blob: ada5d1a44a637b49ca7c1d68d1f15b192e437c35 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2015, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library cps_ir.cps_fragment;
import 'cps_ir_nodes.dart';
import '../constants/values.dart';
import '../universe/selector.dart' show Selector;
import '../types/types.dart' show TypeMask;
import '../io/source_information.dart';
import '../elements/elements.dart';
/// Builds a CPS fragment that can be plugged into another CPS term.
/// A CPS fragment contains a CPS term, possibly with a "hole" in it denoting
/// where to insert new IR nodes. We say a fragment is "open" if it has such
/// a hole. Otherwise, the fragment is "closed" and cannot be extended further.
/// This class is designed for building non-trivial CPS terms in a readable and
/// non-error prone manner. It is not designed to manipulate existing IR nodes,
/// nor is it intended to shield the user from every complexity in the IR.
/// Call `cont` with `obj.field + 1` as argument:
/// CpsFragment cps = new CpsFragment();
/// var fieldValue = cps.letPrim(new GetField(obj, field));
/// var plusOne = cps.applyBuiltin(BuiltinOperator.NumAdd,
/// [fieldValue, cps.makeOne()]);
/// cps.invokeContinuation(cont, [plusOne]);
/// If `condition` is true then invoke `cont1`, else `cont2`.
/// cps.ifTruthy(condition).invokeContinuation(cont1, []);
/// cps.invokeContinuation(cont2, []);
/// If `condition` is true then invoke `cont` with a bound primitive:
/// CpsFragment branch = cps.ifTruthy(condition);
/// branch.invokeContinuation(cont, [branch.letPrim(arg)]);
/// Loop and call a method until it returns false:
/// Continuation loop = cps.beginLoop();
/// var result = cps.invokeMethod(receiver, selector, ...);
/// cps.ifFalsy(result).invokeContinuation(exit, []);
/// cps.continueLoop(loop);
class CpsFragment {
/// The root of the IR built using this fragment.
Expression root;
/// Node whose body is the hole in this CPS fragment. May be null.
InteriorNode context;
/// Source information to attach to every IR node created in the fragment.
SourceInformation sourceInformation;
CpsFragment([this.sourceInformation, this.context]);
bool get isOpen => root == null || context != null;
bool get isClosed => !isOpen;
bool get isEmpty => root == null;
/// Asserts that the fragment is non-empty and closed and returns the IR that
/// was built.
Expression get result {
return root;
/// Put the given expression into the fragment's hole.
/// Afterwards the fragment is closed and cannot be extended until a new
/// [context] is set.
void put(Expression node) {
assert(root == null || context != null); // We must put the node somewhere.
if (root == null) {
root = node;
if (context != null) {
context.body = node;
node.parent = context;
context = null;
/// Bind a primitive. Returns the same primitive for convenience.
Primitive letPrim(Primitive prim) {
assert(prim != null);
LetPrim let = new LetPrim(prim);
context = let;
return prim;
/// Bind a constant value.
Primitive makeConstant(ConstantValue constant) {
return letPrim(new Constant(constant));
Primitive makeZero() => makeConstant(new IntConstantValue(0));
Primitive makeOne() => makeConstant(new IntConstantValue(1));
Primitive makeNull() => makeConstant(new NullConstantValue());
Primitive makeTrue() => makeConstant(new TrueConstantValue());
Primitive makeFalse() => makeConstant(new FalseConstantValue());
/// Invoke a built-in operator.
Primitive applyBuiltin(BuiltinOperator op, List<Primitive> args) {
return letPrim(new ApplyBuiltinOperator(op, args, sourceInformation));
Primitive invokeBuiltin(BuiltinMethod method,
Primitive receiver,
List<Primitive> arguments,
{bool receiverIsNotNull: false}) {
ApplyBuiltinMethod apply =
new ApplyBuiltinMethod(method, receiver, arguments, sourceInformation);
apply.receiverIsNotNull = receiverIsNotNull;
return letPrim(apply);
/// Inserts an invocation and returns a primitive holding the returned value.
Primitive invokeMethod(Primitive receiver,
Selector selector,
TypeMask mask,
List<Primitive> arguments) {
return letPrim(new InvokeMethod(receiver, selector, mask, arguments,
/// Inserts an invocation and returns a primitive holding the returned value.
Primitive invokeStatic(FunctionElement target, List<Primitive> arguments) {
return letPrim(new InvokeStatic(target, new Selector.fromElement(target),
arguments, sourceInformation));
/// Inserts an invocation to a static function that throws an error.
/// This closes the fragment; no more nodes may be added.
void invokeStaticThrower(FunctionElement target, List<Primitive> arguments) {
invokeStatic(target, arguments);
put(new Unreachable());
/// Invoke a non-recursive continuation.
/// This closes the fragment; no more nodes may be inserted.
void invokeContinuation(Continuation cont, [List<Primitive> arguments]) {
if (arguments == null) arguments = <Primitive>[];
put(new InvokeContinuation(cont, arguments));
/// Build a loop with the given loop variables and initial values.
/// Call [continueLoop] with the returned continuation to iterate the loop.
/// The loop body becomes the new hole.
Continuation beginLoop([List<Parameter> loopVars,
List<Primitive> initialValues]) {
if (initialValues == null) {
assert(loopVars == null);
loopVars = <Parameter>[];
initialValues = <Primitive>[];
Continuation cont = new Continuation(loopVars);
put(new LetCont(cont, new InvokeContinuation(cont, initialValues)));
context = cont;
return cont;
/// Continue a loop started by [beginLoop].
/// This closes the fragment; no more nodes may be inserted.
void continueLoop(Continuation cont, [List<Primitive> updatedLoopVariables]) {
put(new InvokeContinuation(cont, updatedLoopVariables, isRecursive: true));
/// Branch on [condition].
/// Returns a new fragment for the 'then' branch.
/// The 'else' branch becomes the new hole.
CpsFragment ifTruthy(Primitive condition) {
Continuation trueCont = new Continuation(<Parameter>[]);
Continuation falseCont = new Continuation(<Parameter>[]);
put(new LetCont.two(trueCont, falseCont,
new Branch.loose(condition, trueCont, falseCont)));
context = falseCont;
return new CpsFragment(sourceInformation, trueCont);
/// Branch on [condition].
/// Returns a new fragment for the 'else' branch.
/// The 'then' branch becomes the new hole.
CpsFragment ifFalsy(Primitive condition) {
Continuation trueCont = new Continuation(<Parameter>[]);
Continuation falseCont = new Continuation(<Parameter>[]);
put(new LetCont.two(trueCont, falseCont,
new Branch.loose(condition, trueCont, falseCont)));
context = trueCont;
return new CpsFragment(sourceInformation, falseCont);
/// Create a new empty continuation and bind it here.
/// Convenient for making a join point where multiple branches
/// meet later.
/// The LetCont body becomes the new hole.
/// Example use:
/// Continuation fail = cps.letCont();
/// // Fail if something
/// cps.ifTrue(<condition>)
/// ..invokeMethod(<method>)
/// ..invokeContinuation(fail);
/// // Fail if something else
/// cps.ifTrue(<anotherCondition>)
/// ..invokeMethod(<anotherMethod>)
/// ..invokeContinuation(fail);
/// // Build the fail branch
/// cps.insideContinuation(fail)
/// ..invokeStaticThrower(...);
/// // Go to the happy branch
/// cps.invokeContinuation(cont..)
Continuation letCont([List<Parameter> parameters]) {
if (parameters == null) parameters = <Parameter>[];
Continuation cont = new Continuation(parameters);
return cont;
/// Binds an existing continuation at this position.
/// The LetCont body becomes the new hole.
void bindContinuation(Continuation cont) {
LetCont let = new LetCont(cont, null);
context = let;
/// Inlines [target] at the current position, substituting the provided
/// arguments.
/// Returns a primitive containing the function's return value.
/// The new hole is the the point after [target] has returned. The fragment
/// remains open, even if [target] never returns.
/// The [target] function is destroyed and should not be reused.
Primitive inlineFunction(FunctionDefinition target,
Primitive thisArgument,
List<Primitive> arguments,
{Entity hint}) {
if (thisArgument != null) {
for (int i = 0; i < arguments.length; ++i) {
Continuation returnCont = target.returnContinuation;
Parameter returnValue = returnCont.parameters.single;
returnValue.hint = hint;
context = returnCont;
return returnValue;
/// Returns a fragment whose context is the body of the given continuation.
/// Does not change the state of this CPS fragment.
/// Useful for building the body of a continuation created using [letCont].
CpsFragment insideContinuation(Continuation cont) {
return new CpsFragment(sourceInformation, cont);
/// Puts the given fragment into this one.
/// If [other] was an open fragment, its hole becomes the new hole
/// in this fragment.
/// [other] is reset to an empty fragment after this.
void append(CpsFragment other) {
if (other.root == null) return;
context = other.context;
other.context = null;
other.root = null;
/// Reads the value of the given mutable variable.
Primitive getMutable(MutableVariable variable) {
return letPrim(new GetMutable(variable));
/// Sets the value of the given mutable variable.
void setMutable(MutableVariable variable, Primitive value) {
letPrim(new SetMutable(variable, value));
/// Declare a new mutable variable.
void letMutable(MutableVariable variable, Primitive initialValue) {
LetMutable let = new LetMutable(variable, initialValue);
context = let;
void insertBelow(InteriorNode node) {
if (isEmpty) return;
Expression child = node.body;
node.body = root;
root.parent = node;
context.body = child;
child.parent = context;
root = context = null;
void insertAbove(InteriorExpression node) {
/// Removes [node], unlinking all its references and replaces it with [newNode].
void destroyAndReplace(Expression node, Expression newNode) {
InteriorNode parent = node.parent;
parent.body = newNode;
newNode.parent = parent;