blob: ee4e38e1011c7247da9e8fff68c5f045efde4b42 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:collection';
import 'package:analysis_services/index/index.dart';
import 'package:analysis_services/src/index/store/collection.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/element.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/engine.dart';
* A helper that encodes/decodes [AnalysisContext]s from/to integers.
class ContextCodec {
* A table mapping contexts to their unique indices.
Map<AnalysisContext, int> _contextToIndex =
new HashMap<AnalysisContext, int>();
* A table mapping indices to the corresponding contexts.
Map<int, AnalysisContext> _indexToContext =
new HashMap<int, AnalysisContext>();
* The next id to assign.
int _nextId = 0;
* Returns the [AnalysisContext] that corresponds to the given index.
AnalysisContext decode(int index) => _indexToContext[index];
* Returns an unique index for the given [AnalysisContext].
int encode(AnalysisContext context) {
int index = _contextToIndex[context];
if (index == null) {
index = _nextId++;
_contextToIndex[context] = index;
_indexToContext[index] = context;
return index;
* Removes the given [context].
void remove(AnalysisContext context) {
int id = _contextToIndex.remove(context);
if (id != null) {
* A helper that encodes/decodes [Element]s to/from integers.
class ElementCodec {
final StringCodec _stringCodec;
* A table mapping element encodings to a single integer.
final IntArrayToIntMap _pathToIndex = new IntArrayToIntMap();
* A list that works as a mapping of integers to element encodings.
final List<List<int>> _indexToPath = <List<int>>[];
* Returns an [Element] that corresponds to the given location.
* @param context the [AnalysisContext] to find [Element] in
* @param index an integer corresponding to the [Element]
* @return the [Element] or `null`
Element decode(AnalysisContext context, int index) {
List<int> path = _indexToPath[index];
List<String> components = _getLocationComponents(path);
ElementLocation location = new ElementLocationImpl.con3(components);
Element element = context.getElement(location);
return element;
* Returns a unique integer that corresponds to the given [Element].
int encode(Element element) {
List<int> path = _getLocationPath(element);
int index = _pathToIndex[path];
if (index == null) {
index = _indexToPath.length;
_pathToIndex[path] = index;
return index;
* Returns an integer that corresponds to an approximated location of the given {@link Element}.
int encodeHash(Element element) {
List<int> path = _getLocationPathLimited(element);
int index = _pathToIndex[path];
if (index == null) {
index = _indexToPath.length;
_pathToIndex[path] = index;
return index;
List<String> _getLocationComponents(List<int> path) {
int length = path.length;
List<String> components = new List<String>();
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
int componentId = path[i];
String component = _stringCodec.decode(componentId);
if (i < length - 1 && path[i + 1] < 0) {
component += '@${(-path[i + 1])}';
return components;
List<int> _getLocationPath(Element element) {
List<String> components = element.location.components;
int length = components.length;
if (_hasLocalOffset(components)) {
List<int> path = new List<int>();
for (String component in components) {
int atOffset = component.indexOf('@');
if (atOffset == -1) {
} else {
String preAtString = component.substring(0, atOffset);
String atString = component.substring(atOffset + 1);
path.add(-1 * int.parse(atString));
return path;
} else {
List<int> path = new List<int>.filled(length, 0);
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
String component = components[i];
path[i] = _stringCodec.encode(component);
return path;
* Returns an approximation of the given {@link Element}'s location.
List<int> _getLocationPathLimited(Element element) {
List<String> components = element.location.components;
int length = components.length;
String firstComponent = components[0];
String lastComponent = components[length - 1];
lastComponent = _substringBeforeAt(lastComponent);
int firstId = _stringCodec.encode(firstComponent);
int lastId = _stringCodec.encode(lastComponent);
return <int>[firstId, lastId];
bool _hasLocalOffset(List<String> components) {
for (String component in components) {
if (component.indexOf('@') != -1) {
return true;
return false;
String _substringBeforeAt(String str) {
int atOffset = str.indexOf('@');
if (atOffset != -1) {
str = str.substring(0, atOffset);
return str;
* A helper that encodes/decodes [Relationship]s to/from integers.
class RelationshipCodec {
final StringCodec _stringCodec;
Relationship decode(int idIndex) {
String id = _stringCodec.decode(idIndex);
return Relationship.getRelationship(id);
int encode(Relationship relationship) {
String id = relationship.identifier;
return _stringCodec.encode(id);
* A helper that encodes/decodes [String]s from/to integers.
class StringCodec {
* A table mapping names to their unique indices.
final Map<String, int> nameToIndex = new HashMap<String, int>();
* A table mapping indices to the corresponding strings.
final List<String> _indexToName = <String>[];
* Returns the [String] that corresponds to the given index.
String decode(int index) => _indexToName[index];
* Returns an unique index for the given [String].
int encode(String name) {
int index = nameToIndex[name];
if (index == null) {
index = _indexToName.length;
nameToIndex[name] = index;
return index;