blob: 7959de5ccc933397e8dd79c2e5b5f123d44efc41 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2016, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import '../ast.dart';
import '../class_hierarchy.dart';
import '../core_types.dart';
import '../transformations/continuation.dart' as cont;
import '../transformations/erasure.dart';
import '../transformations/insert_covariance_checks.dart';
import '../transformations/insert_type_checks.dart';
import '../transformations/mixin_full_resolution.dart' as mix;
import '../transformations/sanitize_for_vm.dart';
import '../transformations/treeshaker.dart';
import 'targets.dart';
/// Specializes the kernel IR to the Dart VM.
class VmTarget extends Target {
final TargetFlags flags;
bool get strongMode => flags.strongMode;
/// The VM patch files are not strong mode clean, so we adopt a hybrid mode
/// where the SDK is internally unchecked, but trusted to satisfy the types
/// declared on its interface.
bool get strongModeSdk => false;
String get name => 'vm';
// This is the order that bootstrap libraries are loaded according to
// `runtime/vm/object_store.h`.
List<String> get extraRequiredLibraries => const <String>[
// The library dart:mirrors may be ignored by the VM, e.g. when built in
// PRODUCT mode.
ClassHierarchy _hierarchy;
void performModularTransformations(Program program) {
var mixins = new mix.MixinFullResolution(this)..transform(program);
_hierarchy = mixins.hierarchy;
void performGlobalTransformations(Program program) {
var coreTypes = new CoreTypes(program);
if (strongMode) {
new InsertTypeChecks(hierarchy: _hierarchy, coreTypes: coreTypes)
new InsertCovarianceChecks(hierarchy: _hierarchy, coreTypes: coreTypes)
if (flags.treeShake) {
if (strongMode) {
new SanitizeForVM().transform(program);
void performTreeShaking(Program program) {
var coreTypes = new CoreTypes(program);
new TreeShaker(program,
hierarchy: _hierarchy,
coreTypes: coreTypes,
strongMode: strongMode,
programRoots: flags.programRoots)
_hierarchy = null; // Hierarchy must be recomputed.
void performErasure(Program program) {
new Erasure().transform(program);
Expression instantiateInvocation(Member target, Expression receiver,
String name, Arguments arguments, int offset, bool isSuper) {
// See [_InvocationMirror]
// (../../../../runtime/lib/invocation_mirror_patch.dart).
// The _InvocationMirror constructor takes the following arguments:
// * Method name (a string).
// * An arguments descriptor - a list consisting of:
// - length of passed type argument vector, 0 if none passed.
// - number of arguments (including receiver).
// - number of positional arguments (including receiver).
// - pairs (2 entries in the list) of
// * named arguments name.
// * index of named argument in arguments list.
// * A list of arguments, where the first ones are the positional arguments.
// * Whether it's a super invocation or not.
int typeArgsLen = 0; // TODO(regis): Type arguments of generic function.
int numPositionalArguments = arguments.positional.length;
numPositionalArguments++; // Include the receiver.
int numArguments = numPositionalArguments + arguments.named.length;
List<Expression> argumentsDescriptor = [
new IntLiteral(typeArgsLen)..fileOffset = offset,
new IntLiteral(numArguments)..fileOffset = offset,
new IntLiteral(numPositionalArguments)..fileOffset = offset,
List<Expression> argumentsList = <Expression>[receiver];
for (NamedExpression argument in arguments.named) {
new StringLiteral( = argument.fileOffset);
argumentsDescriptor.add(new IntLiteral(argumentsList.length)
..fileOffset = argument.fileOffset);
Arguments constructorArguments = new Arguments([
new StringLiteral(name)..fileOffset = offset,
_fixedLengthList(argumentsDescriptor, arguments.fileOffset),
_fixedLengthList(argumentsList, arguments.fileOffset),
new BoolLiteral(isSuper)..fileOffset = arguments.fileOffset,
return (target is Constructor
? new ConstructorInvocation(target, constructorArguments)
: new StaticInvocation(target, constructorArguments))
..fileOffset = offset;
Expression _fixedLengthList(List<Expression> elements, int charOffset) {
// TODO(ahe): It's possible that it would be better to create a fixed-length
// list first, and then populate it. That would create fewer objects. But as
// this is currently only used in (statically resolved) no-such-method
// handling, the current approach seems sufficient.
return new MethodInvocation(
new ListLiteral(elements)..fileOffset = charOffset,
new Name("toList"),
new Arguments(<Expression>[], named: <NamedExpression>[
new NamedExpression("growable", new BoolLiteral(false))