blob: bebd7f369bec06bbcb58ba416c3d03f501646bd9 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2020, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:math' as math;
import 'package:analyzer/dart/ast/ast.dart' show AstNode, ConstructorName;
import 'package:analyzer/dart/element/element.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/element/type.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/error/listener.dart' show ErrorReporter;
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/element/element.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/element/nullability_eliminator.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/element/type.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/element/type_algebra.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/element/type_constraint_gatherer.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/element/type_provider.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/element/type_schema.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/element/type_system.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/error/codes.dart'
show CompileTimeErrorCode, HintCode;
import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
/// Tracks upper and lower type bounds for a set of type parameters.
/// This class is used by calling [isSubtypeOf]. When it encounters one of
/// the type parameters it is inferring, it will record the constraint, and
/// optimistically assume the constraint will be satisfied.
/// For example if we are inferring type parameter A, and we ask if
/// `A <: num`, this will record that A must be a subytpe of `num`. It also
/// handles cases when A appears as part of the structure of another type, for
/// example `Iterable<A> <: Iterable<num>` would infer the same constraint
/// (due to covariant generic types) as would `() -> A <: () -> num`. In
/// contrast `(A) -> void <: (num) -> void`.
/// Once the lower/upper bounds are determined, [infer] should be called to
/// finish the inference. It will instantiate a generic function type with the
/// inferred types for each type parameter.
/// It can also optionally compute a partial solution, in case some of the type
/// parameters could not be inferred (because the constraints cannot be
/// satisfied), or bail on the inference when this happens.
/// As currently designed, an instance of this class should only be used to
/// infer a single call and discarded immediately afterwards.
class GenericInferrer {
final TypeSystemImpl _typeSystem;
final Set<TypeParameterElement> _typeParameters = Set.identity();
final Map<TypeParameterElement, List<_TypeConstraint>> _constraints = {};
Iterable<TypeParameterElement> typeFormals,
) {
for (var formal in typeFormals) {
_constraints[formal] = [];
bool get isNonNullableByDefault => _typeSystem.isNonNullableByDefault;
TypeProviderImpl get typeProvider => _typeSystem.typeProvider;
/// Apply an argument constraint, which asserts that the [argument] staticType
/// is a subtype of the [parameterType].
void constrainArgument(
DartType argumentType, DartType parameterType, String parameterName,
{ClassElement? genericClass}) {
var origin = _TypeConstraintFromArgument(
genericClass: genericClass,
isNonNullableByDefault: isNonNullableByDefault,
tryMatchSubtypeOf(argumentType, parameterType, origin, covariant: false);
/// Constrain a universal function type [fnType] used in a context
/// [contextType].
void constrainGenericFunctionInContext(
FunctionType fnType, DartType contextType) {
var origin = _TypeConstraintFromFunctionContext(
isNonNullableByDefault: isNonNullableByDefault,
// Since we're trying to infer the instantiation, we want to ignore type
// formals as we check the parameters and return type.
var inferFnType = FunctionTypeImpl(
typeFormals: const [],
parameters: fnType.parameters,
returnType: fnType.returnType,
nullabilitySuffix: fnType.nullabilitySuffix,
tryMatchSubtypeOf(inferFnType, contextType, origin, covariant: true);
/// Apply a return type constraint, which asserts that the [declaredType]
/// is a subtype of the [contextType].
void constrainReturnType(DartType declaredType, DartType contextType) {
var origin = _TypeConstraintFromReturnType(
isNonNullableByDefault: isNonNullableByDefault,
tryMatchSubtypeOf(declaredType, contextType, origin, covariant: true);
/// Given the constraints that were given by calling [constrainArgument] and
/// [constrainReturnType], find the type arguments for the [typeFormals] that
/// satisfies these constraints.
/// If [downwardsInferPhase] is set, we are in the first pass of inference,
/// pushing context types down. At that point we are allowed to push down
/// `_` to precisely represent an unknown type. If [downwardsInferPhase] is
/// false, we are on our final inference pass, have all available information
/// including argument types, and must not conclude `_` for any type formal.
List<DartType>? infer(
List<TypeParameterElement> typeFormals, {
bool considerExtendsClause = true,
ErrorReporter? errorReporter,
AstNode? errorNode,
bool failAtError = false,
bool downwardsInferPhase = false,
required bool genericMetadataIsEnabled,
}) {
// Initialize the inferred type array.
// In the downwards phase, they all start as `_` to offer reasonable
// degradation for f-bounded type parameters.
var inferredTypes =
List<DartType>.filled(typeFormals.length, UnknownInferredType.instance);
for (int i = 0; i < typeFormals.length; i++) {
// TODO (kallentu) : Clean up TypeParameterElementImpl casting once
// variance is added to the interface.
var typeParam = typeFormals[i] as TypeParameterElementImpl;
_TypeConstraint? extendsClause;
var bound = typeParam.bound;
if (considerExtendsClause && bound != null) {
extendsClause = _TypeConstraint.fromExtends(
Substitution.fromPairs(typeFormals, inferredTypes)
isNonNullableByDefault: isNonNullableByDefault,
var constraints = _constraints[typeParam]!;
inferredTypes[i] = downwardsInferPhase
? _inferTypeParameterFromContext(constraints, extendsClause,
isContravariant: typeParam.variance.isContravariant)
: _inferTypeParameterFromAll(constraints, extendsClause,
isContravariant: typeParam.variance.isContravariant,
preferUpwardsInference: !typeParam.isLegacyCovariant);
// If the downwards infer phase has failed, we'll catch this in the upwards
// phase later on.
if (downwardsInferPhase) {
return inferredTypes;
// Check the inferred types against all of the constraints.
var knownTypes = <TypeParameterElement, DartType>{};
for (int i = 0; i < typeFormals.length; i++) {
TypeParameterElement parameter = typeFormals[i];
var constraints = _constraints[parameter]!;
var inferred = inferredTypes[i];
bool success =
constraints.every((c) => c.isSatisfiedBy(_typeSystem, inferred));
// If everything else succeeded, check the `extends` constraint.
if (success) {
var parameterBoundRaw = parameter.bound;
if (parameterBoundRaw != null) {
var parameterBound =
Substitution.fromPairs(typeFormals, inferredTypes)
parameterBound = _toLegacyElementIfOptOut(parameterBound);
var extendsConstraint = _TypeConstraint.fromExtends(
isNonNullableByDefault: isNonNullableByDefault,
success = extendsConstraint.isSatisfiedBy(_typeSystem, inferred);
if (!success) {
if (failAtError) return null;
[, _formatError(parameter, inferred, constraints)]);
// Heuristic: even if we failed, keep the erroneous type.
// It should satisfy at least some of the constraints (e.g. the return
// context). If we fall back to instantiateToBounds, we'll typically get
// more errors (e.g. because `dynamic` is the most common bound).
if (inferred is FunctionType &&
inferred.typeFormals.isNotEmpty &&
!genericMetadataIsEnabled) {
if (failAtError) return null;
var typeFormals = inferred.typeFormals;
var typeFormalsStr =', ');
CompileTimeErrorCode.COULD_NOT_INFER, errorNode!, [,
' Inferred candidate type ${_typeStr(inferred)} has type parameters'
' [$typeFormalsStr], but a function with'
' type parameters cannot be used as a type argument.'
if (UnknownInferredType.isKnown(inferred)) {
knownTypes[parameter] = inferred;
} else if (_typeSystem.strictInference) {
// [typeParam] could not be inferred. A result will still be returned
// by [infer], with [typeParam] filled in as its bounds. This is
// considered a failure of inference, under the "strict-inference"
// mode.
if (errorNode is ConstructorName &&
!(errorNode.type.type as InterfaceType)
.hasOptionalTypeArgs) {
String constructorName = == null
: '${errorNode.type}.${}';
// TODO(srawlins): More inference failure cases, like functions, and
// function expressions.
// Use instantiate to bounds to finish things off.
var hasError = List<bool>.filled(typeFormals.length, false);
var result = _typeSystem.instantiateTypeFormalsToBounds(typeFormals,
hasError: hasError, knownTypes: knownTypes);
// Report any errors from instantiateToBounds.
for (int i = 0; i < hasError.length; i++) {
if (hasError[i]) {
if (failAtError) return null;
TypeParameterElement typeParam = typeFormals[i];
var typeParamBound = Substitution.fromPairs(typeFormals, inferredTypes)
.substituteType(typeParam.bound ?? typeProvider.objectType);
// TODO(jmesserly): improve this error message.
CompileTimeErrorCode.COULD_NOT_INFER, errorNode!, [,
"\nRecursive bound cannot be instantiated: '$typeParamBound'."
"\nConsider passing explicit type argument(s) "
"to the generic.\n\n'"
return result;
/// Tries to make [i1] a subtype of [i2] and accumulate constraints as needed.
/// The return value indicates whether the match was successful. If it was
/// unsuccessful, any constraints that were accumulated during the match
/// attempt have been rewound (see [_rewindConstraints]).
bool tryMatchSubtypeOf(DartType t1, DartType t2, _TypeConstraintOrigin origin,
{required bool covariant}) {
var gatherer = TypeConstraintGatherer(
typeSystem: _typeSystem,
typeParameters: _typeParameters,
var success = gatherer.trySubtypeMatch(t1, t2, !covariant);
if (success) {
var constraints = gatherer.computeConstraints();
for (var entry in constraints.entries) {
if (!entry.value.isEmpty) {
var constraint = _constraints[entry.key]!;
lower: entry.value.lower,
upper: entry.value.upper,
return success;
/// Choose the bound that was implied by the return type, if any.
/// Which bound this is depends on what positions the type parameter
/// appears in. If the type only appears only in a contravariant position,
/// we will choose the lower bound instead.
/// For example given:
/// Func1<T, bool> makeComparer<T>(T x) => (T y) => x() == y;
/// main() {
/// Func1<num, bool> t = makeComparer/* infer <num> */(42);
/// print(t(42.0)); /// false, no error.
/// }
/// The constraints we collect are:
/// * `num <: T`
/// * `int <: T`
/// ... and no upper bound. Therefore the lower bound is the best choice.
/// If [isContravariant] is `true`, then we are solving for a contravariant
/// type parameter which means we choose the upper bound rather than the
/// lower bound for normally covariant type parameters.
DartType _chooseTypeFromConstraints(Iterable<_TypeConstraint> constraints,
{bool toKnownType = false, required bool isContravariant}) {
DartType lower = UnknownInferredType.instance;
DartType upper = UnknownInferredType.instance;
for (var constraint in constraints) {
// Given constraints:
// L1 <: T <: U1
// L2 <: T <: U2
// These can be combined to produce:
// LUB(L1, L2) <: T <: GLB(U1, U2).
// This can then be done for all constraints in sequence.
// This resulting constraint may be unsatisfiable; in that case inference
// will fail.
upper = _typeSystem.getGreatestLowerBound(upper, constraint.upperBound);
lower = _typeSystem.getLeastUpperBound(lower, constraint.lowerBound);
upper = _toLegacyElementIfOptOut(upper);
lower = _toLegacyElementIfOptOut(lower);
// Prefer the known bound, if any.
// Otherwise take whatever bound has partial information, e.g. `Iterable<?>`
// For both of those, prefer the lower bound (arbitrary heuristic) or upper
// bound if [isContravariant] is `true`
if (isContravariant) {
if (UnknownInferredType.isKnown(upper)) {
return upper;
if (UnknownInferredType.isKnown(lower)) {
return lower;
if (!identical(UnknownInferredType.instance, upper)) {
return toKnownType ? _typeSystem.greatestClosureOfSchema(upper) : upper;
if (!identical(UnknownInferredType.instance, lower)) {
return toKnownType ? _typeSystem.leastClosureOfSchema(lower) : lower;
return upper;
} else {
if (UnknownInferredType.isKnown(lower)) {
return lower;
if (UnknownInferredType.isKnown(upper)) {
return upper;
if (!identical(UnknownInferredType.instance, lower)) {
return toKnownType ? _typeSystem.leastClosureOfSchema(lower) : lower;
if (!identical(UnknownInferredType.instance, upper)) {
return toKnownType ? _typeSystem.greatestClosureOfSchema(upper) : upper;
return lower;
String _elementStr(Element element) {
return element.getDisplayString(withNullability: isNonNullableByDefault);
String _formatError(TypeParameterElement typeParam, DartType inferred,
Iterable<_TypeConstraint> constraints) {
var inferredStr = inferred.getDisplayString(
withNullability: isNonNullableByDefault,
var intro = "Tried to infer '$inferredStr' for '${}'"
" which doesn't work:";
var constraintsByOrigin = <_TypeConstraintOrigin, List<_TypeConstraint>>{};
for (var c in constraints) {
constraintsByOrigin.putIfAbsent(c.origin, () => []).add(c);
// Only report unique constraint origins.
Iterable<_TypeConstraint> isSatisified(bool expected) => constraintsByOrigin
.where((l) =>
l.every((c) => c.isSatisfiedBy(_typeSystem, inferred)) == expected)
.expand((i) => i);
String unsatisified = _formatConstraints(isSatisified(false));
String satisified = _formatConstraints(isSatisified(true));
if (satisified.isNotEmpty) {
satisified = "\nThe type '$inferredStr' was inferred from:\n$satisified";
return '\n\n$intro\n$unsatisified$satisified\n\n'
'Consider passing explicit type argument(s) to the generic.\n\n';
DartType _inferTypeParameterFromAll(
List<_TypeConstraint> constraints, _TypeConstraint? extendsClause,
{required bool isContravariant, required bool preferUpwardsInference}) {
// See if we already fixed this type from downwards inference.
// If so, then we aren't allowed to change it based on argument types unless
// [preferUpwardsInference] is true.
DartType t = _inferTypeParameterFromContext(
constraints.where((c) => c.isDownwards), extendsClause,
isContravariant: isContravariant);
if (!preferUpwardsInference && UnknownInferredType.isKnown(t)) {
// Remove constraints that aren't downward ones; we'll ignore these for
// error reporting, because inference already succeeded.
constraints.removeWhere((c) => !c.isDownwards);
return t;
if (extendsClause != null) {
constraints = constraints.toList()..add(extendsClause);
var choice = _chooseTypeFromConstraints(constraints,
toKnownType: true, isContravariant: isContravariant);
return choice;
DartType _inferTypeParameterFromContext(
Iterable<_TypeConstraint> constraints, _TypeConstraint? extendsClause,
{required bool isContravariant}) {
DartType t = _chooseTypeFromConstraints(constraints,
isContravariant: isContravariant);
if (UnknownInferredType.isUnknown(t)) {
return t;
// If we're about to make our final choice, apply the extends clause.
// This gives us a chance to refine the choice, in case it would violate
// the `extends` clause. For example:
// Object obj = math.min/*<infer Object, error>*/(1, 2);
// If we consider the `T extends num` we conclude `<num>`, which works.
if (extendsClause != null) {
constraints = constraints.toList()..add(extendsClause);
return _chooseTypeFromConstraints(constraints,
isContravariant: isContravariant);
return t;
void _nonNullifyTypes(List<DartType> types) {
if (_typeSystem.isNonNullableByDefault) {
for (var i = 0; i < types.length; i++) {
types[i] = _typeSystem.nonNullifyLegacy(types[i]);
for (var i = 0; i < types.length; i++) {
types[i] = _typeSystem.demoteType(types[i]);
/// If in a legacy library, return the legacy version of the [type].
/// Otherwise, return the original type.
DartType _toLegacyElementIfOptOut(DartType type) {
if (isNonNullableByDefault) return type;
return NullabilityEliminator.perform(typeProvider, type);
String _typeStr(DartType type) {
return type.getDisplayString(withNullability: isNonNullableByDefault);
static String _formatConstraints(Iterable<_TypeConstraint> constraints) {
List<List<String>> lineParts =
Set<_TypeConstraintOrigin>.from( => c.origin))
.map((o) => o.formatError())
int prefixMax = => p[0].length).fold(0, math.max);
// Use a set to prevent identical message lines.
// (It's not uncommon for the same constraint to show up in a few places.)
var messageLines = Set<String>.from( {
var prefix = parts[0];
var middle = parts[1];
var prefixPad = ' ' * (prefixMax - prefix.length);
var middlePad = ' ' * prefixMax;
var end = "";
if (parts.length > 2) {
end = '\n $middlePad ${parts[2]}';
return ' $prefix$prefixPad $middle$end';
return messageLines.join('\n');
/// A constraint on a type parameter that we're inferring.
class _TypeConstraint extends _TypeRange {
/// The type parameter that is constrained by [lowerBound] or [upperBound].
final TypeParameterElement typeParameter;
/// Where this constraint comes from, used for error messages.
/// See [toString].
final _TypeConstraintOrigin origin;
_TypeConstraint(this.origin, this.typeParameter,
{DartType? upper, DartType? lower})
: super(upper: upper, lower: lower);
TypeParameterElement element, DartType boundType, DartType extendsType,
{required bool isNonNullableByDefault})
: this(
isNonNullableByDefault: isNonNullableByDefault,
upper: extendsType);
bool get isDownwards => origin is! _TypeConstraintFromArgument;
bool isSatisfiedBy(TypeSystemImpl ts, DartType type) {
return ts.isSubtypeOf(lowerBound, type) && ts.isSubtypeOf(type, upperBound);
/// Converts this constraint to a message suitable for a type inference error.
String toString() => !identical(upperBound, UnknownInferredType.instance)
? "'$typeParameter' must extend '$upperBound'"
: "'$lowerBound' must extend '$typeParameter'";
class _TypeConstraintFromArgument extends _TypeConstraintOrigin {
final DartType argumentType;
final DartType parameterType;
final String parameterName;
final ClassElement? genericClass;
this.argumentType, this.parameterType, this.parameterName,
{this.genericClass, required bool isNonNullableByDefault})
: super(isNonNullableByDefault: isNonNullableByDefault);
List<String> formatError() {
// TODO(jmesserly): we should highlight the span. That would be more useful.
// However in summary code it doesn't look like the AST node with span is
// available.
String prefix;
final genericClass = this.genericClass;
if (genericClass != null &&
( == "List" || == "Map") &&
genericClass.library.isDartCore == true) {
// This will become:
// "List element"
// "Map key"
// "Map value"
prefix = "${} $parameterName";
} else {
prefix = "Parameter '$parameterName'";
return [
"declared as '${_typeStr(parameterType)}'",
"but argument is '${_typeStr(argumentType)}'."
class _TypeConstraintFromExtendsClause extends _TypeConstraintOrigin {
final TypeParameterElement typeParam;
/// The declared bound of [typeParam], not `null`, because we create
/// this clause only when it is not `null`.
/// For example `Iterable<T>` for `<T, E extends Iterable<T>>`.
final DartType boundType;
/// [boundType] in which type parameters are substituted with inferred
/// type arguments.
/// For example `Iterable<int>` if `T` inferred to `int`.
final DartType extendsType;
this.typeParam, this.boundType, this.extendsType,
{required bool isNonNullableByDefault})
: super(isNonNullableByDefault: isNonNullableByDefault);
List<String> formatError() {
var boundStr = _typeStr(boundType);
var extendsStr = _typeStr(extendsType);
return [
"Type parameter '${}'",
"is declared to extend '$boundStr' producing '$extendsStr'."
class _TypeConstraintFromFunctionContext extends _TypeConstraintOrigin {
final DartType contextType;
final DartType functionType;
_TypeConstraintFromFunctionContext(this.functionType, this.contextType,
{required bool isNonNullableByDefault})
: super(isNonNullableByDefault: isNonNullableByDefault);
List<String> formatError() {
return [
"Function type",
"declared as '${_typeStr(functionType)}'",
"used where '${_typeStr(contextType)}' is required."
class _TypeConstraintFromReturnType extends _TypeConstraintOrigin {
final DartType contextType;
final DartType declaredType;
_TypeConstraintFromReturnType(this.declaredType, this.contextType,
{required bool isNonNullableByDefault})
: super(isNonNullableByDefault: isNonNullableByDefault);
List<String> formatError() {
return [
"Return type",
"declared as '${_typeStr(declaredType)}'",
"used where '${_typeStr(contextType)}' is required."
/// The origin of a type constraint, for the purposes of producing a human
/// readable error message during type inference as well as determining whether
/// the constraint was used to fix the type parameter or not.
abstract class _TypeConstraintOrigin {
final bool isNonNullableByDefault;
_TypeConstraintOrigin({required this.isNonNullableByDefault});
List<String> formatError();
String _typeStr(DartType type) {
return type.getDisplayString(withNullability: isNonNullableByDefault);
class _TypeRange {
/// The upper bound of the type parameter. In other words, T <: upperBound.
/// In Dart this can be written as `<T extends UpperBoundType>`.
/// In inference, this can happen as a result of parameters of function type.
/// For example, consider a signature like:
/// T reduce<T>(List<T> values, T f(T x, T y));
/// and a call to it like:
/// reduce(values, (num x, num y) => ...);
/// From the function expression's parameters, we conclude `T <: num`. We may
/// still be able to conclude a different [lower] based on `values` or
/// the type of the elided `=> ...` body. For example:
/// reduce(['x'], (num x, num y) => 'hi');
/// Here the [lower] will be `String` and the upper bound will be `num`,
/// which cannot be satisfied, so this is ill typed.
final DartType upperBound;
/// The lower bound of the type parameter. In other words, lowerBound <: T.
/// This kind of constraint cannot be expressed in Dart, but it applies when
/// we're doing inference. For example, consider a signature like:
/// T pickAtRandom<T>(T x, T y);
/// and a call to it like:
/// pickAtRandom(1, 2.0)
/// when we see the first parameter is an `int`, we know that `int <: T`.
/// When we see `double` this implies `double <: T`.
/// Combining these constraints results in a lower bound of `num`.
/// In general, we choose the lower bound as our inferred type, so we can
/// offer the most constrained (strongest) result type.
final DartType lowerBound;
_TypeRange({DartType? lower, DartType? upper})
: lowerBound = lower ?? UnknownInferredType.instance,
upperBound = upper ?? UnknownInferredType.instance;
/// Formats the typeRange as a string suitable for unit testing.
/// For example, if [typeName] is 'T' and the range has bounds int and Object
/// respectively, the returned string will be 'int <: T <: Object'.
String format(String typeName, {required bool withNullability}) {
String typeStr(DartType type) {
return type.getDisplayString(withNullability: withNullability);
var lowerString = identical(lowerBound, UnknownInferredType.instance)
? ''
: '${typeStr(lowerBound)} <: ';
var upperString = identical(upperBound, UnknownInferredType.instance)
? ''
: ' <: ${typeStr(upperBound)}';
return '$lowerString$typeName$upperString';
String toString() => format('(type)', withNullability: true);