blob: 083ca30bb07abc34f68f66f3a535cb0bd90af263 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// This code was auto-generated, is not intended to be edited, and is subject to
// significant change. Please see the README file for more information.
library engine.testing.element_factory;
import 'dart:collection';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/java_core.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/utilities_dart.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/ast.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/constant.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/source.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/element.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/engine.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/resolver.dart';
* The class `ElementFactory` defines utility methods used to create elements for testing
* purposes. The elements that are created are complete in the sense that as much of the element
* model as can be created, given the provided information, has been created.
class ElementFactory {
* The element representing the class 'Object'.
static ClassElementImpl _objectElement;
static ClassElementImpl classElement(String typeName, InterfaceType superclassType, List<String> parameterNames) {
ClassElementImpl element = new ClassElementImpl(typeName, 0);
element.supertype = superclassType;
InterfaceTypeImpl type = new InterfaceTypeImpl.con1(element);
element.type = type;
int count = parameterNames.length;
if (count > 0) {
List<TypeParameterElementImpl> typeParameters = new List<TypeParameterElementImpl>(count);
List<TypeParameterTypeImpl> typeParameterTypes = new List<TypeParameterTypeImpl>(count);
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
TypeParameterElementImpl typeParameter = new TypeParameterElementImpl(parameterNames[i], 0);
typeParameters[i] = typeParameter;
typeParameterTypes[i] = new TypeParameterTypeImpl(typeParameter);
typeParameter.type = typeParameterTypes[i];
element.typeParameters = typeParameters;
type.typeArguments = typeParameterTypes;
return element;
static ClassElementImpl classElement2(String typeName, List<String> parameterNames) => classElement(typeName, objectType, parameterNames);
static CompilationUnitElementImpl compilationUnit(String fileName) {
Source source = new NonExistingSource(fileName, UriKind.FILE_URI);
CompilationUnitElementImpl unit = new CompilationUnitElementImpl(fileName);
unit.source = source;
return unit;
static ConstructorElementImpl constructorElement(ClassElement definingClass, String name, bool isConst, List<DartType> argumentTypes) {
DartType type = definingClass.type;
ConstructorElementImpl constructor = name == null ? new ConstructorElementImpl("", -1) : new ConstructorElementImpl(name, 0);
constructor.const2 = isConst;
int count = argumentTypes.length;
List<ParameterElement> parameters = new List<ParameterElement>(count);
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
ParameterElementImpl parameter = new ParameterElementImpl("a${i}", i);
parameter.type = argumentTypes[i];
parameter.parameterKind = ParameterKind.REQUIRED;
parameters[i] = parameter;
constructor.parameters = parameters;
constructor.returnType = type;
FunctionTypeImpl constructorType = new FunctionTypeImpl.con1(constructor);
constructor.type = constructorType;
return constructor;
static ConstructorElementImpl constructorElement2(ClassElement definingClass, String name, List<DartType> argumentTypes) => constructorElement(definingClass, name, false, argumentTypes);
static ClassElementImpl enumElement(TypeProvider typeProvider, String enumName, List<String> constantNames) {
// Build the enum.
ClassElementImpl enumElement = new ClassElementImpl(enumName, -1);
InterfaceTypeImpl enumType = new InterfaceTypeImpl.con1(enumElement);
enumElement.type = enumType;
enumElement.supertype = objectType;
// Populate the fields.
List<FieldElement> fields = new List<FieldElement>();
InterfaceType intType = typeProvider.intType;
InterfaceType stringType = typeProvider.stringType;
String indexFieldName = "index";
FieldElementImpl indexField = new FieldElementImpl(indexFieldName, -1);
indexField.final2 = true;
indexField.type = intType;
String nameFieldName = "_name";
FieldElementImpl nameField = new FieldElementImpl(nameFieldName, -1);
nameField.final2 = true;
nameField.type = stringType;
FieldElementImpl valuesField = new FieldElementImpl("values", -1);
valuesField.static = true;
valuesField.const3 = true;
valuesField.type = typeProvider.listType.substitute4(<DartType> [enumType]);
// Build the enum constants.
int constantCount = constantNames.length;
for (int i = 0; i < constantCount; i++) {
String constantName = constantNames[i];
FieldElementImpl constantElement = new ConstFieldElementImpl.con2(constantName, -1);
constantElement.static = true;
constantElement.const3 = true;
constantElement.type = enumType;
HashMap<String, DartObjectImpl> fieldMap = new HashMap<String, DartObjectImpl>();
fieldMap[indexFieldName] = new DartObjectImpl(intType, new IntState(i));
fieldMap[nameFieldName] = new DartObjectImpl(stringType, new StringState(constantName));
DartObjectImpl value = new DartObjectImpl(enumType, new GenericState(fieldMap));
constantElement.evaluationResult = new ValidResult(value);
// Finish building the enum.
enumElement.fields = new List.from(fields);
// Client code isn't allowed to invoke the constructor, so we do not model it.
return enumElement;
static ExportElementImpl exportFor(LibraryElement exportedLibrary, List<NamespaceCombinator> combinators) {
ExportElementImpl spec = new ExportElementImpl();
spec.exportedLibrary = exportedLibrary;
spec.combinators = combinators;
return spec;
static FieldElementImpl fieldElement(String name, bool isStatic, bool isFinal, bool isConst, DartType type) {
FieldElementImpl field = new FieldElementImpl(name, 0);
field.const3 = isConst;
field.final2 = isFinal;
field.static = isStatic;
field.type = type;
PropertyAccessorElementImpl getter = new PropertyAccessorElementImpl.forVariable(field);
getter.getter = true;
getter.static = isStatic;
getter.synthetic = true;
getter.variable = field;
getter.returnType = type;
field.getter = getter;
FunctionTypeImpl getterType = new FunctionTypeImpl.con1(getter);
getter.type = getterType;
if (!isConst && !isFinal) {
PropertyAccessorElementImpl setter = new PropertyAccessorElementImpl.forVariable(field);
setter.setter = true;
setter.static = isStatic;
setter.synthetic = true;
setter.variable = field;
setter.parameters = <ParameterElement> [requiredParameter2("_${name}", type)];
setter.returnType = VoidTypeImpl.instance;
setter.type = new FunctionTypeImpl.con1(setter);
field.setter = setter;
return field;
static FieldFormalParameterElementImpl fieldFormalParameter(Identifier name) => new FieldFormalParameterElementImpl(name);
static FunctionElementImpl functionElement(String functionName) => functionElement4(functionName, null, null, null, null);
static FunctionElementImpl functionElement2(String functionName, ClassElement returnElement) => functionElement3(functionName, returnElement, null, null);
static FunctionElementImpl functionElement3(String functionName, ClassElement returnElement, List<ClassElement> normalParameters, List<ClassElement> optionalParameters) {
// We don't create parameter elements because we don't have parameter names
FunctionElementImpl functionElement = new FunctionElementImpl(functionName, 0);
FunctionTypeImpl functionType = new FunctionTypeImpl.con1(functionElement);
functionElement.type = functionType;
// return type
if (returnElement == null) {
functionElement.returnType = VoidTypeImpl.instance;
} else {
functionElement.returnType = returnElement.type;
// parameters
int normalCount = normalParameters == null ? 0 : normalParameters.length;
int optionalCount = optionalParameters == null ? 0 : optionalParameters.length;
int totalCount = normalCount + optionalCount;
List<ParameterElement> parameters = new List<ParameterElement>(totalCount);
for (int i = 0; i < totalCount; i++) {
ParameterElementImpl parameter = new ParameterElementImpl("a${i}", i);
if (i < normalCount) {
parameter.type = normalParameters[i].type;
parameter.parameterKind = ParameterKind.REQUIRED;
} else {
parameter.type = optionalParameters[i - normalCount].type;
parameter.parameterKind = ParameterKind.POSITIONAL;
parameters[i] = parameter;
functionElement.parameters = parameters;
// done
return functionElement;
static FunctionElementImpl functionElement4(String functionName, ClassElement returnElement, List<ClassElement> normalParameters, List<String> names, List<ClassElement> namedParameters) {
FunctionElementImpl functionElement = new FunctionElementImpl(functionName, 0);
FunctionTypeImpl functionType = new FunctionTypeImpl.con1(functionElement);
functionElement.type = functionType;
// parameters
int normalCount = normalParameters == null ? 0 : normalParameters.length;
int nameCount = names == null ? 0 : names.length;
int typeCount = namedParameters == null ? 0 : namedParameters.length;
if (names != null && nameCount != typeCount) {
throw new IllegalStateException("The passed String[] and ClassElement[] arrays had different lengths.");
int totalCount = normalCount + nameCount;
List<ParameterElement> parameters = new List<ParameterElement>(totalCount);
for (int i = 0; i < totalCount; i++) {
if (i < normalCount) {
ParameterElementImpl parameter = new ParameterElementImpl("a${i}", i);
parameter.type = normalParameters[i].type;
parameter.parameterKind = ParameterKind.REQUIRED;
parameters[i] = parameter;
} else {
ParameterElementImpl parameter = new ParameterElementImpl(names[i - normalCount], i);
parameter.type = namedParameters[i - normalCount].type;
parameter.parameterKind = ParameterKind.NAMED;
parameters[i] = parameter;
functionElement.parameters = parameters;
// return type
if (returnElement == null) {
functionElement.returnType = VoidTypeImpl.instance;
} else {
functionElement.returnType = returnElement.type;
return functionElement;
static FunctionElementImpl functionElement5(String functionName, List<ClassElement> normalParameters) => functionElement3(functionName, null, normalParameters, null);
static FunctionElementImpl functionElement6(String functionName, List<ClassElement> normalParameters, List<ClassElement> optionalParameters) => functionElement3(functionName, null, normalParameters, optionalParameters);
static FunctionElementImpl functionElement7(String functionName, List<ClassElement> normalParameters, List<String> names, List<ClassElement> namedParameters) => functionElement4(functionName, null, normalParameters, names, namedParameters);
static FunctionElementImpl functionElementWithParameters(String functionName, DartType returnType, List<ParameterElement> parameters) {
FunctionElementImpl functionElement = new FunctionElementImpl(functionName, 0);
functionElement.returnType = returnType == null ? VoidTypeImpl.instance : returnType;
functionElement.parameters = parameters;
FunctionTypeImpl functionType = new FunctionTypeImpl.con1(functionElement);
functionElement.type = functionType;
return functionElement;
static ClassElementImpl get object {
if (_objectElement == null) {
_objectElement = classElement("Object", null, []);
return _objectElement;
static InterfaceType get objectType => object.type;
static PropertyAccessorElementImpl getterElement(String name, bool isStatic, DartType type) {
FieldElementImpl field = new FieldElementImpl(name, -1);
field.static = isStatic;
field.synthetic = true;
field.type = type;
PropertyAccessorElementImpl getter = new PropertyAccessorElementImpl.forVariable(field);
getter.getter = true;
getter.static = isStatic;
getter.variable = field;
getter.returnType = type;
field.getter = getter;
FunctionTypeImpl getterType = new FunctionTypeImpl.con1(getter);
getter.type = getterType;
return getter;
static HtmlElementImpl htmlUnit(AnalysisContext context, String fileName) {
Source source = new NonExistingSource(fileName, UriKind.FILE_URI);
HtmlElementImpl unit = new HtmlElementImpl(context, fileName);
unit.source = source;
return unit;
static ImportElementImpl importFor(LibraryElement importedLibrary, PrefixElement prefix, List<NamespaceCombinator> combinators) {
ImportElementImpl spec = new ImportElementImpl(0);
spec.importedLibrary = importedLibrary;
spec.prefix = prefix;
spec.combinators = combinators;
return spec;
static LibraryElementImpl library(AnalysisContext context, String libraryName) {
String fileName = "/${libraryName}.dart";
CompilationUnitElementImpl unit = compilationUnit(fileName);
LibraryElementImpl library = new LibraryElementImpl(context, libraryName, 0);
library.definingCompilationUnit = unit;
return library;
static LocalVariableElementImpl localVariableElement(Identifier name) => new LocalVariableElementImpl.forNode(name);
static LocalVariableElementImpl localVariableElement2(String name) => new LocalVariableElementImpl(name, 0);
static MethodElementImpl methodElement(String methodName, DartType returnType, List<DartType> argumentTypes) {
MethodElementImpl method = new MethodElementImpl(methodName, 0);
int count = argumentTypes.length;
List<ParameterElement> parameters = new List<ParameterElement>(count);
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
ParameterElementImpl parameter = new ParameterElementImpl("a${i}", i);
parameter.type = argumentTypes[i];
parameter.parameterKind = ParameterKind.REQUIRED;
parameters[i] = parameter;
method.parameters = parameters;
method.returnType = returnType;
FunctionTypeImpl methodType = new FunctionTypeImpl.con1(method);
method.type = methodType;
return method;
static MethodElementImpl methodElementWithParameters(String methodName, List<DartType> typeArguments, DartType returnType, List<ParameterElement> parameters) {
MethodElementImpl method = new MethodElementImpl(methodName, 0);
method.parameters = parameters;
method.returnType = returnType;
FunctionTypeImpl methodType = new FunctionTypeImpl.con1(method);
methodType.typeArguments = typeArguments;
method.type = methodType;
return method;
static ParameterElementImpl namedParameter(String name) {
ParameterElementImpl parameter = new ParameterElementImpl(name, 0);
parameter.parameterKind = ParameterKind.NAMED;
return parameter;
static ParameterElementImpl namedParameter2(String name, DartType type) {
ParameterElementImpl parameter = new ParameterElementImpl(name, 0);
parameter.parameterKind = ParameterKind.NAMED;
parameter.type = type;
return parameter;
static ParameterElementImpl positionalParameter(String name) {
ParameterElementImpl parameter = new ParameterElementImpl(name, 0);
parameter.parameterKind = ParameterKind.POSITIONAL;
return parameter;
static ParameterElementImpl positionalParameter2(String name, DartType type) {
ParameterElementImpl parameter = new ParameterElementImpl(name, 0);
parameter.parameterKind = ParameterKind.POSITIONAL;
parameter.type = type;
return parameter;
static PrefixElementImpl prefix(String name) => new PrefixElementImpl(name, 0);
static ParameterElementImpl requiredParameter(String name) {
ParameterElementImpl parameter = new ParameterElementImpl(name, 0);
parameter.parameterKind = ParameterKind.REQUIRED;
return parameter;
static ParameterElementImpl requiredParameter2(String name, DartType type) {
ParameterElementImpl parameter = new ParameterElementImpl(name, 0);
parameter.parameterKind = ParameterKind.REQUIRED;
parameter.type = type;
return parameter;
static PropertyAccessorElementImpl setterElement(String name, bool isStatic, DartType type) {
FieldElementImpl field = new FieldElementImpl(name, -1);
field.static = isStatic;
field.synthetic = true;
field.type = type;
PropertyAccessorElementImpl getter = new PropertyAccessorElementImpl.forVariable(field);
getter.getter = true;
getter.static = isStatic;
getter.variable = field;
getter.returnType = type;
field.getter = getter;
FunctionTypeImpl getterType = new FunctionTypeImpl.con1(getter);
getter.type = getterType;
ParameterElementImpl parameter = requiredParameter2("a", type);
PropertyAccessorElementImpl setter = new PropertyAccessorElementImpl.forVariable(field);
setter.setter = true;
setter.static = isStatic;
setter.synthetic = true;
setter.variable = field;
setter.parameters = <ParameterElement> [parameter];
setter.returnType = VoidTypeImpl.instance;
setter.type = new FunctionTypeImpl.con1(setter);
field.setter = setter;
return setter;
static TopLevelVariableElementImpl topLevelVariableElement(Identifier name) => new TopLevelVariableElementImpl.forNode(name);
static TopLevelVariableElementImpl topLevelVariableElement2(String name) => topLevelVariableElement3(name, false, false, null);
static TopLevelVariableElementImpl topLevelVariableElement3(String name, bool isConst, bool isFinal, DartType type) {
TopLevelVariableElementImpl variable = new TopLevelVariableElementImpl(name, -1);
variable.const3 = isConst;
variable.final2 = isFinal;
variable.synthetic = true;
PropertyAccessorElementImpl getter = new PropertyAccessorElementImpl.forVariable(variable);
getter.getter = true;
getter.static = true;
getter.synthetic = true;
getter.variable = variable;
getter.returnType = type;
variable.getter = getter;
FunctionTypeImpl getterType = new FunctionTypeImpl.con1(getter);
getter.type = getterType;
if (!isFinal) {
PropertyAccessorElementImpl setter = new PropertyAccessorElementImpl.forVariable(variable);
setter.setter = true;
setter.static = true;
setter.synthetic = true;
setter.variable = variable;
setter.parameters = <ParameterElement> [requiredParameter2("_${name}", type)];
setter.returnType = VoidTypeImpl.instance;
setter.type = new FunctionTypeImpl.con1(setter);
variable.setter = setter;
return variable;