blob: 85dedd212c3a6f4c29544bf6245ed680322baa7f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:collection';
import 'dart:typed_data';
import 'package:analysis_server/src/analysis_server.dart';
import 'package:analysis_server/src/provisional/index/index_core.dart';
import 'package:analysis_server/src/services/index/index.dart';
import 'package:analysis_server/src/services/index/index_store.dart';
import 'package:analysis_server/src/services/index/indexable_element.dart';
import 'package:analysis_server/src/services/index/store/codec.dart';
import 'package:analysis_server/src/services/index/store/collection.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/ast.dart' show CompilationUnit;
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/element.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/engine.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/java_engine.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/source.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/utilities_general.dart';
* The implementation of [IndexObjectManager] for indexing
* [CompilationUnitElement]s.
class DartUnitIndexObjectManager extends IndexObjectManager {
* The mapping of library [Source] to the [Source]s of part units.
Map<AnalysisContext, Map<Source, Set<Source>>> _contextToLibraryToUnits =
new HashMap<AnalysisContext, Map<Source, Set<Source>>>();
* The mapping of unit [Source] to the [Source]s of libraries it is used in.
Map<AnalysisContext, Map<Source, Set<Source>>> _contextToUnitToLibraries =
new HashMap<AnalysisContext, Map<Source, Set<Source>>>();
String aboutToIndex(AnalysisContext context, Object object) {
CompilationUnitElement unitElement;
if (object is CompilationUnit) {
unitElement = object.element;
} else if (object is CompilationUnitElement) {
unitElement = object;
// validate unit
if (unitElement == null) {
return null;
LibraryElement libraryElement = unitElement.library;
if (libraryElement == null) {
return null;
CompilationUnitElement definingUnitElement =
if (definingUnitElement == null) {
return null;
// prepare sources
Source library = definingUnitElement.source;
Source unit = unitElement.source;
// special handling for the defining library unit
if (unit == library) {
// prepare new parts
HashSet<Source> newParts = new HashSet<Source>();
for (CompilationUnitElement part in {
// prepare old parts
Map<Source, Set<Source>> libraryToUnits =
if (libraryToUnits == null) {
libraryToUnits = new HashMap<Source, Set<Source>>();
_contextToLibraryToUnits[context] = libraryToUnits;
Set<Source> oldParts = libraryToUnits[library];
// check if some parts are not in the library now
if (oldParts != null) {
Set<Source> noParts = oldParts.difference(newParts);
for (Source noPart in noParts) {
String nodeName = _getNodeName(library, noPart);
site.removeNodeByName(context, nodeName);
// remember new parts
libraryToUnits[library] = newParts;
// remember library/unit relations
_recordUnitInLibrary(context, library, unit);
_recordLibraryWithUnit(context, library, unit);
// prepare node
String nodeName = _getNodeName(library, unit);
return nodeName;
void removeContext(AnalysisContext context) {
void removeSource(AnalysisContext context, Source source) {
// remove nodes for unit/library pairs
Map<Source, Set<Source>> unitToLibraries =
if (unitToLibraries != null) {
Set<Source> libraries = unitToLibraries.remove(source);
if (libraries != null) {
for (Source library in libraries) {
String nodeName = _getNodeName(library, source);
site.removeNodeByName(context, nodeName);
// remove nodes for library/unit pairs
Map<Source, Set<Source>> libraryToUnits = _contextToLibraryToUnits[context];
if (libraryToUnits != null) {
Set<Source> units = libraryToUnits.remove(source);
if (units != null) {
for (Source unit in units) {
String nodeName = _getNodeName(source, unit);
site.removeNodeByName(context, nodeName);
void removeSources(AnalysisContext context, SourceContainer container) {
// remove nodes for unit/library pairs
Map<Source, Set<Source>> unitToLibraries =
if (unitToLibraries != null) {
List<Source> units = unitToLibraries.keys.toList();
for (Source source in units) {
if (container == null || container.contains(source)) {
removeSource(context, source);
// remove nodes for library/unit pairs
Map<Source, Set<Source>> libraryToUnits = _contextToLibraryToUnits[context];
if (libraryToUnits != null) {
List<Source> libraries = libraryToUnits.keys.toList();
for (Source source in libraries) {
if (container == null || container.contains(source)) {
removeSource(context, source);
String _getNodeName(Source library, Source unit) {
String libraryName = library != null ? library.fullName : null;
String unitName = unit.fullName;
int libraryNameIndex = site.encodeString(libraryName);
int unitNameIndex = site.encodeString(unitName);
return 'DartUnitElement_${libraryNameIndex}_${unitNameIndex}.index';
void _recordLibraryWithUnit(
AnalysisContext context, Source library, Source unit) {
Map<Source, Set<Source>> libraryToUnits = _contextToLibraryToUnits[context];
if (libraryToUnits == null) {
libraryToUnits = new HashMap<Source, Set<Source>>();
_contextToLibraryToUnits[context] = libraryToUnits;
Set<Source> units = libraryToUnits[library];
if (units == null) {
units = new HashSet<Source>();
libraryToUnits[library] = units;
void _recordUnitInLibrary(
AnalysisContext context, Source library, Source unit) {
Map<Source, Set<Source>> unitToLibraries =
if (unitToLibraries == null) {
unitToLibraries = new HashMap<Source, Set<Source>>();
_contextToUnitToLibraries[context] = unitToLibraries;
Set<Source> libraries = unitToLibraries[unit];
if (libraries == null) {
libraries = new HashSet<Source>();
unitToLibraries[unit] = libraries;
* A manager for files content.
abstract class FileManager {
* Removes all files.
void clear();
* Deletes the file with the given name.
void delete(String name);
* Returns names of all known nodes.
List<String> inspect_getAllNodeNames();
* Read the entire file contents as a list of bytes.
Future<List<int>> read(String name);
* Write a list of bytes to a file.
Future write(String name, List<int> bytes);
* A [FileManager] based [NodeManager].
class FileNodeManager implements NodeManager {
static int _VERSION = 1;
final FileManager _fileManager;
final Logger _logger;
final ContextCodec contextCodec;
final ElementCodec elementCodec;
final StringCodec stringCodec;
final RelationshipCodec _relationshipCodec;
int _locationCount = 0;
Map<String, int> _nodeLocationCounts = new HashMap<String, int>();
FileNodeManager(this._fileManager, this._logger, this.stringCodec,
this.contextCodec, this.elementCodec, this._relationshipCodec);
int get locationCount => _locationCount;
void clear() {
Future<IndexNode> getNode(String name) {
return<int> bytes) {
if (bytes == null) {
return null;
_DataInputStream stream = new _DataInputStream(bytes);
return _readNode(stream);
}).catchError((exception, stackTrace) {
_logger.logError('Exception during reading index file ${name}',
new CaughtException(exception, stackTrace));
* Returns names of all known nodes.
List<String> inspect_getAllNodeNames() {
return _fileManager.inspect_getAllNodeNames();
IndexNode newNode(AnalysisContext context) =>
new IndexNode(context, elementCodec, _relationshipCodec);
Future putNode(String name, IndexNode node) {
// update location count
_locationCount -= _getLocationCount(name);
int nodeLocationCount = node.locationCount;
_nodeLocationCounts[name] = nodeLocationCount;
_locationCount += nodeLocationCount;
// write the node
return new Future.microtask(() {
return ServerPerformanceStatistics.splitStore.makeCurrentWhile(() {
_DataOutputStream stream = new _DataOutputStream();
_writeNode(node, stream);
var bytes = stream.getBytes();
return _fileManager.write(name, bytes);
}).catchError((exception, stackTrace) {
_logger.logError('Exception during reading index file ${name}',
new CaughtException(exception, stackTrace));
void removeNode(String name) {
// update location count
_locationCount -= _getLocationCount(name);
// remove node
int _getLocationCount(String name) {
int locationCount = _nodeLocationCounts[name];
return locationCount != null ? locationCount : 0;
RelationKeyData _readElementRelationKey(_DataInputStream stream) {
int elementId1 = stream.readInt();
int elementId2 = stream.readInt();
int elementId3 = stream.readInt();
int relationshipId = stream.readInt();
return new RelationKeyData.forData(
elementId1, elementId2, elementId3, relationshipId);
LocationData _readLocationData(_DataInputStream stream) {
int elementId1 = stream.readInt();
int elementId2 = stream.readInt();
int elementId3 = stream.readInt();
int offset = stream.readInt();
int length = stream.readInt();
int flags = stream.readInt();
return new LocationData.forData(
elementId1, elementId2, elementId3, offset, length, flags);
IndexNode _readNode(_DataInputStream stream) {
// check version
int version = stream.readInt();
if (version != _VERSION) {
throw new StateError(
'Version ${_VERSION} expected, but ${version} found.');
// context
int contextId = stream.readInt();
AnalysisContext context = contextCodec.decode(contextId);
if (context == null) {
return null;
// relations
Map<RelationKeyData, List<LocationData>> relations =
new HashMap<RelationKeyData, List<LocationData>>();
int numRelations = stream.readInt();
for (int i = 0; i < numRelations; i++) {
RelationKeyData key = _readElementRelationKey(stream);
int numLocations = stream.readInt();
List<LocationData> locations = new List<LocationData>();
for (int j = 0; j < numLocations; j++) {
relations[key] = locations;
// create IndexNode
IndexNode node = new IndexNode(context, elementCodec, _relationshipCodec);
node.relations = relations;
return node;
void _writeElementRelationKey(_DataOutputStream stream, RelationKeyData key) {
void _writeNode(IndexNode node, _DataOutputStream stream) {
// version
// context
AnalysisContext context = node.context;
int contextId = contextCodec.encode(context);
// relations
Map<RelationKeyData, List<LocationData>> relations = node.relations;
relations.forEach((key, locations) {
_writeElementRelationKey(stream, key);
for (LocationData location in locations) {
* A single index file in-memory presentation.
class IndexNode {
final AnalysisContext context;
final ElementCodec _elementCodec;
final RelationshipCodec _relationshipCodec;
Map<RelationKeyData, List<LocationData>> _relations =
new HashMap<RelationKeyData, List<LocationData>>();
IndexNode(this.context, this._elementCodec, this._relationshipCodec);
* Returns number of locations in this node.
int get locationCount {
int locationCount = 0;
for (List<LocationData> locations in _relations.values) {
locationCount += locations.length;
return locationCount;
* Returns the recorded relations.
Map<RelationKeyData, List<LocationData>> get relations => _relations;
* Sets relations data.
* This method is used during loading data from a storage.
void set relations(Map<RelationKeyData, List<LocationData>> relations) {
_relations = relations;
* Returns the locations of the elements that have the given relationship with
* the given element.
* [element] - the the element that has the relationship with the locations to
* be returned.
* [relationship] - the [RelationshipImpl] between the given [element] and the
* locations to be returned
List<LocationImpl> getRelationships(
IndexableObject indexable, RelationshipImpl relationship) {
// prepare key
RelationKeyData key = new RelationKeyData.forObject(
_elementCodec, _relationshipCodec, indexable, relationship);
// find LocationData(s)
List<LocationData> locationDatas = _relations[key];
if (locationDatas == null) {
return LocationImpl.EMPTY_LIST;
// convert to Location(s)
List<LocationImpl> locations = <LocationImpl>[];
for (LocationData locationData in locationDatas) {
LocationImpl location = locationData.getLocation(context, _elementCodec);
if (location != null) {
return locations;
* Returns [InspectLocation]s for the element with the given ID.
List<InspectLocation> inspect_getRelations(String name, int elementId) {
List<InspectLocation> result = <InspectLocation>[];
// TODO(scheglov) restore index inspections?
// _relations.forEach((RelationKeyData key, locations) {
// if (key.elementId == elementId) {
// for (LocationData location in locations) {
// Relationship relationship =
// _relationshipCodec.decode(key.relationshipId);
// List<String> path =
// _elementCodec.inspect_decodePath(location.elementId);
// result.add(new InspectLocation(name, relationship, path,
// location.offset, location.length, location.flags));
// }
// }
// });
return result;
* Records that the given [element] and [location] have the given [relationship].
* [element] - the [Element] that is related to the location.
* [relationship] - the [RelationshipImpl] between [element] and [location].
* [location] - the [LocationImpl] where relationship happens.
void recordRelationship(IndexableObject indexable,
RelationshipImpl relationship, LocationImpl location) {
RelationKeyData key = new RelationKeyData.forObject(
_elementCodec, _relationshipCodec, indexable, relationship);
// prepare LocationData(s)
List<LocationData> locationDatas = _relations[key];
if (locationDatas == null) {
locationDatas = <LocationData>[];
_relations[key] = locationDatas;
// add new LocationData
locationDatas.add(new LocationData.forObject(_elementCodec, location));
* [SplitIndexStore] uses instances of this class to manager index nodes.
abstract class IndexObjectManager {
SplitIndexStoreSite site;
* Notifies the manager that the given [object] is to be indexed.
* Returns the name of the index node to put information into.
String aboutToIndex(AnalysisContext context, Object object);
* Notifies the manager that the given [context] is disposed.
void removeContext(AnalysisContext context);
* Notifies the manager that the given [source] is no longer part of
* the given [context].
void removeSource(AnalysisContext context, Source source);
* Notifies the manager that the sources described by the given [container]
* are no longer part of the given [context].
void removeSources(AnalysisContext context, SourceContainer container);
class InspectLocation {
final String nodeName;
final RelationshipImpl relationship;
final List<String> path;
final int offset;
final int length;
final int flags;
InspectLocation(this.nodeName, this.relationship, this.path, this.offset,
this.length, this.flags);
* A container with information about a [LocationImpl].
class LocationData {
static const int _FLAG_QUALIFIED = 1 << 0;
static const int _FLAG_RESOLVED = 1 << 1;
final int elementId1;
final int elementId2;
final int elementId3;
final int offset;
final int length;
final int flags;
LocationData.forData(this.elementId1, this.elementId2, this.elementId3,
this.offset, this.length, this.flags);
LocationData.forObject(ElementCodec elementCodec, LocationImpl location)
: elementId1 = elementCodec.encode1(location.indexable),
elementId2 = elementCodec.encode2(location.indexable),
elementId3 = elementCodec.encode3(location.indexable),
offset = location.offset,
length = location.length,
flags = (location.isQualified ? _FLAG_QUALIFIED : 0) |
(location.isResolved ? _FLAG_RESOLVED : 0);
int get hashCode {
int hash = 0;
hash = JenkinsSmiHash.combine(hash, elementId1);
hash = JenkinsSmiHash.combine(hash, elementId2);
hash = JenkinsSmiHash.combine(hash, elementId3);
hash = JenkinsSmiHash.combine(hash, offset);
hash = JenkinsSmiHash.combine(hash, length);
return JenkinsSmiHash.finish(hash);
bool operator ==(Object obj) {
if (obj is! LocationData) {
return false;
LocationData other = obj;
return other.elementId1 == elementId1 &&
other.elementId2 == elementId2 &&
other.elementId3 == elementId3 &&
other.offset == offset &&
other.length == length &&
other.flags == flags;
* Returns a {@link Location} that is represented by this {@link LocationData}.
LocationImpl getLocation(AnalysisContext context, ElementCodec elementCodec) {
IndexableObject indexable =
elementCodec.decode(context, elementId1, elementId2, elementId3);
if (indexable == null) {
return null;
bool isQualified = (flags & _FLAG_QUALIFIED) != 0;
bool isResovled = (flags & _FLAG_RESOLVED) != 0;
return new LocationImpl(indexable, offset, length,
isQualified: isQualified, isResolved: isResovled);
* A manager for [IndexNode]s.
abstract class NodeManager {
* The shared {@link ContextCodec} instance.
ContextCodec get contextCodec;
* The shared {@link ElementCodec} instance.
ElementCodec get elementCodec;
* A number of locations in all nodes.
int get locationCount;
* The shared {@link StringCodec} instance.
StringCodec get stringCodec;
* Removes all nodes.
void clear();
* Returns the {@link IndexNode} with the given name, {@code null} if not found.
Future<IndexNode> getNode(String name);
* Returns a new {@link IndexNode}.
IndexNode newNode(AnalysisContext context);
* Associates the given {@link IndexNode} with the given name.
void putNode(String name, IndexNode node);
* Removes the {@link IndexNode} with the given name.
void removeNode(String name);
* An [Element] to [LocationImpl] relation key.
class RelationKeyData {
final int elementId1;
final int elementId2;
final int elementId3;
final int relationshipId;
this.elementId1, this.elementId2, this.elementId3, this.relationshipId);
ElementCodec elementCodec,
RelationshipCodec relationshipCodec,
IndexableObject indexable,
RelationshipImpl relationship)
: elementId1 = elementCodec.encode1(indexable),
elementId2 = elementCodec.encode2(indexable),
elementId3 = elementCodec.encode3(indexable),
relationshipId = relationshipCodec.encode(relationship);
int get hashCode {
int hash = 0;
hash = JenkinsSmiHash.combine(hash, elementId1);
hash = JenkinsSmiHash.combine(hash, elementId2);
hash = JenkinsSmiHash.combine(hash, elementId3);
hash = JenkinsSmiHash.combine(hash, relationshipId);
return JenkinsSmiHash.finish(hash);
bool operator ==(Object obj) {
if (obj is! RelationKeyData) {
return false;
RelationKeyData other = obj;
return other.elementId1 == elementId1 &&
other.elementId2 == elementId2 &&
other.elementId3 == elementId3 &&
other.relationshipId == relationshipId;
String toString() {
return 'Key($elementId2, $elementId2, $elementId3, $relationshipId)';
* An [InternalIndexStore] which keeps index information in separate nodes for
* each unit.
class SplitIndexStore implements InternalIndexStore {
* The [NodeManager] to get/put [IndexNode]s.
final NodeManager _nodeManager;
final List<IndexObjectManager> _objectManagers;
* The [ContextCodec] to encode/decode [AnalysisContext]s.
final ContextCodec _contextCodec;
* The [ElementCodec] to encode/decode [Element]s.
final ElementCodec _elementCodec;
* The [StringCodec] to encode/decode [String]s.
final StringCodec _stringCodec;
* Information about top-level elements.
* We need to keep them together to avoid loading of all index nodes.
* Order of keys: contextId, nodeId.
final Map<int, Map<int, List<_TopElementData>>> _topDeclarations =
new Map<int, Map<int, List<_TopElementData>>>();
int _currentContextId;
String _currentNodeName;
int _currentNodeNameId;
IndexNode _currentNode;
* A table mapping element names to the node names that may have relations with elements with
* these names.
final Map<RelationshipImpl, IntToIntSetMap> _relToNameMap =
new HashMap<RelationshipImpl, IntToIntSetMap>();
* The set of known [Source]s.
final Set<Source> _sources = new HashSet<Source>();
SplitIndexStore(NodeManager _nodeManager, this._objectManagers)
: _nodeManager = _nodeManager,
_contextCodec = _nodeManager.contextCodec,
_elementCodec = _nodeManager.elementCodec,
_stringCodec = _nodeManager.stringCodec {
SplitIndexStoreSiteImpl site = new SplitIndexStoreSiteImpl(this);
for (IndexObjectManager manager in _objectManagers) { = site;
String get statistics {
StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
buf.write(' locations, ');
buf.write(' sources, ');
int namesCount = _relToNameMap.values.fold(0, (c, m) => c + m.length);
buf.write(' names');
return buf.toString();
bool aboutToIndex(AnalysisContext context, Object object) {
if (context == null || context.isDisposed) {
return false;
// try to find a node name
_currentNodeName = null;
for (IndexObjectManager manager in _objectManagers) {
_currentNodeName = manager.aboutToIndex(context, object);
if (_currentNodeName != null) {
if (_currentNodeName == null) {
return false;
// prepare node
_currentNodeNameId = _stringCodec.encode(_currentNodeName);
_currentNode = _nodeManager.newNode(context);
_currentContextId = _contextCodec.encode(context);
// remove top-level information for the current node
for (Map<int, dynamic> nodeRelations in _topDeclarations.values) {
// done
return true;
void cancelIndex() {
if (_currentNode != null) {
// remove top-level information for the current node
for (Map<int, dynamic> nodeRelations in _topDeclarations.values) {
// clear fields
_currentNodeName = null;
_currentNodeNameId = -1;
_currentNode = null;
_currentContextId = -1;
void clear() {
void doneIndex() {
if (_currentNode != null) {
_nodeManager.putNode(_currentNodeName, _currentNode);
_currentNodeName = null;
_currentNodeNameId = -1;
_currentNode = null;
_currentContextId = -1;
Future<List<LocationImpl>> getRelationships(
IndexableObject indexable, RelationshipImpl relationship) {
// prepare node names
List<int> nodeNameIds;
int nameId = _elementCodec.encodeHash(indexable);
IntToIntSetMap nameToNodeNames = _relToNameMap[relationship];
if (nameToNodeNames != null) {
nodeNameIds = nameToNodeNames.get(nameId);
} else {
nodeNameIds = <int>[];
// prepare Future(s) for reading each IndexNode
List<Future<List<LocationImpl>>> nodeFutures =
for (int nodeNameId in nodeNameIds) {
String nodeName = _stringCodec.decode(nodeNameId);
Future<IndexNode> nodeFuture = _nodeManager.getNode(nodeName);
Future<List<LocationImpl>> locationsFuture = nodeFuture.then((node) {
if (node == null) {
// TODO(scheglov) remove node
return LocationImpl.EMPTY_LIST;
return node.getRelationships(indexable, relationship);
// return Future that merges separate IndexNode Location(s)
return Future
.then((List<List<LocationImpl>> locationsList) {
List<LocationImpl> allLocations = <LocationImpl>[];
for (List<LocationImpl> locations in locationsList) {
return allLocations;
List<Element> getTopLevelDeclarations(ElementNameFilter nameFilter) {
List<Element> elements = <Element>[];
_topDeclarations.forEach((contextId, contextLocations) {
AnalysisContext context = _contextCodec.decode(contextId);
if (context != null) {
for (List<_TopElementData> topDataList in contextLocations.values) {
for (_TopElementData topData in topDataList) {
if (nameFilter( {
IndexableObject indexable =
topData.getElement(context, _elementCodec);
if (indexable is IndexableElement) {
return elements;
* Returns all relations with [Element]s with the given [name].
Future<Map<List<String>, List<InspectLocation>>> inspect_getElementRelations(
String name) {
Map<List<String>, List<InspectLocation>> result =
<List<String>, List<InspectLocation>>{};
// TODO(scheglov) restore index inspections?
return new Future.value(result);
// // prepare elements
// Map<int, List<String>> elementMap = _elementCodec.inspect_getElements(name);
// // prepare relations with each element
// List<Future> futures = <Future>[];
// if (_nodeManager is FileNodeManager) {
// List<String> nodeNames =
// (_nodeManager as FileNodeManager).inspect_getAllNodeNames();
// nodeNames.forEach((nodeName) {
// Future<IndexNode> nodeFuture = _nodeManager.getNode(nodeName);
// Future relationsFuture = nodeFuture.then((node) {
// if (node != null) {
// elementMap.forEach((int elementId, List<String> elementPath) {
// List<InspectLocation> relations =
// node.inspect_getRelations(nodeName, elementId);
// List<InspectLocation> resultLocations = result[elementPath];
// if (resultLocations == null) {
// resultLocations = <InspectLocation>[];
// result[elementPath] = resultLocations;
// }
// resultLocations.addAll(relations);
// });
// }
// });
// futures.add(relationsFuture);
// });
// }
// // wait for all nodex
// return Future.wait(futures).then((_) {
// return result;
// });
void recordRelationship(IndexableObject indexable,
RelationshipImpl relationship, LocationImpl location) {
if (indexable == null ||
(indexable is IndexableElement &&
indexable.element is MultiplyDefinedElement)) {
if (location == null) {
// other elements
_recordNodeNameForElement(indexable, relationship);
_currentNode.recordRelationship(indexable, relationship, location);
void recordTopLevelDeclaration(Element element) {
// in current context
Map<int, List<_TopElementData>> nodeDeclarations =
if (nodeDeclarations == null) {
nodeDeclarations = new Map<int, List<_TopElementData>>();
_topDeclarations[_currentContextId] = nodeDeclarations;
// in current node
List<_TopElementData> declarations = nodeDeclarations[_currentNodeNameId];
if (declarations == null) {
declarations = <_TopElementData>[];
nodeDeclarations[_currentNodeNameId] = declarations;
// record LocationData
declarations.add(new _TopElementData(
_elementCodec, element.displayName, new IndexableElement(element)));
void removeContext(AnalysisContext context) {
if (context == null) {
// remove sources
removeSources(context, null);
// remove context information
for (IndexObjectManager manager in _objectManagers) {
// remove context from codec
void removeSource(AnalysisContext context, Source source) {
if (context == null) {
for (IndexObjectManager manager in _objectManagers) {
manager.removeSource(context, source);
void removeSources(AnalysisContext context, SourceContainer container) {
if (context == null) {
for (IndexObjectManager manager in _objectManagers) {
manager.removeSources(context, container);
void _recordNodeNameForElement(
IndexableObject indexable, RelationshipImpl relationship) {
IntToIntSetMap nameToNodeNames = _relToNameMap[relationship];
if (nameToNodeNames == null) {
nameToNodeNames = new IntToIntSetMap();
_relToNameMap[relationship] = nameToNodeNames;
int nameId = _elementCodec.encodeHash(indexable);
nameToNodeNames.add(nameId, _currentNodeNameId);
void _removeNodeByName(AnalysisContext context, String nodeName) {
int nodeNameId = _stringCodec.encode(nodeName);
// remove top-level relations
int contextId = _contextCodec.encode(context);
Map<int, dynamic> nodeRelations = _topDeclarations[contextId];
if (nodeRelations != null) {
* Interface to [SplitIndexStore] for [IndexObjectManager] implementations.
abstract class SplitIndexStoreSite {
void addSource(Source source);
int encodeString(String str);
void removeNodeByName(AnalysisContext context, String nodeName);
void removeSource(Source source);
* The implementaiton of [SplitIndexStoreSite].
class SplitIndexStoreSiteImpl implements SplitIndexStoreSite {
final SplitIndexStore store;
void addSource(Source source) {
int encodeString(String str) {
return store._stringCodec.encode(str);
void removeNodeByName(AnalysisContext context, String nodeName) {
store._removeNodeByName(context, nodeName);
void removeSource(Source source) {
class _DataInputStream {
ByteData _byteData;
int _byteOffset = 0;
_DataInputStream(List<int> bytes) {
ByteBuffer buffer = new Uint8List.fromList(bytes).buffer;
_byteData = new ByteData.view(buffer);
int readInt() {
int result = _byteData.getInt32(_byteOffset, Endianness.HOST_ENDIAN);
_byteOffset += 4;
return result;
class _DataOutputStream {
static const LIST_SIZE = 1024;
int _size = LIST_SIZE;
Uint32List _buf = new Uint32List(LIST_SIZE);
int _pos = 0;
Uint8List getBytes() {
return new Uint8List.view(_buf.buffer, 0, _size << 2);
void writeInt(int value) {
if (_pos == _size) {
int newSize = _size << 1;
Uint32List newBuf = new Uint32List(newSize);
newBuf.setRange(0, _size, _buf);
_size = newSize;
_buf = newBuf;
_buf[_pos++] = value;
class _TopElementData {
final String name;
final int elementId1;
final int elementId2;
final int elementId3;
factory _TopElementData(
ElementCodec elementCodec, String name, IndexableObject indexable) {
return new _TopElementData._(name, elementCodec.encode1(indexable),
elementCodec.encode2(indexable), elementCodec.encode3(indexable));
_TopElementData._(, this.elementId1, this.elementId2, this.elementId3);
IndexableObject getElement(
AnalysisContext context, ElementCodec elementCodec) {
return elementCodec.decode(context, elementId1, elementId2, elementId3);