blob: 03b727b23621a2ea20fd2acbc01a0dc5c05eab8b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2020, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:html';
import 'dart:math' as Math;
import 'dart:convert';
import 'package:observatory/models.dart' as M;
import 'package:observatory/object_graph.dart';
import 'package:observatory/src/elements/class_ref.dart';
import 'package:observatory/src/elements/containers/virtual_tree.dart';
import 'package:observatory/src/elements/curly_block.dart';
import 'package:observatory/src/elements/helpers/any_ref.dart';
import 'package:observatory/src/elements/helpers/nav_bar.dart';
import 'package:observatory/src/elements/helpers/nav_menu.dart';
import 'package:observatory/src/elements/helpers/rendering_scheduler.dart';
import 'package:observatory/src/elements/helpers/custom_element.dart';
import 'package:observatory/src/elements/helpers/uris.dart';
import 'package:observatory/src/elements/nav/isolate_menu.dart';
import 'package:observatory/src/elements/nav/notify.dart';
import 'package:observatory/src/elements/nav/refresh.dart';
import 'package:observatory/src/elements/nav/top_menu.dart';
import 'package:observatory/src/elements/nav/vm_menu.dart';
import 'package:observatory/src/elements/tree_map.dart';
import 'package:observatory/repositories.dart';
import 'package:observatory/utils.dart';
enum ProcessSnapshotTreeMode {
// Note the order of these lists is reflected in the UI, and the first option
// is the default.
const _viewModes = [
const _diffModes = [
class ProcessItemTreeMap extends NormalTreeMap<Map> {
ProcessSnapshotElement element;
int getSize(Map node) => node["size"];
String getType(Map node) => node["name"];
String getName(Map node) => node["name"];
String getTooltip(Map node) => getLabel(node) + "\n" + node["description"];
Map getParent(Map node) => node["parent"];
Iterable<Map> getChildren(Map node) => new List<Map>.from(node["children"]);
void onSelect(Map node) {
element.selection = node;
void onDetails(Map node) {}
class ProcessItemDiff {
Map? _a;
Map? _b;
ProcessItemDiff? parent;
List<ProcessItemDiff>? children;
int retainedGain = -1;
int retainedLoss = -1;
int retainedCommon = -1;
int get retainedSizeA => _a == null ? 0 : _a!["size"];
int get retainedSizeB => _b == null ? 0 : _b!["size"];
int get retainedSizeDiff => retainedSizeB - retainedSizeA;
int get shallowSizeA {
if (_a == null) return 0;
var s = _a!["size"];
for (var c in _a!["children"]) {
s -= c["size"];
return s;
int get shallowSizeB {
if (_b == null) return 0;
var s = _b!["size"];
for (var c in _b!["children"]) {
s -= c["size"];
return s;
int get shallowSizeDiff => shallowSizeB - shallowSizeA;
String get name => _a == null ? _b!["name"] : _a!["name"];
static ProcessItemDiff from(Map a, Map b) {
var root = new ProcessItemDiff();
root._a = a;
root._b = b;
// We must use an explicit stack instead of the call stack because the
// dominator tree can be arbitrarily deep. We need to compute the full
// tree to compute areas, so we do this eagerly to avoid having to
// repeatedly test for initialization.
var worklist = <ProcessItemDiff>[];
// Compute children top-down.
for (var i = 0; i < worklist.length; i++) {
// Compute area bottom-up.
for (var i = worklist.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
return root;
void _computeChildren(List<ProcessItemDiff> worklist) {
assert(children == null);
children = <ProcessItemDiff>[];
// Matching children by name.
final childrenB = <String, Map>{};
if (_b != null)
for (var childB in _b!["children"]) {
childrenB[childB["name"]] = childB;
if (_a != null)
for (var childA in _a!["children"]) {
var childDiff = new ProcessItemDiff();
childDiff.parent = this;
childDiff._a = childA;
var qualifiedName = childA["name"];
var childB = childrenB[qualifiedName];
if (childB != null) {
childDiff._b = childB;
for (var childB in childrenB.values) {
var childDiff = new ProcessItemDiff();
childDiff.parent = this;
childDiff._b = childB;
if (children!.length == 0) {
// Compress.
children = const <ProcessItemDiff>[];
void _computeArea() {
int g = 0;
int l = 0;
int c = 0;
for (var child in children!) {
g += child.retainedGain;
l += child.retainedLoss;
c += child.retainedCommon;
int d = shallowSizeDiff;
if (d > 0) {
g += d;
c += shallowSizeA;
} else {
l -= d;
c += shallowSizeB;
assert(retainedSizeA + g - l == retainedSizeB);
retainedGain = g;
retainedLoss = l;
retainedCommon = c;
class ProcessItemDiffTreeMap extends DiffTreeMap<ProcessItemDiff> {
ProcessSnapshotElement element;
int getSizeA(ProcessItemDiff node) => node.retainedSizeA;
int getSizeB(ProcessItemDiff node) => node.retainedSizeB;
int getGain(ProcessItemDiff node) => node.retainedGain;
int getLoss(ProcessItemDiff node) => node.retainedLoss;
int getCommon(ProcessItemDiff node) => node.retainedCommon;
String getType(ProcessItemDiff node) =>;
String getName(ProcessItemDiff node) =>;
ProcessItemDiff? getParent(ProcessItemDiff node) => node.parent;
Iterable<ProcessItemDiff> getChildren(ProcessItemDiff node) => node.children!;
void onSelect(ProcessItemDiff node) {
element.diffSelection = node;
void onDetails(ProcessItemDiff node) {}
class ProcessSnapshotElement extends CustomElement implements Renderable {
late RenderingScheduler<ProcessSnapshotElement> _r;
Stream<RenderedEvent<ProcessSnapshotElement>> get onRendered => _r.onRendered;
late M.VM _vm;
late M.EventRepository _events;
late M.NotificationRepository _notifications;
M.NotificationRepository get notifications => _notifications;
M.VMRef get vm => _vm;
List<Map> _loadedSnapshots = <Map>[];
Map? selection;
ProcessItemDiff? diffSelection;
Map? _snapshotA;
Map? _snapshotB;
ProcessSnapshotTreeMode _mode = ProcessSnapshotTreeMode.treeMap;
factory ProcessSnapshotElement(
M.VM vm, M.EventRepository events, M.NotificationRepository notifications,
{RenderingQueue? queue}) {
assert(vm != null);
assert(events != null);
assert(notifications != null);
ProcessSnapshotElement e = new ProcessSnapshotElement.created();
e._r = new RenderingScheduler<ProcessSnapshotElement>(e, queue: queue);
e._vm = vm;
e._events = events;
e._notifications = notifications;
return e;
ProcessSnapshotElement.created() : super.created('process-snapshot');
attached() {
detached() {
_r.disable(notify: true);
children = <Element>[];
void render() {
final content = <Element>[
new NavTopMenuElement(queue: _r.queue).element,
new NavVMMenuElement(_vm, _events, queue: _r.queue).element,
navMenu('process snapshot'),
(new NavRefreshElement(queue: _r.queue)
..onRefresh.listen((e) {
(new NavRefreshElement(label: 'save', queue: _r.queue)
..disabled = _snapshotA == null
..onRefresh.listen((e) {
(new NavRefreshElement(label: 'load', queue: _r.queue)
..onRefresh.listen((e) {
new NavNotifyElement(_notifications, queue: _r.queue).element
if (_snapshotA == null) {
// Loading
content.add(new SpanElement()..text = "Loading");
} else {
// Loaded
children = content;
_refresh() async {
Map snapshot =
await (vm as dynamic).invokeRpcNoUpgrade("getProcessMemoryUsage", {});
_save() {
var blob = new Blob([jsonEncode(_snapshotA)], 'application/json');
var blobUrl = Url.createObjectUrl(blob);
var link = new AnchorElement();
// ignore: unsafe_html
link.href = blobUrl;
var now = new; = 'dart-process-${now.year}-${now.month}-${}.json';;
_load() {
var input = new InputElement();
input.type = 'file';
input.multiple = false;
input.onChange.listen((event) {
var file = input.files![0];
var reader = new FileReader();
reader.onLoad.listen((event) async {
_snapshotLoaded(jsonDecode(reader.result as String));
_snapshotLoaded(Map snapshot) {
_snapshotA = snapshot;
_snapshotB = snapshot;
selection = null;
diffSelection = null;
void _createTreeMap<T>(List<HtmlElement> report, TreeMap<T> treemap, T root) {
final content = new DivElement(); = '1px solid black'; = '100%'; = '100%';
content.text = 'Performing layout...'; {
// Generate the treemap after the content div has been added to the
// document so that we can ask the browser how much space is
// available for treemap layout.
treemap.showIn(root, content);
final text =
'Double-click a tile to zoom in. Double-click the outermost tile to '
'zoom out. Process memory that is not further subdivided is non-Dart '
'memory not known to the VM.';
new DivElement()
..classes = ['content-centered-big', 'explanation']
..text = text,
new DivElement()
..classes = ['content-centered-big'] = '100%' = '100%'
..children = [content]
List<Element> _createReport() {
var report = <HtmlElement>[
new DivElement()
..classes = ['content-centered-big']
..children = <Element>[
new DivElement()
..classes = ['memberList']
..children = <Element>[
new DivElement()
..classes = ['memberItem']
..children = <Element>[
new DivElement()
..classes = ['memberName']
..text = 'Snapshot A',
new DivElement()
..classes = ['memberName']
..children = _createSnapshotSelectA()
new DivElement()
..classes = ['memberItem']
..children = <Element>[
new DivElement()
..classes = ['memberName']
..text = 'Snapshot B',
new DivElement()
..classes = ['memberName']
..children = _createSnapshotSelectB()
new DivElement()
..classes = ['memberItem']
..children = <Element>[
new DivElement()
..classes = ['memberName']
..text = (_snapshotA == _snapshotB) ? 'View ' : 'Compare ',
new DivElement()
..classes = ['memberName']
..children = _createModeSelect()
switch (_mode) {
case ProcessSnapshotTreeMode.treeMap:
if (selection == null) {
selection = _snapshotA!["root"];
_createTreeMap(report, new ProcessItemTreeMap(this), selection);
case ProcessSnapshotTreeMode.tree:
if (selection == null) {
selection = _snapshotA!["root"];
_tree = new VirtualTreeElement(
_createItem, _updateItem, _getChildrenItem,
items: [selection], queue: _r.queue);
case ProcessSnapshotTreeMode.treeMapDiff:
if (diffSelection == null) {
diffSelection =
ProcessItemDiff.from(_snapshotA!["root"], _snapshotB!["root"]);
_createTreeMap(report, new ProcessItemDiffTreeMap(this), diffSelection);
case ProcessSnapshotTreeMode.treeDiff:
var root =
ProcessItemDiff.from(_snapshotA!["root"], _snapshotB!["root"]);
_tree = new VirtualTreeElement(
_createItemDiff, _updateItemDiff, _getChildrenItemDiff,
items: [root], queue: _r.queue);
throw new Exception('Unknown ProcessSnapshotTreeMode: $_mode');
return report;
VirtualTreeElement? _tree;
static HtmlElement _createItem(toggle) {
return new DivElement()
..classes = ['tree-item']
..children = <Element>[
new SpanElement()
..classes = ['percentage']
..title = 'percentage of total',
new SpanElement()
..classes = ['size']
..title = 'retained size',
new SpanElement()..classes = ['lines'],
new ButtonElement()
..classes = ['expander']
..onClick.listen((_) => toggle(autoToggleSingleChildNodes: true)),
new SpanElement()..classes = ['name'],
static HtmlElement _createItemDiff(toggle) {
return new DivElement()
..classes = ['tree-item']
..children = <Element>[
new SpanElement()
..classes = ['percentage']
..title = 'percentage of total',
new SpanElement()
..classes = ['size']
..title = 'retained size A',
new SpanElement()
..classes = ['percentage']
..title = 'percentage of total',
new SpanElement()
..classes = ['size']
..title = 'retained size B',
new SpanElement()
..classes = ['size']
..title = 'retained size change',
new SpanElement()..classes = ['lines'],
new ButtonElement()
..classes = ['expander']
..onClick.listen((_) => toggle(autoToggleSingleChildNodes: true)),
new SpanElement()..classes = ['name']
void _updateItem(HtmlElement element, node, int depth) {
var size = node["size"];
var rootSize = _snapshotA!["root"]["size"];
element.children[0].text =
Utils.formatPercentNormalized(size * 1.0 / rootSize);
element.children[1].text = Utils.formatSize(size);
_updateLines(element.children[2].children, depth);
if (_getChildrenItem(node).isNotEmpty) {
element.children[3].text = _tree!.isExpanded(node) ? '▼' : '►';
} else {
element.children[3].text = '';
element.children[4].text = node["name"];
element.children[4].title = node["description"];
void _updateItemDiff(HtmlElement element, nodeDynamic, int depth) {
ProcessItemDiff node = nodeDynamic;
element.children[0].text = Utils.formatPercentNormalized(
node.retainedSizeA * 1.0 / _snapshotA!["root"]["size"]);
element.children[1].text = Utils.formatSize(node.retainedSizeA);
element.children[2].text = Utils.formatPercentNormalized(
node.retainedSizeB * 1.0 / _snapshotB!["root"]["size"]);
element.children[3].text = Utils.formatSize(node.retainedSizeB);
element.children[4].text = (node.retainedSizeDiff > 0 ? '+' : '') +
element.children[4].style.color =
node.retainedSizeDiff > 0 ? "red" : "green";
_updateLines(element.children[5].children, depth);
if (_getChildrenItemDiff(node).isNotEmpty) {
element.children[6].text = _tree!.isExpanded(node) ? '▼' : '►';
} else {
element.children[6].text = '';
element.children[7]..text =;
static Iterable _getChildrenItem(node) {
return new List<Map>.from(node["children"]);
static Iterable _getChildrenItemDiff(nodeDynamic) {
ProcessItemDiff node = nodeDynamic;
final list = node.children!.toList();
list.sort((a, b) => b.retainedSizeDiff - a.retainedSizeDiff);
return list;
static _updateLines(List<Element> lines, int n) {
n = Math.max(0, n);
while (lines.length > n) {
while (lines.length < n) {
lines.add(new SpanElement());
static String modeToString(ProcessSnapshotTreeMode mode) {
switch (mode) {
case ProcessSnapshotTreeMode.treeMap:
case ProcessSnapshotTreeMode.treeMapDiff:
return 'Tree Map';
case ProcessSnapshotTreeMode.tree:
case ProcessSnapshotTreeMode.treeDiff:
return 'Tree';
throw new Exception('Unknown ProcessSnapshotTreeMode: $mode');
List<Element> _createModeSelect() {
var s;
var modes = _snapshotA == _snapshotB ? _viewModes : _diffModes;
if (!modes.contains(_mode)) {
_mode = modes[0];
return [
s = new SelectElement()
..classes = ['analysis-select']
..value = modeToString(_mode)
..children = {
return new OptionElement(
value: modeToString(mode), selected: _mode == mode)
..text = modeToString(mode);
}).toList(growable: false)
..onChange.listen((_) {
_mode = modes[s.selectedIndex];
String snapshotToString(snapshot) {
if (snapshot == null) return "None";
return snapshot["root"]["name"] +
" " +
List<Element> _createSnapshotSelectA() {
var s;
return [
s = new SelectElement()
..classes = ['analysis-select']
..value = snapshotToString(_snapshotA)
..children = {
return new OptionElement(
value: snapshotToString(snapshot),
selected: _snapshotA == snapshot)
..text = snapshotToString(snapshot);
}).toList(growable: false)
..onChange.listen((_) {
_snapshotA = _loadedSnapshots[s.selectedIndex];
selection = null;
diffSelection = null;
List<Element> _createSnapshotSelectB() {
var s;
return [
s = new SelectElement()
..classes = ['analysis-select']
..value = snapshotToString(_snapshotB)
..children = {
return new OptionElement(
value: snapshotToString(snapshot),
selected: _snapshotB == snapshot)
..text = snapshotToString(snapshot);
}).toList(growable: false)
..onChange.listen((_) {
_snapshotB = _loadedSnapshots[s.selectedIndex];
selection = null;
diffSelection = null;