blob: 1b22647b694f8600f650604f36aec63938b33086 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library pub.dart2js_transformer;
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:convert';
import 'package:analyzer/analyzer.dart';
import 'package:barback/barback.dart';
import 'package:path/path.dart' as path;
import 'package:pool/pool.dart';
import 'package:stack_trace/stack_trace.dart';
import '../../../../compiler/compiler.dart' as compiler;
import '../../../../compiler/implementation/dart2js.dart'
show AbortLeg;
import '../../../../compiler/implementation/source_file.dart';
import '../barback.dart';
import '../dart.dart' as dart;
import '../utils.dart';
import 'asset_environment.dart';
/// The set of all valid configuration options for this transformer.
final _validOptions = new Set<String>.from([
'commandLineOptions', 'checked', 'csp', 'minify', 'verbose', 'environment',
'analyzeAll', 'suppressWarnings', 'suppressHints', 'suppressPackageWarnings',
/// A [Transformer] that uses dart2js's library API to transform Dart
/// entrypoints in "web" to JavaScript.
class Dart2JSTransformer extends Transformer implements LazyTransformer {
/// We use this to ensure that only one compilation is in progress at a time.
/// Dart2js uses lots of memory, so if we try to actually run compiles in
/// parallel, it takes down the VM. The tracking bug to do something better
/// is here:
static final _pool = new Pool(1);
final AssetEnvironment _environment;
final BarbackSettings _settings;
/// Whether source maps should be generated for the compiled JS.
bool get _generateSourceMaps => _settings.mode != BarbackMode.RELEASE;
Dart2JSTransformer.withSettings(this._environment, this._settings) {
var invalidOptions = _settings.configuration.keys.toSet()
if (invalidOptions.isEmpty) return;
throw new FormatException("Unrecognized dart2js "
"${pluralize('option', invalidOptions.length)} "
"${toSentence( => '"$option"'))}.");
Dart2JSTransformer(AssetEnvironment environment, BarbackMode mode)
: this.withSettings(environment, new BarbackSettings({}, mode));
/// Only ".dart" entrypoint files within a buildable directory are processed.
bool isPrimary(AssetId id) {
if (id.extension != ".dart") return false;
// "lib" should only contain libraries. For efficiency's sake, we don't
// look for entrypoints in there.
return !id.path.startsWith("lib/");
Future apply(Transform transform) {
// TODO(nweiz): If/when barback starts reporting what assets were modified,
// don't re-run the entrypoint detection logic unless the primary input was
// actually modified. See issue 16817.
return _isEntrypoint(transform.primaryInput).then((isEntrypoint) {
if (!isEntrypoint) return null;
// Wait for any ongoing apply to finish first.
return _pool.withResource(() {"Compiling ${}...");
var stopwatch = new Stopwatch()..start();
return _doCompilation(transform).then((_) {
stopwatch.stop();"Took ${stopwatch.elapsed} to compile "
void declareOutputs(DeclaringTransform transform) {
var primaryId = transform.primaryId;
if (_generateSourceMaps) {
/// Returns whether or not [asset] might be an entrypoint.
Future<bool> _isEntrypoint(Asset asset) {
return asset.readAsString().then((code) {
try {
var name =;
if ( != {
name += " in ${}";
var parsed = parseCompilationUnit(code, name: name);
return dart.isEntrypoint(parsed);
} on AnalyzerErrorGroup catch (e) {
// If we get a parse error, consider the asset primary so we report
// dart2js's more detailed error message instead.
return true;
/// Run the dart2js compiler.
Future _doCompilation(Transform transform) {
var provider = new _BarbackCompilerProvider(_environment, transform,
generateSourceMaps: _generateSourceMaps);
// Create a "path" to the entrypoint script. The entrypoint may not actually
// be on disk, but this gives dart2js a root to resolve relative paths
// against.
var id =;
var entrypoint = path.join(_environment.graph.packages[id.package].dir,
// TODO(rnystrom): Should have more sophisticated error-handling here. Need
// to report compile errors to the user in an easily visible way. Need to
// make sure paths in errors are mapped to the original source path so they
// can understand them.
return Chain.track(dart.compile(
entrypoint, provider,
commandLineOptions: _configCommandLineOptions,
csp: _configBool('csp'),
checked: _configBool('checked'),
minify: _configBool(
'minify', defaultsTo: _settings.mode == BarbackMode.RELEASE),
verbose: _configBool('verbose'),
environment: _configEnvironment,
packageRoot: path.join(_environment.rootPackage.dir, "packages"),
analyzeAll: _configBool('analyzeAll'),
suppressWarnings: _configBool('suppressWarnings'),
suppressHints: _configBool('suppressHints'),
suppressPackageWarnings: _configBool(
'suppressPackageWarnings', defaultsTo: true),
terse: _configBool('terse'),
includeSourceMapUrls: _settings.mode != BarbackMode.RELEASE));
/// Parses and returns the "commandLineOptions" configuration option.
List<String> get _configCommandLineOptions {
if (!_settings.configuration.containsKey('commandLineOptions')) return null;
var options = _settings.configuration['commandLineOptions'];
if (options is List && options.every((option) => option is String)) {
return options;
throw new FormatException('Invalid value for '
'\$dart2js.commandLineOptions: ${JSON.encode(options)} (expected list '
'of strings).');
/// Parses and returns the "environment" configuration option.
Map<String, String> get _configEnvironment {
if (!_settings.configuration.containsKey('environment')) return null;
var environment = _settings.configuration['environment'];
if (environment is Map &&
environment.keys.every((key) => key is String) &&
environment.values.every((key) => key is String)) {
return environment;
throw new FormatException('Invalid value for \$dart2js.environment: '
'${JSON.encode(environment)} (expected map from strings to strings).');
/// Parses and returns a boolean configuration option.
/// [defaultsTo] is the default value of the option.
bool _configBool(String name, {bool defaultsTo: false}) {
if (!_settings.configuration.containsKey(name)) return defaultsTo;
var value = _settings.configuration[name];
if (value is bool) return value;
throw new FormatException('Invalid value for \$dart2js.$name: '
'${JSON.encode(value)} (expected true or false).');
/// Defines an interface for dart2js to communicate with barback and pub.
/// Note that most of the implementation of diagnostic handling here was
/// copied from [FormattingDiagnosticHandler] in dart2js. The primary
/// difference is that it uses barback's logging code and, more importantly, it
/// handles missing source files more gracefully.
class _BarbackCompilerProvider implements dart.CompilerProvider {
Uri get libraryRoot => Uri.parse("${path.toUri(_libraryRootPath)}/");
final AssetEnvironment _environment;
final Transform _transform;
String _libraryRootPath;
/// The map of previously loaded files.
/// Used to show where an error occurred in a source file.
final _sourceFiles = new Map<String, SourceFile>();
// TODO(rnystrom): Make these configurable.
/// Whether or not warnings should be logged.
var _showWarnings = true;
/// Whether or not hints should be logged.
var _showHints = true;
/// Whether or not verbose info messages should be logged.
var _verbose = false;
/// Whether an exception should be thrown on an error to stop compilation.
var _throwOnError = false;
/// This gets set after a fatal error is reported to quash any subsequent
/// errors.
var _isAborting = false;
final bool generateSourceMaps;
compiler.Diagnostic _lastKind = null;
static final int _FATAL =
compiler.Diagnostic.CRASH.ordinal |
static final int _INFO =
compiler.Diagnostic.INFO.ordinal |
_BarbackCompilerProvider(this._environment, this._transform,
{this.generateSourceMaps: true}) {
// Dart2js outputs source maps that reference the Dart SDK sources. For
// that to work, those sources need to be inside the build environment. We
// do that by placing them in a special "$sdk" pseudo-package. In order for
// dart2js to generate the right URLs to point to that package, we give it
// a library root that corresponds to where that package can be found
// relative to the public source directory containing that entrypoint.
// For example, say the package being compiled is "/dev/myapp", the
// entrypoint is "web/sub/foo/bar.dart", and the source directory is
// "web/sub". This means the SDK sources will be (conceptually) at:
// /dev/myapp/web/sub/packages/$sdk/lib/
// This implies that the asset path for a file in the SDK is:
// $sdk|lib/lib/...
// TODO(rnystrom): Fix this if #17751 is fixed.
var buildDir = _environment.getSourceDirectoryContaining(;
_libraryRootPath = path.join(_environment.rootPackage.dir,
buildDir, "packages", r"$sdk");
/// A [CompilerInputProvider] for dart2js.
Future<String> provideInput(Uri resourceUri) {
// We only expect to get absolute "file:" URLs from dart2js.
assert(resourceUri.scheme == "file");
var sourcePath = path.fromUri(resourceUri);
return _readResource(resourceUri).then((source) {
_sourceFiles[resourceUri.toString()] =
new StringSourceFile(path.relative(sourcePath), source);
return source;
/// A [CompilerOutputProvider] for dart2js.
EventSink<String> provideOutput(String name, String extension) {
// TODO(rnystrom): Do this more cleanly. See: #17403.
if (!generateSourceMaps && extension.endsWith(".map")) {
return new NullSink<String>();
var primaryId =;
// Dart2js uses an empty string for the name of the entrypoint library.
// Otherwise, it's the name of a deferred library.
var outPath;
if (name == "") {
outPath =;
} else {
var dirname = path.url.dirname(;
outPath = path.url.join(dirname, name);
var id = new AssetId(primaryId.package, "$outPath.$extension");
// Make a sink that dart2js can write to.
var sink = new StreamController<String>();
// dart2js gives us strings, but stream assets expect byte lists.
var stream = UTF8.encoder.bind(;
// And give it to barback as a stream it can read from.
_transform.addOutput(new Asset.fromStream(id, stream));
return sink;
/// A [DiagnosticHandler] for dart2js, loosely based on
/// [FormattingDiagnosticHandler].
void handleDiagnostic(Uri uri, int begin, int end,
String message, compiler.Diagnostic kind) {
// TODO(ahe): Remove this when source map is handled differently.
if ( == "source map") return;
if (_isAborting) return;
_isAborting = (kind == compiler.Diagnostic.CRASH);
var isInfo = (kind.ordinal & _INFO) != 0;
if (isInfo && uri == null && kind != compiler.Diagnostic.INFO) {
if (!_verbose && kind == compiler.Diagnostic.VERBOSE_INFO) return;;
// [_lastKind] records the previous non-INFO kind we saw.
// This is used to suppress info about a warning when warnings are
// suppressed, and similar for hints.
if (kind != compiler.Diagnostic.INFO) _lastKind = kind;
var logFn;
if (kind == compiler.Diagnostic.ERROR) {
logFn = _transform.logger.error;
} else if (kind == compiler.Diagnostic.WARNING) {
if (!_showWarnings) return;
logFn = _transform.logger.warning;
} else if (kind == compiler.Diagnostic.HINT) {
if (!_showHints) return;
logFn = _transform.logger.warning;
} else if (kind == compiler.Diagnostic.CRASH) {
logFn = _transform.logger.error;
} else if (kind == compiler.Diagnostic.INFO) {
if (_lastKind == compiler.Diagnostic.WARNING && !_showWarnings) return;
if (_lastKind == compiler.Diagnostic.HINT && !_showHints) return;
logFn =;
} else {
throw new Exception('Unknown kind: $kind (${kind.ordinal})');
var fatal = (kind.ordinal & _FATAL) != 0;
if (uri == null) {
} else {
SourceFile file = _sourceFiles[uri.toString()];
if (file == null) {
// We got a message before loading the file, so just report the message
// itself.
logFn('$uri: $message');
} else {
logFn(file.getLocationMessage(message, begin, end, true, (i) => i));
if (fatal && _throwOnError) {
_isAborting = true;
throw new AbortLeg(message);
Future<String> _readResource(Uri url) {
return syncFuture(() {
// Find the corresponding asset in barback.
var id = _sourceUrlToId(url);
if (id != null) return _transform.readInputAsString(id);
// Don't allow arbitrary file paths that point to things not in packages.
// Doing so won't work in Dartium.
throw new Exception(
"Cannot read $url because it is outside of the build environment.");
AssetId _sourceUrlToId(Uri url) {
// See if it's a package path.
var id = packagesUrlToId(url);
if (id != null) return id;
// See if it's a path to a "public" asset within the root package. All
// other files in the root package are not visible to transformers, so
// should be loaded directly from disk.
var sourcePath = path.fromUri(url);
if (_environment.containsPath(sourcePath)) {
var relative = path.toUri(path.relative(sourcePath,
from: _environment.rootPackage.dir)).toString();
return new AssetId(, relative);
return null;
/// An [EventSink] that discards all data. Provided to dart2js when we don't
/// want an actual output.
class NullSink<T> implements EventSink<T> {
void add(T event) {}
void addError(errorEvent, [StackTrace stackTrace]) {}
void close() {}