blob: 79c281a24469f40986bca9c6915f0c0046060f4b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2015, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
#error "Should not include runtime"
#include <setjmp.h>
#include "include/dart_api.h"
#include "platform/assert.h"
#include "platform/atomic.h"
#include "platform/safe_stack.h"
#include "vm/bitfield.h"
#include "vm/compiler/runtime_api.h"
#include "vm/constants.h"
#include "vm/globals.h"
#include "vm/handles.h"
#include "vm/heap/pointer_block.h"
#include "vm/heap/sampler.h"
#include "vm/os_thread.h"
#include "vm/pending_deopts.h"
#include "vm/random.h"
#include "vm/runtime_entry_list.h"
#include "vm/tags.h"
#include "vm/thread_stack_resource.h"
#include "vm/thread_state.h"
namespace dart {
class AbstractType;
class ApiLocalScope;
class Array;
class CompilerState;
class CompilerTimings;
class Class;
class Code;
class Bytecode;
class Error;
class ExceptionHandlers;
class Field;
class FieldTable;
class Function;
class GrowableObjectArray;
class HandleScope;
class Heap;
class HierarchyInfo;
class Instance;
class Interpreter;
class Isolate;
class IsolateGroup;
class Library;
class Object;
class OSThread;
class JSONObject;
class NoActiveIsolateScope;
class PcDescriptors;
class RuntimeEntry;
class Smi;
class StackResource;
class StackTrace;
class StreamInfo;
class String;
class TimelineStream;
class TypeArguments;
class TypeParameter;
class TypeUsageInfo;
class Zone;
namespace bytecode {
class BytecodeLoader;
namespace compiler {
namespace target {
class Thread;
} // namespace target
} // namespace compiler
V(AbstractType) \
V(Array) \
V(Class) \
V(Code) \
V(Bytecode) \
V(Error) \
V(ExceptionHandlers) \
V(Field) \
V(Function) \
V(GrowableObjectArray) \
V(Instance) \
V(Library) \
V(LoadingUnit) \
V(Object) \
V(PcDescriptors) \
V(Smi) \
V(String) \
V(TypeParameters) \
V(TypeArguments) \
V(TypeParameter) \
V(CodePtr, fix_callers_target_code_, StubCode::FixCallersTarget().ptr(), \
nullptr) \
V(CodePtr, fix_allocation_stub_code_, \
StubCode::FixAllocationStubTarget().ptr(), nullptr) \
V(CodePtr, invoke_dart_code_stub_, StubCode::InvokeDartCode().ptr(), \
nullptr) \
V(CodePtr, invoke_dart_code_from_bytecode_stub_, \
StubCode::InvokeDartCodeFromBytecode().ptr(), nullptr) \
V(CodePtr, call_to_runtime_stub_, StubCode::CallToRuntime().ptr(), nullptr) \
V(CodePtr, late_initialization_error_shared_without_fpu_regs_stub_, \
StubCode::LateInitializationErrorSharedWithoutFPURegs().ptr(), nullptr) \
V(CodePtr, late_initialization_error_shared_with_fpu_regs_stub_, \
StubCode::LateInitializationErrorSharedWithFPURegs().ptr(), nullptr) \
V(CodePtr, null_error_shared_without_fpu_regs_stub_, \
StubCode::NullErrorSharedWithoutFPURegs().ptr(), nullptr) \
V(CodePtr, null_error_shared_with_fpu_regs_stub_, \
StubCode::NullErrorSharedWithFPURegs().ptr(), nullptr) \
V(CodePtr, null_arg_error_shared_without_fpu_regs_stub_, \
StubCode::NullArgErrorSharedWithoutFPURegs().ptr(), nullptr) \
V(CodePtr, null_arg_error_shared_with_fpu_regs_stub_, \
StubCode::NullArgErrorSharedWithFPURegs().ptr(), nullptr) \
V(CodePtr, null_cast_error_shared_without_fpu_regs_stub_, \
StubCode::NullCastErrorSharedWithoutFPURegs().ptr(), nullptr) \
V(CodePtr, null_cast_error_shared_with_fpu_regs_stub_, \
StubCode::NullCastErrorSharedWithFPURegs().ptr(), nullptr) \
V(CodePtr, range_error_shared_without_fpu_regs_stub_, \
StubCode::RangeErrorSharedWithoutFPURegs().ptr(), nullptr) \
V(CodePtr, range_error_shared_with_fpu_regs_stub_, \
StubCode::RangeErrorSharedWithFPURegs().ptr(), nullptr) \
V(CodePtr, write_error_shared_without_fpu_regs_stub_, \
StubCode::WriteErrorSharedWithoutFPURegs().ptr(), nullptr) \
V(CodePtr, write_error_shared_with_fpu_regs_stub_, \
StubCode::WriteErrorSharedWithFPURegs().ptr(), nullptr) \
V(CodePtr, allocate_mint_with_fpu_regs_stub_, \
StubCode::AllocateMintSharedWithFPURegs().ptr(), nullptr) \
V(CodePtr, allocate_mint_without_fpu_regs_stub_, \
StubCode::AllocateMintSharedWithoutFPURegs().ptr(), nullptr) \
V(CodePtr, allocate_object_stub_, StubCode::AllocateObject().ptr(), nullptr) \
V(CodePtr, allocate_object_parameterized_stub_, \
StubCode::AllocateObjectParameterized().ptr(), nullptr) \
V(CodePtr, allocate_object_slow_stub_, StubCode::AllocateObjectSlow().ptr(), \
nullptr) \
V(CodePtr, async_exception_handler_stub_, \
StubCode::AsyncExceptionHandler().ptr(), nullptr) \
V(CodePtr, resume_stub_, StubCode::Resume().ptr(), nullptr) \
V(CodePtr, return_async_stub_, StubCode::ReturnAsync().ptr(), nullptr) \
V(CodePtr, return_async_not_future_stub_, \
StubCode::ReturnAsyncNotFuture().ptr(), nullptr) \
V(CodePtr, return_async_star_stub_, StubCode::ReturnAsyncStar().ptr(), \
nullptr) \
V(CodePtr, stack_overflow_shared_without_fpu_regs_stub_, \
StubCode::StackOverflowSharedWithoutFPURegs().ptr(), nullptr) \
V(CodePtr, stack_overflow_shared_with_fpu_regs_stub_, \
StubCode::StackOverflowSharedWithFPURegs().ptr(), nullptr) \
V(CodePtr, switchable_call_miss_stub_, StubCode::SwitchableCallMiss().ptr(), \
nullptr) \
V(CodePtr, throw_stub_, StubCode::Throw().ptr(), nullptr) \
V(CodePtr, re_throw_stub_, StubCode::Throw().ptr(), nullptr) \
V(CodePtr, optimize_stub_, StubCode::OptimizeFunction().ptr(), nullptr) \
V(CodePtr, deoptimize_stub_, StubCode::Deoptimize().ptr(), nullptr) \
V(CodePtr, lazy_deopt_from_return_stub_, \
StubCode::DeoptimizeLazyFromReturn().ptr(), nullptr) \
V(CodePtr, lazy_deopt_from_throw_stub_, \
StubCode::DeoptimizeLazyFromThrow().ptr(), nullptr) \
V(CodePtr, slow_type_test_stub_, StubCode::SlowTypeTest().ptr(), nullptr) \
V(CodePtr, lazy_specialize_type_test_stub_, \
StubCode::LazySpecializeTypeTest().ptr(), nullptr) \
V(CodePtr, enter_safepoint_stub_, StubCode::EnterSafepoint().ptr(), nullptr) \
V(CodePtr, exit_safepoint_stub_, StubCode::ExitSafepoint().ptr(), nullptr) \
V(CodePtr, exit_safepoint_ignore_unwind_in_progress_stub_, \
StubCode::ExitSafepointIgnoreUnwindInProgress().ptr(), nullptr) \
V(CodePtr, call_native_through_safepoint_stub_, \
StubCode::CallNativeThroughSafepoint().ptr(), nullptr)
V(ObjectPtr, object_null_, Object::null(), nullptr) \
V(BoolPtr, bool_true_, Object::bool_true().ptr(), nullptr) \
V(BoolPtr, bool_false_, Object::bool_false().ptr(), nullptr) \
V(ArrayPtr, empty_array_, Object::empty_array().ptr(), nullptr) \
V(TypeArgumentsPtr, empty_type_arguments_, \
Object::empty_type_arguments().ptr(), nullptr) \
V(TypePtr, dynamic_type_, Type::dynamic_type().ptr(), nullptr)
// List of VM-global objects/addresses cached in each Thread object.
// Important: constant false must immediately follow constant true.
V(suspend_state_init_async) \
V(suspend_state_await) \
V(suspend_state_await_with_type_check) \
V(suspend_state_return_async) \
V(suspend_state_return_async_not_future) \
V(suspend_state_init_async_star) \
V(suspend_state_yield_async_star) \
V(suspend_state_return_async_star) \
V(suspend_state_init_sync_star) \
V(suspend_state_suspend_sync_star_at_start) \
// This assertion marks places which assume that boolean false immediate
// follows bool true in the CACHED_VM_OBJECTS_LIST
ASSERT((Thread::bool_true_offset() + kWordSize) == \
V(uword, write_barrier_entry_point_, StubCode::WriteBarrier().EntryPoint(), \
0) \
V(uword, array_write_barrier_entry_point_, \
StubCode::ArrayWriteBarrier().EntryPoint(), 0) \
V(uword, call_to_runtime_entry_point_, \
StubCode::CallToRuntime().EntryPoint(), 0) \
V(uword, allocate_mint_with_fpu_regs_entry_point_, \
StubCode::AllocateMintSharedWithFPURegs().EntryPoint(), 0) \
V(uword, allocate_mint_without_fpu_regs_entry_point_, \
StubCode::AllocateMintSharedWithoutFPURegs().EntryPoint(), 0) \
V(uword, allocate_object_entry_point_, \
StubCode::AllocateObject().EntryPoint(), 0) \
V(uword, allocate_object_parameterized_entry_point_, \
StubCode::AllocateObjectParameterized().EntryPoint(), 0) \
V(uword, allocate_object_slow_entry_point_, \
StubCode::AllocateObjectSlow().EntryPoint(), 0) \
V(uword, stack_overflow_shared_without_fpu_regs_entry_point_, \
StubCode::StackOverflowSharedWithoutFPURegs().EntryPoint(), 0) \
V(uword, stack_overflow_shared_with_fpu_regs_entry_point_, \
StubCode::StackOverflowSharedWithFPURegs().EntryPoint(), 0) \
V(uword, megamorphic_call_checked_entry_, \
StubCode::MegamorphicCall().EntryPoint(), 0) \
V(uword, switchable_call_miss_entry_, \
StubCode::SwitchableCallMiss().EntryPoint(), 0) \
V(uword, optimize_entry_, StubCode::OptimizeFunction().EntryPoint(), 0) \
V(uword, deoptimize_entry_, StubCode::Deoptimize().EntryPoint(), 0) \
V(uword, call_native_through_safepoint_entry_point_, \
StubCode::CallNativeThroughSafepoint().EntryPoint(), 0) \
V(uword, jump_to_frame_entry_point_, StubCode::JumpToFrame().EntryPoint(), \
0) \
V(uword, slow_type_test_entry_point_, StubCode::SlowTypeTest().EntryPoint(), \
V(uword, bootstrap_native_wrapper_entry_point_, \
NativeEntry::BootstrapNativeCallWrapperEntry(), 0) \
V(uword, no_scope_native_wrapper_entry_point_, \
NativeEntry::NoScopeNativeCallWrapperEntry(), 0) \
V(uword, auto_scope_native_wrapper_entry_point_, \
NativeEntry::AutoScopeNativeCallWrapperEntry(), 0) \
V(uword, interpret_call_entry_point_, RuntimeEntry::InterpretCallEntry(), 0) \
V(StringPtr*, predefined_symbols_address_, Symbols::PredefinedAddress(), \
nullptr) \
V(uword, double_nan_address_, reinterpret_cast<uword>(&double_nan_constant), \
0) \
V(uword, double_negate_address_, \
reinterpret_cast<uword>(&double_negate_constant), 0) \
V(uword, double_abs_address_, reinterpret_cast<uword>(&double_abs_constant), \
0) \
V(uword, float_not_address_, reinterpret_cast<uword>(&float_not_constant), \
0) \
V(uword, float_negate_address_, \
reinterpret_cast<uword>(&float_negate_constant), 0) \
V(uword, float_absolute_address_, \
reinterpret_cast<uword>(&float_absolute_constant), 0) \
V(uword, float_zerow_address_, \
reinterpret_cast<uword>(&float_zerow_constant), 0)
enum class ValidationPolicy {
kValidateFrames = 0,
kDontValidateFrames = 1,
enum class RuntimeCallDeoptAbility {
// There was no leaf call or a leaf call that can cause deoptimization
// after-call.
// There was a leaf call and the VM cannot cause deoptimize after-call.
// The safepoint level a thread is on or a safepoint operation is requested for
// The higher the number the stronger the guarantees:
// * the time-to-safepoint latency increases with level
// * the frequency of hitting possible safe points decreases with level
enum SafepointLevel {
// Safe to GC
// Safe to GC as well as Deopt.
// Safe to GC, Deopt as well as Reload.
// Number of levels.
// No safepoint.
// Accessed from generated code.
struct TsanUtils {
// Used to allow unwinding runtime C frames using longjmp() when throwing
// exceptions. This allows triggering the normal TSAN shadow stack unwinding
// implementation.
// -> See for details.
void* setjmp_function = reinterpret_cast<void*>(&setjmp);
// MSVC (on Windows) is not happy with getting address of purely intrinsic.
void* setjmp_function = nullptr;
jmp_buf* setjmp_buffer = nullptr;
uword exception_pc = 0;
uword exception_sp = 0;
uword exception_fp = 0;
static intptr_t setjmp_function_offset() {
return OFFSET_OF(TsanUtils, setjmp_function);
static intptr_t setjmp_buffer_offset() {
return OFFSET_OF(TsanUtils, setjmp_buffer);
static intptr_t exception_pc_offset() {
return OFFSET_OF(TsanUtils, exception_pc);
static intptr_t exception_sp_offset() {
return OFFSET_OF(TsanUtils, exception_sp);
static intptr_t exception_fp_offset() {
return OFFSET_OF(TsanUtils, exception_fp);
// A VM thread; may be executing Dart code or performing helper tasks like
// garbage collection or compilation. The Thread structure associated with
// a thread is allocated by EnsureInit before entering an isolate, and destroyed
// automatically when the underlying OS thread exits. NOTE: On Windows, CleanUp
// must currently be called manually (issue 23474).
class Thread : public ThreadState {
// The kind of task this thread is performing. Sampled by the profiler.
enum TaskKind {
kUnknownTask = 0,
// Converts a TaskKind to its corresponding C-String name.
static const char* TaskKindToCString(TaskKind kind);
// The currently executing thread, or nullptr if not yet initialized.
static Thread* Current() {
return static_cast<Thread*>(OSThread::CurrentVMThread());
// Whether there's any active state on the [thread] that needs to be preserved
// across `Thread::ExitIsolate()` and `Thread::EnterIsolate()`.
bool HasActiveState();
void AssertNonMutatorInvariants();
void AssertNonDartMutatorInvariants();
void AssertEmptyStackInvariants();
void AssertEmptyThreadInvariants();
// Makes the current thread enter 'isolate'.
static void EnterIsolate(Isolate* isolate);
// Makes the current thread exit its isolate.
static void ExitIsolate(bool isolate_shutdown = false);
static bool EnterIsolateGroupAsHelper(IsolateGroup* isolate_group,
TaskKind kind,
bool bypass_safepoint);
static void ExitIsolateGroupAsHelper(bool bypass_safepoint);
static bool EnterIsolateGroupAsNonMutator(IsolateGroup* isolate_group,
TaskKind kind);
static void ExitIsolateGroupAsNonMutator();
// Empties the store buffer block into the isolate.
void ReleaseStoreBuffer();
void AcquireMarkingStack();
void ReleaseMarkingStack();
void SetStackLimit(uword value);
void ClearStackLimit();
// Access to the current stack limit for generated code. Either the true OS
// thread's stack limit minus some headroom, or a special value to trigger
// interrupts.
uword stack_limit_address() const {
return reinterpret_cast<uword>(&stack_limit_);
static intptr_t stack_limit_offset() {
return OFFSET_OF(Thread, stack_limit_);
// The true stack limit for this OS thread.
static intptr_t saved_stack_limit_offset() {
return OFFSET_OF(Thread, saved_stack_limit_);
uword saved_stack_limit() const { return saved_stack_limit_; }
#if defined(USING_SAFE_STACK)
uword saved_safestack_limit() const { return saved_safestack_limit_; }
void set_saved_safestack_limit(uword limit) {
saved_safestack_limit_ = limit;
uword saved_shadow_call_stack() const { return saved_shadow_call_stack_; }
static uword saved_shadow_call_stack_offset() {
return OFFSET_OF(Thread, saved_shadow_call_stack_);
// Stack overflow flags
enum {
kOsrRequest = 0x1, // Current stack overflow caused by OSR request.
uword write_barrier_mask() const { return write_barrier_mask_; }
uword heap_base() const {
return heap_base_;
return 0;
static intptr_t write_barrier_mask_offset() {
return OFFSET_OF(Thread, write_barrier_mask_);
static intptr_t heap_base_offset() { return OFFSET_OF(Thread, heap_base_); }
static intptr_t stack_overflow_flags_offset() {
return OFFSET_OF(Thread, stack_overflow_flags_);
int32_t IncrementAndGetStackOverflowCount() {
return ++stack_overflow_count_;
uint32_t IncrementAndGetRuntimeCallCount() { return ++runtime_call_count_; }
static uword stack_overflow_shared_stub_entry_point_offset(bool fpu_regs) {
return fpu_regs
? stack_overflow_shared_with_fpu_regs_entry_point_offset()
: stack_overflow_shared_without_fpu_regs_entry_point_offset();
static intptr_t safepoint_state_offset() {
return OFFSET_OF(Thread, safepoint_state_);
// Tag state is maintained on transitions.
enum {
// Always true in generated state.
kDidNotExit = 0,
// The VM exited the generated state through FFI.
// This can be true in both native and VM state.
kExitThroughFfi = 1,
// The VM exited the generated state through a runtime call.
// This can be true in both native and VM state.
kExitThroughRuntimeCall = 2,
static intptr_t exit_through_ffi_offset() {
return OFFSET_OF(Thread, exit_through_ffi_);
TaskKind task_kind() const { return task_kind_; }
void set_task_kind(TaskKind kind) { task_kind_ = kind; }
// Retrieves and clears the stack overflow flags. These are set by
// the generated code before the slow path runtime routine for a
// stack overflow is called.
uword GetAndClearStackOverflowFlags();
// Interrupt bits.
enum {
kVMInterrupt = 0x1, // Internal VM checks: safepoints, store buffers, etc.
kMessageInterrupt = 0x2, // An interrupt to process an out of band message.
kInterruptsMask = (kVMInterrupt | kMessageInterrupt),
void ScheduleInterrupts(uword interrupt_bits);
ErrorPtr HandleInterrupts();
uword GetAndClearInterrupts();
bool HasScheduledInterrupts() const {
return (stack_limit_.load() & kInterruptsMask) != 0;
// Monitor corresponding to this thread.
Monitor* thread_lock() const { return &thread_lock_; }
// The reusable api local scope for this thread.
ApiLocalScope* api_reusable_scope() const { return api_reusable_scope_; }
void set_api_reusable_scope(ApiLocalScope* value) {
ASSERT(value == nullptr || api_reusable_scope_ == nullptr);
api_reusable_scope_ = value;
// The api local scope for this thread, this where all local handles
// are allocated.
ApiLocalScope* api_top_scope() const { return api_top_scope_; }
void set_api_top_scope(ApiLocalScope* value) { api_top_scope_ = value; }
static intptr_t api_top_scope_offset() {
return OFFSET_OF(Thread, api_top_scope_);
void EnterApiScope();
void ExitApiScope();
static intptr_t double_truncate_round_supported_offset() {
return OFFSET_OF(Thread, double_truncate_round_supported_);
static intptr_t tsan_utils_offset() { return OFFSET_OF(Thread, tsan_utils_); }
uword exit_through_ffi() const { return exit_through_ffi_; }
TsanUtils* tsan_utils() const { return tsan_utils_; }
#endif // defined(USING_THREAD_SANITIZER)
// The isolate that this thread is operating on, or nullptr if none.
Isolate* isolate() const { return isolate_; }
static intptr_t isolate_offset() { return OFFSET_OF(Thread, isolate_); }
static intptr_t isolate_group_offset() {
return OFFSET_OF(Thread, isolate_group_);
// The isolate group that this thread is operating on, or nullptr if none.
IsolateGroup* isolate_group() const { return isolate_group_; }
static intptr_t field_table_values_offset() {
return OFFSET_OF(Thread, field_table_values_);
static intptr_t shared_field_table_values_offset() {
return OFFSET_OF(Thread, shared_field_table_values_);
bool IsDartMutatorThread() const {
return scheduled_dart_mutator_isolate_ != nullptr;
// Returns the dart mutator [Isolate] this thread belongs to or nullptr.
// `isolate()` in comparison can return
// - `nullptr` for dart mutators (e.g. if the mutator runs under
// [NoActiveIsolateScope])
// - an incorrect isolate (e.g. if [ActiveIsolateScope] is used to seemingly
// enter another isolate)
Isolate* scheduled_dart_mutator_isolate() const {
return scheduled_dart_mutator_isolate_;
#if defined(DEBUG)
bool IsInsideCompiler() const { return inside_compiler_; }
// Offset of Dart TimelineStream object.
static intptr_t dart_stream_offset() {
return OFFSET_OF(Thread, dart_stream_);
// Offset of the Dart VM Service Extension StreamInfo object.
static intptr_t service_extension_stream_offset() {
return OFFSET_OF(Thread, service_extension_stream_);
// Is |this| executing Dart code?
bool IsExecutingDartCode() const;
// Has |this| exited Dart code?
bool HasExitedDartCode() const;
bool HasCompilerState() const { return compiler_state_ != nullptr; }
CompilerState& compiler_state() {
return *compiler_state_;
HierarchyInfo* hierarchy_info() const {
ASSERT(isolate_group_ != nullptr);
return hierarchy_info_;
void set_hierarchy_info(HierarchyInfo* value) {
ASSERT(isolate_group_ != nullptr);
ASSERT((hierarchy_info_ == nullptr && value != nullptr) ||
(hierarchy_info_ != nullptr && value == nullptr));
hierarchy_info_ = value;
TypeUsageInfo* type_usage_info() const {
ASSERT(isolate_group_ != nullptr);
return type_usage_info_;
void set_type_usage_info(TypeUsageInfo* value) {
ASSERT(isolate_group_ != nullptr);
ASSERT((type_usage_info_ == nullptr && value != nullptr) ||
(type_usage_info_ != nullptr && value == nullptr));
type_usage_info_ = value;
CompilerTimings* compiler_timings() const { return compiler_timings_; }
void set_compiler_timings(CompilerTimings* stats) {
compiler_timings_ = stats;
int32_t no_callback_scope_depth() const { return no_callback_scope_depth_; }
void IncrementNoCallbackScopeDepth() {
ASSERT(no_callback_scope_depth_ < INT_MAX);
no_callback_scope_depth_ += 1;
void DecrementNoCallbackScopeDepth() {
ASSERT(no_callback_scope_depth_ > 0);
no_callback_scope_depth_ -= 1;
bool force_growth() const { return force_growth_scope_depth_ != 0; }
void IncrementForceGrowthScopeDepth() {
ASSERT(force_growth_scope_depth_ < INT_MAX);
force_growth_scope_depth_ += 1;
void DecrementForceGrowthScopeDepth() {
ASSERT(force_growth_scope_depth_ > 0);
force_growth_scope_depth_ -= 1;
bool is_unwind_in_progress() const { return is_unwind_in_progress_; }
void StartUnwindError() {
is_unwind_in_progress_ = true;
#if defined(DEBUG)
void EnterCompiler() {
inside_compiler_ = true;
void LeaveCompiler() {
inside_compiler_ = false;
void StoreBufferAddObject(ObjectPtr obj);
void StoreBufferAddObjectGC(ObjectPtr obj);
#if defined(TESTING)
bool StoreBufferContains(ObjectPtr obj) const {
return store_buffer_block_->Contains(obj);
void StoreBufferBlockProcess(StoreBuffer::ThresholdPolicy policy);
void StoreBufferReleaseGC();
void StoreBufferAcquireGC();
static intptr_t store_buffer_block_offset() {
return OFFSET_OF(Thread, store_buffer_block_);
bool is_marking() const { return old_marking_stack_block_ != nullptr; }
void MarkingStackAddObject(ObjectPtr obj);
void OldMarkingStackAddObject(ObjectPtr obj);
void NewMarkingStackAddObject(ObjectPtr obj);
void DeferredMarkingStackAddObject(ObjectPtr obj);
void OldMarkingStackBlockProcess();
void NewMarkingStackBlockProcess();
void DeferredMarkingStackBlockProcess();
static intptr_t old_marking_stack_block_offset() {
return OFFSET_OF(Thread, old_marking_stack_block_);
static intptr_t new_marking_stack_block_offset() {
return OFFSET_OF(Thread, new_marking_stack_block_);
uword top_exit_frame_info() const { return top_exit_frame_info_; }
void set_top_exit_frame_info(uword top_exit_frame_info) {
top_exit_frame_info_ = top_exit_frame_info;
static intptr_t top_exit_frame_info_offset() {
return OFFSET_OF(Thread, top_exit_frame_info_);
Heap* heap() const;
// The TLAB memory boundaries.
// When the heap sampling profiler is enabled, we use the TLAB boundary to
// trigger slow path allocations so we can take a sample. This means that
// true_end() >= end(), where true_end() is the actual end address of the
// TLAB and end() is the chosen sampling boundary for the thread.
// When the heap sampling profiler is disabled, true_end() == end().
uword top() const { return top_; }
uword end() const { return end_; }
uword true_end() const { return true_end_; }
void set_top(uword top) { top_ = top; }
void set_end(uword end) { end_ = end; }
void set_true_end(uword true_end) { true_end_ = true_end; }
static intptr_t top_offset() { return OFFSET_OF(Thread, top_); }
static intptr_t end_offset() { return OFFSET_OF(Thread, end_); }
int32_t no_safepoint_scope_depth() const {
#if defined(DEBUG)
return no_safepoint_scope_depth_;
return 0;
void IncrementNoSafepointScopeDepth() {
#if defined(DEBUG)
ASSERT(no_safepoint_scope_depth_ < INT_MAX);
no_safepoint_scope_depth_ += 1;
void DecrementNoSafepointScopeDepth() {
#if defined(DEBUG)
ASSERT(no_safepoint_scope_depth_ > 0);
no_safepoint_scope_depth_ -= 1;
bool IsInNoReloadScope() const { return no_reload_scope_depth_ > 0; }
bool IsInStoppedMutatorsScope() const {
return stopped_mutators_scope_depth_ > 0;
#define DEFINE_OFFSET_METHOD(type_name, member_name, expr, default_init_value) \
static intptr_t member_name##offset() { \
return OFFSET_OF(Thread, member_name); \
static intptr_t write_barrier_wrappers_thread_offset(Register reg) {
ASSERT((kDartAvailableCpuRegs & (1 << reg)) != 0);
intptr_t index = 0;
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < kNumberOfCpuRegisters; ++i) {
if ((kDartAvailableCpuRegs & (1 << i)) == 0) continue;
if (i == reg) break;
return OFFSET_OF(Thread, write_barrier_wrappers_entry_points_) +
index * sizeof(uword);
static intptr_t WriteBarrierWrappersOffsetForRegister(Register reg) {
intptr_t index = 0;
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < kNumberOfCpuRegisters; ++i) {
if ((kDartAvailableCpuRegs & (1 << i)) == 0) continue;
if (i == reg) {
return index * kStoreBufferWrapperSize;
return 0;
#define DEFINE_OFFSET_METHOD(name) \
static intptr_t name##_entry_point_offset() { \
return OFFSET_OF(Thread, name##_entry_point_); \
#define DEFINE_OFFSET_METHOD(returntype, name, ...) \
static intptr_t name##_entry_point_offset() { \
return OFFSET_OF(Thread, name##_entry_point_); \
ObjectPoolPtr global_object_pool() const { return global_object_pool_; }
void set_global_object_pool(ObjectPoolPtr raw_value) {
global_object_pool_ = raw_value;
const uword* dispatch_table_array() const { return dispatch_table_array_; }
void set_dispatch_table_array(const uword* array) {
dispatch_table_array_ = array;
static bool CanLoadFromThread(const Object& object);
static intptr_t OffsetFromThread(const Object& object);
static bool ObjectAtOffset(intptr_t offset, Object* object);
static intptr_t OffsetFromThread(const RuntimeEntry* runtime_entry);
#define DEFINE_OFFSET_METHOD(name) \
static intptr_t name##_entry_point_offset() { \
return OFFSET_OF(Thread, name##_entry_point_); \
#if defined(DEBUG)
// For asserts only. Has false positives when running with a simulator or
// SafeStack.
bool TopErrorHandlerIsSetJump() const;
bool TopErrorHandlerIsExitFrame() const;
uword vm_tag() const { return vm_tag_; }
void set_vm_tag(uword tag) { vm_tag_ = tag; }
static intptr_t vm_tag_offset() { return OFFSET_OF(Thread, vm_tag_); }
int64_t unboxed_int64_runtime_arg() const {
return unboxed_runtime_arg_.int64_storage[0];
void set_unboxed_int64_runtime_arg(int64_t value) {
unboxed_runtime_arg_.int64_storage[0] = value;
int64_t unboxed_int64_runtime_second_arg() const {
return unboxed_runtime_arg_.int64_storage[1];
void set_unboxed_int64_runtime_second_arg(int64_t value) {
unboxed_runtime_arg_.int64_storage[1] = value;
double unboxed_double_runtime_arg() const {
return unboxed_runtime_arg_.double_storage[0];
void set_unboxed_double_runtime_arg(double value) {
unboxed_runtime_arg_.double_storage[0] = value;
simd128_value_t unboxed_simd128_runtime_arg() const {
return unboxed_runtime_arg_;
void set_unboxed_simd128_runtime_arg(simd128_value_t value) {
unboxed_runtime_arg_ = value;
static intptr_t unboxed_runtime_arg_offset() {
return OFFSET_OF(Thread, unboxed_runtime_arg_);
static intptr_t global_object_pool_offset() {
return OFFSET_OF(Thread, global_object_pool_);
static intptr_t dispatch_table_array_offset() {
return OFFSET_OF(Thread, dispatch_table_array_);
ObjectPtr active_exception() const { return active_exception_; }
void set_active_exception(const Object& value);
static intptr_t active_exception_offset() {
return OFFSET_OF(Thread, active_exception_);
ObjectPtr active_stacktrace() const { return active_stacktrace_; }
void set_active_stacktrace(const Object& value);
static intptr_t active_stacktrace_offset() {
return OFFSET_OF(Thread, active_stacktrace_);
uword resume_pc() const { return resume_pc_; }
void set_resume_pc(uword value) { resume_pc_ = value; }
static uword resume_pc_offset() { return OFFSET_OF(Thread, resume_pc_); }
ErrorPtr sticky_error() const;
void set_sticky_error(const Error& value);
void ClearStickyError();
DART_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT ErrorPtr StealStickyError();
#if defined(DEBUG)
void set_reusable_##object##_handle_scope_active(bool value) { \
reusable_##object##_handle_scope_active_ = value; \
} \
bool reusable_##object##_handle_scope_active() const { \
return reusable_##object##_handle_scope_active_; \
bool IsAnyReusableHandleScopeActive() const {
if (reusable_##object##_handle_scope_active_) { \
return true; \
return false;
#endif // defined(DEBUG)
void ClearReusableHandles();
#define REUSABLE_HANDLE(object) \
object& object##Handle() const { return *object##_handle_; }
static bool IsAtSafepoint(SafepointLevel level, uword state) {
const uword mask = AtSafepointBits(level);
return (state & mask) == mask;
// Whether the current thread is owning any safepoint level.
bool IsAtSafepoint() const {
// Owning a higher level safepoint implies owning the lower levels as well.
return IsAtSafepoint(SafepointLevel::kGC);
bool IsAtSafepoint(SafepointLevel level) const {
return IsAtSafepoint(level, safepoint_state_.load());
void SetAtSafepoint(bool value, SafepointLevel level) {
ASSERT(level <= current_safepoint_level());
if (value) {
safepoint_state_ |= AtSafepointBits(level);
} else {
safepoint_state_ &= ~AtSafepointBits(level);
bool IsSafepointRequestedLocked(SafepointLevel level) const {
return IsSafepointRequested(level);
bool IsSafepointRequested() const {
return IsSafepointRequested(current_safepoint_level());
bool IsSafepointRequested(SafepointLevel level) const {
const uword state = safepoint_state_.load();
for (intptr_t i = level; i >= 0; --i) {
if (IsSafepointLevelRequested(state, static_cast<SafepointLevel>(i)))
return true;
return false;
bool IsSafepointLevelRequestedLocked(SafepointLevel level) const {
if (level > current_safepoint_level()) return false;
const uword state = safepoint_state_.load();
return IsSafepointLevelRequested(state, level);
static bool IsSafepointLevelRequested(uword state, SafepointLevel level) {
switch (level) {
case SafepointLevel::kGC:
return (state & SafepointRequestedField::mask_in_place()) != 0;
case SafepointLevel::kGCAndDeopt:
return (state & DeoptSafepointRequestedField::mask_in_place()) != 0;
case SafepointLevel::kGCAndDeoptAndReload:
return (state & ReloadSafepointRequestedField::mask_in_place()) != 0;
void BlockForSafepoint();
uword SetSafepointRequested(SafepointLevel level, bool value) {
uword mask = 0;
switch (level) {
case SafepointLevel::kGC:
mask = SafepointRequestedField::mask_in_place();
case SafepointLevel::kGCAndDeopt:
mask = DeoptSafepointRequestedField::mask_in_place();
case SafepointLevel::kGCAndDeoptAndReload:
mask = ReloadSafepointRequestedField::mask_in_place();
if (value) {
// acquire pulls from the release in TryEnterSafepoint.
return safepoint_state_.fetch_or(mask, std::memory_order_acquire);
} else {
// release pushes to the acquire in TryExitSafepoint.
return safepoint_state_.fetch_and(~mask, std::memory_order_release);
static bool IsBlockedForSafepoint(uword state) {
return BlockedForSafepointField::decode(state);
bool IsBlockedForSafepoint() const {
return BlockedForSafepointField::decode(safepoint_state_);
void SetBlockedForSafepoint(bool value) {
safepoint_state_ =
BlockedForSafepointField::update(value, safepoint_state_);
bool BypassSafepoints() const {
return BypassSafepointsField::decode(safepoint_state_);
static uword SetBypassSafepoints(bool value, uword state) {
return BypassSafepointsField::update(value, state);
bool UnwindErrorInProgress() const {
return UnwindErrorInProgressField::decode(safepoint_state_);
void SetUnwindErrorInProgress(bool value) {
const uword mask = UnwindErrorInProgressField::mask_in_place();
if (value) {
} else {
bool OwnsGCSafepoint() const;
bool OwnsReloadSafepoint() const;
bool OwnsDeoptSafepoint() const;
bool OwnsSafepoint() const;
bool CanAcquireSafepointLocks() const;
uword safepoint_state() { return safepoint_state_; }
enum ExecutionState {
kThreadInVM = 0,
ExecutionState execution_state() const {
return static_cast<ExecutionState>(execution_state_);
// Normally execution state is only accessed for the current thread.
ExecutionState execution_state_cross_thread_for_testing() const {
return static_cast<ExecutionState>(execution_state_);
void set_execution_state(ExecutionState state) {
execution_state_ = static_cast<uword>(state);
static intptr_t execution_state_offset() {
return OFFSET_OF(Thread, execution_state_);
virtual bool MayAllocateHandles() {
return (execution_state() == kThreadInVM) ||
(execution_state() == kThreadInGenerated);
static uword full_safepoint_state_unacquired() {
return (0 << AtSafepointField::shift()) |
(0 << AtDeoptSafepointField::shift());
static uword full_safepoint_state_acquired() {
return (1 << AtSafepointField::shift()) |
(1 << AtDeoptSafepointField::shift());
bool TryEnterSafepoint() {
uword old_state = 0;
uword new_state = AtSafepointBits(current_safepoint_level());
return safepoint_state_.compare_exchange_strong(old_state, new_state,
void EnterSafepoint() {
ASSERT(no_safepoint_scope_depth() == 0);
// First try a fast update of the thread state to indicate it is at a
// safepoint.
if (!TryEnterSafepoint()) {
// Fast update failed which means we could potentially be in the middle
// of a safepoint operation.
bool TryExitSafepoint() {
uword old_state = AtSafepointBits(current_safepoint_level());
uword new_state = 0;
return safepoint_state_.compare_exchange_strong(old_state, new_state,
void ExitSafepoint() {
// First try a fast update of the thread state to indicate it is not at a
// safepoint anymore.
if (!TryExitSafepoint()) {
// Fast update failed which means we could potentially be in the middle
// of a safepoint operation.
void CheckForSafepoint() {
// If we are in a runtime call that doesn't support lazy deopt, we will only
// respond to gc safepointing requests.
ASSERT(no_safepoint_scope_depth() == 0);
if (IsSafepointRequested()) {
Thread* next() const { return next_; }
// Visit all object pointers.
void VisitObjectPointers(ObjectPointerVisitor* visitor,
ValidationPolicy validate_frames);
void RememberLiveTemporaries();
void DeferredMarkLiveTemporaries();
bool IsValidHandle(Dart_Handle object) const;
bool IsValidLocalHandle(Dart_Handle object) const;
intptr_t CountLocalHandles() const;
int ZoneSizeInBytes() const;
void UnwindScopes(uword stack_marker);
void InitVMConstants();
int64_t GetNextTaskId() { return next_task_id_++; }
static intptr_t next_task_id_offset() {
return OFFSET_OF(Thread, next_task_id_);
Random* random() { return &thread_random_; }
static intptr_t random_offset() { return OFFSET_OF(Thread, thread_random_); }
#ifndef PRODUCT
void PrintJSON(JSONStream* stream) const;
HeapProfileSampler& heap_sampler() { return heap_sampler_; }
PendingDeopts& pending_deopts() { return pending_deopts_; }
SafepointLevel current_safepoint_level() const {
if (runtime_call_deopt_ability_ ==
RuntimeCallDeoptAbility::kCannotLazyDeopt) {
return SafepointLevel::kGC;
if (no_reload_scope_depth_ > 0 || allow_reload_scope_depth_ <= 0) {
return SafepointLevel::kGCAndDeopt;
return SafepointLevel::kGCAndDeoptAndReload;
Interpreter* interpreter() const { return interpreter_; }
void set_interpreter(Interpreter* value) { interpreter_ = value; }
bytecode::BytecodeLoader* bytecode_loader() const { return bytecode_loader_; }
void set_bytecode_loader(bytecode::BytecodeLoader* value) {
bytecode_loader_ = value;
template <class T>
T* AllocateReusableHandle();
enum class RestoreWriteBarrierInvariantOp {
friend class RestoreWriteBarrierInvariantVisitor;
void RestoreWriteBarrierInvariant(RestoreWriteBarrierInvariantOp op);
// Set the current compiler state and return the previous compiler state.
CompilerState* SetCompilerState(CompilerState* state) {
CompilerState* previous = compiler_state_;
compiler_state_ = state;
return previous;
// Accessed from generated code.
// ** This block of fields must come first! **
// For AOT cross-compilation, we rely on these members having the same offsets
// in SIMARM(IA32) and ARM, and the same offsets in SIMARM64(X64) and ARM64.
// We use only word-sized fields to avoid differences in struct packing on the
// different architectures. See also CheckOffsets in
volatile RelaxedAtomic<uword> stack_limit_ = 0;
uword write_barrier_mask_;
uword heap_base_ = 0;
uword top_ = 0;
uword end_ = 0;
const uword* dispatch_table_array_ = nullptr;
ObjectPtr* field_table_values_ = nullptr;
ObjectPtr* shared_field_table_values_ = nullptr;
// Offsets up to this point can all fit in a byte on X64. All of the above
// fields are very abundantly accessed from code. Thus, keeping them first
// is important for code size (although code size on X64 is not a priority).
// State that is cached in the TLS for fast access in generated code.
#define DECLARE_MEMBERS(type_name, member_name, expr, default_init_value) \
type_name member_name;
#define DECLARE_MEMBERS(name) uword name##_entry_point_;
#define DECLARE_MEMBERS(returntype, name, ...) uword name##_entry_point_;
uword write_barrier_wrappers_entry_points_[kNumberOfDartAvailableCpuRegs];
#define DECLARE_MEMBERS(name) uword name##_entry_point_ = 0;
Isolate* isolate_ = nullptr;
IsolateGroup* isolate_group_ = nullptr;
uword saved_stack_limit_ = OSThread::kInvalidStackLimit;
// The mutator uses this to indicate it wants to OSR (by
// setting [Thread::kOsrRequest]) before going to runtime which will see this
// bit.
uword stack_overflow_flags_ = 0;
uword volatile top_exit_frame_info_ = 0;
StoreBufferBlock* store_buffer_block_ = nullptr;
MarkingStackBlock* old_marking_stack_block_ = nullptr;
MarkingStackBlock* new_marking_stack_block_ = nullptr;
MarkingStackBlock* deferred_marking_stack_block_ = nullptr;
uword volatile vm_tag_ = 0;
// Memory locations dedicated for passing unboxed int64 and double
// values from generated code to runtime.
// TODO( Clean this up when unboxed values
// could be passed as arguments.
ALIGN8 simd128_value_t unboxed_runtime_arg_;
// JumpToExceptionHandler state:
ObjectPtr active_exception_;
ObjectPtr active_stacktrace_;
ObjectPoolPtr global_object_pool_;
uword resume_pc_;
uword saved_shadow_call_stack_ = 0;
* The execution state for a thread.
* Potential execution states a thread could be in:
* kThreadInGenerated - The thread is running jitted dart/stub code.
* kThreadInVM - The thread is running VM code.
* kThreadInNative - The thread is running native code.
* kThreadInBlockedState - The thread is blocked waiting for a resource.
* Warning: Execution state doesn't imply the safepoint state. It's possible
* to be in [kThreadInNative] and still not be at-safepoint (e.g. due to a
* pending Dart_TypedDataAcquire() that increases no-callback-scope)
uword execution_state_;
* Stores
* - whether the thread is at a safepoint (current thread sets these)
* [AtSafepointField]
* [AtDeoptSafepointField]
* [AtReloadSafepointField]
* - whether the thread is requested to safepoint (other thread sets these)
* [SafepointRequestedField]
* [DeoptSafepointRequestedField]
* [ReloadSafepointRequestedField]
* - whether the thread is blocked due to safepoint request and needs to
* be resumed after safepoint is done (current thread sets this)
* [BlockedForSafepointField]
* - whether the thread should be ignored for safepointing purposes
* [BypassSafepointsField]
* - whether the isolate running this thread has triggered an unwind error,
* which requires enforced exit on a transition from native back to
* generated.
* [UnwindErrorInProgressField]
std::atomic<uword> safepoint_state_;
uword exit_through_ffi_ = 0;
ApiLocalScope* api_top_scope_;
uint8_t double_truncate_round_supported_;
ALIGN8 int64_t next_task_id_;
ALIGN8 Random thread_random_;
TsanUtils* tsan_utils_ = nullptr;
// ---- End accessed from generated code. ----
// The layout of Thread object up to this point should not depend
// on DART_PRECOMPILED_RUNTIME, as it is accessed from generated code.
// The code is generated without DART_PRECOMPILED_RUNTIME, but used with
uword true_end_ = 0;
TaskKind task_kind_;
TimelineStream* const dart_stream_;
StreamInfo* const service_extension_stream_;
mutable Monitor thread_lock_;
ApiLocalScope* api_reusable_scope_;
int32_t no_callback_scope_depth_;
int32_t force_growth_scope_depth_ = 0;
intptr_t no_reload_scope_depth_ = 0;
intptr_t allow_reload_scope_depth_ = 0;
intptr_t stopped_mutators_scope_depth_ = 0;
#if defined(DEBUG)
int32_t no_safepoint_scope_depth_;
VMHandles reusable_handles_;
int32_t stack_overflow_count_;
uint32_t runtime_call_count_ = 0;
// Deoptimization of stack frames.
RuntimeCallDeoptAbility runtime_call_deopt_ability_ =
PendingDeopts pending_deopts_;
// Compiler state:
CompilerState* compiler_state_ = nullptr;
HierarchyInfo* hierarchy_info_;
TypeUsageInfo* type_usage_info_;
NoActiveIsolateScope* no_active_isolate_scope_ = nullptr;
CompilerTimings* compiler_timings_ = nullptr;
ErrorPtr sticky_error_;
ObjectPtr* field_table_values() const { return field_table_values_; }
ObjectPtr* shared_field_table_values() const {
return shared_field_table_values_;
// Reusable handles support.
#define REUSABLE_HANDLE_FIELDS(object) object* object##_handle_;
#if defined(DEBUG)
bool reusable_##object##_handle_scope_active_;
#endif // defined(DEBUG)
using AtSafepointField = BitField<uword, bool>;
using SafepointRequestedField =
BitField<uword, bool, AtSafepointField::kNextBit>;
using AtDeoptSafepointField =
BitField<uword, bool, SafepointRequestedField::kNextBit>;
using DeoptSafepointRequestedField =
BitField<uword, bool, AtDeoptSafepointField::kNextBit>;
using AtReloadSafepointField =
BitField<uword, bool, DeoptSafepointRequestedField::kNextBit>;
using ReloadSafepointRequestedField =
BitField<uword, bool, AtReloadSafepointField::kNextBit>;
using BlockedForSafepointField =
BitField<uword, bool, ReloadSafepointRequestedField::kNextBit>;
using BypassSafepointsField =
BitField<uword, bool, BlockedForSafepointField::kNextBit>;
using UnwindErrorInProgressField =
BitField<uword, bool, BypassSafepointsField::kNextBit>;
static uword AtSafepointBits(SafepointLevel level) {
switch (level) {
case SafepointLevel::kGC:
return AtSafepointField::mask_in_place();
case SafepointLevel::kGCAndDeopt:
return AtSafepointField::mask_in_place() |
case SafepointLevel::kGCAndDeoptAndReload:
return AtSafepointField::mask_in_place() |
AtDeoptSafepointField::mask_in_place() |
#if defined(USING_SAFE_STACK)
uword saved_safestack_limit_;
Thread* next_; // Used to chain the thread structures in an isolate.
Isolate* scheduled_dart_mutator_isolate_ = nullptr;
bool is_unwind_in_progress_ = false;
#if defined(DEBUG)
bool inside_compiler_ = false;
HeapProfileSampler heap_sampler_;
Interpreter* interpreter_ = nullptr;
bytecode::BytecodeLoader* bytecode_loader_ = nullptr;
explicit Thread(bool is_vm_isolate);
void StoreBufferRelease(
StoreBuffer::ThresholdPolicy policy = StoreBuffer::kCheckThreshold);
void StoreBufferAcquire();
void OldMarkingStackRelease();
void OldMarkingStackAcquire();
void NewMarkingStackRelease();
void NewMarkingStackAcquire();
void DeferredMarkingStackRelease();
void DeferredMarkingStackAcquire();
void AcquireMarkingStacks();
void ReleaseMarkingStacks();
void FlushMarkingStacks();
void set_safepoint_state(uint32_t value) { safepoint_state_ = value; }
void EnterSafepointUsingLock();
void ExitSafepointUsingLock();
void SetupState(TaskKind kind);
void ResetState();
void SetupMutatorState(TaskKind kind);
void ResetMutatorState();
void SetupDartMutatorState(Isolate* isolate);
void SetupDartMutatorStateDependingOnSnapshot(IsolateGroup* group);
void ResetDartMutatorState(Isolate* isolate);
static void SuspendDartMutatorThreadInternal(Thread* thread,
VMTag::VMTagId tag);
static void ResumeDartMutatorThreadInternal(Thread* thread);
static void SuspendThreadInternal(Thread* thread, VMTag::VMTagId tag);
static void ResumeThreadInternal(Thread* thread);
// Adds a new active mutator thread to thread registry while associating it
// with the given isolate (group).
// All existing safepoint operations are waited for before adding the thread
// to the thread registry.
// => Anyone who iterates the active threads will first have to get us to
// safepoint (but can access `Thread::isolate()`).
static Thread* AddActiveThread(IsolateGroup* group,
Isolate* isolate,
bool is_dart_mutator,
bool bypass_safepoint);
// Releases a active mutator threads from the thread registry.
// Thread needs to be at-safepoint.
static void FreeActiveThread(Thread* thread, bool bypass_safepoint);
static void SetCurrent(Thread* current) { OSThread::SetCurrentTLS(current); }
friend class Reusable##name##HandleScope;
friend class ApiZone;
friend class ActiveIsolateScope;
friend class Interpreter;
friend class InterruptChecker;
friend class Isolate;
friend class IsolateGroup;
friend class NoActiveIsolateScope;
friend class NoReloadScope;
friend class RawReloadParticipationScope;
friend class Simulator;
friend class StackZone;
friend class StoppedMutatorsScope;
friend class ThreadRegistry;
friend class CompilerState;
friend class compiler::target::Thread;
friend class FieldTable;
friend class RuntimeCallDeoptScope;
friend class Dart; // Calls SetupCachedEntryPoints after snapshot reading
friend class
TransitionGeneratedToVM; // IsSafepointRequested/BlockForSafepoint
friend class
TransitionVMToGenerated; // IsSafepointRequested/BlockForSafepoint
friend class MonitorLocker; // ExitSafepointUsingLock
friend Isolate* CreateWithinExistingIsolateGroup(IsolateGroup*,
const char*,
class RuntimeCallDeoptScope : public StackResource {
RuntimeCallDeoptScope(Thread* thread, RuntimeCallDeoptAbility kind)
: StackResource(thread) {
// We cannot have nested calls into the VM without deopt support.
ASSERT(thread->runtime_call_deopt_ability_ ==
thread->runtime_call_deopt_ability_ = kind;
virtual ~RuntimeCallDeoptScope() {
thread()->runtime_call_deopt_ability_ =
Thread* thread() {
return reinterpret_cast<Thread*>(StackResource::thread());
// Clears the state of the current thread and frees the allocation.
void WindowsThreadCleanUp();
#if !defined(PRODUCT)
// Disable thread interrupts.
class DisableThreadInterruptsScope : public StackResource {
explicit DisableThreadInterruptsScope(Thread* thread);
class DisableThreadInterruptsScope : public StackResource {
explicit DisableThreadInterruptsScope(Thread* thread)
: StackResource(thread) {}
~DisableThreadInterruptsScope() {}
#endif // !defined(PRODUCT)
// Within a NoSafepointScope, the thread must not reach any safepoint. Used
// around code that manipulates raw object pointers directly without handles.
#if defined(DEBUG)
class NoSafepointScope : public ThreadStackResource {
explicit NoSafepointScope(Thread* thread = nullptr)
: ThreadStackResource(thread != nullptr ? thread : Thread::Current()) {
~NoSafepointScope() { thread()->DecrementNoSafepointScopeDepth(); }
#else // defined(DEBUG)
class NoSafepointScope : public ValueObject {
explicit NoSafepointScope(Thread* thread = nullptr) {}
#endif // defined(DEBUG)
// Disables initiating a reload operation as well as participating in another
// threads reload operation.
// Reload triggered by a mutator thread happens by sending all other mutator
// threads (that are running) OOB messages to check into a safepoint. The thread
// initiating the reload operation will block until all mutators are at a reload
// safepoint.
// When running under this scope, the processing of those OOB messages will
// ignore reload safepoint checkin requests. Yet we'll have to ensure that the
// dropped message is still acted upon.
// => To solve this we make the [~NoReloadScope] destructor resend a new reload
// OOB request to itself (the [~NoReloadScope] destructor is not necessarily at
// well-defined place where reload can happen - those places will explicitly
// opt-in via [ReloadParticipationScope]).
class NoReloadScope : public ThreadStackResource {
explicit NoReloadScope(Thread* thread);
// Allows triggering reload safepoint operations as well as participating in
// reload operations (at safepoint checks).
// By-default safepoint checkins will not participate in reload operations, as
// reload has to happen at very well-defined places. This scope is intended
// for those places where we explicitly want to allow safepoint checkins to
// participate in reload operations (triggered by other threads).
// If there is any [NoReloadScope] active we will still disable the safepoint
// checkins to participate in reload.
// We also require the thread inititating a reload operation to explicitly
// opt-in via this scope.
class RawReloadParticipationScope {
explicit RawReloadParticipationScope(Thread* thread) : thread_(thread) {
#if !defined(PRODUCT) && !defined(DART_PRECOMPILED_RUNTIME)
if (thread->allow_reload_scope_depth_ == 0) {
ASSERT(thread->current_safepoint_level() == SafepointLevel::kGCAndDeopt);
ASSERT(thread->allow_reload_scope_depth_ >= 0);
#endif // !defined(PRODUCT) && !defined(DART_PRECOMPILED_RUNTIME)
~RawReloadParticipationScope() {
#if !defined(PRODUCT) && !defined(DART_PRECOMPILED_RUNTIME)
thread_->allow_reload_scope_depth_ -= 1;
ASSERT(thread_->allow_reload_scope_depth_ >= 0);
if (thread_->allow_reload_scope_depth_ == 0) {
ASSERT(thread_->current_safepoint_level() == SafepointLevel::kGCAndDeopt);
#endif // !defined(PRODUCT) && !defined(DART_PRECOMPILED_RUNTIME)
Thread* thread_;
using ReloadParticipationScope =
class StoppedMutatorsScope : public ThreadStackResource {
explicit StoppedMutatorsScope(Thread* thread) : ThreadStackResource(thread) {
#if !defined(PRODUCT) && !defined(DART_PRECOMPILED_RUNTIME)
ASSERT(thread->stopped_mutators_scope_depth_ >= 0);
#endif // !defined(PRODUCT) && !defined(DART_PRECOMPILED_RUNTIME)
~StoppedMutatorsScope() {
#if !defined(PRODUCT) && !defined(DART_PRECOMPILED_RUNTIME)
thread()->stopped_mutators_scope_depth_ -= 1;
ASSERT(thread()->stopped_mutators_scope_depth_ >= 0);
#endif // !defined(PRODUCT) && !defined(DART_PRECOMPILED_RUNTIME)
// Within a EnterCompilerScope, the thread must operate on cloned fields.
#if defined(DEBUG)
class EnterCompilerScope : public ThreadStackResource {
explicit EnterCompilerScope(Thread* thread = nullptr)
: ThreadStackResource(thread != nullptr ? thread : Thread::Current()) {
previously_is_inside_compiler_ = this->thread()->IsInsideCompiler();
if (!previously_is_inside_compiler_) {
~EnterCompilerScope() {
if (!previously_is_inside_compiler_) {
bool previously_is_inside_compiler_;
#else // defined(DEBUG)
class EnterCompilerScope : public ValueObject {
explicit EnterCompilerScope(Thread* thread = nullptr) {}
#endif // defined(DEBUG)
// Within a LeaveCompilerScope, the thread must operate on cloned fields.
#if defined(DEBUG)
class LeaveCompilerScope : public ThreadStackResource {
explicit LeaveCompilerScope(Thread* thread = nullptr)
: ThreadStackResource(thread != nullptr ? thread : Thread::Current()) {
previously_is_inside_compiler_ = this->thread()->IsInsideCompiler();
if (previously_is_inside_compiler_) {
~LeaveCompilerScope() {
if (previously_is_inside_compiler_) {
bool previously_is_inside_compiler_;
#else // defined(DEBUG)
class LeaveCompilerScope : public ValueObject {
explicit LeaveCompilerScope(Thread* thread = nullptr) {}
#endif // defined(DEBUG)
} // namespace dart