blob: 80e4f28894e6db0c288a52fa9f7b3e46443a21f4 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library tree_ir_nodes;
import '../constants/values.dart' as values;
import '../dart_types.dart' show DartType, InterfaceType, TypeVariableType;
import '../elements/elements.dart';
import '../io/source_information.dart' show SourceInformation;
import '../types/types.dart' show TypeMask;
import '../universe/selector.dart' show Selector;
import '../cps_ir/builtin_operator.dart';
export '../cps_ir/builtin_operator.dart';
// These imports are only used for the JavaScript specific nodes. If we want to
// support more than one native backend, we should probably create better
// abstractions for native code and its type and effect system.
import '../js/js.dart' as js show Template;
import '../native/native.dart' as native show NativeBehavior;
import '../types/types.dart' as types show TypeMask;
// The Tree language is the target of translation out of the CPS-based IR.
// The translation from CPS to Dart consists of several stages. Among the
// stages are translation to direct style, translation out of SSA, eliminating
// unnecessary names, recognizing high-level control constructs. Combining
// these separate concerns is complicated and the constraints of the CPS-based
// language do not permit a multi-stage translation.
// For that reason, CPS is translated to the direct-style language Tree.
// Translation out of SSA, unnaming, and control-flow, as well as 'instruction
// selection' are performed on the Tree language.
// In contrast to the CPS-based IR, non-primitive expressions can be named and
// arguments (to calls, primitives, and blocks) can be arbitrary expressions.
// Additionally, variables are considered in scope within inner functions;
// closure variables are thus handled directly instead of using ref cells.
* The base class of all Tree nodes.
abstract class Node {
/// Workaround for a slow Object.hashCode in the VM.
static int _usedHashCodes = 0;
final int hashCode = ++_usedHashCodes;
* The base class of [Expression]s.
abstract class Expression extends Node {
accept(ExpressionVisitor v);
accept1(ExpressionVisitor1 v, arg);
abstract class Statement extends Node {
Statement get next;
void set next(Statement s);
accept(StatementVisitor v);
accept1(StatementVisitor1 v, arg);
* Labels name [LabeledStatement]s.
class Label {
// A counter used to generate names. The counter is reset to 0 for each
// function emitted.
static int counter = 0;
static String _newName() => 'L${counter++}';
String cachedName;
String get name {
if (cachedName == null) cachedName = _newName();
return cachedName;
/// Number of [Break] or [Continue] statements that target this label.
/// The [Break] constructor will increment this automatically, but the
/// counter must be decremented by hand when a [Break] becomes orphaned.
int useCount = 0;
/// The [LabeledStatement] or [WhileTrue] binding this label.
JumpTarget binding;
* A local variable in the tree IR.
* All tree IR variables are mutable.
* To use a variable as an expression, reference it from a [VariableUse], with
* one [VariableUse] per expression.
* [Variable]s are reference counted. The node constructors [VariableUse],
* [Assign], [FunctionDefinition], and [Try] automatically update the reference
* count for their variables, but when transforming the tree, the transformer
* is responsible for updating reference counts.
class Variable extends Node {
/// Function that declares this variable.
ExecutableElement host;
/// [Entity] used for synthesizing a name for the variable.
/// Different variables may have the same entity. May be null.
Entity element;
/// Number of places where this variable occurs in a [VariableUse].
int readCount = 0;
/// Number of places where this variable occurs as:
/// - left-hand of an [Assign]
/// - parameter in a [FunctionDefinition]
/// - catch parameter in a [Try]
int writeCount = 0;
/// True if an inner JS function might access this variable through a
/// [ForeignCode] node.
bool isCaptured = false;
Variable(, this.element) {
assert(host != null);
String toString() => element == null ? 'Variable' : element.toString();
/// Read the value of a variable.
class VariableUse extends Expression {
Variable variable;
/// Creates a use of [variable] and updates its `readCount`.
VariableUse(this.variable) {
accept(ExpressionVisitor visitor) => visitor.visitVariableUse(this);
accept1(ExpressionVisitor1 visitor, arg) {
return visitor.visitVariableUse(this, arg);
class Assign extends Expression {
Variable variable;
Expression value;
Assign(this.variable, this.value) {
accept(ExpressionVisitor v) => v.visitAssign(this);
accept1(ExpressionVisitor1 v, arg) => v.visitAssign(this, arg);
static ExpressionStatement makeStatement(Variable variable,
Expression value,
[Statement next]) {
return new ExpressionStatement(new Assign(variable, value), next);
* Common interface for invocations with arguments.
abstract class Invoke {
List<Expression> get arguments;
* A call to a static function or getter/setter to a static field.
* In contrast to the CPS-based IR, the arguments can be arbitrary expressions.
class InvokeStatic extends Expression implements Invoke {
final Entity target;
final List<Expression> arguments;
final Selector selector;
final SourceInformation sourceInformation;
InvokeStatic(, this.selector, this.arguments,
accept(ExpressionVisitor visitor) => visitor.visitInvokeStatic(this);
accept1(ExpressionVisitor1 visitor, arg) {
return visitor.visitInvokeStatic(this, arg);
* A call to a method, operator, getter, setter or index getter/setter.
* If [receiver] is `null`, an error is thrown before the arguments are
* evaluated. This corresponds to the JS evaluation order.
class InvokeMethod extends Expression implements Invoke {
Expression receiver;
final Selector selector;
final TypeMask mask;
final List<Expression> arguments;
final SourceInformation sourceInformation;
/// If true, it is known that the receiver cannot be `null`.
bool receiverIsNotNull = false;
this.sourceInformation) {
assert(receiver != null);
accept(ExpressionVisitor visitor) => visitor.visitInvokeMethod(this);
accept1(ExpressionVisitor1 visitor, arg) {
return visitor.visitInvokeMethod(this, arg);
/// Invoke [target] on [receiver], bypassing ordinary dispatch semantics.
/// Since the [receiver] is not used for method lookup, it may be `null`
/// without an error being thrown.
class InvokeMethodDirectly extends Expression implements Invoke {
Expression receiver;
final Element target;
final Selector selector;
final List<Expression> arguments;
final SourceInformation sourceInformation;
InvokeMethodDirectly(this.receiver,, this.selector,
this.arguments, this.sourceInformation);
bool get isTearOff => selector.isGetter && !target.isGetter;
accept(ExpressionVisitor visitor) => visitor.visitInvokeMethodDirectly(this);
accept1(ExpressionVisitor1 visitor, arg) {
return visitor.visitInvokeMethodDirectly(this, arg);
* Call to a factory or generative constructor.
class InvokeConstructor extends Expression implements Invoke {
final DartType type;
final FunctionElement target;
final List<Expression> arguments;
final Selector selector;
final SourceInformation sourceInformation;
/// TODO(karlklose): get rid of this field. Instead use the constant's
/// expression to find the constructor to be called in dart2dart.
final values.ConstantValue constant;
InvokeConstructor(this.type,, this.selector, this.arguments,
this.sourceInformation, [this.constant]);
ClassElement get targetClass => target.enclosingElement;
accept(ExpressionVisitor visitor) {
return visitor.visitInvokeConstructor(this);
accept1(ExpressionVisitor1 visitor, arg) {
return visitor.visitInvokeConstructor(this, arg);
* A constant.
class Constant extends Expression {
final values.ConstantValue value;
final SourceInformation sourceInformation;
Constant(this.value, {this.sourceInformation});
Constant.bool(values.BoolConstantValue constantValue)
: value = constantValue,
sourceInformation = null;
accept(ExpressionVisitor visitor) => visitor.visitConstant(this);
accept1(ExpressionVisitor1 visitor, arg) => visitor.visitConstant(this, arg);
String toString() => 'Constant(value=${value.toStructuredString()})';
class This extends Expression {
accept(ExpressionVisitor visitor) => visitor.visitThis(this);
accept1(ExpressionVisitor1 visitor, arg) => visitor.visitThis(this, arg);
class LiteralList extends Expression {
final InterfaceType type;
final List<Expression> values;
LiteralList(this.type, this.values);
accept(ExpressionVisitor visitor) => visitor.visitLiteralList(this);
accept1(ExpressionVisitor1 visitor, arg) {
return visitor.visitLiteralList(this, arg);
class LiteralMapEntry {
Expression key;
Expression value;
LiteralMapEntry(this.key, this.value);
class LiteralMap extends Expression {
final InterfaceType type;
final List<LiteralMapEntry> entries;
LiteralMap(this.type, this.entries);
accept(ExpressionVisitor visitor) => visitor.visitLiteralMap(this);
accept1(ExpressionVisitor1 visitor, arg) {
return visitor.visitLiteralMap(this, arg);
/// Type test or type cast.
/// Note that if this is a type test, then [type] cannot be `Object`, `dynamic`,
/// or the `Null` type. These cases are compiled to other node types.
class TypeOperator extends Expression {
Expression value;
final DartType type;
final List<Expression> typeArguments;
final bool isTypeTest;
TypeOperator(this.value, this.type, this.typeArguments,
{bool this.isTypeTest});
accept(ExpressionVisitor visitor) => visitor.visitTypeOperator(this);
accept1(ExpressionVisitor1 visitor, arg) {
return visitor.visitTypeOperator(this, arg);
String get operator => isTypeTest ? 'is' : 'as';
* Apply a built-in operator.
* It must be known that the arguments have the proper types.
* Null is not a valid argument to any of the built-in operators.
class ApplyBuiltinOperator extends Expression {
BuiltinOperator operator;
List<Expression> arguments;
ApplyBuiltinOperator(this.operator, this.arguments);
accept(ExpressionVisitor visitor) {
return visitor.visitApplyBuiltinOperator(this);
accept1(ExpressionVisitor1 visitor, arg) {
return visitor.visitApplyBuiltinOperator(this, arg);
class ApplyBuiltinMethod extends Expression {
BuiltinMethod method;
Expression receiver;
List<Expression> arguments;
bool receiverIsNotNull;
{this.receiverIsNotNull: false});
accept(ExpressionVisitor visitor) {
return visitor.visitApplyBuiltinMethod(this);
accept1(ExpressionVisitor1 visitor, arg) {
return visitor.visitApplyBuiltinMethod(this, arg);
/// A conditional expression.
class Conditional extends Expression {
Expression condition;
Expression thenExpression;
Expression elseExpression;
Conditional(this.condition, this.thenExpression, this.elseExpression);
accept(ExpressionVisitor visitor) => visitor.visitConditional(this);
accept1(ExpressionVisitor1 visitor, arg) {
return visitor.visitConditional(this, arg);
String toString() => 'Conditional(condition=$condition,thenExpression='
/// An && or || expression. The operator is internally represented as a boolean
/// [isAnd] to simplify rewriting of logical operators.
/// Note the the result of && and || is one of the arguments, which might not be
/// boolean. 'ShortCircuitOperator' might have been a better name.
class LogicalOperator extends Expression {
Expression left;
bool isAnd;
Expression right;
LogicalOperator(this.left, this.right, this.isAnd);
LogicalOperator.and(this.left, this.right) : isAnd = true;
LogicalOperator.or(this.left, this.right) : isAnd = false;
String get operator => isAnd ? '&&' : '||';
accept(ExpressionVisitor visitor) => visitor.visitLogicalOperator(this);
accept1(ExpressionVisitor1 visitor, arg) {
return visitor.visitLogicalOperator(this, arg);
String toString() => 'LogicalOperator(left=$left,right=$right,isAnd=$isAnd)';
/// Logical negation.
// TODO(asgerf): Replace this class with the IsFalsy builtin operator?
// Right now the tree builder compiles IsFalsy to Not.
class Not extends Expression {
Expression operand;
accept(ExpressionVisitor visitor) => visitor.visitNot(this);
accept1(ExpressionVisitor1 visitor, arg) => visitor.visitNot(this, arg);
/// A [LabeledStatement] or [WhileTrue] or [For].
abstract class JumpTarget extends Statement {
Label get label;
Statement get body;
* A labeled statement. Breaks to the label within the labeled statement
* target the successor statement.
class LabeledStatement extends JumpTarget {
Statement next;
final Label label;
Statement body;
LabeledStatement(this.label, this.body, {
assert(label.binding == null);
label.binding = this;
accept(StatementVisitor visitor) => visitor.visitLabeledStatement(this);
accept1(StatementVisitor1 visitor, arg) {
return visitor.visitLabeledStatement(this, arg);
/// A [WhileTrue] or [For] loop.
abstract class Loop extends JumpTarget {
* A labeled while(true) loop.
class WhileTrue extends Loop {
final Label label;
Statement body;
WhileTrue(this.label, this.body) {
assert(label.binding == null);
label.binding = this;
Statement get next => null;
void set next(Statement s) => throw 'UNREACHABLE';
accept(StatementVisitor visitor) => visitor.visitWhileTrue(this);
accept1(StatementVisitor1 visitor, arg) => visitor.visitWhileTrue(this, arg);
* A loop with a condition and update expressions. If there are any update
* expressions, this generates a for loop, otherwise a while loop.
* When the condition is false, control resumes at the [next] statement.
* It is NOT valid to target this statement with a [Break].
* The only way to reach [next] is for the condition to evaluate to false.
* [For] statements are introduced in the [LoopRewriter] and are
* assumed not to occur before then.
class For extends Loop {
final Label label;
Expression condition;
List<Expression> updates;
Statement body;
Statement next;
this.body, {
assert(label.binding == null);
label.binding = this;
accept(StatementVisitor visitor) => visitor.visitFor(this);
accept1(StatementVisitor1 visitor, arg) {
return visitor.visitFor(this, arg);
/// A [Break] or [Continue] statement.
abstract class Jump extends Statement {
Label get target;
* A break from an enclosing [LabeledStatement]. The break targets the
* labeled statement's successor statement.
class Break extends Jump {
final Label target;
Statement get next => null;
void set next(Statement s) => throw 'UNREACHABLE';
Break( {
accept(StatementVisitor visitor) => visitor.visitBreak(this);
accept1(StatementVisitor1 visitor, arg) => visitor.visitBreak(this, arg);
* A continue to an enclosing [WhileTrue] or [For] loop.
* The continue targets the loop's body.
class Continue extends Jump {
final Label target;
Statement get next => null;
void set next(Statement s) => throw 'UNREACHABLE';
Continue( {
accept(StatementVisitor visitor) => visitor.visitContinue(this);
accept1(StatementVisitor1 visitor, arg) => visitor.visitContinue(this, arg);
* A return exit from the function.
* In contrast to the CPS-based IR, the return value is an arbitrary
* expression.
class Return extends Statement {
/// Should not be null. Use [Constant] with [NullConstantValue] for void
/// returns.
/// Even in constructors this holds true. Take special care when translating
/// back to dart, where `return null;` in a constructor is an error.
Expression value;
SourceInformation sourceInformation;
Statement get next => null;
void set next(Statement s) => throw 'UNREACHABLE';
Return(this.value, {this.sourceInformation});
accept(StatementVisitor visitor) => visitor.visitReturn(this);
accept1(StatementVisitor1 visitor, arg) => visitor.visitReturn(this, arg);
/// A throw statement.
/// In the Tree IR, throw is a statement (like JavaScript and unlike Dart).
/// It does not have a successor statement.
class Throw extends Statement {
Expression value;
Statement get next => null;
void set next(Statement s) => throw 'UNREACHABLE';
accept(StatementVisitor visitor) => visitor.visitThrow(this);
accept1(StatementVisitor1 visitor, arg) => visitor.visitThrow(this, arg);
/// A rethrow of an exception.
/// Rethrow can only occur nested inside a catch block. It implicitly throws
/// the block's caught exception value without changing the caught stack
/// trace. It does not have a successor statement.
class Rethrow extends Statement {
Statement get next => null;
void set next(Statement s) => throw 'UNREACHABLE';
accept(StatementVisitor visitor) => visitor.visitRethrow(this);
accept1(StatementVisitor1 visitor, arg) => visitor.visitRethrow(this, arg);
* A conditional branch based on the true value of an [Expression].
class If extends Statement {
Expression condition;
Statement thenStatement;
Statement elseStatement;
Statement get next => null;
void set next(Statement s) => throw 'UNREACHABLE';
If(this.condition, this.thenStatement, this.elseStatement);
accept(StatementVisitor visitor) => visitor.visitIf(this);
accept1(StatementVisitor1 visitor, arg) => visitor.visitIf(this, arg);
class ExpressionStatement extends Statement {
Statement next;
Expression expression;
accept(StatementVisitor visitor) => visitor.visitExpressionStatement(this);
accept1(StatementVisitor1 visitor, arg) {
return visitor.visitExpressionStatement(this, arg);
class Try extends Statement {
Statement tryBody;
List<Variable> catchParameters;
Statement catchBody;
Statement get next => null;
void set next(Statement s) => throw 'UNREACHABLE';
Try(this.tryBody, this.catchParameters, this.catchBody) {
for (Variable variable in catchParameters) {
variable.writeCount++; // Being a catch parameter counts as a write.
accept(StatementVisitor visitor) => visitor.visitTry(this);
accept1(StatementVisitor1 visitor, arg) {
return visitor.visitTry(this, arg);
/// A statement that is known to be unreachable.
class Unreachable extends Statement {
Statement get next => null;
void set next(Statement value) => throw 'UNREACHABLE';
accept(StatementVisitor visitor) => visitor.visitUnreachable(this);
accept1(StatementVisitor1 visitor, arg) {
return visitor.visitUnreachable(this, arg);
class FunctionDefinition extends Node {
final ExecutableElement element;
final List<Variable> parameters;
Statement body;
/// Creates a function definition and updates `writeCount` for [parameters].
FunctionDefinition(this.element, this.parameters, this.body) {
for (Variable param in parameters) {
param.writeCount++; // Being a parameter counts as a write.
class CreateBox extends Expression {
accept(ExpressionVisitor visitor) => visitor.visitCreateBox(this);
accept1(ExpressionVisitor1 visitor, arg) => visitor.visitCreateBox(this, arg);
class CreateInstance extends Expression {
ClassElement classElement;
List<Expression> arguments;
List<Expression> typeInformation;
SourceInformation sourceInformation;
CreateInstance(this.classElement, this.arguments,
this.typeInformation, this.sourceInformation);
accept(ExpressionVisitor visitor) => visitor.visitCreateInstance(this);
accept1(ExpressionVisitor1 visitor, arg) {
return visitor.visitCreateInstance(this, arg);
class GetField extends Expression {
Expression object;
Element field;
bool objectIsNotNull;
GetField(this.object, this.field, {this.objectIsNotNull: false});
accept(ExpressionVisitor visitor) => visitor.visitGetField(this);
accept1(ExpressionVisitor1 visitor, arg) => visitor.visitGetField(this, arg);
class SetField extends Expression {
Expression object;
Element field;
Expression value;
SetField(this.object, this.field, this.value);
accept(ExpressionVisitor visitor) => visitor.visitSetField(this);
accept1(ExpressionVisitor1 visitor, arg) => visitor.visitSetField(this, arg);
/// Read the type test property from [object]. The value is truthy/fasly rather
/// than bool. [object] must not be `null`.
class GetTypeTestProperty extends Expression {
Expression object;
DartType dartType;
GetTypeTestProperty(this.object, this.dartType);
accept(ExpressionVisitor visitor) =>
accept1(ExpressionVisitor1 visitor, arg) =>
visitor.visitGetTypeTestProperty(this, arg);
/// Read the value of a field, possibly provoking its initializer to evaluate,
/// or tear off a static method.
class GetStatic extends Expression {
Element element;
SourceInformation sourceInformation;
GetStatic(this.element, this.sourceInformation);
accept(ExpressionVisitor visitor) => visitor.visitGetStatic(this);
accept1(ExpressionVisitor1 visitor, arg) => visitor.visitGetStatic(this, arg);
class SetStatic extends Expression {
Element element;
Expression value;
SourceInformation sourceInformation;
SetStatic(this.element, this.value, this.sourceInformation);
accept(ExpressionVisitor visitor) => visitor.visitSetStatic(this);
accept1(ExpressionVisitor1 visitor, arg) => visitor.visitSetStatic(this, arg);
class GetLength extends Expression {
Expression object;
accept(ExpressionVisitor v) => v.visitGetLength(this);
accept1(ExpressionVisitor1 v, arg) => v.visitGetLength(this, arg);
class GetIndex extends Expression {
Expression object;
Expression index;
GetIndex(this.object, this.index);
accept(ExpressionVisitor v) => v.visitGetIndex(this);
accept1(ExpressionVisitor1 v, arg) => v.visitGetIndex(this, arg);
class SetIndex extends Expression {
Expression object;
Expression index;
Expression value;
SetIndex(this.object, this.index, this.value);
accept(ExpressionVisitor v) => v.visitSetIndex(this);
accept1(ExpressionVisitor1 v, arg) => v.visitSetIndex(this, arg);
class ReifyRuntimeType extends Expression {
Expression value;
SourceInformation sourceInformation;
ReifyRuntimeType(this.value, this.sourceInformation);
accept(ExpressionVisitor visitor) {
return visitor.visitReifyRuntimeType(this);
accept1(ExpressionVisitor1 visitor, arg) {
return visitor.visitReifyRuntimeType(this, arg);
class ReadTypeVariable extends Expression {
final TypeVariableType variable;
Expression target;
final SourceInformation sourceInformation;
ReadTypeVariable(this.variable,, this.sourceInformation);
accept(ExpressionVisitor visitor) {
return visitor.visitReadTypeVariable(this);
accept1(ExpressionVisitor1 visitor, arg) {
return visitor.visitReadTypeVariable(this, arg);
class CreateInvocationMirror extends Expression {
final Selector selector;
final List<Expression> arguments;
CreateInvocationMirror(this.selector, this.arguments);
accept(ExpressionVisitor visitor) {
return visitor.visitCreateInvocationMirror(this);
accept1(ExpressionVisitor1 visitor, arg) {
return visitor.visitCreateInvocationMirror(this, arg);
class Interceptor extends Expression {
Expression input;
Set<ClassElement> interceptedClasses;
final SourceInformation sourceInformation;
Interceptor(this.input, this.interceptedClasses, this.sourceInformation);
accept(ExpressionVisitor visitor) {
return visitor.visitInterceptor(this);
accept1(ExpressionVisitor1 visitor, arg) {
return visitor.visitInterceptor(this, arg);
class ForeignCode extends Node {
final js.Template codeTemplate;
final types.TypeMask type;
final List<Expression> arguments;
final native.NativeBehavior nativeBehavior;
final Element dependency;
ForeignCode(this.codeTemplate, this.type, this.arguments, this.nativeBehavior,
class ForeignExpression extends ForeignCode implements Expression {
ForeignExpression(js.Template codeTemplate, types.TypeMask type,
List<Expression> arguments, native.NativeBehavior nativeBehavior,
Element dependency)
: super(codeTemplate, type, arguments, nativeBehavior,
accept(ExpressionVisitor visitor) {
return visitor.visitForeignExpression(this);
accept1(ExpressionVisitor1 visitor, arg) {
return visitor.visitForeignExpression(this, arg);
class ForeignStatement extends ForeignCode implements Statement {
ForeignStatement(js.Template codeTemplate, types.TypeMask type,
List<Expression> arguments, native.NativeBehavior nativeBehavior,
Element dependency)
: super(codeTemplate, type, arguments, nativeBehavior,
accept(StatementVisitor visitor) {
return visitor.visitForeignStatement(this);
accept1(StatementVisitor1 visitor, arg) {
return visitor.visitForeignStatement(this, arg);
Statement get next => null;
void set next(Statement s) => throw 'UNREACHABLE';
/// Denotes the internal representation of [dartType], where all type variables
/// are replaced by the values in [arguments].
/// (See documentation on the TypeExpression CPS node for more details.)
class TypeExpression extends Expression {
final DartType dartType;
final List<Expression> arguments;
TypeExpression(this.dartType, this.arguments);
accept(ExpressionVisitor visitor) {
return visitor.visitTypeExpression(this);
accept1(ExpressionVisitor1 visitor, arg) {
return visitor.visitTypeExpression(this, arg);
class Await extends Expression {
Expression input;
accept(ExpressionVisitor visitor) {
return visitor.visitAwait(this);
accept1(ExpressionVisitor1 visitor, arg) {
return visitor.visitAwait(this, arg);
class Yield extends Statement {
Statement next;
Expression input;
final bool hasStar;
Yield(this.input, this.hasStar,;
accept(StatementVisitor visitor) {
return visitor.visitYield(this);
accept1(StatementVisitor1 visitor, arg) {
return visitor.visitYield(this, arg);
abstract class ExpressionVisitor<E> {
E visitExpression(Expression node) => node.accept(this);
E visitVariableUse(VariableUse node);
E visitAssign(Assign node);
E visitInvokeStatic(InvokeStatic node);
E visitInvokeMethod(InvokeMethod node);
E visitInvokeMethodDirectly(InvokeMethodDirectly node);
E visitInvokeConstructor(InvokeConstructor node);
E visitConstant(Constant node);
E visitThis(This node);
E visitConditional(Conditional node);
E visitLogicalOperator(LogicalOperator node);
E visitNot(Not node);
E visitLiteralList(LiteralList node);
E visitLiteralMap(LiteralMap node);
E visitTypeOperator(TypeOperator node);
E visitGetField(GetField node);
E visitSetField(SetField node);
E visitGetStatic(GetStatic node);
E visitSetStatic(SetStatic node);
E visitGetTypeTestProperty(GetTypeTestProperty node);
E visitCreateBox(CreateBox node);
E visitCreateInstance(CreateInstance node);
E visitReifyRuntimeType(ReifyRuntimeType node);
E visitReadTypeVariable(ReadTypeVariable node);
E visitTypeExpression(TypeExpression node);
E visitCreateInvocationMirror(CreateInvocationMirror node);
E visitInterceptor(Interceptor node);
E visitApplyBuiltinOperator(ApplyBuiltinOperator node);
E visitApplyBuiltinMethod(ApplyBuiltinMethod node);
E visitForeignExpression(ForeignExpression node);
E visitGetLength(GetLength node);
E visitGetIndex(GetIndex node);
E visitSetIndex(SetIndex node);
E visitAwait(Await node);
abstract class ExpressionVisitor1<E, A> {
E visitExpression(Expression node, A arg) => node.accept1(this, arg);
E visitVariableUse(VariableUse node, A arg);
E visitAssign(Assign node, A arg);
E visitInvokeStatic(InvokeStatic node, A arg);
E visitInvokeMethod(InvokeMethod node, A arg);
E visitInvokeMethodDirectly(InvokeMethodDirectly node, A arg);
E visitInvokeConstructor(InvokeConstructor node, A arg);
E visitConstant(Constant node, A arg);
E visitThis(This node, A arg);
E visitConditional(Conditional node, A arg);
E visitLogicalOperator(LogicalOperator node, A arg);
E visitNot(Not node, A arg);
E visitLiteralList(LiteralList node, A arg);
E visitLiteralMap(LiteralMap node, A arg);
E visitTypeOperator(TypeOperator node, A arg);
E visitGetField(GetField node, A arg);
E visitSetField(SetField node, A arg);
E visitGetStatic(GetStatic node, A arg);
E visitSetStatic(SetStatic node, A arg);
E visitGetTypeTestProperty(GetTypeTestProperty node, A arg);
E visitCreateBox(CreateBox node, A arg);
E visitCreateInstance(CreateInstance node, A arg);
E visitReifyRuntimeType(ReifyRuntimeType node, A arg);
E visitReadTypeVariable(ReadTypeVariable node, A arg);
E visitTypeExpression(TypeExpression node, A arg);
E visitCreateInvocationMirror(CreateInvocationMirror node, A arg);
E visitInterceptor(Interceptor node, A arg);
E visitApplyBuiltinOperator(ApplyBuiltinOperator node, A arg);
E visitApplyBuiltinMethod(ApplyBuiltinMethod node, A arg);
E visitForeignExpression(ForeignExpression node, A arg);
E visitGetLength(GetLength node, A arg);
E visitGetIndex(GetIndex node, A arg);
E visitSetIndex(SetIndex node, A arg);
E visitAwait(Await node, A arg);
abstract class StatementVisitor<S> {
S visitStatement(Statement node) => node.accept(this);
S visitLabeledStatement(LabeledStatement node);
S visitReturn(Return node);
S visitThrow(Throw node);
S visitRethrow(Rethrow node);
S visitBreak(Break node);
S visitContinue(Continue node);
S visitIf(If node);
S visitWhileTrue(WhileTrue node);
S visitFor(For node);
S visitExpressionStatement(ExpressionStatement node);
S visitTry(Try node);
S visitUnreachable(Unreachable node);
S visitForeignStatement(ForeignStatement node);
S visitYield(Yield node);
abstract class StatementVisitor1<S, A> {
S visitStatement(Statement node, A arg) => node.accept1(this, arg);
S visitLabeledStatement(LabeledStatement node, A arg);
S visitReturn(Return node, A arg);
S visitThrow(Throw node, A arg);
S visitRethrow(Rethrow node, A arg);
S visitBreak(Break node, A arg);
S visitContinue(Continue node, A arg);
S visitIf(If node, A arg);
S visitWhileTrue(WhileTrue node, A arg);
S visitFor(For node, A arg);
S visitExpressionStatement(ExpressionStatement node, A arg);
S visitTry(Try node, A arg);
S visitUnreachable(Unreachable node, A arg);
S visitForeignStatement(ForeignStatement node, A arg);
S visitYield(Yield node, A arg);
abstract class RecursiveVisitor implements StatementVisitor, ExpressionVisitor {
visitExpression(Expression e) => e.accept(this);
visitStatement(Statement s) => s.accept(this);
visitVariable(Variable variable) {}
visitVariableUse(VariableUse node) {
visitAssign(Assign node) {
visitInvokeStatic(InvokeStatic node) {
visitInvokeMethod(InvokeMethod node) {
visitInvokeMethodDirectly(InvokeMethodDirectly node) {
visitInvokeConstructor(InvokeConstructor node) {
visitConstant(Constant node) {}
visitThis(This node) {}
visitConditional(Conditional node) {
visitLogicalOperator(LogicalOperator node) {
visitNot(Not node) {
visitLiteralList(LiteralList node) {
visitLiteralMap(LiteralMap node) {
node.entries.forEach((LiteralMapEntry entry) {
visitTypeOperator(TypeOperator node) {
visitLabeledStatement(LabeledStatement node) {
visitReturn(Return node) {
visitThrow(Throw node) {
visitRethrow(Rethrow node) {}
visitBreak(Break node) {}
visitContinue(Continue node) {}
visitIf(If node) {
visitWhileTrue(WhileTrue node) {
visitFor(For node) {
visitExpressionStatement(ExpressionStatement inputNode) {
// Iterate over chains of expression statements to avoid deep recursion.
Statement node = inputNode;
while (node is ExpressionStatement) {
ExpressionStatement stmt = node;
node =;
visitTry(Try node) {
visitGetField(GetField node) {
visitSetField(SetField node) {
visitGetStatic(GetStatic node) {
visitSetStatic(SetStatic node) {
visitGetTypeTestProperty(GetTypeTestProperty node) {
visitCreateBox(CreateBox node) {
visitCreateInstance(CreateInstance node) {
visitReifyRuntimeType(ReifyRuntimeType node) {
visitReadTypeVariable(ReadTypeVariable node) {
visitTypeExpression(TypeExpression node) {
visitCreateInvocationMirror(CreateInvocationMirror node) {
visitUnreachable(Unreachable node) {
visitApplyBuiltinOperator(ApplyBuiltinOperator node) {
visitApplyBuiltinMethod(ApplyBuiltinMethod node) {
visitInterceptor(Interceptor node) {
visitForeignCode(ForeignCode node) {
visitForeignExpression(ForeignExpression node) => visitForeignCode(node);
visitForeignStatement(ForeignStatement node) => visitForeignCode(node);
visitGetLength(GetLength node) {
visitGetIndex(GetIndex node) {
visitSetIndex(SetIndex node) {
visitAwait(Await node) {
visitYield(Yield node) {
abstract class Transformer implements ExpressionVisitor<Expression>,
StatementVisitor<Statement> {
Expression visitExpression(Expression e) => e.accept(this);
Statement visitStatement(Statement s) => s.accept(this);
class RecursiveTransformer extends Transformer {
void _replaceExpressions(List<Expression> list) {
for (int i = 0; i < list.length; i++) {
list[i] = visitExpression(list[i]);
visitVariableUse(VariableUse node) => node;
visitAssign(Assign node) {
node.value = visitExpression(node.value);
return node;
visitInvokeStatic(InvokeStatic node) {
return node;
visitInvokeMethod(InvokeMethod node) {
node.receiver = visitExpression(node.receiver);
return node;
visitInvokeMethodDirectly(InvokeMethodDirectly node) {
node.receiver = visitExpression(node.receiver);
return node;
visitInvokeConstructor(InvokeConstructor node) {
return node;
visitConstant(Constant node) => node;
visitThis(This node) => node;
visitConditional(Conditional node) {
node.condition = visitExpression(node.condition);
node.thenExpression = visitExpression(node.thenExpression);
node.elseExpression = visitExpression(node.elseExpression);
return node;
visitLogicalOperator(LogicalOperator node) {
node.left = visitExpression(node.left);
node.right = visitExpression(node.right);
return node;
visitNot(Not node) {
node.operand = visitExpression(node.operand);
return node;
visitLiteralList(LiteralList node) {
return node;
visitLiteralMap(LiteralMap node) {
node.entries.forEach((LiteralMapEntry entry) {
entry.key = visitExpression(entry.key);
entry.value = visitExpression(entry.value);
return node;
visitTypeOperator(TypeOperator node) {
node.value = visitExpression(node.value);
return node;
visitLabeledStatement(LabeledStatement node) {
node.body = visitStatement(node.body); = visitStatement(;
return node;
visitReturn(Return node) {
node.value = visitExpression(node.value);
return node;
visitThrow(Throw node) {
node.value = visitExpression(node.value);
return node;
visitRethrow(Rethrow node) => node;
visitBreak(Break node) => node;
visitContinue(Continue node) => node;
visitIf(If node) {
node.condition = visitExpression(node.condition);
node.thenStatement = visitStatement(node.thenStatement);
node.elseStatement = visitStatement(node.elseStatement);
return node;
visitWhileTrue(WhileTrue node) {
node.body = visitStatement(node.body);
return node;
visitFor(For node) {
node.condition = visitExpression(node.condition);
node.body = visitStatement(node.body); = visitStatement(;
return node;
visitExpressionStatement(ExpressionStatement node) {
// Iterate over chains of expression statements to avoid deep recursion.
Statement first = node;
while (true) {
node.expression = visitExpression(node.expression);
if ( is ExpressionStatement) {
node =;
} else {
} = visitStatement(;
return first;
visitTry(Try node) {
node.tryBody = visitStatement(node.tryBody);
node.catchBody = visitStatement(node.catchBody);
return node;
visitGetField(GetField node) {
node.object = visitExpression(node.object);
return node;
visitSetField(SetField node) {
node.object = visitExpression(node.object);
node.value = visitExpression(node.value);
return node;
visitGetStatic(GetStatic node) => node;
visitSetStatic(SetStatic node) {
node.value = visitExpression(node.value);
return node;
visitGetTypeTestProperty(GetTypeTestProperty node) {
node.object = visitExpression(node.object);
return node;
visitCreateBox(CreateBox node) => node;
visitCreateInstance(CreateInstance node) {
return node;
visitReifyRuntimeType(ReifyRuntimeType node) {
node.value = visitExpression(node.value);
return node;
visitReadTypeVariable(ReadTypeVariable node) { = visitExpression(;
return node;
visitTypeExpression(TypeExpression node) {
return node;
visitCreateInvocationMirror(CreateInvocationMirror node) {
return node;
visitForeignExpression(ForeignExpression node) {
return node;
visitForeignStatement(ForeignStatement node) {
return node;
visitUnreachable(Unreachable node) {
return node;
visitApplyBuiltinOperator(ApplyBuiltinOperator node) {
return node;
visitApplyBuiltinMethod(ApplyBuiltinMethod node) {
node.receiver = visitExpression(node.receiver);
return node;
visitInterceptor(Interceptor node) {
node.input = visitExpression(node.input);
return node;
visitGetLength(GetLength node) {
node.object = visitExpression(node.object);
return node;
visitGetIndex(GetIndex node) {
node.object = visitExpression(node.object);
node.index = visitExpression(node.index);
return node;
visitSetIndex(SetIndex node) {
node.object = visitExpression(node.object);
node.index = visitExpression(node.index);
node.value = visitExpression(node.value);
return node;
visitAwait(Await node) {
node.input = visitExpression(node.input);
return node;
visitYield(Yield node) {
node.input = visitExpression(node.input); = visitStatement(;
return node;
class FallthroughTarget {
final Statement target;
int useCount = 0;
/// A stack machine for tracking fallthrough while traversing the Tree IR.
class FallthroughStack {
final List<FallthroughTarget> _stack =
<FallthroughTarget>[new FallthroughTarget(null)];
/// Set a new fallthrough target.
void push(Statement newFallthrough) {
_stack.add(new FallthroughTarget(newFallthrough));
/// Remove the current fallthrough target.
void pop() {
/// The current fallthrough target, or `null` if control will fall over
/// the end of the method.
Statement get target =>;
/// Number of uses of the current fallthrough target.
int get useCount => _stack.last.useCount;
/// Indicate that a statement will fall through to the current fallthrough
/// target.
void use() {