blob: becf0395976fe410ec2a7ba85d49bfac5d7a586d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2016, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:collection';
import 'package:analysis_server/src/analysis_server.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/ast/ast.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/ast/visitor.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/element/element.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/element/visitor.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/context/cache.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/context/context.dart' show AnalysisContextImpl;
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/element/element.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/engine.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/sdk.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/task/dart.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/task/model.dart';
* A visitor that will count the number of instances of each type of AST node.
class AstNodeCounter extends UnifyingAstVisitor<Null> {
* A table mapping the types of the AST nodes to the number of instances
* visited.
final Map<Type, int> nodeCounts;
* Initialize a newly created counter to increment the counts in the given map
* of [nodeCounts].
visitNode(AstNode node) {
Type type = node.runtimeType;
int count = nodeCounts[type] ?? 0;
nodeCounts[type] = count + 1;
* A visitor that will count the number of instances of each type of element.
class ElementCounter extends GeneralizingElementVisitor<Null> {
* A table mapping the types of the elements to the number of instances
* visited.
final Map<Type, int> elementCounts;
* A table mapping the types of the AST nodes to the number of instances
* visited.
final Map<Type, int> nodeCounts;
* Initialize a newly created counter to increment the counts in the given map
* of [elementCounts].
ElementCounter(this.elementCounts, this.nodeCounts);
visitConstructorElement(ConstructorElement element) {
if (element is ConstructorElementImpl) {
List<ConstructorInitializer> initializers = element.constantInitializers;
if (initializers != null) {
initializers.forEach((ConstructorInitializer initializer) {
visitElement(Element element) {
Type type = element.runtimeType;
int count = elementCounts[type] ?? 0;
elementCounts[type] = count + 1;
element.metadata.forEach((ElementAnnotation annotation) {
if (annotation is ElementAnnotationImpl) {
visitFieldElement(FieldElement element) {
if (element is ConstVariableElement) {
_countInitializer(element as ConstVariableElement);
visitLocalVariableElement(LocalVariableElement element) {
if (element is ConstVariableElement) {
_countInitializer(element as ConstVariableElement);
visitParameterElement(ParameterElement element) {
if (element is ConstVariableElement) {
_countInitializer(element as ConstVariableElement);
visitTopLevelVariableElement(TopLevelVariableElement element) {
if (element is ConstVariableElement) {
_countInitializer(element as ConstVariableElement);
void _countInitializer(ConstVariableElement element) {
void _countNodes(AstNode node) {
if (node != null) {
node.accept(new AstNodeCounter(nodeCounts));
* A set used when the number of instances of some type is too large to be kept.
class InfiniteSet implements Set {
* The unique instance of this class.
static final InfiniteSet instance = new InfiniteSet();
int get length => -1;
dynamic noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) {
throw new UnsupportedError('Do not use instances of InfiniteSet');
* Computes memory usage data by traversing the data structures reachable from
* an analysis server.
class MemoryUseData {
* The maximum size of an instance set.
static const int maxInstanceSetSize = 1000000;
* A table mapping classes to instances of the class.
Map<Type, Set> instances = new HashMap<Type, Set>();
* A table mapping classes to the classes of objects from which they were
* reached.
Map<Type, Set<Type>> ownerMap = new HashMap<Type, Set<Type>>();
* A set of all the library specific units, using equality rather than
* identity in order to determine whether re-using equal instances would save
* significant space.
Set<LibrarySpecificUnit> uniqueLSUs = new HashSet<LibrarySpecificUnit>();
* A set of all the targeted results, using equality rather than identity in
* order to determine whether re-using equal instances would save significant
* space.
Set<TargetedResult> uniqueTargetedResults = new HashSet<TargetedResult>();
* A set containing all of the analysis targets for which the key in the
* cache partition is not the same instance as the target stored in the entry.
Set<AnalysisTarget> mismatchedTargets = new HashSet<AnalysisTarget>();
* A table mapping the types of AST nodes to the number of instances being
* held directly (as values in the cache).
Map<Type, int> directNodeCounts = new HashMap<Type, int>();
* A table mapping the types of AST nodes to the number of instances being
* held indirectly (such as nodes reachable from element models).
Map<Type, int> indirectNodeCounts = new HashMap<Type, int>();
* A table mapping the types of the elements to the number of instances being
* held directly (as values in the cache).
final Map<Type, int> elementCounts = new HashMap<Type, int>();
* Initialize a newly created instance.
* Traverse an analysis [server] to compute memory usage data.
void processAnalysisServer(AnalysisServer server) {
_recordInstance(server, null);
Iterable<AnalysisContext> contexts = server.analysisContexts;
for (AnalysisContextImpl context in contexts) {
_processAnalysisContext(context, server);
DartSdkManager manager = server.sdkManager;
List<SdkDescription> descriptors = manager.sdkDescriptors;
for (SdkDescription descriptor in descriptors) {
DartSdk sdk = manager.getSdk(descriptor, () => null);
if (sdk != null) {
_processAnalysisContext(sdk.context, manager);
void _processAnalysisContext(AnalysisContextImpl context, Object owner) {
_recordInstance(context, owner);
_recordInstance(context.analysisCache, context);
CachePartition partition = context.privateAnalysisCachePartition;
Map<AnalysisTarget, CacheEntry> map = partition.entryMap;
map.forEach((AnalysisTarget target, CacheEntry entry) {
_processAnalysisTarget(target, partition);
_processCacheEntry(entry, partition);
if (!identical(, target)) {
void _processAnalysisTarget(AnalysisTarget target, Object owner) {
_recordInstance(target, owner);
void _processCacheEntry(CacheEntry entry, Object owner) {
_recordInstance(entry, owner);
List<ResultDescriptor> descriptors = entry.nonInvalidResults;
for (ResultDescriptor descriptor in descriptors) {
_recordInstance(descriptor, entry);
_processResultData(entry.getResultDataOrNull(descriptor), entry);
void _processResultData(ResultData resultData, Object owner) {
_recordInstance(resultData, owner);
if (resultData != null) {
_recordInstance(resultData.state, resultData);
_recordInstance(resultData.value, resultData,
onFirstOccurrence: (Object object) {
if (object is AstNode) {
object.accept(new AstNodeCounter(directNodeCounts));
} else if (object is Element) {
object.accept(new ElementCounter(elementCounts, indirectNodeCounts));
resultData.dependedOnResults.forEach((TargetedResult result) =>
_processTargetedResult(result, resultData));
resultData.dependentResults.forEach((TargetedResult result) =>
_processTargetedResult(result, resultData));
void _processTargetedResult(TargetedResult result, Object owner) {
_recordInstance(result, owner);
_recordInstance(, result);
_recordInstance(result.result, result);
* Record the given [instance] that was found. If this is the first time that
* the instance has been found, execute the [onFirstOccurrence] function.
* Note that instances will not be recorded if there are more than
* [maxInstanceSetSize] instances of the same type, and that the
* [onFirstOccurrence] function will not be executed if the instance is not
* recorded.
void _recordInstance(Object instance, Object owner,
{void onFirstOccurrence(Object object)}) {
Type type = instance.runtimeType;
Set instanceSet = instances.putIfAbsent(type, () => new HashSet.identity());
if (instanceSet != InfiniteSet.instance) {
if (instanceSet.add(instance) && onFirstOccurrence != null) {
if (instanceSet.length >= maxInstanceSetSize) {
instances[type] = InfiniteSet.instance;
.putIfAbsent(instance.runtimeType, () => new HashSet<Type>())
if (instance is LibrarySpecificUnit) {