Add tests for expression compilation with sound null safety

Change-Id: I895b769ce203c2aed0cfcce9f1fca70f42dbb97c
Reviewed-by: Nicholas Shahan <>
Commit-Queue: Anna Gringauze <>
diff --git a/pkg/dev_compiler/test/expression_compiler/expression_compiler_test.dart b/pkg/dev_compiler/test/expression_compiler/expression_compiler_test.dart
index 48eb3ed..0580af9 100644
--- a/pkg/dev_compiler/test/expression_compiler/expression_compiler_test.dart
+++ b/pkg/dev_compiler/test/expression_compiler/expression_compiler_test.dart
@@ -50,27 +50,36 @@
 class SetupCompilerOptions {
   static final sdkRoot = computePlatformBinariesLocation();
-  static final sdkSummaryPath = p.join(sdkRoot.path, 'ddc_sdk.dill');
+  static final sdkUnsoundSummaryPath = p.join(sdkRoot.path, 'ddc_sdk.dill');
+  static final sdkSoundSummaryPath =
+      p.join(sdkRoot.path, 'ddc_outline_sound.dill');
   static final librariesSpecificationUri =
       p.join(p.dirname(p.dirname(getSdkPath())), 'libraries.json');
-  static CompilerOptions getOptions() {
+  static CompilerOptions getOptions(bool soundNullSafety) {
     var options = CompilerOptions()
       ..verbose = false // set to true for debugging
       ..sdkRoot = sdkRoot = DevCompilerTarget(TargetFlags())
       ..librariesSpecificationUri = Uri.base.resolve('sdk/lib/libraries.json')
       ..omitPlatform = true
-      ..sdkSummary = sdkRoot.resolve(sdkSummaryPath)
+      ..sdkSummary = sdkRoot.resolve(
+          soundNullSafety ? sdkSoundSummaryPath : sdkUnsoundSummaryPath)
       ..environmentDefines = const {};
     return options;
-  List<String> errors;
-  final CompilerOptions options;
+  static final String dartUnsoundComment = '// @dart = 2.9';
+  static final String dartSoundComment = '//';
-  SetupCompilerOptions() : options = getOptions() {
-    errors = <String>[];
+  final List<String> errors = [];
+  final CompilerOptions options;
+  final String dartLangComment;
+  SetupCompilerOptions(bool soundNullSafety)
+      : options = getOptions(soundNullSafety),
+        dartLangComment =
+            soundNullSafety ? dartSoundComment : dartUnsoundComment {
     options.onDiagnostic = (DiagnosticMessage m) {
@@ -281,1563 +290,1564 @@
 void main() {
-  var options = SetupCompilerOptions();
+  group('Unsound null safety', () {
+    var options = SetupCompilerOptions(false);
-  group('Expression compiler tests in extension method:', () {
-    const source = '''
-      // @dart = 2.9
-      extension NumberParsing on String {
-        int parseInt() {
-          var ret = int.parse(this);
-          /* evaluation placeholder */
-          return ret;
-        }
-      }
-      main() => 0;
-    ''';
-    TestDriver driver;
-    setUp(() {
-      driver = TestDriver(options, source);
-    });
-    tearDown(() {
-      driver.delete();
-    });
-    test('compilation error', () async {
-      await driver.check(
-          scope: <String, String>{'ret': '1234'},
-          expression: 'typo',
-          expectedError: "Error: Getter not found: 'typo'");
-    });
-    test('local (trimmed scope)', () async {
-      // Test that current expression evaluation works in extension methods.
-      //
-      // Note: the actual scope is {#this, ret}, but #this is effectively
-      // removed in the expression compilator because it does not exist
-      // in JavaScript code.
-      // See (full scope) tests for what will the evaluation will look like
-      // when the mapping from dart symbols to JavaScipt symbols is added.
-      await driver.check(
-          scope: <String, String>{'ret': '1234'},
-          expression: 'ret',
-          expectedResult: '''
-          (function(ret) {
+    group('Expression compiler tests in extension method:', () {
+      var source = '''
+        ${options.dartLangComment}
+        extension NumberParsing on String {
+          int parseInt() {
+            var ret = int.parse(this);
+            /* evaluation placeholder */
             return ret;
-          }(
-            1234
-          ))
-          ''');
-    });
-    test('local (full scope)', () async {
-      // Test evalution in extension methods in the future when the mapping
-      // from kernel symbols to dartdevc symbols is added.
-      //
-      // Note: this currently fails due to
-      // - incremental compiler not allowing #this as a parameter name
-      await driver.check(
-          scope: <String, String>{'ret': '1234', '#this': 'this'},
-          expression: 'ret',
-          expectedError:
-              "Illegal parameter name '#this' found during expression compilation.");
-    });
-    test('this (full scope)', () async {
-      // Test evalution in extension methods in the future when the mapping
-      // from kernel symbols to dartdevc symbols is added.
-      //
-      // Note: this currently fails due to
-      // - incremental compiler not allowing #this as a parameter name
-      // - incremental compiler not mapping 'this' from user input to '#this'
-      await driver.check(
-          scope: <String, String>{'ret': '1234', '#this': 'this'},
-          expression: 'this',
-          expectedError:
-              "Illegal parameter name '#this' found during expression compilation.");
-    });
-  });
-  group('Expression compiler tests in static function:', () {
-    const source = '''
-      // @dart = 2.9
-      int foo(int x, {int y}) {
-        int z = 0;
-        /* evaluation placeholder */
-        return x + y + z;
-      }
-      main() => 0;
+          }
+        }
+        main() => 0;
-    TestDriver driver;
+      TestDriver driver;
-    setUp(() {
-      driver = TestDriver(options, source);
+      setUp(() {
+        driver = TestDriver(options, source);
+      });
+      tearDown(() {
+        driver.delete();
+      });
+      test('compilation error', () async {
+        await driver.check(
+            scope: <String, String>{'ret': '1234'},
+            expression: 'typo',
+            expectedError: "Error: Getter not found: 'typo'");
+      });
+      test('local (trimmed scope)', () async {
+        // Test that current expression evaluation works in extension methods.
+        //
+        // Note: the actual scope is {#this, ret}, but #this is effectively
+        // removed in the expression compilator because it does not exist
+        // in JavaScript code.
+        // See (full scope) tests for what will the evaluation will look like
+        // when the mapping from dart symbols to JavaScipt symbols is added.
+        await driver.check(
+            scope: <String, String>{'ret': '1234'},
+            expression: 'ret',
+            expectedResult: '''
+            (function(ret) {
+              return ret;
+            }(
+              1234
+            ))
+            ''');
+      });
+      test('local (full scope)', () async {
+        // Test evalution in extension methods in the future when the mapping
+        // from kernel symbols to dartdevc symbols is added.
+        //
+        // Note: this currently fails due to
+        // - incremental compiler not allowing #this as a parameter name
+        await driver.check(
+            scope: <String, String>{'ret': '1234', '#this': 'this'},
+            expression: 'ret',
+            expectedError:
+                "Illegal parameter name '#this' found during expression compilation.");
+      });
+      test('this (full scope)', () async {
+        // Test evalution in extension methods in the future when the mapping
+        // from kernel symbols to dartdevc symbols is added.
+        //
+        // Note: this currently fails due to
+        // - incremental compiler not allowing #this as a parameter name
+        // - incremental compiler not mapping 'this' from user input to '#this'
+        await driver.check(
+            scope: <String, String>{'ret': '1234', '#this': 'this'},
+            expression: 'this',
+            expectedError:
+                "Illegal parameter name '#this' found during expression compilation.");
+      });
-    tearDown(() {
-      driver.delete();
-    });
-    test('compilation error', () async {
-      await driver.check(
-          scope: <String, String>{'x': '1', 'y': '2', 'z': '3'},
-          expression: 'typo',
-          expectedError: "Getter not found: \'typo\'");
-    });
-    test('local', () async {
-      await driver.check(
-          scope: <String, String>{'x': '1', 'y': '2', 'z': '3'},
-          expression: 'x',
-          expectedResult: '''
-          (function(x, y, z) {
-            return x;
-          }(
-            1,
-            2,
-            3
-          ))
-          ''');
-    });
-    test('formal', () async {
-      await driver.check(
-          scope: <String, String>{'x': '1', 'y': '2', 'z': '3'},
-          expression: 'y',
-          expectedResult: '''
-          (function(x, y, z) {
-            return y;
-          }(
-            1,
-            2,
-            3
-          ))
-          ''');
-    });
-    test('named formal', () async {
-      await driver.check(
-          scope: <String, String>{'x': '1', 'y': '2', 'z': '3'},
-          expression: 'z',
-          expectedResult: '''
-          (function(x, y, z) {
-            return z;
-          }(
-            1,
-            2,
-            3
-          ))
-          ''');
-    });
-    test('function', () async {
-      await driver.check(
-          scope: <String, String>{'x': '1', 'y': '2', 'z': '3'},
-          expression: 'main',
-          expectedResult: '''
-          (function(x, y, z) {
-            var VoidTodynamic = () => (VoidTodynamic = dart.constFn(dart.fnType(dart.dynamic, [])))();
-            dart.defineLazy(CT, {
-              get C0() {
-                return C0 = dart.fn(foo.main, VoidTodynamic());
-              }
-            }, false);
-            var C0;
-            return C0 || CT.C0;
-          }(
-            1,
-            2,
-            3
-          ))
-          ''');
-    });
-  });
-  group('Expression compiler tests in method:', () {
-    const source = '''
-      // @dart = 2.9
-      extension NumberParsing on String {
-        int parseInt() {
-          return int.parse(this);
-        }
-      }
-      int global = 42;
-      class C {
-        C(int this.field, int this._field);
-        static int staticField = 0;
-        static int _staticField = 1;
-        int _field;
-        int field;
-        int methodFieldAccess(int x) {
+    group('Expression compiler tests in static function:', () {
+      var source = '''
+        ${options.dartLangComment}
+        int foo(int x, {int y}) {
+          int z = 0;
           /* evaluation placeholder */
-          return x + _field + _staticField;
+          return x + y + z;
-        Future<int> asyncMethod(int x) async {
-          return x;
+        main() => 0;
+        ''';
+      TestDriver driver;
+      setUp(() {
+        driver = TestDriver(options, source);
+      });
+      tearDown(() {
+        driver.delete();
+      });
+      test('compilation error', () async {
+        await driver.check(
+            scope: <String, String>{'x': '1', 'y': '2', 'z': '3'},
+            expression: 'typo',
+            expectedError: "Getter not found: \'typo\'");
+      });
+      test('local', () async {
+        await driver.check(
+            scope: <String, String>{'x': '1', 'y': '2', 'z': '3'},
+            expression: 'x',
+            expectedResult: '''
+            (function(x, y, z) {
+              return x;
+            }(
+              1,
+              2,
+              3
+            ))
+            ''');
+      });
+      test('formal', () async {
+        await driver.check(
+            scope: <String, String>{'x': '1', 'y': '2', 'z': '3'},
+            expression: 'y',
+            expectedResult: '''
+            (function(x, y, z) {
+              return y;
+            }(
+              1,
+              2,
+              3
+            ))
+            ''');
+      });
+      test('named formal', () async {
+        await driver.check(
+            scope: <String, String>{'x': '1', 'y': '2', 'z': '3'},
+            expression: 'z',
+            expectedResult: '''
+            (function(x, y, z) {
+              return z;
+            }(
+              1,
+              2,
+              3
+            ))
+            ''');
+      });
+      test('function', () async {
+        await driver.check(
+            scope: <String, String>{'x': '1', 'y': '2', 'z': '3'},
+            expression: 'main',
+            expectedResult: '''
+            (function(x, y, z) {
+              var VoidTodynamic = () => (VoidTodynamic = dart.constFn(dart.fnType(dart.dynamic, [])))();
+              dart.defineLazy(CT, {
+                get C0() {
+                  return C0 = dart.fn(foo.main, VoidTodynamic());
+                }
+              }, false);
+              var C0;
+              return C0 || CT.C0;
+            }(
+              1,
+              2,
+              3
+            ))
+            ''');
+      });
+    });
+    group('Expression compiler tests in method:', () {
+      var source = '''
+        ${options.dartLangComment}
+        extension NumberParsing on String {
+          int parseInt() {
+            return int.parse(this);
+          }
-      }
-      main() => 0;
-      ''';
+        int global = 42;
-    TestDriver driver;
+        class C {
+          C(int this.field, int this._field);
-    setUp(() {
-      driver = TestDriver(options, source);
-    });
+          static int staticField = 0;
+          static int _staticField = 1;
-    tearDown(() {
-      driver.delete();
-    });
+          int _field;
+          int field;
-    test('compilation error', () async {
-      await driver.check(
-          scope: <String, String>{'x': '1'},
-          expression: 'typo',
-          expectedError: "The getter 'typo' isn't defined for the class 'C'");
-    });
+          int methodFieldAccess(int x) {
+            /* evaluation placeholder */
+            return x + _field + _staticField;
+          }
-    test('local', () async {
-      await driver.check(
-          scope: <String, String>{'x': '1'},
-          expression: 'x',
-          expectedResult: '''
-          (function(x) {
+          Future<int> asyncMethod(int x) async {
             return x;
-          }.bind(this)(
-            1
-          ))
-          ''');
-    });
-    test('this', () async {
-      await driver.check(
-          scope: <String, String>{'x': '1'},
-          expression: 'this',
-          expectedResult: '''
-          (function(x) {
-            return this;
-          }.bind(this)(
-            1
-          ))
-          ''');
-    });
-    test('expression using locals', () async {
-      await driver.check(
-          scope: <String, String>{'x': '1'},
-          expression: 'x + 1',
-          expectedResult: '''
-          (function(x) {
-            return dart.notNull(x) + 1;
-          }.bind(this)(
-            1
-          ))
-          ''');
-    });
-    test('expression using static fields', () async {
-      await driver.check(
-          scope: <String, String>{'x': '1'},
-          expression: 'x + staticField',
-          expectedResult: '''
-          (function(x) {
-            return dart.notNull(x) + dart.notNull(foo.C.staticField);
-          }.bind(this)(
-            1
-          ))
-          ''');
-    });
-    test('expression using private static fields', () async {
-      await driver.check(
-          scope: <String, String>{'x': '1'},
-          expression: 'x + _staticField',
-          expectedResult: '''
-          (function(x) {
-            return dart.notNull(x) + dart.notNull(foo.C._staticField);
-          }.bind(this)(
-            1
-          ))
-          ''');
-    });
-    test('expression using fields', () async {
-      await driver.check(
-          scope: <String, String>{'x': '1'},
-          expression: 'x + field',
-          expectedResult: '''
-          (function(x) {
-            return dart.notNull(x) + dart.notNull(this.field);
-          }.bind(this)(
-            1
-          ))
-          ''');
-    });
-    test('expression using private fields', () async {
-      await driver.check(
-          scope: <String, String>{'x': '1'},
-          expression: 'x + _field',
-          expectedResult: '''
-          (function(x) {
-            let _field = dart.privateName(foo, "_field");
-            return dart.notNull(x) + dart.notNull(this[_field]);
-          }.bind(this)(
-            1
-          ))
-          ''');
-    });
-    test('expression using globals', () async {
-      await driver.check(
-          scope: <String, String>{'x': '1'},
-          expression: 'x + global',
-          expectedResult: '''
-          (function(x) {
-            return dart.notNull(x) + dart.notNull(;
-          }.bind(this)(
-            1
-          ))
-          ''');
-    });
-    test('method call', () async {
-      await driver.check(
-          scope: <String, String>{'x': '1'},
-          expression: 'methodFieldAccess(2)',
-          expectedResult: '''
-          (function(x) {
-            return this.methodFieldAccess(2);
-          }.bind(this)(
-            1
-          ))
-          ''');
-    });
-    test('async method call', () async {
-      await driver.check(
-          scope: <String, String>{'x': '1'},
-          expression: 'asyncMethod(2)',
-          expectedResult: '''
-          (function(x) {
-            return this.asyncMethod(2);
-          }.bind(this)(
-            1
-          ))
-          ''');
-    });
-    test('extension method call', () async {
-      await driver.check(
-          scope: <String, String>{'x': '1'},
-          expression: '"1234".parseInt()',
-          expectedResult: '''
-          (function(x) {
-            return foo['NumberParsing|parseInt']("1234");
-          }.bind(this)(
-            1
-          ))
-          ''');
-    });
-    test('private field modification', () async {
-      await driver.check(
-          scope: <String, String>{'x': '1'},
-          expression: '_field = 2',
-          expectedResult: '''
-          (function(x) {
-            let _field = dart.privateName(foo, "_field");
-            return this[_field] = 2;
-          }.bind(this)(
-            1
-          ))
-          ''');
-    });
-    test('field modification', () async {
-      await driver.check(
-          scope: <String, String>{'x': '1'},
-          expression: 'field = 2',
-          expectedResult: '''
-          (function(x) {
-            return this.field = 2;
-          }.bind(this)(
-            1
-          ))
-          ''');
-    });
-    test('private static field modification', () async {
-      await driver.check(
-          scope: <String, String>{'x': '1'},
-          expression: '_staticField = 2',
-          expectedResult: '''
-          (function(x) {
-            return foo.C._staticField = 2;
-          }.bind(this)(
-            1
-          ))
-          ''');
-    });
-    test('static field modification', () async {
-      await driver.check(
-          scope: <String, String>{'x': '1'},
-          expression: 'staticField = 2',
-          expectedResult: '''
-          (function(x) {
-            return foo.C.staticField = 2;
-          }.bind(this)(
-            1
-          ))
-          ''');
-    });
-  });
-  group('Expression compiler tests in method with no field access:', () {
-    const source = '''
-      // @dart = 2.9
-      extension NumberParsing on String {
-        int parseInt() {
-          return int.parse(this);
+          }
-      }
-      int global = 42;
+        main() => 0;
+        ''';
-      class C {
-        C(int this.field, int this._field);
+      TestDriver driver;
-        static int staticField = 0;
-        static int _staticField = 1;
+      setUp(() {
+        driver = TestDriver(options, source);
+      });
-        int _field;
-        int field;
+      tearDown(() {
+        driver.delete();
+      });
-        int methodNoFieldAccess(int x) {
+      test('compilation error', () async {
+        await driver.check(
+            scope: <String, String>{'x': '1'},
+            expression: 'typo',
+            expectedError: "The getter 'typo' isn't defined for the class 'C'");
+      });
+      test('local', () async {
+        await driver.check(
+            scope: <String, String>{'x': '1'},
+            expression: 'x',
+            expectedResult: '''
+            (function(x) {
+              return x;
+            }.bind(this)(
+              1
+            ))
+            ''');
+      });
+      test('this', () async {
+        await driver.check(
+            scope: <String, String>{'x': '1'},
+            expression: 'this',
+            expectedResult: '''
+            (function(x) {
+              return this;
+            }.bind(this)(
+              1
+            ))
+            ''');
+      });
+      test('expression using locals', () async {
+        await driver.check(
+            scope: <String, String>{'x': '1'},
+            expression: 'x + 1',
+            expectedResult: '''
+            (function(x) {
+              return dart.notNull(x) + 1;
+            }.bind(this)(
+              1
+            ))
+            ''');
+      });
+      test('expression using static fields', () async {
+        await driver.check(
+            scope: <String, String>{'x': '1'},
+            expression: 'x + staticField',
+            expectedResult: '''
+            (function(x) {
+              return dart.notNull(x) + dart.notNull(foo.C.staticField);
+            }.bind(this)(
+              1
+            ))
+            ''');
+      });
+      test('expression using private static fields', () async {
+        await driver.check(
+            scope: <String, String>{'x': '1'},
+            expression: 'x + _staticField',
+            expectedResult: '''
+            (function(x) {
+              return dart.notNull(x) + dart.notNull(foo.C._staticField);
+            }.bind(this)(
+              1
+            ))
+            ''');
+      });
+      test('expression using fields', () async {
+        await driver.check(
+            scope: <String, String>{'x': '1'},
+            expression: 'x + field',
+            expectedResult: '''
+            (function(x) {
+              return dart.notNull(x) + dart.notNull(this.field);
+            }.bind(this)(
+              1
+            ))
+            ''');
+      });
+      test('expression using private fields', () async {
+        await driver.check(
+            scope: <String, String>{'x': '1'},
+            expression: 'x + _field',
+            expectedResult: '''
+            (function(x) {
+              let _field = dart.privateName(foo, "_field");
+              return dart.notNull(x) + dart.notNull(this[_field]);
+            }.bind(this)(
+              1
+            ))
+            ''');
+      });
+      test('expression using globals', () async {
+        await driver.check(
+            scope: <String, String>{'x': '1'},
+            expression: 'x + global',
+            expectedResult: '''
+            (function(x) {
+              return dart.notNull(x) + dart.notNull(;
+            }.bind(this)(
+              1
+            ))
+            ''');
+      });
+      test('method call', () async {
+        await driver.check(
+            scope: <String, String>{'x': '1'},
+            expression: 'methodFieldAccess(2)',
+            expectedResult: '''
+            (function(x) {
+              return this.methodFieldAccess(2);
+            }.bind(this)(
+              1
+            ))
+            ''');
+      });
+      test('async method call', () async {
+        await driver.check(
+            scope: <String, String>{'x': '1'},
+            expression: 'asyncMethod(2)',
+            expectedResult: '''
+            (function(x) {
+              return this.asyncMethod(2);
+            }.bind(this)(
+              1
+            ))
+            ''');
+      });
+      test('extension method call', () async {
+        await driver.check(
+            scope: <String, String>{'x': '1'},
+            expression: '"1234".parseInt()',
+            expectedResult: '''
+            (function(x) {
+              return foo['NumberParsing|parseInt']("1234");
+            }.bind(this)(
+              1
+            ))
+            ''');
+      });
+      test('private field modification', () async {
+        await driver.check(
+            scope: <String, String>{'x': '1'},
+            expression: '_field = 2',
+            expectedResult: '''
+            (function(x) {
+              let _field = dart.privateName(foo, "_field");
+              return this[_field] = 2;
+            }.bind(this)(
+              1
+            ))
+            ''');
+      });
+      test('field modification', () async {
+        await driver.check(
+            scope: <String, String>{'x': '1'},
+            expression: 'field = 2',
+            expectedResult: '''
+            (function(x) {
+              return this.field = 2;
+            }.bind(this)(
+              1
+            ))
+            ''');
+      });
+      test('private static field modification', () async {
+        await driver.check(
+            scope: <String, String>{'x': '1'},
+            expression: '_staticField = 2',
+            expectedResult: '''
+            (function(x) {
+              return foo.C._staticField = 2;
+            }.bind(this)(
+              1
+            ))
+            ''');
+      });
+      test('static field modification', () async {
+        await driver.check(
+            scope: <String, String>{'x': '1'},
+            expression: 'staticField = 2',
+            expectedResult: '''
+            (function(x) {
+              return foo.C.staticField = 2;
+            }.bind(this)(
+              1
+            ))
+            ''');
+      });
+    });
+    group('Expression compiler tests in method with no field access:', () {
+      var source = '''
+        ${options.dartLangComment}
+        extension NumberParsing on String {
+          int parseInt() {
+            return int.parse(this);
+          }
+        }
+        int global = 42;
+        class C {
+          C(int this.field, int this._field);
+          static int staticField = 0;
+          static int _staticField = 1;
+          int _field;
+          int field;
+          int methodNoFieldAccess(int x) {
+            /* evaluation placeholder */
+            return x;
+          }
+          Future<int> asyncMethod(int x) async {
+            return x;
+          }
+        }
+        main() => 0;
+        ''';
+      TestDriver driver;
+      setUp(() {
+        driver = TestDriver(options, source);
+      });
+      tearDown(() {
+        driver.delete();
+      });
+      test('compilation error', () async {
+        await driver.check(
+            scope: <String, String>{'x': '1'},
+            expression: 'typo',
+            expectedError: "The getter 'typo' isn't defined for the class 'C'");
+      });
+      test('expression using static fields', () async {
+        await driver.check(
+            scope: <String, String>{'x': '1'},
+            expression: 'x + staticField',
+            expectedResult: '''
+            (function(x) {
+              return dart.notNull(x) + dart.notNull(foo.C.staticField);
+            }.bind(this)(
+              1
+            ))
+            ''');
+      });
+      test('expression using private static fields', () async {
+        await driver.check(
+            scope: <String, String>{'x': '1'},
+            expression: 'x + _staticField',
+            expectedResult: '''
+            (function(x) {
+              return dart.notNull(x) + dart.notNull(foo.C._staticField);
+            }.bind(this)(
+              1
+            ))
+            ''');
+      });
+      test('expression using fields', () async {
+        await driver.check(
+            scope: <String, String>{'x': '1'},
+            expression: 'x + field',
+            expectedResult: '''
+            (function(x) {
+              return dart.notNull(x) + dart.notNull(this.field);
+            }.bind(this)(
+              1
+            ))
+            ''');
+      });
+      test('expression using private fields', () async {
+        await driver.check(
+            scope: <String, String>{'x': '1'},
+            expression: 'x + _field',
+            expectedResult: '''
+            (function(x) {
+              let _field = dart.privateName(foo, "_field");
+              return dart.notNull(x) + dart.notNull(this[_field]);
+            }.bind(this)(
+            1
+            ))
+            ''');
+      });
+      test('private field modification', () async {
+        await driver.check(
+            scope: <String, String>{'x': '1'},
+            expression: '_field = 2',
+            expectedResult: '''
+            (function(x) {
+              let _field = dart.privateName(foo, "_field");
+              return this[_field] = 2;
+            }.bind(this)(
+            1
+            ))
+            ''');
+      });
+      test('field modification', () async {
+        await driver.check(
+            scope: <String, String>{'x': '1'},
+            expression: 'field = 2',
+            expectedResult: '''
+            (function(x) {
+              return this.field = 2;
+            }.bind(this)(
+            1
+            ))
+            ''');
+      });
+      test('private static field modification', () async {
+        await driver.check(
+            scope: <String, String>{'x': '1'},
+            expression: '_staticField = 2',
+            expectedResult: '''
+            (function(x) {
+              return foo.C._staticField = 2;
+            }.bind(this)(
+            1
+            ))
+            ''');
+      });
+      test('static field modification', () async {
+        await driver.check(
+            scope: <String, String>{'x': '1'},
+            expression: 'staticField = 2',
+            expectedResult: '''
+            (function(x) {
+              return foo.C.staticField = 2;
+            }.bind(this)(
+            1
+            ))
+            ''');
+      });
+    });
+    group('Expression compiler tests in async method:', () {
+      var source = '''
+        ${options.dartLangComment}
+        class C {
+          C(int this.field, int this._field);
+          int _field;
+          int field;
+          Future<int> asyncMethod(int x) async {
+            /* evaluation placeholder */
+            return x;
+          }
+        }
+        main() => 0;
+        ''';
+      TestDriver driver;
+      setUp(() {
+        driver = TestDriver(options, source);
+      });
+      tearDown(() {
+        driver.delete();
+      });
+      test('compilation error', () async {
+        await driver.check(
+            scope: <String, String>{'x': '1'},
+            expression: 'typo',
+            expectedError: "The getter 'typo' isn't defined for the class 'C'");
+      });
+      test('local', () async {
+        await driver.check(
+            scope: <String, String>{'x': '1'},
+            expression: 'x',
+            expectedResult: '''
+            (function(x) {
+              return x;
+            }.bind(this)(
+            1
+            ))
+            ''');
+      });
+      test('this', () async {
+        await driver.check(
+            scope: <String, String>{'x': '1'},
+            expression: 'this',
+            expectedResult: '''
+            (function(x) {
+              return this;
+            }.bind(this)(
+            1
+            ))
+            ''');
+      });
+    });
+    group('Expression compiler tests in global function:', () {
+      var source = '''
+        ${options.dartLangComment}
+        extension NumberParsing on String {
+          int parseInt() {
+            return int.parse(this);
+          }
+        }
+        int global = 42;
+        class C {
+          C(int this.field, int this._field);
+          static int staticField = 0;
+          static int _staticField = 1;
+          int _field;
+          int field;
+          int methodFieldAccess(int x) {
+            return (x + _field + _staticField);
+          }
+          int methodFieldAccess(int x) {
+            return (x)
+          }
+          Future<int> asyncMethod(int x) async {
+            return x;
+          }
+        }
+        int main() {
+          int x = 15;
+          var c = C(1, 2);
           /* evaluation placeholder */
-          return x;
+          return 0;
+        ''';
-        Future<int> asyncMethod(int x) async {
-          return x;
-        }
-      }
+      TestDriver driver;
+      setUp(() {
+        driver = TestDriver(options, source);
+      });
-      main() => 0;
-      ''';
+      tearDown(() {
+        driver.delete();
+      });
-    TestDriver driver;
-    setUp(() {
-      driver = TestDriver(options, source);
-    });
+      test('compilation error', () async {
+        await driver.check(
+            scope: <String, String>{'x': '1', 'c': 'null'},
+            expression: 'typo',
+            expectedError: "Getter not found: 'typo'.");
+      });
-    tearDown(() {
-      driver.delete();
-    });
-    test('compilation error', () async {
-      await driver.check(
-          scope: <String, String>{'x': '1'},
-          expression: 'typo',
-          expectedError: "The getter 'typo' isn't defined for the class 'C'");
-    });
-    test('expression using static fields', () async {
-      await driver.check(
-          scope: <String, String>{'x': '1'},
-          expression: 'x + staticField',
-          expectedResult: '''
-          (function(x) {
-            return dart.notNull(x) + dart.notNull(foo.C.staticField);
-          }.bind(this)(
-            1
-          ))
-          ''');
-    });
-    test('expression using private static fields', () async {
-      await driver.check(
-          scope: <String, String>{'x': '1'},
-          expression: 'x + _staticField',
-          expectedResult: '''
-          (function(x) {
-            return dart.notNull(x) + dart.notNull(foo.C._staticField);
-          }.bind(this)(
-            1
-          ))
-          ''');
-    });
-    test('expression using fields', () async {
-      await driver.check(
-          scope: <String, String>{'x': '1'},
-          expression: 'x + field',
-          expectedResult: '''
-          (function(x) {
-            return dart.notNull(x) + dart.notNull(this.field);
-          }.bind(this)(
-            1
-          ))
-          ''');
-    });
-    test('expression using private fields', () async {
-      await driver.check(
-          scope: <String, String>{'x': '1'},
-          expression: 'x + _field',
-          expectedResult: '''
-          (function(x) {
-            let _field = dart.privateName(foo, "_field");
-            return dart.notNull(x) + dart.notNull(this[_field]);
-          }.bind(this)(
-          1
-          ))
-          ''');
-    });
-    test('private field modification', () async {
-      await driver.check(
-          scope: <String, String>{'x': '1'},
-          expression: '_field = 2',
-          expectedResult: '''
-          (function(x) {
-            let _field = dart.privateName(foo, "_field");
-            return this[_field] = 2;
-          }.bind(this)(
-          1
-          ))
-          ''');
-    });
-    test('field modification', () async {
-      await driver.check(
-          scope: <String, String>{'x': '1'},
-          expression: 'field = 2',
-          expectedResult: '''
-          (function(x) {
-            return this.field = 2;
-          }.bind(this)(
-          1
-          ))
-          ''');
-    });
-    test('private static field modification', () async {
-      await driver.check(
-          scope: <String, String>{'x': '1'},
-          expression: '_staticField = 2',
-          expectedResult: '''
-          (function(x) {
-            return foo.C._staticField = 2;
-          }.bind(this)(
-          1
-          ))
-          ''');
-    });
-    test('static field modification', () async {
-      await driver.check(
-          scope: <String, String>{'x': '1'},
-          expression: 'staticField = 2',
-          expectedResult: '''
-          (function(x) {
-            return foo.C.staticField = 2;
-          }.bind(this)(
-          1
-          ))
-          ''');
-    });
-  });
-  group('Expression compiler tests in async method:', () {
-    const source = '''
-      // @dart = 2.9
-      class C {
-        C(int this.field, int this._field);
-        int _field;
-        int field;
-        Future<int> asyncMethod(int x) async {
-          /* evaluation placeholder */
-          return x;
-        }
-      }
-      main() => 0;
-      ''';
-    TestDriver driver;
-    setUp(() {
-      driver = TestDriver(options, source);
-    });
-    tearDown(() {
-      driver.delete();
-    });
-    test('compilation error', () async {
-      await driver.check(
-          scope: <String, String>{'x': '1'},
-          expression: 'typo',
-          expectedError: "The getter 'typo' isn't defined for the class 'C'");
-    });
-    test('local', () async {
-      await driver.check(
-          scope: <String, String>{'x': '1'},
-          expression: 'x',
-          expectedResult: '''
-          (function(x) {
-            return x;
-          }.bind(this)(
-          1
-          ))
-          ''');
-    });
-    test('this', () async {
-      await driver.check(
-          scope: <String, String>{'x': '1'},
-          expression: 'this',
-          expectedResult: '''
-          (function(x) {
-            return this;
-          }.bind(this)(
-          1
-          ))
-          ''');
-    });
-  });
-  group('Expression compiler tests in global function:', () {
-    const source = '''
-      // @dart = 2.9
-      extension NumberParsing on String {
-        int parseInt() {
-          return int.parse(this);
-        }
-      }
-      int global = 42;
-      class C {
-        C(int this.field, int this._field);
-        static int staticField = 0;
-        static int _staticField = 1;
-        int _field;
-        int field;
-        int methodFieldAccess(int x) {
-          return (x + _field + _staticField);
-        }
-        int methodFieldAccess(int x) {
-          return (x)
-        }
-        Future<int> asyncMethod(int x) async {
-          return x;
-        }
-      }
-      int main() {
-        int x = 15;
-        var c = C(1, 2);
-        /* evaluation placeholder */
-        return 0;
-      }
-      ''';
-    TestDriver driver;
-    setUp(() {
-      driver = TestDriver(options, source);
-    });
-    tearDown(() {
-      driver.delete();
-    });
-    test('compilation error', () async {
-      await driver.check(
-          scope: <String, String>{'x': '1', 'c': 'null'},
-          expression: 'typo',
-          expectedError: "Getter not found: 'typo'.");
-    });
-    test('local with primitive type', () async {
-      await driver.check(
-          scope: <String, String>{'x': '1', 'c': 'null'},
-          expression: 'x',
-          expectedResult: '''
-          (function(x, c) {
-            return x;
-          }(
-            1,
-            null
-          ))
-          ''');
-    });
-    test('local object', () async {
-      await driver.check(
-          scope: <String, String>{'x': '1', 'c': 'null'},
-          expression: 'c',
-          expectedResult: '''
-          (function(x, c) {
-            return c;
-          }(
-            1,
-            null
-          ))
-          ''');
-    });
-    test('create new object', () async {
-      await driver.check(
-          scope: <String, String>{'x': '1', 'c': 'null'},
-          expression: 'C(1,3)',
-          expectedResult: '''
+      test('local with primitive type', () async {
+        await driver.check(
+            scope: <String, String>{'x': '1', 'c': 'null'},
+            expression: 'x',
+            expectedResult: '''
             (function(x, c) {
-              return new, 3);
+              return x;
-    });
+      });
-    test('access field of new object', () async {
-      await driver.check(
-          scope: <String, String>{'x': '1', 'c': 'null'},
-          expression: 'C(1,3)._field',
-          expectedResult: '''
-          (function(x, c) {
-            let _field = dart.privateName(foo, "_field");
-            return new, 3)[_field];
-          }(
-            1,
-            null
-          ))
-          ''');
-    });
-    test('access static field', () async {
-      await driver.check(
-          scope: <String, String>{'x': '1', 'c': 'null'},
-          expression: 'C.staticField',
-          expectedResult: '''
-          (function(x, c) {
-            return foo.C.staticField;
-          }(
-            1,
-            null
-          ))
-          ''');
-    });
-    test('expression using private static fields', () async {
-      await driver.check(
-          scope: <String, String>{'x': '1', 'c': 'null'},
-          expression: 'C._staticField',
-          expectedError: "Error: Getter not found: '_staticField'.");
-    });
-    test('access field', () async {
-      await driver.check(
-          scope: <String, String>{'x': '1', 'c': 'null'},
-          expression: 'c.field',
-          expectedResult: '''
-          (function(x, c) {
-            return c.field;
-          }(
-            1,
-            null
-          ))
-          ''');
-    });
-    test('access private field', () async {
-      await driver.check(
-          scope: <String, String>{'x': '1', 'c': 'null'},
-          expression: 'c._field',
-          expectedResult: '''
-          (function(x, c) {
-            let _field = dart.privateName(foo, "_field");
-            return c[_field];
-          }(
+      test('local object', () async {
+        await driver.check(
+            scope: <String, String>{'x': '1', 'c': 'null'},
+            expression: 'c',
+            expectedResult: '''
+            (function(x, c) {
+              return c;
+            }(
-          ))
-          ''');
+            ))
+            ''');
+      });
+      test('create new object', () async {
+        await driver.check(
+            scope: <String, String>{'x': '1', 'c': 'null'},
+            expression: 'C(1,3)',
+            expectedResult: '''
+              (function(x, c) {
+                return new, 3);
+              }(
+                1,
+                null
+              ))
+              ''');
+      });
+      test('access field of new object', () async {
+        await driver.check(
+            scope: <String, String>{'x': '1', 'c': 'null'},
+            expression: 'C(1,3)._field',
+            expectedResult: '''
+            (function(x, c) {
+              let _field = dart.privateName(foo, "_field");
+              return new, 3)[_field];
+            }(
+              1,
+              null
+            ))
+            ''');
+      });
+      test('access static field', () async {
+        await driver.check(
+            scope: <String, String>{'x': '1', 'c': 'null'},
+            expression: 'C.staticField',
+            expectedResult: '''
+            (function(x, c) {
+              return foo.C.staticField;
+            }(
+              1,
+              null
+            ))
+            ''');
+      });
+      test('expression using private static fields', () async {
+        await driver.check(
+            scope: <String, String>{'x': '1', 'c': 'null'},
+            expression: 'C._staticField',
+            expectedError: "Error: Getter not found: '_staticField'.");
+      });
+      test('access field', () async {
+        await driver.check(
+            scope: <String, String>{'x': '1', 'c': 'null'},
+            expression: 'c.field',
+            expectedResult: '''
+            (function(x, c) {
+              return c.field;
+            }(
+              1,
+              null
+            ))
+            ''');
+      });
+      test('access private field', () async {
+        await driver.check(
+            scope: <String, String>{'x': '1', 'c': 'null'},
+            expression: 'c._field',
+            expectedResult: '''
+            (function(x, c) {
+              let _field = dart.privateName(foo, "_field");
+              return c[_field];
+            }(
+                1,
+                null
+            ))
+            ''');
+      });
+      test('method call', () async {
+        await driver.check(
+            scope: <String, String>{'x': '1', 'c': 'null'},
+            expression: 'c.methodFieldAccess(2)',
+            expectedResult: '''
+            (function(x, c) {
+              return c.methodFieldAccess(2);
+            }(
+              1,
+              null
+            ))
+            ''');
+      });
+      test('async method call', () async {
+        await driver.check(
+            scope: <String, String>{'x': '1', 'c': 'null'},
+            expression: 'c.asyncMethod(2)',
+            expectedResult: '''
+            (function(x, c) {
+              return c.asyncMethod(2);
+            }(
+              1,
+              null
+            ))
+            ''');
+      });
+      test('extension method call', () async {
+        await driver.check(
+            scope: <String, String>{'x': '1', 'c': 'null'},
+            expression: '"1234".parseInt()',
+            expectedResult: '''
+            (function(x, c) {
+              return foo['NumberParsing|parseInt']("1234");
+            }(
+              1,
+              null
+            ))
+            ''');
+      });
+      test('private field modification', () async {
+        await driver.check(
+            scope: <String, String>{'x': '1', 'c': 'null'},
+            expression: 'c._field = 2',
+            expectedResult: '''
+            (function(x, c) {
+              let _field = dart.privateName(foo, "_field");
+              return c[_field] = 2;
+            }(
+              1,
+              null
+            ))
+            ''');
+      });
+      test('field modification', () async {
+        await driver.check(
+            scope: <String, String>{'x': '1', 'c': 'null'},
+            expression: 'c.field = 2',
+            expectedResult: '''
+            (function(x, c) {
+              return c.field = 2;
+            }(
+              1,
+              null
+            ))
+            ''');
+      });
+      test('private static field modification', () async {
+        await driver.check(
+            scope: <String, String>{'x': '1', 'c': 'null'},
+            expression: 'C._staticField = 2',
+            expectedError: "Setter not found: '_staticField'.");
+      });
+      test('static field modification', () async {
+        await driver.check(
+            scope: <String, String>{'x': '1', 'c': 'null'},
+            expression: 'C.staticField = 2',
+            expectedResult: '''
+            (function(x, c) {
+              return foo.C.staticField = 2;
+            }(
+              1,
+              null
+            ))
+            ''');
+      });
+      test('call global function from core library', () async {
+        await driver.check(
+            scope: <String, String>{'x': '1', 'c': 'null'},
+            expression: 'print(x)',
+            expectedResult: '''
+            (function(x, c) {
+              return core.print(x);
+            }(
+              1,
+              null
+            ))
+            ''');
+      });
-    test('method call', () async {
-      await driver.check(
-          scope: <String, String>{'x': '1', 'c': 'null'},
-          expression: 'c.methodFieldAccess(2)',
-          expectedResult: '''
-          (function(x, c) {
-            return c.methodFieldAccess(2);
-          }(
-            1,
-            null
-          ))
-          ''');
-    });
-    test('async method call', () async {
-      await driver.check(
-          scope: <String, String>{'x': '1', 'c': 'null'},
-          expression: 'c.asyncMethod(2)',
-          expectedResult: '''
-          (function(x, c) {
-            return c.asyncMethod(2);
-          }(
-            1,
-            null
-          ))
-          ''');
-    });
-    test('extension method call', () async {
-      await driver.check(
-          scope: <String, String>{'x': '1', 'c': 'null'},
-          expression: '"1234".parseInt()',
-          expectedResult: '''
-          (function(x, c) {
-            return foo['NumberParsing|parseInt']("1234");
-          }(
-            1,
-            null
-          ))
-          ''');
-    });
-    test('private field modification', () async {
-      await driver.check(
-          scope: <String, String>{'x': '1', 'c': 'null'},
-          expression: 'c._field = 2',
-          expectedResult: '''
-          (function(x, c) {
-            let _field = dart.privateName(foo, "_field");
-            return c[_field] = 2;
-          }(
-            1,
-            null
-          ))
-          ''');
-    });
-    test('field modification', () async {
-      await driver.check(
-          scope: <String, String>{'x': '1', 'c': 'null'},
-          expression: 'c.field = 2',
-          expectedResult: '''
-          (function(x, c) {
-            return c.field = 2;
-          }(
-            1,
-            null
-          ))
-          ''');
-    });
-    test('private static field modification', () async {
-      await driver.check(
-          scope: <String, String>{'x': '1', 'c': 'null'},
-          expression: 'C._staticField = 2',
-          expectedError: "Setter not found: '_staticField'.");
-    });
-    test('static field modification', () async {
-      await driver.check(
-          scope: <String, String>{'x': '1', 'c': 'null'},
-          expression: 'C.staticField = 2',
-          expectedResult: '''
-          (function(x, c) {
-            return foo.C.staticField = 2;
-          }(
-            1,
-            null
-          ))
-          ''');
-    });
-    test('call global function from core library', () async {
-      await driver.check(
-          scope: <String, String>{'x': '1', 'c': 'null'},
-          expression: 'print(x)',
-          expectedResult: '''
-          (function(x, c) {
-            return core.print(x);
-          }(
-            1,
-            null
-          ))
-          ''');
-    });
-  });
-  group('Expression compiler tests in closures:', () {
-    const source = r'''
-      // @dart = 2.9
-      int globalFunction() {
-      int x = 15;
-      var c = C(1, 2);
-      var outerClosure = (int y) {
-        var closureCaptureInner = (int z) {
-          /* evaluation placeholder */
-          print('$y+$z');
-        };
-        closureCaptureInner(0);
-      };
-      outerClosure(3);
-      return 0;
-    }
-    main() => 0;
-    ''';
-    TestDriver driver;
-    setUp(() {
-      driver = TestDriver(options, source);
-    });
-    tearDown(() {
-      driver.delete();
-    });
-    test('compilation error', () async {
-      await driver.check(
-          scope: <String, String>{'x': '1', 'c': 'null', 'y': '3', 'z': '0'},
-          expression: 'typo',
-          expectedError: "Getter not found: 'typo'.");
-    });
-    test('expression using uncaptured variables', () async {
-      await driver.check(
-          scope: <String, String>{'x': '1', 'c': 'null', 'y': '3', 'z': '0'},
-          expression: r"'$x+$y+$z'",
-          expectedResult: '''
-          (function(x, c, y, z) {
-            return dart.str(x) + "+" + dart.str(y) + "+" + dart.str(z);
-          }(
-            1,
-            null,
-            3,
-            0
-          ))
-          ''');
-    });
-    test('expression using captured variables', () async {
-      await driver.check(
-          scope: <String, String>{'x': '1', 'c': 'null', 'y': '3', 'z': '0'},
-          expression: r"'$y+$z'",
-          expectedResult: '''
-          (function(x, c, y, z) {
-            return dart.str(y) + "+" + dart.str(z);
-          }(
-            1,
-            null,
-            3,
-            0
-          ))
-          ''');
-    });
-  });
-  group('Expression compiler tests in method with no type use', () {
-    const source = '''
-      // @dart = 2.9
-      abstract class Key {
-        const factory Key(String value) = ValueKey;
-        const Key.empty();
-      }
-      abstract class LocalKey extends Key {
-        const LocalKey() : super.empty();
-      }
-      class ValueKey implements LocalKey {
-        const ValueKey(this.value);
-        final String value;
-      }
-      class MyClass {
-        const MyClass(this._t);
-        final int _t;
-      }
-      int bar(int p){
-        return p;
-      }
-      int baz(String t){
-        return t;
-      }
-      void main() {
-        var k = Key('t');
-        MyClass c = MyClass(0);
-        int p = 1;
-        const t = 1;
-        /* evaluation placeholder */
-        print('\$c, \$k, \$t');
-      }
-      ''';
-    TestDriver driver;
-    setUp(() {
-      driver = TestDriver(options, source);
-    });
-    tearDown(() {
-      driver.delete();
-    });
-    test('call function using type', () async {
-      await driver.check(
-          scope: <String, String>{'p': '1'},
-          expression: 'bar(p)',
-          expectedResult: '''
-          (function(p) {
-            return;
-          }(
-            1
-          ))
-          ''');
-    });
-    test('call function using type', () async {
-      await driver.check(
-          scope: <String, String>{'p': '0'},
-          expression: 'baz(p as String)',
-          expectedResult: '''
-          (function(p) {
-            var StringL = () => (StringL = dart.constFn(dart.legacy(core.String)))();
-            return foo.baz(StringL().as(p));
-          }(
-          0
-          ))
-          ''');
-    });
-    test('evaluate new const expression', () async {
-      await driver.check(
-          scope: <String, String>{'p': '1'},
-          expression: 'const MyClass(1)',
-          expectedResult: '''
-          (function(p) {
-             dart.defineLazy(CT, {
-               get C0() {
-                 return C0 = dart.const({
-                   __proto__: foo.MyClass.prototype,
-                   [_t]: 1
-                 });
-               }
-             }, false);
-             var C0;
-             return C0 || CT.C0;
-          }(
-            1
-          ))
-          ''');
-    });
-    test('evaluate optimized const expression', () async {
-      await driver.check(
-          scope: <String, String>{},
-          expression: 't',
-          expectedResult: '''
-          (function() {
-            return 1;
-          }(
-          ))
-          ''');
-    },
-        skip: 'Cannot compile constants optimized away by the frontend. '
-            'Issue:');
-    test('evaluate factory constructor call', () async {
-      await driver.check(
-          scope: <String, String>{'p': '1'},
-          expression: "Key('t')",
-          expectedResult: '''
-          (function(p) {
-            return new"t");
-          }(
-            1
-          ))
-          ''');
-    });
-    test('evaluate const factory constructor call', () async {
-      await driver.check(
-          scope: <String, String>{'p': '1'},
-          expression: "const Key('t')",
-          expectedResult: '''
-          (function(p) {
-            dart.defineLazy(CT, {
-              get C0() {
-                return C0 = dart.const({
-                  __proto__: foo.ValueKey.prototype,
-                  [value]: "t"
-                  });
-                }
-            }, false);
-            var C0;
-            return C0 || CT.C0;
-          }(
-            1
-          ))
-          ''');
-    });
-  });
-  group('Expression compiler tests in constructor:', () {
-    const source = '''
-      // @dart = 2.9
-      extension NumberParsing on String {
-        int parseInt() {
-          return int.parse(this);
-        }
-      }
-      int global = 42;
-      class C {
-        C(int this.field, int this._field) {
-          int x = 1;
-          /* evaluation placeholder */
-          print(this.field);
-        }
-        static int staticField = 0;
-        static int _staticField = 1;
-        int _field;
-        int field;
-        int methodFieldAccess(int t) {
-          return t + _field + _staticField;
-        }
-        Future<int> asyncMethod(int t) async {
-          return t;
-        }
-      }
-      main() => 0;
-      ''';
-    TestDriver driver;
-    setUp(() {
-      driver = TestDriver(options, source);
-    });
-    tearDown(() {
-      driver.delete();
-    });
-    test('compilation error', () async {
-      await driver.check(
-          scope: <String, String>{'x': '1'},
-          expression: 'typo',
-          expectedError: "The getter 'typo' isn't defined for the class 'C'");
-    });
-    test('local', () async {
-      await driver.check(
-          scope: <String, String>{'x': '1'},
-          expression: 'x',
-          expectedResult: '''
-          (function(x) {
-            return x;
-          }.bind(this)(
-            1
-          ))
-          ''');
-    });
-    test('this', () async {
-      await driver.check(
-          scope: <String, String>{'x': '1'},
-          expression: 'this',
-          expectedResult: '''
-          (function(x) {
-            return this;
-          }.bind(this)(
-            1
-          ))
-          ''');
-    });
-    test('expression using locals', () async {
-      await driver.check(
-          scope: <String, String>{'x': '1'},
-          expression: 'x + 1',
-          expectedResult: '''
-          (function(x) {
-            return dart.notNull(x) + 1;
-          }.bind(this)(
-            1
-          ))
-          ''');
-    });
-    test('expression using static fields', () async {
-      await driver.check(
-          scope: <String, String>{'x': '1'},
-          expression: 'x + staticField',
-          expectedResult: '''
-          (function(x) {
-            return dart.notNull(x) + dart.notNull(foo.C.staticField);
-          }.bind(this)(
-            1
-          ))
-          ''');
-    });
-    test('expression using private static fields', () async {
-      await driver.check(
-          scope: <String, String>{'x': '1'},
-          expression: 'x + _staticField',
-          expectedResult: '''
-          (function(x) {
-            return dart.notNull(x) + dart.notNull(foo.C._staticField);
-          }.bind(this)(
-            1
-          ))
-          ''');
-    });
-    test('expression using fields', () async {
-      await driver.check(
-          scope: <String, String>{'x': '1'},
-          expression: 'x + field',
-          expectedResult: '''
-          (function(x) {
-            return dart.notNull(x) + dart.notNull(this.field);
-          }.bind(this)(
-            1
-          ))
-          ''');
-    });
-    test('expression using private fields', () async {
-      await driver.check(
-          scope: <String, String>{'x': '1'},
-          expression: 'x + _field',
-          expectedResult: '''
-          (function(x) {
-            let _field = dart.privateName(foo, "_field");
-            return dart.notNull(x) + dart.notNull(this[_field]);
-          }.bind(this)(
-              1
-          ))
-          ''');
-    });
-    test('expression using globals', () async {
-      await driver.check(
-          scope: <String, String>{'x': '1'},
-          expression: 'x + global',
-          expectedResult: '''
-          (function(x) {
-            return dart.notNull(x) + dart.notNull(;
-          }.bind(this)(
-            1
-          ))
-          ''');
-    });
-    test('method call', () async {
-      await driver.check(
-          scope: <String, String>{'x': '1'},
-          expression: 'methodFieldAccess(2)',
-          expectedResult: '''
-          (function(x) {
-            return this.methodFieldAccess(2);
-          }.bind(this)(
-            1
-          ))
-          ''');
-    });
-    test('async method call', () async {
-      await driver.check(
-          scope: <String, String>{'x': '1'},
-          expression: 'asyncMethod(2)',
-          expectedResult: '''
-          (function(x) {
-            return this.asyncMethod(2);
-          }.bind(this)(
-            1
-          ))
-          ''');
-    });
-    test('extension method call', () async {
-      await driver.check(
-          scope: <String, String>{'x': '1'},
-          expression: '"1234".parseInt()',
-          expectedResult: '''
-        (function(x) {
-          return foo['NumberParsing|parseInt']("1234");
-        }.bind(this)(
-          1
-        ))
-        ''');
-    });
-    test('private field modification', () async {
-      await driver.check(
-          scope: <String, String>{'x': '1'},
-          expression: '_field = 2',
-          expectedResult: '''
-        (function(x) {
-          let _field = dart.privateName(foo, "_field");
-          return this[_field] = 2;
-        }.bind(this)(
-          1
-        ))
-        ''');
-    });
-    test('field modification', () async {
-      await driver.check(
-          scope: <String, String>{'x': '1'},
-          expression: 'field = 2',
-          expectedResult: '''
-          (function(x) {
-            return this.field = 2;
-          }.bind(this)(
-            1
-          ))
-          ''');
-    });
-    test('private static field modification', () async {
-      await driver.check(
-          scope: <String, String>{'x': '1'},
-          expression: '_staticField = 2',
-          expectedResult: '''
-          (function(x) {
-            return foo.C._staticField = 2;
-          }.bind(this)(
-            1
-          ))
-          ''');
-    });
-    test('static field modification', () async {
-      await driver.check(
-          scope: <String, String>{'x': '1'},
-          expression: 'staticField = 2',
-          expectedResult: '''
-          (function(x) {
-            return foo.C.staticField = 2;
-          }.bind(this)(
-            1
-          ))
-          ''');
-    });
-  });
-  group('Expression compiler tests in loops:', () {
-    const source = r'''
-      // @dart = 2.9
-      int globalFunction() {
+    group('Expression compiler tests in closures:', () {
+      var source = '''
+        ${options.dartLangComment}
+        int globalFunction() {
         int x = 15;
         var c = C(1, 2);
-        for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
-          /* evaluation placeholder */
-          print('$i+$x');
+        var outerClosure = (int y) {
+          var closureCaptureInner = (int z) {
+            /* evaluation placeholder */
+            print('\$y+\$z');
+          };
+          closureCaptureInner(0);
+        outerClosure(3);
         return 0;
       main() => 0;
-    TestDriver driver;
-    setUp(() {
-      driver = TestDriver(options, source);
+      TestDriver driver;
+      setUp(() {
+        driver = TestDriver(options, source);
+      });
+      tearDown(() {
+        driver.delete();
+      });
+      test('compilation error', () async {
+        await driver.check(
+            scope: <String, String>{'x': '1', 'c': 'null', 'y': '3', 'z': '0'},
+            expression: 'typo',
+            expectedError: "Getter not found: 'typo'.");
+      });
+      test('expression using uncaptured variables', () async {
+        await driver.check(
+            scope: <String, String>{'x': '1', 'c': 'null', 'y': '3', 'z': '0'},
+            expression: r"'$x+$y+$z'",
+            expectedResult: '''
+            (function(x, c, y, z) {
+              return dart.str(x) + "+" + dart.str(y) + "+" + dart.str(z);
+            }(
+              1,
+              null,
+              3,
+              0
+            ))
+            ''');
+      });
+      test('expression using captured variables', () async {
+        await driver.check(
+            scope: <String, String>{'x': '1', 'c': 'null', 'y': '3', 'z': '0'},
+            expression: r"'$y+$z'",
+            expectedResult: '''
+            (function(x, c, y, z) {
+              return dart.str(y) + "+" + dart.str(z);
+            }(
+              1,
+              null,
+              3,
+              0
+            ))
+            ''');
+      });
-    tearDown(() {
-      driver.delete();
-    });
-    test('expression using local', () async {
-      await driver.check(
-          scope: <String, String>{'x': '1', 'c': 'null', 'i': '0'},
-          expression: 'x',
-          expectedResult: '''
-          (function(x, c, i) {
-            return x;
-          }(
-            1,
-            null,
-            0
-          ))
-          ''');
-    });
-    test('expression using loop variable', () async {
-      await driver.check(
-          scope: <String, String>{'x': '1', 'c': 'null', 'i': '0'},
-          expression: 'i',
-          expectedResult: '''
-          (function(x, c, i) {
-            return i;
-          }(
-            1,
-            null,
-            0
-          ))
-          ''');
-    });
-  });
-  group('Expression compiler tests in conditional (then):', () {
-    const source = r'''
-      // @dart = 2.9
-      int globalFunction() {
-        int x = 1;
-        var c = C(1, 2);
-        if (x == 14) {
-          int y = 3;
-          /* evaluation placeholder */
-          print('$y+$x');
-        } else {
-          int z = 3;
-          print('$z+$x');
+    group('Expression compiler tests in method with no type use', () {
+      var source = '''
+        ${options.dartLangComment}
+        abstract class Key {
+          const factory Key(String value) = ValueKey;
+          const Key.empty();
-        return 0;
-      }
-      main() => 0;
-      ''';
-    TestDriver driver;
-    setUp(() {
-      driver = TestDriver(options, source);
-    });
-    tearDown(() {
-      driver.delete();
-    });
-    test('expression using local', () async {
-      await driver.check(
-          scope: <String, String>{'x': '1', 'c': 'null', 'y': '3'},
-          expression: 'y',
-          expectedResult: '''
-          (function(x, c, y) {
-            return y;
-          }(
-            1,
-            null,
-            3
-          ))
-          ''');
-    });
-    test('expression using local out of scope', () async {
-      await driver.check(
-          scope: <String, String>{'x': '1', 'c': 'null', 'y': '3'},
-          expression: 'z',
-          expectedError: "Error: Getter not found: 'z'");
-    });
-  });
-  group('Expression compiler tests in conditional (else):', () {
-    const source = r'''
-      // @dart = 2.9
-      int globalFunction() {
-        int x = 1;
-        var c = C(1, 2);
-        if (x == 14) {
-          int y = 3;
-          print('$y+$x');
-        } else {
-          int z = 3;
-          /* evaluation placeholder */
-          print('$z+$x');
+        abstract class LocalKey extends Key {
+          const LocalKey() : super.empty();
-        return 0;
-      }
-      main() => 0;
-      ''';
+        class ValueKey implements LocalKey {
+          const ValueKey(this.value);
+          final String value;
+        }
-    TestDriver driver;
-    setUp(() {
-      driver = TestDriver(options, source);
+        class MyClass {
+          const MyClass(this._t);
+          final int _t;
+        }
+        int bar(int p){
+          return p;
+        }
+        int baz(String t){
+          return t;
+        }
+        void main() {
+          var k = Key('t');
+          MyClass c = MyClass(0);
+          int p = 1;
+          const t = 1;
+          /* evaluation placeholder */
+          print('\$c, \$k, \$t');
+        }
+        ''';
+      TestDriver driver;
+      setUp(() {
+        driver = TestDriver(options, source);
+      });
+      tearDown(() {
+        driver.delete();
+      });
+      test('call function using type', () async {
+        await driver.check(
+            scope: <String, String>{'p': '1'},
+            expression: 'bar(p)',
+            expectedResult: '''
+            (function(p) {
+              return;
+            }(
+              1
+            ))
+            ''');
+      });
+      test('call function using type', () async {
+        await driver.check(
+            scope: <String, String>{'p': '0'},
+            expression: 'baz(p as String)',
+            expectedResult: '''
+            (function(p) {
+              var StringL = () => (StringL = dart.constFn(dart.legacy(core.String)))();
+              return foo.baz(StringL().as(p));
+            }(
+            0
+            ))
+            ''');
+      });
+      test('evaluate new const expression', () async {
+        await driver.check(
+            scope: <String, String>{'p': '1'},
+            expression: 'const MyClass(1)',
+            expectedResult: '''
+            (function(p) {
+              dart.defineLazy(CT, {
+                get C0() {
+                  return C0 = dart.const({
+                    __proto__: foo.MyClass.prototype,
+                    [_t]: 1
+                  });
+                }
+              }, false);
+              var C0;
+              return C0 || CT.C0;
+            }(
+              1
+            ))
+            ''');
+      });
+      test('evaluate optimized const expression', () async {
+        await driver.check(
+            scope: <String, String>{},
+            expression: 't',
+            expectedResult: '''
+            (function() {
+              return 1;
+            }(
+            ))
+            ''');
+      },
+          skip: 'Cannot compile constants optimized away by the frontend. '
+              'Issue:');
+      test('evaluate factory constructor call', () async {
+        await driver.check(
+            scope: <String, String>{'p': '1'},
+            expression: "Key('t')",
+            expectedResult: '''
+            (function(p) {
+              return new"t");
+            }(
+              1
+            ))
+            ''');
+      });
+      test('evaluate const factory constructor call', () async {
+        await driver.check(
+            scope: <String, String>{'p': '1'},
+            expression: "const Key('t')",
+            expectedResult: '''
+            (function(p) {
+              dart.defineLazy(CT, {
+                get C0() {
+                  return C0 = dart.const({
+                    __proto__: foo.ValueKey.prototype,
+                    [value]: "t"
+                    });
+                  }
+              }, false);
+              var C0;
+              return C0 || CT.C0;
+            }(
+              1
+            ))
+            ''');
+      });
-    tearDown(() {
-      driver.delete();
-    });
+    group('Expression compiler tests in constructor:', () {
+      var source = '''
+        ${options.dartLangComment}
+        extension NumberParsing on String {
+          int parseInt() {
+            return int.parse(this);
+          }
+        }
-    test('expression using local', () async {
-      await driver.check(
-          scope: <String, String>{'x': '1', 'c': 'null', 'z': '3'},
-          expression: 'z',
-          expectedResult: '''
-          (function(x, c, z) {
-            return z;
-          }(
-            1,
-            null,
-            3
+        int global = 42;
+        class C {
+          C(int this.field, int this._field) {
+            int x = 1;
+            /* evaluation placeholder */
+            print(this.field);
+          }
+          static int staticField = 0;
+          static int _staticField = 1;
+          int _field;
+          int field;
+          int methodFieldAccess(int t) {
+            return t + _field + _staticField;
+          }
+          Future<int> asyncMethod(int t) async {
+            return t;
+          }
+        }
+        main() => 0;
+        ''';
+      TestDriver driver;
+      setUp(() {
+        driver = TestDriver(options, source);
+      });
+      tearDown(() {
+        driver.delete();
+      });
+      test('compilation error', () async {
+        await driver.check(
+            scope: <String, String>{'x': '1'},
+            expression: 'typo',
+            expectedError: "The getter 'typo' isn't defined for the class 'C'");
+      });
+      test('local', () async {
+        await driver.check(
+            scope: <String, String>{'x': '1'},
+            expression: 'x',
+            expectedResult: '''
+            (function(x) {
+              return x;
+            }.bind(this)(
+              1
+            ))
+            ''');
+      });
+      test('this', () async {
+        await driver.check(
+            scope: <String, String>{'x': '1'},
+            expression: 'this',
+            expectedResult: '''
+            (function(x) {
+              return this;
+            }.bind(this)(
+              1
+            ))
+            ''');
+      });
+      test('expression using locals', () async {
+        await driver.check(
+            scope: <String, String>{'x': '1'},
+            expression: 'x + 1',
+            expectedResult: '''
+            (function(x) {
+              return dart.notNull(x) + 1;
+            }.bind(this)(
+              1
+            ))
+            ''');
+      });
+      test('expression using static fields', () async {
+        await driver.check(
+            scope: <String, String>{'x': '1'},
+            expression: 'x + staticField',
+            expectedResult: '''
+            (function(x) {
+              return dart.notNull(x) + dart.notNull(foo.C.staticField);
+            }.bind(this)(
+              1
+            ))
+            ''');
+      });
+      test('expression using private static fields', () async {
+        await driver.check(
+            scope: <String, String>{'x': '1'},
+            expression: 'x + _staticField',
+            expectedResult: '''
+            (function(x) {
+              return dart.notNull(x) + dart.notNull(foo.C._staticField);
+            }.bind(this)(
+              1
+            ))
+            ''');
+      });
+      test('expression using fields', () async {
+        await driver.check(
+            scope: <String, String>{'x': '1'},
+            expression: 'x + field',
+            expectedResult: '''
+            (function(x) {
+              return dart.notNull(x) + dart.notNull(this.field);
+            }.bind(this)(
+              1
+            ))
+            ''');
+      });
+      test('expression using private fields', () async {
+        await driver.check(
+            scope: <String, String>{'x': '1'},
+            expression: 'x + _field',
+            expectedResult: '''
+            (function(x) {
+              let _field = dart.privateName(foo, "_field");
+              return dart.notNull(x) + dart.notNull(this[_field]);
+            }.bind(this)(
+                1
+            ))
+            ''');
+      });
+      test('expression using globals', () async {
+        await driver.check(
+            scope: <String, String>{'x': '1'},
+            expression: 'x + global',
+            expectedResult: '''
+            (function(x) {
+              return dart.notNull(x) + dart.notNull(;
+            }.bind(this)(
+              1
+            ))
+            ''');
+      });
+      test('method call', () async {
+        await driver.check(
+            scope: <String, String>{'x': '1'},
+            expression: 'methodFieldAccess(2)',
+            expectedResult: '''
+            (function(x) {
+              return this.methodFieldAccess(2);
+            }.bind(this)(
+              1
+            ))
+            ''');
+      });
+      test('async method call', () async {
+        await driver.check(
+            scope: <String, String>{'x': '1'},
+            expression: 'asyncMethod(2)',
+            expectedResult: '''
+            (function(x) {
+              return this.asyncMethod(2);
+            }.bind(this)(
+              1
+            ))
+            ''');
+      });
+      test('extension method call', () async {
+        await driver.check(
+            scope: <String, String>{'x': '1'},
+            expression: '"1234".parseInt()',
+            expectedResult: '''
+          (function(x) {
+            return foo['NumberParsing|parseInt']("1234");
+          }.bind(this)(
+            1
+      });
+      test('private field modification', () async {
+        await driver.check(
+            scope: <String, String>{'x': '1'},
+            expression: '_field = 2',
+            expectedResult: '''
+          (function(x) {
+            let _field = dart.privateName(foo, "_field");
+            return this[_field] = 2;
+          }.bind(this)(
+            1
+          ))
+          ''');
+      });
+      test('field modification', () async {
+        await driver.check(
+            scope: <String, String>{'x': '1'},
+            expression: 'field = 2',
+            expectedResult: '''
+            (function(x) {
+              return this.field = 2;
+            }.bind(this)(
+              1
+            ))
+            ''');
+      });
+      test('private static field modification', () async {
+        await driver.check(
+            scope: <String, String>{'x': '1'},
+            expression: '_staticField = 2',
+            expectedResult: '''
+            (function(x) {
+              return foo.C._staticField = 2;
+            }.bind(this)(
+              1
+            ))
+            ''');
+      });
+      test('static field modification', () async {
+        await driver.check(
+            scope: <String, String>{'x': '1'},
+            expression: 'staticField = 2',
+            expectedResult: '''
+            (function(x) {
+              return foo.C.staticField = 2;
+            }.bind(this)(
+              1
+            ))
+            ''');
+      });
-    test('expression using local out of scope', () async {
-      await driver.check(
-          scope: <String, String>{'x': '1', 'c': 'null', 'z': '3'},
-          expression: 'y',
-          expectedError: "Error: Getter not found: 'y'");
-    });
-  });
+    group('Expression compiler tests in loops:', () {
+      var source = '''
+        ${options.dartLangComment}
+        int globalFunction() {
+          int x = 15;
+          var c = C(1, 2);
-  group('Expression compiler tests after conditionals:', () {
-    const source = r'''
-      // @dart = 2.9
+          for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
+            /* evaluation placeholder */
+            print('\$i+\$x');
+          };
+          return 0;
+        }
+        main() => 0;
+        ''';
+      TestDriver driver;
+      setUp(() {
+        driver = TestDriver(options, source);
+      });
+      tearDown(() {
+        driver.delete();
+      });
+      test('expression using local', () async {
+        await driver.check(
+            scope: <String, String>{'x': '1', 'c': 'null', 'i': '0'},
+            expression: 'x',
+            expectedResult: '''
+            (function(x, c, i) {
+              return x;
+            }(
+              1,
+              null,
+              0
+            ))
+            ''');
+      });
+      test('expression using loop variable', () async {
+        await driver.check(
+            scope: <String, String>{'x': '1', 'c': 'null', 'i': '0'},
+            expression: 'i',
+            expectedResult: '''
+            (function(x, c, i) {
+              return i;
+            }(
+              1,
+              null,
+              0
+            ))
+            ''');
+      });
+    });
+    group('Expression compiler tests in conditional (then):', () {
+      var source = '''
+        ${options.dartLangComment}
+        int globalFunction() {
+          int x = 1;
+          var c = C(1, 2);
+          if (x == 14) {
+            int y = 3;
+            /* evaluation placeholder */
+            print('\$y+\$x');
+          } else {
+            int z = 3;
+            print('\$z+\$x');
+          }
+          return 0;
+        }
+        main() => 0;
+        ''';
+      TestDriver driver;
+      setUp(() {
+        driver = TestDriver(options, source);
+      });
+      tearDown(() {
+        driver.delete();
+      });
+      test('expression using local', () async {
+        await driver.check(
+            scope: <String, String>{'x': '1', 'c': 'null', 'y': '3'},
+            expression: 'y',
+            expectedResult: '''
+            (function(x, c, y) {
+              return y;
+            }(
+              1,
+              null,
+              3
+            ))
+            ''');
+      });
+      test('expression using local out of scope', () async {
+        await driver.check(
+            scope: <String, String>{'x': '1', 'c': 'null', 'y': '3'},
+            expression: 'z',
+            expectedError: "Error: Getter not found: 'z'");
+      });
+    });
+    group('Expression compiler tests in conditional (else):', () {
+      var source = '''
+        ${options.dartLangComment}
+        int globalFunction() {
+          int x = 1;
+          var c = C(1, 2);
+          if (x == 14) {
+            int y = 3;
+            print('\$y+\$x');
+          } else {
+            int z = 3;
+            /* evaluation placeholder */
+            print('\$z+\$x');
+          }
+          return 0;
+        }
+        main() => 0;
+        ''';
+      TestDriver driver;
+      setUp(() {
+        driver = TestDriver(options, source);
+      });
+      tearDown(() {
+        driver.delete();
+      });
+      test('expression using local', () async {
+        await driver.check(
+            scope: <String, String>{'x': '1', 'c': 'null', 'z': '3'},
+            expression: 'z',
+            expectedResult: '''
+            (function(x, c, z) {
+              return z;
+            }(
+              1,
+              null,
+              3
+            ))
+            ''');
+      });
+      test('expression using local out of scope', () async {
+        await driver.check(
+            scope: <String, String>{'x': '1', 'c': 'null', 'z': '3'},
+            expression: 'y',
+            expectedError: "Error: Getter not found: 'y'");
+      });
+    });
+    group('Expression compiler tests after conditionals:', () {
+      var source = '''
+      ${options.dartLangComment}
       int globalFunction() {
         int x = 1;
         var c = C(1, 2);
         if (x == 14) {
           int y = 3;
-          print('$y+$x');
+          print('\$y+\$x');
         } else {
           int z = 3;
-          print('$z+$x');
+          print('\$z+\$x');
         /* evaluation placeholder */
         return 0;
@@ -1846,20 +1856,20 @@
       main() => 0;
-    TestDriver driver;
-    setUp(() {
-      driver = TestDriver(options, source);
-    });
+      TestDriver driver;
+      setUp(() {
+        driver = TestDriver(options, source);
+      });
-    tearDown(() {
-      driver.delete();
-    });
+      tearDown(() {
+        driver.delete();
+      });
-    test('expression using local', () async {
-      await driver.check(
-          scope: <String, String>{'x': '1', 'c': 'null'},
-          expression: 'x',
-          expectedResult: '''
+      test('expression using local', () async {
+        await driver.check(
+            scope: <String, String>{'x': '1', 'c': 'null'},
+            expression: 'x',
+            expectedResult: '''
           (function(x, c) {
             return x;
@@ -1867,13 +1877,1612 @@
+      });
+      test('expression using local out of scope', () async {
+        await driver.check(
+            scope: <String, String>{'x': '1', 'c': 'null'},
+            expression: 'z',
+            expectedError: "Error: Getter not found: 'z'");
+      });
+    });
+  });
+  group('Sound null safety', () {
+    var options = SetupCompilerOptions(true);
+    group('Expression compiler tests in extension method:', () {
+      var source = '''
+        ${options.dartLangComment}
+        extension NumberParsing on String {
+          int parseInt() {
+            var ret = int.parse(this);
+            /* evaluation placeholder */
+            return ret;
+          }
+        }
+        main() => 0;
+      ''';
+      TestDriver driver;
+      setUp(() {
+        driver = TestDriver(options, source);
+      });
+      tearDown(() {
+        driver.delete();
+      });
+      test('compilation error', () async {
+        await driver.check(
+            scope: <String, String>{'ret': '1234'},
+            expression: 'typo',
+            expectedError: "Error: Getter not found: 'typo'");
+      });
+      test('local (trimmed scope)', () async {
+        // Test that current expression evaluation works in extension methods.
+        //
+        // Note: the actual scope is {#this, ret}, but #this is effectively
+        // removed in the expression compilator because it does not exist
+        // in JavaScript code.
+        // See (full scope) tests for what will the evaluation will look like
+        // when the mapping from dart symbols to JavaScipt symbols is added.
+        await driver.check(
+            scope: <String, String>{'ret': '1234'},
+            expression: 'ret',
+            expectedResult: '''
+            (function(ret) {
+              return ret;
+            }(
+              1234
+            ))
+            ''');
+      }, skip: '');
+      test('local (full scope)', () async {
+        // Test evalution in extension methods in the future when the mapping
+        // from kernel symbols to dartdevc symbols is added.
+        //
+        // Note: this currently fails due to
+        // - incremental compiler not allowing #this as a parameter name
+        await driver.check(
+            scope: <String, String>{'ret': '1234', '#this': 'this'},
+            expression: 'ret',
+            expectedError:
+                "Illegal parameter name '#this' found during expression compilation.");
+      });
+      test('this (full scope)', () async {
+        // Test evalution in extension methods in the future when the mapping
+        // from kernel symbols to dartdevc symbols is added.
+        //
+        // Note: this currently fails due to
+        // - incremental compiler not allowing #this as a parameter name
+        // - incremental compiler not mapping 'this' from user input to '#this'
+        await driver.check(
+            scope: <String, String>{'ret': '1234', '#this': 'this'},
+            expression: 'this',
+            expectedError:
+                "Illegal parameter name '#this' found during expression compilation.");
+      });
-    test('expression using local out of scope', () async {
-      await driver.check(
-          scope: <String, String>{'x': '1', 'c': 'null'},
-          expression: 'z',
-          expectedError: "Error: Getter not found: 'z'");
+    group('Expression compiler tests in static function:', () {
+      var source = '''
+        ${options.dartLangComment}
+        int foo(int x, {int y}) {
+          int z = 0;
+          /* evaluation placeholder */
+          return x + y + z;
+        }
+        main() => 0;
+        ''';
+      TestDriver driver;
+      setUp(() {
+        driver = TestDriver(options, source);
+      });
+      tearDown(() {
+        driver.delete();
+      });
+      test('compilation error', () async {
+        await driver.check(
+            scope: <String, String>{'x': '1', 'y': '2', 'z': '3'},
+            expression: 'typo',
+            expectedError: "Getter not found: \'typo\'");
+      });
+      test('local', () async {
+        await driver.check(
+            scope: <String, String>{'x': '1', 'y': '2', 'z': '3'},
+            expression: 'x',
+            expectedResult: '''
+            (function(x, y, z) {
+              return x;
+            }(
+              1,
+              2,
+              3
+            ))
+            ''');
+      }, skip: '');
+      test('formal', () async {
+        await driver.check(
+            scope: <String, String>{'x': '1', 'y': '2', 'z': '3'},
+            expression: 'y',
+            expectedResult: '''
+            (function(x, y, z) {
+              return y;
+            }(
+              1,
+              2,
+              3
+            ))
+            ''');
+      }, skip: '');
+      test('named formal', () async {
+        await driver.check(
+            scope: <String, String>{'x': '1', 'y': '2', 'z': '3'},
+            expression: 'z',
+            expectedResult: '''
+            (function(x, y, z) {
+              return z;
+            }(
+              1,
+              2,
+              3
+            ))
+            ''');
+      }, skip: '');
+      test('function', () async {
+        await driver.check(
+            scope: <String, String>{'x': '1', 'y': '2', 'z': '3'},
+            expression: 'main',
+            expectedResult: '''
+            (function(x, y, z) {
+              var VoidTodynamic = () => (VoidTodynamic = dart.constFn(dart.fnType(dart.dynamic, [])))();
+              dart.defineLazy(CT, {
+                get C0() {
+                  return C0 = dart.fn(foo.main, VoidTodynamic());
+                }
+              }, false);
+              var C0;
+              return C0 || CT.C0;
+            }(
+              1,
+              2,
+              3
+            ))
+            ''');
+      });
+    });
+    group('Expression compiler tests in method:', () {
+      var source = '''
+        ${options.dartLangComment}
+        extension NumberParsing on String {
+          int parseInt() {
+            return int.parse(this);
+          }
+        }
+        int global = 42;
+        class C {
+          C(int this.field, int this._field);
+          static int staticField = 0;
+          static int _staticField = 1;
+          int _field;
+          int field;
+          int methodFieldAccess(int x) {
+            /* evaluation placeholder */
+            return x + _field + _staticField;
+          }
+          Future<int> asyncMethod(int x) async {
+            return x;
+          }
+        }
+        main() => 0;
+        ''';
+      TestDriver driver;
+      setUp(() {
+        driver = TestDriver(options, source);
+      });
+      tearDown(() {
+        driver.delete();
+      });
+      test('compilation error', () async {
+        await driver.check(
+            scope: <String, String>{'x': '1'},
+            expression: 'typo',
+            expectedError: "The getter 'typo' isn't defined for the class 'C'");
+      });
+      test('local', () async {
+        await driver.check(
+            scope: <String, String>{'x': '1'},
+            expression: 'x',
+            expectedResult: '''
+            (function(x) {
+              return x;
+            }.bind(this)(
+              1
+            ))
+            ''');
+      }, skip: '');
+      test('this', () async {
+        await driver.check(
+            scope: <String, String>{'x': '1'},
+            expression: 'this',
+            expectedResult: '''
+            (function(x) {
+              return this;
+            }.bind(this)(
+              1
+            ))
+            ''');
+      });
+      test('expression using locals', () async {
+        await driver.check(
+            scope: <String, String>{'x': '1'},
+            expression: 'x + 1',
+            expectedResult: '''
+            (function(x) {
+              return dart.notNull(x) + 1;
+            }.bind(this)(
+              1
+            ))
+            ''');
+      }, skip: '');
+      test('expression using static fields', () async {
+        await driver.check(
+            scope: <String, String>{'x': '1'},
+            expression: 'x + staticField',
+            expectedResult: '''
+            (function(x) {
+              return dart.notNull(x) + dart.notNull(foo.C.staticField);
+            }.bind(this)(
+              1
+            ))
+            ''');
+      }, skip: '');
+      test('expression using private static fields', () async {
+        await driver.check(
+            scope: <String, String>{'x': '1'},
+            expression: 'x + _staticField',
+            expectedResult: '''
+            (function(x) {
+              return dart.notNull(x) + dart.notNull(foo.C._staticField);
+            }.bind(this)(
+              1
+            ))
+            ''');
+      }, skip: '');
+      test('expression using fields', () async {
+        await driver.check(
+            scope: <String, String>{'x': '1'},
+            expression: 'x + field',
+            expectedResult: '''
+            (function(x) {
+              return dart.notNull(x) + dart.notNull(this.field);
+            }.bind(this)(
+              1
+            ))
+            ''');
+      }, skip: '');
+      test('expression using private fields', () async {
+        await driver.check(
+            scope: <String, String>{'x': '1'},
+            expression: 'x + _field',
+            expectedResult: '''
+            (function(x) {
+              let _field = dart.privateName(foo, "_field");
+              return dart.notNull(x) + dart.notNull(this[_field]);
+            }.bind(this)(
+              1
+            ))
+            ''');
+      }, skip: '');
+      test('expression using globals', () async {
+        await driver.check(
+            scope: <String, String>{'x': '1'},
+            expression: 'x + global',
+            expectedResult: '''
+            (function(x) {
+              return dart.notNull(x) + dart.notNull(;
+            }.bind(this)(
+              1
+            ))
+            ''');
+      }, skip: '');
+      test('method call', () async {
+        await driver.check(
+            scope: <String, String>{'x': '1'},
+            expression: 'methodFieldAccess(2)',
+            expectedResult: '''
+            (function(x) {
+              return this.methodFieldAccess(2);
+            }.bind(this)(
+              1
+            ))
+            ''');
+      });
+      test('async method call', () async {
+        await driver.check(
+            scope: <String, String>{'x': '1'},
+            expression: 'asyncMethod(2)',
+            expectedResult: '''
+            (function(x) {
+              return this.asyncMethod(2);
+            }.bind(this)(
+              1
+            ))
+            ''');
+      });
+      test('extension method call', () async {
+        await driver.check(
+            scope: <String, String>{'x': '1'},
+            expression: '"1234".parseInt()',
+            expectedResult: '''
+            (function(x) {
+              return foo['NumberParsing|parseInt']("1234");
+            }.bind(this)(
+              1
+            ))
+            ''');
+      });
+      test('private field modification', () async {
+        await driver.check(
+            scope: <String, String>{'x': '1'},
+            expression: '_field = 2',
+            expectedResult: '''
+            (function(x) {
+              let _field = dart.privateName(foo, "_field");
+              return this[_field] = 2;
+            }.bind(this)(
+              1
+            ))
+            ''');
+      });
+      test('field modification', () async {
+        await driver.check(
+            scope: <String, String>{'x': '1'},
+            expression: 'field = 2',
+            expectedResult: '''
+            (function(x) {
+              return this.field = 2;
+            }.bind(this)(
+              1
+            ))
+            ''');
+      });
+      test('private static field modification', () async {
+        await driver.check(
+            scope: <String, String>{'x': '1'},
+            expression: '_staticField = 2',
+            expectedResult: '''
+            (function(x) {
+              return foo.C._staticField = 2;
+            }.bind(this)(
+              1
+            ))
+            ''');
+      });
+      test('static field modification', () async {
+        await driver.check(
+            scope: <String, String>{'x': '1'},
+            expression: 'staticField = 2',
+            expectedResult: '''
+            (function(x) {
+              return foo.C.staticField = 2;
+            }.bind(this)(
+              1
+            ))
+            ''');
+      });
+    });
+    group('Expression compiler tests in method with no field access:', () {
+      var source = '''
+        ${options.dartLangComment}
+        extension NumberParsing on String {
+          int parseInt() {
+            return int.parse(this);
+          }
+        }
+        int global = 42;
+        class C {
+          C(int this.field, int this._field);
+          static int staticField = 0;
+          static int _staticField = 1;
+          int _field;
+          int field;
+          int methodNoFieldAccess(int x) {
+            /* evaluation placeholder */
+            return x;
+          }
+          Future<int> asyncMethod(int x) async {
+            return x;
+          }
+        }
+        main() => 0;
+        ''';
+      TestDriver driver;
+      setUp(() {
+        driver = TestDriver(options, source);
+      });
+      tearDown(() {
+        driver.delete();
+      });
+      test('compilation error', () async {
+        await driver.check(
+            scope: <String, String>{'x': '1'},
+            expression: 'typo',
+            expectedError: "The getter 'typo' isn't defined for the class 'C'");
+      });
+      test('expression using static fields', () async {
+        await driver.check(
+            scope: <String, String>{'x': '1'},
+            expression: 'x + staticField',
+            expectedResult: '''
+            (function(x) {
+              return dart.notNull(x) + dart.notNull(foo.C.staticField);
+            }.bind(this)(
+              1
+            ))
+            ''');
+      }, skip: '');
+      test('expression using private static fields', () async {
+        await driver.check(
+            scope: <String, String>{'x': '1'},
+            expression: 'x + _staticField',
+            expectedResult: '''
+            (function(x) {
+              return dart.notNull(x) + dart.notNull(foo.C._staticField);
+            }.bind(this)(
+              1
+            ))
+            ''');
+      }, skip: '');
+      test('expression using fields', () async {
+        await driver.check(
+            scope: <String, String>{'x': '1'},
+            expression: 'x + field',
+            expectedResult: '''
+            (function(x) {
+              return dart.notNull(x) + dart.notNull(this.field);
+            }.bind(this)(
+              1
+            ))
+            ''');
+      }, skip: '');
+      test('expression using private fields', () async {
+        await driver.check(
+            scope: <String, String>{'x': '1'},
+            expression: 'x + _field',
+            expectedResult: '''
+            (function(x) {
+              let _field = dart.privateName(foo, "_field");
+              return dart.notNull(x) + dart.notNull(this[_field]);
+            }.bind(this)(
+            1
+            ))
+            ''');
+      }, skip: '');
+      test('private field modification', () async {
+        await driver.check(
+            scope: <String, String>{'x': '1'},
+            expression: '_field = 2',
+            expectedResult: '''
+            (function(x) {
+              let _field = dart.privateName(foo, "_field");
+              return this[_field] = 2;
+            }.bind(this)(
+            1
+            ))
+            ''');
+      });
+      test('field modification', () async {
+        await driver.check(
+            scope: <String, String>{'x': '1'},
+            expression: 'field = 2',
+            expectedResult: '''
+            (function(x) {
+              return this.field = 2;
+            }.bind(this)(
+            1
+            ))
+            ''');
+      });
+      test('private static field modification', () async {
+        await driver.check(
+            scope: <String, String>{'x': '1'},
+            expression: '_staticField = 2',
+            expectedResult: '''
+            (function(x) {
+              return foo.C._staticField = 2;
+            }.bind(this)(
+            1
+            ))
+            ''');
+      });
+      test('static field modification', () async {
+        await driver.check(
+            scope: <String, String>{'x': '1'},
+            expression: 'staticField = 2',
+            expectedResult: '''
+            (function(x) {
+              return foo.C.staticField = 2;
+            }.bind(this)(
+            1
+            ))
+            ''');
+      });
+    });
+    group('Expression compiler tests in async method:', () {
+      var source = '''
+        ${options.dartLangComment}
+        class C {
+          C(int this.field, int this._field);
+          int _field;
+          int field;
+          Future<int> asyncMethod(int x) async {
+            /* evaluation placeholder */
+            return x;
+          }
+        }
+        main() => 0;
+        ''';
+      TestDriver driver;
+      setUp(() {
+        driver = TestDriver(options, source);
+      });
+      tearDown(() {
+        driver.delete();
+      });
+      test('compilation error', () async {
+        await driver.check(
+            scope: <String, String>{'x': '1'},
+            expression: 'typo',
+            expectedError: "The getter 'typo' isn't defined for the class 'C'");
+      });
+      test('local', () async {
+        await driver.check(
+            scope: <String, String>{'x': '1'},
+            expression: 'x',
+            expectedResult: '''
+            (function(x) {
+              return x;
+            }.bind(this)(
+            1
+            ))
+            ''');
+      }, skip: '');
+      test('this', () async {
+        await driver.check(
+            scope: <String, String>{'x': '1'},
+            expression: 'this',
+            expectedResult: '''
+            (function(x) {
+              return this;
+            }.bind(this)(
+            1
+            ))
+            ''');
+      });
+    });
+    group('Expression compiler tests in global function:', () {
+      var source = '''
+        ${options.dartLangComment}
+        extension NumberParsing on String {
+          int parseInt() {
+            return int.parse(this);
+          }
+        }
+        int global = 42;
+        class C {
+          C(int this.field, int this._field);
+          static int staticField = 0;
+          static int _staticField = 1;
+          int _field;
+          int field;
+          int methodFieldAccess(int x) {
+            return (x + _field + _staticField);
+          }
+          int methodFieldAccess(int x) {
+            return (x)
+          }
+          Future<int> asyncMethod(int x) async {
+            return x;
+          }
+        }
+        int main() {
+          int x = 15;
+          var c = C(1, 2);
+          /* evaluation placeholder */
+          return 0;
+        }
+        ''';
+      TestDriver driver;
+      setUp(() {
+        driver = TestDriver(options, source);
+      });
+      tearDown(() {
+        driver.delete();
+      });
+      test('compilation error', () async {
+        await driver.check(
+            scope: <String, String>{'x': '1', 'c': 'null'},
+            expression: 'typo',
+            expectedError: "Getter not found: 'typo'.");
+      });
+      test('local with primitive type', () async {
+        await driver.check(
+            scope: <String, String>{'x': '1', 'c': 'null'},
+            expression: 'x',
+            expectedResult: '''
+            (function(x, c) {
+              return x;
+            }(
+              1,
+              null
+            ))
+            ''');
+      }, skip: '');
+      test('local object', () async {
+        await driver.check(
+            scope: <String, String>{'x': '1', 'c': 'null'},
+            expression: 'c',
+            expectedResult: '''
+            (function(x, c) {
+              return c;
+            }(
+              1,
+              null
+            ))
+            ''');
+      }, skip: '');
+      test('create new object', () async {
+        await driver.check(
+            scope: <String, String>{'x': '1', 'c': 'null'},
+            expression: 'C(1,3)',
+            expectedResult: '''
+              (function(x, c) {
+                return new, 3);
+              }(
+                1,
+                null
+              ))
+              ''');
+      });
+      test('access field of new object', () async {
+        await driver.check(
+            scope: <String, String>{'x': '1', 'c': 'null'},
+            expression: 'C(1,3)._field',
+            expectedResult: '''
+            (function(x, c) {
+              let _field = dart.privateName(foo, "_field");
+              return new, 3)[_field];
+            }(
+              1,
+              null
+            ))
+            ''');
+      });
+      test('access static field', () async {
+        await driver.check(
+            scope: <String, String>{'x': '1', 'c': 'null'},
+            expression: 'C.staticField',
+            expectedResult: '''
+            (function(x, c) {
+              return foo.C.staticField;
+            }(
+              1,
+              null
+            ))
+            ''');
+      });
+      test('expression using private static fields', () async {
+        await driver.check(
+            scope: <String, String>{'x': '1', 'c': 'null'},
+            expression: 'C._staticField',
+            expectedError: "Error: Getter not found: '_staticField'.");
+      });
+      test('access field', () async {
+        await driver.check(
+            scope: <String, String>{'x': '1', 'c': 'null'},
+            expression: 'c.field',
+            expectedResult: '''
+            (function(x, c) {
+              return c.field;
+            }(
+              1,
+              null
+            ))
+            ''');
+      }, skip: '');
+      test('access private field', () async {
+        await driver.check(
+            scope: <String, String>{'x': '1', 'c': 'null'},
+            expression: 'c._field',
+            expectedResult: '''
+            (function(x, c) {
+              let _field = dart.privateName(foo, "_field");
+              return c[_field];
+            }(
+                1,
+                null
+            ))
+            ''');
+      }, skip: '');
+      test('method call', () async {
+        await driver.check(
+            scope: <String, String>{'x': '1', 'c': 'null'},
+            expression: 'c.methodFieldAccess(2)',
+            expectedResult: '''
+            (function(x, c) {
+              return c.methodFieldAccess(2);
+            }(
+              1,
+              null
+            ))
+            ''');
+      }, skip: '');
+      test('async method call', () async {
+        await driver.check(
+            scope: <String, String>{'x': '1', 'c': 'null'},
+            expression: 'c.asyncMethod(2)',
+            expectedResult: '''
+            (function(x, c) {
+              return c.asyncMethod(2);
+            }(
+              1,
+              null
+            ))
+            ''');
+      }, skip: '');
+      test('extension method call', () async {
+        await driver.check(
+            scope: <String, String>{'x': '1', 'c': 'null'},
+            expression: '"1234".parseInt()',
+            expectedResult: '''
+            (function(x, c) {
+              return foo['NumberParsing|parseInt']("1234");
+            }(
+              1,
+              null
+            ))
+            ''');
+      });
+      test('private field modification', () async {
+        await driver.check(
+            scope: <String, String>{'x': '1', 'c': 'null'},
+            expression: 'c._field = 2',
+            expectedResult: '''
+            (function(x, c) {
+              let _field = dart.privateName(foo, "_field");
+              return c[_field] = 2;
+            }(
+              1,
+              null
+            ))
+            ''');
+      }, skip: '');
+      test('field modification', () async {
+        await driver.check(
+            scope: <String, String>{'x': '1', 'c': 'null'},
+            expression: 'c.field = 2',
+            expectedResult: '''
+            (function(x, c) {
+              return c.field = 2;
+            }(
+              1,
+              null
+            ))
+            ''');
+      }, skip: '');
+      test('private static field modification', () async {
+        await driver.check(
+            scope: <String, String>{'x': '1', 'c': 'null'},
+            expression: 'C._staticField = 2',
+            expectedError: "Setter not found: '_staticField'.");
+      });
+      test('static field modification', () async {
+        await driver.check(
+            scope: <String, String>{'x': '1', 'c': 'null'},
+            expression: 'C.staticField = 2',
+            expectedResult: '''
+            (function(x, c) {
+              return foo.C.staticField = 2;
+            }(
+              1,
+              null
+            ))
+            ''');
+      });
+      test('call global function from core library', () async {
+        await driver.check(
+            scope: <String, String>{'x': '1', 'c': 'null'},
+            expression: 'print(x)',
+            expectedResult: '''
+            (function(x, c) {
+              return core.print(x);
+            }(
+              1,
+              null
+            ))
+            ''');
+      }, skip: '');
+    });
+    group('Expression compiler tests in closures:', () {
+      var source = '''
+        ${options.dartLangComment}
+        int globalFunction() {
+        int x = 15;
+        var c = C(1, 2);
+        var outerClosure = (int y) {
+          var closureCaptureInner = (int z) {
+            /* evaluation placeholder */
+            print('\$y+\$z');
+          };
+          closureCaptureInner(0);
+        };
+        outerClosure(3);
+        return 0;
+      }
+      main() => 0;
+      ''';
+      TestDriver driver;
+      setUp(() {
+        driver = TestDriver(options, source);
+      });
+      tearDown(() {
+        driver.delete();
+      });
+      test('compilation error', () async {
+        await driver.check(
+            scope: <String, String>{'x': '1', 'c': 'null', 'y': '3', 'z': '0'},
+            expression: 'typo',
+            expectedError: "Getter not found: 'typo'.");
+      });
+      test('expression using uncaptured variables', () async {
+        await driver.check(
+            scope: <String, String>{'x': '1', 'c': 'null', 'y': '3', 'z': '0'},
+            expression: r"'$x+$y+$z'",
+            expectedResult: '''
+            (function(x, c, y, z) {
+              return dart.str(x) + "+" + dart.str(y) + "+" + dart.str(z);
+            }(
+              1,
+              null,
+              3,
+              0
+            ))
+            ''');
+      }, skip: '');
+      test('expression using captured variables', () async {
+        await driver.check(
+            scope: <String, String>{'x': '1', 'c': 'null', 'y': '3', 'z': '0'},
+            expression: r"'$y+$z'",
+            expectedResult: '''
+            (function(x, c, y, z) {
+              return dart.str(y) + "+" + dart.str(z);
+            }(
+              1,
+              null,
+              3,
+              0
+            ))
+            ''');
+      }, skip: '');
+    });
+    group('Expression compiler tests in method with no type use', () {
+      var source = '''
+        ${options.dartLangComment}
+        abstract class Key {
+          const factory Key(String value) = ValueKey;
+          const Key.empty();
+        }
+        abstract class LocalKey extends Key {
+          const LocalKey() : super.empty();
+        }
+        class ValueKey implements LocalKey {
+          const ValueKey(this.value);
+          final String value;
+        }
+        class MyClass {
+          const MyClass(this._t);
+          final int _t;
+        }
+        int bar(int p){
+          return p;
+        }
+        int baz(String t){
+          return t;
+        }
+        void main() {
+          var k = Key('t');
+          MyClass c = MyClass(0);
+          int p = 1;
+          const t = 1;
+          /* evaluation placeholder */
+          print('\$c, \$k, \$t');
+        }
+        ''';
+      TestDriver driver;
+      setUp(() {
+        driver = TestDriver(options, source);
+      });
+      tearDown(() {
+        driver.delete();
+      });
+      test('call function not using type', () async {
+        await driver.check(
+            scope: <String, String>{'p': '1'},
+            expression: 'bar(p)',
+            expectedResult: '''
+            (function(p) {
+              return;
+            }(
+              1
+            ))
+            ''');
+      }, skip: '');
+      test('call function using type', () async {
+        await driver.check(
+            scope: <String, String>{'p': '0'},
+            expression: 'baz(p as String)',
+            expectedResult: '''
+            (function(p) {
+              var StringL = () => (StringL = dart.constFn(dart.legacy(core.String)))();
+              return foo.baz(StringL().as(p));
+            }(
+            0
+            ))
+            ''');
+      }, skip: '');
+      test('evaluate new const expression', () async {
+        await driver.check(
+            scope: <String, String>{'p': '1'},
+            expression: 'const MyClass(1)',
+            expectedResult: '''
+            (function(p) {
+              dart.defineLazy(CT, {
+                get C0() {
+                  return C0 = dart.const({
+                    __proto__: foo.MyClass.prototype,
+                    [_t]: 1
+                  });
+                }
+              }, false);
+              var C0;
+              return C0 || CT.C0;
+            }(
+              1
+            ))
+            ''');
+      });
+      test('evaluate optimized const expression', () async {
+        await driver.check(
+            scope: <String, String>{},
+            expression: 't',
+            expectedResult: '''
+            (function() {
+              return 1;
+            }(
+            ))
+            ''');
+      },
+          skip: 'Cannot compile constants optimized away by the frontend. '
+              'Issue:');
+      test('evaluate factory constructor call', () async {
+        await driver.check(
+            scope: <String, String>{'p': '1'},
+            expression: "Key('t')",
+            expectedResult: '''
+            (function(p) {
+              return new"t");
+            }(
+              1
+            ))
+            ''');
+      });
+      test('evaluate const factory constructor call', () async {
+        await driver.check(
+            scope: <String, String>{'p': '1'},
+            expression: "const Key('t')",
+            expectedResult: '''
+            (function(p) {
+              dart.defineLazy(CT, {
+                get C0() {
+                  return C0 = dart.const({
+                    __proto__: foo.ValueKey.prototype,
+                    [value]: "t"
+                    });
+                  }
+              }, false);
+              var C0;
+              return C0 || CT.C0;
+            }(
+              1
+            ))
+            ''');
+      });
+    });
+    group('Expression compiler tests in constructor:', () {
+      var source = '''
+        ${options.dartLangComment}
+        extension NumberParsing on String {
+          int parseInt() {
+            return int.parse(this);
+          }
+        }
+        int global = 42;
+        class C {
+          C(int this.field, int this._field) {
+            int x = 1;
+            /* evaluation placeholder */
+            print(this.field);
+          }
+          static int staticField = 0;
+          static int _staticField = 1;
+          int _field;
+          int field;
+          int methodFieldAccess(int t) {
+            return t + _field + _staticField;
+          }
+          Future<int> asyncMethod(int t) async {
+            return t;
+          }
+        }
+        main() => 0;
+        ''';
+      TestDriver driver;
+      setUp(() {
+        driver = TestDriver(options, source);
+      });
+      tearDown(() {
+        driver.delete();
+      });
+      test('compilation error', () async {
+        await driver.check(
+            scope: <String, String>{'x': '1'},
+            expression: 'typo',
+            expectedError: "The getter 'typo' isn't defined for the class 'C'");
+      });
+      test('local', () async {
+        await driver.check(
+            scope: <String, String>{'x': '1'},
+            expression: 'x',
+            expectedResult: '''
+            (function(x) {
+              return x;
+            }.bind(this)(
+              1
+            ))
+            ''');
+      }, skip: '');
+      test('this', () async {
+        await driver.check(
+            scope: <String, String>{'x': '1'},
+            expression: 'this',
+            expectedResult: '''
+            (function(x) {
+              return this;
+            }.bind(this)(
+              1
+            ))
+            ''');
+      });
+      test('expression using locals', () async {
+        await driver.check(
+            scope: <String, String>{'x': '1'},
+            expression: 'x + 1',
+            expectedResult: '''
+            (function(x) {
+              return dart.notNull(x) + 1;
+            }.bind(this)(
+              1
+            ))
+            ''');
+      }, skip: '');
+      test('expression using static fields', () async {
+        await driver.check(
+            scope: <String, String>{'x': '1'},
+            expression: 'x + staticField',
+            expectedResult: '''
+            (function(x) {
+              return dart.notNull(x) + dart.notNull(foo.C.staticField);
+            }.bind(this)(
+              1
+            ))
+            ''');
+      }, skip: '');
+      test('expression using private static fields', () async {
+        await driver.check(
+            scope: <String, String>{'x': '1'},
+            expression: 'x + _staticField',
+            expectedResult: '''
+            (function(x) {
+              return dart.notNull(x) + dart.notNull(foo.C._staticField);
+            }.bind(this)(
+              1
+            ))
+            ''');
+      }, skip: '');
+      test('expression using fields', () async {
+        await driver.check(
+            scope: <String, String>{'x': '1'},
+            expression: 'x + field',
+            expectedResult: '''
+            (function(x) {
+              return dart.notNull(x) + dart.notNull(this.field);
+            }.bind(this)(
+              1
+            ))
+            ''');
+      }, skip: '');
+      test('expression using private fields', () async {
+        await driver.check(
+            scope: <String, String>{'x': '1'},
+            expression: 'x + _field',
+            expectedResult: '''
+            (function(x) {
+              let _field = dart.privateName(foo, "_field");
+              return dart.notNull(x) + dart.notNull(this[_field]);
+            }.bind(this)(
+                1
+            ))
+            ''');
+      }, skip: '');
+      test('expression using globals', () async {
+        await driver.check(
+            scope: <String, String>{'x': '1'},
+            expression: 'x + global',
+            expectedResult: '''
+            (function(x) {
+              return dart.notNull(x) + dart.notNull(;
+            }.bind(this)(
+              1
+            ))
+            ''');
+      }, skip: '');
+      test('method call', () async {
+        await driver.check(
+            scope: <String, String>{'x': '1'},
+            expression: 'methodFieldAccess(2)',
+            expectedResult: '''
+            (function(x) {
+              return this.methodFieldAccess(2);
+            }.bind(this)(
+              1
+            ))
+            ''');
+      });
+      test('async method call', () async {
+        await driver.check(
+            scope: <String, String>{'x': '1'},
+            expression: 'asyncMethod(2)',
+            expectedResult: '''
+            (function(x) {
+              return this.asyncMethod(2);
+            }.bind(this)(
+              1
+            ))
+            ''');
+      });
+      test('extension method call', () async {
+        await driver.check(
+            scope: <String, String>{'x': '1'},
+            expression: '"1234".parseInt()',
+            expectedResult: '''
+          (function(x) {
+            return foo['NumberParsing|parseInt']("1234");
+          }.bind(this)(
+            1
+          ))
+          ''');
+      });
+      test('private field modification', () async {
+        await driver.check(
+            scope: <String, String>{'x': '1'},
+            expression: '_field = 2',
+            expectedResult: '''
+          (function(x) {
+            let _field = dart.privateName(foo, "_field");
+            return this[_field] = 2;
+          }.bind(this)(
+            1
+          ))
+          ''');
+      });
+      test('field modification', () async {
+        await driver.check(
+            scope: <String, String>{'x': '1'},
+            expression: 'field = 2',
+            expectedResult: '''
+            (function(x) {
+              return this.field = 2;
+            }.bind(this)(
+              1
+            ))
+            ''');
+      });
+      test('private static field modification', () async {
+        await driver.check(
+            scope: <String, String>{'x': '1'},
+            expression: '_staticField = 2',
+            expectedResult: '''
+            (function(x) {
+              return foo.C._staticField = 2;
+            }.bind(this)(
+              1
+            ))
+            ''');
+      });
+      test('static field modification', () async {
+        await driver.check(
+            scope: <String, String>{'x': '1'},
+            expression: 'staticField = 2',
+            expectedResult: '''
+            (function(x) {
+              return foo.C.staticField = 2;
+            }.bind(this)(
+              1
+            ))
+            ''');
+      });
+    });
+    group('Expression compiler tests in loops:', () {
+      var source = '''
+        ${options.dartLangComment}
+        int globalFunction() {
+          int x = 15;
+          var c = C(1, 2);
+          for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
+            /* evaluation placeholder */
+            print('\$i+\$x');
+          };
+          return 0;
+        }
+        main() => 0;
+        ''';
+      TestDriver driver;
+      setUp(() {
+        driver = TestDriver(options, source);
+      });
+      tearDown(() {
+        driver.delete();
+      });
+      test('expression using local', () async {
+        await driver.check(
+            scope: <String, String>{'x': '1', 'c': 'null', 'i': '0'},
+            expression: 'x',
+            expectedResult: '''
+            (function(x, c, i) {
+              return x;
+            }(
+              1,
+              null,
+              0
+            ))
+            ''');
+      }, skip: '');
+      test('expression using loop variable', () async {
+        await driver.check(
+            scope: <String, String>{'x': '1', 'c': 'null', 'i': '0'},
+            expression: 'i',
+            expectedResult: '''
+            (function(x, c, i) {
+              return i;
+            }(
+              1,
+              null,
+              0
+            ))
+            ''');
+      });
+    }, skip: '');
+    group('Expression compiler tests in conditional (then):', () {
+      var source = '''
+        ${options.dartLangComment}
+        int globalFunction() {
+          int x = 1;
+          var c = C(1, 2);
+          if (x == 14) {
+            int y = 3;
+            /* evaluation placeholder */
+            print('\$y+\$x');
+          } else {
+            int z = 3;
+            print('\$z+\$x');
+          }
+          return 0;
+        }
+        main() => 0;
+        ''';
+      TestDriver driver;
+      setUp(() {
+        driver = TestDriver(options, source);
+      });
+      tearDown(() {
+        driver.delete();
+      });
+      test('expression using local', () async {
+        await driver.check(
+            scope: <String, String>{'x': '1', 'c': 'null', 'y': '3'},
+            expression: 'y',
+            expectedResult: '''
+            (function(x, c, y) {
+              return y;
+            }(
+              1,
+              null,
+              3
+            ))
+            ''');
+      }, skip: '');
+      test('expression using local out of scope', () async {
+        await driver.check(
+            scope: <String, String>{'x': '1', 'c': 'null', 'y': '3'},
+            expression: 'z',
+            expectedError: "Error: Getter not found: 'z'");
+      });
+    });
+    group('Expression compiler tests in conditional (else):', () {
+      var source = '''
+        ${options.dartLangComment}
+        int globalFunction() {
+          int x = 1;
+          var c = C(1, 2);
+          if (x == 14) {
+            int y = 3;
+            print('\$y+\$x');
+          } else {
+            int z = 3;
+            /* evaluation placeholder */
+            print('\$z+\$x');
+          }
+          return 0;
+        }
+        main() => 0;
+        ''';
+      TestDriver driver;
+      setUp(() {
+        driver = TestDriver(options, source);
+      });
+      tearDown(() {
+        driver.delete();
+      });
+      test('expression using local', () async {
+        await driver.check(
+            scope: <String, String>{'x': '1', 'c': 'null', 'z': '3'},
+            expression: 'z',
+            expectedResult: '''
+            (function(x, c, z) {
+              return z;
+            }(
+              1,
+              null,
+              3
+            ))
+            ''');
+      }, skip: '');
+      test('expression using local out of scope', () async {
+        await driver.check(
+            scope: <String, String>{'x': '1', 'c': 'null', 'z': '3'},
+            expression: 'y',
+            expectedError: "Error: Getter not found: 'y'");
+      });
+    });
+    group('Expression compiler tests after conditionals:', () {
+      var source = '''
+        ${options.dartLangComment}
+        int globalFunction() {
+          int x = 1;
+          var c = C(1, 2);
+          if (x == 14) {
+            int y = 3;
+            print('\$y+\$x');
+          } else {
+            int z = 3;
+            print('\$z+\$x');
+          }
+          /* evaluation placeholder */
+          return 0;
+        }
+        main() => 0;
+        ''';
+      TestDriver driver;
+      setUp(() {
+        driver = TestDriver(options, source);
+      });
+      tearDown(() {
+        driver.delete();
+      });
+      test('expression using local', () async {
+        await driver.check(
+            scope: <String, String>{'x': '1', 'c': 'null'},
+            expression: 'x',
+            expectedResult: '''
+            (function(x, c) {
+              return x;
+            }(
+              1,
+              null
+            ))
+            ''');
+      }, skip: '');
+      test('expression using local out of scope', () async {
+        await driver.check(
+            scope: <String, String>{'x': '1', 'c': 'null'},
+            expression: 'z',
+            expectedError: "Error: Getter not found: 'z'");
+      });