blob: bd67bb61bb42d5380696e1b44fc4a8332eb70960 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2021, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
import 'exceptions.dart';
import 'protocol_common.dart';
import 'protocol_generated.dart';
import 'protocol_stream.dart';
typedef _FromJsonHandler<T> = T Function(Map<String, Object?>);
typedef _NullableFromJsonHandler<T> = T? Function(Map<String, Object?>?);
typedef _RequestHandler<TArg, TResp> = Future<void> Function(
Request, TArg, void Function(TResp));
typedef _VoidArgRequestHandler<TArg> = Future<void> Function(
Request, TArg, void Function(void));
typedef _VoidNoArgRequestHandler<TArg> = Future<void> Function(
Request, TArg, void Function());
/// A base class for debug adapters.
/// Communicates over a [ByteStreamServerChannel] and turns messages into
/// appropriate method calls/events.
/// This class does not implement any DA functionality, only message handling.
abstract class BaseDebugAdapter<TLaunchArgs extends LaunchRequestArguments,
TAttachArgs extends AttachRequestArguments> {
int _sequence = 1;
final ByteStreamServerChannel _channel;
/// Completers for requests that are sent from the server back to the editor
/// such as `runInTerminal`.
final _serverToClientRequestCompleters = <int, Completer<Object?>>{};
BaseDebugAdapter(this._channel, {Function? onError}) {
_channel.listen(_handleIncomingMessage, onError: onError);
/// Parses arguments for [attachRequest] into a type of [TAttachArgs].
/// This method must be implemented by the implementing class using a class
/// that corresponds to the arguments it expects (these may differ between
/// Dart CLI, Dart tests, Flutter, Flutter tests).
TAttachArgs Function(Map<String, Object?>) get parseAttachArgs;
/// Parses arguments for [launchRequest] into a type of [TLaunchArgs].
/// This method must be implemented by the implementing class using a class
/// that corresponds to the arguments it expects (these may differ between
/// Dart CLI, Dart tests, Flutter, Flutter tests).
TLaunchArgs Function(Map<String, Object?>) get parseLaunchArgs;
Future<void> attachRequest(
Request request,
TAttachArgs args,
void Function() sendResponse,
Future<void> configurationDoneRequest(
Request request,
ConfigurationDoneArguments? args,
void Function() sendResponse,
Future<void> continueRequest(
Request request,
ContinueArguments args,
void Function(ContinueResponseBody) sendResponse,
Future<void> customRequest(
Request request,
RawRequestArguments? args,
void Function(Object?) sendResponse,
) async {
throw DebugAdapterException('Unknown command ${request.command}');
Future<void> disconnectRequest(
Request request,
DisconnectArguments? args,
void Function() sendResponse,
Future<void> evaluateRequest(
Request request,
EvaluateArguments args,
void Function(EvaluateResponseBody) sendResponse,
/// Calls [handler] for an incoming request, using [fromJson] to parse its
/// arguments from the request.
/// [handler] will be provided a function [sendResponse] that it can use to
/// sends its response without needing to build a [Response] from fields on
/// the request.
/// [handler] must _always_ call [sendResponse], even if the response does not
/// require a body.
/// If [handler] throws, its exception will be sent as an error response.
Future<void> handle<TArg, TResp>(
Request request,
_RequestHandler<TArg, TResp> handler,
TArg Function(Map<String, Object?>) fromJson,
) async {
final args = request.arguments != null
? fromJson(request.arguments as Map<String, Object?>)
// arguments are only valid to be null then TArg is nullable.
: null as TArg;
// Because handlers may need to send responses before they have finished
// executing (for example, initializeRequest needs to send its response
// before sending InitializedEvent()), we pass in a function `sendResponse`
// rather than using a return value.
var sendResponseCalled = false;
void sendResponse(TResp responseBody) {
'sendResponse was called multiple times by ${request.command}');
sendResponseCalled = true;
final response = Response(
success: true,
requestSeq: request.seq,
seq: _sequence++,
command: request.command,
body: responseBody,
try {
await handler(request, args, sendResponse);
'sendResponse was not called in ${request.command}');
} catch (e, s) {
final response = Response(
success: false,
requestSeq: request.seq,
seq: _sequence++,
command: request.command,
message: e is DebugAdapterException ? e.message : '$e',
body: '$s',
Future<void> initializeRequest(
Request request,
InitializeRequestArguments args,
void Function(Capabilities) sendResponse,
Future<void> launchRequest(
Request request,
TLaunchArgs args,
void Function() sendResponse,
Future<void> nextRequest(
Request request,
NextArguments args,
void Function() sendResponse,
Future<void> restartRequest(
Request request,
RestartArguments? args,
void Function() sendResponse,
Future<void> scopesRequest(
Request request,
ScopesArguments args,
void Function(ScopesResponseBody) sendResponse,
/// Sends an event, lookup up the event type based on the runtimeType of
/// [body].
void sendEvent(EventBody body, {String? eventType}) {
final event = Event(
seq: _sequence++,
event: eventType ?? eventTypes[body.runtimeType]!,
body: body,
/// Sends a request to the client, looking up the request type based on the
/// runtimeType of [arguments].
Future<Object?> sendRequest(RequestArguments arguments) {
final request = Request(
seq: _sequence++,
command: commandTypes[arguments.runtimeType]!,
arguments: arguments,
// Store a completer to be used when a response comes back.
final completer = Completer<Object?>();
_serverToClientRequestCompleters[request.seq] = completer;
return completer.future;
Future<void> setBreakpointsRequest(
Request request,
SetBreakpointsArguments args,
void Function(SetBreakpointsResponseBody) sendResponse);
Future<void> setExceptionBreakpointsRequest(
Request request,
SetExceptionBreakpointsArguments args,
void Function(SetExceptionBreakpointsResponseBody) sendResponse,
Future<void> sourceRequest(
Request request,
SourceArguments args,
void Function(SourceResponseBody) sendResponse,
Future<void> stackTraceRequest(
Request request,
StackTraceArguments args,
void Function(StackTraceResponseBody) sendResponse,
Future<void> stepInRequest(
Request request,
StepInArguments args,
void Function() sendResponse,
Future<void> stepOutRequest(
Request request,
StepOutArguments args,
void Function() sendResponse,
Future<void> terminateRequest(
Request request,
TerminateArguments? args,
void Function() sendResponse,
Future<void> threadsRequest(
Request request,
void args,
void Function(ThreadsResponseBody) sendResponse,
Future<void> variablesRequest(
Request request,
VariablesArguments args,
void Function(VariablesResponseBody) sendResponse,
/// Wraps a fromJson handler for requests that allow null arguments.
_NullableFromJsonHandler<T> _allowNullArg<T extends RequestArguments>(
_FromJsonHandler<T> fromJson,
) {
return (data) => data == null ? null : fromJson(data);
/// Handles incoming messages from the client editor.
void _handleIncomingMessage(ProtocolMessage message) {
if (message is Request) {
} else if (message is Response) {
} else {
throw DebugAdapterException('Unknown Protocol message ${message.type}');
/// Handles an incoming request, calling the appropriate method to handle it.
void _handleIncomingRequest(Request request) {
if (request.command == 'initialize') {
handle(request, initializeRequest, InitializeRequestArguments.fromJson);
} else if (request.command == 'launch') {
handle(request, _withVoidResponse(launchRequest), parseLaunchArgs);
} else if (request.command == 'attach') {
handle(request, _withVoidResponse(attachRequest), parseAttachArgs);
} else if (request.command == 'restart') {
} else if (request.command == 'terminate') {
} else if (request.command == 'disconnect') {
} else if (request.command == 'configurationDone') {
} else if (request.command == 'setBreakpoints') {
handle(request, setBreakpointsRequest, SetBreakpointsArguments.fromJson);
} else if (request.command == 'setExceptionBreakpoints') {
} else if (request.command == 'continue') {
handle(request, continueRequest, ContinueArguments.fromJson);
} else if (request.command == 'next') {
handle(request, _withVoidResponse(nextRequest), NextArguments.fromJson);
} else if (request.command == 'stepIn') {
} else if (request.command == 'stepOut') {
} else if (request.command == 'threads') {
handle(request, threadsRequest, _voidArgs);
} else if (request.command == 'stackTrace') {
handle(request, stackTraceRequest, StackTraceArguments.fromJson);
} else if (request.command == 'source') {
handle(request, sourceRequest, SourceArguments.fromJson);
} else if (request.command == 'scopes') {
handle(request, scopesRequest, ScopesArguments.fromJson);
} else if (request.command == 'variables') {
handle(request, variablesRequest, VariablesArguments.fromJson);
} else if (request.command == 'evaluate') {
handle(request, evaluateRequest, EvaluateArguments.fromJson);
} else {
void _handleIncomingResponse(Response response) {
final completer =
if (response.success) {
} else {
response.message ?? 'Request ${response.requestSeq} failed',
/// Shuts down the debug adapter by closing the underlying communication
/// channel.
void shutdown() {
/// Helpers for requests that have `void` arguments. The supplied args are
/// ignored.
void _voidArgs(Map<String, Object?>? args) {}
/// Helper that converts a handler with no response value to one that has
/// passes an unused arg so that `Function()` can be passed to a function
/// accepting `Function<T>(T x)` where `T` happens to be `void`.
/// This allows handlers to simply call sendResponse() where they have no
/// return value but need to send a valid response.
_VoidArgRequestHandler<TArg> _withVoidResponse<TArg>(
_VoidNoArgRequestHandler<TArg> handler,
) {
return (request, arg, sendResponse) => handler(
() => sendResponse(null),