blob: 0a66a9abede37774310fb0a198b48944a6024d6b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2020, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:path/path.dart' as path;
import 'package:test/test.dart';
import 'package:vm/snapshot/instruction_sizes.dart' as instruction_sizes;
void main() async {
if (!Platform.executable.contains('dart-sdk')) {
// If we are not running from the prebuilt SDK then this test does nothing.
final sdkBin = path.dirname(Platform.executable);
final dart2native =
path.join(sdkBin, Platform.isWindows ? 'dart2native.bat' : 'dart2native');
if (!File(dart2native).existsSync()) {
throw 'Failed to locate dart2native in the SDK';
group('instruction-sizes', () {
test('basic-parsing', () async {
await withTempDir('basic-parsing', (dir) async {
final inputDart = path.join(dir, 'input.dart');
final outputBinary = path.join(dir, 'output.exe');
final sizesJson = path.join(dir, 'sizes.json');
// Create test input.
await File(inputDart).writeAsString("""
dynamic makeSomeClosures() {
return [
() => true,
() => false,
() => 11,
class A {
dynamic tornOff() {
return true;
class B {
dynamic tornOff() {
return false;
class C {
static dynamic tornOff() async {
return true;
Function tearOff(dynamic o) {
return o.tornOff;
void main(List<String> args) {
for (var cl in makeSomeClosures()) {
print(tearOff(args.isEmpty ? A() : B()));
// Compile input.dart to native and output instruction sizes.
final result = await, [
expect(result.exitCode, equals(0),
reason: 'Compilation completed successfully');
expect(File(outputBinary).existsSync(), isTrue,
reason: 'Output binary exists');
expect(File(sizesJson).existsSync(), isTrue,
reason: 'Instruction sizes output exists');
final symbols = await instruction_sizes.load(File(sizesJson));
expect(symbols, isNotNull,
reason: 'Sizes file was successfully parsed');
expect(symbols.length, greaterThan(0),
reason: 'Sizes file is non-empty');
// Check for duplicated symbols (using both raw and scrubbed names).
final symbolRawNamesByLibrary = Map<String, Set<String>>();
final symbolScrubbedNamesByLibrary = Map<String, Set<String>>();
Set<String> getSetOfNames(
Map<String, Set<String>> map, String libraryUri) {
// For file uris make sure to canonicalize the path. This prevents
// issues with mismatching case on Windows which has case insensitive
// file system.
if (libraryUri != null) {
final uri = Uri.parse(libraryUri);
if (uri.scheme == 'file') {
libraryUri =
return map.putIfAbsent(libraryUri ?? '', () => {});
for (var sym in symbols) {
getSetOfNames(symbolRawNamesByLibrary, sym.libraryUri)
'All symbols should have unique names (within libraries): ${}');
getSetOfNames(symbolScrubbedNamesByLibrary, sym.libraryUri)
reason: 'Scrubbing the name should not make it non-unique');
// Check for expected names which should appear in the output.
final inputDartSymbolNames = symbolScrubbedNamesByLibrary[
expect(inputDartSymbolNames, isNotNull,
reason: 'Symbols from input.dart are included into sizes output');
expect(inputDartSymbolNames, contains('makeSomeClosures'));
final closures = inputDartSymbolNames.where(
(name) => name.startsWith('makeSomeClosures.<anonymous closure'));
expect(closures.length, 3);
expect(inputDartSymbolNames, contains('A.tornOff'));
expect(inputDartSymbolNames, contains('[tear-off] A.tornOff'));
contains('[tear-off-extractor] A.get:tornOff'));
expect(inputDartSymbolNames, contains('B.tornOff'));
expect(inputDartSymbolNames, contains('[tear-off] B.tornOff'));
contains('[tear-off-extractor] B.get:tornOff'));
// Presence of async modifier should not cause tear-off name to end
// with {body}.
expect(inputDartSymbolNames, contains('[tear-off] C.tornOff'));
Future withTempDir(String prefix, Future fun(String dir)) async {
final tempDir =
try {
await fun(tempDir.path);
} finally {
tempDir.deleteSync(recursive: true);