blob: 3b1d3ab5f21e31ced778bc9eb87b01ef32881c5c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2021, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:dds/src/dap/logging.dart';
import 'package:path/path.dart' as path;
import 'package:test/test.dart';
import 'test_client.dart';
import 'test_server.dart';
/// A logger to use to log all traffic (both DAP and VM) to stdout.
/// If the enviroment variable is `DAP_TEST_VERBOSE` then `print` will be used,
/// otherwise there will be no verbose logging.
/// DAP_TEST_VERBOSE=true pub run test --chain-stack-traces test/dap/integration
/// When using the out-of-process DAP, this causes `--verbose` to be passed to
/// the server which causes it to write all traffic to `stdout` which is then
/// picked up by [OutOfProcessDapTestServer] and passed to this logger.
final logger =
Platform.environment['DAP_TEST_VERBOSE'] == 'true' ? print : null;
/// Whether to run the DAP server in-process with the tests, or externally in
/// another process.
/// By default tests will run the DAP server out-of-process to match the real
/// use from editors, but this complicates debugging the adapter. Set this env
/// variables to run the server in-process for easier debugging (this can be
/// simplified in VS Code by using a launch config with custom CodeLens links).
final useInProcessDap = Platform.environment['DAP_TEST_INTERNAL'] == 'true';
/// Expects [actual] to equal the lines [expected], ignoring differences in line
/// endings.
void expectLines(String actual, List<String> expected) {
expect(actual.replaceAll('\r\n', '\n'), equals(expected.join('\n')));
/// Returns the 1-base line in [file] that contains [searchText].
int lineWith(File file, String searchText) =>
file.readAsLinesSync().indexWhere((line) => line.contains(searchText)) + 1;
/// A helper function to wrap all tests in a library with setup/teardown functions
/// to start a shared server for all tests in the library and an individual
/// client for each test.
Future<void> Function(DapTestSession session) tests, {
List<String>? additionalArgs,
}) {
final session = DapTestSession(additionalArgs: additionalArgs);
return tests(session);
/// A helper class provided to DAP integration tests run with [testDap] to
/// easily share setup/teardown without sharing state across tests from different
/// files.
class DapTestSession {
late DapTestServer server;
late DapTestClient client;
final _testFolders = <Directory>[];
final List<String>? additionalArgs;
/// Creates a file in a temporary folder to be used as an application for testing.
/// The file will be deleted at the end of the test run.
File createTestFile(String content) {
final testAppDir = Directory.systemTemp.createTempSync('dart-sdk-dap-test');
final testFile = File(path.join(testAppDir.path, 'test_file.dart'));
return testFile;
Future<void> setUp() async {
client = await _startClient(server);
Future<void> setUpAll() async {
server = await _startServer(logger: logger, additionalArgs: additionalArgs);
Future<void> tearDown() => client.stop();
Future<void> tearDownAll() async {
await server.stop();
// Clean up any temp folders created during the test runs.
_testFolders.forEach((dir) => dir.deleteSync(recursive: true));
/// Creates and connects a new [DapTestClient] to [server].
Future<DapTestClient> _startClient(DapTestServer server) async {
// Since we don't get a signal from the DAP server when it's ready and we
// just started it, add a short retry to connections.
// Since the bots can be quite slow, it may take 6-7 seconds for the server
// to initially start up (including compilation).
var attempt = 1;
while (attempt++ <= 100) {
try {
return await DapTestClient.connect(server.port);
} catch (e) {
await Future.delayed(const Duration(milliseconds: 200));
final errorMessage = StringBuffer();
'Failed to connect to DAP server on port ${server.port}'
' after $attempt attempts. Did the server start correctly?',
final serverErrorLogs = server.errorLogs;
if (serverErrorLogs.isNotEmpty) {
errorMessage.writeln('Server errors:');
throw Exception(errorMessage.toString());
/// Starts a DAP server that can be shared across tests.
Future<DapTestServer> _startServer({
Logger? logger,
List<String>? additionalArgs,
}) async {
return useInProcessDap
? await InProcessDapTestServer.create(logger: logger)
: await OutOfProcessDapTestServer.create(
logger: logger,
additionalArgs: additionalArgs,