Getter '#{name}' in '#{class}' can't override method from "
'id': 'KFBCYX',
'template': "This is the method that cannot be overridden by a getter.",
'id': 'BOERAF',
'template': "Formal parameters are missing.",
'id': 'UTWRIU',
'template': "Formal parameters are not allowed here.",
'id': 'TNHLAL',
'template': "Operator '#{operatorName}' must have no parameters.",
'id': 'SXDRRU',
'template': "Operator '-' must have 0 or 1 parameters.",
'id': 'QKWAUM',
'template': "Operator '#{operatorName}' must have exactly 1 parameter.",
'id': 'LSMQGF',
'template': "Operator '#{operatorName}' must have exactly 2 parameters.",
'id': 'HSGRBV',
'template': "Operator '#{operatorName}' cannot have optional parameters.",
'id': 'EACWGS',
'template': "Operator '#{operatorName}' cannot have named parameters.",
'id': 'OPMBHF',
'template': "Cannot have return type for constructor.",
'id': 'NFUGNH',
'template': "Constructors can't return values.",
'howToFix': "Remove the return statement or use a factory constructor.",
'examples': [
class C {
C() {
return 1;
main() => new C();"""
'id': 'YUKCVU',
'template': "Cannot have final modifier on method.",
'id': 'JGFAGV',
'template': "Cannot have const modifier on non-static field.",
'howToFix': "Try adding a static modifier, or removing the const modifier.",
'examples': [
class C {
const int a = 1;
main() => new C();"""
'id': 'WODRHN',
'template': "Illegal constructor modifiers: '#{modifiers}'.",
'id': 'OFLFHN',
'template': "Illegal mixin application modifiers: '#{modifiers}'.",
'id': 'TPVVYN',
'template': "Class used as mixin must have Object as superclass.",
'id': 'CMVTLF',
'template': "Cannot use Object as mixin.",
'id': 'HXBUIB',
'template': "Class used as mixin cannot have non-factory constructor.",
'id': 'ANXAMU',
'template': "Class used as mixin introduces mixin cycle: "
"'#{mixinName1}' <-> '#{mixinName2}'.",
'id': 'KIEUGK',
'template': "Cannot use class '#{className}' as a mixin because it uses "
'id': 'QKUPLH',
'template': "Use of 'super' in class used as mixin.",
'id': 'JOUOBT',
'template': "parameter name expected.",
'id': 'TDHKSW',
'template': "Cannot resolve getter.",
'id': 'QQFANP',
'template': "Cannot resolve setter.",
'id': 'LXUPCC',
'template': "Cannot assign a value to final field '#{name}' "
"in superclass '#{superclassName}'.",
'id': 'JUVMYC',
'template': "Cannot assign a value to a method.",
'id': 'AGMAXN',
'template': "Cannot assign a value to method '#{name}' "
"in superclass '#{superclassName}'.",
'id': 'VXTPWE',
'template': "Cannot assign a value to a type.",
'id': 'XBRHGK',
"Cannot assign a value to a type. Note that types are never null, "
"so this ??= assignment has no effect.",
'howToFix': "Try removing the '??=' assignment.",
'examples': ["class A {} main() { print(A ??= 3);}",],
'id': 'DMMDXT',
"Type 'void' can't be used here because it isn't a return type.",
"Try removing 'void' keyword or replace it with 'var', 'final', "
"or a type.",
'examples': ["void x; main() {}", "foo(void x) {} main() { foo(null); }",],
'id': 'STYNSK',
'template': "`null` can't be used here.",
'id': 'GRCXQF',
'template': "Part header must come before top-level definitions.",
'id': 'VANCWE',
'template': "The imported library must not have a 'part-of' directive.",
'howToFix': "Try removing the 'part-of' directive or replacing the "
"import of the library with a 'part' directive.",
'examples': [
'main.dart': """
library library;
import 'part.dart';
main() {}
'part.dart': """
part of library;
'id': 'TRSZOJ',
'template': 'The library is imported here.',
'id': 'MFMRRL',
'template': "The main application file must not have a 'part-of' "
'howToFix': "Try removing the 'part-of' directive or starting compilation "
"from another file.",
'examples': [
'main.dart': """
part of library;
main() {}
'id': 'AXGYPQ',
'template': "Expected part of library name '#{libraryName}'.",
'howToFix': "Try changing the directive to 'part of #{libraryName};'.",
'examples': [
'main.dart': """
part 'part.dart';
main() {}
'part.dart': """
part of;
'id': 'NYQNCA',
'template': "Library has no name. Part directive expected library name "
"to be '#{libraryName}'.",
'howToFix': "Try adding 'library #{libraryName};' to the library.",
'examples': [
'main.dart': """
part 'part.dart';
main() {}
'part.dart': """
part of;
'id': 'RPSJRS',
'template': "This is the part of directive.",
'id': 'QNYCMV',
'template': "This file has no part-of tag, but it is being used as a part.",
'id': 'UJDYHF',
'template': "Duplicated part-of directive.",
'id': 'OSEHXI',
'template': "Duplicated library name '#{libraryName}'.",
'id': 'UFWKBY',
'template': "The resource '#{resourceUri}' is loaded through both "
"'#{canonicalUri1}' and '#{canonicalUri2}'.",
'id': 'KYGYTT',
"The library '#{libraryName}' in '#{resourceUri}' is loaded through "
"both '#{canonicalUri1}' and '#{canonicalUri2}'.",
// This is used as an exception.
'id': 'WIGJFG',
'template': """
Invalid offset (#{offset}) in source map.
File: #{fileName}
Length: #{length}""",
'id': 'IVNDML',
'template': "Top-level variable cannot be declared static.",
'id': 'OVWTEU',
'template': "Variable '#{variableName}' is referenced during its "
'howToFix': "If you are trying to reference a shadowed variable, rename "
"one of the variables.",
'examples': [
foo(t) {
var t = t;
return t;
main() => foo(1);
'id': 'UDWCNH',
'template': "A constant variable must be initialized.",
'howToFix': "Try adding an initializer or "
"removing the 'const' modifier.",
'examples': [
void main() {
const c; // This constant variable must be initialized.
'id': 'YMESFI',
'template': "A final variable must be initialized.",
'howToFix': "Try adding an initializer or "
"removing the 'final' modifier.",
'examples': ["class C { static final field; } main() => C.field;"],
'id': 'WUSKMG',
'template': "A loop variable cannot be constant.",
'howToFix': "Try remove the 'const' modifier or "
"replacing it with a 'final' modifier.",
'examples': [
void main() {
for (const c in []) {}
'id': 'TVFYRK',
'template': "Member variable can't have the same name as the class it is "
"declared in.",
'howToFix': "Try renaming the variable.",
'examples': [
class A { var A; }
main() {
var a = new A();
a.A = 1;
class A { static var A; }
main() => A.A = 1;
'id': 'IXYNUF',
'template': "Wrong number of arguments to assert. Should be 1, but given "
'id': 'EJFDTO',
"'assert' takes no named arguments, but given #{argumentCount}.",
'id': 'DTBWEX',
'template': "Factory redirection only allowed in factories.",
'id': 'HOQYYA',
'template': "Did you forget a factory keyword here?",
'id': 'MSDDBX',
"'NoSuchMethod' is not supported for classes that extend native "
'id': 'RIRQAH',
'template': "Deferred loading is not supported by the dart backend yet. "
"The output will not be split.",
'id': 'CARRII',
'template': "This import is deferred but there is no prefix keyword.",
'howToFix': "Try adding a prefix to the import."
'id': 'QCBRAE',
'template': "The DeferredLibrary annotation is obsolete.",
"Use the \"import 'lib.dart' deferred as prefix\" syntax instead.",
'id': 'BBMJTD',
'template': "The prefix of this deferred import is not unique.",
'howToFix': "Try changing the import prefix."
'id': 'JOUEFD',
'template': "The type #{node} is deferred. "
"Deferred types are not valid as type annotations.",
'howToFix': "Try using a non-deferred abstract class as an interface.",
'id': 'HFBHVE',
'template': "Modifier static is only allowed on functions declared in "
"a class.",
'id': 'SJHTKF',
'template': "Using '#{class}.#{name}' may lead to unnecessarily large "
"generated code.",
'howToFix': "Try adding '@MirrorsUsed(...)' as described at "
'id': 'RDRSHO',
'template': "Using 'new #{name}' may lead to unnecessarily large generated "
'howToFix': "Try using 'const #{name}' or adding '@MirrorsUsed(...)' as "
"described at",
'id': 'OEJOOI',
'template': "Expected a 'String', but got an instance of '#{type}'.",
'id': 'XAHVWI',
'template': "'#{value}' is not a valid Symbol name because it starts with "
'id': 'VFGCLK',
'template': "Named optional parameter can't have a library private name.",
'howToFix': "Try removing the '_' or making the parameter positional or "
'examples': ["""foo({int _p}) {} main() => foo();"""],
'id': 'OYCDII',
"Symbol literal '##{value}' is currently unsupported by dart2js.",
'id': 'RUXMBL',
'template': '''
'#{value}' is not a valid Symbol name because is not:
* an empty String,
* a user defined operator,
* a qualified non-private identifier optionally followed by '=', or
* a qualified non-private identifier followed by '.' and a user-defined '''
'id': 'YNTOND',
'template': "'#{name}' is (re)exported by multiple libraries.",
'id': 'SKLTYA',
'template': "'#{name}' is defined here.",
'IMPORTED_HERE': {'id': 'IMUXAE', 'template': "'#{name}' is imported here.",},
'id': 'MUHYXI',
'template': "The class '#{class}' overrides 'operator==', "
"but not 'get hashCode'.",
'id': 'RXOCLX',
'template': "Internal library '#{resolvedUri}' is not accessible from "
'id': 'SYLJAV',
'template': "Internal library '#{resolvedUri}' is not accessible.",
'id': 'LSHKJK',
"Js-interop class '#{cls}' cannot extend from the non js-interop "
"class '#{superclass}'.",
'howToFix': "Annotate the superclass with @JS.",
'examples': [
import 'package:js/js.dart';
class Foo { }
class Bar extends Foo { }
main() {
new Bar();
'id': 'QLLLEE',
"Member '#{member}' in js-interop class '#{cls}' is not external.",
'howToFix': "Mark all interop methods external",
'examples': [
import 'package:js/js.dart';
class Foo {
bar() {}
main() {
new Foo().bar();
'id': 'TDQHRY',
'template': "Js-interop method '#{method}' has named arguments but is not "
"a factory constructor of an @anonymous @JS class.",
'howToFix': "Remove all named arguments from js-interop method or "
"in the case of a factory constructor annotate the class "
"as @anonymous.",
'examples': [
import 'package:js/js.dart';
class Foo {
external bar(foo, {baz});
main() {
new Foo().bar(4, baz: 5);
'id': 'EHEKUY',
"Parameter '#{parameter}' in anonymous js-interop class '#{cls}' "
"object literal constructor is positional instead of named."
'howToFix': "Make all arguments in external factory object literal "
"constructors named.",
'examples': [
import 'package:js/js.dart';
class Foo {
external factory Foo(foo, {baz});
main() {
new Foo(5, baz: 5);
'id': 'BARPSL',
'template': "Library not found '#{resolvedUri}'.",
'id': 'GDXUNS',
'template': "Library not supported '#{resolvedUri}'.",
'howToFix': "Try removing the dependency or enabling support using "
"the '--categories' option.",
'examples': [
// """
// import 'dart:io';
// main() {}
// """
// TODO(johnniwinther): Enable example when message_kind_test.dart
// supports library loader callbacks.
'id': 'GPOVNO',
'template': "'===' is not an operator. "
"Did you mean '#{lhs} == #{rhs}' or 'identical(#{lhs}, #{rhs})'?",
'id': 'HDYKMV',
'template': "'!==' is not an operator. "
"Did you mean '#{lhs} != #{rhs}' or '!identical(#{lhs}, #{rhs})'?",
'id': 'LSQTHP',
'template': "'+' is not a prefix operator. ",
'howToFix': "Try removing '+'.",
'examples': ["main() => +2; // No longer a valid way to write '2'"],
'id': 'QOAKGE',
'template': "No expression after 'throw'. "
"Did you mean 'rethrow'?",
'id': 'BBGGFE',
'template': "'typedef' not allowed here. ",
'howToFix': "Try replacing 'typedef' with 'class'.",
'examples': [
class B { }
class M1 { }
typedef C = B with M1; // Need to replace 'typedef' with 'class'.
main() { new C(); }
'id': 'XSKTIB',
"Can't use '#{name}' here because it's an instance of '#{type}' "
"and a 'String' value is expected.",
'howToFix': "Did you forget to add quotes?",
'examples': [
// 'Foo' is a type literal, not a string.
@MirrorsUsed(symbols: const [Foo])
import 'dart:mirrors';
class Foo {}
main() {}
'id': 'JQDJPL',
"Can't use '#{name}' here because it's an instance of '#{type}' "
"and a 'String' or 'Type' value is expected.",
'howToFix': "Did you forget to add quotes?",
'examples': [
// 'main' is a method, not a class.
@MirrorsUsed(targets: const [main])
import 'dart:mirrors';
main() {}
'id': 'UVYCOE',
"Can't use '#{name}' here because it's an instance of '#{type}' "
"and a 'String' or 'List' value is expected.",
'howToFix': "Did you forget to add quotes?",
'examples': [
// 'Foo' is not a string.
@MirrorsUsed(symbols: Foo)
import 'dart:mirrors';
class Foo {}
main() {}
'id': 'WSYDFL',
"Can't use '#{name}' here because it's an instance of '#{type}' "
"but a 'String', 'Type', or 'List' value is expected.",
'howToFix': "Did you forget to add quotes?",
'examples': [
// '1' is not a string.
@MirrorsUsed(targets: 1)
import 'dart:mirrors';
main() {}
'id': 'VDBBNE',
'template': "Can't find '#{name}' in the current library.",
// TODO(ahe): The closest identifiers in edit distance would be nice.
'howToFix': "Did you forget to add an import?",
'examples': [
// 'window' is not in scope because dart:html isn't imported.
@MirrorsUsed(targets: 'window')
import 'dart:mirrors';
main() {}
'id': 'RUEKXE',
'template': "Can't find '#{name}' in the library '#{library}'.",
// TODO(ahe): The closest identifiers in edit distance would be nice.
'howToFix': "Is '#{name}' spelled right?",
'examples': [
// 'List' is misspelled.
@MirrorsUsed(targets: 'dart.core.Lsit')
import 'dart:mirrors';
main() {}
'id': 'ACPDCS',
'template': "Can't find '#{name}' in '#{element}'.",
// TODO(ahe): The closest identifiers in edit distance would be nice.
'howToFix': "Is '#{name}' spelled right?",
'examples': [
// 'addAll' is misspelled.
@MirrorsUsed(targets: 'dart.core.List.addAl')
import 'dart:mirrors';
main() {}
'id': 'QQEQMK',
'template': "'#{uri}' is not a valid URI.",
'examples': [
// can't have a '[' in a URI
import '../../Udyn[mic ils/expect.dart';
main() {}
'id': 'XKFAJO',
'template': """Package config file '#{uri}' is invalid.
'id': 'MFVNNJ',
'template': "'#{uri}' is not a valid package URI (#{exception}).",
'examples': [
// can't have a 'top level' package URI
import 'package:foo.dart';
main() {}
// can't have 2 slashes
import 'package://foo/foo.dart';
main() {}
// package name must be valid
import 'package:not\valid/foo.dart';
main() {}
'id': 'JDDYLH',
'template': "Can't read '#{uri}' (#{exception}).",
// Don't know how to fix since the underlying error is unknown.
'examples': [
// 'foo.dart' does not exist.
import 'foo.dart';
main() {}
'id': 'CRJUAV',
'template': "#{exception}",
// Don't know how to fix since the underlying error is unknown.
'id': 'DPLVJG',
'template': "Can't have modifier '#{modifier}' here.",
'howToFix': "Try removing '#{modifier}'.",
'examples': [
"var String foo; main(){}",
// "var get foo; main(){}",
"var set foo; main(){}",
"var final foo; main(){}",
"var var foo; main(){}",
"var const foo; main(){}",
"var abstract foo; main(){}",
"var static foo; main(){}",
"var external foo; main(){}",
"get var foo; main(){}",
"set var foo; main(){}",
"final var foo; main(){}",
"var var foo; main(){}",
"const var foo; main(){}",
"abstract var foo; main(){}",
"static var foo; main(){}",
"external var foo; main(){}"
'id': 'SSXDLN',
'template': "Can't have modifier '#{modifier}' here.",
'howToFix': "Try replacing modifier '#{modifier}' with 'var', 'final', "
"or a type.",
'examples': [
// "get foo; main(){}",
"set foo; main(){}",
"abstract foo; main(){}",
"static foo; main(){}",
"external foo; main(){}"
'id': 'KOBCRO',
'template': "Can't instantiate abstract class.",
'examples': ["abstract class A {} main() { new A(); }"],
'id': 'YXCAHO',
'template': "Expected a function body or '=>'.",
// TODO(ahe): In some scenarios, we can suggest removing the 'static'
// keyword.
'howToFix': "Try adding {}.",
'examples': ["main();"],
'id': 'BSEAIT',
"#{count} methods retained for use by dart:mirrors out of #{total}"
" total methods (#{percentage}%).",
'MIRROR_IMPORT': {'id': 'BDAETE', 'template': "Import of 'dart:mirrors'.",},
'id': 'OJOHTR',
"This import is not annotated with @MirrorsUsed, which may lead to "
"unnecessarily large generated code.",
'howToFix': "Try adding '@MirrorsUsed(...)' as described at "
'id': 'EJXEGQ',
'template': "JS code must not use '#' placeholders inside functions.",
'howToFix': "Use an immediately called JavaScript function to capture the"
" the placeholder values as JavaScript function parameters.",
'id': 'JHRISO',
"Argument for 'JS_INTERCEPTOR_CONSTANT' must be a type constant.",
'id': 'FEJXJF',
'template': "'#{keyword}' is a reserved word and can't be used here.",
'howToFix': "Try using a different name.",
'examples': ["do() {} main() {}"],
'id': 'CTHFPI',
'template': "Function expression '#{name}' cannot be named.",
'howToFix': "Try removing the name.",
'examples': ["main() { var f = func() {}; }"],
'id': 'PKLRQL',
'template': "The method '#{name}' is never called.",
'howToFix': "Consider deleting it.",
'examples': ["deadCode() {} main() {}"],
'id': 'TBIECC',
'template': "The class '#{name}' is never used.",
'howToFix': "Consider deleting it.",
'examples': ["class DeadCode {} main() {}"],
'id': 'JBIPCN',
'template': "The typedef '#{name}' is never used.",
'howToFix': "Consider deleting it.",
'examples': ["typedef DeadCode(); main() {}"],
'id': 'HOKOBG',
'template': "The method '#{name}' has no implementation in "
"class '#{class}'.",
'howToFix': "Try adding a body to '#{name}' or declaring "
"'#{class}' to be 'abstract'.",
'examples': [
class Class {
main() => new Class().method();
'id': 'VKTRNK',
'template': "The getter '#{name}' has no implementation in "
"class '#{class}'.",
'howToFix': "Try adding a body to '#{name}' or declaring "
"'#{class}' to be 'abstract'.",
'examples': [
class Class {
get getter;
main() => new Class();
'id': 'XGDGKK',
'template': "The setter '#{name}' has no implementation in "
"class '#{class}'.",
'howToFix': "Try adding a body to '#{name}' or declaring "
"'#{class}' to be 'abstract'.",
'examples': [
class Class {
set setter(_);
main() => new Class();
'id': 'UMEUEG',
'template': "The class '#{class}' can't inherit both getters and methods "
"by the named '#{name}'.",
'examples': [
class A {
get member => null;
class B {
member() {}
class Class implements A, B {
main() => new Class();
'id': 'GMSVBM',
'template': "The inherited method '#{name}' is declared here in class "
'id': 'KKAVRS',
'template': "The inherited getter '#{name}' is declared here in class "
'id': 'JBAMEJ',
'template': "The inherited getter '#{name}' is implicitly declared by this "
"field in class '#{class}'.",
'id': 'CMCLWO',
'template': "'#{class}' doesn't implement '#{method}' "
"declared in '#{declarer}'.",
'howToFix': "Try adding an implementation of '#{name}' or declaring "
"'#{class}' to be 'abstract'.",
'examples': [
abstract class I {
class C implements I {}
main() => new C();
abstract class I {
class C extends I {}
main() => new C();
'id': 'IJSNQB',
'template': "'#{class}' doesn't implement '#{method}'.",
'howToFix': "Try adding an implementation of '#{name}' or declaring "
"'#{class}' to be 'abstract'.",
'examples': [
abstract class I {
abstract class J {
class C implements I, J {}
main() {
new C();
abstract class I {
abstract class J {
class C extends I implements J {}
main() {
new C();
'id': 'KFBKPO',
'template': "The method '#{name}' is declared here in class '#{class}'.",
'id': 'QGKTEA',
'template': "'#{class}' doesn't implement the setter '#{name}' "
"declared in '#{declarer}'.",
'howToFix': "Try adding an implementation of '#{name}' or declaring "
"'#{class}' to be 'abstract'.",
'examples': [
abstract class I {
set m(_);
class C implements I {}
class D implements I {
set m(_) {}
main() {
new D().m = 0;
new C();
'id': 'VEEGJQ',
'template': "'#{class}' doesn't implement the setter '#{name}'.",
'howToFix': "Try adding an implementation of '#{name}' or declaring "
"'#{class}' to be 'abstract'.",
'examples': [
abstract class I {
set m(_);
abstract class J {
set m(_);
class C implements I, J {}
main() => new C();
abstract class I {
set m(_);
abstract class J {
set m(_);
class C extends I implements J {}
main() => new C();
'id': 'SABABA',
'template': "The setter '#{name}' is declared here in class '#{class}'.",
'id': 'SWESAQ',
'template': "The setter '#{name}' is implicitly declared by this field "
"in class '#{class}'.",
'id': 'ODEPFW',
'template': "'#{class}' doesn't implement the getter '#{name}' "
"declared in '#{declarer}'.",
'howToFix': "Try adding an implementation of '#{name}' or declaring "
"'#{class}' to be 'abstract'.",
'examples': [
abstract class I {
get m;
class C implements I {}
main() => new C();
abstract class I {
get m;
class C extends I {}
main() => new C();
'id': 'VHSECG',
'template': "'#{class}' doesn't implement the getter '#{name}'.",
'howToFix': "Try adding an implementation of '#{name}' or declaring "
"'#{class}' to be 'abstract'.",
'examples': [
abstract class I {
get m;
abstract class J {
get m;
class C implements I, J {}
main() => new C();
abstract class I {
get m;
abstract class J {
get m;
class C extends I implements J {}
main() => new C();
'id': 'HFDJPP',
'template': "The getter '#{name}' is declared here in class '#{class}'.",
'id': 'BSCQNO',
'template': "The getter '#{name}' is implicitly declared by this field "
"in class '#{class}'.",
'id': 'RKJGDE',
"A metadata annotation must be either a reference to a compile-time "
"constant variable or a call to a constant constructor.",
"Try using a different constant value or referencing it through a "
"constant variable.",
'examples': [
'@Object main() {}',
'@print main() {}']
'id': 'WEEDQD',
"A metadata annotation using a constant constructor cannot use type "
"Try removing the type arguments or referencing the constant "
"through a constant variable.",
'examples': [
class C<T> {
const C();
@C<int>() main() {}
'id': 'KIDLPM',
'template': "An entry with the same key already exists in the map.",
'howToFix': "Try removing the previous entry or changing the key in one "
"of the entries.",
'examples': [
main() {
var m = const {'foo': 1, 'foo': 2};
'id': 'SHQWJY',
'template': "Character U+#{characterHex} isn't allowed here.",
'examples': [
main() {
String x = ç;
'id': 'TRLTHK',
'template': "String must end with #{quote}.",
'examples': [
main() {
return '
main() {
return \"
main() {
return r'
main() {
return r\"
main() => '''
main() => \"\"\"
main() => r'''
main() => r\"\"\"
'id': 'AGJKMQ',
'template': "Can't find '#{end}' to match '#{begin}'.",
'examples': ["main(", "main(){", "main(){]}",],
'id': 'VIIXHQ',
// This is a fall-back message that shouldn't happen.
"Incomplete token.",
'id': 'CXPLCR',
"Numbers in exponential notation should always contain an exponent"
" (an integer number with an optional sign).",
'howToFix': "Make sure there is an exponent, and remove any whitespace "
"before it.",
'examples': [
main() {
var i = 1e;
'id': 'GKCAGV',
'template': "A hex digit (0-9 or A-F) must follow '0x'.",
'howToFix': DONT_KNOW_HOW_TO_FIX, // Seems obvious from the error message.
'examples': [
main() {
var i = 0x;
'id': 'DULNSD',
r"A '$' has special meaning inside a string, and must be followed by "
"an identifier or an expression in curly braces ({}).",
'howToFix': r"Try adding a backslash (\) to escape the '$'.",
'examples': [
main() {
return '$';
main() {
return "$";
main() {
return '''$''';
main() {
return """$""";
'id': 'NECJNM',
'template': "Comment starting with '/*' must end with '*/'.",
'examples': [
main() {
'id': 'AFKXGU',
'template': "Expected '#{token}' before this.",
// Consider the second example below: the parser expects a ')' before
// 'y', but a ',' would also have worked. We don't have enough
// information to give a good suggestion.
'examples': ["main() => true ? 1;", "main() => foo(x: 1 y: 2);",],
'id': 'FMUFJL',
'template': "Expected '#{token}' after this.",
// See [MISSING_TOKEN_BEFORE_THIS], we don't have enough information
// to give a good suggestion.
'examples': [
"main(x) {x}",
class S1 {}
class S2 {}
class S3 {}
class A = S1 with S2, S3
main() => new A();
'id': 'HHILSH',
'template': "Could not find '#{main}'. Nothing will be analyzed.",
'howToFix': "Try using '--analyze-all' to analyze everything.",
'examples': [''],
'id': 'HNAOPV',
'template': "Could not find '#{main}'.",
// No example, test uses '--analyze-only' which will produce the above
// message [CONSIDER_ANALYZE_ALL]. An example for a human operator
// would be an empty file.
'howToFix': "Try adding a method named '#{main}' to your program."
'id': 'PIURPA',
'template': "'#{main}' is not a function.",
'howToFix': DONT_KNOW_HOW_TO_FIX, // Don't state the obvious.
'examples': ['var main;'],
'id': 'ONOGQB',
'template': "'#{main}' cannot have more than two parameters.",
'howToFix': DONT_KNOW_HOW_TO_FIX, // Don't state the obvious.
'examples': ['main(a, b, c) {}'],
'id': 'MHDWAV',
'template': "The compiler crashed when compiling this element.",
'id': 'UUTHXX',
'template': '''
The compiler is broken.
When compiling the above element, the compiler crashed. It is not
possible to tell if this is caused by a problem in your program or
not. Regardless, the compiler should not crash.
The Dart team would greatly appreciate if you would take a moment to
report this problem at
Please include the following information:
* the name and version of your operating system,
* the Dart SDK build number (#{buildId}), and
* the entire message you see here (including the full stack trace
below as well as the source location above).
'id': 'YGNLLB',
'template': "Variable '#{variableName}' is not known to be of type "
"'#{shownType}' because it is potentially mutated in the scope for "
'id': 'ATMSVX',
'template': "Variable '#{variableName}' is potentially mutated here.",
'id': 'XUAHTW',
'template': "Variable '#{variableName}' is not known to be of type "
"'#{shownType}' because it is potentially mutated within a closure.",
'id': 'UHFXLG',
'template': "Variable '#{variableName}' is potentially mutated in a "
"closure here.",
'id': 'JJHKSF',
'template': "Variable '#{variableName}' is not known to be of type "
"'#{shownType}' because it is accessed by a closure in the scope for "
"promotion and potentially mutated in the scope of "
'id': 'KMJVEA',
'template': "Variable '#{variableName}' is accessed in a closure here.",
'id': 'EJHQAG',
'template': "Variable '#{variableName}' is not shown to have type "
"'#{shownType}' because '#{shownType}' is not more specific than the "
"known type '#{knownType}' of '#{variableName}'.",
'id': 'APICDL',
'template': "Variable '#{variableName}' is not shown to have type "
"'#{shownType}' because '#{shownType}' is not a subtype of the "
"known type '#{knownType}' of '#{variableName}'.",
'id': 'FFNCJX',
'template': "Variable '#{variableName}' is not shown to have type "
"'#{shownType}' because '#{shownType}' is not more specific than the "
"known type '#{knownType}' of '#{variableName}'.",
'howToFix': "Try replacing '#{shownType}' with '#{shownTypeSuggestion}'.",
'id': 'XKJOEC',
'template': "Types '#{left}' and '#{right}' have no common subtypes.",
'id': 'JBAWEK',
"#{warnings} warning(s) and #{hints} hint(s) suppressed in #{uri}.",
'id': 'JIYWDC',
'template': "#{warnings} warning(s) suppressed in #{uri}.",
'id': 'RHNXQT',
'template': "#{hints} hint(s) suppressed in #{uri}.",
'id': 'GXGWIF',
'template': "When run on the command-line, the compiled output might"
" require a preamble file located in:\n"
" <sdk>/lib/_internal/js_runtime/lib/preambles.",
'id': 'FNYUYU',
'template': "Invalid modifier 'sync'.",
'howToFix': "Try replacing 'sync' with 'sync*'.",
'examples': ["main() sync {}"],
'id': 'IEYGCY',
'template': "'await' is only supported on for-in loops.",
'howToFix': "Try rewriting the loop as a for-in loop or removing the "
"'await' keyword.",
'examples': [
main() async* {
await for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {}
'id': 'FIEYGC',
'template': "'await' is only supported in methods with an 'async' or "
"'async*' body modifier.",
'howToFix': "Try adding 'async' or 'async*' to the method body or "
"removing the 'await' keyword.",
'examples': [
main(o) sync* {
await for (var e in o) {}
'id': 'IEYHYD',
'template': "'await' is only supported in methods with an 'async' or "
"'async*' body modifier.",
'howToFix': "Try adding 'async' or 'async*' to the method body.",
'examples': [
main() sync* {
await null;
'id': 'IPGGCY',
'template': "'yield' is only supported in methods with a 'sync*' or "
"'async*' body modifier.",
'howToFix': "Try adding 'sync*' or 'async*' to the method body.",
'examples': [
main() async {
yield 0;
'id': 'VRISLY',
"The modifier '#{modifier}' is not allowed on an abstract method.",
'options': ['--enable-async'],
'howToFix': "Try removing the '#{modifier}' modifier or adding a "
"body to the method.",
'examples': [
abstract class A {
method() async;
class B extends A {
method() {}
main() {
A a = new B();
'id': 'DHCFON',
'template': "The modifier '#{modifier}' is not allowed on constructors.",
'options': ['--enable-async'],
'howToFix': "Try removing the '#{modifier}' modifier.",
'examples': [
class A {
A() async;
main() => new A();""",
class A {
factory A.a() async* {}
main() => new A.a();"""
'id': 'NMJLJE',
'template': "The modifier '#{modifier}' is not allowed on setters.",
'options': ['--enable-async'],
'howToFix': "Try removing the '#{modifier}' modifier.",
'examples': [
class A {
set foo(v) async {}
main() => new A().foo = 0;"""
'id': 'UOGLUX',
"The modifier '#{modifier}' is not allowed on methods implemented "
"using '=>'.",
'options': ['--enable-async'],
'howToFix': "Try removing the '#{modifier}' modifier or implementing "
"the method body using a block: '{ ... }'.",
'examples': ["main() sync* => null;", "main() async* => null;"],
// TODO(johnniwinther): Check for 'async' as identifier.
'id': 'VTWSMA',
"'#{keyword}' cannot be used as an identifier in a function body "
"marked with '#{modifier}'.",
'options': ['--enable-async'],
'howToFix': "Try removing the '#{modifier}' modifier or renaming the "
'examples': [
main() async {
var await;
main() async* {
var yield;
main() sync* {
var yield;
'id': 'AWGUVF',
"'return' with a value is not allowed in a method body using the "
"'#{modifier}' modifier.",
'howToFix': "Try removing the value, replacing 'return' with 'yield' "
"or changing the method body modifier.",
'examples': [
foo() async* { return 0; }
main() => foo();
foo() sync* { return 0; }
main() => foo();
'id': 'QMMLUT',
'template': "'native' modifier is not supported.",
'howToFix': "Try removing the 'native' implementation or analyzing the "
"code with the --allow-native-extensions option.",
'examples': [
main() native "Main";
'id': 'JLPQFJ',
'template': "The 'dart-ext' scheme is not supported.",
'howToFix': "Try analyzing the code with the --allow-native-extensions "
'examples': [
import 'dart-ext:main';
main() {}
'id': 'JFUSRX',
"The library declaration should come before other declarations.",
'howToFix': "Try moving the declaration to the top of the file.",
'examples': [
import 'dart:core';
library foo;
main() {}
'id': 'CCXFMY',
'template': "There can only be one library declaration.",
'howToFix': "Try removing all other library declarations.",
'examples': [
library foo;
library bar;
main() {}
library foo;
import 'dart:core';
library bar;
main() {}
'id': 'NSMOQI',
'template': "Import declarations should come before parts.",
'howToFix': "Try moving this import further up in the file.",
'examples': [
'main.dart': """
library test.main;
part 'part.dart';
import 'dart:core';
main() {}
'part.dart': """
part of test.main;
'id': 'KYJTTC',
'template': "Export declarations should come before parts.",
'howToFix': "Try moving this export further up in the file.",
'examples': [
'main.dart': """
library test.main;
part 'part.dart';
export 'dart:core';
main() {}
'part.dart': """
part of test.main;
// Patch errors start.
'id': 'DTOQDU',
'template': "Patch return type '#{patchReturnType}' does not match "
"'#{originReturnType}' on origin method '#{methodName}'.",
'id': 'KJUUYC',
'template': "Required parameter count of patch method "
"(#{patchParameterCount}) does not match parameter count on origin "
"method '#{methodName}' (#{originParameterCount}).",
'id': 'GUTGTE',
'template': "Optional parameter count of patch method "
"(#{patchParameterCount}) does not match parameter count on origin "
"method '#{methodName}' (#{originParameterCount}).",
'id': 'MCHEIC',
'template': "Optional parameters of origin and patch method "
"'#{methodName}' must both be either named or positional.",
'id': 'XISHPB',
'template': "Patch method parameter '#{patchParameter}' does not match "
"'#{originParameter}' on origin method '#{methodName}'.",
'id': 'UGRBYD',
'template': "Patch method parameter '#{parameterName}' type "
"'#{patchParameterType}' does not match '#{originParameterType}' on "
"origin method '#{methodName}'.",
'id': 'WSNMKD',
'template': "External method without an implementation.",
'id': 'CAVBPN',
'template': "This is the function patch '#{functionName}'.",
'id': 'TWDLDX',
'template': "This is the class patch '#{className}'.",
'id': 'TRBBNY',
'template': "This is the getter patch '#{getterName}'.",
'id': 'DAXDLW',
'template': "This is the setter patch '#{setterName}'.",
'id': 'VYQISY',
'template': "This is the constructor patch '#{constructorName}'.",
'id': 'TFPAGO',
'template': "This is the patch parameter '#{parameterName}'.",
'id': 'AWOACF',
'template': "Origin does not exist for patch '#{name}'.",
// TODO(ahe): Eventually, this error should be removed as it will be
// handled by the regular parser.
'id': 'WQEPJI',
'template': "Only classes and functions can be patched.",
'id': 'MHLXNK',
'template': "Only external functions can be patched.",
'id': 'UIALAB',
'template': "Patching non-class with class patch '#{className}'.",
'id': 'VTNQCJ',
'template': "Cannot patch non-getter '#{name}' with getter patch.",
'id': 'XOPDHD',
'template': "No getter found for getter patch '#{getterName}'.",
'id': 'XBOMMN',
'template': "Cannot patch non-setter '#{name}' with setter patch.",
'id': 'YITARQ',
'template': "No setter found for setter patch '#{setterName}'.",
'id': 'TWAEQV',
'template': "Cannot patch non-constructor with constructor patch "
'id': 'EDXBPI',
'template': "Cannot patch non-function with function patch "
'id': 'JGMXMI',
'template': "Non-patch members in patch libraries must be private.",
'id': 'GAVMSQ',
"External function '#{functionName}' cannot have a function body.",
'options': ["--output-type=dart"],
'howToFix': "Try removing the 'external' modifier or the function body.",
'examples': [
external foo() => 0;
main() => foo();
external foo() {}
main() => foo();
// Patch errors end.
'id': 'NENGIS',
'template': "Experimental language feature 'assertion with message'"
" is not supported.",
"Use option '--assert-message' to use assertions with messages.",
'examples': [
main() {
int n = -7;
assert(n > 0, 'must be positive: $n');
'id': 'SCJYPH',
'template': '''
* WARNING: dart:mirrors support in dart2js is experimental,
* and not recommended.
* This implementation of mirrors is incomplete,
* and often greatly increases the size of the generated
* JavaScript code.
* Your app imports dart:mirrors via:'''
* You can disable this message by using the --enable-experimental-mirrors
* command-line flag.
* To learn what to do next, please visit:
'id': 'OCSFJU',
'template': '''
Your app imports the unsupported library '#{uri}' via:
Use the --categories option to support import of '#{uri}'.
'id': 'JBTRRM',
'template': """
dart:mirrors library is not supported when using this backend.
Your app imports dart:mirrors via:"""
'id': 'HAULDW',
'template': "Non-supported 'call' member on a native class, or a "
"subclass of a native class.",
'id': 'XLTPCS',
'template': "This 'noSuchMethod' implementation is guaranteed to throw an "
"exception. The generated code will be smaller if it is "
'howToFix': "Rewrite to "
"'noSuchMethod(Invocation i) => super.noSuchMethod(i);'.",
'id': 'PLCXVX',
'template': "This 'noSuchMethod' implementation is guaranteed to throw an "
"exception. The generated code will be smaller and the compiler "
"will be able to perform more optimizations if it is rewritten.",
'howToFix': "Rewrite to "
"'noSuchMethod(Invocation i) => super.noSuchMethod(i);'.",
'id': 'HUTCTQ',
'template': "Overriding 'noSuchMethod' causes the compiler to generate "
"more code and prevents the compiler from doing some optimizations.",
'howToFix': "Consider removing this 'noSuchMethod' implementation."
'id': 'OVAFEW',
'template': "Unsupported version of package:lookup_map.",