blob: 4f793ec2e8387f8a44fae2152d206fa4494854aa [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library services.completion.dart;
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:analysis_server/plugin/protocol/protocol.dart';
import 'package:analysis_server/src/provisional/completion/completion_core.dart'
show AnalysisRequest, CompletionContributor, CompletionRequest;
import 'package:analysis_server/src/provisional/completion/dart/completion_target.dart';
import 'package:analysis_server/src/services/completion/completion_core.dart';
import 'package:analysis_server/src/services/completion/completion_manager.dart';
import 'package:analysis_server/src/services/completion/dart/common_usage_sorter.dart';
import 'package:analysis_server/src/services/completion/dart/contribution_sorter.dart';
import 'package:analysis_server/src/services/completion/dart_completion_cache.dart';
import 'package:analysis_server/src/services/completion/imported_reference_contributor.dart';
import 'package:analysis_server/src/services/completion/local_reference_contributor.dart';
import 'package:analysis_server/src/services/completion/optype.dart';
import 'package:analysis_server/src/services/search/search_engine.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/file_system/file_system.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/ast.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/engine.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/scanner.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/source.dart';
export 'package:analysis_server/src/provisional/completion/dart/completion_dart.dart'
* The base class for contributing code completion suggestions.
abstract class DartCompletionContributor {
* Computes the initial set of [CompletionSuggestion]s based on
* the given completion context. The compilation unit and completion node
* in the given completion context may not be resolved.
* This method should execute quickly and not block waiting for any analysis.
* Returns `true` if the contributor's work is complete
* or `false` if [computeFull] should be called to complete the work.
bool computeFast(DartCompletionRequest request);
* Computes the complete set of [CompletionSuggestion]s based on
* the given completion context. The compilation unit and completion node
* in the given completion context are resolved.
* Returns `true` if the receiver modified the list of suggestions.
Future<bool> computeFull(DartCompletionRequest request);
* Manages code completion for a given Dart file completion request.
class DartCompletionManager extends CompletionManager {
* The [defaultContributionSorter] is a long-lived object that isn't allowed
* to maintain state between calls to [ContributionSorter#sort(...)].
static DartContributionSorter defaultContributionSorter =
new CommonUsageSorter();
final SearchEngine searchEngine;
final DartCompletionCache cache;
List<DartCompletionContributor> contributors;
Iterable<CompletionContributor> newContributors;
DartContributionSorter contributionSorter;
AnalysisContext context, this.searchEngine, Source source, this.cache,
[this.contributors, this.newContributors, this.contributionSorter])
: super(context, source) {
if (contributors == null) {
contributors = [
// LocalReferenceContributor before ImportedReferenceContributor
// because local suggestions take precedence
// and can hide other suggestions with the same name
new LocalReferenceContributor(),
new ImportedReferenceContributor(),
//new KeywordContributor(),
//new ArgListContributor(),
// new CombinatorContributor(),
// new PrefixedElementContributor(),
//new UriContributor(),
// TODO(brianwilkerson) Use the completion contributor extension point
// to add the contributor below (and eventually, all the contributors).
// new NewCompletionWrapper(new InheritedContributor())
if (newContributors == null) {
newContributors = <CompletionContributor>[];
if (contributionSorter == null) {
contributionSorter = defaultContributionSorter;
* Create a new initialized Dart source completion manager
factory DartCompletionManager.create(
AnalysisContext context,
SearchEngine searchEngine,
Source source,
Iterable<CompletionContributor> newContributors) {
return new DartCompletionManager(context, searchEngine, source,
new DartCompletionCache(context, source), null, newContributors);
Future<bool> computeCache() {
return waitForAnalysis().then((CompilationUnit unit) {
if (unit != null && !cache.isImportInfoCached(unit)) {
return cache.computeImportInfo(unit, searchEngine, true);
} else {
return new Future.value(false);
* Compute suggestions based upon cached information only
* then send an initial response to the client.
* Return a list of contributors for which [computeFull] should be called
List<DartCompletionContributor> computeFast(
DartCompletionRequest request, CompletionPerformance performance) {
return performance.logElapseTime('computeFast', () {
CompilationUnit unit = context.parseCompilationUnit(source);
request.unit = unit; = new CompletionTarget.forOffset(unit, request.offset);
if (request.offset < 0 || request.offset > unit.end) {
request.replacementOffset = request.offset;
request.replacementLength = 0;
sendResults(request, true);
return [];
ReplacementRange range =
new ReplacementRange.compute(request.offset,;
request.replacementOffset = range.offset;
request.replacementLength = range.length;
List<DartCompletionContributor> todo = new List.from(contributors);
todo.removeWhere((DartCompletionContributor c) {
return performance.logElapseTime('computeFast ${c.runtimeType}', () {
return c.computeFast(request);
return todo;
* If there is remaining work to be done, then wait for the unit to be
* resolved and request that each remaining contributor finish their work.
* Return a [Future] that completes when the last notification has been sent.
Future computeFull(
DartCompletionRequest request,
CompletionPerformance performance,
List<DartCompletionContributor> todo) async {
// Compute suggestions using the new API
for (CompletionContributor contributor in newContributors) {
String contributorTag = 'computeSuggestions - ${contributor.runtimeType}';
List<CompletionSuggestion> newSuggestions =
await contributor.computeSuggestions(request);
for (CompletionSuggestion suggestion in newSuggestions) {
if (todo.isEmpty) {
// TODO(danrubel) current sorter requires no additional analysis,
// but need to handle the returned future the same way that futures
// returned from contributors are handled once this method is refactored
// to be async.
/* await */ contributionSorter.sort(request, request.suggestions);
// TODO (danrubel) if request is obsolete
// (processAnalysisRequest returns false)
// then send empty results
sendResults(request, true);
// Compute the other suggestions
return waitForAnalysis().then((CompilationUnit unit) {
if (controller.isClosed) {
if (unit == null) {
sendResults(request, true);
performance.logElapseTime('computeFull', () {
request.unit = unit;
// TODO(paulberry): Do we need to invoke _ReplacementOffsetBuilder
// again? = new CompletionTarget.forOffset(unit, request.offset);
int count = todo.length;
todo.forEach((DartCompletionContributor c) {
String name = c.runtimeType.toString();
String completeTag = 'computeFull $name complete';
performance.logElapseTime('computeFull $name', () {
c.computeFull(request).then((bool changed) {
bool last = --count == 0;
if (changed || last) {
// TODO(danrubel) current sorter requires no additional analysis,
// but need to handle the returned future the same way that futures
// returned from contributors are handled once this method is refactored
// to be async.
/* await */ contributionSorter.sort(
request, request.suggestions);
// TODO (danrubel) if request is obsolete
// (processAnalysisRequest returns false)
// then send empty results
sendResults(request, last);
void computeSuggestions(CompletionRequest completionRequest) {
DartCompletionRequest request =
new DartCompletionRequest.from(completionRequest, cache);
CompletionPerformance performance = new CompletionPerformance();
performance.logElapseTime('compute', () {
List<DartCompletionContributor> todo = computeFast(request, performance);
computeFull(request, performance, todo);
* Send the current list of suggestions to the client.
void sendResults(DartCompletionRequest request, bool last) {
if (controller == null || controller.isClosed) {
controller.add(new CompletionResultImpl(request.replacementOffset,
request.replacementLength, request.suggestions, last));
if (last) {
* Return a future that either (a) completes with the resolved compilation
* unit when analysis is complete, or (b) completes with null if the
* compilation unit is never going to be resolved.
Future<CompilationUnit> waitForAnalysis() {
List<Source> libraries = context.getLibrariesContaining(source);
assert(libraries != null);
if (libraries.length == 0) {
return new Future.value(null);
Source libSource = libraries[0];
assert(libSource != null);
return context
.computeResolvedCompilationUnitAsync(source, libSource)
.catchError((_) {
// This source file is not scheduled for analysis, so a resolved
// compilation unit is never going to get computed.
return null;
}, test: (e) => e is AnalysisNotScheduledError);
* The context in which the completion is requested.
class DartCompletionRequest extends CompletionRequestImpl {
* Cached information from a prior code completion operation.
final DartCompletionCache cache;
* The compilation unit in which the completion was requested. This unit
* may or may not be resolved when [DartCompletionContributor.computeFast]
* is called but is resolved when [DartCompletionContributor.computeFull].
CompilationUnit unit;
* The completion target. This determines what part of the parse tree
* will receive the newly inserted text.
CompletionTarget target;
* Information about the types of suggestions that should be included.
OpType _optype;
* The offset of the start of the text to be replaced.
* This will be different than the offset used to request the completion
* suggestions if there was a portion of an identifier before the original
* offset. In particular, the replacementOffset will be the offset of the
* beginning of said identifier.
int replacementOffset;
* The length of the text to be replaced if the remainder of the identifier
* containing the cursor is to be replaced when the suggestion is applied
* (that is, the number of characters in the existing identifier).
int replacementLength;
* The list of suggestions to be sent to the client.
final List<CompletionSuggestion> _suggestions = <CompletionSuggestion>[];
* The set of completions used to prevent duplicates
final Set<String> _completions = new Set<String>();
AnalysisContext context,
ResourceProvider resourceProvider,
SearchEngine searchEngine,
Source source,
int offset,
: super(context, resourceProvider, searchEngine, source, offset);
factory DartCompletionRequest.from(
CompletionRequestImpl request, DartCompletionCache cache) =>
new DartCompletionRequest(request.context, request.resourceProvider,
request.searchEngine, request.source, request.offset, cache);
* Return the original text from the [replacementOffset] to the [offset]
* that can be used to filter the suggestions on the server side.
String get filterText {
return context
.substring(replacementOffset, offset);
* Information about the types of suggestions that should be included.
* The [target] must be set first.
OpType get optype {
if (_optype == null) {
_optype = new OpType.forCompletion(target, offset);
return _optype;
* The list of suggestions to be sent to the client.
Iterable<CompletionSuggestion> get suggestions => _suggestions;
* Add the given suggestion to the list that is returned to the client as long
* as a suggestion with an identical completion has not already been added.
void addSuggestion(CompletionSuggestion suggestion) {
if (_completions.add(suggestion.completion)) {
* Convert all [CompletionSuggestionKind.INVOCATION] suggestions
* to [CompletionSuggestionKind.IDENTIFIER] suggestions.
void convertInvocationsToIdentifiers() {
for (int index = _suggestions.length - 1; index >= 0; --index) {
CompletionSuggestion suggestion = _suggestions[index];
if (suggestion.kind == CompletionSuggestionKind.INVOCATION) {
// Create a copy rather than just modifying the existing suggestion
// because [DartCompletionCache] may be caching that suggestion
// for future completion requests
_suggestions[index] = new CompletionSuggestion(
declaringType: suggestion.declaringType,
parameterNames: suggestion.parameterNames,
parameterTypes: suggestion.parameterTypes,
requiredParameterCount: suggestion.requiredParameterCount,
hasNamedParameters: suggestion.hasNamedParameters,
returnType: suggestion.returnType,
element: suggestion.element);
* Utility class for computing the code completion replacement range
class ReplacementRange {
int offset;
int length;
ReplacementRange(this.offset, this.length);
factory ReplacementRange.compute(int requestOffset, CompletionTarget target) {
bool isKeywordOrIdentifier(Token token) =>
token.type == TokenType.KEYWORD || token.type == TokenType.IDENTIFIER;
//TODO(danrubel) Ideally this needs to be pushed down into the contributors
// but that implies that each suggestion can have a different
// replacement offsent/length which would mean an API change
var entity = target.entity;
Token token = entity is AstNode ? entity.beginToken : entity;
if (token != null && requestOffset < token.offset) {
token = token.previous;
if (token != null) {
if (requestOffset == token.offset && !isKeywordOrIdentifier(token)) {
// If the insertion point is at the beginning of the current token
// and the current token is not an identifier
// then check the previous token to see if it should be replaced
token = token.previous;
if (token != null && isKeywordOrIdentifier(token)) {
if (token.offset <= requestOffset && requestOffset <= token.end) {
// Replacement range for typical identifier completion
return new ReplacementRange(token.offset, token.length);
if (token is StringToken) {
SimpleStringLiteral uri = new SimpleStringLiteral(token, token.lexeme);
Token previous = token.previous;
if (previous is KeywordToken) {
Keyword keyword = previous.keyword;
if (keyword == Keyword.IMPORT ||
keyword == Keyword.EXPORT ||
keyword == Keyword.PART) {
int start = uri.contentsOffset;
var end = uri.contentsEnd;
if (start <= requestOffset && requestOffset <= end) {
// Replacement range for import URI
return new ReplacementRange(start, end - start);
return new ReplacementRange(requestOffset, 0);