blob: 26ff2cd70beb31df36978b1bc16c2f126f4d2b32 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
# for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
# BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
# Run to install the necessary components to run webdriver on the buildbots or
# on your local machine.
# Note: The setup steps can be done fairly easily by hand. This script is
# intended to simply and reduce the time for setup since there are a fair number
# of steps.
# TODO(efortuna): Rewrite this script in Dart when the Process module has a
# better high level API.
import optparse
import os
import platform
import re
import shutil
import subprocess
import sys
import urllib
import urllib2
import zipfile
def run_cmd(cmd, stdin=None):
"""Run the command on the command line in the shell. We print the output of
the command.
print cmd
p = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE,
stdin=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True)
output, stderr = p.communicate(input=stdin)
if output:
print output
if stderr:
print stderr
def parse_args():
parser = optparse.OptionParser()
parser.add_option('--firefox', '-f', dest='firefox',
help="Don't install Firefox", action='store_true', default=False)
parser.add_option('--chromedriver', '-c', dest='chromedriver',
help="Don't install chromedriver.", action='store_true', default=False)
parser.add_option('--iedriver', '-i', dest='iedriver',
help="Don't install iedriver (only used on Windows).",
action='store_true', default=False)
parser.add_option('--seleniumrc', '-s', dest='seleniumrc',
help="Don't install the Selenium RC server (used for Safari and Opera "
"tests).", action='store_true', default=False)
parser.add_option('--python', '-p', dest='python',
help="Don't install Selenium python bindings.", action='store_true',
parser.add_option('--buildbot', '-b', dest='buildbot', action='store_true',
help='Perform a buildbot selenium setup (buildbots have a different' +
'location for their python executable).', default=False)
args, ignored = parser.parse_args()
return args
def find_depot_tools_location(is_buildbot):
"""Depot_tools is our default install location for chromedriver, so we find
its location on the filesystem.
is_buildbot - True if we are running buildbot machine setup (we can't detect
this automatically because this script is not run at build time).
if is_buildbot:
depot_tools = os.sep + os.path.join('b', 'depot_tools')
if 'win32' in sys.platform or 'cygwin' in sys.platform:
depot_tools = os.path.join('e:', depot_tools)
return depot_tools
path = os.environ['PATH'].split(os.pathsep)
for loc in path:
if 'depot_tools' in loc:
return loc
raise Exception("Could not find depot_tools in your path.")
class GoogleCodeInstaller(object):
"""Install code that is being hosted on Google Code."""
def __init__(self, project_name, download_location, download_name_func):
""" Create a object that will install code from a Google Code site.
project_name - The GoogleCode project name such as "selenium" or
download_location - Where to download the desired file on our filesystem.
download_name_func - A function that takes a dictionary (currently with keys
"os" and "version", but more can be added) that calculates the string
representing the name of the download we want.
self.project_name = project_name
self.download_location = download_location
self.download_name_func = download_name_func
self.download_regex_str = self.download_name_func({'os': self.get_os_str,
'version': '.+'})
def google_code_downloads_page(self):
return '' % self.project_name
def google_code_download(self):
return '' % self.project_name
def find_latest_version(self):
"""Find the latest version number of some code available for download on a
Google code page. This was unfortunately done in an ad hoc manner because
Google Code does not seem to have an API for their list of current
google_code_site = self.google_code_downloads_page()
f = urllib2.urlopen(google_code_site)
latest = ''
for line in f.readlines():
if, line):
suffix_index = line.find(
name_end = self.download_regex_str.rfind('.+')
name = self.download_name_func({'os': self.get_os_str, 'version': ''})
name = name[:name.rfind('.')]
version_str = line[line.find(name) + len(name) : suffix_index]
orig_version_str = version_str
if version_str.count('.') == 0:
version_str = version_str.replace('_', '.')
version_str = re.compile(r'[^\d.]+').sub('', version_str)
if latest == '':
latest = '0.' * version_str.count('.')
latest += '0'
orig_latest_str = latest
orig_latest_str = latest
latest = latest.replace('_', '.')
latest = re.compile(r'[^\d.]+').sub('', latest)
nums = version_str.split('.')
latest_nums = latest.split('.')
for (num, latest_num) in zip(nums, latest_nums):
if int(num) > int(latest_num):
latest = orig_version_str
latest = orig_latest_str
if latest == '':
raise Exception("Couldn't find the desired download on " + \
' %s.' % google_code_site)
return latest
def run(self):
"""Download and install the Google Code."""
print 'Installing from %s' % self.project_name
os_str = self.get_os_str
version = self.find_latest_version()
download_name = self.download_name_func({'os': os_str, 'version': version})
urllib.urlretrieve(self.google_code_download() + '/' + download_name,
os.path.join(self.download_location, download_name))
if download_name.endswith('.zip'):
if platform.system() != 'Windows':
# The Python zip utility does not preserve executable permissions, but
# this does not seem to be a problem for Windows, which does not have a
# built in zip utility. :-/
run_cmd('unzip -u %s -d %s' % (os.path.join(self.download_location,
download_name), self.download_location), stdin='y')
z = zipfile.ZipFile(os.path.join(self.download_location, download_name))
os.remove(os.path.join(self.download_location, download_name))
chrome_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)),
if self.project_name == 'chromedriver' and os.path.exists(chrome_path):
# We have one additional location to make sure chromedriver is updated.
# TODO(efortuna): Remove this. See move_chrome_driver_if_needed in
# perf_testing/
driver = 'chromedriver'
if platform.system() == 'Windows':
driver += '.exe'
shutil.copy(os.path.join(self.download_location, driver),
os.path.join(chrome_path, driver))
def get_os_str(self):
"""The strings to indicate what OS a download is for as used on Google Code.
os_str = 'win'
if 'darwin' in sys.platform:
os_str = 'mac'
elif 'linux' in sys.platform:
os_str = 'linux32'
if '64bit' in platform.architecture()[0]:
os_str = 'linux64'
return os_str
class FirefoxInstaller(object):
"""Installs the latest version of Firefox on the machine."""
def ff_download_site(self, os_name):
return '' + \
'latest/%s/en-US/' % os_name
def get_os_str(self):
"""Returns the string that Mozilla uses to denote which operating system a
Firefox binary is for."""
os_str = ('win32', '.exe')
if 'darwin' in sys.platform:
os_str = ('mac', '.dmg')
elif 'linux' in sys.platform:
os_str = ('linux-i686', '.tar.bz2')
if '64bit' in platform.architecture()[0]:
os_str = ('linux-x86_64', '.tar.bz2')
return os_str
def get_download_url(self):
"""Parse the html on the page to determine what is the latest download
appropriate for our system."""
f = urllib2.urlopen(self.ff_download_site(self.get_os_str[0]))
download_name = ''
for line in f.readlines():
suffix = self.get_os_str[1]
if (suffix + '"') in line:
link_str = '<a href="'
download_name = line[line.find(link_str) + len(link_str) : \
line.find(suffix) + len(suffix)]
return '%s%s' % (self.ff_download_site(self.get_os_str[0]), download_name)
def run(self):
print 'Installing Firefox'
if 'darwin' in sys.platform:
urllib.urlretrieve(self.get_download_url(), 'firefox.dmg')
run_cmd('hdiutil mount firefox.dmg')
run_cmd('sudo cp -R /Volumes/firefox/ /Applications')
run_cmd('hdiutil unmount /Volumes/firefox/')
elif 'win' in sys.platform:
urllib.urlretrieve(self.get_download_url(), 'firefox_install.exe')
run_cmd('firefox_install.exe -ms')
run_cmd('wget -O - %s | tar -C ~ -jxv' % self.get_download_url())
class SeleniumBindingsInstaller(object):
"""Install the Selenium Webdriver bindings for Python."""
def __init__(self, is_buildbot):
self.is_buildbot = is_buildbot
def run(self):
print 'Installing Selenium Python Bindings'
admin_keyword = ''
python_cmd = 'python'
pip_cmd = 'pip'
if 'win32' not in sys.platform and 'cygwin' not in sys.platform:
admin_keyword = 'sudo'
pip_cmd = '/usr/local/bin/pip'
# The python installation is "special" on Windows buildbots.
if self.is_buildbot:
python_loc = os.path.join(
find_depot_tools_location(self.is_buildbot), 'python_bin')
python_cmd = os.path.join(python_loc, 'python')
pip_cmd = os.path.join(python_loc, 'Scripts', pip_cmd)
path = os.environ['PATH'].split(os.pathsep)
for loc in path:
if 'python' in loc or 'Python' in loc:
pip_cmd = os.path.join(loc, 'Scripts', pip_cmd)
page = urllib2.urlopen(self.SETUPTOOLS_SITE)
run_cmd('%s %s' % (admin_keyword, python_cmd),
page = urllib2.urlopen(self.PIP_SITE)
run_cmd('%s %s' % (admin_keyword, python_cmd),
run_cmd('%s %s install -U selenium' % (admin_keyword, pip_cmd))
def main():
args = parse_args()
if not args.python:
if not args.chromedriver:
lambda x: 'chromedriver_%(os)s_%(version)' % x).run()
if not args.seleniumrc:
GoogleCodeInstaller('selenium', os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)),
lambda x: 'selenium-server-standalone-%(version)s.jar' % x).run()
if not args.iedriver and platform.system() == 'Windows':
GoogleCodeInstaller('selenium', find_depot_tools_location(args.buildbot),
lambda x: 'IEDriverServer_Win32_%(version)' % x).run()
if not args.firefox:
if __name__ == '__main__':