blob: a56fe9fd9f17f3e318bf0bb82a4d4d846d0dc288 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2016, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:convert';
import 'dart:typed_data';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/ast/ast.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/ast/token.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/error/listener.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/file_system/file_system.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/analysis/defined_names.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/analysis/referenced_names.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/analysis/top_level_declaration.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/scanner/reader.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/scanner/scanner.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/fasta/ast_builder.dart' as fasta;
import 'package:analyzer/src/fasta/element_store.dart' as fasta;
import 'package:analyzer/src/fasta/mock_element.dart' as fasta;
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/engine.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/parser.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/source.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/utilities_dart.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/source/source_resource.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/summary/format.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/summary/idl.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/summary/name_filter.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/summary/package_bundle_reader.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/summary/summarize_ast.dart';
import 'package:convert/convert.dart';
import 'package:crypto/crypto.dart';
import 'package:front_end/src/base/api_signature.dart';
import 'package:front_end/src/base/performace_logger.dart';
import 'package:front_end/src/fasta/builder/builder.dart' as fasta;
import 'package:front_end/src/fasta/parser/parser.dart' as fasta;
import 'package:front_end/src/fasta/scanner.dart' as fasta;
import 'package:front_end/src/incremental/byte_store.dart';
import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
* [FileContentOverlay] is used to temporary override content of files.
class FileContentOverlay {
final _map = <String, String>{};
* Return the content of the file with the given [path], or `null` the
* overlay does not override the content of the file.
* The [path] must be absolute and normalized.
String operator [](String path) => _map[path];
* Return the new [content] of the file with the given [path].
* The [path] must be absolute and normalized.
void operator []=(String path, String content) {
if (content == null) {
} else {
_map[path] = content;
* Information about a file being analyzed, explicitly or implicitly.
* It provides a consistent view on its properties.
* The properties are not guaranteed to represent the most recent state
* of the file system. To update the file to the most recent state, [refresh]
* should be called.
class FileState {
static const bool USE_FASTA_PARSER = false;
final FileSystemState _fsState;
* The absolute path of the file.
final String path;
* The absolute URI of the file.
final Uri uri;
* The [Source] of the file with the [uri].
final Source source;
* Return `true` if this file is a stub created for a file in the provided
* external summary store. The values of most properties are not the same
* as they would be if the file were actually read from the file system.
* The value of the property [uri] is correct.
final bool isInExternalSummaries;
bool _exists;
List<int> _contentBytes;
String _content;
String _contentHash;
LineInfo _lineInfo;
Set<String> _definedTopLevelNames;
Set<String> _definedClassMemberNames;
Set<String> _referencedNames;
UnlinkedUnit _unlinked;
List<int> _apiSignature;
List<FileState> _importedFiles;
List<FileState> _exportedFiles;
List<FileState> _partedFiles;
List<NameFilter> _exportFilters;
Set<FileState> _directReferencedFiles = new Set<FileState>();
Set<FileState> _transitiveFiles;
String _transitiveSignature;
Map<String, TopLevelDeclaration> _topLevelDeclarations;
Map<String, TopLevelDeclaration> _exportedTopLevelDeclarations;
* The flag that shows whether the file has an error or warning that
* might be fixed by a change to another file.
bool hasErrorOrWarning = false;
FileState._(this._fsState, this.path, this.uri, this.source)
: isInExternalSummaries = false;
FileState._external(this._fsState, this.uri)
: isInExternalSummaries = true,
path = null,
source = null {
_apiSignature = new Uint8List(16);
* The unlinked API signature of the file.
List<int> get apiSignature => _apiSignature;
* The content of the file.
String get content => _content;
* The MD5 hash of the [content].
String get contentHash => _contentHash;
* The class member names defined by the file.
Set<String> get definedClassMemberNames => _definedClassMemberNames;
* The top-level names defined by the file.
Set<String> get definedTopLevelNames => _definedTopLevelNames;
* Return the set of all directly referenced files - imported, exported or
* parted.
Set<FileState> get directReferencedFiles => _directReferencedFiles;
* Return `true` if the file exists.
bool get exists => _exists;
* The list of files this file exports.
List<FileState> get exportedFiles => _exportedFiles;
* Return [TopLevelDeclaration]s exported from the this library file. The
* keys to the map are names of declarations.
Map<String, TopLevelDeclaration> get exportedTopLevelDeclarations {
if (_exportedTopLevelDeclarations == null) {
_exportedTopLevelDeclarations = <String, TopLevelDeclaration>{};
Set<FileState> seenLibraries = new Set<FileState>();
* Compute [TopLevelDeclaration]s exported from the [library].
Map<String, TopLevelDeclaration> computeExported(FileState library) {
var declarations = <String, TopLevelDeclaration>{};
if (seenLibraries.add(library)) {
// Append the exported declarations.
for (int i = 0; i < library._exportedFiles.length; i++) {
Map<String, TopLevelDeclaration> exported =
for (TopLevelDeclaration t in exported.values) {
if (library._exportFilters[i].accepts( {
declarations[] = t;
// Append the library declarations.
for (FileState part in library.partedFiles) {
// We're done with this library.
return declarations;
_exportedTopLevelDeclarations = computeExported(this);
return _exportedTopLevelDeclarations;
int get hashCode => uri.hashCode;
* The list of files this file imports.
List<FileState> get importedFiles => _importedFiles;
* Return `true` if the file does not have a `library` directive, and has a
* `part of` directive, so is probably a part.
bool get isPart => _unlinked.libraryNameOffset == 0 && _unlinked.isPartOf;
* If the file [isPart], return a currently know library the file is a part
* of. Return `null` if a library is not known, for example because we have
* not processed a library file yet.
FileState get library {
List<FileState> libraries = _fsState._partToLibraries[this];
if (libraries == null || libraries.isEmpty) {
return null;
} else {
return libraries.first;
* Return information about line in the file.
LineInfo get lineInfo => _lineInfo;
* The list of files this library file references as parts.
List<FileState> get partedFiles => _partedFiles;
* The external names referenced by the file.
Set<String> get referencedNames => _referencedNames;
* Return public top-level declarations declared in the file. The keys to the
* map are names of declarations.
Map<String, TopLevelDeclaration> get topLevelDeclarations {
if (_topLevelDeclarations == null) {
_topLevelDeclarations = <String, TopLevelDeclaration>{};
void addDeclaration(TopLevelDeclarationKind kind, String name) {
if (!name.startsWith('_')) {
_topLevelDeclarations[name] = new TopLevelDeclaration(kind, name);
// Add types.
for (UnlinkedClass type in unlinked.classes) {
for (UnlinkedEnum type in unlinked.enums) {
for (UnlinkedTypedef type in unlinked.typedefs) {
// Add functions and variables.
Set<String> addedVariableNames = new Set<String>();
for (UnlinkedExecutable executable in unlinked.executables) {
String name =;
if (executable.kind == UnlinkedExecutableKind.functionOrMethod) {
addDeclaration(TopLevelDeclarationKind.function, name);
} else if (executable.kind == UnlinkedExecutableKind.getter ||
executable.kind == UnlinkedExecutableKind.setter) {
if (executable.kind == UnlinkedExecutableKind.setter) {
name = name.substring(0, name.length - 1);
if (addedVariableNames.add(name)) {
addDeclaration(TopLevelDeclarationKind.variable, name);
for (UnlinkedVariable variable in unlinked.variables) {
String name =;
if (addedVariableNames.add(name)) {
addDeclaration(TopLevelDeclarationKind.variable, name);
return _topLevelDeclarations;
* Return the set of transitive files - the file itself and all of the
* directly or indirectly referenced files.
Set<FileState> get transitiveFiles {
if (_transitiveFiles == null) {
_transitiveFiles = new Set<FileState>();
void appendReferenced(FileState file) {
if (_transitiveFiles.add(file)) {
return _transitiveFiles;
* Return the signature of the file, based on the [transitiveFiles].
String get transitiveSignature {
if (_transitiveSignature == null) {
ApiSignature signature = new ApiSignature();
.map((file) => file.apiSignature)
_transitiveSignature = signature.toHex();
return _transitiveSignature;
* The [UnlinkedUnit] of the file.
UnlinkedUnit get unlinked => _unlinked;
* Return the [uri] string.
String get uriStr => uri.toString();
bool operator ==(Object other) {
return other is FileState && other.uri == uri;
* Return a new parsed unresolved [CompilationUnit].
CompilationUnit parse(AnalysisErrorListener errorListener) {
AnalysisOptions analysisOptions = _fsState._analysisOptions;
try {
fasta.ScannerResult scanResult = fasta.scan(_contentBytes,
includeComments: true,
scanGenericMethodComments: analysisOptions.strongMode);
var astBuilder = new fasta.AstBuilder(
new ErrorReporter(errorListener, source),
new _FastaElementStoreProxy(),
new true),
astBuilder.parseGenericMethodComments = analysisOptions.strongMode;
var parser = new fasta.Parser(astBuilder);
astBuilder.parser = parser;
var unit = astBuilder.pop() as CompilationUnit;
LineInfo lineInfo = new LineInfo(scanResult.lineStarts);
unit.lineInfo = lineInfo;
return unit;
} catch (e, st) {
} else {
CharSequenceReader reader = new CharSequenceReader(content);
Scanner scanner = new Scanner(source, reader, errorListener);
scanner.scanGenericMethodComments = analysisOptions.strongMode;
Token token = scanner.tokenize();
LineInfo lineInfo = new LineInfo(scanner.lineStarts);
Parser parser = new Parser(source, errorListener);
parser.enableAssertInitializer = analysisOptions.enableAssertInitializer;
parser.parseGenericMethodComments = analysisOptions.strongMode;
CompilationUnit unit = parser.parseCompilationUnit(token);
unit.lineInfo = lineInfo;
return unit;
* Read the file content and ensure that all of the file properties are
* consistent with the read content, including API signature.
* Return `true` if the API signature changed since the last refresh.
bool refresh() {
// Read the content.
try {
_content = _fsState._contentOverlay[path];
_content ??= _fsState._resourceProvider.getFile(path).readAsStringSync();
_exists = true;
} catch (_) {
_content = '';
_exists = false;
var bytes = UTF8.encode(_content);
_contentBytes = new Uint8List(bytes.length + 1);
_contentBytes.setRange(0, bytes.length, bytes);
_contentBytes[_contentBytes.length - 1] = 0;
// Compute the content hash.
List<int> contentBytes = UTF8.encode(_content);
List<int> hashBytes = md5.convert(contentBytes).bytes;
_contentHash = hex.encode(hashBytes);
// Prepare the unlinked bundle key.
String unlinkedKey;
ApiSignature signature = new ApiSignature();
unlinkedKey = '${signature.toHex()}.unlinked';
// Prepare bytes of the unlinked bundle - existing or new.
List<int> bytes;
bytes = _fsState._byteStore.get(unlinkedKey);
if (bytes == null) {
CompilationUnit unit = parse(AnalysisErrorListener.NULL_LISTENER);'Create unlinked for $path', () {
UnlinkedUnitBuilder unlinkedUnit = serializeAstUnlinked(unit);
List<String> referencedNames = computeReferencedNames(unit).toList();
DefinedNames definedNames = computeDefinedNames(unit);
bytes = new AnalysisDriverUnlinkedUnitBuilder(
unit: unlinkedUnit,
definedTopLevelNames: definedNames.topLevelNames.toList(),
referencedNames: referencedNames)
_fsState._byteStore.put(unlinkedKey, bytes);
// Read the unlinked bundle.
var driverUnlinkedUnit = new AnalysisDriverUnlinkedUnit.fromBuffer(bytes);
_definedTopLevelNames = driverUnlinkedUnit.definedTopLevelNames.toSet();
_definedClassMemberNames =
_referencedNames = driverUnlinkedUnit.referencedNames.toSet();
_unlinked = driverUnlinkedUnit.unit;
_lineInfo = new LineInfo(_unlinked.lineStarts);
_topLevelDeclarations = null;
// Prepare API signature.
List<int> newApiSignature = new Uint8List.fromList(_unlinked.apiSignature);
bool apiSignatureChanged = _apiSignature != null &&
!_equalByteLists(_apiSignature, newApiSignature);
_apiSignature = newApiSignature;
// The API signature changed.
// Flush transitive signatures of affected files.
// Flush exported top-level declarations of all files.
if (apiSignatureChanged) {
for (FileState file in _fsState._uriToFile.values) {
if (file._transitiveFiles != null &&
file._transitiveFiles.contains(this)) {
file._transitiveSignature = null;
file._exportedTopLevelDeclarations = null;
// This file is potentially not a library for its previous parts anymore.
if (_partedFiles != null) {
for (FileState part in _partedFiles) {
// Build the graph.
_importedFiles = <FileState>[];
_exportedFiles = <FileState>[];
_partedFiles = <FileState>[];
_exportFilters = <NameFilter>[];
for (UnlinkedImport import in _unlinked.imports) {
String uri = import.isImplicit ? 'dart:core' : import.uri;
FileState file = _fileForRelativeUri(uri);
for (UnlinkedExportPublic export in _unlinked.publicNamespace.exports) {
String uri = export.uri;
FileState file = _fileForRelativeUri(uri);
.add(new NameFilter.forUnlinkedCombinators(export.combinators));
for (String uri in {
FileState file = _fileForRelativeUri(uri);
// TODO(scheglov) Sort for stable results?
.putIfAbsent(file, () => <FileState>[])
// Compute referenced files.
Set<FileState> oldDirectReferencedFiles = _directReferencedFiles;
_directReferencedFiles = new Set<FileState>()
// If the set of directly referenced files of this file is changed,
// then the transitive sets of files that include this file are also
// changed. Reset these transitive sets.
if (_directReferencedFiles.length != oldDirectReferencedFiles.length ||
!_directReferencedFiles.containsAll(oldDirectReferencedFiles)) {
for (FileState file in _fsState._uriToFile.values) {
if (file._transitiveFiles != null &&
file._transitiveFiles.contains(this)) {
file._transitiveFiles = null;
// Return whether the API signature changed.
return apiSignatureChanged;
String toString() => path;
* Return the [FileState] for the given [relativeUri], maybe "unresolved"
* file if the URI cannot be parsed, cannot correspond any file, etc.
FileState _fileForRelativeUri(String relativeUri) {
if (relativeUri.isEmpty) {
return _fsState.unresolvedFile;
Uri absoluteUri;
try {
absoluteUri = resolveRelativeUri(uri, Uri.parse(relativeUri));
} on FormatException {
return _fsState.unresolvedFile;
return _fsState.getFileForUri(absoluteUri);
* Return `true` if the given byte lists are equal.
static bool _equalByteLists(List<int> a, List<int> b) {
if (a == null) {
return b == null;
} else if (b == null) {
return false;
if (a.length != b.length) {
return false;
for (int i = 0; i < a.length; i++) {
if (a[i] != b[i]) {
return false;
return true;
* Information about known file system state.
class FileSystemState {
final PerformanceLog _logger;
final ResourceProvider _resourceProvider;
final ByteStore _byteStore;
final FileContentOverlay _contentOverlay;
final SourceFactory _sourceFactory;
final AnalysisOptions _analysisOptions;
final Uint32List _salt;
* The optional store with externally provided unlinked and corresponding
* linked summaries. These summaries are always added to the store for any
* file analysis.
* While walking the file graph, when we reach a file that exists in the
* external store, we add a stub [FileState], but don't attempt to read its
* content, or its unlinked unit, or imported libraries, etc.
final SummaryDataStore externalSummaries;
* Mapping from a URI to the corresponding [FileState].
final Map<Uri, FileState> _uriToFile = {};
* All known file paths.
final Set<String> knownFilePaths = new Set<String>();
* The paths of files that were added to the set of known files since the
* last [knownFilesSetChanges] notification.
final Set<String> _addedKnownFiles = new Set<String>();
* If not `null`, this delay will be awaited instead of the default one.
Duration _knownFilesSetChangesDelay;
* The instance of timer that is scheduled to send a new update to the
* [knownFilesSetChanges] stream, or `null` if there are no changes to the
* set of known files to notify the stream about.
Timer _knownFilesSetChangesTimer;
* The controller for the [knownFilesSetChanges] stream.
final StreamController<KnownFilesSetChange> _knownFilesSetChangesController =
new StreamController<KnownFilesSetChange>();
* Mapping from a path to the flag whether there is a URI for the path.
final Map<String, bool> _hasUriForPath = {};
* Mapping from a path to the corresponding [FileState]s, canonical or not.
final Map<String, List<FileState>> _pathToFiles = {};
* Mapping from a path to the corresponding canonical [FileState].
final Map<String, FileState> _pathToCanonicalFile = {};
* Mapping from a part to the libraries it is a part of.
final Map<FileState, List<FileState>> _partToLibraries = {};
* The [FileState] instance that correspond to an unresolved URI.
FileState _unresolvedFile;
FileSystemStateTestView _testView;
{this.externalSummaries}) {
_testView = new FileSystemStateTestView(this);
* Return the known files.
List<FileState> get knownFiles => => files.first).toList();
* Return the [Stream] that is periodically notified about changes to the
* known files set.
Stream<KnownFilesSetChange> get knownFilesSetChanges =>;
FileSystemStateTestView get test => _testView;
* Return the [FileState] instance that correspond to an unresolved URI.
FileState get unresolvedFile {
if (_unresolvedFile == null) {
_unresolvedFile = new FileState._(this, null, null, null);
return _unresolvedFile;
* Return the canonical [FileState] for the given absolute [path]. The
* returned file has the last known state since if was last refreshed.
* Here "canonical" means that if the [path] is in a package `lib` then the
* returned file will have the `package:` style URI.
FileState getFileForPath(String path) {
FileState file = _pathToCanonicalFile[path];
if (file == null) {
File resource = _resourceProvider.getFile(path);
Source fileSource = resource.createSource();
Uri uri = _sourceFactory.restoreUri(fileSource);
// Try to get the existing instance.
file = _uriToFile[uri];
// If we have a file, call it the canonical one and return it.
if (file != null) {
_pathToCanonicalFile[path] = file;
return file;
// Create a new file.
FileSource uriSource = new FileSource(resource, uri);
file = new FileState._(this, path, uri, uriSource);
_uriToFile[uri] = file;
_addFileWithPath(path, file);
_pathToCanonicalFile[path] = file;
return file;
* Return the [FileState] for the given absolute [uri]. May return `null` if
* the [uri] is invalid, e.g. a `package:` URI without a package name. The
* returned file has the last known state since if was last refreshed.
FileState getFileForUri(Uri uri) {
FileState file = _uriToFile[uri];
if (file == null) {
// If the external store has this URI, create a stub file for it.
// We are given all required unlinked and linked summaries for it.
if (externalSummaries != null) {
String uriStr = uri.toString();
if (externalSummaries.hasUnlinkedUnit(uriStr)) {
file = new FileState._external(this, uri);
_uriToFile[uri] = file;
return file;
Source uriSource = _sourceFactory.resolveUri(null, uri.toString());
// If the URI cannot be resolved, for example because the factory
// does not understand the scheme, return the unresolved file instance.
if (uriSource == null) {
_uriToFile[uri] = unresolvedFile;
return unresolvedFile;
String path = uriSource.fullName;
File resource = _resourceProvider.getFile(path);
FileSource source = new FileSource(resource, uri);
file = new FileState._(this, path, uri, source);
_uriToFile[uri] = file;
_addFileWithPath(path, file);
return file;
* Return the list of all [FileState]s corresponding to the given [path]. The
* list has at least one item, and the first item is the canonical file.
List<FileState> getFilesForPath(String path) {
FileState canonicalFile = getFileForPath(path);
List<FileState> allFiles = _pathToFiles[path].toList();
if (allFiles.length == 1) {
return allFiles;
return allFiles
..insert(0, canonicalFile);
* Return `true` if there is a URI that can be resolved to the [path].
* When a file exists, but for the URI that corresponds to the file is
* resolved to another file, e.g. a generated one in Bazel, Gn, etc, we
* cannot analyze the original file.
bool hasUri(String path) {
bool flag = _hasUriForPath[path];
if (flag == null) {
File resource = _resourceProvider.getFile(path);
Source fileSource = resource.createSource();
Uri uri = _sourceFactory.restoreUri(fileSource);
Source uriSource = _sourceFactory.forUri2(uri);
flag = uriSource.fullName == path;
_hasUriForPath[path] = flag;
return flag;
* Remove the file with the given [path].
void removeFile(String path) {
void _addFileWithPath(String path, FileState file) {
var files = _pathToFiles[path];
if (files == null) {
files = <FileState>[];
_pathToFiles[path] = files;
// Schedule the stream update.
void _scheduleKnownFilesSetChange() {
Duration delay = _knownFilesSetChangesDelay ?? new Duration(seconds: 1);
_knownFilesSetChangesTimer ??= new Timer(delay, () {
Set<String> addedFiles = _addedKnownFiles.toSet();
Set<String> removedFiles = new Set<String>();
.add(new KnownFilesSetChange(addedFiles, removedFiles));
_knownFilesSetChangesTimer = null;
class FileSystemStateTestView {
final FileSystemState state;
Set<FileState> get filesWithoutTransitiveFiles {
return state._uriToFile.values
.where((f) => f._transitiveFiles == null)
Set<FileState> get filesWithoutTransitiveSignature {
return state._uriToFile.values
.where((f) => f._transitiveSignature == null)
void set knownFilesDelay(Duration value) {
state._knownFilesSetChangesDelay = value;
* Information about changes to the known file set.
class KnownFilesSetChange {
final Set<String> added;
final Set<String> removed;
KnownFilesSetChange(this.added, this.removed);
class _FastaElementProxy implements fasta.KernelClassElement {
final fasta.KernelInterfaceType rawType = new _FastaInterfaceTypeProxy();
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) => super.noSuchMethod(invocation);
class _FastaElementStoreProxy implements fasta.ElementStore {
final _elements = <fasta.Builder, _FastaElementProxy>{};
_FastaElementProxy operator [](fasta.Builder builder) =>
_elements.putIfAbsent(builder, () => new _FastaElementProxy());
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) => super.noSuchMethod(invocation);
class _FastaInterfaceTypeProxy implements fasta.KernelInterfaceType {
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) => super.noSuchMethod(invocation);