blob: 868f17efa70ee9f3058e9f9cc6b1155af497905a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
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* Code for reading an HTML API description.
library from.html;
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:html5lib/dom.dart' as dom;
import 'package:html5lib/parser.dart' as parser;
import 'api.dart';
import 'html_tools.dart';
* Check that the given [element] has the given [expectedName].
void checkName(dom.Element element, String expectedName) {
if (element.localName != expectedName) {
throw new Exception('Expected $expectedName, found ${element.localName}');
* Check that the given [element] has all of the attributes in
* [requiredAttributes], possibly some of the attributes in
* [optionalAttributes], and no others.
void checkAttributes(dom.Element element, List<String>
requiredAttributes, {List<String> optionalAttributes: const []}) {
Set<String> attributesFound = new Set<String>();
element.attributes.forEach((String name, String value) {
if (!requiredAttributes.contains(name) && !optionalAttributes.contains(name
)) {
throw new Exception('Unexpected attribute in ${element.localName}: $name'
for (String expectedAttribute in requiredAttributes) {
if (!attributesFound.contains(expectedAttribute)) {
throw new Exception(
'${element.localName} must contain attribute ${expectedAttribute}');
const List<String> specialElements = const ['domain', 'feedback',
'object', 'refactorings', 'refactoring', 'type', 'types', 'request',
'notification', 'params', 'result', 'field', 'list', 'map', 'enum', 'key',
'value', 'options', 'ref', 'code', 'version'];
typedef void ElementProcessor(dom.Element element);
typedef void TextProcessor(dom.Text text);
void recurse(dom.Element parent, Map<String, ElementProcessor>
elementProcessors) {
for (String key in elementProcessors.keys) {
if (!specialElements.contains(key)) {
throw new Exception('$key is not a special element');
for (dom.Node node in parent.nodes) {
if (node is dom.Element) {
if (elementProcessors.containsKey(node.localName)) {
} else if (specialElements.contains(node.localName)) {
throw new Exception('Unexpected use of <${node.localName}');
} else {
recurse(node, elementProcessors);
dom.Element getAncestor(dom.Element html, String name) {
dom.Element ancestor = html.parent;
while (ancestor != null) {
if (ancestor.localName == name) {
return ancestor;
ancestor = ancestor.parent;
throw new Exception('<${html.localName}> must be nested within <$name>');
* Create an [Api] object from an HTML representation such as:
* <html>
* ...
* <body>
* ... <version>1.0</version> ...
* <domain name="...">...</domain> <!-- zero or more -->
* <types>...</types>
* <refactorings>...</refactorings>
* </body>
* </html>
* Child elements of <api> can occur in any order.
Api apiFromHtml(dom.Element html) {
Api api;
List<String> versions = <String>[];
List<Domain> domains = <Domain>[];
Types types = null;
Refactorings refactorings = null;
recurse(html, {
'domain': (dom.Element element) {
'refactorings': (dom.Element element) {
refactorings = refactoringsFromHtml(element);
'types': (dom.Element element) {
types = typesFromHtml(element);
'version': (dom.Element element) {
if (versions.length != 1) {
throw new Exception('The API must contain exactly one <version> element');
api = new Api(versions[0], domains, types, refactorings, html);
return api;
* Create a [Refactorings] object from an HTML representation such as:
* <refactorings>
* <refactoring kind="...">...</refactoring> <!-- zero or more -->
* </refactorings>
Refactorings refactoringsFromHtml(dom.Element html) {
checkName(html, 'refactorings');
checkAttributes(html, []);
List<Refactoring> refactorings = <Refactoring>[];
recurse(html, {
'refactoring': (dom.Element child) {
return new Refactorings(refactorings, html);
* Create a [Refactoring] object from an HTML representation such as:
* <refactoring kind="refactoringKind">
* <feedback>...</feedback> <!-- optional -->
* <options>...</options> <!-- optional -->
* </refactoring>
* <feedback> and <options> have the same form as <object>, as described in
* [typeDeclFromHtml].
* Child elements can occur in any order.
Refactoring refactoringFromHtml(dom.Element html) {
checkName(html, 'refactoring');
checkAttributes(html, ['kind']);
String kind = html.attributes['kind'];
TypeDecl feedback;
TypeDecl options;
recurse(html, {
'feedback': (dom.Element child) {
feedback = typeObjectFromHtml(child);
'options': (dom.Element child) {
options = typeObjectFromHtml(child);
return new Refactoring(kind, feedback, options, html);
* Create a [Types] object from an HTML representation such as:
* <types>
* <type name="...">...</type> <!-- zero or more -->
* </types>
Types typesFromHtml(dom.Element html) {
checkName(html, 'types');
checkAttributes(html, []);
Map<String, TypeDefinition> types = <String, TypeDefinition> {};
recurse(html, {
'type': (dom.Element child) {
TypeDefinition typeDefinition = typeDefinitionFromHtml(child);
types[] = typeDefinition;
return new Types(types, html);
* Create a [TypeDefinition] object from an HTML representation such as:
* <type name="typeName">
* </type>
* Where TYPE is any HTML that can be parsed by [typeDeclFromHtml].
* Child elements can occur in any order.
TypeDefinition typeDefinitionFromHtml(dom.Element html) {
checkName(html, 'type');
checkAttributes(html, ['name']);
String name = html.attributes['name'];
TypeDecl type = processContentsAsType(html);
return new TypeDefinition(name, type, html);
* Create a [Domain] object from an HTML representation such as:
* <domain name="domainName">
* <request method="...">...</request> <!-- zero or more -->
* <notification event="...">...</notification> <!-- zero or more -->
* </domain>
* Child elements can occur in any order.
Domain domainFromHtml(dom.Element html) {
checkName(html, 'domain');
checkAttributes(html, ['name']);
String name = html.attributes['name'];
List<Request> requests = <Request>[];
List<Notification> notifications = <Notification>[];
recurse(html, {
'request': (dom.Element child) {
'notification': (dom.Element child) {
return new Domain(name, requests, notifications, html);
* Create a [Request] object from an HTML representation such as:
* <request method="methodName">
* <params>...</params> <!-- optional -->
* <result>...</result> <!-- optional -->
* </request>
* Note that the method name should not include the domain name.
* <params> and <result> have the same form as <object>, as described in
* [typeDeclFromHtml].
* Child elements can occur in any order.
Request requestFromHtml(dom.Element html) {
String domainName = getAncestor(html, 'domain').attributes['name'];
checkName(html, 'request');
checkAttributes(html, ['method']);
String method = html.attributes['method'];
TypeDecl params;
TypeDecl result;
recurse(html, {
'params': (dom.Element child) {
params = typeObjectFromHtml(child);
'result': (dom.Element child) {
result = typeObjectFromHtml(child);
return new Request(domainName, method, params, result, html);
* Create a [Notification] object from an HTML representation such as:
* <notification event="methodName">
* <params>...</params> <!-- optional -->
* </notification>
* Note that the event name should not include the domain name.
* <params> has the same form as <object>, as described in [typeDeclFromHtml].
* Child elements can occur in any order.
Notification notificationFromHtml(dom.Element html) {
String domainName = getAncestor(html, 'domain').attributes['name'];
checkName(html, 'notification');
checkAttributes(html, ['event']);
String event = html.attributes['event'];
TypeDecl params;
recurse(html, {
'params': (dom.Element child) {
params = typeObjectFromHtml(child);
return new Notification(domainName, event, params, html);
* Create a [TypeDecl] from an HTML description. The following forms are
* supported.
* To refer to a type declared elsewhere (or a built-in type):
* <ref>typeName</ref>
* For a list: <list>ItemType</list>
* For a map: <map><key>KeyType</key><value>ValueType</value></map>
* For a JSON object:
* <object>
* <field name="...">...</field> <!-- zero or more -->
* </object>
* For an enum:
* <enum>
* <value>...</value> <!-- zero or more -->
* </enum>
TypeDecl processContentsAsType(dom.Element html) {
List<TypeDecl> types = <TypeDecl>[];
recurse(html, {
'object': (dom.Element child) {
'list': (dom.Element child) {
checkAttributes(child, []);
types.add(new TypeList(processContentsAsType(child), child));
'map': (dom.Element child) {
checkAttributes(child, []);
TypeDecl keyType;
TypeDecl valueType;
recurse(child, {
'key': (dom.Element child) {
if (keyType != null) {
throw new Exception('Key type already specified');
keyType = processContentsAsType(child);
'value': (dom.Element child) {
if (valueType != null) {
throw new Exception('Value type already specified');
valueType = processContentsAsType(child);
if (keyType == null) {
throw new Exception('Key type not specified');
if (valueType == null) {
throw new Exception('Value type not specified');
types.add(new TypeMap(keyType, valueType, child));
'enum': (dom.Element child) {
'ref': (dom.Element child) {
checkAttributes(child, []);
types.add(new TypeReference(innerText(child), child));
if (types.length != 1) {
throw new Exception('Exactly one type must be specified');
return types[0];
* Create a [TypeEnum] from an HTML description.
TypeEnum typeEnumFromHtml(dom.Element html) {
checkName(html, 'enum');
checkAttributes(html, []);
List<TypeEnumValue> values = <TypeEnumValue>[];
recurse(html, {
'value': (dom.Element child) {
return new TypeEnum(values, html);
* Create a [TypeEnumValue] from an HTML description such as:
* <enum>
* <code>VALUE</code>
* </enum>
* Where VALUE is the text of the enumerated value.
* Child elements can occur in any order.
TypeEnumValue typeEnumValueFromHtml(dom.Element html) {
checkName(html, 'value');
checkAttributes(html, []);
List<String> values = <String>[];
recurse(html, {
'code': (dom.Element child) {
String text = innerText(child).trim();
if (values.length != 1) {
throw new Exception('Exactly one value must be specified');
return new TypeEnumValue(values[0], html);
* Create a [TypeObject] from an HTML description.
TypeObject typeObjectFromHtml(dom.Element html) {
checkAttributes(html, []);
List<TypeObjectField> fields = <TypeObjectField>[];
recurse(html, {
'field': (dom.Element child) {
return new TypeObject(fields, html);
* Create a [TypeObjectField] from an HTML description such as:
* <field name="fieldName">
* </field>
* Where TYPE is any HTML that can be parsed by [typeDeclFromHtml].
* In addition, the attribute optional="true" may be used to specify that the
* field is optional, and the attribute value="..." may be used to specify that
* the field is required to have a certain value.
* Child elements can occur in any order.
TypeObjectField typeObjectFieldFromHtml(dom.Element html) {
checkName(html, 'field');
checkAttributes(html, ['name'], optionalAttributes: ['optional', 'value']);
String name = html.attributes['name'];
bool optional = false;
String optionalString = html.attributes['optional'];
if (optionalString != null) {
switch (optionalString) {
case 'true':
optional = true;
case 'false':
optional = false;
throw new Exception(
'field contains invalid "optional" attribute: "$optionalString"');
String value = html.attributes['value'];
TypeDecl type = processContentsAsType(html);
return new TypeObjectField(name, type, html, optional: optional, value: value
* Read the API description from the file 'spec_input.html'.
Api readApi() {
File htmlFile = new File('spec_input.html');
String htmlContents = htmlFile.readAsStringSync();
dom.Document document = parser.parse(htmlContents);
return apiFromHtml(document.firstChild);