blob: 17ad5f5fee9f1f7f8965ba5dfc1462b3da7ac0ab [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2019, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// This file contains logic which is shared between the ffi_definition and
// ffi_use_site transformers.
library vm.transformations.ffi;
import 'package:kernel/ast.dart';
import 'package:kernel/class_hierarchy.dart' show ClassHierarchy;
import 'package:kernel/core_types.dart';
import 'package:kernel/library_index.dart' show LibraryIndex;
import 'package:kernel/reference_from_index.dart';
import 'package:kernel/target/targets.dart' show DiagnosticReporter;
import 'package:kernel/type_environment.dart' show TypeEnvironment;
/// Represents the (instantiated) ffi.NativeType.
enum NativeType {
const NativeType kNativeTypeIntStart = NativeType.kInt8;
const NativeType kNativeTypeIntEnd = NativeType.kIntptr;
/// The [NativeType] class names, indexed by [NativeType].
const List<String> nativeTypeClassNames = [
const int UNKNOWN = 0;
const int WORD_SIZE = -1;
/// The [NativeType] sizes in bytes, indexed by [NativeType].
const List<int> nativeTypeSizes = [
UNKNOWN, // NativeType
UNKNOWN, // NativeInteger
UNKNOWN, // NativeDouble
WORD_SIZE, // Pointer
UNKNOWN, // NativeFunction
1, // Int8
2, // Int16
4, // Int32
8, // Int64
1, // Uint8
2, // Uint16
4, // Uint32
8, // Uint64
WORD_SIZE, // IntPtr
4, // Float
8, // Double
UNKNOWN, // Void
UNKNOWN, // Opaque
UNKNOWN, // Struct
WORD_SIZE, // Handle
/// The struct layout in various ABIs.
/// ABIs differ per architectures and with different compilers.
/// We pick the default struct layout based on the architecture and OS.
/// Compilers _can_ deviate from the default layout, but this prevents
/// executables from making system calls. So this seems rather uncommon.
/// In the future, we might support custom struct layouts. For more info see
enum Abi {
/// Layout in all 64bit ABIs (x64 and arm64).
/// Layout in System V ABI for x386 (ia32 on Linux) and in iOS Arm 32 bit.
/// Layout in both the Arm 32 bit ABI and the Windows ia32 ABI.
/// WORD_SIZE in bytes.
const wordSize = <Abi, int>{
Abi.wordSize64: 8,
Abi.wordSize32Align32: 4,
Abi.wordSize32Align64: 4,
/// Elements that are not aligned to their size.
/// Has an entry for all Abis. Empty entries document that every native
/// type is aligned to it's own size in this ABI.
/// See runtime/vm/ffi/ for asserts in the VM that verify these
/// alignments.
/// TODO(37470): Add uncommon primitive data types when we want to support them.
const nonSizeAlignment = <Abi, Map<NativeType, int>>{
Abi.wordSize64: {},
// x86 System V ABI:
// > uint64_t | size 8 | alignment 4
// > double | size 8 | alignment 4
// page 8.
// iOS 32 bit alignment:
Abi.wordSize32Align32: {
NativeType.kDouble: 4,
NativeType.kInt64: 4,
NativeType.kUnit64: 4
// The default for MSVC x86:
// > The alignment-requirement for all data except structures, unions, and
// > arrays is either the size of the object or the current packing size
// > (specified with either /Zp or the pack pragma, whichever is less).
// GCC _can_ compile on Linux to this alignment with -malign-double, but does
// not do so by default:
// > Warning: if you use the -malign-double switch, structures containing the
// > above types are aligned differently than the published application
// > binary interface specifications for the x86-32 and are not binary
// > compatible with structures in code compiled without that switch.
// Arm always requires 8 byte alignment for 8 byte values:
// 4.1 Fundamental Data Types
Abi.wordSize32Align64: {},
/// Load, store, and elementAt are rewired to their static type for these types.
const List<NativeType> optimizedTypes = [
/// [FfiTransformer] contains logic which is shared between
/// _FfiUseSiteTransformer and _FfiDefinitionTransformer.
class FfiTransformer extends Transformer {
final TypeEnvironment env;
final CoreTypes coreTypes;
final LibraryIndex index;
final ClassHierarchy hierarchy;
final DiagnosticReporter diagnosticReporter;
final ReferenceFromIndex referenceFromIndex;
final Class objectClass;
final Class intClass;
final Class doubleClass;
final Class listClass;
final Class typeClass;
final Procedure unsafeCastMethod;
final Class typedDataClass;
final Procedure typedDataBufferGetter;
final Procedure typedDataOffsetInBytesGetter;
final Procedure byteBufferAsUint8List;
final Class pragmaClass;
final Field pragmaName;
final Field pragmaOptions;
final Procedure listElementAt;
final Procedure numAddition;
final Library ffiLibrary;
final Class allocatorClass;
final Class nativeFunctionClass;
final Class opaqueClass;
final Class pointerClass;
final Class structClass;
final Procedure allocateMethod;
final Procedure allocatorAllocateMethod;
final Procedure castMethod;
final Procedure offsetByMethod;
final Procedure elementAtMethod;
final Procedure addressGetter;
final Procedure asFunctionMethod;
final Procedure asFunctionInternal;
final Procedure lookupFunctionMethod;
final Procedure fromFunctionMethod;
final Field addressOfField;
final Constructor structFromPointer;
final Procedure fromAddressInternal;
final Procedure libraryLookupMethod;
final Procedure abiMethod;
final Procedure pointerFromFunctionProcedure;
final Procedure nativeCallbackFunctionProcedure;
final Map<NativeType, Procedure> loadMethods;
final Map<NativeType, Procedure> storeMethods;
final Map<NativeType, Procedure> elementAtMethods;
final Procedure loadStructMethod;
final Procedure memCopy;
final Procedure allocationTearoff;
final Procedure asFunctionTearoff;
final Procedure lookupFunctionTearoff;
/// Classes corresponding to [NativeType], indexed by [NativeType].
final List<Class> nativeTypesClasses;
FfiTransformer(this.index, this.coreTypes, this.hierarchy,
this.diagnosticReporter, this.referenceFromIndex)
: env = new TypeEnvironment(coreTypes, hierarchy),
objectClass = coreTypes.objectClass,
intClass = coreTypes.intClass,
doubleClass = coreTypes.doubleClass,
listClass = coreTypes.listClass,
typeClass = coreTypes.typeClass,
unsafeCastMethod =
index.getTopLevelMember('dart:_internal', 'unsafeCast'),
typedDataClass = index.getClass('dart:typed_data', 'TypedData'),
typedDataBufferGetter =
index.getMember('dart:typed_data', 'TypedData', 'get:buffer'),
typedDataOffsetInBytesGetter = index.getMember(
'dart:typed_data', 'TypedData', 'get:offsetInBytes'),
byteBufferAsUint8List =
index.getMember('dart:typed_data', 'ByteBuffer', 'asUint8List'),
pragmaClass = coreTypes.pragmaClass,
pragmaName = coreTypes.pragmaName,
pragmaOptions = coreTypes.pragmaOptions,
listElementAt = coreTypes.index.getMember('dart:core', 'List', '[]'),
numAddition = coreTypes.index.getMember('dart:core', 'num', '+'),
ffiLibrary = index.getLibrary('dart:ffi'),
allocatorClass = index.getClass('dart:ffi', 'Allocator'),
nativeFunctionClass = index.getClass('dart:ffi', 'NativeFunction'),
opaqueClass = index.getClass('dart:ffi', 'Opaque'),
pointerClass = index.getClass('dart:ffi', 'Pointer'),
structClass = index.getClass('dart:ffi', 'Struct'),
allocateMethod = index.getMember('dart:ffi', 'AllocatorAlloc', 'call'),
allocatorAllocateMethod =
index.getMember('dart:ffi', 'Allocator', 'allocate'),
castMethod = index.getMember('dart:ffi', 'Pointer', 'cast'),
offsetByMethod = index.getMember('dart:ffi', 'Pointer', '_offsetBy'),
elementAtMethod = index.getMember('dart:ffi', 'Pointer', 'elementAt'),
addressGetter = index.getMember('dart:ffi', 'Pointer', 'get:address'),
addressOfField = index.getMember('dart:ffi', 'Struct', '_addressOf'),
structFromPointer =
index.getMember('dart:ffi', 'Struct', '_fromPointer'),
fromAddressInternal =
index.getTopLevelMember('dart:ffi', '_fromAddress'),
asFunctionMethod =
index.getMember('dart:ffi', 'NativeFunctionPointer', 'asFunction'),
asFunctionInternal =
index.getTopLevelMember('dart:ffi', '_asFunctionInternal'),
lookupFunctionMethod = index.getMember(
'dart:ffi', 'DynamicLibraryExtension', 'lookupFunction'),
fromFunctionMethod =
index.getMember('dart:ffi', 'Pointer', 'fromFunction'),
libraryLookupMethod =
index.getMember('dart:ffi', 'DynamicLibrary', 'lookup'),
abiMethod = index.getTopLevelMember('dart:ffi', '_abi'),
pointerFromFunctionProcedure =
index.getTopLevelMember('dart:ffi', '_pointerFromFunction'),
nativeCallbackFunctionProcedure =
index.getTopLevelMember('dart:ffi', '_nativeCallbackFunction'),
nativeTypesClasses = nativeTypeClassNames
.map((name) => index.getClass('dart:ffi', name))
loadMethods = Map.fromIterable(optimizedTypes, value: (t) {
final name = nativeTypeClassNames[t.index];
return index.getTopLevelMember('dart:ffi', "_load$name");
storeMethods = Map.fromIterable(optimizedTypes, value: (t) {
final name = nativeTypeClassNames[t.index];
return index.getTopLevelMember('dart:ffi', "_store$name");
elementAtMethods = Map.fromIterable(optimizedTypes, value: (t) {
final name = nativeTypeClassNames[t.index];
return index.getTopLevelMember('dart:ffi', "_elementAt$name");
loadStructMethod = index.getTopLevelMember('dart:ffi', '_loadStruct'),
memCopy = index.getTopLevelMember('dart:ffi', '_memCopy'),
allocationTearoff = index.getMember(
'dart:ffi', 'AllocatorAlloc', LibraryIndex.tearoffPrefix + 'call'),
asFunctionTearoff = index.getMember('dart:ffi', 'NativeFunctionPointer',
LibraryIndex.tearoffPrefix + 'asFunction'),
lookupFunctionTearoff = index.getMember(
LibraryIndex.tearoffPrefix + 'lookupFunction');
/// Computes the Dart type corresponding to a ffi.[NativeType], returns null
/// if it is not a valid NativeType.
/// [Int8] -> [int]
/// [Int16] -> [int]
/// [Int32] -> [int]
/// [Int64] -> [int]
/// [Uint8] -> [int]
/// [Uint16] -> [int]
/// [Uint32] -> [int]
/// [Uint64] -> [int]
/// [IntPtr] -> [int]
/// [Double] -> [double]
/// [Float] -> [double]
/// [Void] -> [void]
/// [Pointer]<T> -> [Pointer]<T>
/// T extends [Pointer] -> T
/// [Handle] -> [Object]
/// [NativeFunction]<T1 Function(T2, T3) -> S1 Function(S2, S3)
/// where DartRepresentationOf(Tn) -> Sn
DartType convertNativeTypeToDartType(DartType nativeType,
{bool allowStructs = false, bool allowHandle = false}) {
if (nativeType is! InterfaceType) {
return null;
final InterfaceType native = nativeType;
final Class nativeClass = native.classNode;
final NativeType nativeType_ = getType(nativeClass);
if (hierarchy.isSubclassOf(nativeClass, structClass)) {
return allowStructs ? nativeType : null;
if (nativeType_ == null) {
return null;
if (nativeType_ == NativeType.kPointer) {
return nativeType;
if (kNativeTypeIntStart.index <= nativeType_.index &&
nativeType_.index <= kNativeTypeIntEnd.index) {
return InterfaceType(intClass, Nullability.legacy);
if (nativeType_ == NativeType.kFloat || nativeType_ == NativeType.kDouble) {
return InterfaceType(doubleClass, Nullability.legacy);
if (nativeType_ == NativeType.kVoid) {
return VoidType();
if (nativeType_ == NativeType.kHandle && allowHandle) {
return InterfaceType(objectClass, Nullability.legacy);
if (nativeType_ != NativeType.kNativeFunction ||
native.typeArguments[0] is! FunctionType) {
return null;
final FunctionType fun = native.typeArguments[0];
if (fun.namedParameters.isNotEmpty) return null;
if (fun.positionalParameters.length != fun.requiredParameterCount) {
return null;
if (fun.typeParameters.length != 0) return null;
final DartType returnType = convertNativeTypeToDartType(fun.returnType,
allowStructs: allowStructs, allowHandle: true);
if (returnType == null) return null;
final List<DartType> argumentTypes = fun.positionalParameters
.map((t) => convertNativeTypeToDartType(t,
allowStructs: allowStructs, allowHandle: true))
if (argumentTypes.contains(null)) return null;
return FunctionType(argumentTypes, returnType, Nullability.legacy);
NativeType getType(Class c) {
final int index = nativeTypesClasses.indexOf(c);
if (index == -1) {
return null;
return NativeType.values[index];
/// Contains all information collected by _FfiDefinitionTransformer that is
/// needed in _FfiUseSiteTransformer.
class FfiTransformerData {
final Map<Field, Procedure> replacedGetters;
final Map<Field, Procedure> replacedSetters;
final Set<Class> emptyStructs;
this.replacedGetters, this.replacedSetters, this.emptyStructs);