blob: 4e5823511970dac165070a7befe50a955b83c3e7 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library computer.outline;
import 'package:analysis_server/src/computer/element.dart';
import 'package:analysis_services/constants.dart';
import 'package:analysis_services/json.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/ast.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/element.dart' as engine;
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/engine.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/source.dart';
* A computer for [CompilationUnit] outline.
class DartUnitOutlineComputer {
final CompilationUnit _unit;
String file;
LineInfo lineInfo;
DartUnitOutlineComputer(AnalysisContext context, Source source, this._unit) {
file = source.fullName;
lineInfo = context.getLineInfo(source);
* Returns the computed outline, not `null`.
Outline compute() {
Outline unitOutline = _newUnitOutline();
for (CompilationUnitMember unitMember in _unit.declarations) {
if (unitMember is ClassDeclaration) {
ClassDeclaration classDeclaration = unitMember;
Outline classOutline = _newClassOutline(unitOutline, classDeclaration);
for (ClassMember classMember in classDeclaration.members) {
if (classMember is ConstructorDeclaration) {
ConstructorDeclaration constructorDeclaration = classMember;
_newConstructorOutline(classOutline, constructorDeclaration);
if (classMember is FieldDeclaration) {
FieldDeclaration fieldDeclaration = classMember;
VariableDeclarationList fields = fieldDeclaration.fields;
if (fields != null) {
TypeName fieldType = fields.type;
String fieldTypeName = fieldType != null ? fieldType.toSource() :
for (VariableDeclaration field in fields.variables) {
_newVariableOutline(classOutline, fieldTypeName,
ElementKind.FIELD, field, fieldDeclaration.isStatic);
if (classMember is MethodDeclaration) {
MethodDeclaration methodDeclaration = classMember;
_newMethodOutline(classOutline, methodDeclaration);
if (unitMember is TopLevelVariableDeclaration) {
TopLevelVariableDeclaration fieldDeclaration = unitMember;
VariableDeclarationList fields = fieldDeclaration.variables;
if (fields != null) {
TypeName fieldType = fields.type;
String fieldTypeName = fieldType != null ? fieldType.toSource() : '';
for (VariableDeclaration field in fields.variables) {
_newVariableOutline(unitOutline, fieldTypeName,
ElementKind.TOP_LEVEL_VARIABLE, field, false);
if (unitMember is FunctionDeclaration) {
FunctionDeclaration functionDeclaration = unitMember;
_newFunctionOutline(unitOutline, functionDeclaration, true);
if (unitMember is ClassTypeAlias) {
ClassTypeAlias alias = unitMember;
_newClassTypeAlias(unitOutline, alias);
if (unitMember is FunctionTypeAlias) {
FunctionTypeAlias alias = unitMember;
_newFunctionTypeAliasOutline(unitOutline, alias);
return unitOutline;
void _addLocalFunctionOutlines(Outline parent, FunctionBody body) {
body.accept(new _LocalFunctionOutlinesVisitor(this, parent));
Location _getLocationNode(AstNode node) {
int offset = node.offset;
int length = node.length;
return _getLocationOffsetLength(offset, length);
Location _getLocationOffsetLength(int offset, int length) {
LineInfo_Location lineLocation = lineInfo.getLocation(offset);
int startLine = lineLocation.lineNumber;
int startColumn = lineLocation.columnNumber;
return new Location(file, offset, length, startLine, startColumn);
* Returns the [AstNode]'s source region.
_SourceRegion _getSourceRegion(AstNode node) {
int endOffset = node.end;
// prepare position of the node among its siblings
int firstOffset;
List<AstNode> siblings;
AstNode parent = node.parent;
// field
if (parent is VariableDeclarationList) {
VariableDeclarationList variableList = parent as VariableDeclarationList;
List<VariableDeclaration> variables = variableList.variables;
int variableIndex = variables.indexOf(node);
if (variableIndex == variables.length - 1) {
endOffset = variableList.parent.end;
if (variableIndex == 0) {
node = parent.parent;
parent = node.parent;
} else if (variableIndex >= 1) {
firstOffset = variables[variableIndex - 1].end;
return new _SourceRegion(firstOffset, endOffset - firstOffset);
// unit or class member
if (parent is CompilationUnit) {
firstOffset = 0;
siblings = (parent as CompilationUnit).declarations;
} else if (parent is ClassDeclaration) {
ClassDeclaration classDeclaration = parent as ClassDeclaration;
firstOffset = classDeclaration.leftBracket.end;
siblings = classDeclaration.members;
} else {
int offset = node.offset;
return new _SourceRegion(offset, endOffset - offset);
// first child: [endOfParent, endOfNode]
int index = siblings.indexOf(node);
if (index == 0) {
return new _SourceRegion(firstOffset, endOffset - firstOffset);
// not first child: [endOfPreviousSibling, endOfNode]
int prevSiblingEnd = siblings[index - 1].end;
return new _SourceRegion(prevSiblingEnd, endOffset - prevSiblingEnd);
Outline _newClassOutline(Outline parent, ClassDeclaration classDeclaration) {
SimpleIdentifier nameNode =;
String name =;
_SourceRegion sourceRegion = _getSourceRegion(classDeclaration);
Element element = new Element(ElementKind.CLASS, name, _getLocationNode(
nameNode), Identifier.isPrivateName(name), _isDeprecated(classDeclaration),
isAbstract: classDeclaration.isAbstract);
Outline outline = new Outline(element, sourceRegion.offset,
return outline;
void _newClassTypeAlias(Outline parent, ClassTypeAlias alias) {
SimpleIdentifier nameNode =;
String name =;
_SourceRegion sourceRegion = _getSourceRegion(alias);
Element element = new Element(ElementKind.CLASS_TYPE_ALIAS, name,
_getLocationNode(nameNode), Identifier.isPrivateName(name), _isDeprecated(
alias), isAbstract: alias.isAbstract);
Outline outline = new Outline(element, sourceRegion.offset,
void _newConstructorOutline(Outline parent,
ConstructorDeclaration constructor) {
Identifier returnType = constructor.returnType;
String name =;
int offset = returnType.offset;
int length = returnType.length;
SimpleIdentifier constructorNameNode =;
bool isPrivate = false;
if (constructorNameNode != null) {
String constructorName =;
isPrivate = Identifier.isPrivateName(constructorName);
name += '.${constructorName}';
offset = constructorNameNode.offset;
length = constructorNameNode.length;
_SourceRegion sourceRegion = _getSourceRegion(constructor);
FormalParameterList parameters = constructor.parameters;
String parametersStr = parameters != null ? parameters.toSource() : '';
Element element = new Element(ElementKind.CONSTRUCTOR, name,
_getLocationOffsetLength(offset, length), isPrivate, _isDeprecated(constructor),
parameters: parametersStr);
Outline outline = new Outline(element, sourceRegion.offset,
_addLocalFunctionOutlines(outline, constructor.body);
void _newFunctionOutline(Outline parent, FunctionDeclaration function,
bool isStatic) {
TypeName returnType = function.returnType;
SimpleIdentifier nameNode =;
String name =;
FunctionExpression functionExpression = function.functionExpression;
FormalParameterList parameters = functionExpression.parameters;
ElementKind kind;
if (function.isGetter) {
kind = ElementKind.GETTER;
} else if (function.isSetter) {
kind = ElementKind.SETTER;
} else {
kind = ElementKind.FUNCTION;
_SourceRegion sourceRegion = _getSourceRegion(function);
String parametersStr = parameters != null ? parameters.toSource() : '';
String returnTypeStr = returnType != null ? returnType.toSource() : '';
Element element = new Element(kind, name, _getLocationNode(nameNode),
Identifier.isPrivateName(name), _isDeprecated(function), parameters:
parametersStr, returnType: returnTypeStr, isStatic: isStatic);
Outline outline = new Outline(element, sourceRegion.offset,
_addLocalFunctionOutlines(outline, functionExpression.body);
void _newFunctionTypeAliasOutline(Outline parent, FunctionTypeAlias alias) {
TypeName returnType = alias.returnType;
SimpleIdentifier nameNode =;
String name =;
_SourceRegion sourceRegion = _getSourceRegion(alias);
FormalParameterList parameters = alias.parameters;
String parametersStr = parameters != null ? parameters.toSource() : '';
String returnTypeStr = returnType != null ? returnType.toSource() : '';
Element element = new Element(ElementKind.FUNCTION_TYPE_ALIAS, name,
_getLocationNode(nameNode), Identifier.isPrivateName(name), _isDeprecated(
alias), parameters: parametersStr, returnType: returnTypeStr);
Outline outline = new Outline(element, sourceRegion.offset,
void _newMethodOutline(Outline parent, MethodDeclaration method) {
TypeName returnType = method.returnType;
SimpleIdentifier nameNode =;
String name =;
FormalParameterList parameters = method.parameters;
ElementKind kind;
if (method.isGetter) {
kind = ElementKind.GETTER;
} else if (method.isSetter) {
kind = ElementKind.SETTER;
} else {
kind = ElementKind.METHOD;
_SourceRegion sourceRegion = _getSourceRegion(method);
String parametersStr = parameters != null ? parameters.toSource() : '';
String returnTypeStr = returnType != null ? returnType.toSource() : '';
Element element = new Element(kind, name, _getLocationNode(nameNode),
Identifier.isPrivateName(name), _isDeprecated(method), parameters:
parametersStr, returnType: returnTypeStr, isAbstract: method.isAbstract,
isStatic: method.isStatic);
Outline outline = new Outline(element, sourceRegion.offset,
_addLocalFunctionOutlines(outline, method.body);
Outline _newUnitOutline() {
Element element = new Element(ElementKind.COMPILATION_UNIT, '<unit>',
_getLocationNode(_unit), false, false);
return new Outline(element, _unit.offset, _unit.length);
void _newVariableOutline(Outline parent, String typeName, ElementKind kind,
VariableDeclaration variable, bool isStatic) {
SimpleIdentifier nameNode =;
String name =;
_SourceRegion sourceRegion = _getSourceRegion(variable);
Element element = new Element(kind, name, _getLocationNode(nameNode),
Identifier.isPrivateName(name), _isDeprecated(variable), returnType: typeName,
isStatic: isStatic, isConst: variable.isConst, isFinal: variable.isFinal);
Outline outline = new Outline(element, sourceRegion.offset,
* Returns `true` if the given [element] is not `null` and deprecated.
static bool _isDeprecated(Declaration declaration) {
engine.Element element = declaration.element;
return element != null && element.isDeprecated;
* An element outline.
class Outline implements HasToJson {
static const List<Outline> EMPTY_ARRAY = const <Outline>[];
* The children of the node.
* The field will be omitted in JSON if the node has no children.
final List<Outline> children = <Outline>[];
* A description of the element represented by this node.
final Element element;
* The length of the element.
final int length;
* The offset of the first character of the element.
final int offset;
Outline(this.element, this.offset, this.length);
factory Outline.fromJson(Map<String, Object> map) {
Element element = new Element.fromJson(map[ELEMENT]);
Outline outline = new Outline(element, map[OFFSET], map[LENGTH]);
// add children
List<Map<String, Object>> childrenMaps = map[CHILDREN];
if (childrenMaps != null) {
childrenMaps.forEach((childMap) {
outline.children.add(new Outline.fromJson(childMap));
// done
return outline;
Map<String, Object> toJson() {
Map<String, Object> json = {
ELEMENT: element.toJson(),
OFFSET: offset,
LENGTH: length
if (children.isNotEmpty) {
json[CHILDREN] = => child.toJson()).toList();
return json;
* A visitor for building local function outlines.
class _LocalFunctionOutlinesVisitor extends RecursiveAstVisitor {
final DartUnitOutlineComputer outlineComputer;
final Outline parent;
_LocalFunctionOutlinesVisitor(this.outlineComputer, this.parent);
visitFunctionDeclaration(FunctionDeclaration node) {
outlineComputer._newFunctionOutline(parent, node, false);
* A range of characters.
class _SourceRegion {
final int length;
final int offset;
_SourceRegion(this.offset, this.length);