| // Copyright (c) 2020, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file |
| // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a |
| // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. |
| |
| // Run tests like on the given builder and/or named configuration. |
| |
| import 'dart:async'; |
| import 'dart:convert'; |
| import 'dart:io'; |
| |
| import 'package:args/args.dart'; |
| import 'package:smith/smith.dart'; |
| |
| import 'bot_results.dart'; |
| import 'src/options.dart'; |
| |
| const int deflakingCount = 5; |
| |
| /// Quotes a string in shell single quote mode. This function produces a single |
| /// shell argument that evaluates to the exact string provided, handling any |
| /// special characters in the input string. Shell single quote mode works uses |
| /// the single quote character as the delimiter and uses the characters |
| /// in-between verbatim without any special processing. To insert the single |
| /// quote character itself, escape single quote mode, insert an escaped single |
| /// quote, and then return to single quote mode. |
| /// |
| /// Examples: |
| /// foo becomes 'foo' |
| /// foo bar becomes 'foo bar' |
| /// foo\ bar becomes 'foo\ bar' |
| /// foo's bar becomes 'foo '\''s bar' |
| /// foo "b"ar becomes 'foo "b"' |
| /// foo |
| /// bar becomes 'foo |
| /// bar' |
| String shellSingleQuote(String string) { |
| return "'${string.replaceAll("'", "'\\''")}'"; |
| } |
| |
| /// Like [shellSingleQuote], but if the string only contains safe ASCII |
| /// characters, don't quote it. Note that it's not always safe to omit the |
| /// quotes even if the string only has safe characters, as doing so might match |
| /// a shell keyword or a shell builtin in the first argument in a command. It |
| /// should be safe to use this for the second argument onwards in a command. |
| String simpleShellSingleQuote(String string) { |
| return RegExp(r"^[a-zA-Z0-9%+,./:_-]*$").hasMatch(string) |
| ? string |
| : shellSingleQuote(string); |
| } |
| |
| /// Runs a process and exits likewise if the process exits non-zero. |
| Future<ProcessResult> runProcess(String executable, List<String> arguments, |
| {bool runInShell = false}) async { |
| var processResult = |
| await Process.run(executable, arguments, runInShell: runInShell); |
| if (processResult.exitCode != 0) { |
| var command = |
| [executable, ...arguments].map(simpleShellSingleQuote).join(" "); |
| throw Exception("Command exited ${processResult.exitCode}: $command\n" |
| "${processResult.stdout}\n${processResult.stderr}"); |
| } |
| return processResult; |
| } |
| |
| /// Runs a process and exits likewise if the process exits non-zero, but let the |
| /// child process inherit out stdio handles. |
| Future<ProcessResult> runProcessInheritStdio( |
| String executable, List<String> arguments, |
| {bool runInShell = false}) async { |
| var process = await Process.start(executable, arguments, |
| mode: ProcessStartMode.inheritStdio, runInShell: runInShell); |
| var exitCode = await process.exitCode; |
| var processResult = ProcessResult(process.pid, exitCode, "", ""); |
| if (processResult.exitCode != 0) { |
| var command = |
| [executable, ...arguments].map(simpleShellSingleQuote).join(" "); |
| throw Exception("Command exited ${processResult.exitCode}: $command"); |
| } |
| return processResult; |
| } |
| |
| /// Finds the branch of a builder given the list of branches. |
| String branchOfBuilder(String builder, List<String> branches) { |
| return branches.where((branch) => branch != "main").firstWhere( |
| (branch) => builder.endsWith("-$branch"), |
| orElse: () => "main"); |
| } |
| |
| /// Finds the named configuration to test according to the test matrix |
| /// information and the command line options. |
| Map<String, Set<Builder>>? resolveNamedConfigurations( |
| TestMatrix testMatrix, |
| String requestedBranch, |
| List<String> requestedNamedConfigurations, |
| String? requestedBuilder) { |
| var testedConfigurations = <String, Set<Builder>>{}; |
| var foundBuilder = false; |
| for (var builder in testMatrix.builders) { |
| if (requestedBuilder != null && builder.name != requestedBuilder) { |
| continue; |
| } |
| var branch = branchOfBuilder(builder.name, testMatrix.branches); |
| if (branch != requestedBranch) { |
| if (requestedBuilder == null) { |
| continue; |
| } |
| stderr.writeln("error: Builder $requestedBuilder is on branch $branch " |
| "rather than $requestedBranch"); |
| stderr.writeln("error: To compare with that branch, use: -B $branch"); |
| return null; |
| } |
| foundBuilder = true; |
| for (var step in builder.steps.where((step) => step.isTestStep)) { |
| var testedConfiguration = step.testedConfiguration; |
| if (testedConfiguration == null) { |
| // This test step does not use a configuration; for example, |
| // because it is a simple script that does not produce results. |
| continue; |
| } |
| var namedConfiguration = testedConfiguration.name; |
| if (requestedNamedConfigurations.isEmpty || |
| requestedNamedConfigurations.contains(namedConfiguration)) { |
| testedConfigurations |
| .putIfAbsent(namedConfiguration, () => {}) |
| .add(builder); |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| if (requestedBuilder != null && !foundBuilder) { |
| stderr.writeln("error: Builder $requestedBuilder doesn't exist"); |
| return null; |
| } |
| if (requestedBuilder != null && |
| requestedNamedConfigurations.isEmpty && |
| testedConfigurations.isEmpty) { |
| stderr.writeln("error: Builder $requestedBuilder isn't testing any named " |
| "configurations"); |
| return null; |
| } |
| if (requestedNamedConfigurations.isNotEmpty) { |
| var hasUntestedConfiguration = false; |
| for (var requestedConfiguration in requestedNamedConfigurations) { |
| if (!testedConfigurations.containsKey(requestedConfiguration)) { |
| var builder = requestedBuilder != null |
| ? "builder $requestedBuilder" |
| : "any builder"; |
| stderr.writeln("error: The named configuration " |
| "$requestedConfiguration isn't tested on $builder"); |
| hasUntestedConfiguration = true; |
| } |
| } |
| if (hasUntestedConfiguration) { |
| return null; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| return testedConfigurations; |
| } |
| |
| /// Locates the merge base between head and the [branch] on the given [remote]. |
| Future<String> findMergeBase(String? remote, String? branch) async { |
| var arguments = ["merge-base", "$remote/$branch", "HEAD"]; |
| var result = |
| await Process.run("git", arguments, runInShell: Platform.isWindows); |
| |
| var stdout = result.stdout as String; |
| var stderr = result.stderr as String; |
| |
| if (result.exitCode != 0) { |
| throw Exception("Failed to run: git ${arguments.join(' ')}\n" |
| "stdout:\n$stdout\n" |
| "stderr:\n$stderr\n"); |
| } |
| return LineSplitter.split(stdout).first; |
| } |
| |
| /// Exception thrown when looking up the build for a commit failed. |
| class NoResultsForCommitException implements Exception { |
| final String reason; |
| |
| NoResultsForCommitException(this.reason); |
| |
| @override |
| String toString() => reason; |
| } |
| |
| /// The result after searching for a build of a commit. |
| class BuildSearchResult { |
| final int build; |
| final String commit; |
| |
| BuildSearchResult(this.build, this.commit); |
| } |
| |
| /// Locates the build number of the [commit] on the [builder], or throws an |
| /// exception if the builder hasn't built the commit. |
| Future<BuildSearchResult> searchForBuild(String builder, String commit) async { |
| var requestBody = jsonEncode({ |
| "fields": "builds.*.status,builds.*.number", |
| "predicate": { |
| "builder": { |
| "project": "dart", |
| "bucket": "ci.sandbox", |
| "builder": builder |
| }, |
| "tags": [ |
| { |
| "key": "buildset", |
| "value": "commit/gitiles/dart.googlesource.com/sdk/+/$commit" |
| } |
| ] |
| } |
| }); |
| var requestUrl = Uri.https( |
| "cr-buildbucket.appspot.com", "prpc/buildbucket.v2.Builds/SearchBuilds"); |
| var client = HttpClient(); |
| var request = await client.postUrl(requestUrl); |
| request.headers.add(HttpHeaders.acceptHeader, ContentType.json.mimeType); |
| request.headers.add(HttpHeaders.contentTypeHeader, ContentType.json.mimeType); |
| request.write(requestBody); |
| var response = await request.close(); |
| var responseString = await const Utf8Decoder().bind(response).join(); |
| client.close(); |
| // Remove XSSI protection prefix )]}'\n before parsing the response. |
| var object = jsonDecode(responseString.substring(5)) as Map<String, dynamic>; |
| var builds = object["builds"] as List<dynamic>?; |
| if (builds == null || builds.isEmpty) { |
| throw NoResultsForCommitException( |
| "Builder $builder hasn't built commit $commit"); |
| } |
| var build = builds.last; |
| var buildNumber = build["number"] as int; |
| if (!{"SUCCESS", "FAILURE"}.contains(build["status"])) { |
| throw NoResultsForCommitException("Build $buildNumber isn't completed yet"); |
| } |
| var resultsPath = buildFileCloudPath(builder, "$buildNumber", "results.json"); |
| var flakyPath = buildFileCloudPath(builder, "$buildNumber", "flaky.json"); |
| if ((await lsGsutil(resultsPath)).isEmpty || |
| (await lsGsutil(flakyPath)).isEmpty) { |
| throw NoResultsForCommitException( |
| "Build $buildNumber did not upload results"); |
| } |
| return BuildSearchResult(buildNumber, commit); |
| } |
| |
| Future<BuildSearchResult> searchForApproximateBuild( |
| String builder, String commit) async { |
| try { |
| return await searchForBuild(builder, commit); |
| } on NoResultsForCommitException catch (e) { |
| print("Warning: $e, searching for an inexact previous build..."); |
| var limit = 25; |
| var arguments = [ |
| "rev-list", |
| "$commit~$limit..$commit~1", |
| "--first-parent", |
| "--topo-order" |
| ]; |
| var processResult = await Process.run("git", arguments, runInShell: true); |
| if (processResult.exitCode != 0) { |
| throw Exception("Failed to list potential commits: git $arguments\n" |
| "exitCode: ${processResult.exitCode}\n" |
| "stdout: ${processResult.stdout}\n" |
| "stdout: ${processResult.stderr}\n"); |
| } |
| for (var fallbackCommit |
| in LineSplitter.split(processResult.stdout as String)) { |
| try { |
| return await searchForBuild(builder, fallbackCommit); |
| } catch (e) { |
| print( |
| "Warning: Searching for inexact baseline build: $e, continuing..."); |
| } |
| } |
| throw NoResultsForCommitException( |
| "Failed to locate approximate baseline results for " |
| "$commit in past $limit commits"); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| void overrideConfiguration(Map<String, Map<String, dynamic>> results, |
| String configuration, String? newConfiguration) { |
| results.forEach((String key, Map<String, dynamic> result) { |
| if (result["configuration"] == configuration) { |
| result["configuration"] = newConfiguration; |
| } |
| }); |
| } |
| |
| void printUsage(ArgParser parser, {String? error, bool printOptions = false}) { |
| if (error != null) { |
| print("$error\n"); |
| exitCode = 1; |
| } |
| print(""" |
| Usage: test.dart -b [BUILDER] -n [CONFIGURATION] [OPTION]... [--] |
| |
| Run tests and compare with the results on the given builder. Either the -n or |
| the -b option, or both, must be used. Any options following -- and non-option |
| arguments will be forwarded to test.py invocations. The specified named |
| configuration's results will be downloaded from the specified builder. If only a |
| named configuration is specified, the results are downloaded from the |
| appropriate builders. If only a builder is specified, the default named |
| configuration is used if the builder only has a single named configuration. |
| Otherwise the available named configurations are listed. |
| |
| See the documentation at https://goto.google.com/dart-status-file-free-workflow |
| """); |
| if (printOptions) { |
| print(parser.usage); |
| } else { |
| print("Run test.dart --help to see all options."); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| Future<void> runTests(List<String> args) async { |
| var parser = ArgParser(); |
| parser.addOption("builder", |
| abbr: "b", help: "Run tests like on the given builder"); |
| parser.addOption("branch", |
| abbr: "B", |
| help: "Select the builders building this branch", |
| defaultsTo: "main"); |
| parser.addOption("commit", abbr: "C", help: "Compare with this commit"); |
| parser.addFlag("deflake", |
| help: "Re-run failing newly tests $deflakingCount times."); |
| parser.addFlag("report-flakes", |
| help: "Report test failures for tests known to be flaky.\n" |
| "This ignores all flakiness data from CI but flakes\n" |
| "detected by --deflake will remain hidden"); |
| parser.addFlag("list-configurations", |
| help: "Output list of configurations.", negatable: false); |
| parser.addMultiOption("named-configuration", |
| abbr: "n", |
| help: "The named test configuration(s) that supplies the\nvalues for all " |
| "test options, specifying how tests\nshould be run."); |
| parser.addOption("local-configuration", |
| abbr: "N", |
| help: "Use a different named configuration for local\ntesting than the " |
| "named configuration the baseline\nresults were downloaded for. The " |
| "results may be\ninexact if the baseline configuration is " |
| "different."); |
| parser.addOption("remote", |
| abbr: "R", |
| help: "Compare with this remote and git branch", |
| defaultsTo: "origin"); |
| parser.addFlag("help", help: "Show the program usage.", negatable: false); |
| |
| ArgResults options; |
| try { |
| options = parser.parse(args); |
| } on FormatException catch (exception) { |
| printUsage(parser, error: exception.message); |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| if (options["help"] as bool) { |
| printUsage(parser, printOptions: true); |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| if (options["list-configurations"] as bool) { |
| listConfigurations({"system": "all"}); |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| var requestedBuilder = options["builder"] as String?; |
| var requestedNamedConfigurations = |
| (options["named-configuration"] as List).cast<String>(); |
| var localConfiguration = options["local-configuration"] as String?; |
| |
| if (requestedBuilder == null && requestedNamedConfigurations.isEmpty) { |
| printUsage(parser, |
| error: "Please specify either a configuration (-n) or " |
| "a builder (-b)"); |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| if (localConfiguration != null && requestedNamedConfigurations.length > 1) { |
| printUsage(parser, |
| error: "Local configuration (-N) can only be used with a" |
| " single named configuration (-n)"); |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| // Locate gsutil.py. |
| gsutilPy = |
| Platform.script.resolve("../third_party/gsutil/gsutil.py").toFilePath(); |
| |
| // Load the test matrix. |
| var testMatrixPath = Platform.script.resolve("bots/test_matrix.json"); |
| var testMatrix = TestMatrix.fromPath(testMatrixPath.toFilePath()); |
| // Determine what named configuration to run and which builders to download |
| // existing results from. |
| var testedConfigurations = resolveNamedConfigurations( |
| testMatrix, |
| options["branch"] as String, |
| requestedNamedConfigurations, |
| requestedBuilder); |
| if (testedConfigurations == null) { |
| // No valid configuration could be found. The error has already been |
| // reported by [resolveConfigurations]. |
| exitCode = 1; |
| return; |
| } |
| var namedConfigurations = testedConfigurations.keys.toSet().toList(); |
| var builders = |
| testedConfigurations.values.expand((builders) => builders).toSet(); |
| |
| // Print information about the resolved builders to compare with. |
| for (var namedConfiguration in namedConfigurations) { |
| var testedBuilders = testedConfigurations[namedConfiguration]!; |
| var onWhichBuilders = testedBuilders.length == 1 |
| ? "builder ${testedBuilders.single.name}" |
| : "builders${testedBuilders.map((b) => "\n ${b.name}").join()}"; |
| if (localConfiguration != null) { |
| print("Testing named configuration $localConfiguration " |
| "compared with configuration $namedConfiguration " |
| "on $onWhichBuilders"); |
| } else { |
| print("Testing named configuration $namedConfiguration " |
| "compared with $onWhichBuilders"); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| // Use given commit or find out where the current HEAD branched. |
| var commit = options["commit"] as String? ?? |
| await findMergeBase( |
| options["remote"] as String?, options["branch"] as String?); |
| print("Base commit is $commit"); |
| |
| // Store the downloaded results and our test results in a temporary directory. |
| var outDirectory = await Directory.systemTemp.createTemp("test.dart."); |
| try { |
| var tasks = <Future>[]; |
| var needsConfigurationOverride = localConfiguration != null && |
| localConfiguration != namedConfigurations.single; |
| var needsMerge = builders.length > 1; |
| var inexactBuilds = <String, String>{}; |
| var previousFileName = "previous.json"; |
| var flakyFileName = "flaky.json"; |
| var downloadNumber = 0; |
| |
| // Download the previous results and flakiness info from cloud storage. |
| for (var builder in builders) { |
| var builderName = builder.name; |
| if (needsMerge) { |
| previousFileName = "previous-$downloadNumber.json"; |
| flakyFileName = "flaky-$downloadNumber.json"; |
| downloadNumber++; |
| } |
| |
| // Use the buildbucket API to search for builds of the right commit. |
| print("Finding build on builder $builderName to compare with..."); |
| var buildSearchResult = |
| await searchForApproximateBuild(builderName, commit); |
| if (buildSearchResult.commit != commit) { |
| print("Warning: Using commit ${buildSearchResult.commit} " |
| "as baseline instead of $commit for $builderName"); |
| inexactBuilds[builderName] = buildSearchResult.commit; |
| } |
| |
| var buildNumber = buildSearchResult.build.toString(); |
| print("Downloading results from builder $builderName " |
| "build $buildNumber..."); |
| tasks.add(cpGsutil( |
| buildFileCloudPath(builderName, buildNumber, "results.json"), |
| "${outDirectory.path}/$previousFileName")); |
| if (!(options["report-flakes"] as bool)) { |
| tasks.add(cpGsutil( |
| buildFileCloudPath(builderName, buildNumber, "flaky.json"), |
| "${outDirectory.path}/$flakyFileName")); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| // Run the tests. |
| var configurationsToRun = localConfiguration != null |
| ? <String>[localConfiguration] |
| : namedConfigurations; |
| print("".padLeft(80, "=")); |
| print("Running tests"); |
| print("".padLeft(80, "=")); |
| await runProcessInheritStdio( |
| "python3", |
| [ |
| "tools/test.py", |
| "--named-configuration=${configurationsToRun.join(",")}", |
| "--output-directory=${outDirectory.path}", |
| "--clean-exit", |
| "--silent-failures", |
| "--write-results", |
| "--write-logs", |
| ...options.rest, |
| ], |
| runInShell: Platform.isWindows); |
| // Wait for the downloads and the test run to complete. |
| await Future.wait(tasks); |
| // Merge the results and flaky data downloaded from the builders. |
| var mergedResults = <String, Map<String, dynamic>>{}; |
| var mergedFlaky = <String, Map<String, dynamic>>{}; |
| if (needsMerge || needsConfigurationOverride) { |
| for (var i = 0; i < downloadNumber; ++i) { |
| previousFileName = needsMerge ? "previous-$i.json" : "previous.json"; |
| var results = |
| await loadResultsMap("${outDirectory.path}/$previousFileName"); |
| if (needsConfigurationOverride) { |
| overrideConfiguration( |
| results, namedConfigurations.single, localConfiguration); |
| } |
| mergedResults.addAll(results); |
| if (!(options["report-flakes"] as bool)) { |
| flakyFileName = needsMerge ? "flaky-$i.json" : "flaky.json"; |
| var flakyTests = |
| await loadResultsMap("${outDirectory.path}/$flakyFileName"); |
| if (needsConfigurationOverride) { |
| overrideConfiguration( |
| flakyTests, namedConfigurations.single, localConfiguration); |
| } |
| mergedFlaky.addAll(flakyTests); |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| // Write out the merged results for the builders. |
| if (needsMerge || needsConfigurationOverride) { |
| await File("${outDirectory.path}/previous.json").writeAsString( |
| mergedResults.values.map((data) => "${jsonEncode(data)}\n").join("")); |
| } |
| // Ensure that there is a flaky.json even if it wasn't downloaded. |
| if (needsMerge || |
| needsConfigurationOverride || |
| options["report-flakes"] as bool) { |
| await File("${outDirectory.path}/flaky.json").writeAsString( |
| mergedFlaky.values.map((data) => "${jsonEncode(data)}\n").join("")); |
| } |
| // Deflake results of the tests if required. |
| if (options["deflake"] as bool) { |
| await deflake(outDirectory, configurationsToRun, options.rest); |
| } |
| // Write out the final comparison. |
| print("".padLeft(80, "=")); |
| print("Test Results"); |
| print("".padLeft(80, "=")); |
| var compareOutput = await runProcess(Platform.resolvedExecutable, [ |
| "tools/bots/compare_results.dart", |
| "--human", |
| "--verbose", |
| "--changed", |
| "--failing", |
| "--passing", |
| "--flakiness-data=${outDirectory.path}/flaky.json", |
| "--logs=${outDirectory.path}/logs.json", |
| "${outDirectory.path}/previous.json", |
| "${outDirectory.path}/results.json", |
| ]); |
| if (compareOutput.stdout == "") { |
| print("There were no test failures."); |
| } else { |
| stdout.write(compareOutput.stdout); |
| } |
| if (inexactBuilds.isNotEmpty) { |
| print(""); |
| var builders = inexactBuilds.keys.toList()..sort(); |
| for (var builder in builders) { |
| var inexactCommit = inexactBuilds[builder]; |
| print("Warning: Results may be inexact because commit $inexactCommit " |
| "was used as the baseline for $builder instead of $commit"); |
| } |
| } |
| } finally { |
| await outDirectory.delete(recursive: true); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| Future<void> deflake(Directory outDirectory, List<String> configurations, |
| List<String> testPyArgs) async { |
| // Find the list of tests to deflake. |
| var deflakeListOutput = await runProcess(Platform.resolvedExecutable, [ |
| "tools/bots/compare_results.dart", |
| "--changed", |
| "--failing", |
| "--passing", |
| "--flakiness-data=${outDirectory.path}/flaky.json", |
| "${outDirectory.path}/previous.json", |
| "${outDirectory.path}/results.json", |
| ]); |
| var deflakeListPath = "${outDirectory.path}/deflake.list"; |
| var deflakeListFile = File(deflakeListPath); |
| await deflakeListFile.writeAsString(deflakeListOutput.stdout as String); |
| |
| // Deflake the changed tests. |
| var deflakingResultsPaths = <String>[]; |
| for (var i = 1; deflakeListOutput.stdout != "" && i <= deflakingCount; i++) { |
| print("".padLeft(80, "=")); |
| print("Running deflaking iteration $i"); |
| print("".padLeft(80, "=")); |
| var deflakeDirectory = Directory("${outDirectory.path}/$i"); |
| await deflakeDirectory.create(); |
| var deflakeArguments = [ |
| "--named-configuration=${configurations.join(",")}", |
| "--output-directory=${deflakeDirectory.path}", |
| "--clean-exit", |
| "--silent-failures", |
| "--write-results", |
| "--test-list=$deflakeListPath", |
| ...testPyArgs, |
| ]; |
| |
| await runProcessInheritStdio( |
| "python3", ["tools/test.py", ...deflakeArguments], |
| runInShell: Platform.isWindows); |
| deflakingResultsPaths.add("${deflakeDirectory.path}/results.json"); |
| } |
| |
| // Update the flakiness information based on what we've learned. |
| print("Updating flakiness information..."); |
| await runProcess(Platform.resolvedExecutable, [ |
| "tools/bots/update_flakiness.dart", |
| "--input=${outDirectory.path}/flaky.json", |
| "--output=${outDirectory.path}/flaky.json", |
| "${outDirectory.path}/results.json", |
| ...deflakingResultsPaths, |
| ]); |
| } |