blob: f15dac6461bcded959db9091f59f3e7663b2c627 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2017, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:analyzer/dart/ast/ast.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/element/element.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/element/type.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/analysis/driver.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/resolver.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/source.dart';
import 'package:analyzer_plugin/src/utilities/change_builder/change_builder_dart.dart';
import 'package:analyzer_plugin/utilities/change_builder/change_builder_core.dart';
* A [ChangeBuilder] used to build changes in Dart files.
* Clients may not extend, implement or mix-in this class.
abstract class DartChangeBuilder extends ChangeBuilder {
* Initialize a newly created change builder.
factory DartChangeBuilder(AnalysisDriver driver) = DartChangeBuilderImpl;
* An [EditBuilder] used to build edits in Dart files.
* Clients may not extend, implement or mix-in this class.
abstract class DartEditBuilder extends EditBuilder {
* Write the code for a declaration of a class with the given [name]. If a
* list of [interfaces] is provided, then the class will implement those
* interfaces. If [isAbstract] is `true`, then the class will be abstract. If
* a [memberWriter] is provided, then it will be invoked to allow members to
* be generated. (The members will automatically be preceded and followed by
* end-of-line markers.) If a list of [mixins] is provided, then the class
* will mix in those classes. If a [nameGroupName] is provided, then the name
* of the class will be included in the linked edit group with that name. If a
* [superclass] is given then it will be the superclass of the class. (If a
* list of [mixins] is provided but no [superclass] is given then the class
* will extend `Object`.)
void writeClassDeclaration(String name,
{Iterable<DartType> interfaces,
bool isAbstract: false,
void memberWriter(),
Iterable<DartType> mixins,
String nameGroupName,
DartType superclass,
String superclassGroupName});
* Write the code for a constructor declaration in the class with the given
* [className]. If [isConst] is `true`, then the constructor will be marked
* as being a `const` constructor. If a [constructorName] is provided, then
* the constructor will have the given name. If both a constructor name and a
* [constructorNameGroupName] is provided, then the name of the constructor
* will be included in the linked edit group with that name. If an
* [argumentList] is provided then the constructor will have parameters that
* match the given arguments. If no argument list is given, but a list of
* [fieldNames] is provided, then field formal parameters will be created for
* each of the field names.
void writeConstructorDeclaration(String className,
{ArgumentList argumentList,
SimpleIdentifier constructorName,
String constructorNameGroupName,
List<String> fieldNames,
bool isConst: false});
* Write the code for a declaration of a field with the given [name]. If an
* [initializerWriter] is provided, it will be invoked to write the content of
* the initializer. (The equal sign separating the field name from the
* initializer expression will automatically be written.) If [isConst] is
* `true`, then the declaration will be preceded by the `const` keyword. If
* [isFinal] is `true`, then the declaration will be preceded by the `final`
* keyword. (If both [isConst] and [isFinal] are `true`, then only the `const`
* keyword will be written.) If [isStatic] is `true`, then the declaration
* will be preceded by the `static` keyword. If a [nameGroupName] is
* provided, the name of the field will be included in the linked edit group
* with that name. If a [type] is provided, then it will be used as the type
* of the field. (The keyword `var` will be provided automatically when
* required.) If a [typeGroupName] is provided, then if a type was written
* it will be in the linked edit group with that name.
void writeFieldDeclaration(String name,
{void initializerWriter(),
bool isConst: false,
bool isFinal: false,
bool isStatic: false,
String nameGroupName,
DartType type,
String typeGroupName});
* Write the code for a declaration of a function with the given [name]. If a
* [bodyWriter] is provided, it will be invoked to write the body of the
* function. (The space between the name and the body will automatically be
* written.) If [isStatic] is `true`, then the declaration will be preceded
* by the `static` keyword. If a [nameGroupName] is provided, the name of the
* function will be included in the linked edit group with that name. If a
* [returnType] is provided, then it will be used as the return type of the
* function. If a [returnTypeGroupName] is provided, then if a return type was
* written it will be in the linked edit group with that name. If a
* [parameterWriter] is provided, then it will be invoked to write the
* declarations of the parameters to the function. (The parentheses around the
* parameters will automatically be written.)
void writeFunctionDeclaration(String name,
{void bodyWriter(),
bool isStatic: false,
String nameGroupName,
void parameterWriter(),
DartType returnType,
String returnTypeGroupName});
* Write the code for a declaration of a getter with the given [name]. If a
* [bodyWriter] is provided, it will be invoked to write the body of the
* getter. (The space between the name and the body will automatically be
* written.) If [isStatic] is `true`, then the declaration will be preceded
* by the `static` keyword. If a [nameGroupName] is provided, the name of the
* getter will be included in the linked edit group with that name. If a
* [returnType] is provided, then it will be used as the return type of the
* getter. If a [returnTypeGroupName] is provided, then if a return type was
* written it will be in the linked edit group with that name.
void writeGetterDeclaration(String name,
{void bodyWriter(),
bool isStatic: false,
String nameGroupName,
DartType returnType,
String returnTypeGroupName});
* Write the code for a declaration of a local variable with the given [name].
* If an [initializerWriter] is provided, it will be invoked to write the
* content of the initializer. (The equal sign separating the variable name
* from the initializer expression will automatically be written.) If
* [isConst] is `true`, then the declaration will be preceded by the `const`
* keyword. If [isFinal] is `true`, then the declaration will be preceded by
* the `final` keyword. (If both [isConst] and [isFinal] are `true`, then only
* the `const` keyword will be written.) If a [nameGroupName] is provided, the
* name of the variable will be included in the linked edit group with that
* name. If a [type] is provided, then it will be used as the type of the
* variable. (The keyword `var` will be provided automatically when required.)
* If a [typeGroupName] is provided, then if a type was written it will be in
* the linked edit group with that name.
void writeLocalVariableDeclaration(String name,
{void initializerWriter(),
bool isConst: false,
bool isFinal: false,
String nameGroupName,
DartType type,
String typeGroupName});
* Append a placeholder for an override of the specified inherited [member].
void writeOverrideOfInheritedMember(ExecutableElement member);
* Write the code for a parameter that would match the given [argument]. The
* name of the parameter will be generated based on the type of the argument,
* but if the argument type is not known the [index] will be used to compose
* a name. In any case, the set of [usedNames] will be used to ensure that the
* name is unique (and the chosen name will be added to the set).
void writeParameterMatchingArgument(
Expression argument, int index, Set<String> usedNames);
* Write the code for a list of [parameters], including the surrounding
* parentheses.
void writeParameters(Iterable<ParameterElement> parameters);
* Write the code for a list of parameters that would match the given list of
* [arguments]. The surrounding parentheses are *not* written.
void writeParametersMatchingArguments(ArgumentList arguments);
* Write the code for a single parameter with the given [type] and [name].
* The [type] can be `null` if no type is to be specified for the parameter.
void writeParameterSource(DartType type, String name);
* Write the code for a type annotation for the given [type]. If the [type] is
* either `null` or represents the type 'dynamic', then the behavior depends
* on whether a type is [required]. If [required] is `true`, then 'var' will
* be written; otherwise, nothing is written.
* If the [groupName] is not `null`, then the name of the type (including type
* parameters) will be included as a region in the linked edit group with that
* name. If the [groupName] is not `null` and [addSupertypeProposals] is
* `true`, then all of the supertypes of the [type] will be added as
* suggestions for alternatives to the type name.
bool writeType(DartType type,
{bool addSupertypeProposals: false,
String groupName,
bool required: false});
* Write the code to declare the given [typeParameter]. The enclosing angle
* brackets are not automatically written.
void writeTypeParameter(TypeParameterElement typeParameter);
* Write the code to declare the given list of [typeParameters]. The enclosing
* angle brackets are automatically written.
void writeTypeParameters(List<TypeParameterElement> typeParameters);
* A [FileEditBuilder] used to build edits for Dart files.
* Clients may not extend, implement or mix-in this class.
abstract class DartFileEditBuilder extends FileEditBuilder {
* Create one or more edits that will convert the given function [body] from
* being synchronous to be asynchronous. This includes adding the `async`
* modifier to the body as well as potentially replacing the return type of
* the function to `Future`.
* There is currently a limitation in that the function body must not be a
* generator.
* Throws an [ArgumentError] if the function body is not both synchronous and
* a non-generator.
void convertFunctionFromSyncToAsync(
FunctionBody body, TypeProvider typeProvider);
* Arrange to have imports added for each of the given [libraries].
void importLibraries(Iterable<Source> libraries);
* Optionally create an edit to replace the given [typeAnnotation] with the
* type `Future` (with the given type annotation as the type argument). The
* [typeProvider] is used to check the current type, because if it is already
* `Future` no edit will be added.
void replaceTypeWithFuture(
TypeAnnotation typeAnnotation, TypeProvider typeProvider);
* A [LinkedEditBuilder] used to build linked edits for Dart files.
* Clients may not extend, implement or mix-in this class.
abstract class DartLinkedEditBuilder extends LinkedEditBuilder {
* Add the given [type] and all of its supertypes (other than mixins) as
* suggestions for the current linked edit group.
void addSuperTypesAsSuggestions(DartType type);